installing sage on microsoft platform

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Table of contents Overview of sage installation 1

Setting up adonix account 2

Installing the SQL server 2008 on Windows 2003 3

Installing and setting up apache on Windows 4

Installing Sage 5

Creating a Solution on Sage after installation 6

1) Overview of Sage Installation

Sage ERP application uses http server (IIS or apache) and RDBMS (SQL or Oracle) for web service and backend. Before installing the Sage ERP application components, http server and RDBMS should be setup and configured. In this documentation apache http server and SQL server where used for web service and backend purposes.

2) Setting up adonix user account on Windows

Adonix user is used for SQL server services and Sage services.

Right click on my computer, choose computer management and windows will take you to the screen below

Right click on users and select create new user. Enter the details of the new user and make note of the password

Adonix user must be the member of the administrator group

Click on user, all the users on the system will be displayed on the right hand side panel, right click on the adonix user ,select properties, then select member of tab, select Add and then enter the administrator’s group and click on apply.

Local security Policies for adonix user

3) Installing and Configuring SQL server 2008 for Sage.

Installation of SQL 2003 after installing the preresiquites

5) Installing and setting up Apache on Windows

6) Installing Sage

Installing Safe X3 ADX- admin Software

After the installation of Safe X3 ADX-admin, an ADXADMIN service will be created. change the log on for this service to use the Adonix user.

Installing Sage X3 Application

Installation of Sage X3 Client

Installation of Safe X3 Console

Installing Safe X3 runtime

Installing Sage SQL Component/Driver

Installing Safe X3 ServEDT

Installation of Safe X3 Web

Installing Safe X3 Documentation


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