incentivised mobile ad networks list

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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App Marketing Networks 2014

Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks List

An inside guide, from the experts at

2015 Edition

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks

Incentivised mobile ad networks are platforms which allow app developers and mobile advertisers to reward a user for an action. The user is required to complete a specific task in exchange for a prize, such as virtual currency. In other words, engaging with ads is encouraged and rewarded, rather than being an action that a user performs at their own discretion. The key advantage here is that there is an incentive; users are less likely to find mobile advertising to be intrusive to them if they are part of the process themselves.

There are of course disadvantages as well: not all app users will want to perform the task. Some argue that incentives don’t work that well in categories such as productivity and utility, as these types of apps are functional, are less driven by hits and are used more frequently – for example a fitness app that is used every day. The average user of an app like this most likely wants to get into their daily fitness program, not click certain ads or watch branded videos.

Mobile gaming is a category where incentives have proved to be popular on the other hand. An in-game prize can directly help the player to advance in their game, or they can be rewarded with an exclusive bonus, such as a weapon or costume. These two areas then, incentives and mobile gaming, are a natural fit and have proven to work together.

There’s also burst campaigns and incentives. Burst campaigns are when an app marketer decides to focus a significant amount of their ad spend over a short period of time. The aim is to increase the visibility of the app on the respective app stores, resulting in downloads and installs for the app marketer. Getting featured in one of the app stores ‘top paid’ or ‘top free’ categories can propel an app at lightning speed. Users are often rewarded for installing the app during a burst campaign with virtual rewards too – a win-win situation.

The app users that are acquired during these campaigns can sometimes be low lifetime value (LTV) users, meaning they don’t stay around for long. It must also be said, however, that incentivised mobile ad networks can deliver just as high quality LTV users as other types of mobile traffic do.

Pros and cons aside, we thought it would be useful to assemble a list of some of the key incentivised mobile ad networks out there and put them all into one place. From TapJoy to TinyLoot, our list should help out app advertisers, app developers and anyone else interested in the incentivised model.

The full list:

SupersonicAds NativeX FreeMyApps TapJoy Kiip CA Reward

Getjar WildTangent Media Metaps Jana TinyLoot

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks SupersonicAds

SupersonicAds gives advertisers and app developers the ability to display incentivised video ads in their apps. These video ads allow users to opt-in to watch videos in exchange for virtual currency and other content. The ads themselves serve videos from well-known brands, making engagement with the ads more likely – of course, users only watch the videos they want to. Incentivised offerwalls are also available, rewarding users for trying out other apps, completing surveys, watching videos and more.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPI, CPC Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Single SDK, dashboard monitoring, plug and play platform

SupersonicAds Website Screenshot

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks NativeX

NativeX feature incentivised versions of most of their mobile ad formats they offer to app developers and advertisers. Their Lightning Play Video allows for quick load times and high quality playback of video and audio, with the option of having this format incentivised for app users. Other native ad formats such as Discovery Walls, which include multi-offers within them, and a variety of different Interstitials ads, also have the choice of being incentivised.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPI, CPC, CPE/CPA, CPCV, CPM Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Rewarded video, rewarded native ads, predictive analytics

NativeX Lightning Play Video

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks FreeMyApps

Fiksu offer incentivised marketing by integrating multiple incentivised mobile ad networks into one – networks include TapJoy, SponsorPay and NativeX to name but a few. There is also the ability for advertisers and developers to track their incentivised sources through real-time reporting. More importantly their incentivised discovery network, FreeMyApps, features a community of over 1.6m active users to expand app advertisers’ reach through the power of social media.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPI Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Real-time reporting, FreeMyApps discovery network, Fiksu Attribution

FreeMyApps Website Screenshot

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks TapJoy

TapJoy, a key provider of incentivised downloads and installs, was one of the companies hit the hardest by Apple’s ban a few years back. Since then the company adopted a new approach that allows for the incentivised model to still be used. The TapJoy Mobile Value Exchange allows users to receive content and more for their engagement with ads. With over 2 million daily ad engagements, and boasting a significant reach, TapJoy is a good option for advertisers and app developers.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPC, CPI Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Dedicated account manager, self-service dashboard, integration support

