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Post on 01-Nov-2015






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Es un portafolio anual completo de la mejor alumna de la escuela que termina con una de las calificaciones mas altas de toda la escuela si la subo es para que ustedes vean lo que una alumna aplicada puede realizar y hasta donde puede llegar antes de concluir le deseo éxito a la alumna en donde sea que este.


Portfolio Activities.


Portfolio Activities.Subject: English29/06/2015Karime Jasmin Garcia Grifaldo

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 1

1. Complete the chart below. Follow the example. Now, discuss with your classmates what you should do if you suffer from a sickness. Lastly, share your work with the rest of your class.


TOOTHACHEYou should go to the dentist

STOMACHACHEYou should go to the doctor

HEADACHEYou should take an aspirin

FIVERYou should take a could bath with cold water

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 2

1. Do you think it is a good idea to file complaints against people who do not offer a professional service? Why? Discuss your ideas with your classmates. Work in pairs. Then, imagine that one of you is feeling sick and needs to see a doctor, but the doctor doesnt see you. In your notebook, write a complaint against the doctor, and explain the reasons for your complaint. Check your complaint with the help of your teacher. Share your work with the rest of your classmates. Read it out loud to your classmates and teacher.

Septiembre 12, 2014Dr. Moreno,Two days ago I had a terrible infection in the stomach and a relative of mine was to make an appointment for 2:00 pm, and when I get told that you had gone out for lunch and returned in two hours, which I thought was very irresponsible in turn, make me wait so long. I hope so and consider my complaint and change that aspect.Sincerely,Karime Garcia

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 3

1. Work in groups of three. Chose one of the situations in activity 2. Write a voice mail message to complain about the hospitals service.

Im sorry to have to say this, but I would like to complain about your doctors absolutely unethical behavior. My name is Karime Garcia. My telephone number is 982 1168019. I have lately gone through the clinic for illness and I have been noticing that there are many notes that it will not be for a few weeks, and considering that it is the only doctor we have, because we need everyone's people, nor do we have all the necessary medicines.This cannot happen again. I had to go to another clinic and paid a 200 dollar bill, for medicines. How can I get my money back?

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 4

1. Which of the three stories from activities 1 and 2 would you prefer to read? First, write a list of the reasons and then share them with your classmates. After that, choose only one of the three. Finally, tell your teacher and the class what story you selected and explain why.

I prefer the old spy story reasons: It is more interesting if only read the introduction. It shows that there is more to suspense, action and drama there. I drew attention to know the conclusion. It has good title. It is a very complete story and everyone loves.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesSELFEVALUATION.

SELFEVALUATION1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.Nurse: How can I help you?Miguel: I have an appointment with Dr. Moreno.Nurse: Im sorry. Dr. Moreno is not here at the moment.Miguel: Well, he told me that he was available.Nurse: I think he forgot your appointment.Miguel: How come? I have a headache, a sore throat and I can barely breathe.Nurse: Dr. Moreno will come back in two hours. Can you wait for him?Miguel: No, I cant. I need to see a doctor, know! I will go to another hospital.

a. Where is Miguel? In a hospital.b. Why is Miguel there? Because he have an appointment with doctor Moreno. c. Who is Miguel talking to? With the nurse.d. Does Miguel feel fine? No, he needs a check.e. Do you think Miguel received professional treatment? No.f. Is Miguel angry? Yes.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 5

1. Look at the previous activity and discuss with your classmates: What happened to the balloon? Complete the information bellow. Check your work with the help of your teacher.

The baking soda is a base; while the lemon juice is an acid when the two mix they produce carbon dioxide (CO2). The gas rises up and escapes through the plastic bottle; it goes directly to the balloon and blows it up.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 6

1. Work in groups of three. Discuss: Why do people carry out science experiments? What was the purpose of the volcano experiment? What was the result? Think about a science experiment that you have done and write, in your notebook, the purpose of the experiment and the result. Share our work with the rest of your classmates and teacher.

Some years ago my primary did some volcanoes and we went very well the experiment, but we gain nothing, and purpose of this experiment was:Observe the reaction that has vinegar and baking soda, so to underestimate the reactions of the common elements we have at home.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 7

1. Work in groups of three. Go back to the conversation from activity 1 and answer what experiment won first place? In your notebook, write an instruction manual similar to the one from activity 2, but using the information of the Science experiment that won first place at the Science Faire. Check your work with the help of your teacher. Share your text with the rest of your classmates.MATERIALS:


Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesSELFEVALUATION.

SELFEVALUATION1. Look at the picture and think about what kind of text it is.Dancing RaisinsMaterials: A glass jar Water Baking soda Vinegar Six raisins

2. 2Know, look at the pictures of the experiments sequence and complete the first three steps. Then write 1, 2 and 3 in the boxes to establish the correct sequence of the first 3 steps.

3 Then, put three spoons of baking soda in the jar.

1 Next, put three spoons of vinegar. First, fill the jar about full, with cold water.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 8

1. Chose a typical game in your community and discuss its rules with your classmates. Then, discuss the rules of Tic-Tac-Toe, a typical English pastime. How many players can participate? What materials are needed to play this game? What are the preparation and the rules? How do you win the game? Write your answers in your notebook. Tell your classmates and teacher what game you chose and explain how you usually play it.Tic- Tac-ToePLAYERS EQUIPMENT2 players Paper and pencilGOALThe goal of tic-tac-toe is to be the first player to get three in a row on a 3x3 grid.SETUPOne of the players draws a board, creating either a 3x3 grid of squares

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 9

1. Do you know a short and funny story? Write it and then read it out loud to your classmates. Share your stories with the class and teacher.

