improving the quality of emf models using metrics, …...improving the quality of emf models using...

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Improving the quality of EMF models using metrics, smells, and refactorings

Gabriele Taentzer, Thorsten ArendtTutorial at ECMFA, July 2nd 2012, Lyngby, Denmark


• Introduction

• Running Example

• Demo: Application of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Demo: Specification of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Conclusion

Improving the quality of EMF models2

Motivation: Model quality assurance

Improving the quality of EMF models




Model Refactorings

Model Smells

Model Metrics

Motivation: Model quality assurance

Improving the quality of EMF models



Model Refactorings

Model Smells

Model Metrics

Model Quality Assurance Process


A model quality assurance process

Improving the quality of EMF models5

A model quality assurance process

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


A model quality assurance process: 6C Goals 1

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


– Correctness– Completeness– Changeability

– Comprehensibility– Confinement– Consistency

1 P. Mohagheghi, V. Dehlen, T. Neple: Definitions and approaches to model quality in model-based software development - A review of literature. Information & Software Technology 51 (12): 1646-1669 (2009)

A model quality assurance process: Smells

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


• Example: Are there equally named classes in different packages?

– Smell: Multiple definitions of classes with equal names

Changeability Comprehensibility

A model quality assurance process: Smells

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


• Example: Are there abstract classes without any concrete subclasses?

– Smell: No concrete subclass

Completeness Comprehensibility

A model quality assurance process: Refactoring

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


• Smell: Multiple definitions of classes with equal names– Refactoring: Rename Class

A model quality assurance process: Refactoring

Improving the quality of EMF models

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process


• Smell: Multiple definitions of classes with equal names– Refactoring: Rename Class

• Smell: No concrete subclass– Refactoring: Insert Concrete Subclass

A model quality assurance process

Improving the quality of EMF models

Application of the specified process to concrete software models


Tool support in Eclipse

Improving the quality of EMF models

EMF MetricsEMF Metrics


Tool support in Eclipse

Improving the quality of EMF models

EMF MetricsEMF Smell


Tool support in Eclipse

Improving the quality of EMF models

EMF RefactorEMF Refactor


Topic of Tutorial

Improving the quality of EMF models



Model Refactorings

Model Smells

Model Metrics

Model Quality Assurance Process



• Introduction

• Running Example

• Demo: Application of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Demo: Specification of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Conclusion

Improving the quality of EMF models17

Example: Vehicle Rental Company

• Project– Development of a web

application for renting vehicles• Semantic domain

– Company with • Vehicles• Customers• Services

• Technical domain– Web application

• Modeling purpose– Modeling of the semantic domain

Improving the quality of EMF models18

Running example: UML class model

Improving the quality of EMF models19


• Introduction

• Running Example

• Demo: Application of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Coffee Break

• Demo: Specification of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Conclusion

Improving the quality of EMF models20

EMF Metrics: configurationdialog

Improving the quality of EMF models21

EMF Metrics: result view

Improving the quality of EMF models22

Improving the quality of EMF models23

EMF Metrics: export dialog

Improving the quality of EMF models24

EMF Metrics: HTML export (bar diagram)

Improving the quality of EMF models25

EMF Metrics: PPT export (pie diagram)

Smell „Doer and Knower“ represents a lack of encapsulation.

Improving the quality of EMF models26

EMF Smell: configuration dialog

EMF Metrics: result view

Improving the quality of EMF models27

Improving the quality of EMF models28

EMF Smell: highlighting

Improving the quality of EMF models29

EMF Smell: PDF export (list)

Improving the quality of EMF models30

Relation: smell erasing refactorings

Improving the quality of EMF models31

Relation: smell causing refactorings

Improving the quality of EMF models32

Dialog: suggested refactorings

• Invocation on Smell Equal Attributes in Sibling Classes– Occurrence { Motorbike, power }

Improving the quality of EMF models33

Dialog: applicable refactorings

• Invocation on Smell Equal Attributes in Sibling Classes– Occurrence { Motorbike, power }

