insight being spiritually minded.docx

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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As a baby, everything you saw went to your

mouth. Everything that you touched was for

eating, good or bad you had to eat. That’s the

way spiritual babes are, they eat every 

doctrine. And the Bible says that if you are

carnal, you are a baby.

A carnal man is the man who only relates with

issues form the natural standpoint. He is

sensuous, he is ordinary, he is worldly. We are

talking about the man who is born again but

reasons like anybody else in the world. He is

carnally minded.

A spiritually minded can say  ”I have

headaches”. But the carnal says ”what’s wrongwith you, if you got headaches you have them”. 

No, I do not have headaches, I couldn’t have

them. Why?

Because every good gift and every perfect gift is

from above, and cometh down from the Father

of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither

shadow of turning.(James1:17)

And we can’t accept nothing except we get it

from above and since headaches don’t come 

from heaven, I can’t have them. 

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What is then if I feel them? It’s a feeling, I don’t

have them. I feel headaches alright but I surely 

don’t have headaches. 

Let’s me ask you a question: If  a bird landed

on your head, would you say”I have a bird?”

Now “I have a stomach pain” and “I feel

stomach pain” they are not the same. If you

have it, it’s yours, you possess it. And now you

want God to take way something you declared

belongs to you.

You are only supposed to say what you have

which God gave to you. Don’t accept

something that is from the devil.

But the carnal man doesn’t understand it, he

speaks according his feelings. When he feels it

he says he’s got it. When he doesn’t feel he

says it’s okay now. 

He says the same thing about his finances: “I 

don’t have money, I don’t have money for that, I 

have money for that ”.  If you don’t, you don’t

and then you wonder why you are broke.

I will never be broke in my life. And when we

say that, the carnal man says ”these people,

they say they will never be broke and yet they 

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are all broke ” He is looking at the wrong


No we are not broke, we couldn’t be broke. Say 

this with me” I will never be broke in my life”.

Somebody says ”But I am already broke” You

said you were broke and when you said it you

lost everything. You didn’t lose what you have

until you said you lost it. When you said you

were broke that’s when you became broke. 

We are talking about “Being spiritually 

minded”, either you are spiritual or carnal. The

carnal man is sense-ruled. He talks according

to his senses.

Learn to control life from the

realm of the Spirit

You’ve got to control life from the realm of the

Spirit. Otherwise you will be a victim in life.

But you can make up your mind not to be a

victim but a victor. To be a victim is very easy, just talk naturally and the world will control


For to be carnally minded is death; but to be

spiritually minded is life and


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 To be carnally minded to your money is death

to your money. To be carnally minded to your

future is death to your future, to be carnally 

minded to your home is death to your home.

You know how some carnal people think, they 

say: “Well , what about some non-born again 

who  don’t have to think being spiritual and 

being carnal but everything goes for them,

everything goes alright for them? ”  Didn’t you

read what the book of Job says:

He says the wicked don’t have no troubles.

Their children are doing alright, everything

is alright for them, they have no stress but

they are reserved for God’s wrath (Job5:3-4)

Everything they are doing now, everything they 

have will end suddenly. The Bible says when

they shall say peace and safety, then sudden

destruction comes upon them.


Don’t compare yourself to the non-Christian;

don’t envy the wicked when they seem to be in

their glory. That’s what they have, they don’t

know what life is. Not to be born again is


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For God giveth …to the sinner he giveth

travail, to gather and to heap up, that he

may give to him that is good before God.

(Eccl2 :26)

Don’ t look at the shadow!

 Jesus said that the peace that I give to you is

different. The peace many of you are enjoying,

if they could buy it with money, there arethose (the wicked) who could give the world

for it. But if you don’t know you will trouble

 yourself and reject the peace that God has

given to you, you are unhappy, all because of 

 your next or your neighbor or a friend you

used to know or working together with you andnow he’s got ten businesses and you still

struggling with one. Stop struggling, start

resting, yes there is a rest for the child of God.

Your understanding of the doctrine of 

righteousness is what makes you a master

over satanic forces. Your supply from heavenis the result of your righteousness. Your lack

in life is based on your lack of understanding

of righteousness.

Righteousness gives us the world. The Bible

says Abraham believed God and it was

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accounted to him to righteousness. With that

understanding that God had accounted

righteousness to him, he got the world.

Every one of us is connected to God by the

virtue of new birth but it hasn’t changed our

situation in life. It hasn’t stopped us from

experiencing certain things that the devil put

on us, some pain or some lack, experiencing

certain things that the world does.

