improve your eyesight

Post on 11-Apr-2015






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Daily exercise for better eyesight.


Improving Eyesight - Stretching Eye Exercises

In order to perform Stretching Eye Exercises you have to hold a perfect posture.

Sit (or stand) straight, chin up, stomach in, chest out and shoulders down. Now you are ready to begin.

1. Holding your head straight look to the most left side and try to keep your eyes in that position.

Return your gaze back to look straight in front of you. Blink for a few seconds in order to

relax your eyes. Repeat 2-3 times. Blink a few times.

2. Look to the most right side and keep your eyes in that position the same time as you tried in

the 1ststretching eye exercise. Repeat 2-3 times. Relax your eyes with blinking.

3. Look up and hold, return the gaze back to the original position, repeat 2-3 times. Follow up

with blinking

4. Look down and hold, return the gaze back, repeat 2-3 times. Do not forget about blinking.

5. I hope, you realize that if it is called ‘EYE EXERCISES’ you need to move your eyes only and not

your head!

Now turn your head back into the original position (when I was talking about posture,

stomach, shoulders, etc  ...). Keep up the same posture. Let’s continue: look at the right top

corner, hold your gaze there. Return it back. Repeat 2-3 times.

6. The next position for the eyes is the right bottom corner. Before you realize where it is you

have to recall about blinking!

And the right bottom corner will be your right shoulder. Fix your eyes in that direction

without moving your head. Hold your eyesight in that pose for a while and look straight

ahead again. Repeat 2-3 times and blink.

7. Still trying to keep your head straight, look down to the bottom left –at your left shoulder. Try

to fixate the eye position there, and then look straight ahead again. Do not forget about


8. The only unused corner is the upper left one, somewhere above your left temple. Try to

concentrate and do exactly the same routine as for all of the other corners. What do I have

to repeat once again? Blink-blink-blink!

Let’s end stretching part of EYE EXERCISES with some fun stuff! Look around yourself and find

one object that is small enough in order to pretend that it is a black dot. Start staring at that dot

and at the same time turn your head to the right side as much as you can keeping your eyes

fixed on that dot. Now slowly move your head to the left side and still keep your attention on the

same dot.

Let’s blink and continue the fun by trying to reach your nose with your chin. Lift it up, up, up! You

forgot to keep your eyes fixed on that imaginary dot! Try again, but this time everything has to

be done properly. When you realize, that you can not reach your nose with your chin, try to do

that in the backward procedure – reach your chin with your nose (do not forget about that dot!

Keep your gaze on the dot), bend your head down.

There is no strict rules about this eye exercise – you can simply move your head in any

directions you want to, just keep your gaze on the same dot. End it up with blinking to relax

your eyes.

Eye Relaxation Exercise #1 - the easiest, available even if you sit somewhere on a meeting

Close your eyes half way down. You will notice that your upper lids constantly tremble with different

amplitude. Concentrate your efforts on stopping this trembling. (Little hint – it will be easier to do if you

look at further objects).

Slowly close your eyes, like your eyelids are made out of puffy cottony clouds. Think that eyes get

extremely comfortable in their position. The place behind your eyes is getting warm and feels how the

blood filled with the oxygen flows through your eye sockets.

When you inhale imagine the breezy oxygenized air coming through your nose into the eyes washing

each eye’s blood vessel. Exhale through the mouth. Breathe this way for one or two minutes and end

this exercise with a smile.

Eye Relaxation Exercise #2

Imagine two dots on the wall, one is half a meter from the other. Slowly look at one of them, then

move your eyesight to another dot, then slowly move your gaze back to the previous dot, etc...

Continue doing these movements, imagining that you are a lazy cat that is falling asleep, but still

keeps attention on the fly….Soon your eyes will feel that they are heavy,

That they are made out of something that is hard to lift…..

Please, do not snore if there are other people in the same room.

EYE EXERCISES - Rolling Movements


Make sure that your eyes are warmed up by now (I hope, you performed set of Stretching Eye

Exercises). If you did not follow up with the series of blinking after the stretching, please do so.


