interviewing 101—get the best employee every time!

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Interviewing 101—Get the Best Employee Every Time!

Considerations When Hiring

Legislation to Consider:ADA Act 1990Age Discrimination Act 1967Civil Rights Act 1991GINA 2008IRS LawsPregnancy Discrimination Act 1978I-9 Verification

Wage and Benefit Laws

• FMLA 1993

• ACA 2014


Understanding the Generation Gap

“(Our youth) have contempt for authority; they show disrespect to their elders”


Four Generations Working Together

• Traditionals age 70+ – Born before 1945– 8% of the workforce

• Baby Boomers now 51-69– Born 1946-1964– 40% of workforce

Four Generations Working Together

• Generation X age 39-50– Born 1965-1976– 36% of the workforce today

• Generation Y (The “Millennials”) age 18-38– Born 1977-1997– 16% of the workforce

Millennial “Trophy” Kids

The “Next” Generation

• Generation 20/20 Age 17 and younger– Born after 1997– Will take the workforce by storm in 5-7 years!

Parenting Advice

• “It’s not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings”.

Ann Landers

Employee Engagement

• According to Gallup Research, the youngest and oldest workers (Traditionalists and Gen Y) are the most engaged in US workplaces. Traditionalists are the highest (41%) followed by Millennials at 33%.

Gallup Poll Research

General Expectations of Career Planning for the Generations

• The Traditionalist—“I am happy to be where I am”

• The Baby Boomer—

“My dedication and service have to be rewarded”

• Generation X

“It’s about time to promote me!”

Generation Y

“What do you mean, I can’t be promoted yet? I have delivered the results I was asked to deliver!”

Getting Along Together

• The reality is that most of what makes the world go round is based on the collective wisdom of those who have come before. If older people reach out, young people are more likely to embrace the relationship over time. (Robert Wendover, Managing Director for the Center for Generational Studies)

Can’t We All Get Along?

• “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”.

– Albert Einstein

Control Behavior in Your Office

• Respect for others

• Honesty and Integrity

• Fairness

Toxic Communication Styles

• Contempt

• Blame

• Defensiveness

• Stonewalling

• Gossipers

Get Back to the Basics

• “We found that Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers and Millennials all shared the same top five expectations of their employers. They also agreed in their views of what an ideal leader should look like,” says Ben Rosen, Ph.D., Professor of Organizational Behavior for the Kenan Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

5 Expectations

To work on challenging projects

Competitive compensation

Opportunities for advancement, as well as chances to learn and grow in their jobs

To be treated fairly

Have a healthy work-life balance

Top 3 Interview Questions in 1983

• 1. Tell me about yourself

• 2. What do you know about our organization?

• 3. Why do you want to work for us?

Are These Still the Questions?

• “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

Ask New Questions!

• The Top 3 Questions for the Facebook Generation that We Don’t Know Enough to Ask

Interviewing Suggestions

• Do the OIG screening before beginning the interview process. Why?

• Have applicants complete a job application

• Conduct the first interview in private

• Ask open ended questions (and avoid the “big 3” questions)

• Complete all interviews before making a decision

Things Not to Ask

• Arrested?• Religion?• Marital Status?• Children?• Social Security Number?• Age?• Turned down for Health Insurance?• Pregnant?

Top 4 Reasons Employees Stay

• Learning Opportunities

• Recognition

• Team Building

• R E S P E C T (Aretha was right!)

Peace Not War

• Embracing similarities between different generations while finding ways to capitalize on their differences is key to a productive work environment.

• If you want your workplace to be peaceful, make sure you don’t supply ammunition for the workplace wars.

What’s Your Generation?

The technology I can’t remember living without:

1. Radio

2. Color television

3. Pocket calculators, phone answering machines, Walkman, ATM, personal computer

4. Fax machine, IPod, email, CD, GPS

The phrase that resonates most with me is:

1. “And that’s the way it is”

2. “What was your number?”

3. “Show me the money”

4. “Tweet me”

The comedian I most remember is:

1. George Burns

2. Wayne and Schuster

3. John Candy

4. Jimmy Fallon

Your choice of beverage is:

1. Strong coffee, black

2. Coke

3. Half-caf, half de-caf with vanilla shot, no foam, extra hot Grande Latte

4. 5 Hour Energy

When I was young, I played with:

1. Marbles

2. GI Joe, The Viewmaster, Barbie

3. Pound Puppies, Rubik’s Cube, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Transformers

4. Tomagachi, Polly Pocket

What show was a kids favorite?