How Tapjoy Works for Mobile Developers – the Tapjoy Mobile Value Exchange

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks Kliip

Kiip caters to both advertisers and app developers with a series of incentivised options. For advertisers Kiip has what it calls ‘Moments Targeting’; essentially targeting at the right time that makes the user feel happy to engage with a brand, rather than it being intrusive. In other words, a specific action in an app will be followed by a relevant brand appearing at that moment for the user. For app developers there’s real rewards, rewarded videos and currency rewards for their users. A customisable experience allows for flexibility, the aim being to make the engagement as natural as possible.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPA Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Localisation, analytics, integration tools

CA Reward

Founded in 2011, CA Reward is a Japanese Android and iOS reward network. Advertisers and app developers have the choice of using CPA or CPI models, along with the choice of reward the user gets – the aim here is flexibility, to adapt to the needs of the advertiser or developer. Rewards for engagement with ads are additional media content, free game downloads and in-app currency. Analytics are also available for tracking engagement with ads, detailing the time, frequency and more of the user journey.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPA, CPI Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: Single SDK, analytics, choice of business model

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks GetJar

For app developers GetJar features their incentivised offerwall which they claim brings in revenue 2x higher per user than Tapjoy, Sponsorpay, and Trialpay. There’s the option for users to be rewarded by trying free apps with virtual currency or GetJar Gold, the company’s universal currency. GetJar Deals allows app developers to promote in-app purchases to new users from outside of their app. There are also discounts available from 15% to 90% on in-app purchases, and these are promoted to users who are already using the GetJar Offerwall and the GetJar Rewards app. The company says they reach 250 million Android users.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPA, CPI Mobile Platforms: Android Features: Analytics, behavioural targeting technology, flexible business model

WildTangent Media

WildTangent Media‘s incentivised offers allow advertisers and app developers to promote their brand and monetise their app through an advertising platform that reaches over 175 million potential users. Virtual rewards and premium content are offered to users for watching videos, installing apps and more. Specifically, their BrandBoost platform allows brands to sponsor individual items that can be used in-game by the user, for example a new weapon that is sponsored by Lynx deodorant – they get promotion for their brand, and the user gets new content for their game after interacting with them.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPA, CPI Mobile Platforms: iOS, Android Features: BrandBoost exchange, cross-platform capabilities, WildCoins currency

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks Metaps

Metaps gives app developers the chance to monetise their app through their Offerboard platform. The platform works by giving users virtual currency awards for downloading and installing other apps. The company’s Cross App Exchange allows installs to be exchanged with other apps via the Metaps SDK. The conditions for the exchange, such as price and the number of installs, can be controlled and there’s no commission fee for using it. There is also the option for in-house promotions which use internal promotions to create download offers for a developer’s other apps. Existing users can be migrated accordingly.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPA, CPI, CPC Mobile Platforms: Android Features: Cross app exchange, in-house promotions, analytics


Jana‘s app marketing service aims to connect advertisers, affiliates, and app developers with Android users; they offer both incentivised and non-incentivised traffic. Focusing on the incentivised offering, Jana uses its ‘mCent platform’, where after installing an app, mCent members are rewarded with mobile airtime. Jana’s own mCent Match is a personalization algorithm that identifies mCent members according to their location, language, interests, and past behaviour. App developers can get started by promoting their app on mCent using the Jana Marketplace.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: CPI Mobile Platforms: Android Features: mCent Match, app tracking solutions, Jana Marketplace

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A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks


A List of Incentivised Mobile Ad Networks TinyLoot

TinyLoot offer incentivised rewards but the difference with them is that they pay with real money, rather than giving virtual currency to the user. For every 10 minutes that users play with a mobile game, they earn a little bit of money that is transferred into their PayPal account. Game developers fund the cost of the user playing their game, but in turn they get the game out there. The aim being that the user spends their real money in-game on additional weapons, costumes and cars rather than keep it for themselves. Certainly a unique proposition.

Incentivised Ad Network Features:

Pricing: Pay the app user Mobile Platforms: Android Features: In-game purchases, not reliant on ad networks

Final Thoughts

There you have it, a list of some of the key incentivised mobile ad networks at the moment. There’s quite a lot of choice out there for app marketers and app developers interested in this unique model. We recommended trying out a combination of them to see what works and what doesn’t. It’s also worth noting that the incentivised model doesn’t work for everyone, some app marketers have seen results that have given them sustained success, while others have seen a fleeting triumph. The key is ensuring that high LTV users are the outcome of using incentives, and that they are not just consumers who come for the free cake at the party.

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