installation guide release 14 - oracle...imbedded in oracle retail signs and oracle retail labels...

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[1] Oracle® Retail Returns ManagementInstallation Guide

Release 14.1


February 2015

Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide, Release 14.1


Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Bernadette Goodman

This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.

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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and licensed to you. You acknowledge that the programs may contain third party software (VAR applications) licensed to Oracle. Depending upon your product and its version number, the VAR applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation (MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory Management.

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization application.

You acknowledge and confirm that Oracle grants you use of only the object code of the VAR Applications. Oracle will not deliver source code to the VAR Applications to you. Notwithstanding any other term or condition of the agreement and this ordering document, you shall not cause or permit alteration of any VAR Applications. For purposes of this section, "alteration" refers to all alterations, translations, upgrades, enhancements, customizations or modifications of all or any portion of the VAR Applications including all

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The VAR Applications contain trade secrets of Oracle and Oracle's licensors and Customer shall not attempt, cause, or permit the alteration, decompilation, reverse engineering, disassembly or other reduction of the VAR Applications to a human perceivable form. Oracle reserves the right to replace, with functional equivalent software, any of the VAR Applications in future releases of the applicable program.



List of FiguresList of Tables

Send Us Your Comments ......................................................................................................................... xi

Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... xiii

Audience..................................................................................................................................................... xiiiDocumentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................... xiiiRelated Documents ................................................................................................................................... xiiiCustomer Support ..................................................................................................................................... xivReview Patch Documentation ................................................................................................................. xivImproved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation Corrections ...................................................... xivOracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology Network ................................................... xvConventions ............................................................................................................................................... xv

1 Preinstallation Tasks

Requesting Infrastructure Software ..................................................................................................... 1-1Check Supported Database Server Requirements............................................................................. 1-1

Required Setting for Database Installation..................................................................................... 1-2Check Supported Application Server Requirements........................................................................ 1-2

Check for SSL Certificate................................................................................................................... 1-3Check Supported Oracle Retail Products ............................................................................................ 1-3Check Additional Oracle Technologies ............................................................................................... 1-3Check Third-Party Software Dependencies........................................................................................ 1-4Check Supported Client PC and Web Browser Requirements ....................................................... 1-4Check Java Key Manager Requirement ............................................................................................... 1-4Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 1-5Implementation Guidelines for Security ............................................................................................ 1-5Uptake Installation .................................................................................................................................. 1-5

2 Secure Configuration

Operating System ..................................................................................................................................... 2-1Additional Resource .......................................................................................................................... 2-2

Infrastructure/Middleware ..................................................................................................................... 2-2Database .............................................................................................................................................. 2-2Application Server ............................................................................................................................. 2-2Messaging............................................................................................................................................ 2-3


RSA Data Protection Manager ......................................................................................................... 2-3Network Considerations ................................................................................................................... 2-3

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application Configuration ........................................................................ 2-3Technology Considerations .............................................................................................................. 2-4

Wireless Technology................................................................................................................... 2-4Application Specific Settings..................................................................................................... 2-4

Application Runtime Settings .......................................................................................................... 2-5Application Parameters.............................................................................................................. 2-5

Temporary Password Length............................................................................................. 2-5Database Configuration ...................................................................................................... 2-5

Integration with Other Applications............................................................................................... 2-5Scripts and Command Line Utilities ............................................................................................... 2-5

Purge Scripts ................................................................................................................................ 2-6

3 Installation

Update Oracle WebLogic for JPA and RSA ........................................................................................ 3-1Create a New WebLogic Domain for Returns Management ........................................................... 3-2

Server Name Considerations ........................................................................................................... 3-2Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Server Domains .................................................................... 3-2Secure Sockets Layer.......................................................................................................................... 3-3Managed Servers ................................................................................................................................ 3-3Configuring a Cluster ........................................................................................................................ 3-3General Steps for Creating a New Domain .................................................................................... 3-3WebLogic Domain Startup Mode .................................................................................................... 3-4

Boot Identity Files ....................................................................................................................... 3-4Deploying to a Managed Server or Cluster.................................................................................... 3-5

Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users .......................................................... 3-5Expand the Returns Management Distribution ................................................................................. 3-6Replace the ojdbc6 Jar File in the WebLogic Installation ................................................................ 3-7Enable Data Import .................................................................................................................................. 3-8

Enable Cross Version Support ......................................................................................................... 3-8Installation Options ................................................................................................................................. 3-8Install Database Options ........................................................................................................................ 3-8

Manually Create the Database Schema........................................................................................... 3-9Load Return Tickets Data .................................................................................................................... 3-11Secure the JDBC for the Oracle 12c Database.................................................................................. 3-11Obtain the Files Needed for RSA Data Protection Manager ........................................................ 3-11

Obtain the RSA Client Configuration File................................................................................... 3-12Obtain the RSA Data Protection Manager Files.......................................................................... 3-12Obtain the RSA Libraries for Lockbox ......................................................................................... 3-12Install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)........................................................................... 3-12

Obtain the Returns Management Test Client.................................................................................. 3-12Run the Returns Management Application Installer..................................................................... 3-13

Store Hierarchy................................................................................................................................ 3-14Resolve Errors Encountered During Application Installation ..................................................... 3-14Install Parameters Option.................................................................................................................... 3-14Disable Non-SSL Port .......................................................................................................................... 3-14


Manual Deployment of the Returns Management Application .................................................. 3-15Import Initial Parameters..................................................................................................................... 3-16

Import Parameters Through the User Interface.......................................................................... 3-16Import Parameters by using an Ant Target................................................................................. 3-17

Load Optional Purge Procedures ....................................................................................................... 3-17Using the Returns Management Application .................................................................................. 3-17

A Appendix: Installer Windows

B Appendix: Installer Silent Mode

C Appendix: Reinstalling Returns Management

Reinstalling Returns Management ...................................................................................................... C-1

D Appendix: URL Reference

JDBC URL for a Database...................................................................................................................... D-1Using the SID ..................................................................................................................................... D-1Using the Service Name ................................................................................................................... D-1Using the Oracle Net Connection ................................................................................................... D-1Using the Oracle Net Connection in Oracle RAC ........................................................................ D-2

Secure JDBC URL for a Database......................................................................................................... D-2Using the Secure Oracle Net Connection ...................................................................................... D-2Using the Secure Oracle Net Connection in Oracle RAC............................................................ D-2

JNDI Provider URL for an Application .............................................................................................. D-3Deployer URI ........................................................................................................................................... D-3

E Appendix: Common Installation Errors

Unreadable Buttons in the Installer .................................................................................................... E-1WebLogic Domain Does Not Exist ...................................................................................................... E-1WebLogic Domain Server is Not Started............................................................................................ E-1"Could not create system preferences directory" Warning ............................................................. E-2

F Appendix: Available Tools

Return Tickets .......................................................................................................................................... F-1Using the Returns Data Loader....................................................................................................... F-1

Returns Customer Import ...................................................................................................................... F-2

G Appendix: Installation Order

Enterprise Installation Order ................................................................................................................ G-1


List of Figures

3–1 Installer Prompt to Run revokesyn ....................................................................................... 3-14A–1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ A-1A–2 Requirements.............................................................................................................................. A-2A–3 License Agreement .................................................................................................................... A-2A–4 JRE Vendor.................................................................................................................................. A-3A–5 Cluster Configuration................................................................................................................ A-4A–6 All Supported Languages ......................................................................................................... A-5A–7 Supported Languages ............................................................................................................... A-6A–8 Enter Default Locale .................................................................................................................. A-7A–9 Database Owner ......................................................................................................................... A-8A–10 Enable Secure JDBC ................................................................................................................... A-9A–11 Data Source User...................................................................................................................... A-10A–12 Enable DIMP............................................................................................................................. A-12A–13 DIMP Configuration................................................................................................................ A-13A–14 Enable Cross Version for DIMP............................................................................................. A-14A–15 Cross Version Compatibility Configuration ........................................................................ A-15A–16 Cross Version Compatibility Configuration Contd.. .......................................................... A-16A–17 Install Database Option........................................................................................................... A-18A–18 Sample Dataset ......................................................................................................................... A-19A–19 Returns Management Administrator User........................................................................... A-20A–20 Returns Management Web Services User ............................................................................ A-21A–21 Security Setup: Key Manager ................................................................................................. A-22A–22 RSA Data Protection Manager Requirements...................................................................... A-23A–23 RSA Client JAR Files................................................................................................................ A-23A–24 RSA Client Configuration....................................................................................................... A-24A–25 Key Store Pass Phrase for Simulator Key Manager ............................................................ A-25A–26 Deploy Key Store Connector RAR ........................................................................................ A-26A–27 Key Store Connector RAR Details ......................................................................................... A-27A–28 App Server WL_HOME .......................................................................................................... A-28A–29 Mail Session Details ................................................................................................................. A-29A–30 Domain Details......................................................................................................................... A-30A–31 Weblogic Administrative User............................................................................................... A-31A–32 Weblogic Advanced User Configuration Mode.................................................................. A-32A–33 Weblogic Advanced User Settings ........................................................................................ A-33A–34 Weblogic Deploy Server Type ............................................................................................... A-34A–35 Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store ............................................................. A-35A–36 Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store Details................................................................... A-36A–37 Managed Server Details .......................................................................................................... A-38A–38 Cluster Details .......................................................................................................................... A-39A–39 Configure Weblogic Managed Server or Cluster SSL Key Store ...................................... A-40A–40 Weblogic Managed Server or Cluster SSL Key Store Details ............................................ A-41A–41 Optional: Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store ........................................... A-43A–42 Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store Details................................................................... A-44A–43 Manual Deployment Option .................................................................................................. A-46A–44 Application Deployment Details ........................................................................................... A-47A–45 Install Parameters Option ....................................................................................................... A-48A–46 Load Returns Test Data........................................................................................................... A-49A–47 Data Loader RSA Client Configuration................................................................................ A-50A–48 Returns Test Data File ............................................................................................................. A-51A–49 Oracle Returns Management Messaging.............................................................................. A-52A–50 Oracle Returns Management WebService Configuration.................................................. A-53A–51 Turn Off the Application Server’s Non-SSL Port ................................................................ A-54A–52 Logging Detail Options........................................................................................................... A-55A–53 Installation Progress ................................................................................................................ A-56


A–54 Installation Complete .............................................................................................................. A-56B–1 Installer Prompt to Run revokesyn ......................................................................................... B-1


List of Tables

1–1 Database Server Requirements ................................................................................................ 1-21–2 Application Server Requirements ........................................................................................... 1-31–3 Supported Oracle Retail Products ........................................................................................... 1-31–4 Additional Oracle Technologies .............................................................................................. 1-3


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide, Release 14.1

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■ Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?

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This Installation Guide describes the requirements and procedures to install this Oracle Retail Returns Management release.

