international bank for reconstruction … human rights victims used by the inhuman makers of the...

Post on 09-Mar-2018






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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

From: Karen Hudes <> To: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 1:10 Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985 Dear Wolfgang,

You are trying once again (in vain) to steal the wealth of the world. The documents that you have sent me were not agreed to by the ultimate authority, the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF; they are null and void. The Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement covers all of humanity's wealth, as does paragraph 6 thereof.

Your attempt to write down the Treaty of Versailles Bonds worth over 2 quadrillion dollars is a matter of record. record.

You are writing to me because the Board of Governors has appointed me to speak on their behalf in order to conserve humanity's patrimony in the Global Debt Facility. I did not approve the sale of the Treaty of Versailles Bonds in 2014. Your self-serving statement about your intentions are belied by your past attempts to steal the world's patrimony, which have also been nullified. Your statement about the Tallano Estate is another lie. Jose Rizal was not a Tallano, and the lands in the Philippines remain with the Filipinos and not with you or anyone else. Courts have no jurisdiction over these matters. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility cc:

H.E. Ms. Sri Mulyani Indrawati Minister of FinanceMinistry of FinanceKomplek Kementerian KeuanganDjuanda I Building, 3rd Floor, Jalan Dr. Wahidin No.1Jakarta 10710Indonesia

H.E. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro Minister of National Development PlanningMinistry of State for National Development PlanningGedung BappenasJalan Taman Suropati No. 2Jakarta 10310Indonesia

From: <> on behalf of Manajemen Portal Kemenkeu


<> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 7:36 AM To: Subject: [Contact Us] Global Debt Facility - Development Committee Yth. Sdr./Sdri, Terima kasih telah menghubungi Kementerian Keuangan melalui layanan Contact Us/Hubungi Kami. Email dari Sdr/Sdri akan segera kami tindaklanjuti. Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan. Terima kasih atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya Hormat Kami Manajemen Situs Kementerian Keuangan

From: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 10:29 PM

To: Karen Hudes Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985

Karen Hudes,

This is ridiculous. I try to give arguments but you are incapable of grasping any of it, it seems. Waste of time or feeding the swine with pearls. At least

you gave me the last of your armory, your clinging to that provision of Paragraph 6 of the Bilateral Agreement of 1950. Give it up! The World Bank

or that forerunner, the bank for reconstruction of the war-torn countries, did

not give anything good to humanity.

They are hiding it in order to withhold it from humanity. They want their fingers in the pie, the American Pie, and here it is about authentication,

meaning without their authentication there is no right to nothing, most of it and that is your concern, no right for Wolfgang Struck who by the way does

not claim anything other than he does know how to read.

And what I read is very clear. I see it in the attached DEED of 1963 and in the deed of assignment of 1969. You are absolutely correct: Wolfgang

Struck was never authenticated by the Board of Governors of World Bank or IMF. I do not know them. I only ask myself how corrupt you have to be to

land up there. I have no respect whatsoever for those banksters. President Duterte is right. They can go to hell.


Now, my dear Karen Hudes, now to us. Go to the first line on page 2 THE

DEED. There you have the code that they call the US Treasury Code. Don't read anything more. You might get blind. On the lines ending page 1, after

Security Code 5020 (which stands for 50 years plus 20 years, meaning year

2020 is the year of reckoning) you have your Board of Governors naked. They have authenticated, 60 years ago, they have on file, they are now

guarding, hiding everything, look 400,000 MT of gold! That is the gold of the BILATERAL. That is the gold of the Philippines. Go to hell with your


I start to feel like Duterte. He must get mad with all the human shit, human rights, human rights victims used by the inhuman makers of the wars. He

has to protect the human rights of the criminals, they claim. He has to what? Let's stop it here and call it a day.

Everything else is useless. And your dream that the Board of Governors will authenticate on a day to day basis what I will be doing is pffft.

