improving reading comprehension through reciprocal...

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As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Study Program

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Mahasaraswati Denpasar University










This thesis entitled “ Improving Reading Comprehension through Reciprocal

Technique to the Tenth Grade Student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in Academic Year

2013/2014” has been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment for the Sarjana

Pendidikan degree in English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University.

Approved By

Advisor I Advisor II

Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, S.Pd., S.H., M.Pd Ni Made Wersi Murtini, S.Pd,.M.Pd

NPK. 82 6406 001 NPK. 82 8810 336




This thesis has been examined and assessed by the examiner committee of

English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in the oral examination on 14th February 2014.

Chief Examiner

Nengah Dwi Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NPK. 82 8410 315

Examiner I

Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, S.H., S.Pd.,M.Pd.

NPK. 82 6410 347

Examiner II

Ni Made Wersi Murtini, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

NPK. 82 8810 336

Approved By

Dean of the Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education

Prof. Dr. Wayan Maba

NIP. 19581231 198303 1 032

Head of the English Education

Study Program

I Komang Budiarta, S.Pd,.M.Hum.

NPK. 82 8208 306



The researcher hereby declares that this thesis is his own writing, and it is true

and correct that there is no other’s work or statement that is referred in the references.

All cited works were quoted in accordance with the ethical code of academic writing.

Denpasar, February 2014

The Researcher

Kadek Suparna




First of all, the researcher would like to express his gratefulness to the

Almighty God, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for His blessing and mercies which

allow the researcher to finish his final study on due date.

The researcher would like to extend his sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Wayan

Maba, as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of

Mahasaraswati Denpasar University; furthermore the researcher would also like to

thank to I Komang Budiarta,S.Pd, M.Hum. as the Head of the English Education

Study Program.

His tremendous gratitude further goes to his first and second advisor, I.B.

Nyoman Mantra, S.H, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Ni Made Wersi Murtini, S.Pd, M.Pd. who

have already guided him and shared their brilliant ideas, and also their attention,

constructive instruction and comments during the process of completing this thesis.

Next, he also wishes to share out his gratefulness to the headmaster of SMK

PGRI 4 Denpasar for his permission and of course the tenth grade student for their

kind assistance during the process of gathering the data needed for the present study.

Moreover, he would like to thank to all of his beloved family for their support

and prayer. His appreciation also goes to all af his best friends, and all of Religion

Staff (Bpk Kadek, Ibu Komang, Abas, Tini, and others.) thanks for everything. Last

certainly the last, for my love Putu Sariyanthi Utari for her prayer love and

tremendous support during the process of writing the thesis.

In all reality, this thesis is still far from being perfect. Thus, any constructive

criticism and suggestion are welcome to improve the quality of this study.

Denpasar 14th February 2014

The Researcher,

Kadek Suparna



Suparna Kadek. (2014). Improving Reading Comprehension Through Reciprocal

Technique to the Tenth Grade Student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in Academic Year 2013/2014. The First Advisor: Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra, S.H.,S.Pd., M.Pd. and the second Advisor: Ni Made Wersi Murtini, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Dealing with learning English, Students are always faced by reading text at school, but they have some problems within. The students got difficulties if teacher let them read, for instance, they got difficulties to convey the gist of the text, and the teacher did not build their background knowledge at the beginning about the text. To acquire the students’ reading comprehension is needed to stimulate the students’ mind and corrective feedback. Thus, in this study, researcher will try to apply reciprocal teaching technique. This technique is aimed to find out whether teaching reading through reciprocal technique can solve the problem and improve the students’ reading comprehension. Then, the researcher collected the progression result of students’ score and participation in learning process especially in reading comprehension at tenth grade student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar though reciprocal technique by CAR ( classroom action research). It focused of Planning, acting, observating, and reflecting. The instruments that were used in this research involved lesson plan, achievement sheet and questionnaire. Based on the research result, the comprehension of the students in the text through reciprocal teaching technique has improved, in the result of post-test in second cycle gained 26 students who passed the KKM or 80% students and derived mean score is 83. In addition, students’ responses to learning are generally positive. Based on these findings can be concluded that the application of the reciprocal technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension to the tenth grade student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar. Keywords: improving, reciprocal technique reading comprehension.



COVER ...................................................................................................................... i

INSIDE COVER ....................................................................................................... ii

PRE- REQUISITE TITLE ........................................................................................ iii

APPROVAL SHEET 1 ............................................................................................. iv

APPROVAL SHEET 2 ............................................................................................ v

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ..................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ vii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................ ix

LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF GRAPH ...................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................... xiv

CAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the study ........................................................... 1

1.2 Research Problem ...................................................................... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ............................................................... 5

1.4 Limitation of the Study ............................................................. 5

1.5 Significance of the Study .......................................................... 6

1.6 Definition of Key Term............................................................. 6

1.6.1. Reading Comprehension ................................................ 7

1.6.2. Reciprocal Technique ..................................................... 7


1.6.3. SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar .................................................. 7


2.1 Theoretical Review ..................................................................... 8

2.1.1 The conceptual of Reading Comprehension .................. 8

2.1.2 Strategies of Reading Comprehension............................ 10

2.1.3 Kinds of Reading ............................................................. 12

2.1.4 Reciprocal Technique as the Technique in Reading ...... 15

2.1.5 Assessment of Reading Comprehension ........................ 18

2.2 Empirical Review ....................................................................... 20

2.3 Hypothesis ................................................................................... 21

CAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................... 22

3.1 Subject of the Study ................................................................... 22

3.2 Research Design ......................................................................... 22

3.3 Research Procedure .................................................................... 23

3.3.1 Planning ........................................................................... 23

3.3.2 Action ............................................................................... 24

3.3.3 Observation ...................................................................... 25

3.3.4 Reflection ......................................................................... 26

3.4 Research Instrument ................................................................... 26

3.5 Data Collection ........................................................................... 28

3.6 Data Analysis .............................................................................. 28

3.7 Success Indicator ........................................................................ 30


CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION .................................................... 31

4.1 Finding ..................................................................................... 31

4.1.1 Pre-Cycle ........................................................................ 33

4.1.2 Cycle I ............................................................................ 34

4.1.3 Questionnaire ................................................................. 35

4.1.4 Cycle II ........................................................................... 38

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................... 41

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ......................................... 43

5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................... 43

5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................... 44

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 46




Table 4.1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Score in

Reading Comprehension after the Implementation of Reciprocal

Technique ................................................................................................. 32

Table 4.2 Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean of Cycle I and

Cycle II ..................................................................................................... 33

Table 4.3 Tabulating of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing Motivation and

Attitudes in Learning Reading through Reciprocal Technique ............. 36



Graph 4.1: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension of Pre-cycle and Post-Test I ..................................... 40

Graph 4.2: Depicting the Mean Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension after the Implementation of reciprocal technique in

cycle II .................................................................................................... 40

Graph 4.3: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading

Comprehension of Pre-cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II ............................ 41



Appendix 1 List of Subject...................................................................................... 48

Appendix 2 Pre-Test ................................................................................................ 49

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan 1 ....................................................................................... 51

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan 2 ....................................................................................... 56

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan 3 ....................................................................................... 61

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan 4 ....................................................................................... 66

Appendix 7 Questionnaire ....................................................................................... 71

Biography .............................................................................................................. 75




1.1. Background of the Study

. Reading is one of the main four skills that learner needs to master in order to

ensure success in learning. Reading is a skill that can not be separated from other

skills; reading is a process of transferring information from the author to the reader.

Through the information transferred, individuals, especially learn to get some

advantages from the reading text such as knowing the history of the world, getting

knowledge, and having entertainment. By learning reading, they are able to learn

more about language component like grammar and vocabulary which are absolutely

needed to master in learning language.

Reading is an activity with a purpose; a person reads because of many purposes,

for example, for getting information, expanding knowledge, and even for enjoyment.

The reading text may include newspapers, letters, booklets, advertisements,

magazines, etc. Purposes of reading are getting general information from the text,

getting specific information from the text and for pleasure or for interest.

Whereas, teaching reading comprehension is not easy. Some students perceive

that reading is boring. The boredom can lead the students to have low motivation in

doing the activity. Consequently, teachers should pay attention in how to make

reading comprehension activities more amusing and optimally understandable.

Generally, during silent reading, students do not have chance to do something which


helps them reach comprehension faster. By inserting the interesting activities before,

during reading, and after reading, the boredom may be prevented. In addition,

students can get the clues in order to evaluate whether messages they caught are true

or false. By doing so, they will be more ready and confident to answer the questions

after reading.

Based on the researcher’s observations, there are many students had difficulties

in reading comprehension. Every student in the class had different background

knowledge and ability. It is impossible for them to have the same experience of life

and ability even if they live in the same place and time. For example, they had

problems in comprehending the text and getting the main idea of the text, students

also have known how to pronounce the word, but it occurred without understanding

the meaning. There are some students who had tried to comprehend the text by

reading it many times but they failed. There was no enjoyment while reading because

they did not know its meaning. So, the students could not find good impressions from

the text they read and they did not know what they read for. Moreover, there were

some students interested in reading because they found the enjoyment while reading.

Besides that, they had sufficient vocabularies and also they know what they read for.

Considering these differences, the teacher should supply the students with sufficient

vocabularies and make them aware of the kinds of text they read. Besides that, they

should pay attention to which information they look for, for instance whether they

want to find the general understanding or detailed information. In addition, they

should be aware of the purpose of reading whether reading for enjoyment or a test.