AudienceThis Installation Guide is for the following audiences:

■ System administrators and operations personnel

■ Database administrators

■ System analysts and programmers

■ Integrators and implementation staff personnel

Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Related DocumentsFor more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 14.1 documentation set:

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Configuration Guide

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Data Dictionary

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Data Model Differences

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Data Model ERWIN File

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Data Model Mapping File

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Entity Relationship Diagrams, Volume 1 - Subject Areas

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Entity Relationship Diagrams, Volume 2 - Overviews


■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 1 - Implementation Solutions

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 2 - Extension Solutions

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 4 -Point-of-Service External Order

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 5 - Mobile Point-of-Service

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Operations Guide

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide

■ Oracle Retail POS Suite 14.1/Merchandising Operations Management 14.1 Implementation Guide

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release Notes

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management User Guide

Customer SupportTo contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:

When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:

■ Product version and program/module name

■ Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)

■ Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create

■ Exact error message received

■ Screen shots of each step you take

Review Patch DocumentationWhen you install the application for the first time, you install either a base release (for example, 14.1) or a later patch release (for example, 14.1.1). If you are installing the base release or additional patch releases, read the documentation for all releases that have occurred since the base release before you begin installation. Documentation for patch releases can contain critical information related to the base release, as well as information about code changes since the base release.

Improved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation CorrectionsTo more quickly address critical corrections to Oracle Retail documentation content, Oracle Retail documentation may be republished whenever a critical correction is needed. For critical corrections, the republication of an Oracle Retail document may at times not be attached to a numbered software release; instead, the Oracle Retail document will simply be replaced on the Oracle Technology Network Web site, or, in the case of Data Models, to the applicable My Oracle Support Documentation container where they reside.

This process will prevent delays in making critical corrections available to customers. For the customer, it means that before you begin installation, you must verify that you have the most recent version of the Oracle Retail documentation set. Oracle Retail documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network at the following URL:


An updated version of the applicable Oracle Retail document is indicated by Oracle part number, as well as print date (month and year). An updated version uses the same part number, with a higher-numbered suffix. For example, part number E123456-02 is an updated version of a document with part number E123456-01.

If a more recent version of a document is available, that version supersedes all previous versions.

Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Technology NetworkDocumentation is packaged with each Oracle Retail product release. Oracle Retail product documentation is also available on the following web site:

(Data Model documents are not available through Oracle Technology Network. These documents are packaged with released code, or you can obtain them through My Oracle Support.)

Documentation should be available on this web site within a month after a product release.

ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning

boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



Preinstallation Tasks 1-1

1 Preinstallation Tasks

This chapter describes the requirements that must be met before Oracle Retail Returns Management can be installed.

If you are installing multiple Oracle Retail applications, see Appendix G for a guideline for the order in which the applications should be installed.

Requesting Infrastructure SoftwareIf you are unable to find the necessary version of the required Oracle infrastructure software (database server, application server, WebLogic, and so on) on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, you should file a non-technical 'Contact Us' Service Request (SR) and request access to the media. For instructions on filing a non-technical SR, see My Oracle Support Note 1071023.1 - Requesting Physical Shipment or Download URL for Software Media.

Check Supported Database Server RequirementsTable 1–1 lists the general requirements for a database server running Oracle Retail Returns Management and the versions supported for this release.

Note: These are the configurations that were tested for this release. While Returns Management may work in other configurations, these configurations were tested.

Check Supported Application Server Requirements

1-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Required Setting for Database InstallationDuring database creation, the database must be set to AL32UTF8.

Check Supported Application Server RequirementsTable 1–2 lists the general requirements for an application server capable of running Returns Management and the versions supported for this release.

Table 1–1 Database Server Requirements

Supported on Stack 1 Stack 2

Operating System ■ Oracle Linux 6 (OL 6) for Linux x86-64

■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) for Linux x86-64

■ IBM AIX 7.1 on Power System (64-bit)

■ Oracle Solaris 11.1 on SPARC (64-bit)

Database Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition (64-bit)


■ 18522516: Database Patch Set Update.

■ 18705901: Database Patch Set Update for Grid Infrastructure.



Oracle Database 12c Standard Edition (64-bit)


■ 18522516: Database Patch Set Update.

■ 18705901: Database Patch Set Update for Grid Infrastructure.



Real Application Clusters (RAC)

Yes No

Note: It is recommended that separate tablespaces are used for tables and indexes. This may improve performance when accessing the database.

Check Additional Oracle Technologies

Preinstallation Tasks 1-3

Check for SSL CertificateOracle Retail Returns Management is accessed through a secure HTTPS connection. The installation of an SSL Certificate is required on your application server. If the certificate is not installed, warnings are displayed when trying to access Oracle Retail Returns Management.

For information on installing the SSL Certificate, refer to your application server documentation.

Check Supported Oracle Retail ProductsTable 1–3 lists the Oracle Retail products that are supported.

Check Additional Oracle TechnologiesTable 1–4 lists the Oracle technologies used by Oracle Retail Returns Management and the required versions.

Table 1–2 Application Server Requirements

Supported on Stack 1 Stack 2

Operating System ■ Oracle Linux 6 (OL 6) for Linux x86-64

■ Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) for Linux x86-64

■ IBM AIX 7.1 on Power System (64-bit)

■ Oracle Solaris 11.1 on SPARC (64-bit)

J2EE Application Server

Oracle WebLogic Standard Edition (64-bit)

Note: To install Oracle WebLogic with the supported version, use the Oracle WebLogic generic installer. For more information, see the Oracle WebLogic installation documentation.

Oracle WebLogic Standard Edition (64-bit)

Note: To install Oracle WebLogic with the supported version, use the Oracle WebLogic generic installer. For more information, see the Oracle WebLogic installation documentation.

J2EE Application Server JVM

Oracle Java 7 or later within the Java 7 code line


IBM Java 1.7 or later within the Java 1.7 code line

■ Oracle Solaris:

Oracle Java 7 or later within the Java 7 code line

Messaging Provider included in Oracle WebLogic (64-bit) included in Oracle WebLogic (64-bit)

Table 1–3 Supported Oracle Retail Products

Integrates with Version

Oracle Retail Back Office 14.1

Oracle Retail Point-of-Service 14.1

Table 1–4 Additional Oracle Technologies

Integrates with Version

Oracle Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.5.1

Check Third-Party Software Dependencies

1-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Check Third-Party Software DependenciesIf you are using the RSA Data Protection Manager, you must download specific jar files. For more information, see "Check Java Key Manager Requirement".

Check Supported Client PC and Web Browser RequirementsThe general requirements for the client system include Adobe Acrobat Reader or another application capable of rendering Portable Data Format (PDF) files.

The following web browsers are supported on Microsoft Windows 7:

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

■ Mozilla Firefox 24.x ESR

■ Google Chrome 28+

Check Java Key Manager RequirementIf you are using the RSA Data Protection Manager, you must use version

Oracle Retail Returns Management requires that a Java Key Manager system is available prior to installation. A Key Store connector RAR file is required to enable the connection between Oracle Retail Returns Management and the Key Store. During installation, the RAR file must be deployed to the application server. Specific information for configuring the Key Store and deploying the RAR file is entered in the Security Setup: Key Manager installer windows.

If you are using the RSA Data Protection Manager, you must obtain specific jar files, obtain the lockbox files for the operating system you are using, and install the Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7.0. See "Obtain the Files Needed for RSA Data Protection Manager" in Chapter 3.

Note: Returns Management with the RSA Data Protection Manager was not tested on IBM AIX or Oracle Solaris.

Note: If you are using the simulator key manager, a pass phrase is used to access the Key Manager simulator. The pass phrase is entered in the Key Store Pass Phrase installer window.

Use the same pass phrase for all Oracle Retail POS Suite applications in your configuration.

Caution: A simulated key management package is bundled with Oracle Retail Returns Management. It is not compliant with either the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) or Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). It is made available as a convenience for retailers and integrators. If you use the simulated key manager, you will not be PCI-DSS compliant. Therefore, the simulated key manager should be replaced with a compliant key manager.

Uptake Installation

Preinstallation Tasks 1-5

Hardware RequirementsSpecific hardware requirements for the machines running Oracle Retail Returns Management depend on variables including the number of users, number of stores and registers, transaction volume, returns data retention period, and other applications running on the same machine.

Please note the following about the hardware requirements:

■ The CPU requirement depends on variables including the operating system and middleware selected.

■ The memory requirements and performance depend on variables including the operating system and middleware selected.

■ Disk size can vary based on the operating system and middleware requirements, as well as the amount of data storage needed. Data storage depends on variables including the data retention period and so on.

You need to determine your hardware requirements, based on the variables mentioned here, as well as any additional variables specific to your environment.

Implementation Guidelines for Security

For information on implementing security, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide. This guide describes specific security features and implementation guidelines for the POS Suite products.

Uptake InstallationThis installation guide details the steps needed to perform a full installation of Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 14.1. For migrating from a previous release to 14.1, uptake assistance tools are provided for migrating the database and code.

An uptake of Oracle Retail Returns Management from the following releases to Release 14.1 can be done:

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 2.0.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 2.1.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 2.2.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 2.3.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 2.4.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 14.0.0

■ Oracle Retail Returns Management Release 14.0.1

Note: A demonstration trust store is bundled with Oracle WebLogic. It is recommended that the demonstration trust store is replaced with a secure trust store.

It is also recommended that the passwords for key stores and trust stores are changed from the values set by default. If this is not done, the system could be vulnerable to access by any unauthorized user with knowledge of the default passwords.

Uptake Installation

1-6 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

To assist in the uptake of Oracle Retail Returns Management from one of these releases to Release 14.1, tools are available on My Oracle Support.

The following document is available through My Oracle Support. Access My Oracle Support at the following URL:

Oracle Retail POS Suite Uptake Guide (Doc ID: 1598170.1)

This guide contains the following information:

■ List of the impacts of the Release 14.1 functional changes on the database schema.

■ Description of the tools available to assist in the uptake of the database and code.


Secure Configuration 2-1

2 Secure Configuration

This chapter serves as a guide for administrators and people installing the product to securely configure Oracle Retail Returns Management. To see a broader spectrum of suggested security-related practices for this application, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

This chapter is intended for security administrators and people installing the products who will deploy and configure the Oracle Retail POS Suite applications. These users perform the following tasks:

■ Install and deploy the applications

■ Configure the applications

■ Apply patches to the applications

It is assumed that the readers of this chapter have a general knowledge of administering the underlying technologies and the application.

This chapter begins with the operating system and moves through the supporting middleware to the application, and its connections with other resources.

Any references to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) requirements are from PCI-DSS version 3.0.

Operating SystemTo see the operating systems and browsers supported for this release of Returns Management, see Chapter 1.