Good night, America. Wolfgang Struck in Manila


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

Global Currency Reset agreed by the Board of Governors to replace paper currencies with monetary

gold reserves and offset country debt:

From: Karen Hudes <> To: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Wednesday, 12 October 2016, 1:10 Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985 Dear Wolfgang and the rest of the cc list, The Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement provides in paragraph 6 that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF authenticate, and no, Wolfgang Struck was never authenticated. The Board of Governors has determined that each and every transaction will be authenticated on a transaction-by-transaction basis. Attributing the things done by the Network of Global Corporate Control to the Americans, whereas there is state capture in the US and the Constitution of 1789 has been suspended by Congress every year since 1861 makes no sense. The beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility are not TVM-LSM or any other children of Marcos. The other things written by Wolfgang Struck are also incorrect. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


From: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 10:54 PM

To: Karen Hudes

Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985

Good morning from Manila,

See, I look at this side of the sky and the sun is shining. You live on the other

side of the same sky where Obama is living also and it is all dark there, I mean literally and figuratively. We are Tuesday morning 10.45 am and you are Monday

evening 10.45 pm. I know that because I like to watch yesterday's NBA games live for breakfast here with the chicken greeting me happy new year.

There is no way that we can think the same or feel the same. You live in a totally

different environment or culture, if we still want to call that "culture". Against that, if you don't mind, I see myself as a well-meaning cosmopolitan who knows

the best and the worst of both worlds (I can tell you I have been around). And if

you throw in a B-S word like "humanity", then I have seen humanity in forms you wouldn't believe it.

I am not the only one to see things so differently, the sun going up in the East,

the West going down but still blubbering and gunning down perceived enemies, not really but in a propaganda war where the Americans are undisputed

champions of the world. There is no bridge and there is no bridge needed. The Power Transition Model is just that, a model flying in the air. You adore it, I don't

mind. I have nothing to do with it. I do not need that nor you to put me in position, to be what (?) authenticated? Authenticated to do what?

I have told you before that you do not read my words, you want to prejudge.

Like the Global Debt Facility is not going to be mobilized for the existing financial system. That's what you are just saying. It is and has been the basis of the

existing financial system, it is so big, it will not move away. The professional

naysayers and doomsayers of the Western world, making big money of sensationalism, can say and write what they want. They don't know from Adam.

And what do you mean by Rizal's "gift of love"? Rizal lived until his death in 1896

(starting all the lies of the world). After that, known for his 48 aliases, he was Fr. Antonio Diaz or Jose Antonio Diaz de la Paz. He was the Black Pope in the

Vatican for decades, even 1950 (Bilateral) and 1952 (Last Testament of the Villamor Clan) when he and Marcos started the fine-print of the existing financial

system with the creation of the UN (first Secretary General a Filipino, Carlos P. Romulo), then World Bank and IMF as overseer and balance of power over BIS

and FED. That "gift of love" was Marcos with his three children from his first wife


Princess Enimacea of Royal Hawaii (Leo, Tiburcio, and daughter) who became the beneficiaries of the Bilateral under coded name TVM-LSM-666.

I can go on and on like that but you don't want to hear of it because you are on

the other side of it. You cannot even allow any of my arguments to come to the

open because it might open a can of worms or a domino effect all the way down 100 years of lies with two world wars and the final destruction of Germany as the

engine of the truth. We are looking at it ("Deutschland schafft sich ab") now but the busy Germans don't see it. They are addicted to games, betting, and this

stupid football called soccer in the US of A.

Sorry, I had to tell you that, so I get myself clean. Wish you luck.


From: Karen Hudes <> To: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, 10 October 2016, 23:24 Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985 Dear Wolfgang, In case you haven't figured out what is happening, the Global Debt Facility is not going to be mobilized for the "existing financial system." That is not what Rizal's "gift of love" was meant for, and if you do not know that by now, then you eventually will. How do I know this? The power transition model. That is the "bridge". That and me. Your role? You will not be authenticated this way, that is for sure. Best, Karen

From: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 10:42 AM

To: Karen Hudes Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985

Not yet, Karen.

Excuse me, I have nothing to do with the currency reset. Certainly, I have not

proposed anything in that direction. You must have misread me there.


Actually, my dear, as long as nobody shows me anything better, I remain with the existing financial system. Whether I like a Lady Yellen or not does not matter

at all, as long as the BIS is what it is, the BIS. They are watching the gold, nothing else to do. That is the reason why Basel in Switzerland has the best

restaurants in the world. I am sure you get that one.



