incendant rock star presentation 6 20-14

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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  • 1. 360 Patient EngagementTechnology Presentation

2. Explaining Vertigo One night multiple casesof Vertigo Patient perception = Imdying Doctor perception = Itsjust vertigo My engagement tools: Verbal (like Charlie brownadults) Bed sheets (bad artist) D/C papers There has to be a betterway to engage patients 3. Seriously Patients Dont Get It 4. Laura in Real Life Laura HomeCare visit toCOPD patient 3 previous hospital admissions 9 previous caregivers Laura shows Inhaler video Thats not how I use myinhaler Life changing impact on patient Video education engages!! Concise & understandable Brief (< 3 minutes) &repeatable Incendant makes Laura a PERockstar! 5. Patty is in deep Patty Director OutpatientServices has a big problem 12% no show rate (endoscopy) 16% failure rate forcolonoscopies Patty deploys IncendantDesigned Patient Interactions 89% reduction in no shows 5% increased success rate 94% of patients wouldrecommend facility Incendant makes Patty aPatient Activation rock star!! 6. Maggies joint venture Maggie Joint CenterDirector wants JointCommission certification Minimal patient preparation Long hospital stays Poor post op dispositions Implemented UICarePath Emails reach 80% of patients LOS is reduced 12 a day Patients go home NOTSNF/HC Incendant got Maggie JCcertification and made her arock star!! 7. Bills Excellent Adventure CFO Bill is nervous aboutCMS penalties High hospital readmissions Low patient satisfaction Bill outsources patientfollow up to ICE Readmissions are reduced Patient satisfactionimproves Incendant makes CFO Billa rock star!! 8. DPI MonitorIncendants Instruments forPatient Engagement Rock StarsPersonal HealthRecordEssentialChoicesEngagePatientSurveysDiseaseMonitoringPatientSelf SupportDesigned Patient InteractionsPatient Interaction DesignerIncendant Center for Engagement (ICE)AppsPlatformOps 9. Real World Patient Engagement

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