In order to solve that problem, a good strategy, method, or technique should

be used in order to make students become active, enjoy and comprehend about the

main point of the reading text because reading is very important subject for the

student of English Department for there are a lot of advantages from studying

reading. By reading, they will be able to get a lot of information and to increase their

knowledge in reading ability especially students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.

As a lifelong learning skill, reading goes beyond decoding and comprehension

to interpretation and development of new. Grabe & Stoller (2002: 9) state that

reading is the ability to draw meaning from printed page and interpret this

information appropriately. It means comprehending and interpreting the information

of the text are important. It implies that students need to learn a considerable amount

of information from a text.

So that’s why reading is very important skill for the students to increase their

knowledge. As generally, reading is a means of understanding and absorbing written

information. It mainly contains two aspects: the degree of comprehension and the

reading speed. Students reading ability is closely related to their vocabulary, cultural

background knowledge and reading technique.

To improve students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in reading comprehension, the

writer proposes one technique, the technique named reciprocal teaching. Reciprocal

teaching technique becomes an instructional procedure design to enhance students’

reading comprehension of a text. In other words, the teacher is an instructor for the

process, explaining and drawing a conclusion about the text together with the student.


There are some research reviews about reading comprehension by expert in Oczkus

(2005: 2-3), such as Palincsar and Brown’s research, when they used reciprocal

teaching technique with a group of students, the students’ reading on a

comprehension assessment increased from 30% to 80%, Cooper and Carter’s research

concluded that reciprocal teaching technique is especially effective when

incorporated as part of an intervention of struggling readers and when used with low-

performing students in urban setting. Furthermore, Padma (2008: 13) stated that

reciprocal teaching technique is recommended by reading experts and practitioners.

He said this technique had been heralded as effective in helping students in improving

their reading ability. Finally the researcher and the teacher chose reciprocal teaching

technique to help students comprehend the text and solve their problem. According to

Palinscar and Brown cited in Oczkus (2005:2) reciprocal teaching technique is a

scaffolded discussion technique that is built on four strategies that good readers use to

comprehend text: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Each of these

strategies are selected as a means of helping students construct meaning from text as

well as a means of monitoring their reading to make sure that they are in fact

understand what they read, which in this case, these four strategies are implemented

by working in groups.

Here is the writer believes that reciprocal teaching technique can improve

their reading comprehension effectively. To get a good achievement for English

subject, students need perseverance and patience in learning it since most students

regard this subject difficult, especially in reading comprehension through reciprocal


teaching technique. In this case students are demanded to have a hobby in reading and

practicing. That is why the teachers’ help is absolutely needed to increase their

achievement. Based on the above statements, the writer held a research to know how

far the ability of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar after they are

taught using reading comprehension through reciprocal teaching technique.

1.2 Research Problem

Based on the explanation of background of the study above, students

should develop their reading skill to achieve complete comprehension of the content

either stated information through strategy, so the research question can be formulated

as follows: To what extent can the students’ reading comprehension ability of the

tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar be improved through reciprocal

teaching technique?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the background above, the objective of the study is to describe how

the application of reciprocal teaching technique can improve students’ reading

comprehension to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.

1.4 Limitation of the Study

Teaching reading actually has a broad and wide scope of coverage. There are

many things can be taken as the subject matters to be observed by people who want to

do research in this field. The researcher has to narrow down the scope of the

discussion of this study to one point only, so that the reader will not get confused.


This study is focused on the improving the students’ reading comprehension at the

tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar by using narrative text.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research is concerned with the effect of reciprocal teaching technique on

the tenth grade students’ in reading comprehension. The findings of this research are

expected to be useful and relevant theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the results of this research are expected to be able to enrich and

enhance the theory of teaching reading by using reciprocal technique. The result of

this study can be used as a reference for those who want to conduct the same


Practically, the results of this study, reciprocal teaching technique can be

useful for English teachers to solve the students’ problem in reading comprehension.

By using reciprocal technique, it is hoped the students can be encouraged in reading.

It is also one of an alternative technique in improving the ability of students’ reading

comprehension to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

There are some terms, which are defined operationally so as to avoid

misunderstanding on the part of the readers, those are reading comprehension,

reciprocal technique and SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.


1.6.1. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is defined in the reading comprehension ability or

achievement of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar measured by

administering reflection or post test by the end of each session.

1.6.2. Reciprocal Technique

Reciprocal technique is defined as a technique of teaching reading

comprehension to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in which

reciprocal technique is an instructional activity that takes of a dialogue between

students and teachers regarding segments of the text for guessing the meaning of the

text. Reciprocal technique is a teaching technique of reading in which the students

use of cognitive in understanding the reading text. This activity takes the form of

dialogue between students and teachers regarding segments of the text for the purpose

of constructing the meaning of the text.

1.6.3. SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar

SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar is one of senior high schools in Denpasar which is

located at Jl. Kebo Iwa No 8 Denpasar, and this research is applied to the tenth

grade student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.




2.1. Theoretical Review

A scientific investigation is expected to contribute practical significance

and should be conducted on the basis of some relevant theoretical constructs and

empirical evidences. The present investigation is based on the following theoretical


2.1.1 The Conception of Reading Comprehension

Reading is one part of language skills that is very important for the students to

improve their ability in acquiring knowledge of the world. By reading, students can

reach all of the aims, understand and comprehend the text that they read.

Furthermore, many researchers gave many arguments about definition of reading and

comprehension of reading.

Before discussing the definition of reading comprehension, the researcher

should begin by knowing what comprehension involves and how it relates to the

entire reading process. Snow (2002:11) defines reading comprehension as the process

of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and

involvement with written language. To comprehend, a reader must have a wide range

of capacities and abilities. These include cognitive capacities for instant, attention,

memory, critical analytic ability, inferencing, visualization ability, motivation (a

purpose for reading, an interest in the content being read, self-efficacy as a

reader),and various types of knowledge (vocabulary, domain and topic knowledge,


linguistic and discourse knowledge, and knowledge of specific comprehension


According to Brown (2004: 185), reading is likewise a skill that teachers

simply expect learners to acquire. Basic, beginning-level textbooks in a foreign

language presuppose a student's reading ability if only because it's a book that is the

medium. Most formal tests use the written word as a stimulus for test-taker response

even oral interviews may require reading performance for certain tasks. Reading,

arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational contexts, remains a

skill of paramount importance as we create assessments of general language ability.

Brassel et al. (2008: 15) argue that reading is multidimentional process that

involves the eyes, the ears, the mouth, and the most importantly, the brain. The

combination of those parts will create the meaning of the print page. Although it may

involve the sounding out of the words, accessing the meaning of the words, reading

the text with appropriate fluency, and providing expression.

Reading is a commonplace of teacher education that teachers tend to teach by

the methods which were used by the teachers who taught the student. Pang (2003: 14)

describes that Comprehension is the process of deriving meaning from connected

text. It involves word knowledge as well as thinking and reasoning. Therefore,

comprehension is not a passive process, but an active one. The reader actively

engages with the text to construct meaning. This active engagement includes making

use of prior knowledge. It involves drawing inferences from the words and

expressions that a writer uses to communicate information, ideas and viewpoints.


Similarly, Klinger et al. (2007: 8) describe that reading comprehension is a

multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between

readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as

variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).

Furthermore, Lems et al. (2010: 170) state that reading comprehension is not a

static competency; it varies according to the purposes for reading and the text that is

involved. When the prerequisite skills are in place, reading becomes an evolving

interaction between the text and the background knowledge of the reader.

It means that when reader interacts with printed material, the reader’s prior

knowledge is combined with the visual (written) information. As a result, the

messages are achieved. Therefore, reading is actually a sort of conversation between

a writer and a reader. Author’s message will be a means of communication if only the

reader can react and interpret what the author actually says or means.

2.1.2 Strategies of Reading Comprehension

Reading in language learning plays an important role. In English language

learning, mainly in secondary school, reading is one of the four language skills which

students have to learn. The aim of the English learning is to develop English

communicative competence, which involves listening, speaking, reading, and writing

in their appropriate balance.

The skills of reading have been developed in the Indonesian schools in order

to enable the students to read a text in the form of narration, description, and the other

texts. Wallace (2004: 10) states that efficient readers do not always read every word.


To save time, they use techniques like skimming, scanning. When they skim through

a text, they are reading it quickly to get an overall impression of the text and when

they are scanning or searching a text they are looking for specific information which

they know, or suspect, is there the aspects of reading skill are: Scanning

Brown, (2001: 307) states that scanning is quickly searching for some particular

piece or pieces of information in a text. Scanning exercises may ask students to look

for names or dates, to find a definition of a key, concept or to list a certain number of

supporting details. The purpose of scanning is to extract specific information without

reading through the whole text.

So, when the students scan a passage they only try to locate specific

information needed as fast as possible. They don’t need to read the whole lines of the

passage to transfer over the text until they find what they are looking for. Skimming

Brown (2001: 307) states that skimming consists of quickly running one’s

eyes across a whole text for its gist. It gives readers the advantages of being able to

predict the purpose of the passage, the main topic or message and possibly some of

developing or supporting ideas. When the students skim, they are looking for the

idea, the most of central part of what the writer wants to say without a lot of details.