Now let’s draw a horizontal number eight with your eyes.

Try to do that very slowly without cutting any edges. Move your eyes as far to the edges as

possible. When you drew about seven horizontal eight’s, change the direction (e.g. if you were

drawing an eight in a clockwise direction at the beginning, then change it on a counterclockwise

direction) and draw 7 horisontal eights again.

Follow up with blinking to relax your eyes.

After that go ahead with drawing a vertical 8 with your eyes (seven times in a clockwise direction

and seven times in a counterclockwise direction). Follow up with blinking.

Now close your eyes and repeat this entire math drawing 8 and 8 with closed eyes. Even the

blinking part has to be done with closed eyes. By the way, blinking with closed eyes is also


The next rolling eye excercise requires a pretty high level of concentration. Please, make sure

that you keep your posture straight (chest – out, stomach – in, etc…). Look up and start drawing a

circle with your eyes. Try to make the circle as perfect as possible without cutting any angles.

Complete 7-8 rounds, then blink for a minute. Then do another set of circular movements in the

opposite direction. Follow up with blinking.

After that, repeat circular movements in both directions again but with closed eyes. Blink a few

times while your eyes are still closed.

Keep your eyes closed; concentrate all your attention on the eye sockets. Feel the warmth

behind your eyes. Now relax bottom eyelids, and then relax your mouth, your ears, upper eyelids,

forehead and the crown of your head.

Notice this condition.

Remember that…

Eye Acupressure

Eye Massage - Acupressure

Let’s have a little break and boost some energy into your eye area. The best way will be the Shiatsu

method which is also called Acupressure. ‘Shiatsu’ is Japanese for ‘pressuring by finger’. The force of

massaging finger is applied to the same dots that are used by Acupuncture. The science of

Acupressure goes back many centuries ago. There are different stories about how the method was

born. One of them talks about a Chinese soldier that had a stiff shoulder which was very

uncomfortable and painful. The doctor in the soldier’s village could not help the poor guy with

anything. Then this soldier was called to the war and one day when he was fighting in the battle his

leg was pierced by an enemy’s arrow. Our guy bended down to get the arrows tip out of his leg and

suddenly noticed that constant pain in the shoulder was gone. I am not too sure if the enemy became

an instant friend right away, but when our soldier came back home he told the doctor about his

miraculous healing.

That is just one of multiple stories that talk about the way how the method was born. The acupuncture

is known and used in Japan, China and India from the Stone Age. There are ancient books found that

have diagrams of the meridians and acupuncture points located along these meridians. The human

body has different systems of circulation built in that either flow internally or socialize with the

Universe. For example, the heart pushes blood through arteries and veins to different organs and

muscles. We inhale air, use oxygen by our respiratory system, pass it on to our blood, brain, get back

the carbon dioxide and pass it to the atmosphere. The meridians are pathways for the energy

throughout the body. If there is something wrong with the organ or muscle they pass this information

to the meridian responsible for that organ and the meridian is going to signal through certain points on

the body. These spots will become painful crying for help. If their screams are noticed well in advance

then the illness can be prevented before it is started to affect the body. By simply massaging these

screaming dots or inserting the needle it is possible to restore the energy flow and therefore correct

proper functioning of the corresponding organ or muscle.

I am not suggesting using the needles, because there are too many conditions for their use, but we

can simply follow a few shiatsu rules in order to perform a professional massage on ourselves.

Use either tip of your middle finger or the knuckle of the same finger.

If you use the tip of the finger, make sure that your nails do not cut the skin of the massaged area. Do

not bend the finger.

Use spiral or circular movements.

Do not move your finger (or knuckle) back and force.

Eye Acupressure Points

The first Eye Acupressure Point is located at both sides of the bridge of your nose. Find the spot

that reacts with the pain on the finger pressure. Use middle finger tips to press this point.

The next dot is located right underneath the pupils.