From: Karen Hudes <> To: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, 10 October 2016, 21:59 Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985 Dear Wolfgang, Thank you for your email. You may not have seen what I tweeted from the previous email you sent to me. Suffice it to say that the Global Currency reset is not happening with ABL and it is not happening with Duterte, and it is not happening in the way which you propose. I have no authority for keeping the cabal in place, and you are not authorized by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF either. We are not stealing humanity's assets in the Global Currency Reset. Sweet dreams Best, Karen


From: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 8:31 AM

To: Karen Hudes Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985

Dear Karen,

It's a little late in the day. As you can see, I left the house at 3 pm after a good day of work and spent almost 3 hours in stupid Manila traffic. The other 2 hours I

spent in the delightful company of the favorite daughter of the old man, going through the motions, checking documents, remembering this and that, agreeing

basically that WES knows everything anyhow and that it is time to set a meeting with President Duterte and discuss some minor issues like 333 Trillion Pound

Sterling in the old Central Bank Building. That is physical money delivered from good old England in boxes, heavy, half of the old ABL money of Marcos. The

other half served the UK to go brexit, something that the rest of the world will never understand. They don't have to, we can live well with the title of richest

country in the world. Remember I also claim that the Queen is the grand

daughter of the old old man and that Adolf Hitler is royal blood and her uncle because his half-brother is her father.

Nonetheless I am happy you responded so fast, faster than me. I will have to

sleep over it. Something I do very well as experience has shown.

With kind regards, Wolfgang

From: Karen Hudes <> To: Wolfgang Struck Sent: Monday, 10 October 2016, 19:38 Subject: Re: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985 Wolfgang, Thanks, but you are still calling Rizal Tallano, when he was not. Then you think Jews are to blame, when we are talking about bloodlines of the Pharaohs. Remember this information that the headquarters of the Network of Global Corporate Control is in Switzerland:

I do not defend the Global Debt Facility because it is the backing of the US Dollar, but because it is all of humanity's. Best, Karen


What I mean is that I have exposed these people as agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control who are just simply lying. You might remember that on December 10, 2014 Wolfgang Struck asked me to approve the sale back to the Fed of the Treaty of Versailles Bonds, which I refused to do: This gives you an indication that the Fed has to repay these bonds (or they would not have tried to buy them back). So what did I do to Wolfgang Struck and why? I had posted a full set of comments about President Duterte from an Article in Russia Today My tweet included recent emails from me to Wolfgang showing that Wolfgang was not agreeing to the terms of the Global Currency Reset that were approved by the Board of Governors, that is, that the Board of Governors is going to authenticate the potential signatories on the Global Debt Facility on a transaction-by-transaction basis. This is to preserve the role of the Board of Governors (and the people who appoint them) in cleaning up corruption. Wolfgang had included in his email to me earlier important information about the role of the current President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, who is standing up to the Americans that are occupying the Philippines and fighting the drug trade in the Philippines. The drug trade is how the CIA is funding the black budget of the United States, along with human trafficking. Wolfgang reminded everyone how the US military is guarding the international monetary gold reserves contained in the Global Debt Facility and how the CIA overthrew Ferdinand Marcos in the EDSA demonstrations I included the CIA in the heap of corpses that as Overseer Mandate Trustee I am standing on. I already defused Mossad's trap to blame the Jews and Israel as scapegoats for everything (the old divide and conquer trick) How did I do this? By disclosing that Barry Chamish died suddenly on the very same day that Mossad learned how Barry Chamish was exposing that Shimon Peres obtained nukes for Israel (by trading 4,500 Yemeni babies to the US to use as guinea pigs in experiments showing harm to humans from radiation) Once people are aware that the Network of Global Corporate Control are trying to divide and conquer people this way, it loses its power. Here is the video where I told people that Barry Chamish had died a hero's death:

From: Wolfgang Struck

Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 1:57 AM To: Karen Hudes

Subject: LOI 15-4 of September 10, 1985


Last night, we discussed some dramatic events in our history that nobody has an inkling of, nor is interested in, even if it involves the wealth of the nations, in

grander terms, also not understood, the Global Debt Facility as so vehemently defended by Karen Hudes as it is the backing of the almighty US Dollar. That

much is correct but, in all her popularity on social waves lengths, this famous

former Legal Counsel of the World Bank also does not know what she is talking about. She hates it when I say the Philippines is the richest country on earth.