They just preview or overview of the material. They don’t need to read the whole

words in the passage closely. They can omit unnecessary words, phrases or sentences.

They just select key words and phrases in order to cover the passage rapidly and

conclude the main ideas whether they are clearly stated in the text.


2.1.3 Kinds of Reading

Reading is very important role for the students, by reading they can get a lot

of information and knowledge, yet when reading printed words, the reader not only

pays attention to the purpose of reading, but the reader should know the kinds of

reading. Here, the researcher would like to describe four kinds of reading

performance, they are, (1) reading aloud, (2) silent reading, (3) intensive reading and

(4) extensive reading. Reading Aloud

Reading aloud is the activity that is focused with word recognition with

comprehension, pronunciation and speaking ability in loudly complex ways. In this

case the students will try to read louder about the pronunciation of how to sound a

letter or word. According to Patel and Jain (2008: 120) the reading aloud play

important role in teaching English. Teachers have to know that the training of reading

aloud must be given based on word pronunciation.

The activities of reading aloud are to recognize the sound of words, the

intonation and also the pronunciation of the students. When student is reading aloud,

teachers ask the student to concentrate and pay attention to the next part of the text

that will be read than just listen to their friends. This activity will help the student

understand about what the text inform to the students. Silent Reading

Silent reading is the opposite of reading aloud. The researcher thinks that this

activity is more effective than reading aloud because silent reading is the way how to

read the text farther rather than speak or read aloud. Silent reading showed that the


amount of time is shorter spent in reading, it also related the students’ reading

comprehension and vocabulary growth. They also develop positive attitude towards

reading after silent reading session.

Silent reading should be introduced when the students already mastered the

basic structure and comprehend the meaning of words. According to Patel and Jain

(2008: 123) some advantages of silent reading are as follows:

this reading skill makes the students very active and accurate.

silent reading concentrates the attention of learners toward subject matter and they

learns naturally.

it saves time because this activity is done at a time. All students participate

together in this activity at a time.

it is very useful to develop the skill of reading fast.

this skill plays main roles to increase the knowledge of the students.

It can be concluded that silent reading is very effective for students when they

read the text and they can read farther to decrease the time. Silent reading is done to

acquire a lot of information. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is usually a class-room oriented activity in which students

focus on linguistic or semantic details of a passage. It calls students’ attention to

grammatical forms, discourse markers, and other surface structure details for the

purpose of understanding literal meaning, implication, rhetorical relationship, and the



According to Patel and Jain (2008: 117), the intensive reading is text reading

or passage reading. In this reading, the students read the text or passage to get the

specific information. Intensive reading is usually concerned with shorter text.

Patel and Jain (2008: 119) also state that there are few characteristics of

intensive reading are as follows:

this reading helps learner to develop active vocabulary.

teacher plays main role in this reading.

linguistics items are developed.

this reading aims at active use of language.

Intensive reading is basically and essentially reading for information. Thus,

through the act of intensive reading the students are surely hoped to find out

something new in order to do something with the information they got from the

reading text. Extensive Reading

Brown (2000: 325) states that, extensive reading is carried out to achieve a

general understanding of a usually somewhat longer text (book, long article, or essay,

etc.). Most extensive reading is performed outside class time. Pleasure reading is

often extensive. Extensive reading can sometimes help students get away from their

tendency to overanalyze or look up words they do not know, and read for

understanding. Extensive reading includes skimming (reading rapidly for the main

points), scanning (reading rapidly to find the specific pieces of information), and

global reading.


Extensive reading is reading as much as possible, for their own pleasure, at a

difficulty level in which they can read smoothly and quickly without looking up

words or translating to English as they go. In other words, instead of spending a half

hour decoding a tiny part of one book they read many simpler books that are at or

slightly below the level at which they read fluently. This lets they get used to reading

more complex sentences with ease, reinforces the words they already know and helps

they learn new words from context.

The principal objective of undertaking an extensive reading approach is to get

students reading in English and liking it. An increase in reading fluency should be

another objective. Because of this, reading should be a pleasurable activity for the

student, promoted as much as possible by the teacher.

2.1.4 Reciprocal Technique as the Technique in Reading Comprehension

Palinscar et al. (1985) describe reciprocal reaching is an interactive reading

strategy designed to enhance the student’s comprehension of expository text by

integrating the processes of predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing

during reading. These strategies may be done in any order, hence the term reciprocal.

Reciprocal teaching starts as an oral dialogue among teacher, student, and text. It

moves to an automatic conversation between reader and text. At the center of

reciprocal teaching area group discussion in which teacher and student take turn as

leader in discussing the text.

Similarly, Ozckus (2003: 14) states reciprocal teaching has four main

strategies that teachers and students employ together to comprehend text: predicting,


questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. ozckus like to call the strategies the

“Fabulous Four” strategies because students can relate to and understand these terms.

Students know that when teacher refers to the fabulous four, teacher is directing their

attention to a set of strategies that good readers use.

Stricklin, (2011: 620) states that with reciprocal teaching, students predict

before reading and then check their predictions during reading. They stop to clarify

unknown words or ideas during reading. They ask teacher question during and after

reading to check for understanding, and they summarize either a page or the entire

text selection after reading. Teachers have three primary responsibilities during a

reciprocal teaching session, they are:

1. Before reading, activate prior knowledge of words of ideas students will encounter

during reading

2. During reading, the teacher monitors, guides, and encourages individual or groups

in their use of the fab four (predicting, questioning, clarifying, summarizing.).

3. After reading, the teacher encourages students’ reflection and asks students to

share strategy help them the most and why.

Reciprocal teaching is one instructional activity teachers use to engage

students in discussion about confusing segments of text with the purpose of gaining

meaning from the text and self-monitoring. This instructional approach is designed to

focus students’ attention on four reading comprehension strategies: asking questions,

clarifying what was read, summarizing the information, and predicting what might

follow. There are four strategies used in reciprocal teaching: predicting, clarifying,

questioning and summarizing.


1. Predicting

At the beginning, students and teacher see the aspects for instance the title of

the story, the introduction, and heading. After that, teacher let the students activate

the prior knowledge to predict about the text. The students are encouraged to

speculate freely what the reading text might discuss. In other words, teacher initially

about the title and the teacher had the students reveal prediction about it. They

determine what is going to happen next on a literal or inferential level or what will be

the view point of the author in the next section.

2. Questioning

The next step, students read silently in order to know the main idea of the

paragraph. After reading, students generate questions and formulate about the unclear

section of this paragraph. Students should formulate the question about the content to

make sure whether the students understand about the text or not.

3. Clarifying

This process assists students with a history of comprehension difficulties by

having them focus their attention on the text. Clarification can range from word

definitions to understand complex terminology or processes. Teacher and students

find out the answer in the text, what the students hard to understand. The participation

between teacher and student, seek clarification during the group discussion to ensure

the reader engage with the text. In addition, these steps purpose to make anything that

is confusing the students clearer.


4. Summarizing

The last step is the teacher asks the students about the key elements of the

story or text. Multiple students participate in this process requiring the students to

recall and reorganize the text. Here, the students pointed out the main focus of the


In short, the four steps of reciprocal technique above were explained in

classroom cooperatively between teacher and students. Its purposes are to encourage

students to predict and ask questions about the text.

2.1.5 Assessment of Reading

One of the most important aspects in teaching reading is to be able to test the

students’ comprehension. By testing the student, teacher can measure the students

understanding in reading text which is given in the class.

According to Klinger et al (2007: 14), assessing comprehension is fraught

with challenges, because it can be difficult to determine how many students really

understand and what they are actually thinking (as we attempted to do in the

preceding example). Traditional measures tend to focus on straight recall or literal

understandings, but there is much more to comprehension than these.

Reading comprehension assessment has different purposes. One of these is to

compare students’ comprehension levels to those of students in a norming sample.

Another is to find out if students have met preestablished criteria for their grade level.

A third purpose is to inform instruction by determining when students understand

what they read and how efficiently they use which comprehension strategies.


The terms ‘assessment’ and ‘evaluation’ are often used interchangeably by

teachers, but assessment really refers to the process of collecting information from

learners (e.g., obtaining test scores, work samples) while evaluation means looking at

that information and making some decisions in relation to instruction.

Similarly, Westwood (2008: 72) states that the main functions of assessment


1. to enable a teacher to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching program and then

to make any necessary modifications to method of delivery, learning activities or


2. to identify any students who are having difficulties mastering the course content,

and thus need additional help;

3. to provide information if a student is to be transferred to another school or referred

for special education;

4. to be accountable to parents by providing them with evidence of their child’s


5. to be accountable to government education authorities by providing hard evidence

of achievement levels in a school.

In assessing reading comprehension of the students by using reciprocal

technique, answer the question way was applied in the research. The reading text

included some questions, and the students were instructed to answer the questions

based on the text. The benefit of giving the assessment was to measure whether the

reciprocal technique was useful or not to the students. Generally, the assessment

applied in the research is based on the basic indicators in arrangement of reading text.


There are four indicators that the researcher applied in assessing the student, the

indicators are general idea, specific information, textual reference and word meaning.

Those indicators will represent the student’s ability in comprehending the reading

text and show the usefulness of the reciprocal technique.

