informative tips for finding the best adventure travel

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Informative Tips For Finding The Best Adventure Travel

Adventure can be found just about anywhere, but the effects are most profound when you step entirely out of your comfort zone. What better way to leave your comfort zone than actually leaving your state or country for that matter. Adventures are the experiences that can’t quite be put into words, despite your best efforts. They bring on a series of transcendent moments—you are open and observant, while simultaneously humble and grateful—you are your best self when on an adventure.

Clearly, we’re a bit biased when it comes to the question of where the best destination is for adventure travel, so let’s step back for a minute and define this term Adventure Travel, because it can mean different things to different people. At the extreme end of the spectrum, it might mean a wing suit trip in the Swiss Alps or eating live scorpions in a shaman ceremony in Mexico. At the opposite end, it’s as tame as lying on a Caribbean beach with a Pina Colada and a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey. But somewhere in the middle, and where most of us slot into, it’s a hiking trip in Peru or Patagonia, sea kayaking in New Zealand or arriving at Everest Base Camp slightly short of breath.

It’s a chance to get to know your world better by putting yourself on a first-name basis with the people, places, and things that make Adventure Travel. This is your planet. Come and get it. The natural beauty and ruggedness of the island influences the local philosophy of life. From forests and rivers, to canyons, rugged mountains and beautiful seas, Ikaria invites you to be immersed in its culture!

You love to go off map and off road. Exotic landscapes and unfamiliar cultures get your blood pumping. Even when you’re on vacation, you never sit still. If adventure travel is your passion, the world is an exciting place to explore! Check out apex picks of ADVENTUROUS TRAVEL, for unique destinations across the globe. If you crave an active experience amongst spectacular scenery, natural wonders and fascinating cultures in bucket list destinations, then you'll love what our locations are all about.

To narrow your choice of countries it is useful to consider the countries that already interest you, or where you have enjoyed adventure travel. Try to travel the world, or desired regions, extensively enough to know which countries just have the right feel for you. Check out more tips by visit our blog page @


Name: Tom Lon

Country: Dublin,Ireland



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