ingles especies en extincion

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Endangered species

Luisa Fernanda Ramírez. #18Jordy Placido #17


Teacher: Wendy Quezada.Date: March 7th, 2013.

Signature: English.

¿What is an endangered species?

An endangered species is a native species that faces a significant risk of extinction in the near future. Such species may be declining in number due

to threats caused by the human race.

¿Why are they endangered?

There are many causes for this to happen, all caused by the human race (directly or indirectly). Some of them are:

Habitat Destruction

Our planet is constantly changing, but humans have caused very fast changes that haven’t given no time for individual species to react and adjust to this changes.

This is the primary cause for endangerment. And also, It includes the species’ habitats destruction, what has already caused the extinction of species, specially aquatic species.

Introduction of exotic species

Exotic species are those interloped into new environments, affecting the natural balance of that environment and endangering the native species of the same.

This exotic species can alter de natural habitat and can cause a major competition for food. Some of these species are pigs, insects, cats, rats, etc..


Many species are killed because of the demand of parts of their bodies used for eating, decoration, clothes, etc.. An example is the rhinos for their horns, tigers for their bones or elephants for their horns too.

Other factors

Such as disease and pollution.

Possible Solutions

We believe that there are a lot of people around the world making efforts to save these animals, but its important for even more people to get involved, for the government to give more priority to these problems. But what is most important, is to make every single person conscious of this issue so they can help; because when everybody contributes, big changes come along.

Endangered species in the Dominican Republic:

Animal Species

The American crocodile

The manatee

The Carey Turtle

Plant species

The Bromeliad The Orchid

Cobana Negra Palo de Rosa

Thank You!

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