The Oracle Retail POS Suite applications do not rely on unsecured services or protocols. If the retailer or systems integrator customizes or extends the applications, these extensions must not rely on unsecured services or protocols.

Note: All the Oracle Retail POS Suite applications should follow the same practices for configuring a secure environment.

Note: The options set by default for the installer are the most secure selection. If you choose to not use any of the default selections, you need to consider the implications of that change on the security of your installed product.


2-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

When using Microsoft Windows 7, the system restore point must be disabled. This restore point may possibly contain sensitive data (test or real) in previous versions of the operating system. To disable the system restore point:

1. Open the Control Panel.

2. Select System and then System protection. The System Properties window is displayed.

3. Under Protection Settings, select Configure.

4. Under Restore Settings, select Turn off system protection and click OK.

For more information about securing services and protocols, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Additional ResourceThe Center for Internet Security has published benchmarks for securing your systems at the operating system level. You can find the benchmarks at the following links:

■ Oracle Linux or Red Hat Linux:

■ Oracle Solaris or IBM AIX:

Infrastructure/MiddlewareTo see the database and application server supported for this release of Returns Management, see Chapter 1.

DatabaseFor recommendations on securing the database as well as JDBC communications between the POS Suite applications and the database, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Do not store sensitive data on Internet-accessible systems. For example, your web server and database server must not be on the same physical server. Oracle Retail POS Suite applications do not require the database server and web server to be hosted on the same physical server machine.

For information about secure configuration of Oracle Database, see the Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide. The guide is available at the following link on the Oracle Technology Network web site:

Application ServerFor information about secure configuration of Oracle WebLogic Application Server, see the following documentation available at the following links on the Oracle Technology Network web site:

■ Security for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1:

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application Configuration

Secure Configuration 2-3

■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing a Production Environment for Oracle WebLogic Server:

MessagingSecure JMS messaging configuration is specific to the application server. For information about securing the JMS messaging on Oracle WebLogic, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

The Oracle Retail POS Suite applications do not permit a user to send unencrypted sensitive data by end-user messaging technologies, such as e-mail. If you customize an application to permit sending sensitive data, by end-user messaging technologies, you must use a solution that renders the sensitive data unreadable or implements strong cryptography.

Returns Management can send notifications of the results of a scheduled job to a designated e-mail address. The e-mail contains the job name entered by the end user. Therefore, the user must take care that the scheduled job name does not contain sensitive data.

RSA Data Protection ManagerThe Oracle Retail POS Suite applications are designed to be easily integrated with an external key management service, selected by the retailer, for encryption and decryption of sensitive data. The Oracle Retail POS Suite applications perform no encryption, decryption, or key management. Many enterprise applications are available to perform those functions. Because of this, the applications require integration with a key management service in order to start properly.

The applications are designed to plug into a key management service with the addition of a thin layer that wraps the interface to a key manager of your choice, such as RSA and so on. The adaptor can be instantiated by an application framework such as Spring, so that it is easy to write and deploy an adaptor for a different key manager without modifying application code. Returns Management provides an adapter for RSA Data Protection Manager. See the following file:

This does not create a dependency on the RSA product, as a similar adapter could be developed for a different key management product.

For information on installing Point-of-Service with the RSA Data Protection Manager, see "Check Java Key Manager Requirement" in Chapter 1.

Network ConsiderationsFor recommendations on securing the network and other enterprise security considerations, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application ConfigurationThis section covers secure configuration that is recommended for all Oracle Retail POS Suite applications.

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application Configuration

2-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Technology ConsiderationsThese technologies should be considered.

Wireless TechnologyExcept for Oracle Retail Mobile Point-of-Service, Oracle Retail POS Suite applications are not designed as wireless applications. If wireless technology is used, you must adhere to PCI-DSS compliant wireless settings, per PCI-DSS Requirements 1.2.3, 2.1.1, and 4.1.1.

Application Specific SettingsThe Release 14.1 Oracle Retail POS Suite applications enable out-of-the-box audit logging by default. These logs should not be disabled.

Application log files are configurable. If you modify the settings, you must ensure they are compliant with PCI-DSS requirements 10.2 and 10.3.

The POS Suite applications implement automated audit trails for all system components to reconstruct the following events:

■ All actions taken by any individual with administrative privileges as assigned in the application

■ Access to application audit trails managed by or within the application

■ Invalid logical access attempts

■ Use of application's identification and authentication mechanisms

■ Initialization of the application audit logs

■ Creation and deletion of system-level objects within or by the application

The Release 14.1 Oracle Retail POS Suite applications implement an automated audit trail logging of various events happening on the system. The audit trail logging is configured in the log4j configuration file maintained for each application. The various events that need to be logged and the file where the audit logging information will be captured are configured in the log4j configuration file.

For each event, the Oracle Retail Audit log service logs the point of Origination of the event. In addition, the audit log framework logs the Initialization of the Audit log itself.

The log files are created with the following names and in following locations:

File Name: ReturnsManagement_audit.log

Location when Returns Management is deployed to an admin server:

<WEBLOGIC_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<Domain Name>/servers/<Server Name>/logs

Location when Returns Management is deployed to a cluster:

<WEBLOGIC_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<Domain Name>/servers/<Admin Server Name>/logs

Location when Returns Management is deployed to a managed server:

Caution: Do not comment out any of the entries or prevent the logging from occurring.

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application Configuration

Secure Configuration 2-5

<WEBLOGIC_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<Domain Name>/servers/<ManaagedServer Name>/logs

The following events should be captured at the system level:

■ Login or logoff

■ Start or stop a process

■ Use of user rights

■ Account administration

■ Change the security policy

■ Restart and shut down the system

■ USB events and Mount andUnmount events

■ Access a file or directory (create a file, remove a file, read a file, or change file descriptors)

Various tools are available to collect audit trail information. Audit trails should be maintained for the applications and for external system events.

Application Runtime SettingsAfter installation, these settings should be used.

Application ParametersSet these application parameters before running Returns Management.

Temporary Password Length The Temporary Password Length parameter is used to determine the length of system generated temporary passwords. This parameter resides in the application XML parameter file.

Database Configuration Password policy settings are configured through the database. By default, the password policy is compliant with PCI-DSS section 8.

Integration with Other ApplicationsThe Oracle Retail POS Suite applications integrate through the use of web services. For information about securing this interface protocol, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Scripts and Command Line UtilitiesThis section covers scripts and utilities used after installation.

Caution: This parameter can be set to generate passwords to have a length between 7 and 12 characters. In order to comply with PCI-DSS section 8.2.3, the Oracle Retail POS Suite applications must not be modified to allow fewer than 7 characters.

Caution: If you change the password policy, ensure the modified settings comply with the PCI-DSS.

Oracle Retail POS Suite Application Configuration

2-6 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Purge ScriptsThe Oracle Retail POS Suite applications come with stored procedures and scripts that permit a DBA to purge the databases of data that the retailer determines are no longer necessary to store. Access to these scripts should be restricted. For more information about the purge scripts, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.


Installation 3-1

3 Installation

Before proceeding, you must install the database and application server software. For a list of supported versions, see Chapter 1.

During installation, the Returns Management database schema is created and the Returns Management application is deployed to an Oracle WebLogic domain within the WebLogic installation. When the domain was created, the JDK was selected. This is the JDK that is used to run the Returns Management application. For the remainder of this chapter, the JDK installation directory is referred to as <JDK_INSTALL_DIR>.

Update Oracle WebLogic for JPA and RSABefore installing Returns Management, upgrade WebLogic with the latest version of the JPA jars that are tested with Returns Management. The jars are shipped with the Returns Management installer and are available in the file. After extracting the zip file, the jars are available in the following folder:


For information on extracting the zip file, see "Expand the Returns Management Distribution".

The following JPA jar files need to be upgraded:

■ eclipselink.jar

■ javax.persistence_2.1.0.v201304241213.jar

If using the RSA Data Protection Manager, WebLogic needs to be updated for the RSA jars and log4j jar. The RSA jar files must be obtained from your provider for the RSA Data Protection Manager. The following RSA and log4j jar files need to be added:

■ cryptojce.jar

■ cryptojcommon.jar

■ jcm.jar

■ jcmFIPS.jar

■ kmsclient.jar

■ LB.jar

■ LBJNI.jar

■ sslj.jar

■ log4j-1.2.17.jar

To update WebLogic for JPA and RSA:

Create a New WebLogic Domain for Returns Management

3-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

1. To upgrade the JPA jar files:

a. Copy the two jar files from <staging_directory>/returnsmgmt/lib/thirdparty to the <WebLogic_HOME>/modules directory.

b. To set the CLASSPATH, edit in the <WebLogic_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/common/bin directory:


2. To set up the jars to use RSA Data Protection Manager:

a. Copy the RSA jar files and the log4j.jar file to the appropriate directories.

b. To set the CLASSPATH, edit in the <WebLogic_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/common/bin directory:


3. After setting the variable, look on the console and make sure the jars are added to the CLASSPATH. If they are not added, shut down WebLogic and add the jars to the WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH variable in the same file. Put the jar files ahead of the WebLogic jar files.

Create a New WebLogic Domain for Returns ManagementYou can skip this section if you are manually redeploying to an existing domain.

The Returns Management application must be deployed to its own dedicated domain. For information on how to perform the following steps, consult your Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

Server Name Considerations Each server instance in your WebLogic environment must have a unique name, regardless of the domain or cluster in which it resides, or whether it is an Administration Server or a Managed Server. Within a domain, each server, machine, server, virtual host, and any other resource type must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain.

Enabling Trust Between WebLogic Server DomainsThe WebLogic Server enables you to establish global trust between two or more domains. You do this by specifying the same Domain Credential for each of the domains. By default, the Domain Credential is randomly generated and therefore, no two domains have the same Domain Credential. During installation, the WebLogic domain credential is configured to the value entered in the Domain Details installer window. For more information, see Figure A–30.

Note: Back Office, Central Office, Returns Management, and the Mobile Point-of-Service server must have all unique domain names and server names in order to integrate successfully.

Create a New WebLogic Domain for Returns Management

Installation 3-3

Secure Sockets LayerReturns Management is accessed through a secure HTTP connection. Enable the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) when creating the domain and set the listen port and SSL list port number so that the numbers are unique for each domain in your configuration.

Verify that the domain’s administrative server is started and in running mode.

Managed ServersWhen a domain is created with a managed server using the Oracle JDK, the default WebLogic settings may leave the server without enough memory to configure and stop the running managed server. A careful inspection of the log files may indicate an out-of-memory exception.