2.2 Emperical Review

After looking for some references related to the research that is going to be

done by the researcher, researcher found some similar evidences that had been done

in the previous time by other researchers. Similar research had been conducted by

Aniafida (2008), entitled “ Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using

Reciprocal Questioning Technique A Classroom Action Research in SMK

Diponegoro Salatiga in Academic Year 2007/2008”. This research was designed by

using classroom action research in which this research study concerned with teaching

reading comprehension by using reciprocal technique could effectively improved and

increased the low ability in reading comprehension in SMK Diponegoro Salatiga.

Another research had been conducted by Putu Wara Sukma Wardana (2010),

entitled “Improving Reading Comprehension Though Reciprocal Technique to the

Eight Grade Student of SMPN 4 Bebandem in Academic Year 2009/ 2010” which

also showed that the students were positively and significantly improved after they

had been taught by reciprocal technique.

Referring to the research results of those researchers mentioned above,

researcher has no doubt in applying reciprocal technique for helping students of SMK

PGRI 4 Denpasar in improving their reading skill.


2.3 Hypothesis

On attempting to give a tentative solution to the problem, the hypothesis will

be stated as the following: the students’ reading comprehension ability at tenth grade

student of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar can be improved through reciprocal technique.




3.1 Subject of the Study

This study was conducted to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4

Denpasar. There were 3 classes of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4

Denpasar especially class Multi Media. The student of Class X MM 1 was selected as

the subjects of the study which consists of 38 students. The subject of the study

which total of 30 students were considered to be representative enough for the

purpose of this study. The students of Class X MM 1 was selected as the subjects of

the study because based on the preliminary study and the result of pre-test or the

initial reflection showed their ability in reading comprehension was very poor,

therefore immediate improvement was really needed.

3.2 Research Design

This research project was in the form of action study. According to Ary et. Al.

(2010: 512), action research is about taking action based on research and researching

the action taken. Action research had been used in a variety of settings, including

schools, hospitals, health clinics, community agencies, government units, and other

environments. It could be used to enhance everyday work practices, to resolve

specific problems, and to develop special projects and programs. Action research is

based on the premise that local conditions vary widely and that the solutions to many

problems cannot be found in generalized truths that take no account of local

conditions. In this chapter, we focus on the use of action research in education.


This study was intended to improve the students’ ability in reading comprehension

through reciprocal teaching technique. In term of cycle, this study planed minimally

two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four interconnected activities, namely: Planning

(P), Action (A), Observation (O), and Reflection (R).

The activity of teaching and learning process includes the planning, action,

observation and reflection. To make it clear, the design of the present class action

study can be depicted as the following:

Cycle I IR P1 A1 O1 R1

Cycle II RP P2 A2 O2 R2

3.3 Research Procedure

Ary et. al. (2010: 518) states that the action research process involves the

process in four steps: reflecting, planning, acting, and observing. Brief and

comprehensible discussion concerning the whole activities carried out in each session

from P, A, O, and R were devoted in the subsequent discussions and for detail of

teaching scenarios of the present class action study.

3.3.1 Planning

A plan is developed for taking action and for gathering information and data

in order to observe or capture the experience or monitor the practice. It is in this

phase that the research questions and methods are explicated. Planning concerned

with determining of the subjects, the steps of action and the instrument used to collect

data. In this stage, the researcher prepared some activities. There were some steps

done in planning, they are:


1. Determining a schedule for giving questionnaire and the pre-test.

The pre-test was given before the teaching was carried out. This was

conducted in order to find the initial reflection. The questionnaire was used to

know the student’s response on the application of reading through reciprocal

technique based reading activity. It was distributed at the end of cycle.

2. Preparing the questionnaire and the test instrument.

Data collected through questionnaire were considered as additional

supporting data. The tests were conducted as essay test.

3. Deciding the number of the test items, and sentences as the test item

The researcher was decided to give the same level in every test. For the

pre-test, the students were tested individually and suggested to answer 10


4. Determining the reciprocal technique for the questionnaire and the pre-test

The researcher used the reading text using reciprocal technique and asked

the student to answer the questions in answer sheet on the pre-test. For the

questionnaire, students were asked to answer directly in the correspondents’


3.3.2 Action

In this step researcher made an action in the classroom which was related to

the teaching reading through reciprocal technique based on reading activity. The

researcher implements the plan or changes a practice and collects data. There were

three main activities that the researcher will do in classroom. They are:


1. Pre-Reading activity

In this part, the researcher tried to stimulate students by giving easy test,

ask the students to read it first and try to guessing what was the text tell about.

The teacher acted as the teacher build up the students’ interest and motivation.

2. Whilst Reading Activity

In this part the researcher asked the student to analyze the text through

quick reading carefully and do the essay tests individually.

3. Post-Reading activity

In this stage, the researcher allowed the students to ask some question if

they still have any problems in understanding the lesson and asked the students

to make a conclusion about the content of the text.

3.3.3 Observation

The observation was conducted to know the effect of the action. There were

three instruments used to get the data, namely: observation sheet, student answering

sheet and questionnaire.

1. Observation sheet

This observation sheet was used to record the student’s comprehension in


2. Students answering sheet

This sheet was used to know the student’s achievement on comprehension.


3. The questionnaire

The questionnaire was used to know the student’s response on the

application of reading through reciprocal technique. The questionnaire was

distributed at the end of cycle by the researcher.

3.3.4 Reflection

In this stage, experience and perceptions were used to identify an area of

focus based on a problem. Time was taken to review what is already known about

the problem or focus area and to learn more about the problem. On the other hand,

the result of the observation was analyzed in order to find the strength and weakness

of the action and to decide whether the study would be continued or not. The

reflection was administrated during the post activities of the session. The reflection

was given in the end of each session as planning.

Based on the observation, the researcher found some strength and weakness of

the action. The weakness of the action was found in student’s attention. When the

class was carried out, some of the students didn’t read well because of numbers of


3.4 Research Instrument

Research instrument is a significant factor in carrying out the research because

it was important to get data and it should be constructed as valid and reliable as

possible. In this present study, the researcher used three kinds of research instrument.

They are lesson plan, achievement test, and questionnaire.


A) Lesson Plan

Lesson plan was prepared in order to have a clear description of what should be

done in classroom. It provided a guideline for the teacher in conducting every step of

the planning. The scenario involved the activities that was conducted, since allotment,

the teacher’s approach and the material were used in teaching and learning process.

B) Achievement Test

There were several tests used in this study. All texts were completed with

exercise and test, and this includes pre-test and post-test. Pre-test was used to

examine the student’s ability in reading comprehension before the treatment is given.

The result of pre-test was used as a reference for conducting the research. Post-test

was used to examine the effectiveness or the result of the action both in cycle 1 and 2.

In other words post- test is used in order to know the extent to which the technique

could improve the student’s ability in reading comprehension.

C) Questionnaire

Questionnaires provided a similar means of learning about students’ strategic

processing. Because responses were written, the test can be group-administered.

Thus, they potentially provide a time-saving way to collect data.

The questionnaire is given to the students in order to get respond towards the

used of reciprocal teaching technique in reading activity. Besides that, the

questionnaire consisted of ten items, the response of the students in questionnaire was

in the form of multiple-choice option. To avoid confusion, the questionnaire was

written in Indonesia language. The answer of the questionnaire was quantitatively

scored in total number of option chosen by the subject under study.


3.5 Data Collection

In measuring the students’ ability in reading comprehension, the researcher

used objective test which were administered at the end of the sessions, the test were

in the form of achievements test. The process of collecting data was follows: First,

before the teaching was carried out, the students were given pre-test. This was

conducted in order to find the initial reflection as well as to see the problem they

faced. They were tested individually and suggested to answer ten questions. Then, at

the end of every unit lesson, or after the students were given treatment that dealt with

using reading technique based reading activity to improve the ability in reading

comprehension, they were given a post-test to find out the result of the action.

3.6 Data Analysis

The data obtained for the present classroom action study was analyzed

descriptively to reveal the extent of the students’ progress or increasing ability in

reading comprehension. That is, the mean score obtained by the subject in the IR

(X0) was compared with its corresponding mean score in reflections or post – test for

both cycle I and cycle II. The score showing the subject positive changing behaviors

were computed in the form of percentages, which refers to respective item on the

questionnaire. To make it clear, the comparative corresponding means between IR

and reflection scores are also presented in the form of block graphs. The grand mean

of cycle I and cycle II was finally computed and compared. The grand mean of both

cycles, cycle I and cycle II was calculated by totaling the means of the scores in each


cycle and then divided by three. The amount of the difference between the two means

would show the increasing effectiveness of cycle I and cycle II.

To make it clear, the formula used to analyze the obtain data can be drawn as

the follows:



M = Mean

∑X = Sum of score

N = Sum of individuals

In computing the data, the researcher determined the qualification of the

student’s ability based on the mean score obtained the students’ reading skill.

According to the mean score, then the researcher classified the student’s

qualification on the criteria that is adopted from the teacher of SMK PGRI 4

Denpasar. The criteria are as follow:


Table 1

Score Qualification

Score Qualification Score Qualification

0-0,99 Failed 6-6,99 Enough

1-1,99 Very bad 7-7,99 More than enough

2-2,99 Bad 8-8,99 Good

3-3,99 Very low 9-9,99 Very good

4-4,99 Low 10 Excellent

5-5,99 Almost enough

3.7 Success Indicator

Based on the minimum score of English subject, especially in reading

comprehension at SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar, the students can improve their reading

comprehension, if they get the minimum score, 75 points. This research would finish

or success if the students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar are successful to reach about

80% of the minimum score of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.




