in this edition from the principal · staff and students resume term 4 on monday, 14 october. ......

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Welcome to our final Aveley Informer for Term 3, 2019. We have had a productive term with students enjoying a range of cross curricula activities to support the teaching and learning program in our school.

Thank you to our school community for your ongoing support of our school. Best wishes for a safe and restful holiday. Staff and students resume Term 4 on Monday, 14 October. NAPLAN RESULTS 2019

As mentioned in our last Aveley Informer, NAPLAN results are one important indicator of how we are going, both as a state and as a school. They should always be a complement to the overall professional judgements teachers are making every day.

Families of students in Year Three and Year Five would have received individual students’ results last Friday. Whole school data is released today and is available to view on Schools Online at


Students are reminded that we have free dress on the last day of this term, Friday 27 September. Members of our school community are invited to dress in a ‘sporting theme’ for a gold coin donation. Money raised will go to our P & C Association.

Thank you for your support with this.


Our final senior assembly for Term 3, being coordinated by our Indonesian Specialist Ibu Yang, is next Thursday, 26 September. This will be a great opportunity for students to showcase our Indonesian Language program. All members of our school community are

invited to the assembly.


The Younger Heroes is a breakthrough program for current serving and Veteran mothers or fathers of the Australian Defence Force and their children. This program is also open to children aged 8-15 with parents that are in occupations that require significant physical separation from family. The Younger Heroes program is an opportunity for these children to reconnect with their serving/working parents without the distractions of ‘every day’ life. This is done by taking the parent and child on a two-night camp in Jarrahdale. The Younger Heroes team are coming to Perth to deliver two camps on 27-29 September 2019 and 11-13 October 2019. The cost to participate is $300 per family. The only requirement for the families is their sleeping bags. More information @

Principal: Michelle Murray

Deputy Principals:

Lyn Fussell, Julien Coci and Jessica Veness

Manager Corporate Services: Olivia Wood

8 Bolero Road AVELEY WA 6069

Phone 6296 5466 Fax 6296 5439


In this Edition

From the Principal

NAPLAN Results 2019

Free Dress

Final Assembly Wk 10

The Younger Hero's


School Board


Honour Certificates

Road Safety Update

Payment Reminders


P&C News

Community News

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 25 Sept;


Thursday, 26 Sept;

Multicultural assembly

Friday, 27 Sept;

Free dress fundraiser

Friday, 27 Sept;

Last day of term 3

An Independent Primary School

Issue 15, 20 September 2019


The APS Board met early last week to discuss a number of agenda items. These included: School Finance Update

This information is presented at each Board Meeting. In line with our Department’s

expectations, our finances are currently tracking as expected.

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Community feedback was presented to The Board to consider as part of the next OSHC

Agreement cycle.

School Board Terms of Reference Update

The Board contributed to the Department’s new Terms of Reference template. This will be

available on our schools’ web site early next term.

School Board Training

Our School Board Chair, Ami Nguyen, recapped the main points from her recent training. The included a key role of The Board being to regularly discuss the school’s response to

our current Business Plan.

APS Celebrations

A number of recent celebrations were shared. These included making it through to the Wakakirri finals, winning the state Kompetisi KlipKlip Indonesian competition and the school’s Physical Education successes winning three out of five of the Winter Carnival

competitions and winning the interschool cross country.

Our next School Board Meeting will take place on Monday, 28 October followed by our final meeting for 2019 on Monday, 25 November. The November meeting will include a presentation on the 2019 assessment data and is open to all members of the school community.

Please chat to a member of our School Board if you would like to raise any possible agenda items for future meetings and/or if further clarification is required. Our School Board can be contacted on

Honour Certificate Recipients

Emmanuel Dawit B1

Philliquah Farrell B1

Eric Yapp B4

Mary Sesay B4

Eoin Sullivan-Jones B5

Lilli Taylor B5

Aarav Joshi T1

Charlotte Sewell T1

Owen Bowers T2

Tobias Burbridge T2

Jun Byun T3

Zachary Howard T3

Liam Fisher T4

Matilda Gavrilovic T4

Lilly Ward W14

Phoenix May W14

Kaashvi Ahluwalia W15

Sameepta Sally W16

Tyla Petrig W16

Aubrey Gavrilovic T5

Maddison Allender T5

Keely McKinney T6

Jai Dow T6


In past years, a number of juvenile and adult snakes have been spotted in the park and around the lake off Egerton Road. As we move into the coming holidays and with Spring arriving, it would be timely for families

to have a chat around what to do if they see a snake.