To avoid the out-of-memory exceptions, increase the PermSize space:

1. In the WebLogic Administration console, under Environments, select Servers.

2. In Summary of Servers, select <managedServerName>.

3. In Settings, select the Server Start tab.

4. In the Arguments text box, add the following if it does not already exist:

-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

5. Click Release Configuration.

Before launching the Returns Management installer, create a directory for the persistent store:


Configuring a ClusterFor an example of configuring a cluster on WebLogic, see the following document available through My Oracle Support. Access My Oracle Support at the following URL:

Oracle Retail POS Suite Cluster Configuration on WebLogic (Doc ID: 1597886.1)

This document provides examples of installing WebLogic, creating and configuring a WebLogic domain, and deploying the web application.

General Steps for Creating a New DomainIn addition to specific steps previously described, you can use the following steps to create a new domain using the WebLogic Configuration Wizard:

1. Log on to the server, which is running your WebLogic installation, as the user who owns the WebLogic installation.

Note: All domains running Oracle Retail applications must have the same domain credentials.

Create a New WebLogic Domain for Returns Management

3-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

2. Launch the Weblogic Configuration Wizard.

3. Select Create a new WebLogic Domain. The domain can be a basic WebLogic server domain.

4. Choose a unique name for the new domain. In the remainder of this installation guide, <orrm-domain> is used for the name.

5. Configure the administrator user name and password.

6. Configure the server start mode and JDK.

7. Configure the Administration Server.

Before launching the Returns Management installer:

1. If using a Managed Server, start the Managed Server.

2. Start the Administration Server.

3. Verify that all servers in the domain are started and in running mode.

WebLogic Domain Startup ModeWebLogic can be run in production mode or development mode.

Boot Identity FilesWhen a domain is created in development mode using the Configuration Wizard, a boot identity file, named, is created in the Administration Server's root directory. The boot identity file contains an encrypted version of the user name and password which lets you bypass the login prompt during instantiations of the server. In production mode, WebLogic prompts for credentials on the command line.

To install Returns Management on a domain using production mode, you must first create a boot identity file so that the Administration Server can bypass the prompt for user name and password when the installer restarts the server.

Consult your WebLogic documentation for more information and options for creating boot identity files. Following is an example of one method, that can be used after domain creation, to create the boot identity file:

1. Start the Administration Server at least once and provide the user credentials on the command line.

2. Create the Administration Server's security directory, if it does not already exist.


3. Place the following two lines in a file named in the security directory:


4. Stop and restart the Administration Server to verify that the credential prompts are bypassed.

Note: There should be no spaces on either side of the equal sign.

Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users

Installation 3-5

Deploying to a Managed Server or ClusterIf you are deploying Returns Management to a managed server or cluster, note the following:

■ If any of the servers are remote from the admin server, copy the contents of the domain/lib directory to the corresponding directory on the remote systems. Also, a directory for the persistent store needs to be created on the remote systems. It should be located in the following location:


■ Although the installer will deploy all components of the application to all cluster members, it is suggested that in production, the web services and EJBs are deployed to a cluster and the web application is deployed to a non-clustered managed server.

■ If you are deploying Returns Management to a cluster, you must use web services for communication with Point-of-Service.

■ If you are deploying Returns Management to a cluster and using the RSA Data Protection Manager, set the client.app_name to a unique name in each RSA client configuration file used in the cluster.

■ To ensure that the SSL certificates match between WebLogic and Returns Management:

1. Start the node manager.

2. Edit the file at the following location:


Update the following values:


3. Restart the node manager.

Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source UsersThe following recommendations should be considered for schema owners:

■ Database administrators should create an individual schema owner for each application, unless the applications share the same data. In the case of Oracle Retail Back Office and Point-of-Service, the database schema owner is the same because these applications share a database.

■ The schema owners should only have enough privileges to install the database.

For information on best practices for passwords, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Expand the Returns Management Distribution

3-6 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

To create the database schema owner and data source users:

1. Log in using the database administrator user ID.

2. Create a role in the database to be used for the schema owner.

CREATE ROLE <schema_owner_role>;

3. Grant the privileges, shown in the following example, to the role.


4. Create a role in the database to be used for the data source user.

CREATE ROLE <data_source_role>;

5. Grant the privileges, shown in the following example, to the role.


6. Create the schema owner user in the database.


7. Grant the schema owner role to the user.

GRANT <schema_owner_role> TO <schema_username>;

8. Create the data source user.


9. Grant the data source role to the user.

GRANT <data_source_role> TO <data_source_username>;

The installer grants the data source connection user access to the application database objects. If you choose No in the Manual Deployment Option window, you need to grant the access after the installer completes. For more information, see "Manual Deployment of the Returns Management Application".

Expand the Returns Management DistributionTo extract the Returns Management files:

1. Extract the Returns Management 14.1 distribution zip file.

Note: After the product is installed successfully, the CREATE SYNONYM privilege must be revoked from the data source role. Before the installer exits, it prompts for a database administrator to revoke the privilege.

Replace the ojdbc6 Jar File in the WebLogic Installation

Installation 3-7

2. Log on to the Linux server as the user who owns the Oracle WebLogic installation. Create a new staging directory for the Returns Management application distribution (, for example, /tmp/j2ee/<orrm-domain>/orrm-staging.

3. Copy or upload to staging_directory and extract its contents. The following files and directories should be created under staging_directory/ORRM-14.1:


For the remainder of this chapter, staging_directory/ORRM-14.1 is referred to as <INSTALL_DIR>.

Replace the ojdbc6 Jar File in the WebLogic InstallationThe ojdbc6 jar file in the WebLogic installation must be replaced with the ojdbc6 jar included with Returns Management.

To replace the ojdbc6 jar:

1. Stop the application server.

2. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/db directory.

3. Expand the returnsmgmtDBInstall.jar file.

jar -xvf returnsmgmtDBInstall.jar

Note: The staging directory (staging_directory) can exist anywhere on the system. It does not need to be under tmp.

Enable Data Import

3-8 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

4. Copy the ojdbc6.jar file from the lib directory to the <WebLogic_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/server/lib directory.

5. Start the application server:

■ If Returns Management is deployed to an admin server, start the application server for the admin server.

■ If Returns Management is deployed to a managed server or cluster, start the application server for the managed servers.

Enable Data ImportData Import (DIMP) is used by external systems to send data bundles to Returns Management for routine data loading of certain types of data. To use DIMP, you need to create a directory for the incoming bundles and a directory where the bundles are archived after being processed.

In the Enable DIMP installer window, you select whether DIMP will be used. See Figure A–12. If Yes is selected in the window, you then provide the paths to the directories in the DIMP Configuration installer window. See Figure A–13.

For detailed information on DIMP, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite/Merchandising Products Implementation Guide.

Enable Cross Version SupportA retailer may want to use DIMP with Release 14.1 of the POS Suite applications but with an earlier release of the Oracle Retail Merchandising Operations Management products. Cross version support enables this integration.

In the Enable Cross Version for DIMP installer window, you select whether cross version support is enabled. See Figure A–14. If Yes is selected in the window, you then provide the information needed for cross version support in the Cross Version Compatibility Configuration installer windows. See Figure A–15 and Figure A–16.

For detailed information on cross version support, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Implementation Guide, Volume 1 - Implementation Solutions.

Installation OptionsDuring installation, there are options that enable you to select whether the installer completes parts of the installation or if you want to complete those parts manually. For information on the available options, see the following sections:

■ "Install Database Options"

■ "Manual Deployment of the Returns Management Application"

■ "Install Parameters Option"

Install Database OptionsThe database schema must be created and populated before configuring the application server. In the Install Database Option window, you select whether the installer creates and populates the database schema or if you want to do this manually. See Figure A–17.

■ If you choose Create schema with sample dataset, the installer creates and populates the database schema with sample data. This is the default selection in

Install Database Options

Installation 3-9

the window. The sample dataset includes the minimum dataset. If you want data available to use for demonstrating Returns Management functionality after installation, you can select this option.

To use this option, you must provide the location of the zip file containing the sample dataset in the Sample Dataset installer window. See Figure A–18. You can obtain the file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

■ If you choose Create schema with minimum dataset, the installer creates and populates the database schema with the minimum amount of data needed to launch and run Returns Management. If you want to load your own data after installation, you can select this option.

■ If you choose Skip schema creation and data loading, the installer does not create and populate the database schema. You choose this option if you want to create and populate the database schema manually. For information on manually creating and populating the database schema, see "Manually Create the Database Schema".

Manually Create the Database SchemaTo manually create and populate the database schema:

1. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/db directory.

2. Set the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables.


3. Add $JAVA_HOME/bin and $ANT_HOME/bin to the front of the PATH environment variable.


4. Expand the returnsmgmtDBInstall.jar file.

jar -xvf returnsmgmtDBInstall.jar

5. If you are using sample data, enter the path to the sample dataset file. Use forward slashes in the path:

# identifies the sample dataset

6. Modify

Note: If Returns Management is being installed for the first time and a clean schema is being used, do not select the Skip schema creation and data loading option. The installer will fail at some point if there is no data available in the database. You must populate the database schema before running the installer by selecting one of the other options.

If the schema is already populated and you want to manually restore or update the data, select the Skip schema creation and data loading option.

Install Database Options

3-10 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

a. Uncomment the Oracle properties and comment out the properties for the other vendors.

b. In the Oracle properties, update the settings to the following:


c. Set the following properties with your database settings. The values to be set are shown in bold in the examples.

Set the hash algorithm, for example, to SHA-256.

# Hash Algorithminst.hash.algorithm=HASH_ALGORITHM

Enter the values for the users shown in bold in the following example: db.user=DB_USER_IDdb.password-encrypted= db.owner.user=DB_OWNER_USER_IDdb.owner.password-encrypted=

Before running the ant target to encrypt the passwords, clear the encrypted password entries as shown in the preceding examples. The ant target prompts for the passwords. Run the following ant target to encrypt the passwords:

ant -f db.xml encrypt-webapp-passwords

Enter the values for the URL used by the Returns Management application to access the database schema. See Appendix D for the expected syntax:


If you are using a service name, the URL has the following format:


Enter the value for the store ID shown in the following example:

Enter the value for the supported locales shown in the following example:


Add a default locale as shown in bold in the following example:


d. Add entries for tablespaces. If you are using the default tablespaces, leave the name blank:

e. Set the host name and port number for the parameters.apphost property to point to your Returns Management installation.

Obtain the Files Needed for RSA Data Protection Manager

Installation 3-11


f. In the parameters.classpath property, replace the semicolons used as separators with colons. This is needed to run with Linux systems.

g. If loading sample data, replace FILE_DATASET_SAMPLE with the full path and file name for the sample dataset zip file.

7. Run one of the available Ant targets to create the database schema and load data:

■ load_sample: creates the database schema containing the sample dataset. The sample dataset includes the minimum dataset.

To use this option, you must provide the location of the zip file containing the sample dataset. You can obtain the file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

■ load_minimum: creates the database schema containing the minimum dataset.

For example: ant load_sample

Load Return Tickets DataIn the Load Returns Test Data window, you select whether the installer loads sample return tickets data. See Figure A–46.