4.1 Findings

The data of this research were collected from the tenthh grade students of

SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in academic year 2013/2014. The data needed in this

present classroom action study were collected by administering three kinds of

instruments; they were pre test, post-test, and questionnaire. The pre-test or initial

reflection in reading comprehension was administered to the subjects under study

in order to obtain their pre-existing ability in reading comprehension. The pre-test

was administered to the subjects under study before the treatments were given. In

pre test, the subject were given 10 questions to determine their ability in reading

comprehension. The post-test or reflection was administered for four times (twice

in cycle I and twice in cycle II). As the result, there were three sets of raw scores

got for the present classroom action study that was, IR or pre-test scores, and

reflection scores for all session, post-test I and post-test II.

The additional data required for the present class action were collected

through administering questionnaire to the subjects under study at the end of cycle

I. The answers of the questionnaire were quantitatively scored using the rating

scale 0-3. The score gathered from administering questionnaire showed the

subjects’ changing attitudes and motivation in reading comprehension through

reciprocal technique. The data showed on tabulation as follow:


Table 4.1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Score

in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation of Reciprocal Technique

Subjects IR Post-test I Post-test II

1 30 60 70 2 60 70 80 3 70 80 100 4 20 60 80 5 30 60 70 6 60 70 90 7 10 60 80 8 50 60 90 9 20 60 70

10 50 60 90 11 10 60 60 12 40 60 80 13 60 70 90 14 50 70 80 15 40 60 80 16 50 60 90 17 50 70 90 18 20 60 80 19 60 70 90 20 60 80 80 21 60 70 100 22 20 60 90 23 50 70 70 24 70 70 90 25 60 70 90 26 10 60 70 27 40 60 80 28 20 60 90 29 60 70 90 30 20 60 80

Total 1250 1950 2490


The result of analysis above which were considered as the findings of the

present study could be summarized as following:

Table 4.2 Summary of the Research Finding Showing the Mean of Cycle I and Cycle II

Pre-test X0 X0 = 41.67 Mean

Post-test I X1 X1 = 65 XI = 65

Post-test II X2 X2 = 83 XII = 83

4.1.1 Pre-cycle

The pre-cycle or pre-test was administered to the subjects under study in

order to know their pre-existing ability in reading. In the pre-test there were 10

questions of narrative text. In addition, it was administered before the

treatment was given to the subjects under study. In pre-cycle showed that the

tenth grade class MM1 of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar had low ability in reading

comprehension class.

Based on the tabulation of pre-test that was presented in table 4.1, it was

calculated to find the mean of IR score (X0) obtained by the tenth grade students

MM1 of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar by the following formula as follow:

The X0 of IR scores = ∑X0 = 1250 = 41.67 N 30

The result of pre-test indicated that the students’ reading comprehension

was still low. The researcher cunducted cycle I to solve the student’s problem in

reading. After cycle I, the researcher conducted cycle II to develop the students’

high interest, motivation, and good toward English. By using reciprocal technique


and learning process which were intended to improve the reading comprehension

of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar.

4.1.2 Cycle I

Cycle I was administered after pre-test and it was based on the result of

pre-test. There were two sessions in cycle I. In this step, the researcher also

prepared the instruments such as materials, lesson plan, and worksheet. After

knowing the problem faced by the students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar for tenth

grade students who had low scores in reading comprehension, the researcher

conducted the action that had been planned. In action and observation, the

researcher used reciprocal technique as a technique in teaching learning process in

the classroom. In this cycle the researcher had prepared two learning action plans

because cycle I consisted of two sessions. Learning action plans were used as a

basis of what the researcher did in teaching learning process. The post-test were

given at the end of the treatment. There were two sessions in cycle I where the

time of each session was 80 minutes. Because cycle I consisted of two sessions,

the researcher had provided reflections two times in the form of answering the

questions in which each reflection was administered during the post-test activities

of each session. The post-test consisted of one reading passage and 10 questions.

Based on the data tabulation of post-test 1 that was presented above, it

was calculated to find the mean of post-test I score (X1) which was obtained

by the tenth grade students MM1 of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar by the following


The X1 of cycle I scores = ∑X1 = 1950 = 65 N 30


The 30 products of the subjects’ reading were scored by using an

analytical scoring rubric the mean score yielded a figure of 65. This result, even it

was enough, showed that there was an improvement from the result of the pre-

test. These findings had already showed an improvement concerning the subjects

of reading comprehension. It could be seen from the comparison of the pre-test

(41.67) and post-test 1 (65) mean scores. Even though there was a positive

improvement, the researcher decided to continue to the next cycle, cycle II, to get

a better improvement.

4.1.3 Questionnaire

The additional data required for the present study were collected through

administering questionnaire to the subjects under study at the end of cycle I. The

result of the questionnaire also showed that there were more positive responses

concerning the reciprocal technique applied for the sake of improving the

subjects’ reading comprehension. The answer of the questionnaire was

quantitatively scored using the rating scale 0-3 (A=3, B=2, C=1 and D=0). There

was improvement in terms of the quantity of the positive responses. This result

was categorized as good. Therefore, the additional data was also collected through

administering the questionnaire. The obtained data showing the subjects’ total

scores for items of the questionnaire were tabulated as the following:


Table 4.3 Tabulating of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing Motivation

and Attitudes in Learning Reading through Reciprocal Technique

Subjects A B C D S1 15 8 - 0 S2 15 8 1 - S3 12 10 1 - S4 15 8 - 0 S5 12 10 - 0 S6 21 4 1 - S7 15 8 1 - S8 15 8 - 0 S9 9 12 1 -

S10 12 8 1 0 S11 18 6 1 - S12 9 8 3 - S13 12 10 1 - S14 18 6 - 0 S15 12 8 2 - S16 18 6 - 0 S17 15 10 - - S18 18 6 - 0 S19 21 4 - 0 S20 15 8 - 0 S21 9 8 3 - S22 15 6 2 - S23 - 14 3 - S24 27 - - 0 S25 12 10 1 - S26 15 8 - 0 S27 9 12 - 0 S28 18 4 1 0 S29 12 10 - 0 S30 27 - - 0

Total 441 228 23 0 A + B + C + D = 692


The computation of the comparative percentages for the scores of the

items of the questionnaires showing the subjects’ total responses for respective

item of A, B, C and D were shown as follows:

448 1. Total percentage of item A = x 100% = 64.74% 692 228 2. Total percentage of item B = x 100% = 32.95% 692 23 3. Total percentage of item C = x 100% = 3.32% 692 0 4. Total percentage of item D = x 100% = 0% 692 It was found that there were 64.74% of the subjects strongly agreed,

32.95% agreed, 3.32% did not have opinion, and 0% disagreed on the

implementation of the technique. The findings of cycle II obviously revealed that

reciprocal technique brought a significant effect on improving the subjects’

reading comprehension. It could be clearly seen from the improvement of the

mean score from cycle to cycle: the mean score of pre-test (41.67), post-test 1

(65). In addition, the result of the questionnaire also showed that there were very

positive responses concerning the implementation of reciprocal technique to

improve the subjects’ reading comprehension. There was improvement in terms of

the quantity of the positive responses in which the subjects who strongly agreed

on the implementation of the technique were getting increased.


4.1.4 Cycle II

Cycle II was started with planning which had already been revised from

the previous session. This revision was made based on the results of the post-test

1 and questionnaire. In the planning, additional material presentation was

prepared. If in cycle I the material was explained verbally, in cycle II the material

was presented by adding a pictures in the reading passage to make the action more

effective and efficient in cycle II. In action and observation, the researcher used

reciprocal technique as a technique in teaching learning process in the classroom.

In this cycle, the researcher also had prepared two learning action plans because

cycle II was consisted of two sessions. Learning action plans were used as a basis

of what the researcher did in teaching learning process. The post-test was given at

the end of the treatment. There were two sessions in cycle II in which the

timeallotment for each session was 80 minutes. Because cycle II also consisted of

two sessions, the researcher had provided reflections two times in the form of

answering the question items in which each reflection was administered during

the activities of each session. The post-test consisted of one reading passage and

10 questions.

The tabulation of data of post-test in cycle II showed the improvement of

students’ reading comprehension if we compared it with cycle I. It could be

mentioned that there were many students who could not reach the minimun

standard in mastering English at the tenthh grade students of SMK PGRI 4

Denpasar that was 75. Although, in the post-test of cycle II, there was an

improvement of students’ reading comprehension if we compared it with the

result of post-test in cycle I. It can be seen that all of the subjects under study


could reach the minimun standard in mastering English at the tenthh grade

students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar. In addition, it could be said that 80% of the

subject under study could reach it.

Based on the data tabulation of post-test II that was presented 0n table

4.1, it was calculated to find the mean of post-test II score (X2) that obtained

by the tenth grade students MM1 of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar by the following


The X2 of cycle II scores = ∑X2 = 2480 = 83 N 30 The results were scored by using an analytical scoring rubric and the mean

score was a figure of 83. This result was categorized as good. These findings had

already showed an improvement concerning the subjects of reading

comprehension. It could be seen from the comparison of the pre-test (41.67), post-

test I (65) and post-test II (83) mean scores. These significant improvements from

cycle to cycle was main consideration to stop the research because it had already

reached the minimum passing, that was, 80%.

