information and communications tecnology questionnaire by rafael ferrer méndez

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Questionnaire by Rafael Ferrer Méndez



Objective:The purpose of this quiz is to evaluate your learning about ICT to apply this knowledge to your own learning and future learning activities as a teaching profesional. This evaluation takes place through a series of multiple choice items.

Instructions:a) Read each item and click on the right option.

b) Pay attention to the exercise layout and format so you can get ideas on how to organise an exercise to evaluate your partners or your own students.

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1. What are the 4 C’s which build ICT?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International conectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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2. What are the two broad categories on which applications of ICT can be divided?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International conectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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3. What is viewed as both a means and end for development?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks.

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International connectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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4. What is the dominant language in the Internet?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International connectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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5. What are some of the reasons which make ICT problematic for development?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International connectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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6. What is a mejor expense and bottleneck for most developing countries in relation to intenet?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International conectivity

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT

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7. What are the 4 interrelated features which determine the value of ICT for a user?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International connectivity.

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT.

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8. What is ICT usage based on?

a) Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks.

c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.

d) Policy and business models, especially regulation.

e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

f) English

g) Chinese

h) International connectivity.

i) Information and communications Technology.

j) Internet, WWW, Web 2.0, and ICT


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a)Awarness, availability, accesibility, and affordability

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b) The products are expensive, users capabilities, and support networks


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c) Those largely dependent on traditional telecommunications networks (including the internet). Those which are human independent, passive systems, or part of a larger system.


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d) On policy and business models, especially regulation.


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e) Computing, communications, content, and human capacity.


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f) English


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h) International connectivity


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i) Information and Communications Technology.


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