intertextual analysis

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Intertextual Analysis


• Intertextuality is using aspects of other texts to shape your own.

• Intertextuality is the ability to make references between texts and by doing so have a deeper understanding of the idea being raised.

• This was introduced by Julia Kristeva who states that “any text is the absorption and transformation of another”. This includes references to other texts such as Katy Perry who references Eye of the Tiger in her video Roar.


• Some texts are direct remakes of another text, for example Fancy by Iggy Azalea is a replica of the film Clueless.

• However, other texts such as Now by Paramore was based upon art by Banksy. This is not directly re-creating a piece of work, but taking aspects of the text that inspire you to develop yours in a similar way.

Genre• Different genres of music are stereotypically influenced by

different types of work. • For example the song Bullet by The Misfits is influenced by a

political event, which was the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Focus upon death is stereotypical for a Punk/Metal band and wouldn’t be a topic that would be found within pop music as much.

• The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars is based off the horror film The Shining. Other genres are unlikely to base a video upon this as their interests will differ.

• For example Pop videos are more likely to base a video off a film more upbeat/humorous such as Clueless as mentioned earlier.

Intertextuality and context

• Is easy to get context and intertexuality confused, context is referring to an issue or a comment which represent their ideologies.

• Whereas intertextual references are references made to what is happening in the world during the time the text they are referring to was made.

Work that has inspired me includes the music video for the song Joyriding by ‘FrnkIero andthe Cellebration’. The whole process of using the blood against the colour of white creates the image of something pure that has been ruined emphasising the lyrics of the song that “I hope I die before they save my soul” stating he doesn’t want to be perfect or pure, as he is comfortable having made mistakes as the blood represents his imperfections.

The concept of my video is influenced by John Mercer, with his song accentuate the positive.

This particular part of the song has given me an idea of what message I want to portray within my music video, which is to be able to overrule negativity with positivity through making your vices into something beautiful such as art.

“You've got to accentuate the positive

Eliminate the negativeAnd latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between”

Artists such as Warhol are significantly inspiring to me, not only for his art, but also just him as a person. For example, after his attack by a radical feminist Valerie Solanas he said:

"Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there—I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television—you don't feel anything. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television. The channels switch, but it's all television.”

This particular speech has helped me develop ideas for my music video as I wanted to create something unrealistic which will draw emotion from the audience in a way which reality fails to do, as Andy Warhol states.

Andy Warhol

His art emphasises colour, creating an unrealistic image which is usually of a person, his most famous being the Maralyn Monroe piece, which was most likely copied off a black and white photograph. His ability to making something plain into a bold statement of colour is unique, making a photograph come to life.

This quote by Martin Luther King Jr. has impacted the development of my music video as I’m going to use it as the underlying meaning/message, which is to get rid of any negatives in your life by opening up your heart and accepting them. In particular flaws about yourself which you may despise will be diminished through positivity

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out hatred; only love can do that. You can fight and fight against this force, but it will only fuel more attacks. It's only by opening up your heart and showing that you're willing to embrace the flaws of the person sending this landslide of negativity your way that you will stop this madness.”

The idea I have for my music video to represent this quote is having people either side of a field. People on one side will represent yourself, while the people on the other side represent a part of you that you don’t like. Through this narrative I plan on having the side which represents yourself to throw colour over the people on the other side which represent your negative thoughts, flaws or events that have happened which you regret. By throwing colour over the people who represent negatives is an metaphor for accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative, relating to Martin Luther King Jr’s speech.

A video which has largely impacted upon my project is the video Now by Paramore directed by Daniel Cloud Campos.

The opening part of the video starts off mostly black and white, with the absence of colour. These types of negative visuals are representatives for the soldiers who are fighting against the band who are metaphors for the media or band members who previously left, both similarly posed a threat to the band as it almost tore them apart. While the colour and Hayley Williams represents creativity and their ability to get passed any challenges they face together.

The video consists of shots which are similar to Banksy’s artwork which contrasts black and white against colour creating an effective juxtaposition in order to emphasise the power of colour. This has further helped my development as I have looked at his artwork in order to understand the meaning of the video Now in more detail.

The sunset at the end of the video contrasts against the washed out colours in the opening shots as the break of sun represents the dawning of a new day and a fresh start. This matches the lyrics which state “if there’s a future we want it now”, which by the end of the video they achieve, portraying a positive view upon the future and what it holds for them as a band.

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