To make it clear, the main findings of the present classroom action study,

that was the rising comparative mean figures of IR scores and the post-test scores

obtained by the tenth grade students MM 1 of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar can be

graphically presented as the following:


Graph 4.1: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Pre-cycle and Post-Test I





X0 X1

Graph 4.2: Depicting the Mean Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading Comprehension after the Implementation of reciprocal technique in cycle II


Graph 4.3: Depicting the Subjects’ Progressing Achievement in Reading Comprehension of Pre-cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II

4.3 Discussion

The data analysis which established the finding of the present class action

study showed the effectiveness of reciprocal technique in improving the students’

reading comprehension. The mean of the initial reflection or pre-test scores (X0)

obtained by the subjects under study in speaking skill pointed out the mean figure

of 41.67. This mean figure clearly showed that the pre-existing reading

comprehension of the subjects under study was relatively low.

The result of the data analysis of the reflection or post-test scores in cycle I

(X2) showed the increasing mean figures of 65. The mean figure obtained by the

subject under study for each session in cycle I was much higher than the result of

the initial reflection or pre-test. The mean figure for cycle I showed that the

reading comprehension got an improvement after they had been taught through

reciprocal technique.


The result of the data analysis of the reflection scores obtained by the

subjects under study in post-test in cycle II (X4) pointed out the increasing mean

figures of 83. The mean figure obtained by the subjects under study for each

session in cycle II was convincingly much higher than the mean figure of initial

reflection scores. There was a significant difference of the mean figure between

cycle I and cycle II. The difference of the mean figure of cycle I and cycle IIwas

30.29. The significant difference of the mean figure suggested that the teaching

reading in cycle II through reciprocal technique could be remarked to be more

effective than cycle I. This was due to fact that the cycle II were accordingly

revised by taking into account the weakness of the students found in cycle I.

Based on the finding of the questionnaire above, the result of the data

analysis from the administration of questionnaire was considered as additional

supporting data. The proportional percentage figures of the total response of the

questionnaire for item A, B, C, and D were 58.56%, 34.66%, 6.77% and 0%.

These findings showed that 58.56% of total subjects absolutely liked teaching

reading using reciprocal technique, 34.66% of total subjects liked with the

technique, 6.77% of the subjects fine with the technique, and 0% of total subject

did not like reciprocal teaching technique. This result showed positive changing

attitude and motivation of the students in learning reading comprehension through

reciprocal teaching technique.

The graphics above showed students’ mean scores were increased from the

result of the pre-test to the result of post-test in each cycle. The students’ mean

scores in the pre-test was 41.67; in addition, it was categorized that students’

reading comprehension were still low. After the treatment had given, the students’


mean scores in the post-test were increased in each cycle. It could be seen from

the mean figure of the post-test in cycle I was 65. It meant that students’ mean

scores were increased from the result of the pre-test. The mean figure of the post-

test scores obtained by the subjects under study in cycle II was 83, it also means

that students’ mean scores were increased from the result of the pre-test and the

result of post-test in cycle I. These findings indicated that the hypothesis stated in

chapter 2: the reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4

Denpasar in academic year 2013/2014 could be improved through reciprocal

technique was accepted.




The discussion throughout the present classroom action investigation

which dealt with the implementation of reciprocal technique to improve reading

comprehension to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar could finally

be concluded in this chapter. Some practical suggestions in reference to the

significance of the established research findings were also recommended in this

chapter. Therefore, the findings of this study could really provide some benefits

for the English teacher, the school management and the tenth grade students of

SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in academic year 2013/2014.

5.1 Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to improve the students’ reading

comprehension especially in narrative text or passage. The present classroom

action study dealt with the implementation of reciprocal technique to improve

reading comprehension to the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in

academic year 2013/2014. The research was preceded by conducting a

preliminary study. Based on the study, it was found that the tenth grade students

of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar faced a problem in reading comprehension.

In this classroom action study, the students’ improvement in reading

comprehension could be seen by comparing the students’ mean score of the pre-

test, post-test in cycle I and post-test in cycle II. The mean score of the initial

reflection or pre-test was 41.67 and it belonged to less than enough. On the other

hand, after the treatment was given, the mean figure of the post-test score in


cycle I was 65. In addition, The mean figure of the post-test scores in cycle II was

83 and it was included as enough level of qualification. It showed the

improvement of the students in reading comprehension after the treatment was


The major findings of the present classroom action study was supported

by the result of the questionnaire. The percentage figures of the total response of

the questionnaire for item A, B, C, and D were 67.74%, 32.95%, 3.32% and 0%.

The obtained comparative percentages items of the questionnaire indicated the

students’ positive changing attitudes and motivation after they had taught

reading comprehension through reciprocal technique. On the other hand, the result

of the questionnaire indicated a good finding in term of the students’ responses

toward the the implementation of reciprocal technique in learning reading.

These findings also indicated that teaching reading through reciprocal

technique could improve the students’ motivation, and interest in learning reading.

Therefore, these findings showed the hypothesis stated in chapter II that the

reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar in

academic year 2013/2014 could be improved through reciprocal technique was

successful and clearly accepted.

5.2 Suggestion

There are some suggestions suggested by the researcher according to the

result of the research finding that could be seen as follows:

1. The English teachers of the tenth grade students of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar

are suggested that it would be better to implement reciprocal technique in

order to teach English especially in teaching reading. By implementing


reciprocal technique, there are a lot of benefits that could be taken from it

because the teacher can solving the students’ problem in comprehending the

text. In addition, the teaching learning proccess would be more controlled.

2. The students are expected to be able to maintain what they have already

reached now. They are suggested to train themselves in comprehending the

reading text by practicing directly.

3. It is hoped that other researcher would do better research to the method

which had been implemented by the researcher in this present study; in

addition, it is also expected that reciprocal technique can be implemented

especially in teaching reading.

4. The institution of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar is suggested to improve the

quantity of teaching and learning facilities such as book and teaching media

in the classroom. Those facilities are very important in order to improve the

quality of teaching learning process.



Ary D., Jackob L.C. Sorensen C.& Razavieh A. (2010). Introduction to Research

in Education. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Brassel D. & Rasinsky T. (2008). Comprehension that work. Shell Education.

Brown H. D (2000) Teaching by Principle : An interactive approach to Language

Pedagogy. New Jersey.

Brown, H. D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Integrative Approach to

Language Pedagogy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Brown, H. D. 2003. Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom. New

Jerseyr Prentice Hall.

Brown H.D (2004). Language Assessment. Principles and classroom practice, San

Fransisco University.

Grabe, W. & Stoller, F.L. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading. Harlowr

Pearson Education limited.

Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow:


Klinger. J.K, Vaughn.S,& Boardman A.(2QQ7). Teaching Reading

Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties. The Guilford

Press, New York London.

Kruidenier J.(2002). Research-Based Principles for Adult Basic Education,

Reading Instruction. National Institute for Literary.

Lems Kristin, Leah D. Miller, Tenena M. Soro (2010). Teaching Reading to

English Language Learner. New York, London.


Oezkus L.D. (2005). Reciprocal Teaching at Work. International Reading

Association, USA.

Pang Elizabeth S. (2000). Teaching Reading. The international Academy of

Education, IAE.

Palinscar and Brown (1985). Reciprocal Teaching: Reading Education, foundation

for literature America.

Padma B. (2008). Reciprocal Teaching Technique.

Patel M.F. & JainM.P. (2008). English Language Teaching (Method, Tools and

Technique). Sunrise Publisher & Distributors.

Snow C. (2002). Reading Understanding, Toward an R&D Program in Reading

Comprehension. Ran Education.

Stricklin K. (2011). Hands-on Reciprocal Teaching: a Comprehension Technique.

International Reading Association.

Wallace M.J. (2004). Study Skill in English. A course in reading skills for

academic purposes.





No Names 1 Adi Suastika I Made Ngurah 2 Agus Irvan Adhityana M H S 3 Aldi Setiawan 4 Aldin Krismantara Cede 5 Ari Merta Negara I Putu 6 Ari Swandewi Ni Made 7 Aris Nata Kusuma Putu 8 Ayu Chelsi Ni Kadek 9 Bany Febri Yahya 10 Budiastini Ni Luh Gede 11 Darmayasa I Wayan 12 Dendi Suandi 13 Desi Nataliani Ni Ketut 14 Diah Prabuyuni Jelantik Ni Kadek 15 Dicky Wahyu Pratama 16 Dimas Andre Setiawan 17 Dwi Pratama Putra I Made 18 Febri Hartawan I Wayan 19 Handy Winartha 20 Indra Yuli Pranata 21 M Rizqy Fadillah 22 Nik Purnika Putri Putu 23 Prabawangsa Kusumaatmaja I Gst Agung 24 Rias Windari Putu 25 Riswan Atsukiartha Putu 26 Sandana Putra Komang 27 Sanjaya I made 28 Shinta Dwi Astuti 29 Suarimbawa I Made 30 Surya Wasista Putu Gede


Thirteen equals one

Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed

to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike

the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. One

night, however, our vicar work up with a start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at

his watch, he saw that it was one o’clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped.

Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.

In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill

Wilkins, our local grocer.’Whatever are you doing up here Bill?’ asked the vicar in surprise.