As the warm weather approaches, snakes begin to come out of hibernation. It is important that if a snake is spotted, that it is left alone and a professional is called to relocate it. Snakes usually avoid contact with people and only bite when threatened. Please speak to your children about being vigilant when outdoors and about not interfering with a snake if


What to do if bitten by a snake. The following information is taken from the West Australian Reptile Park website:

Stay calm and keep still

Do not wash the bitten area

Apply direct pressure over the bitten area

Apply a firm broad bandage over the bitten area first, then bandage down the limb and continue to bandage up the full

length of the limb

Do not remove the bandage

Immobilise the limb with a splint

Do not elevate the limb

Call 000 for an ambulance

Some of the common snakes are coloured similar to wood and thus not always noticed until they move. The most common snakes in Perth are: Dugites, King Brown, Tiger and Western Brown Snakes. For more information about snakes found in Perth please visit the websites of The West Australian Reptile Park or the Department of Environment and Conservation. If you find a snake and want it removed, please contact the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055,

who will refer you to your local Volunteer Reptile Remover.


Please be aware a No U - Turn sign has been installed at the Bolero Road, Edgerton Drive Intersection.

Please take note while using the mentioned roads.

The City of Swan has developed a new School Road Safety Guide to assist with school parking management. Please use to following link to access the City’s website which directs you to this


Tiger snake



A reminder that payments are due by the following dates for upcoming school activities;

Friday, 20 September - Yr. 6 Big Day Out

Monday, 23 September - $6.00 - World of Maths Incursion PP - Yr. 6 students

No late payments for these activities will be accepted. Payment plans are available through arrangement with the Manager, Corporate Services however full payment must

still be received by the due date.

What a big term we have had! Firstly, thank you to all our volunteers that helped us run our events this term. We had a successful Father’s Day stall and ran a very profitable sports carnival day. We would like to thank The Girrawheen Lions Club for supplying the BBQ trailer that enabled us to cook all the kids lunches which were cooked and delivered in record time this year. We would also like to thank the vendors that came out to supply our families with coffee, lunch & ice-creams. Thanks go to Lorenzo and his Fire Truck, Fiori coffee and Joeys Ice-cream van. Last but not least a big thank you to all our families that made donations to the cake stall and supported us with purchases during the day.

We will have more information to come in term 4 in regards where our fundraising money we have made throughout the year will be spent.

Keep an eye out for some great things happening in term 4, we hope you all have a lovely school holiday break.


The P&C will be hosting next Friday’s free dress day. Students are to come dressed in your favourite sporting clubs colours for a gold coin donation.


Our Father’s day stall was a great success. Thank you to all our volunteers for taking time out of their day to help out during the two days, it is always greatly appreciated. We hope the Dads, Granddads, or special person loved the special gifts.


The P&C will be holding this years Disco on Friday, 22 November, so please keep this date free for your kids to attend if they would like. We will have more information to follow at the beginning of term 4.


Second hand uniform donations will be greatly appreciated for our upcoming sale on Thursday, 24 October before the senior assembly in week 2 of term 4. Any donations can be handed in to the front office up until Wednesday, 23 October. Further information on prices and stock availability will be posted on our Facebook page closer to the date


Thank you parents for all your support this term with ordering your children’s lunches. Next week the summer menu will be released on the Aveley canteen Facebook page and Flexischools, to begin Monday, 14 October. There will be some exciting new products including Moosies, which are a flavoured milk freeze (chocolate, strawberry or banana) and Quelch fruit sticks which are 99% fruit juice icy tubes.


Aveley Primary School

STEM Expo 2019

When participating in STEM activities, students develop skills such as collaboration, communication, persistence, resilience, problem solving as well as critical and creative thinking. Providing students with opportunities to develop their problem solving skills through creative STEM design is vital to building learners who will be able to adapt in a job market

that is constantly evolving.

At Aveley Primary School this term, the amazing students in Years K-6 have been creatively solving problems and are

ready to show off some of their fabulous solutions.

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Time: 2:30 - 3:30pm

Location: Undercover Area, Aveley Primary School.

What to bring: An open mind and all your colleagues.


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