We have decided that we stop speculating or educating people on the matter. It

does not help anybody in this world, if Wolfgang Struck says this or that. We have done that for years no end and it has brought nothing except criticism,

mostly from a group that calls themselves Of course, they want to claim that they are the true owners of the gold in the Philippines eh eh excuse

that they are the true owners of the COMBINED COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS which are built from the gold buried in the Philippines.

That is only half true as they have replaced, in 1996 or 50 years after a

remarkable first decision of the ICJ, the ORIGINAL COMPLAINANTS OF WWII LOOT. There in 1946, history again, the ruling of the ICJ was that all gold found

from buried treasure in the Philippines shall be owned and returned to the

Original Complainants of WWII Loot (13 Jewish banks in London per report who had lost their gold in their warehouses).

It may be worth reporting to the world that the Philippine President Ferdinand

Marcos, a highest grade lawyer unbeaten in this world, held that any claim of that kind would expire after 30 years, as even murder would expire after 30

years. Not so the claim for the gold of the Jews. It was extended until 1986 and we know what happened to Marcos then.

Then, with Cory at the helm making RP poor, they extended the claim until

1996. By that time they had Harvard-trained a special Arbiter/"sole owner" from Cambodia, Dr. Ray C. Dam. He tried but got nowhere with his claims. According

to rumors they dumped him already. Dead body. What remains is the silence of the lambs. Nobody is allowed to talk of the gold which led to two world wars

already between the royal families who had stolen the gold from their colonies

and the shrewd Jewish bankers who had successfully led the stupid royals to deposit the gold in the Jewish banks before WWI.

The score between the two sides is 1:1. The Jews never returned the gold to the

royals. 1:0. Then just before WWII (on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936) the grand old man Jose Antonio McLeod Diaz Tallano (more

popularly known in the Philippines as Dr. Jose P. Rizal) agreed with Emperor Hirohito of Japan that the only solution was to make a Robin Hood and steal it

back from the Jewish banks. 1:1. They got so mad with Adolf Hitler. They gave him the highest penalty, the Holocaust. His brother Yamashita was clever. He


blamed the Golden Lily for the rape of Nanjing and Shanghai where the Jews had the goods. Perception, brother! The truth means nothing. Well, the goods

are now in the Philippines while the Americans are telling Filipinos that they hanged Yamashita at the end of the war. Tell that to the Marines.

Now, between the two of us, take a close look at the attached LOI 15-4, maybe you will agree with me that the master is supreme, he alone signing as

President on the right and as Tiburcio V. Marcos on the left. He and TVM then assign everything, gold and commodities to a higher level corporation sole with

the name of "REV. DR. FLORO E. GARCIA" while the highest institution according to Marcos, the Court of Pasay rules that only coded name TVM-LSM-666 shall be

authorized to move or transact the assets. How elegant when Marcos then assigns the rights of TVM-LSM-666 to REV. DR. FLORO E. GARCIA, no

administration, no accounting, no reporting, no taxes to pay. A masterpiece like no other.

There they go, the grand masters Sta. Romana, Fr. Antonio Diaz. Their

documents are null and void for those who come after Marcos and want to enrich themselves. Marcos knew that they would stir themselves blind in anger,

only the sharpest getting to the next level, PGMA, with the order to destroy the

Order of the Court of Pasay for ever. 99.99% of the Philippines believe she did. Now: The majority is always wrong, even if the oligarchs are united behind her

move. Maybe one of the Justices of the Supreme Court will repent and tell what they have been doing now for decades under 3 anti-Marcos administrations. It's

easy to say the truth shall prevail. In the Philippines, the truth has no chance to prevail.

Give truth a chance, DU30, you are the President of the richest country on

earth. Courtesy of Marcos, of course. Did anybody tell you that?

Da Wolf

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