To use this option, you must provide the location of the zip file containing the sample tickets data in the Returns Test Data installer window. You can obtain the file from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

Secure the JDBC for the Oracle 12c DatabaseIn the Enable Secure JDBC window, you select whether secure JDBC will be used for communication with the database. See Figure A–10.

■ If Yes is selected, the installer sets up the secure JDBC.

■ If No is selected and you want to manually set up the secure JDBC after the installer completes, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Security Guide.

Obtain the Files Needed for RSA Data Protection Manager

If you are using the RSA Data Protection Manager, you must do the following:

■ "Obtain the RSA Client Configuration File"

■ "Obtain the RSA Data Protection Manager Files"

■ "Obtain the RSA Libraries for Lockbox"

Note: Returns Management with the RSA Data Protection Manager was not tested on IBM AIX or Oracle Solaris.

Obtain the Returns Management Test Client

3-12 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

■ "Install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)"

Obtain the RSA Client Configuration FileYou must provide the installer with the name and location of the configuration property file in the RSA Client Configuration window. See Figure A–24. For detailed information on the content of this file, see the Java client documentation provided by your provider for the RSA Data Protection Manager.

Obtain the RSA Data Protection Manager FilesYou must obtain the required jar files from your RSA Key Manager provider. You provide the location of the jar files in the RSA Client JAR Files window. See Figure A–23. The directory for the jar files must contain only the RSA Java client jar files.

Obtain the RSA Libraries for LockboxLockbox is an RSA feature the provides protection for RSA configuration information. Obtain these libraries from your RSA Data Protection Manager.

You must also update the path variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, for the lockbox libraries. For AIX, you must also update the path variable, LIBPATH, for the lockbox libraries.

Install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)You must update the security for your JRE. You need to obtain version 7.0 of the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.

1. Make a backup copy of local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.

cd <JAVA_INSTALL_DIR>/<jdk>/jre/lib/securitymv local_policy.jar local_policy.jar.bakmv US_export_policy.jar US_export_policy.jar.bak

2. Download version 7 of the JCE.

a. Go to the following web site:

b. Under Additional Resources, find Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7.

c. Click Download.

d. Follow the instructions to download the JCE.

3. Copy the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar files into the JRE security directory. The files are bundled as

Obtain the Returns Management Test ClientTo include the Returns Management test client in the installation:

1. Obtain the Oracle Retail Returns Management Test Client 14.1 from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

Run the Returns Management Application Installer

Installation 3-13

2. Copy the returns-webapp-test-client.war file into the <INSTALL_DIR>/external-lib directory.

Run the Returns Management Application InstallerOnce you have a WebLogic domain that is configured and started, you can run the Returns Management application installer. This installer will configure and deploy the Returns Management application.

1. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR> directory.

2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. JAVA_HOME should point to <JDK_INSTALL_HOME>.

3. If you are using an X server such as Exceed, set the DISPLAY environment variable so that you can run the installer in GUI mode (recommended). If you are not using an X server, or the GUI is too slow over your network, unset DISPLAY for text mode or use the script.

4. Run the installer.

a. Log on to the Linux server as the user who owns the WebLogic installation.

b. Change the mode of all .sh files to executable.

c. Run the script. This will launch the installer.

After installation is complete, a detailed installation log file is created: orrm-install-app.<timestamp>.log

The installer leaves behind the and cwallet.sso files for repeat installations.

5. After the installation is successfully completed, the CREATE SYNONYM privilege must be revoked. In the installer console window, it prompts for a database administrator to run the revokesyn SQL script to revoke the privilege. The script is found in the <INSTALL_DIR> directory.

Note: To see details on every window and field in the application installer, see Appendix A.

Note: The installer is not compatible with versions of Java earlier than Java 7.

Caution: Password fields are masked in GUI mode, but in text mode your input is shown in plain text in the console window.

Note: The usage details for are shown below. The typical usage for GUI mode does not use arguments. [text | silent weblogic]

Resolve Errors Encountered During Application Installation

3-14 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure 3–1 Installer Prompt to Run revokesyn

For information on granting this privilege, see "Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users".

Store HierarchyAfter the store hierarchy is imported into the database, link the administration user created during the install to the correct store group.

Resolve Errors Encountered During Application InstallationIf the application installer encounters any errors, it will halt execution immediately. You can run the installer in silent mode so that you do not have to reenter the settings for your environment. For instructions on silent mode, see Appendix B.

For a list of common installation errors, see Appendix E.

Since the application installation is a full reinstall every time, any previous partial installs will be overwritten by the successful installation.

Install Parameters OptionThe application parameters must be installed before the Returns Management application is fully operational. In the Install Parameters window, you select whether the installer completes installation of the parameters or if you want to do this manually.

■ If you chose Yes, you do not need to perform any further steps to install the parameters. This is the default selection In the window.

■ If you chose No, the installer did not install the parameters. For information on installing the parameters, see "Import Initial Parameters".

Disable Non-SSL PortYou can choose to disable the non-SSL port in the Turn Off the Application Server’s Non-SSL Port window. See Figure A–51. If you select Yes in the window, you must delete the transaction log files.

Note: This should be done immediately after the Returns Management install completes and before Back Office is installed. Otherwise, a transaction with the non-SSL port number may corrupt your system and stop JMS messages from being pushed to the stores.

Manual Deployment of the Returns Management Application

Installation 3-15

To delete the files:

1. Stop the application server.

2. Delete the transaction log files:


3. Start the application server:

■ If Returns Management is deployed to an admin server, start the application server for the admin server.

■ If Returns Management is deployed to a managed server or cluster, start the application server for the managed servers.

For more information, see the following web site. Refer to the Moving a Server section.

Manual Deployment of the Returns Management ApplicationSkip this section if you chose the default option of allowing the installer to complete installation to the application server in the Manual Deployment Option window. See Figure A–43.

The installer includes the option to configure the application locally and skip deployment to the application server. If this option is chosen, the installer will make the configured application files available under <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/configured-output/.

If you chose this installer option, you can deploy the Returns Management ear file by following these steps:

■ To deploy using the ant target:

1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. JAVA_HOME should point to <JDK_INSTALL_DIR>.

2. Check that the Key Store connector JNDI name in the file matches the JNDI name of the Key Store connector deployed on the application server. The file is found in the properties.jar file at <WEBLOGIC_HOME>/user_projects/domains/<orrm-domain>/lib/properties.jar.

3. Update the following property in the file. = true

4. Run the following ant target:

./ ant init app-ear-deploy -propertyfile

■ To deploy from the application server console:

Note: The application server's non-SSL listen port must be enabled before running the ant target described here. The non-SSL listen port can be enabled using the WebLogic Admin Console. After these steps are completed, the non-SSL listen port can be disabled so the server can only be reached on the SSL listen port.

Import Initial Parameters

3-16 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. JAVA_HOME should point to <JDK_INSTALL_DIR>.

2. Run the following target:

./ ant init app-ear-deploy

3. Deploy the ear file from the following location:


Import Initial Parameters

This section provides an overview of the procedures for importing an initial set of parameters. You can import the parameters through the Oracle Retail Returns Management user interface or by using an ant target after the installation is complete. You only need to use one of the procedures. The procedure for importing parameters through the application user interface is described in more detail in the Oracle Retail Returns Management User Guide.

Import Parameters Through the User InterfaceTo import the initial parameters through the user interface:

1. Open the Oracle Retail Returns Management application in a web browser. The address is provided at the end of the installer output and in the log file.

http://<servername>:<portnumber>/<context root>

2. Log in to the application with a user ID that has full administrative rights.

3. Click the Data Management tab. The Available Imports window appears.

4. To import the initial set of Oracle Retail Returns Management application parameters, click the File link in the Import Application Parameters row. Follow the instructions to import returnsmgmt.xml from the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/configured-output/db folder.

Note: When deploying the ear file, provide the same application name and context root you gave to the installer. These values were stored in the <INSTALL_DIR>/ file by the installer.

Note: If the initial set of parameters has not been imported because deployment of the application was performed using the manual deployment option, see "Import Initial Parameters" for details on how to import the parameters.

Note: An initial set of parameters must be imported before you can use Oracle Retail Returns Management. For more information on parameters, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Configuration Guide.

Using the Returns Management Application

Installation 3-17

Import Parameters by using an Ant Target

To import parameters using an ant target:

1. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/configured-output/db directory.

2. In, set the host name and port number for the parameters.apphost property to point to your Returns Management installation.

parameters.apphost=t3://<host name>:<port number>

3. Set the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables.


4. Run the following command:

ant load_parameters

Load Optional Purge ProceduresFor information on the procedures provided for purging aged data, see the Oracle Retail POS Suite Operations Guide.

To load the purge procedures:

1. Run the available ant target to load the procedures.

ant load_purge_procedures

2. Log in as the database schema owner, <schema_username>.

3. Create a user for running the purge procedures. This user should only have the privileges required to run the purge procedures.

Using the Returns Management Application

After the application installer completes and you have run the initial parameter load, you should have a working Returns Management application installation. To launch the application, open a web browser and go to https://<servername>:<portnumber>/<context root>

For example, https://myhost:7002/returnsmanagement

Note: The application server's non-SSL listen port must be enabled before running the ant target described here. The non-SSL listen port can be enabled using the WebLogic Admin Console. After these steps are completed, the non-SSL listen port can be disabled so the server can only be reached on the SSL listen port.

Note: When you are done installing Returns Management, log out and close the browser window. This ensures that your session information is cleared and prevents another user from accessing Returns Management with your login information.

Using the Returns Management Application

3-18 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide


Appendix: Installer Windows A-1

AAppendix: Installer Windows

You need the following details about your environment for the installer to successfully deploy the Returns Management application. Depending on the options you select, you may not see some windows or fields.

For each field in a window, a table is included in this appendix that describes the field.

Figure A–1 Introduction

A-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–2 Requirements

Figure A–3 License Agreement

Note: You must choose to accept the terms of the license agreement in order for the installation to continue.

Appendix: Installer Windows A-3

Figure A–4 JRE Vendor

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Please select the JRE 1.7.x vendor

Field Description Select the vendor for the JRE:

■ If the operating system being used is Oracle Linux or Oracle Solaris, choose Oracle.

■ If the operating system being used is IBM AIX, choose IBM.

A-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–5 Cluster Configuration

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Cluster Configuration on remote machine?

Field Description Indicates if this installation is part of a cluster configuration:

■ To copy all the required libraries and properties before deploying the application on a cluster, select Yes.

■ If the installer is running on the machine running the WebLogic Admin server, select No.

Example No

Appendix: Installer Windows A-5

Figure A–6 All Supported Languages

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Select all supported languages

Field Description Choose whether all languages are initially selected on the Supported Languages screen:

■ To have all available languages initially selected, select Yes.