Work on it for a minute, using different pressures of your massaging fingers. Then the next points

will be your temples.

Again, you have to remember these dots are either painful or feel like there is a hole in the bone

(Do not use any other objects for pressure on these dots except your own fingers!) And the last

point of pressure (and usually the most painful one) is located in the middle of the eyebrow.

During this little massage session you will find out that your eyesight becomes much better,

especially when you press on the dot from both sides of your nose.

If you would like you may add two more important points that are also located on the eyebrows.

Improve Eyesight - Strengthen Eye Muscles With Dynamic Eye Exercises

The main position for this exercise is either standing or sitting, but it is important to straighten your back, roll the shoulders down and behind. Move

your stomach in and your chest out.

While you are standing in the newly learned perfect posture (or sitting) glance quickly to the most left position, then quickly glance to the most right

position and return back to the left. Repeat 7-8 times. Keep up the speed. Follow up with blinking.

Now eyes’ movements have to be started form the most right position going to the left. Repeat 7-8 times. Make sure, you are doing absolutely straight

lines. Follow up with blinking.

Now roll your eyes up to the sky (or ceiling) and quickly look down to your feet. And up and down and up again. Repeat 7-8 times. Your chin can not

move during these types of movements. Now execute this differently – begin with checking out your feet first, then look up to the sky. Complete 7-8

straight lines and finish up with blinking.

Make the diagonal moves - begin with the top left corner and look down to the right down corner and then up to the left upper corner. After repeating it

for 7-8 times relax your eyes with blinking. Now repeat in the opposite direction. And again relax your eyes with blinking.

Make different combination – right top corner to the left bottom corner in both of the directions. Top it up with blinking.

Roll up your eyes to the upper right corner, and then quickly look down to the right bottom corner and up to the upper right corner again. Repeat 5-7 times and blink-blink-blink-blink. Repeat in the opposite direction – from the right bottom corner to the right upper corner and back to the right bottom. It is

very important to make lines as straight as possible.

Let’s draw the line on the bottom: look at the bottom right corner (your right shoulder), glance over to the bottom left corner (your left shoulder) and back

to the bottom right. Repeat a few times and finish up with blinking.

The next line will be on your left side – from left bottom corner to the upper left. Proceed with the same technique, finish up with blinking

And the last one is upper line – from upper left corner to the upper right corner.

Little tip:

I try to make any routines to be interesting. In the case of Dynamic set I use objects that are located around my workplace. For example, for the right

bottom corner I would look at the phone that is on my desk. I would use the orchid’s flowers as left upper corner. Just place different objects around you in the manner that will suit your own purpose and use the locations of these

objects. Then change them around one day.

Natural Vision Correction - Yoga For Eyes

When the eyesight gets worse the optometrists prescribe eyeglasses. But before wearing them everyday tryyogic eye exercises that existed for

centuries and helped millions to get perfect vision back. Here is the short version of yogic eye exercises described in the book of Yogi Ramanantata.

Start with massaging your lower eyelids with the tips of your ring fingers. Use short and gentle circular movements.

Close your eyes half way down. You will notice that your upper lids constantly tremble with different amplitude. Concentrate your efforts on stopping this trembling. (Little hint – it will be easier to do if you look at further objects).

Slowly close your eyes, like your eyelids are made out of puffy cottony clouds. Think that your eyes get extremely comfortable in their position. The blood

filled with the oxygen flows through your eye sockets. When you inhale imagine the breezy oxygenized air coming through your nose into the eyes. Exhale through the mouth. Breathe this way for one or two minutes and end

this exercise with a smile.

Concentrate your vision on the tip of your nose (in yoga practice it is called NASAGRA-DRUSHTY)

Blink. Always remember about the blinking to lubricate your eyes, cleanse

them and at the same time relax all of the muscles surrounding your eyes.