1. The Shadow

2. Captain Kangaroo

3. Sesame Street

4. Sponge Bob

Which TV Characters?

1. The Honeymooners

2. Dennis the Menace, The Brady Bunch

3. Friends

4. Hannah Montana, Drake and Josh

Which of these candies did you eat as a child?

1. Black cow, Slo-poke, Chick-o-sticks, LifeSavers, Mallo Cups, Red Hots, Zagnuts

2. Atomic Fireballs, Candy Necklace, Pez, Wax Bottles

3. Gummy Bears, Airheads, Banana Runts, Big League Chew, Nerds

4. Gobstoppers, Warheads, Hershey’s Cookies and Creme

You Figured it Out!

• Mostly 1—Traditionalist

• Mostly 2---Baby Boomer

• Mostly 3---Gen X

• Mostly 4---Gen Y

Different Learning Styles

• Traditionalist

Traditional classroom, mainly lectures

Make excellent mentors

Receptive to one on one coaching

Very task specific learning

Excellent source of institutional knowledge and experience

Learning Styles

• Baby Boomers– Traditional classroom learning went beyond

the classroom – Group participation, critical reflection,

reflection and feedback

Learning Styles

Generation X

Self directed/self paced

Highly receptive to e-learning

Requires integration of technology and media in learning

Makes it easy to access the information and industry standards

Learning Styles

• Generation Y and Generation Z (20/20)– Informal, incidental learning due to very short

attention span– Requires integration of technology and media

in learning (webinars, social networking sites)– Personalized learning through customized

environment– They are the “I Everything”—ipod, ipad, i…..

How to Motivate Different Generations

Generation X:

Tend to avoid corporate politics

Are generally not very interested in traditional perks

Are motivated by the prospects of independence; the lack of corporate structure and lack of rigidity

Gen X

• Are motivated by the possibility of the latest technological advances

• Need to be made clear what you are looking for

• Allow them to question the experts and the authority

Training Gen X

• Web based training

• Let them ask questions and challenge concepts

• Keep training material brief an deasy to read

• Offer multi-media learning opportunities

• Ensure access to simple, logically organized database

Training Gen X

• Sensitive to design and graphics

• Short attention span

Motivating Generation Y

• Love a challenge!

• Function well as a team

• Want to be heroes

• Want to be surrounded by bright, creative people

• Want it RIGHT NOW!

• Are looking for empowerment

Training Generation Y

• Thrive in multi-media environment• Can learn anytime, anywhere• Need flexibility• Proficient at multi-tasking• Enable internet reliance• Provide with simulations• Provide some structured learning• Connect me with everything• True team players

Some Other Interesting Facts…

Baby Boomer Habits

They say “no” to tattoos—only 15% have them, compared to 40% of milennials and 30% of Gen Xers

The love working—Nearly 2/3 plan to delay retirement, many because they want to.

More Habits

They want to be forever young and many will draw pensions for up to 24 years

They’re tech savvy in some ways. Most use a smart phone and 85% text

They’re 5 times more likely to own a digital tablet than other generations

Baby Boomer Specific Habits

• They’re hoarders (keeping things because “the grandkids might enjoy them”_

• They like to invest in silver (maybe they were always told they should?)

• They like to live in the past and are incredibly nostalgic, mainly for the 1980s

• They enjoy Netflix, but secretly wish there were still only 3 networks and PBS

Milennial Habits

• They’re in no hurry, taking longer to “find themselves”. Nearly 70% haven’t been married

• They want more than $$$.

• They’re free thinkers, self-described as non-affiliated with any organized religion, or political party

More Habits

• They’re falling behind educationally, despite being the generation with the most schooling and degrees

• Rank below global peers in math, literacy and problem solving

Advice from Milennials to Baby Boomers

• Phone calls freak them out. They assume bad news

• “Don’t comment on my $12.00/bottle green juice”

• Make sure you know what LOL really means

• Use gmail, not aol.


• Thank you!

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