■ To have only English initially selected, select No.

Example No

A-6 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–7 Supported Languages

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Please enter the supported languages

Field Description Select the languages that will be available for the Returns Management application.

The languages selected in this window determine the available choices in the Enter Default Locale window.

Example English, French, Italian

Appendix: Installer Windows A-7

Figure A–8 Enter Default Locale

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Enter Default Locale

Field Description Locale support in Returns Management enables the date, time, currency, calendar, address, and phone number to be displayed in the format for the selected default locale.

The choices for default locale are dependent on the selections made in the Supported Languages window. For each selected language, the default locale for that language is displayed in the Enter Default Locale window. For example, if English, French, and Italian are selected in the Supported Languages window, en_US, fr_FR, and it_IT are the available choices for the default locale.

Example en_US, fr_FR, it_IT

A-8 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–9 Database Owner

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Schema Username

Field Description Schema user name that manages the objects in the schema. This user has Create, Drop, and Alter privileges in the schema, that is, Data Definition Language (DDL) execution privileges. For information on creating this user, see "Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users" in Chapter 3.

Note: This user creates the database objects used by Returns Management.

Details Content

Field Title Schema Password

Field Description Password for the database owner.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Schema Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Schema Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Appendix: Installer Windows A-9

Figure A–10 Enable Secure JDBC

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Enable Secure JDBC?

Field Description Select whether secure JDBC is to be used for communication with the database.

Example Yes

A-10 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–11 Data Source User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title JDBC URL

Field Description URL used by the Returns Management application to access the database schema. See Appendix D for the expected syntax.

Note: If Yes is selected in the Enable Secure JDBC window, this URL is only used by the installer.

Example jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:mydatabase

Details Content

Field Title Secure JDBC URL

Field Description URL containing the specific parameters used by Returns Management to access the database schema. See Appendix D for the expected syntax.

This field is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable Secure JDBC window.

Example jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=[host])(PORT=[tcpsPort]))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=[dbname])))

Details Content

Field Title Data Source Username

Appendix: Installer Windows A-11

Field Description Database user name that can access and manipulate the data in the schema. This user can have Select, Insert, Update, Delete, and Execute privileges on objects in the schema, that is, Data Manipulation Language (DML) execution privileges. For information on creating this user, see "Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users" in Chapter 3.

Note: This schema user is used by Returns Management to access the database.

Details Content

Field Title Data Source Password

Field Description Password for the data source user.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Data Source Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Data Source Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Tablespace Information for Tables

Field Description Name of the tablespace, associated with the data source user, which is used for tables. If this field is blank, tables are installed in the default tablespace.

Details Content

Field Title Tablespace Information for Indexes

Field Description Name of the tablespace, associated with the data source user, which is used for indexes. If this field is blank, indexes are installed in the default tablespace.

Details Content

A-12 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–12 Enable DIMP

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Enable DIMP?

Field Description Select whether DIMP will be used. For information on DIMP, see "Enable Data Import" in Chapter 3.

Example Yes

Appendix: Installer Windows A-13

Figure A–13 DIMP Configuration

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable DIMP window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title DIMP Incoming Path

Field Description Directory where the incoming data import bundles arrive.

Example /tmp/dataimport/incoming

Details Content

Field Title DIMP Archive Path

Field Description Directory where the incoming data import bundles are archived after processing.

Example /tmp/dataimport/archive

A-14 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–14 Enable Cross Version for DIMP

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable DIMP window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Enable Cross Version Support?

Field Description Select whether Cross Version Support for DIMP is enabled.

For more information on cross version support, see "Enable Cross Version Support" in Chapter 3.

Example No

Appendix: Installer Windows A-15

Figure A–15 Cross Version Compatibility Configuration

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable Cross Version for DIMP window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title DIMP Untransformed Path

Field Description Directory that contains the incoming data import bundles that need transformation.

Example /tmp/dataimport/untransformed

Details Content

Field Title XSL Directory Path

Field Description Directory where the XSL files generated from the design tool are archived.

Example /tmp/dataimport/xsls

Details Content

Field Title MOM version

Field Description Release of the Merchandising Operations Management products being used.

Example 13.2

A-16 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–16 Cross Version Compatibility Configuration Contd..

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Enable Cross Version for DIMP window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title POS version

Field Description Release of Oracle Retail Point-of-Service being used.

Example 14.1

Details Content

Field Title Employee XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the employee DIMP.

Example employeetransform

Details Content

Field Title Currency XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the currency DIMP.

Example currencytransform

Details Content

Field Title Customer XSL Name Prefix

Appendix: Installer Windows A-17

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the customer DIMP.

Example customertransform

Details Content

Field Title Item XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the item DIMP.

Example itemtransform

Details Content

Field Title Price XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the price DIMP.

Example pricetransform

Details Content

Field Title Store XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the store DIMP.

Example storetransform

Details Content

Field Title Tax XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the tax DIMP.

Example taxtransform

Details Content

Field Title Merchandise XSL Name Prefix

Field Description Prefix for the XSL file name for the merchandise DIMP.

Example merchandisetransform

Details Content

A-18 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–17 Install Database Option

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Select database installation option

Field Description The database schema must be created and populated before starting Returns Management. This window gives you the option to have the installer create and populate the database schema or leave the database schema unmodified.

■ To have the installer leave the database schema unchanged, select Skip schema creation and data loading.

■ To have the installer create and populate the database schema with the minimum dataset, select Create schema with minimum dataset.

■ To have the installer create and populate the database schema with the sample dataset, select Create schema with sample dataset.

For more information, see "Install Database Options" in Chapter 3.

Example Create schema with sample dataset

Appendix: Installer Windows A-19

Figure A–18 Sample Dataset

This window is only displayed when Create schema with sample dataset is selected in the Install Database Option window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Sample dataset file

Field Description Enter the path to the sample dataset to be loaded into the database schema.

You can obtain the file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

For more information on the sample dataset, see "Install Database Options" in Chapter 3.

Example /oracle/retail/samples/

A-20 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–19 Returns Management Administrator User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Returns Management Admin Username

Field Description User name used for performing Returns Management administrative functions.

Example pos

Details Content

Field Title Returns Management Admin Password

Field Description Password for the administrator user.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Returns Management Admin Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Returns Management Admin Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Appendix: Installer Windows A-21

Figure A–20 Returns Management Web Services User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Note: This same Web Service Username and Web Service Password must be used by Point-of-Service when it is integrated with Returns Management. When installing the Point-of-Service server, the same user name and password must be entered. For more information, see the Oracle Retail Point-of-Service Installation Guide.

Details Content

Field Title Web Service Username

Field Description User name used for accessing Return Management web services.

Details Content

Field Title Web Service Password

Field Description Password for the web service user.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Web Service Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Web Service Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

A-22 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–21 Security Setup: Key Manager

This window is used to configure the Encryption Key Store provider.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Hash Algorithm

Field Description Name of the algorithm used by the Key Store to hash sensitive data.

Example SHA-256

Details Content

Field Title Select Key Manager

Field Description Provider for Key Store management.

■ To use the RSA key management package, select RSA Data Protection Manager. The next window displayed is Figure A–22.

■ To use the simulated key management package, select Simulator. The next window displayed is Figure A–25.

Example RSA Data Protection Manager

Details Content

Field Title Connector JNDI Name

Field Description Name of the connector JNDI.

Example eis/keystoreconnector

Appendix: Installer Windows A-23

Figure A–22 RSA Data Protection Manager Requirements

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window. This informational window explains the requirements to use the RSA Data Protection Manager. Verify that you meet the requirements and then click Next.

Figure A–23 RSA Client JAR Files

A-24 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Figure A–24 RSA Client Configuration

This window is only displayed if RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title RSA Client JAR Files Directory

Field Description Choose the directory where the following RSA client jar files are located:

■ cryptojce.jar

■ cryptojcommon.jar

■ jcm.jar

■ jcmFIPS.jar

■ kmsclient.jar

■ LB.jar

■ LBJNI.jar

■ sslj.jar

Example /opt/rsa/java_binary/rkmc/lib

Details Content

Field Title Cipher Key Class

Appendix: Installer Windows A-25

Figure A–25 Key Store Pass Phrase for Simulator Key Manager

This window is only displayed if Simulator is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Field Description Enter the name of the cipher suite that define the authentication and encryption algorithms that will be used by RSA to negotiate the security settings for the network connection.

Details Content

Field Title RSA Client Configuration File

Field Description Select the location of the RSA client configuration file. This file contains the details for configuring the RSA client.

Details Content

Field Title Generate a new

Field Description To have the installer generate a unique name for the value in the RSA client configuration file, select Yes. To not change the value in the configuration file, select No.

Example No

Details Content

Field Title Pass Phrase

Details Content

A-26 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–26 Deploy Key Store Connector RAR

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Field Description Enter the pass phrase used to access the Key Store simulator.

Note: Use the same pass phrase for all Oracle Retail POS Suite applications in your configuration.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Pass Phrase

Field Description Reentered Pass Phrase used to confirm the pass phrase.

Note: The pass phrases in the Pass Phrase and Confirm Pass Phrase fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Deploy a Key Store RAR?

Field Description Select whether a Key Store RAR is to be deployed.

Example Yes

Details Content

Appendix: Installer Windows A-27

Figure A–27 Key Store Connector RAR Details

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Deploy KeyStore Connector RAR window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Key Store Deployment Name

Field Description Name to which the Key Store connector will be deployed.

Example keystoreconnector

Details Content

Field Title Key Store Connector RAR File

Field Description Path name to the Key Store connector RAR file.

Example /opt/connectors/keystoreconnector-rar.rar

A-28 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–28 App Server WL_HOME

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title WL_HOME

Field Description WL_HOME directory for the Oracle WebLogic Server installation.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3

Details Content

Field Title BEA_HOME

Field Description BEA_HOME directory for the Oracle WebLogic Server installation.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware

Appendix: Installer Windows A-29

Figure A–29 Mail Session Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title SMTP host

Field Description Host where the SMTP server is running.


Details Content

Field Title Reply-To Address

Field Description Reply-to address in e-mails generated by Returns Management.


Details Content

Field Title From Address

Field Description From address in e-mails generated by Returns Management.


A-30 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–30 Domain Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Admin Server

Field Description Name of the admin server to which the Returns Management application is being deployed.

Example AdminServer

Details Content

Field Title Admin Server HTTP port

Field Description HTTP port used by the administration server. This port was selected when the administration domain was created.

Example 7001

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Domain Path

Field Description Path to the domain to which the Returns Management application is being deployed.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Domain Credential

Appendix: Installer Windows A-31

Figure A–31 Weblogic Administrative User

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Field Description Password shared between domains in order to establish a trust relationship.

Note: Use the same password for all Oracle Retail applications in the trust relationship in your configuration.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Weblogic Domain Credential used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Schema Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Timezone

Field Description Time zone for the Returns Management domain.

