intact user guide guide.pdf · how can intact help your business? intact provides a user-friendly...

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Intact User Guide

A step-by-step guide to data cleansing

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Keeping in touch with existing customers and reaching new prospects has never been more important.

However, customer lifestyle and business changes cause data to decay on a daily basis, resulting in inaccurate and out of date data, which creates financial, branding and regulatory risks for organisations

How can Intact help your business?

Intact provides a user-friendly online data cleansing service for both B2C and B2B organisations. Users have 24/7 online access to Intact and do not need to have any specific technical knowledge of data processing/cleansing or databases. The service does not require system configuration or set-up in advance

Why are our services right for your organisation?

Intact has helped organisations to:

Reduce marketing campaign costs

Improve profitability and maximise customer relationships

Ensure compliance with industry data regulations

Intact provides access to a comprehensive range of industry data, including Experian’s Absolute Movers and Absolute Contacts, delivers a FREE data audit and a choice of data integrity services to meet the changing needs of your business

Your step-by-step user guide

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To enable you to start using Intact you need to register your user details first.

Click on the ‘How can I access Intact’ picture, then click through to the Intact registration form. Complete your user details and we will then send you an email confirming your login user name and password

Start Using Intact

Go to the main home page at and click on the login box on the top right hand corner.

Enter your username and password and you will be redirected to the logged in home page. Just like internet banking everything you do from here is totally secure, nobody else can see or access your data

Start using Intact

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This booklet will now guide you through Intact’s five simple steps to data cleansing

The data cleansing process Step 1 Submit a


To begin…first either click on the

‘Submit a file’ image on the home

page, or on the ‘Jobs’ icon on the

left-hand menu and choose step one

on the main menu

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The data cleansing process Step 1 Submit a


First let us know whether the records on your file relate to consumers (residential records) or businesses. Click NEXT

Confirm the type of file that you are sending to Experian Intact for cleaning e.g. Excel, CSV etc. Click NEXT

Give your job a name, check your email address is correct and then click NEXT

Select the file from your computer that you wish to clean by clicking on browse button

Click NEXT and Intact will begin the secure file transfer

Once the file has been received by Intact you will receive an email detailing the next stage of the process

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Once you have received your email from Intact confirming that your file has been transferred successfully, click on the link within the email or go back to the Intact home page and log into Intact as per the previous instructions

Once you are logged in click on the ‘Jobs’ icon on the left hand menu, then on Step 2 ‘Define Data’ and select the relevant job name.

The data cleansing process Step 2 Define


Intact may have

attempted to locate the

key name, address and

telephone details within

your file. In this instance,

please check that Intact

has identified these

correctly. If any are

incorrect you can change

them by selecting fields

from the drop down lists

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The data cleansing process Step 2 Define


If Intact has not defined where key contact elements are within the file, please allocate the

name, address and telephone number elements to fields using the drop down lists

When you have completed this information click on the NEXT button. This final page will show

the list of data fields that will not be used as part of the Intact data cleaning process. Check

that these are ok and click NEXT

You have now finished defining how your data looks

Don’t worry, although these fields are not used as part of the data cleaning process, they will

be returned back to you on the cleansed file

If you have any

problems completing

this step, please

contact our helpdesk


0845 454 4044

You have the option at this stage to save the

template – just give it a name and click FINISH

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Once processing is complete, you will receive an email from Intact containing your data audit

This audit will provide you with useful information about the quality of your data, providing you with the opportunity to review the results and decide which services you should apply to your file.

You can also view your audit online, where you are able to review the results with or without the movers information and/or OSIS

Once logged in, click on the ‘Jobs’ icon on the left-hand menu and then select ‘View your audit’

The data cleansing process Step 3 Review

your audit

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Now that you have reviewed the information within the data audit, you can select which services you wish to apply to your data

Login to the Intact service, click on the ‘Jobs’ icon on the left hand menu and select Step 4 ‘ Select Services’

First you need to decide which type of file you would like Intact to return to you:

► Net file

► Mail file

► All file

Next select which services you want to purchase and apply to your data. Click on ‘Refresh Costs’ and the page will update to display the total charges relating to the service you have selected

The data cleansing process Step 4 Select


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Finally you just need to specify the type of file that you want Intact to return to you.

Intact will return a text file, which is .zip compressed for speed. You can also choose to password protect your file at this stage

The data cleansing process Step 5 Download


Click NEXT when you are happy with your download file settings. You will now see the total cost. If any of the details are incorrect use the BACK button to change them

When you are happy, click FINISH. Intact will the start to create your cleansed file in the format you have selected

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Once Intact has created your output file, you will receive an email titled ‘download ready for retrieval’. To download your cleansed file click on the link in the email or login and select Step 5 ‘ Download cleansed file’

The data cleansing process Step 5 Download


Job Status and History

Click on the Status icon on the left hand menu and review the

status of your current jobs and your job history of completed jobs

Don’t worry if you download your cleansed file

and realise that you have selected the incorrect

format, you have the option to download the

cleansed file in a different format within 7 days of

the data cleansing process

Select the cleansed file that you want to download

Only at this stage will you be asked to enter your payment details. Payment can be by credit card, or you can open an account and be invoiced monthly. If you wish to open an account please contact 0845 454 4044

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Verify and update contact information such as name and address to ensure personal information is complete and accurate, and that direct marketing communications are deliverable.


Validate that an individual is present at an address and telephone contact details are correct to ensure that your direct marketing campaigns reach the intended recipient.


Identify and remove individuals/businesses that cannot or will not respond, thereby reducing wasted mailing costs and avoiding causing consumer annoyance.


Use additional demographic, lifestyle and business information to gain a better insight into consumer behaviour and ensure your communication is relevant


Accurately identify and remove duplicate records to avoid contacting an individual with the same offer multiple times, contacting an existing customer, or an individual who has specifically requested not to be contacted by your organisation

Intact Services Overview

Why wait?

Obtain a FREE data audit today or for further information please contact us:

T 0845 234 0391



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