When I was only a child, there was a day very sunny, and I really want an ice cream, but my dog eats them.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 10

1. In the year 2050 you will be a grown-up person. What will you have accomplished by that time? Discuss the answer with your classmates.







Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesSELFEVALUATION.

SELFEVALUATION1. Read the conversation and file in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. A: Will you helped (help) me with my homework?B: I dont know. I have (have) a lot of homework myself and I have not finished (finish) yet.A: Come on! We studied (study) together for last exam and we gated (get) an A.B: You are right. Lets do it.

2. Match the sentences to their tensesShe will have written 21 novels by next year.Past simple

She has written 20 novels.Present perfect

Anna wrote her first novel in 1964.Past perfect

She had written a novel by the age of 15!Future perfect

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 11

1. Work in pairs. Write a testimonial similar to the ones in activity 1. Then, role-play a conversation; one of you will be the interviewer and the other one the person interviewed. Share your work with your classmates and teacher.

When I was 5 years old, we lived in Arizona was late November and I was returning from school with my mom, the weather as cloudy when suddenly started to rain so we started to slowly pick up the pace, then felt like we were falling stones and was hail for what started running, we were very lucky because just missing one block to reach the apartment. How good it was just a scare.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 12

1. Work in small teams. Take turns to talk about the steps you have to fallow if theres fire at school. Then in your notebook, write a text including steps to fallow in case of an earthquake. Use the information in the previous activity as example. Do not forget to include illustrations. Share your work with your class.Below I am going to give advice about what you have to do in case of fire:Points are: Keep calm. Find an emergency exit, without using the elevators that are dangerous in these cases. Use the fire extinguisher to try extinguish the fire could serve equally pressing the fire alarm to warn others.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 13

1. Work in small teams. Take turns to talk about the unexpected situation Lorena lived. Then, tell your classmates an experience about a surprise that you have received in any of your birthdays. Share your work with your class.

When I turned 14 years since I had imagined my friends I was going to make a surprise party but first my friends took me to spin and a taxi everywhere for a long time, I had already disillusioned, so since I had resigned I was going to do nothing but to my surprise, at night I returned to my house and there was the party with all my friends was very nice all.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesSELFEVALUATION.

SELFEVALUATION1. Look at the picture and discuss with a partner what the text may be about. Then, de the activities below.

Noemi said, Last night I went to the theater with my friends. We were watching a play when suddenly we realized that the theater was on fire! I saw policeman trying to put the fire out with an extinguisher, but he couldnt do it. Then, I heard the fire alarm. Some people were screaming and running in all directions. It was horrible! Fortunately, the firefighters arrived very soon and they put the fire out immediately.a. Write the main and a secondary idea.

Main idea: Noemi went to the theater and suddenly the theater was on fire!Secondary idea: the policeman couldnt do it, but the firefighters put the fire out immediately.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 14

1. Work in pairs. Take turns to talk about which sources of information you have consulted and what information you have obtained from each source. Then, in your notebook, write three sources of information and the type of information that you can get from them. Share your work with your classmates and theater.Pollution _InternetPollution is referred to the presence in the environment from any harmful chemical, physical or biological agent to health or welfare, animal or plant life.Drug addiction _InternetWe can understand the drug, like the disease that involves addiction or dependence to certain toxic substances to our body, which in varying degrees affect our central nervous system, like several of our brain functions.

Abortion _InternetThe abortion is a way to end a pregnancy. Sometimes, an embryo or fetus stops developing and the body expels it naturally, a woman can also chose to end a pregnancy by induced abortion.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 15

1. Work in small groups. Read the information from the previous activities. Then, in your notebook, write other arguments in favor and against graffiti. Share your information with your classmates and teachers.

Art or Vandalism???My view, the graffiti is art that not everyone can make such draws, as the drawing is a gift, but often people take it as a bad thing, but that people do not understand is that it is a way of expressing their feeling.

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesHomework Number: 16

1. Work in small teams. Go back to previous activities. Underline the arguments in favor and circle the arguments against social networks. Then, in your notebook, write two more arguments in favor or against social networks. Share your ideas with your class.FacebookFacebook is a social network created by mark ZucherbergPOSITIVE. Learn about issues of interest. Form of expression with people. Learn about other cultures from other countries. Make more friends. Be more popular or most sociable.NEGATIVE It causes loss of time on a machine Suffer kidnappings or cyber bullying Have bad influences by artist (stereotypes) Mishandling of social networks is like pornography Use your data in a form of defamation or theft of your account

Technical Secondary School Number 24Student: Karime Jasmin Garcia GrifaldoGrade: 3 Group: AProfessor: Roger MsEnglish subjectPortfolio of activitiesSELFEVALUATION.

SELFEVALUATION1. *Pros and cons of social networks.You can keep in touch with your friends.

*You can become a victim of cyber bullying.

*You can find old friends (from primary school, for example).You can develop computer-related skills.You can receive friend requests from many unknown people.

*You can become an isolated person because social networks avoid face to face socializing.

*You can communicate with your friends whenever you want.You can interact with others who share the same interests.

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