in this recipe ebook, you will find a collection of my · in this recipe...

Post on 29-Mar-2018






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In this recipe eBook, you will find a collection of my favorite Chaga Recipes for you to try at home. These recipes really bring out the best of the Chaga Mushroom while allowing you to enjoy its many health benefits. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

— Russ


SIMPLE CHAGA TEA.....................................................................................................................5

CHAGA CHAI LATTE......................................................................................................................6

CHOCOLATE CHAGA SMOOTHIE............................................................................................7

CHAGA MAPLE FROSTY..............................................................................................................8

CHOCOLATE CHAGA ELIXIR......................................................................................................9

CHAGA CHAI MASALA..............................................................................................................10

CHAGA ICE CREAM.....................................................................................................................11

CHAGA CUPCAKES.....................................................................................................................12

CHAGA FUDGE............................................................................................................................14

CHAGA NUTS...............................................................................................................................15

CHAGA TINCTURE......................................................................................................................16

FINAL WORDS..............................................................................................................................18


• Sayan Chaga chunks

• Maple syrup or Honey

1. Grind one, roughly 10g, chaga chunk into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. I like to use my spice & nut grinder.

2. Place, at least, one heaped teaspoon (two if you like a stronger tea), into a regular tea infuser. I use my Bodum tea pot which has a built-in infuser (highly recommended).

3. If using a separate tea infuser, place it into your favorite mug and pour in roughly 400ml of hot water (I set my kettle to 200°C). In my case, I pour the hot water into my teapot because it has a built-in infuser.

4. Let the Chaga and hot water steep for at least 5 minutes, but the longer the better to extract more of the bioactive ingredients.

5. Remove the infuser (or in my case, pour the contents of the pot into a mug) and enjoy.

Remember, you can always add maple syrup or honey to taste.

Please note that the tea made from the two methods above is required for the Latte, Smoothie and Frosty recipes below.



• 1 cinnamon stick

• few green cardamom pods

• few black peppercorns

• few cloves

• 1 slice of ginger

1. In a pan, bring to a boil 1 cup of chaga tea (see Simple Chaga Tea recipe above) with the spices and simmer for 5 minutes.

2. Add half a cup of milk to the pan and bring to a boil.

3. Remove from heat and strain into your favorite mug.

4. Add some maple syrup or honey to taste.



• Half a slice of frozen banana

• 1 cup of frozen berries

• 1 cup of cold Chaga tea (see simple Chaga Tea Recipe above)

• 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder

• Optional: A pinch of cinnamon and/or allspice

1. Combine all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Tip: Add more Chaga tea if the consistency is too thick.

2. Pour into a cup and enjoy cold!



• 1 cup of chilled Chaga tea

• 1 cup of ice (small cubes)

• 2 TBSP maple syrup

• 2 TBSP crushed almonds or pecans

• 1 tsp. vanilla

• Optional: blueberries, but cut back on the ice

1. Blend all the ingredients until creamy and the ice breaks down.

2. Pour into a cup and enjoy cold!



• 3 cups of hot water and 2 teaspoons of ORIVeDA Chaga Extract

• 1/4 cup hemp seeds

• 1/4 cup cashews

• 3 tbsp cacao powder

• 3 tbsp coconut sugar

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 1/8 tsp cayenne powder

• 1/4 tsp vanilla powder

• a pinch of salt

• Marshmallows (extra ingredient)

1. Blend all the ingredients in a high-powered blender until you have a creamy hot drink.

2. Add marshmallows to taste.


Chaga Chai Ingredients:

• 2 TBSP ORIVeDA Chaga Extract

• Optional: Loose black tea, Spice bush berries, maple syrup or honey or agave

(if you’re vegan), and milk


Masala Aromatics Ingredients:

• 1 TBSP cinnamon

• 1 TBSP coriander

• 1 TBSP cloves

• 1/2 TBSP cumin

• 1/4 TBSP cardamom

• 1/4TBSP black pepper

• 1/4 TBSP dry ginger

1. Toss all the masala aromatics ingredients into an iron skillet and slightly toast them on the stove. 2. Let the blend cool and add a dash of nutmeg, then grind when ready to make Chai. Because I make large batches of roasted Masala blend, I store it in a glass jar and then use about 5 tablespoons of herbs to grind and then make into Chai. 3. Add the Masala Blend, 2 TBSP of ORIVeDA Chaga Extract to a pot and cover with 2 quarts boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes. For a bit more local flavor, add in a few tablespoons of local Spicebush Berries if you have some.