Example America/Chicago

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic admin user

Field Description User name of the administrative user for the WebLogic server to which the Returns Management application is being deployed.

Details Content

A-32 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–32 Weblogic Advanced User Configuration Mode

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Example weblogic

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic admin password

Field Description Password for the WebLogic administrative user. You chose this password when you created the WebLogic server.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered WebLogic Admin Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the WebLogic Admin Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Enter Advanced User settings for Weblogic?

Field Description Sets whether you want to specify the JVM heap size and delay time for starting the WebLogic server.

■ To enter the advanced settings, choose Yes.

■ To not enter the advanced settings, choose No.

Example No

Details Content

Appendix: Installer Windows A-33

Figure A–33 Weblogic Advanced User Settings

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Weblogic Advanced User Configuration Mode window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Xms value (starting heap size) in megabytes

Field Description Enter the starting JVM heap size in megabytes.

Example 512

Details Content

Field Title Xmx value (maximum heap size) in megabytes

Field Description Enter the maximum JVM heap size in megabytes.

Note: If the entered heap size cannot be allocated by the system, the installation fails. The WebLogic server log can be examined to identify the issue.

Example 2048

Details Content

Field Title Restart delay in seconds

Field Description Enter extra delay in seconds for restarting WebLogic during product installation.

Example 10

A-34 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–34 Weblogic Deploy Server Type

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Select WebLogic deployment type

Field Description Select how the Returns Management application is deployed.

■ Deploy to Admin Server

The next window is Figure A–35.

■ Deploy to Managed Server

The next window is Figure A–37.

■ Deploy to Cluster

The next window is Figure A–38.

For more information, see "Managed Servers" or "Configuring a Cluster" in Chapter 3.

Example Deploy to Cluster

Appendix: Installer Windows A-35

Figure A–35 Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store

This window is only displayed if Deploy to Admin Server is selected in the Weblogic Deploy Server Type window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Configure SSL Key Store?

Field Description Select whether the Admin Server will be configured for SSL:

■ To configure the Admin Server for SSL, select Yes.

■ To not configure the Admin Server for SSL, select No.

Example No

A-36 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–36 Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store Details

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Key Store File

Field Description Path to the Key Store file.

Details Content

Field Title Key Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Key Alias

Field Description Alias used to access the Key Store file.

Example myalias

Appendix: Installer Windows A-37

Details Content

Field Title Key Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store File

Field Description Path to the Trust Store file.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ProductionTrust.jks

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the Trust Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Trust Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Trust Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

A-38 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–37 Managed Server Details

This window is only displayed if Deploy to Managed Server is selected in the Weblogic Deploy Server Type window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Managed Server

Field Description Name of the managed server.

Example ManagedServer_1

Details Content

Field Title Enter the Managed Server HTTP port

Field Description HTTP port number used to access the managed server.

Example 7003

Appendix: Installer Windows A-39

Figure A–38 Cluster Details

This window is only displayed if Deploy to Cluster is selected in the Weblogic Deploy Server Type window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Cluster

Field Description Name of the cluster.

Example Cluster_1

Details Content

Field Title Weblogic Admin Server IP address

Field Description IP address for accessing the WebLogic Admin Server.

Details Content

Field Title Enter HTTP port of first Managed Server in cluster

Field Description HTTP port number used to access the cluster.

Example 7003

A-40 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–39 Configure Weblogic Managed Server or Cluster SSL Key Store

This window is only displayed if Deploy to Managed Server or Deploy to Cluster is selected in the Weblogic Deploy Server Type window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Configure SSL Key Store?

Field Description Select whether the Managed Server or Cluster will be configured for SSL:

■ To configure the Managed Server or Cluster for SSL, select Yes.

■ To not configure the Managed Server or Cluster for SSL, select No.

Example No

Appendix: Installer Windows A-41

Figure A–40 Weblogic Managed Server or Cluster SSL Key Store Details

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Configure Weblogic Managed Server or Cluster SSL Key Store window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Key Store File

Field Description Path to the Key Store file.

Details Content

Field Title Key Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Key Alias

Field Description Alias used to access the Key Store file.

Example myalias

A-42 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Details Content

Field Title Key Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store File

Field Description Path to the Trust Store file.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ProductionTrust.jks

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the Trust Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Trust Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Trust Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Appendix: Installer Windows A-43

Figure A–41 Optional: Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store

This window is only displayed if Deploy to Managed Server or Deploy to Cluster is selected in the Weblogic Deploy Server Type window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Configure SSL Key Store?

Field Description Select whether the Admin Server will be configured for SSL:

■ To configure the Admin Server for SSL, select Yes.

■ To not configure the Admin Server for SSL, select No.

Example No

A-44 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–42 Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store Details

This window is only displayed if Yes is selected in the Configure Weblogic Admin Server SSL Key Store window.

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title Key Store File

Field Description Path to the Key Store file.

Details Content

Field Title Key Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Key Alias

Field Description Alias used to access the Key Store file.

Example myalias

Appendix: Installer Windows A-45

Details Content

Field Title Key Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the client Key Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Key Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Key Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store File

Field Description Path to the Trust Store file.

Example /opt/Oracle/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ProductionTrust.jks

Details Content

Field Title Trust Store Password

Field Description Enter the password used to access the Trust Store.

Details Content

Field Title Confirm Password

Field Description Reentered Trust Store Password used to confirm the password.

Note: The passwords in the Trust Store Password and Confirm Password fields must match.

A-46 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–43 Manual Deployment Option

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Deploy ear file to app server?

Field Description By default, the installer will deploy the ear file and copy files under the application server ORACLE_HOME. This window gives you the option to leave ORACLE_HOME unmodified and configure the application in the staging area for use in a manual installation at a later time. This option can be used in situations where modifications to files under ORACLE_HOME must be reviewed by another party before being applied.

If you choose No, see "Manual Deployment of the Returns Management Application" in Chapter 3 for the manual steps you need to perform after the installer completes.

Example Yes

Appendix: Installer Windows A-47

Figure A–44 Application Deployment Details

The fields in this window are described in the following tables:

Details Content

Field Title App Deployment Name

Field Description Name by which this Returns Management application will be identified in the application server.

Example ReturnsManagement

Details Content

Field Title Context Root

Field Description Path under the HTTP URL that will be used to access the Returns Management application.

Example returnsmanagement

A-48 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–45 Install Parameters Option

This window is only displayed if No is selected in the Manual Deployment Option window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Install the parameters?

Field Description The application parameters must be set up before Returns Management can be used. This window gives you the option to set up the parameters manually. If you choose No, see "Install Parameters Option" in Chapter 3 for the manual steps you need to perform after the installer completes.

Example Yes

Appendix: Installer Windows A-49

Figure A–46 Load Returns Test Data

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Load Returns Test Data?

Field Description Select whether sample return tickets are loaded after Returns Management is installed.

Example No

A-50 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–47 Data Loader RSA Client Configuration

This window is only displayed when Yes is selected in the Load Returns Test Data window and RSA Data Protection Manager is selected in the Security Setup: Key Manager window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title RSA Client Configuration File

Field Description Select the location of the RSA client configuration file. This file contains the details for configuring the RSA client.

Appendix: Installer Windows A-51

Figure A–48 Returns Test Data File

This window is only displayed when Yes is selected in the Load Returns Test Data window.

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Sample Returns Tickets file

Field Description Enter the path to the sample return tickets data to be loaded into the database schema.

You can obtain the file from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at the following web site:

Example /oracle/retail/samples/

A-52 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–49 Oracle Returns Management Messaging

This screen is only displayed if Yes is selected on the Load Returns Test Data screen.

The field on this screen is described in the following table.

Details Content

Field Title Select result messaging option

Field Description Choose the method to use to send return result messages to Returns Management.

■ If you want messages sent to a JMS queue, choose JMS Queue.

■ If you want to use a Web service to send the messages, choose Web Service.

Example Web Service

Appendix: Installer Windows A-53

Figure A–50 Oracle Returns Management WebService Configuration

This screen is only displayed if Yes is selected on the Load Returns Test Data screen.

The fields on this screen are described in the following tables.

Details Content

Field Title ORRM Host Name

Field Description Enter the host name of the Web Service to use to send return result messages to Returns Management.

Example localhost

Details Content

Field Title Webservice HTTP Port

Field Description Enter the port number of the Web Service to use to send return result messages to Returns Management.

Example 7001

A-54 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–51 Turn Off the Application Server’s Non-SSL Port

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Disable non-SSL port?

Field Description Sets whether connecting to the application server requires a secured connection.

Note: It is recommended that you disable the non-SSL port in order to increase the security of your environment.

■ To disable the use of a non-SSL port, choose Yes.

■ To enable using a non-SSL port, choose No.

If you select Yes, see "Disable Non-SSL Port" in Chapter 3.

Example Yes

Appendix: Installer Windows A-55

Figure A–52 Logging Detail Options

The field in this window is described in the following table:

Details Content

Field Title Please select the logging detail

Field Description Choose the level of logging.

■ To only log some of the messages, choose Standard Logging.

■ To log all of the messages, choose Verbose Logging.

Example Standard logging

A-56 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

Figure A–53 Installation Progress

Figure A–54 Installation Complete


Appendix: Installer Silent Mode B-1

B Appendix: Installer Silent Mode

In addition to the GUI and text interfaces of the Returns Management installer, there is a silent mode that can be run. This mode is useful if you wish to run a repeat installation without reentering the settings you provided in the previous installation. It is also useful if you encounter errors during an installation and wish to continue after resolving them.

The installer runs in two distinct phases. The first phase involves gathering settings from the user. At the end of the first phase, a properties file named is created with the settings that were provided and the cwallet.sso file is created. In the second phase, this properties file is used to provide your settings for the installation.

To skip the first phase and re-use the and cwallet.sso files from a previous run, follow these instructions:

1. Edit the file and correct any invalid settings that may have caused the installer to fail in its previous run.

2. If the previous install was successful, the cwallet.sso file is found in the installation directory for that install. Copy the cwallet.sso file to <INSTALL_DIR> for this silent install.

3. Run the installer again with the silent argument. silent weblogic

4. After the installation is successfully completed, the CREATE SYNONYM privilege must be revoked. In the installer console window, it prompts for a database administrator to run the revokesyn SQL script to revoke the privilege. The script is found in the <INSTALL_DIR> directory.

Figure B–1 Installer Prompt to Run revokesyn

B-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

For information on granting this privilege, see "Create the Database Schema Owner and Data Source Users" in Chapter 3.


Appendix: Reinstalling Returns Management C-1

C Appendix: Reinstalling Returns Management

Returns Management does not provide the capability to uninstall and reinstall the application. If you need to run the Returns Management installer again, perform the following steps.

