
Post on 24-Jun-2015






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  • 1. Welcome to the Underworld
    Krystles inferno

2. My guide,virgil.
Virgil has successfully guided Dante through the Inferno, so I chose him, as well.
3. By way of mine car.
Hold on to your hats!
4. Senselessness . . .
Incapable of sensation
Charlie Sheen and Kanye West
Punishment: Inhabit a room of isolation. Everything is painted white and plain, to resemble such feelings.
5. Greed. . .
Definition: intense selfish desire for something i.e. wealth
Punishment: All souls will be provided the Inferno Credit Card for any and all purchases a living soul would make; however, these cards are prone to melting in the scorching temperatures of the Inferno, and have an interest rate of 500%.
6. Vanity . . .
Definition:Excessive pride in or admiration of ones own appearance
Lindsay Lohan and Scott Disick
7. Vanity contd . . .
Punishment: All vain souls will live like a goldfish in a bowl, with muddy water. Circles 2 and 4, are able to see these bowls and look inside.
8. Insecurity. . .
Definition: Not confident or assured.
Heidi Montag and Jocelyn Wildenstein
9. Insecurity contd. . .
Punishment: All insecure souls will be dressed in uniform: black cloaks. They will also live in a place full of mirrors.
10. Adultery . . .
Definition:Betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature
Jesse James and Tiger Woods
In this circle, the souls of Jesse James and Tiger Woods alike are surrounded by beautiful, seductive women. However, the moment that Tiger and Jesse become attracted to these women, they instantly turn into old, wrinkly witches.
11. Vicariousness. . .
Definition: experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person
Mothers and fathers who try to live through their own childrens lives.
12. Vicariousness contd. . .
Punishment: Because these souls have held a childs freedom in their own hands, they will all be attached to a ball and chain with a picture of child(ren) they have affected.
13. Wrath . . .
Definition: extreme anger
Chris Brown and Mel Gibson
14. Wrath contd . . .
Punishment: Because the anger in these souls is so evident, they will live in the afterlife with only the voice of scream. No words can be spoken, only a shrieking scream.
15. Sociopaths . . .
Definition: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and a lack of conscious
Punishment: No feeling in the five senses. No taste, smell, touch, hearing or seeing.
16. Abusers . . .
Definition: Treating another human or animal with repeated cruelty
Punishment: Blind and Deaf. All these souls have to live with are their thoughts of the crimes that they have committed.

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