But for you to live in victory, you have to

understand your righteousness. He says…their

righteousness is from me, says the Lord;

meaning that the righteousness which we have

is God’s righteousness. He set His ownrighteousness to Abraham’s account, meaning

that Abraham becomes righteous legally from

God’s point of view. And when the man

understood that he is righteous, it made him a


Righteousness is the rightness of God. Therightness of God means that God cannot be

wrong. It means that He can only be right.

 That’s not a state of mind or a correctness of 

things but it is a power: If God looks at this

(amplifier) and says it is a tree; He cannot be

wrong because He tongues into a tree. What he

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calls it is what it becomes. God doesn’t lie; He

cannot lie because when He tells a lie, it

becomes a truth.

He says to ”Abram”(assumed father): your

name shall be Abraham ”father of many”.

 That’s a lie in the human mind. How can he be

the father of many when he doesn’t have child? 

What did he become? Father of many.

When righteousness is imparted to your spirit,

there is a power, a divine power, a divine

working that has been imparted to your spirit.

It’s called the rightness of God. 

When David said to Goliath,…I will smitethee, and take thine head from thee; and Iwill give the carcases of the host of thePhilistines this day unto the fowls of theair, and to the wild beasts of the earth;

 The Bible says that…there was no sword inthe hand of David(1Samuel17:46,50) and

everything he said came to pass.

So when you are born again, you are a child of God, not a child of God in making. When yourwife gives birth to a child, he is not a humanperson in making. He is a complete humanbeing.

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A Christian that is prayerless is not powerless.He is just not using what he got.

If you put your car in a garage does it cease tobe a car because you are not using it? No. It isstill a car.

 The Bible says that Jesus was driven in thewilderness by the Holy Ghost. And the Bible

says that Jesus was with the wild beast. Letme tell you something:

When the Holy Ghost is working in your life,all the things around you will be tamed by Hispresence. You have nothing to fear. They aretamed. Around you, their strength is gone fromthem.

Heb 5:14

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use havetheir senses exercised to discern both good andevil.

Let me give you the characteristics of thosewho are of the full ages:

It’s said that the choices of life, reveal our

character. That means that when we are not

on our guard, what we say or what we do is

what really describes our character. When we

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don’t have to prepare for it, how do we

respond, what do we say when we are not

prepared, that’s how we know who we really 


 The more you grow in Christ the more

submissive you become and then the more it is

easier for you to recognize Him in people.

And that you are a leader in the house of Goddoesn’t mean that you are mature. Your

speech may be harsh.

 The Bibles says to treat old people as fathers

…young people as brothers. Sometimes you

are even leading a song and you say:

everybody must stand up, everybody,

everybody …and maybe the pastor or other

brethren maybe sitting. What in the world do

 you think you are? That’s a manifestation of 

childish. If you are an usher, you say”I’ve 

warned you, don’t sit there!”  

God’s children can be instructed in wisdom

and in love. When you grow up, you walk in

love, your language will change. We have to

deal with people as though they are something

because they are. And only when you mature

in Christ, do you see that God is in one of 

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them. As they came to church, God came to

church in them. But when you don’t know it,

 you think they came to look for God. No, God’s

children came with God; they don’t come to

look for God. And the moment you begin to

treat people like that, you will be amazed of 

what the Holy Ghost will begin to do in your

life, in your businesses, in your home in your

marriage, things will begin to change.

How does this have connection? I will tell you:

When you please God in a single act of 

righteousness, He is challenged to boast to

demons of darkness about you. Once you

begin to do something as He wants you to, Hebegins to talk about you, He is excited about


Walking in love is one of the whole marks of 

Christian maturity. And you will see it, and

hear it in your language, in your daily walk.

 The way you respect others, it means you haveseen God.

David asked Eliab:”What shall be given to the

man…” and Eliab said  ”what are you doing

here” and then he turned to another, the same

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thing. If they could see that he was anointed, if 

they could see his future… 

 There is Simeon, when they brought Jesus into

the temple and he recognize in that little baby 

the Messiah that Israel was waiting for but he

says ”Lord, let me die, I have seen the savior” 

but the woman Hanna went forth and spread

the news.

Can you see a little child and knew his future?

It takes the anointing. So you are not prayerful

because you are a baby so you can’t recognize

their future. But if you are praying and

rejoicing in Christ, the Holy Ghost shows their

furure. You pray for the brother and the sisterand God shows you gain their future.

Say this with me:

I will see God in me; I will see God in people.

My eyes are open by God to see Him in people.

When I look, I can see God in human being.

Father, I thank You for helping me to see their

real value as You saw them when you sent

 Jesus to die in their place. I am your partner

in helping them to see who they really are.

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