4. Remove from heat and add black if you wish. If your tea is added as loose leaf, I suggest that you strain the Chai into a thermos or teapot after about 2 minutes (the tea can turn your Chai very tannic if left to steep too long). If using a tea ball, just remove the tea after a few minutes.

5. Sweeten the entire pot or by the glass with real maple syrup or honey or agave. Add milk, too, if you like.



• 3 frozen bananas (preferably cut into smaller pieces before frozen)

• 1 Tbsp pure, organic cocoa powder

• 2 Tsp ORIVeDA Chaga Extract

1. Add all ingredients to a high-powdered blender and blend until dark, chocolatey and smooth.

2. Eat right away or store in the freezer for later. You’ll want to take the chaga vegan ice cream out about 15 minutes before serving to let it soften a bit.


Moist Ingredients:

• 1/2 cup liquid coconut oil or organic palm shortening

• 1/2 cup honey

• 2 TBSP vanilla extract

• 2 TBSP apple cider vinegar or coconut vinegar

• 6 eggs

• 1/4 cup (or more) of chocolate chip


Dry Ingredients:

• 1/2 cup Coconut Flour

• 6 TBSP unsweetened baking cocoa

• 1/4 TBSP salt

• 1/4 TBSP baking soda

• ORIVeDA Chaga Extract


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2. Line your cupcake pan with your cupcakes undies.

3. Add all dry ingredients together. Make sure to go through them with a fork, as coconut flour likes to clump.

4. Add all liquid ingredients together. Give them a nice blend.

5. Combine dry and liquids.

6. Add the eggs in as you blend, two at a time.

7. Add your chocolate chips.

8. Fill your cupcakes cups up with the mix. Again, because it is coconut flour, you’re going to have a thicker mix than traditional cake batter. This is okay. It’s the blob. Spoon it in- you should get about 10-11 muffins.

9. Bake for 22 minute or so.

10. Let them cool for at least 10 minutes before icing.



1. Add your honey, peanut butter, vanilla, and palm shortening together in a bowl and whip it.

2. Put together the salt, arrowroot, and coconut flour, and slowly fold that in and give it a good blend.

3. Once you have it where you want it, add the coconut cream and whip it well.

4. After that's all done, you have your icing base . Batch it out into a small bowl on the side, and add ORIVeDA Chaga Extract.

5. Spoon it onto the cupcakes however you please.

6. Top with salt and enjoy!

Peanut-Butter Cream Icing feat. CHAGA

• 3/4 cup organic palm shortening

• 1 cup peanut-butter

• 2/3 cup raw honey or grade B maple syrup

• 2 teaspoons vanilla

• 5 TBSP Arrowroot powder

• 4 teaspoons coconut flour

• 3 TBSP chilled coconut cream (scoops off the top of the can)

• 1/4 teaspoon salt

• 1/4-1/2 teaspoon ORIVeDA Chaga Extract per serving (1/4-1/2 teaspoon per cupcake)


• ORIVeDA Chaga Extract

• Cacao powder

• Coconut oil

• Raw honey or Agave if vegan

• Vanilla extract

• Sea Salt

• Optional Toppings: Goji berries, crystalized ginger and mulberries

Note that nothing is measured precisely in this recipe, so you've got to go with feel here for the most part.

1. Use a similar ratio of ORIVeDA Chaga Extract to cacao (let's say a few tablespoons of each for a smaller sized batch) but a little more chaga than cacao.

2. Get a large bowl and work in the coconut oil and the honey with a spoon (start with about 2 TBSP each), until you get the right consistency andsweetness.

3. Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract and a pinch of pink sea salt. Once it's all good and blended, you can roll them into shapes (pick up little cookie cutters at a kitchen store and get creative).