‘I’m trying to repair the bell,’ answered Bill. ‘I’ve been coming up here night after night for

weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.”You certainly did give me a

surprise!’ said the vicar. ‘You’ve probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still,

I’m glad the bell is working again. That’s the trouble, vicar,’ answered Bill. ‘It’s working all

right, but I’m afraid that at one o’clock it will strike thirteen times and there’s nothing I can

do about it.”We’ll get used to that, Bill,’ said the vicar. “Thirteen is not as good as one, but

it’s better than nothing. Now let’s go downstairs and have a cup of tea.’

51Answer these question in form based on the text above!

1. What woke the vicar up?

2. What was the time?

3. How many times did the clock strike?

4. Where did the vicar go?

5. What did he take with him?

6. Whom did he see in the clock tower?

7. What did Bill Wilkins say he was trying to do?

8. Had Bill Wilkins succeeded in repairing the clock?

9. Was the vicar pleased or angry?

10. What did he offer the grocer?



(For the first session in Cycle I)

School name : SMK PGRI 4 DENPASAR

Subject : English ( Reading )

Class/Semester : X MM 1

Meeting : 1

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Academic year : 2013/2014

Competence standard : Communicating in English in Elementary level.

Basic competency : Understanding daily simple conversation either in professional context or individual with non native speaker.


Demonstrating and answering questions in the forms of narrative text in the context of reading passage given. .

Teaching and learning objective

Students are able to find out the main idea of each paragraph

Students are able to find out the specific information of the passages

Students are able to understand the textual reference

Students are able to understand the word meaning

Teaching and learning material

Mr. Holland

Mr. Holland was very young man, he played a lot of football, and he had always been

thin and very strong. But then he worked in an office for many years, and he drove to work in

a car. So, when he was forty, he was fat and very soft, and he did not wish to get fatter and

softer every year.

53One day one of his friend said to him, “Would you like to be thinner, Fred?”

“Of course I would,” Mr. Holland answered.

“Well,” his friend said, “stop going to your office by car, and get a bicycle.”

My Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years. “It’s very hard to learn to ride a

bicycle again at your age,” his wife said.

But it was not too hard for Mr. Holland to do. He usually sat in his living room and

read the newspaper in the evening, but he bought a bicycle for his birthday and practiced

riding that every evening instead. He hoped that it would help him to get thinner, and he got a

lot of pleasure from it.

He found little roads which were not really very narrow, but were to narrow for cars,

and there he got away from the nasty noises of the city, which were becoming too much from


They were not very loud, but they were too loud for Mr. Holland .

Then he began to go to his office on his bicycle. Sometimes all the cars stopped at a

red light, and he went past them to the front, because his bicycle was narrow. Then he was

very happy.

Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on another

bicycle. He stopped too and said to Mr. Holland, “Have the police taken your driving license

away too?

Teaching and learning method

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

Teaching and Learning Steps

I. Instrument :

a. Oral test

II. Reading test

54III. Teaching and Learning Activities

No Activities Teacher’s Activities Student’s Responses

1 Pre-activity The teacher greeted the

students and checks the

attendance list

Students responded the

teacher’s greeting and

raised their hand when

teacher called their name

The teacher asked some

questions that can build up

the concentration of


Students responded the


2 Whilst-


Teacher mentions the title

of the passage and its key

words or significant


Students listen to the


(Recall) Teacher asks the students

to make predictions, what

the passage is about based

on its title and key words.

Students make predictions

based on the key words

which have been





Teacher distributes the

reading passage and asks

the students to make

questions from each

paragraph of the text,

which is assigned to them.

Students read the passage

and make questions from

the paragraph assigned to



general idea)

Teacher conducts

classroom discussion

based on the questions

made by students.

The students acted as a

teacher who shares their

questions to others.

(Word Teacher asks the students Students summarize the

55meaning and



to summarize the text.

Teacher asks the students

to make questions for

clarification of an unclear

information, textual

reference, word meaning

to others.


Students make questions

for the purpose of


3 Post-activity Teacher gives a chance for

students to ask questions

Teacher asked the students

to answer the test given


Teacher ends the class and

said good bye to the


Students give their


Students do the test

The students responded by

saying good bye

Teaching Media 1. Board marker and eraser. 2. Pen, pencil and notebook. 3. Handbook and workbook. 4. Laptop and LCD

Assessing structured Assignment

NO Scoring Aspect Criteria Score


Behaviour: a. Punctuality to submit

earlier 50 On time 30 late 20

b. Correct answer 1

56Student exercise

Look at these questions. Find the right answers. Then write the questions and answers:

1. Was Mr. Holland fat or thin when he was young?

2. Was he fat, or thin, when he was forty?

3. Who told him to get a bicycle?

4. Was it hard for him to learn to ride a bicycle again?

5. When did he practice?

6. Did he enjoy riding his bicycle?

7. Why did he like narrow roads?

8. Why could he pass car at red light?

9. Had the police taken Mr. Holland’s driving license away?

10. Had they taken the other man’s away?

Denpasar, 8 Januari 2014


Kadek Suparna



(For the second session in Cycle I)

School name : SMK PGRI 4 DENPASAR

Subject : English ( Reading )

Class/Semester : X MM 1

Meeting : 2

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Academic year : 2013/2014

Competence standard : Communicating in English in Elementary level.

Basic competency : Understanding daily simple conversation either in professional context or individual with non native speaker.


Demonstrating and answering questions in the forms of narrative text in the context of reading passage given. .

Teaching and learning objective

Students are able to find out the main idea of each paragraph

Students are able to find out the specific information of the passages

Students are able to understand the textual reference

Students are able to understand the word meaning

Teaching and learning material

A Puma at Large

Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into

London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not

taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt


obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma

were extraordinarily similar.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking strawberries saw

'a large cat' only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts

confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved

difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place

twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and

small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found

clinging to bushes. Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on

a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was

a puma, but where had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in

the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow

managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is

disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.

Teaching and learning method

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

Teaching and Learning Steps

IV. Instrument :

b. Oral test

c. Reading test


V. Teaching and Learning Activities

No Activities Teacher’s Activities Student’s Responses

1 Pre-activity The teacher greeted the

students and checks the

attendance list

Students responded the

teacher’s greeting and

raised their hand when

teacher called their name

The teacher asked some

questions that can build up

the concentration of


Students responded the


2 Whilst-


Teacher mentions the title

of the passage and its key

words or significant


Students listen to the


(Recall) Teacher asks the students

to make predictions, what

the passage is about based

on its title and key words.

Students make predictions

based on the key words

which have been





Teacher distributes the

reading passage and asks

the students to make

questions from each

paragraph of the text,

which is assigned to them.

Students read the passage

and make questions from

the paragraph assigned to



general idea)

Teacher conducts

classroom discussion

based on the questions

made by students.

The students acted as a

teacher who shares their

questions to others.


meaning and

Teacher asks the students

to summarize the text.

Students summarize the





Teacher asks the students

to make questions for

clarification of an unclear

information, textual

reference, word meaning

to others.

Students make questions

for the purpose of


3 Post-activity Teacher gives a chance for

students to ask questions

Teacher asked the students

to answer the test given


Teacher ends the class and

said good bye to the


Students give their


Students do the test

The students responded by

saying good bye

Teaching Media 5. Board marker and eraser. 6. Pen, pencil and notebook. 7. Handbook and workbook. 8. Laptop and LCD

Assessing structured Assignment

NO Scoring Aspect Criteria Score


Behaviour: c. Punctuality to submit

earlier 50 On time 30 late 20

d. Correct answer 1


Student exercise

Answer these question in form based on the text above!

1. What sort of reports were received by London Zoo?

2. Were the reports similar in nature or not?

3. Who saw it first?

4. Did it stay in one place, or did it move from place to place?

5. What it did leave behind it?

6. Were paw-print and puma fur found as well or not?

7. What was heard at night?

8. Where the animal seen up by a fisherman?

9. Were experts now sure the animal really was a puma?

10. Was puma caught by the hunt?

Denpasar, 10 Januari 2014


Kadek Suparna



(For the second session in Cycle I)

School name : SMK PGRI 4 DENPASAR

Subject : English ( Reading )

Class/Semester : X MM 1

Meeting : 3

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Academic year : 2013/2014

Competence standard : Communicating in English in Elementary level.

Basic competency : Understanding daily simple conversation either in professional context or individual with non native speaker.


Demonstrating and answering questions in the forms of narrative text in the context of reading passage given. .

Teaching and learning objective

Students are able to find out the main idea of each paragraph

Students are able to find out the specific information of the passages

Students are able to understand the textual reference

Students are able to understand the word meaning

Teaching and learning material


Children often have far more sense than their elders. This simple truth was

demonstrated rather dramatically during the civil defence exercise in a small town in Canada.

Most of the inhabitants were asked to take part in the exercise during which they had to pretend

that their city had been bombed. Air-raid warnings were sounded and thousand of people went


into special air-raid shelters. Doctors and nurses remained above ground when police patrolled

the streets in case anyone tried to leave the shelters too soon.

The police did not have much to do because the citizen took the exercise seriously.

