installing postgresql/postgis and qgis in windows environment

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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Laboratorio di Geomatica

Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS and QGIS in Windows environment

Marco Negretti –



✔ Installing QGIS✔ Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS✔ Upload a shapefile in the DB✔ Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

3Installing QGIS

✔ Home page➢

✔ Download➢

✔ Standalone Installer➢ QGIS-OSGeo4W-1.7.3-00624b3-Setup.exe➢ double click to start the installation

4Installing QGIS

✔ Start installation:

✔ Accept the term of licence agreement✔ Install QGIS➢ if you desire install also the demo data packages

5Installing QGIS

✔ Now QGIS is installed

6Installing QGIS

✔ Double click on desktop icon to start QGIS

7Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Home page➢

✔ Download➢

✔ One click installer (Win32bit)➢ postgresql-9.1.2-1-windows.exe➢ double click to start the installation

8Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Start installation:

✔ Accept the default installation option (directory, port,...)

✔ Set a password for the postgres user (and remember it!)

9Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ At the end of installation launch the stack builder to install the PostGIS template

10Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Select your version of Postgres and eventually set the proxy parameters connection

11Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Select PostGIS... in Spatial Extension menu

…begins the download procedure...

12Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

...and then you can start the installation

13Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Select PostGIS and Create spatial database

14Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Insert the connection information: user, password and port(set during PostgreSQL installation)

15Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ When request, enable shp2pgsql plugin:

16Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Installation completed

17Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Start pgAdmin III

18Installing PostgreSQL/PostGIS

✔ Right click to connect to the database

19Upload a shapefile in the DB

✔ Create your spatial database➢ right click to view the menu➢ set the database name and the owner

20Upload a shapefile in the DB

✔ Select as template template_postgis

21Upload a shapefile in the DB

✔ Connect to your new DB➢ there are tables and functions for spatial data

22Upload a shapefile in the DB

✔ Use the plugin to upload data

Select the shapefile

23Upload a shapefile in the DB

✔ If the data are correctly uploaded (press F5 key to refresh), there is a new table:

24Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ Select Add Vector layer

25Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ Select Database as source and PostgreSQL as type

✔ Then click on new to create a new connection

26Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ Insert the connection information

test the connection

27Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ Now, you can open the connection

28Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ Select the coordinate reference system

29Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

✔ If you have more than one map, choose the one to add

30Add a vector DB layer in QGIS

...and finally you can view the map in QGIS


QGIS: 1.7.3

PostgreSQL: 9.1.2 (32bit)

PostGIS: 1.5.3

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