Improving the quality of EMF models34

EMF Refactor: parameter dialog

• Refactoring Pull Up Attribute– Context VehicleRentalCompany::Motorbike::power

Improving the quality of EMF models35

EMF Refactor: smell analysis

Improving the quality of EMF models36

EMF Refactor: result preview

Improving the quality of EMF models37

EMF Refactor: refactored model


• Introduction

• Running Example

• Demo: Application of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Coffee Break

• Demo: Specification of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Conclusion

Improving the quality of EMF models38

Used UML specification diagrams

Improving the quality of EMF models39

Used UML specification diagrams

Improving the quality of EMF models40

Improving the quality of EMF models41

Specification of new metric NACP (Total number ofattributes in classes within the package): general data

Improving the quality of EMF models42

Specification of new metric NACP (Total number ofattributes in classes within the package): Java code

Improving the quality of EMF models43

Specification of new metric NOCP (Total number ofoperations in classes within the package): general data

Improving the quality of EMF models44

Specification of new metric NOCP (Total number ofoperations in classes within the package): OCL expr.

Improving the quality of EMF models45

Specification of new metric KFP (Knowing Factor): general data

Improving the quality of EMF models46

Specification of new metric KFP (Knowing Factor): metric data

Improving the quality of EMF models47

Specification of new smell ‘Too Many Knowers in Package’: general data

Improving the quality of EMF models48

Specification of new smell ‘Too Many Knowers in Package’: metric data

Used UML specification diagrams (cont.)

Improving the quality of EMF models49

Used UML specification diagrams (cont.)

Improving the quality of EMF models50

Used UML specification diagrams (cont.)

Improving the quality of EMF models51

Improving the quality of EMF models52

Specification of new smell ‘Unused Interface’: general data

Improving the quality of EMF models53

Specification of new smell ‘Unused Interface’: Henshin pattern rule specification

Refactoring application workflow

Integration of Smells and Refactorings within EMF

Initial Precondition Check

Final Precondition Check

Model Change

Refactoring Invocation

Parameter Input

Error Message

Model Change Preview


Improving the quality of EMF models55

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interface’: general data

Improving the quality of EMF models56

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interface’: Henshin data

Improving the quality of EMF models57

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interface’: Henshin’s initial check

Improving the quality of EMF models58

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interface’: Henshin’s model change

Improving the quality of EMF models59

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interfaces from Package’: CoMReL data

Improving the quality of EMF models60

Specification of new refactoring ‘Remove Unused Interfaces from Package’: CoMReL specification


• Introduction

• Running Example

• Demo: Application of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Coffee Break

• Demo: Specification of Model Quality Assurance Techniques

• Conclusion

Improving the quality of EMF models61

A model quality assurance process

Improving the quality of EMF models62

Specification of a project-specific model quality assurance process

Application of the specified process to concrete software models

Tool environment for model quality assurance

Improving the quality of EMF models



Model Refactorings

Model Smells

Model Metrics

Model Quality Assurance Process


Tool environment for model quality assurance

• Highly integrated

– Specific tools use each other• Metric-based model smells• Refactoring invocation from within model smell results view• Model smell analysis during refactoring application

– Each tool can be used directly on the model within a certain EMF-based modeling environment

• EMF instance editor• Unified Modeling Language (UML)

– Eclipse Plugin Papyrus– IBM Rational Software Architect

Improving the quality of EMF models64

Tool environment for model quality assurance

• Flexible specification mechanisms

– Usage of existing quality assurance techniques• Combination of existing model metrics• Metric-based model smells• Composite model refactorings

– Usage of concrete specification languages• Java• OCL• EMF model transformation language Henshin• … further languages can be integrated by new adapters

Improving the quality of EMF models65

Implemented model quality assurance techniques

Improving the quality of EMF models66

Ecore models UML2EMF models

Metrics 17 106

Smells 10 30

Refactorings 22 30

Tool environment for model quality assurance

• Download

–• Downloads• Specials

Improving the quality of EMF models67

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