innovation shift

Post on 06-May-2015






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Extraordinaria presentación sobre innovación y gestión de la innovación


Denise Caron

Denise Caron

Denise Caron

4Denise Caron

“He who innovates will have for his enemies all those who are well

off under the existing order of things, and only lukewarm

supporters in those who might be better off under the new”- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

Denise Caron

One Laptop Per Child Sued for Patent Infringement

Countries concerned over internet affecting local cultures

Countries want to sensor internet access to protect children

Intel is competing with One Laptop Per Child

Microsoft criticize the program as not doing enough

Counties concerned that there is not enough local content

Countries concerned over sustainability cost

Teachers want to establish strong human supervision

Denise Caron

We're losing the respect that's due to professionals who are trained to provide us

with accurate information in its proper context, and celebrating work produced by

untrained, often anonymous riff-raff.

- Andrew Keen on Web 2.0, The Cult of the Amateur

Denise Caron

Denise Caron

Denise Caron

Education was socially constructed & contextually reinvented instead of being dictated

Denise Caron

Technology was everywhere (digital universe) instead of being confiscated at the classroom door (digital refugees)

Denise Caron

Knowledge was freely and pervasively distributed instead of being limited and costly

Denise Caron


If you want to influence people's behaviour,

give them something to copy

Denise Caron

Denise Caron

"Creativity involves breaking out of


patterns in order

to look at things

in a different way."

—Edward de Bono

Denise Caron


“Curiosity is any

natural inquisitive

behavior that

engenders exploration,

investigation and learning.“

— Wikipedia

Denise Caron


Perhaps, then, if we

listen attentively, we shall

hear… a faint flutter of

wings; the gentle

—Albert Camus

Great ideas, it is said, come into the

world as gently as doves.

stirring of life

and hope.

Denise Caron


“Without experimentation,

we might all still be living in

caves and using rocks

as tools."

—Stefan Thomke

Denise Caron


“Access to information and

freedom of access to it may seem like a fundamental right

but there are many

people who think, rightly or wrongly, it is

for your own good that it is hidden."

—Alberto Gonzales

Denise Caron

If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail

Bernard Baruch

Denise Caron

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be

those who cannot read & write, but those who cannotlearn, unlearn, and relearn”

—Alvin Toffler

Denise Caron

A structure enabling flexibility and

responsiveness in dealing with all

sorts of situations quickly and

efficiently, particularly in dynamic

environments such as computer developments.

— evan Sycamnias

Denise Caron


The willingness to exert high levels of effort to

reach organizational goals, conditioned by the

effort’s ability to satisfy some individual need.

Denise Caron

"Only he who can see

the invisible can do the impossible.“


frank L. Gaines

Denise Caron

"A good innovation

leader creates an

environment where…

sacred traditions can be

challenged and


- Elaine Dundon

Denise Caron

"I start where the last man left off.“

--thomas edison

Denise Caron


the subconscious needs time

and space to roamDenise Caron

People are replacing their

trust in traditional authorities

with trust in each other

Denise Caron

If I had asked the public

what they wanted, they

would have said a

faster horse.--Henry Ford

Denise Caron

"Great minds always stay nimble because they've

learned how to move on. Einstein worked on big problems until he died. The artists we most admire transform themselves and their work from time to time.“

--Marco Marsan, from 'Think Naked'

Denise Caron

“there are only two ways

to live your life. One is as

though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though

everything is a miracle.

-Albert Einstein

Denise Caron

The greatest danger for most of us is not

that our aim is too high and we miss it,

but that it is too low and we reach it.


Denise Caron

Every act of creation is first of

all an act of destruction.


Denise Caron

We always overestimate what will change the next 2 years, and underestimate what will change the next 10

Bill Gates

Denise Caron

36Denise Caron

It’s not

this scaryDenise Caron


We don’t know what the future will

hold but it will be


Denise Caron

take a left on


Denise Caron

Thanks to the People of the Information Highway

Denise Caron

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