interview pdf

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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Interview With LouiseBy Chloe Burley

I asked five of my own questions.

I also asked questions which readers sent in.

My Five Questions

WHO would be your favourite person to collaborate with? Iv always been interested in people who are really into their music and love it as much as I do. So I’d really like to work with Selena Gomez because I think her voice is amazing, as you've all heard, and I think we would work well together and create a good harmony which is the main ingredient in a song.

My Five Questions

WHAT is your new album about? My next album is Who I Am. It is about my journey and how I have become who I am now.

WHY do you choose to sing? I choose to sing because its my passion, because whatever you do you want to do something that you love, and what I love is singing.

My Five Questions

WHERE do you see yourself in 10 years time? In 10 years time I hope i would be acting. I’v always has a love for acting, so i would like to eventually expand to that. I’d also love to be in those big Hollywood films you all know and love.

My Five Questions

WHEN is your next tour? My next tour doesn't have a set date yet but I know it is going to be in the summer because I’v always dreamed of a summer tour. I’m going around the UK, USA and Europe, really it is going to be a world tour. Im really excited for it!

These Next Questions Are From Readers

Lily age 13: How do you deal with being famous and being a teenager? Obviously we all have teenage dramas, but i think the most important thing is not changing yourself for anyone. The main thing is be who you want to be.

Taylor age 15: What is your daily life like? In my daily life I am mostly practicing and I have to do advertising jobs and my manager always wants me to have a go at everything really! I have a routine which I follow most days, I have a new assistance who is amazing at her job, she sorts all of my appointments out and helps me as much as she can.

Carla age 14: What is your fashion sense like? My fashion sense is a bit mosh-mashed to be honest. I don't really have a specific style which I stick to I just want to explore all types of clothing. My newest outfit is from Yves Saint Laurent. However I do like all types of clothes even the clothes in high street stores.

Sophia age 15: Heels or flats? Jeans or dresses? I’m one for flats just because they are so comfy. Dresses or jeans, that ones tough because I cannot wear jeans at a concert but if its casual jeans all the way.

Camilla age 13: Whats your favourite movie? This ones tough because I don't have a favourite. I don't love romance yet I adore action films!

Laura age 13: Who’s your celebrity crush and have you met them? I don't have a celebrity crush but i have met a lot of hot looking celebrities.

Ella age 13: Ice cream or chocolate? Ooo this ones tough because ice cream is mostly for summer but chocolate is all year round. So chocolate is my favourite!

Charlotte age 16: If you could live anywhere where would you live? Id love to live in the capitals of the world because they are always full of life and excitement.

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