Reinstalling Returns ManagementTo reinstall:

1. If you are using a managed server, stop the managed server. Stop the WebLogic server.

2. Delete the domain.

3. Recreate the Returns Management domain. If you are using a managed server, add the managed server as part of recreating the domain.

4. If you are using a managed server, start the managed server. Start the administration domain.

5. Run the Returns Management installer. For more information, see "Run the Returns Management Application Installer" in Chapter 3.

Reinstalling Returns Management

C-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide


Appendix: URL Reference D-1

D Appendix: URL Reference

Both the database schema and application installers for the Returns Management product will ask for several different URLs. These include the following:

JDBC URL for a DatabaseUsed by the Java application and installer to connect to the database.

Using the SID


■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpPort]: database listener port

■ [SIDname]: system identifier for the database


Using the Service Name


■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpPort]: database listener port

■ [service_name]: system identifier for the database


Using the Oracle Net Connection


Secure JDBC URL for a Database

D-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpPort]: database listener port

■ [service_name]: system identifier for the database


Using the Oracle Net Connection in Oracle RAC

Syntax:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=on) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=[host](PORT=[tcpPort]))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=[host](PORT=[tcpPort]))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=[service_name])))

■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpPort]: database listener port

■ [service_name]: system identifier for the database

Example:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=on) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=myhost1)(PORT=1525)) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=myhost2)(PORT=1525))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=myserviceDB1)))

Secure JDBC URL for a DatabaseUsed by the Java application and installer to connect to the database.

Using the Secure Oracle Net Connection


■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpsPort]: database listener port

■ [service_name]: system identifier for the database


Using the Secure Oracle Net Connection in Oracle RAC

Syntax:jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(LOAD_BALANCE=on) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=[host](PORT=[tcpsPort]))

Deployer URI

Appendix: URL Reference D-3


■ [host]: host name of the database server

■ [tcpsPort]: database listener port

■ [service_name]: system identifier for the database


JNDI Provider URL for an ApplicationUsed for server-to-server calls between applications.


■ <host>: host name selected when the WebLogic domain was created

■ <port>: port number selected when the WebLogic domain was created


Deployer URIUsed by the Oracle Ant tasks to deploy an application to a WebLogic domain. The application installer does not ask the user for this value. It is constructed based on other inputs and written to the file for input to the installation script. For repeat installations using silent mode, you may need to correct mistakes in the deployer URI.

Syntax:input.deployer.uri = t3://<host>:<port>

■ <host>: host name selected when the WebLogic domain was created

■ <port>: port number selected when the WebLogic domain was created

Example:input.deployer.uri = t3://localhost:7003

Deployer URI

D-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide


Appendix: Common Installation Errors E-1

E Appendix: Common Installation Errors

This appendix describes some common errors encountered during installation of Returns Management.

Unreadable Buttons in the InstallerIf you are unable to read the text within the installer buttons, it probably means that your JAVA_HOME needs to be set to a version 7 JDK. Set JAVA_HOME to a Java development kit of version 7 or later and run the installer again.

WebLogic Domain Does Not ExistSymptom:

The application installer quits with the following error message:

BUILD FAILED/tmp/j2ee/orrm/staging/ORRM-trunk/build.xml:941: The following error occurred while executing this line:/tmp/j2ee/orrm/staging/ORRM-trunk/build-common-wl.xml:83: under /opt/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain is missing. Installation cannot continue.


This error occurs because the WebLogic domain provided does not exist.

Make sure that the domain exists, and then check the file for entry mistakes. Pay close attention to the input.deployer.uri (see Appendix D), input.admin.user, and input.admin.password properties. If you need to make a correction, you can run the installer again with this file as input by running silent mode (see Appendix B).

WebLogic Domain Server is Not StartedSymptom:

The application installer quits with the following error message:

BUILD FAILED/tmp/j2ee/orrm/staging/ORRM-trunk/build.xml:1022: The following error occurred while executing this line:/tmp/j2ee/orrm/staging/ORRM-trunk/build-common-wl.xml:152: url http://localhost:7001/console is not available. Installation cannot continue.


"Could not create system preferences directory" Warning

E-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

This error occurs because the WebLogic domain server provided is not running.

Make sure that the WebLogic domain server is running, and then check the file for entry mistakes. Pay close attention to the input.deployer.uri (see Appendix D), input.wl.domain.path, input.admin.user, and input.admin.password properties. If you need to make a correction, you can run the installer again with this file as input by running silent mode (see Appendix B).

"Could not create system preferences directory" WarningSymptom:

The following text appears in the installer Errors tab:

[May 22, 2006 11:16:39 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$3 runWARNING: Could not create system preferences directory. System preferences are unusable.May 22, 2006 11:17:09 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCodeWARNING: Could not lock System prefs. Unix error code -264946424


This is related to Java bug 4838770. The /etc/.java/.systemPrefs directory may not have been created on your system. See for details.

This is an issue with your installation of Java and does not affect the Oracle Retail product installation.


Appendix: Available Tools F-1

F Appendix: Available Tools

This appendix describes tools that are available for creating data:

■ "Return Tickets"

■ "Returns Customer Import"

Return TicketsDuring the Oracle Retail Returns Management installation, return ticket data, in XML format, can be optionally loaded into the Returns Management database. There are several reasons why you would want to load this data:

■ Once return tickets are loaded into the database, you can use the data to get familiar with those parts of the user interface that deal with return tickets, such as, searching for return tickets.

■ Loading the return tickets acts as an end-to-end test of the Oracle Retail Returns Management software installation, from the web services interface up to the back-end database.

■ The return ticket data is good sample data that can be used as a starting point for customization and experimentation with data relevant to your organization.

For information on downloading the sample return ticket data from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud, see "Load Return Tickets Data" in Chapter 3.

Using the Returns Data LoaderTo use the returns data loader:

1. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/db directory.

2. If the returnsManagementDBInstall.jar file was not expanded as part of the installation, that jar file must be expanded to access the files needed to run the loader.

jar xvf returnsmgmtDBInstall.jar

3. Edit the part of the file that deals with the returns data loader.

Set the values of the properties as needed. Replace the host name My_RM_Server shown in the following example:

############################################################################# Properties for Returns Seed Data Loading############################################################################# the host name where the seed data should be loaded

Returns Customer Import

F-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

# the port number where the seed data should be loaded# WebSphere App Server 6.x normally uses 9080, JBoss is 8080dataLoader.port=9080

# The URL shouldn't need to be modified unless the deployment location movesdataLoader.url=http://${}:${dataLoader.port}/retwebsvc/services/ReturnsManager

4. Run the following command:

ant load_returns_data

About 100 sample return requests and final result messages are sent to the Returns Management server. This step may take several minutes to complete.

This command sends some output to DataTools.log in the current directory. Ignore the warning message about attachment support, as the DataLoader does not need it to operate properly.

You can view the contents of the submitted XML messages in the returns-data/tickets directory. You can also modify the messages and resubmit them by repeating this step.

Returns Customer ImportAn ant tool is available that can be used to generate returns customer data after installation:

1. Change to the <INSTALL_DIR>/returnsmgmt/configured-output/db directory.

2. Run the following command:

ant gen_cust_data

The command creates the ReturnsCustomerImport.xml file in the directory specified in Step 1. The file contains three customers.

The generated XML file can be imported through the user interface or the DIMP infrastructure with the multi-threaded flag enabled.

If you want to generate additional customer XML files with different data elements, change the default values for the ant target gen_cust_data in the build.xml file in the same directory.


Appendix: Installation Order G-1

G Appendix: Installation Order

This appendix provides a guideline for the order in which the Oracle Retail applications should be installed. If a retailer has chosen to use only some of the applications, the order is still valid, less the applications not being installed.

Enterprise Installation Order1. Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS), Oracle Retail Trade Management


2. Oracle Retail Sales Audit (ReSA)

3. Oracle Retail Extract, Transform, Load (RETL)

4. Oracle Retail Active Retail Intelligence (ARI)

5. Oracle Retail Warehouse Management System (RWMS)

6. Oracle Retail Invoice Matching (ReIM)

7. Oracle Retail Price Management (RPM)

8. Oracle Retail Allocation

9. Oracle Retail Central Office (ORCO)

10. Oracle Retail Returns Management (ORRM)

11. Oracle Retail Back Office (ORBO)

Note: The installation order is not meant to imply integration between products.

Note: During installation of RPM, you are asked for the RIBforRPM provider URL. Since RIB is installed after RPM, make a note of the URL you enter. If you need to change the RIBforRPM provider URL after you install RIB, you can do so by editing the remote_service_locator_info_ribserver.xml file.

Enterprise Installation Order

G-2 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

12. Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM)

13. Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server (RPAS)

14. Oracle Retail Demand Forecasting (RDF)

15. Oracle Retail Category Management (CM)

16. Oracle Retail Replenishment Optimization (RO)

17. Oracle Retail Analytic Parameter Calculator Replenishment Optimization (APC-RO)

18. Oracle Retail Regular Price Optimization (RPO)

19. Oracle Retail Merchandise Financial Planning (MFP)

20. Oracle Retail Size Profile Optimization (SPO)

21. Oracle Retail Assortment Planning (AP)

22. Oracle Retail Item Planning (IP)

23. Oracle Retail Item Planning Configured for COE (IP COE)

24. Oracle Retail Advanced Inventory Planning (AIP)

25. Oracle Retail Analytics

26. Oracle Retail Advanced Science Engine (ORASE)

27. Oracle Retail Integration Bus (RIB)

28. Oracle Retail Service Backbone (RSB)

29. Oracle Retail Financial Integration (ORFI)

30. Oracle Retail Point-of-Service (ORPOS)

■ Oracle Retail Mobile Point-of-Service (ORMPOS) (requires ORPOS)

31. Oracle Retail Markdown Optimization (MDO)

32. Oracle Retail Clearance Optimization Engine (COE)

33. Oracle Retail Analytic Parameter Calculator for Markdown Optimization (APC-MDO)

34. Oracle Retail Analytic Parameter Calculator for Regular Price Optimization (APC-RPO)

35. Oracle Retail Macro Space Planning (MSP)

The Oracle Retail Enterprise suite includes Macro Space Planning. This can be installed independently of and does not affect the installation order of the other applications in the suite. If Macro Space Planning is installed, the installation order for its component parts is:

■ Oracle Retail Macro Space Management (MSM)

■ Oracle Retail In-Store Space Collaboration (ISSC) (requires MSM)

Note: During installation of SIM, you are asked for the RIB provider URL. Since RIB is installed after SIM, make a note of the URL you enter. If you need to change the RIB provider URL after you install RIB, you can do so by editing the remote_service_locator_info_ribserver.xml file.

Enterprise Installation Order

Appendix: Installation Order G-3

■ Oracle Retail Mobile In-Store Space Collaboration (requires MSM and ISSC)

Enterprise Installation Order

G-4 Oracle Retail Returns Management Installation Guide

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