Sit straight, look to the most left side and hold to stretch your eye muscles. Return your gaze back to look straight in front of you. Blink for a few seconds in order to relax your eyes. Repeat. Blink a few times. This exercise has to be

repeated for other eye positions (right, up, bottom, right top corner, right bottom corner, left bottom corner and left top corner). Do not forget about


Draw a horizontal number eight with your eyes. Blink

Draw a circle with your eyes. Blink with your eyes closed.

Perform Palming to relax your eyes after Stretching set of Eye Exercises.

Spend 2 minutes to give yourself Eye Acupressure Massage to prepare your eyes for the Dynamic Eye Exercises.

Sit straight. Look to the most left position and move your gaze to the most right position. Repeat 3 times. Blink a few times. Repeat looking up and

down, diagonally (from the left top corner to the right bottom corner and from the top right corner to the left bottom corner). Each movement has to be

repeated 3-4 times in the beginning. Do not forget to blink.

Perform focusing exercises. Look at the tip of your nose and then on the far object and back to the tip of your nose. Repeat 10 times dynamically. Be

inventive. Choose objects on the different distance and look at each of them.

Finish up with Palming to relax your eyes.

5 Exercises to strengthen your eye muscles and improve your vision


Blinking is an often overlooked yet simple way to keep your eyes fresh and being able to

focus longer. Computer users and television watchers tend to blink less, especially when

they are intently focused on something. Try it just now as a simple exercise. For the next

two minutes blink every 3 – 4 seconds. After you have done this for two minutes, mentally

take note of how your eyes feel, are they strained, relaxed, tired. Now try and not blink for

30 seconds at a time for two minutes. Do you feel any difference?

Whenever you blink your eyes are going into a brief period of darkness which helps to keep

your eyes fresh and discharges previous information ready for new information, this helps to

reduce eye strain.

Your blink rate can also help with your communication skills. Think about someone who

looked at you intently and you possibly felt threatened by them. What you may have missed

is the fact that they had stopped blinking. When someone stops blinking and stares at you

when you are talking it’s a sign of aggression. However whenever you are talking to

someone and they are blinking at a 3 -4 second interval it’s a sign of a relaxed and friendly

listener. Check out people’s blink rates the next time you are talking. Check out this article

for more info Dramatically improve your eye contact skills


This is done to relieve stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes whilst taking

a computer break.

Instructions for palming

1. Take a few deep breathes before you begin.

2. Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting

on your knees. Close your eyes.

3. Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your

fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone. Make sure

you can blink freely and you are not putting too much pressure on your eyes.

That’s it. Palming gives you the opportunity to rest your mind and your eyes for a few

minutes at a time. It may not sound much of an exercise but it can make a big difference in

your working day if you stop for a few minutes and do this exercise.

3.Figure of eight

This is to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility. This is quite a simple

exercise but a good one.

Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you. Now turn the 8 on

it’s side. Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly. Do it one way for a few

minutes and then do it the other way for a few minutes. It may seem very alien at first but

it’s worth persevering with it.

4.Near and far focussing

This is one of my favourite exercises as you can do it almost anywhere, I say almost as I

couldn’t imagine doing it on the underground without getting strange looks from those

around me.

Instructions for Near and far focussing.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, or stand, this will only take 2-3 minutes at a time.

2. Put your thumb about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it.

3. Now focus on something else about 10 – 20 feet in front of you.

4. On each deep breath switch between focussing on your thumb and the 10-20 feet object

in front of you.

This will strengthen the muscles in your eyes over time and improve your vision overall.


This is another one of my favourites as it is very easy and quick to do.

Instructions for zooming

1. Sit in a comfortable position

2. Stretch out your arm with your thumb in the hitchhike position

3. Focus on your thumb as your arm is outstretched.

4. Now bring your thumb closer to you, focussing all the time, until your thumb is about 3

inches in front of your face.

5. Now move your thumb away again until your arm is fully outstretched.

6. Do this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

This exercise will strengthen your focussing skills and your eye muscles in general.

I hope this post has stimulated your interest in natural vision exercises and it leads you to

research this subject more. I am by no means an expert on this subject so please do your

own research. I can only tell you what works for me.

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