They stayed underground for twenty minutes and waited for the siren to sound again. On leaving

the air-raid shelters, they saw that doctors and nurses were busy. A great many people had

volunteered to act as casualties. Theatrical make up and artificial blood had been used to make

the injuries look realistic. A lot of people were lying dead in the streets. The living helped to

carry the dead and wounded to special station. A child of six was brought in by two adults. The

child was supposed to be dead. With theatrical make-up on his face, he looked as if he had died

of shock. Some people were so moved by the sight that they began to cry. However, the child

suddenly sat up and the doctor asked him to comment on his death. The child looked around for

a moment and said ‘ I think they’re all creazy’

Teaching and learning method

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

Teaching and Learning Steps

VI. Instrument :

d. Oral test

e. Reading test


VII. Teaching and Learning Activities

No Activities Teacher’s Activities Student’s Responses

1 Pre-activity The teacher greeted the

students and checks the

attendance list

Students responded the

teacher’s greeting and

raised their hand when

teacher called their name

The teacher asked some

questions that can build up

the concentration of


Students responded the


2 Whilst-


Teacher mentions the title

of the passage and its key

words or significant


Students listen to the


(Recall) Teacher asks the students

to make predictions, what

the passage is about based

on its title and key words.

Students make predictions

based on the key words

which have been





Teacher distributes the

reading passage and asks

the students to make

questions from each

paragraph of the text,

which is assigned to them.

Students read the passage

and make questions from

the paragraph assigned to



general idea)

Teacher conducts

classroom discussion

based on the questions

made by students.

The students acted as a

teacher who shares their

questions to others.


meaning and

Teacher asks the students

to summarize the text.

Students summarize the





Teacher asks the students

to make questions for

clarification of an unclear

information, textual

reference, word meaning

to others.

Students make questions

for the purpose of


3 Post-activity Teacher gives a chance for

students to ask questions

Teacher asked the students

to answer the test given


Teacher ends the class and

said good bye to the


Students give their


Students do the test

The students responded by

saying good bye

Teaching Media 9. Board marker and eraser. 10. Pen, pencil and notebook. 11. Handbook and workbook. 12. Laptop and LCD

Assessing structured Assignment

NO Scoring Aspect Criteria Score


Behaviour: e. Punctuality to submit

earlier 50 On time 30 late 20

f. Correct answer 1


Student exercise

Answer these question in form based on the text above!

1. Why were doctors and nurses busy during the civil defence exercise?

2. Were there many casualties?

3. Did their injuries look realistic?

4. Where did the living carry the dead and wounded?

5. How many adults brought the child?

6. What had the child ‘died’ of?

7. Were the people moved by the sight?

8. What did the child suddenly do?

9. What did the doctor asked him?

10. What was the child opinion?

Denpasar, 16 Januari 2014


Kadek Suparna



(For the second session in Cycle II)

School name : SMK PGRI 4 DENPASAR

Subject : English ( Reading )

Class/Semester : X MM 1

Meeting : 4

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Academic year : 2013/2014

Competence standard : Communicating in English in Elementary level.

Basic competency : Understanding daily simple conversation either in professional context or individual with non native speaker.


Demonstrating and answering questions in the forms of narrative text in the context of reading passage given. .

Teaching and learning objective

Students are able to find out the main idea of each paragraph

Students are able to find out the specific information of the passages

Students are able to understand the textual reference

Students are able to understand the word meaning


Teaching and learning material

The Loss of the ‘Titanic’

The great ship, Titanic, sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th, 1912. it

was carrying 1,316 passengers and crew of 891. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton

Titanic was a colossal ship. At the time, however, it was not only the largest ship that had ever

been built, but was regarded as unsinkable, for it had sixteen watertight compartments. Even if

two of these were flooded, it would still be able to float. The tragic sinking of this great liner will

always be remembered, for it went down on its first voyage with heavy loss of life.

Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy water of the North

Atlantic, huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the

great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly

missing the immense walk of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. Suddenly,

there was a slight trembling sound from below, and the captain went down to see what had

happened. The noise had been so faint that no one though that the ship had been damaged.

Below, the captain realized to his horror that the Titanic was sinking rapidly, for five of her

sixteen watertight compartments had already been flooded! The order to abandon ship was given


and hundreds of people plunged into the icy water. As there were not enough lifeboats for

everybody, 1,500 lives were lost.

Teaching and learning method

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT).

Teaching and Learning Steps

VIII. Instrument :

f. Oral test

g. Reading test

IX. Teaching and Learning Activities

No Activities Teacher’s Activities Student’s Responses

1 Pre-activity The teacher greeted the

students and checks the

attendance list

Students responded the

teacher’s greeting and

raised their hand when

teacher called their name

The teacher asked some

questions that can build up

the concentration of


Students responded the


2 Whilst-


Teacher mentions the title

of the passage and its key

words or significant


Students listen to the


(Recall) Teacher asks the students

to make predictions, what

the passage is about based

on its title and key words.

Students make predictions

based on the key words

which have been


(Finding Teacher distributes the Students read the passage




reading passage and asks

the students to make

questions from each

paragraph of the text,

which is assigned to them.

and make questions from

the paragraph assigned to



general idea)

Teacher conducts

classroom discussion

based on the questions

made by students.

The students acted as a

teacher who shares their

questions to others.


meaning and



Teacher asks the students

to summarize the text.

Teacher a sks the students

to make questions for

clarification of an unclear

information, textual

reference, word meaning

to others.

Students summarize the


Students make questions

for the purpose of


3 Post-activity Teacher gives a chance for

students to ask questions

Teacher asked the students

to answer the test given


Teacher ends the class and

said good bye to the


Students give their


Students do the test

The students responded by

saying good bye

Teaching Media 1. Board marker and eraser. 2. Pen, pencil and notebook. 3. Handbook and workbook


Assessing structured Assignment

NO Scoring Aspect Criteria Score


Behaviour: g. Punctuality to submit

earlier 50 On time 30 late 20

h. Correct answer 1

Student exercise

Answer these questions in form based on the text above!

1. Where was the Titanic sailing?

2. What was seen by a look-out?

3. How many passengers were in the sheep?

4. When did the ship turn sharply?

5. Did it sail alongside the iceberg, or did it collide whit it?

6. What was heard from below?

7. What did the captain do?

8. What did he find?

9. When did everyone jump overboard?

10. Why were 1500 people drowned?

Denpasar, 18 Januari 2014


Kadek Suparna


Research Instrument: Questionnaires

I. Petunjuk Mengerjakan

1. Bacalah dengan seksama dan pahami makna dari pernyataan ( kuesioner) di bawah ini.

Kemudian berilah pendapat anda disetiap pernyataan tersebut.

2. Jawablah dengan sejujur-jujurnya karena semua jawaban adalah benar.

II. Kuesioner

1. Apakah anda menyukai pelajaran bahasa inggris?

a. Sangat suka

b. Suka

c. Cukup suka

d. Tidak suka

2. Apakah anda suka membaca buku?

a. Sangat suka

b. Suka

c. Cukup suka

d. Tidak suka

3. Apakah reading text yang diberikan susah dipahami?

a. Sangat susah

b. Susah

c. Cukup susah

d. Tidak susah


4. Apakah anda mampu menjawab pertanyaan dengan baik?

a. Sangat mampu

b. mampu

c. Cukup mampu

d. Tidak mampu

5. Apakah anda mengerti atau paham terhadap bacaan yang diberikan pengajar?

a. Sangat mengerti

b. Mengerti

c. Cukup mengerti

d. Tidak mengerti

6. Apakah pengajar/guru mengajar di kelas dengan baik?

a. Sangat baik

b. Baik

c. Cukup baik

d. Tidak baik

7. Apakah guru atau pengajar anda menggunakan teknik reciprocal dengan baik?

a. Sangat baik

b. Baik

c. Cukup baik

d. Tidak baik


8. Bisakah teknik reciprocal membantu anda dalam memahami isi bacaan?

a. Sangat membantu

b. Membantu

c. Cukup membantu

d. Tidak membantu

9. Apakah anda menyukai teknik reciprocal yang digunakan oleh pengajar saat kegiatan belajar

mengajar berlangsung?

a. Sangat suka

b. Suka

c. Cukup suka

d. Tidak suka

10. Apakah anda setuju jika teknik reciprocal selalu dipakai dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris

khususnya pada pelajaran membaca?

a. Sangat setuju

b. Setuju

c. Cukup setuju

d. Tidak setuju

**********************Selamat mengerjakan*************************



Name :

Class :

1 A B C D

2 A B C D

3 A B C D

4 A B C D

5 A B C D

6 A B C D

7 A B C D

8 A B C D

9 A B C D

10 A B C D




His name is Kadek Suparna, He was born in Singaraja, on March

6th 1990. He was born from a simple family, He lives at Banjar

Aseman Kawan Tibubeneng, Kuta Utara, Badung. His father is I

Ketut Sutanaya and his mother is Ni Nyoman Soma. He was a

second child of 3 brothers. He has one older brother and one

young brother, they are I Gede Muliawan and Komang Seno

Tridana. The short story, He started to study at school. He graduated from

kindergarten (TK) named Pradnyandari I, He started his elementary school at

SDN 5 Kerobokan in 1996 until 2002 that spent 6 years. He started his junior high

school at SMP Seni Ukir Tangeb in 2002 until 2005 to finish his seventh grade

until ninth grade. He started his senior high school at SMK Rekayasa Denpasar in

2005 until 2008 to finish his tenth grade until twelefth grade. Then he started his

study at Mahasaraswati University in 2010 he took English Department in Faculty

of Teacher and Education because he wanted to be an English teacher and to be

helpful person to everyone.

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