inanimate alice

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Inanimate Alice

Episode 5: Egypt

My name is Alice.

I am 14 years old.


We fled from Russia and

washed up here in Egypt.

Ming says that the

soldiers from Russia that

were chasing us, would

never find us here.


Dad loves his work so he hardly comes home. He’s gods disciple and spreads the news of the

Lord, Jesus.

Dad loves to tell me Psalms and I like listening to them. My favourite is Psalm 139, it makes me fell secure, as if God is always with



Mum is a skillful artist. She

paints prestigious artwork and

takes care and pride in what she


Ming always lets me try but it

just looks like a scribble that a 3

year old has done!


We live in a small ugly house in Cairo right next

to the Red Sea.


It’s the first time I’ve

been at school!

It’s so good not to have

to listen to Ming talk for

hours at a time.

There are so many kids

my age. I finally feel like

I’m going to fit in.


Today we are going to the see the exquisite Phoenix

and pyramids.

Dad told me too bring my player because he said

the car ride would be long!

So I opened my player to play some



This is the game that

I made.


Try Again!



Then I looked at


Dad how much longer? “

A while!” Maybe I

should call my friend

Emilia, see if she’s seen the


Calling Emilia....



“Hello, It’s Emilia”


“Hello Emilia, it’s me Alice.”


“What’s up Alice?”


“Have you seen the pyramids and Phoenixes’? ”


“Yeah it was so fun! Why?”


“ Oh I’m going today! ”


“Just when you go on the camels, make sure

you keep your parents close by.”




“OH nothing just a rumour.”


“Well we have just pulled up! Thank you for

the notice! Bye


“Your welcome! Bye”


We started walking towards

the camel farm. (There was

lots of poo though!)

We jumped out of the car and

enjoyed the fantastic view! I

felt as though God was right

beside me!


We were placed onto the camels and with

Emilia’s instructions I was all ready! I

checked my shoulder every five minutes, well I

tried but the views were too beautiful!


OH that was so good! I hopped off my

camel called Turtle, searching faces for my




Mum, Dad?

Where are they?

Have you seen my parents?

What do I do now?

Everyone’s going to bed in the tents now.

I’m scared and lonely but I need to find


Wait what's that?...


There’s a flashing light coming from the

west of the desert.

It looks like another camp! Maybe Mum

and Dad are there?



I’ve been walking for a few minutes and

the camp doesn’t look as close as I had


I am starting to freeze and I’m getting quite

tired. I want to stop but all I here is God

pushing me through telling me “Almost


It almost seems that the camp is moving

further and further away! It might just be

my, be my, be…


Where am I?

Why am I lying in the middle of nowhere?


Oh right I must have passed out last night trying to walk to the other camp.

Which is west…

Wait! I must have over slept! It looks like they’ve packed up camp without me!


I don’t know what to do!

I’m all alone!

Wait I’m not alone! I have God right by my


I know God will help me get out of the

desert and back to my parents.


The wind blew in the right direction.

I followed God’s whispers through the slight


Over on top of the highest sand dune was…


Everyone lined up in a neat row on top of


I quickly prayed to God and ran off after



Searching faces through the line of people.

Eventually at the end of the row of camels

were Mum and Dad.

But it wasn’t me who found the way, it was

God, He guided me!


We all sat their hugging each other exchanging stories

It seems that Mum and Dad were looking

for me too.

Opening my player I realised, Brad will

always be my friend but God will always be my


My journey at the pyramids was interesting,

I learnt a few things.

But most of all is that God is with us every

step of the way!

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