4. After you have your desired shape, add the toppings to give them even more flavor. Pop them into the fridge so that they will harden into the perfect consistency.

5. Store them in the refrigerator until you're ready to eat them.


For the rest of the recipe:

• 4 cups raw (unsalted, unsweetened) mixed nuts

• 2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil

• 1 Tablespoon each of Ginger and Cinnamon powders

• 1 teaspoon Clove powder

• 1 teaspoon sea salt (divided in half )


For 1/2 Cup Chaga Syrup:

• 1/2 cup water

• 1/2 cup organic cane sugar

• 3 tablespoons ORIVeDa Chaga Extract

For 1/2 Cup Chaga Syrup:

1. Bring the water to a simmer on the stovetop and add your 3 tablespoons of ORIVeDa Chaga Extract. Stir well and allow to infuse on low heat for about twenty minutes.

2. Bring the heat back up just below simmering, add the sugar, and stir until it dissolves.

For the rest of the recipe:

3. While your syrup is infusing, melt 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a double boiler. Measure out two liquid tablespoons from this and set aside, and use the rest to coat the inside of a large crockpot.

4. Pour the mixed nuts into the crockpot.

5. In a small bowl combine coconut oil, Chaga syrup, Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

6. Pour the mixture over nuts, and stir well until everything is coated.

7. Cook the nut mixture uncovered on high for two hours, stirring about every fifteen minutes.

8. After two hours, turn off the crockpot and transfer your new glistening snacks to a large bowl. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt over the nuts, and enjoy!



• Sayan Chaga Chunks. Use enough to almost fill a one-gallon jar after it's ground into a powder.

• At least 100 proof vodka, but the stronger the better!

WARNING! This recipe requires a lot of patience and has plenty of steps. However, we believe it's worth the wait. If you don't have the patience for this recipe, check out ORIVeDA's Chaga Extract which actually extracts far more bioactive ingredients than any tincture could ever deliver.

The recipe below combines both the alcohol (part 1) and hot water (part 2) extraction methods and requires a lot of patience.

Note: that this recipe is based upon a 1-gallon size jar of tincture but any size jar will do. Just try to keep the ratio of chaga to alcohol the same. However, given that it takes so long to make, it makes sense to make it in large batches.

If you don't feel you have the time or patience for the recipe below, but still want to experience all the health benefits of dual extract chaga, we recommend you check out the offer below:

Part 1 - Preparing the Chaga and Alcohol Extraction

1. Break up the chaga into smaller chunks, roughly 1 inch in size.

2. Grind the pieces into a powder. You can use a coffee/spice grinder or a good blender to do this.

3. Almost fill a 1-gallon glass jar with the chaga powder, BUT leave close to 2 inches of room at the top.


4. Fill up the rest of the jar with vodka.

5. Let it sit for at least 8 weeks and shake the jar every day.

Part 2 - Hot Water Extraction

1. After at least 8 weeks, strain out the alcohol into another glass jar using a cheesecloth.

2. Put the chaga into a clay pot.

3. Measure an amount of water equal to alcohol that was strained in step 1.

4. Pour the water into the pot of chaga and then use a wooden chopstick to measure the water level. Use a sharp knife to mark the exact water level on the chopstick. This is where you want the final water level to be after the decoction is complete. Fill the pot with twice that amount of water.

5. Bring the pot to boil and let it simmer on low heat.

6. Keep checking the water level with the chopstick. When the water level is the same or less than the mark on the chopstick, take it off the heat and let it cool.

7. The next day, add more water and do another decoction. Repeat for a total of three decoctions.

8. Once the third decoction is finished, let it cool. Then mix the decoction with the alcohol saved from earlier and store in a glass jar.

That's it, you now have a Chaga Tincture!

Note: 1tsp is enough to add to a single 8oz drink.

I really hope you enjoyed reading through these recipes and you found the time to try them for yourself. Please let me know how they turned out.

If you did enjoy this eBook, please share with your friends and encourage them to sign up, so that they too, can discover the many benefits of Chaga.

All the best— Russ,


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