intraoperative imaging modalities and compensation for ... · 1the categories in [13] are physical,...

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Intraoperative Imaging Modalitiesand Compensation for Brain Shift in

Tumor Resection SurgerySiming Bayer

Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)Andreas Maier

Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU)Martin Ostermeier

Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Forchheim, 91301 GermanyRebecca Fahrig

Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Forchheim, 91301 Germany

July 31, 2018


Intraoperative brain shift during neurosurgical procedures is a well-known phenomenon caused by gravity,tissue manipulation, tumor size, loss of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and use of medication. For the use ofimage guided systems, this phenomenon greatly affects the accuracy of the guidance. During the last severaldecades, researchers have investigated how to overcome this problem. The purpose of this paper is to present areview of publications concerning different aspects of intraoperative brain shift especially in a tumor resectionsurgery such as intraoperative imaging systems, quantification, measurement, modeling and registrationtechniques. Clinical experience of using intraoperative imaging modalities, details about registration andmodeling methods in connection with brain shift in tumor resection surgery are the focuses of this review.In total, 126 papers regarding this topic are analysed in a comprehensive summary and are categorizedaccording to thirteen criteria. The result of the categorization is presented in an interactive web tool. Theconsequences from the categorization and trends in the future are discussed at the end of this work.

I. Introduction

In neurosurgery, one of the major challenges islocalization of the pathological tissue and rele-vant anatomical structures within the brain dur-ing surgery. The requirement for high accuracyarises due to the complex three-dimensionalstructure and the intraoperative deformationof the brain. Image-Guided Neurosurgical Sys-tems (IGNS) help to overcome this challenge.Such systems register preoperative image data

∗Corresponding author,

to an intraoperative coordinate system of thepatient, in order to display the rendering ofthe brain structure and position of the regionof interest. In the literature, numerous bene-fits arising from the use of IGNS are reported.These are, for example integration/fusion ofMRI/CT images and functional data, accuratelocalization of lesions, reduction in surgicaltime, the possibility of minimally invasive cra-nial openings and decreased complication ratesafter surgery and during the stay in the in-tensive care unit [1, 2, 3]. To guarantee theprecise localization of pathological tissue dur-


ing surgery, a high rate of correlation betweenthe preoperative image data and the patientanatomy is necessary. However, this correla-tion is strongly limited by the intraoperativedeformation of brain tissue, the so called “brainshift" phenomenon. The extent of brain shiftwas already described in 1986 by Kelly et al.[4]. It was observed as the displacement ofsmall steel reference balls which were insertedalong the stereotaxis surgical viewline beforecraniotomy. With the wide-spread use of IGNSin the operating room, brain shift gained andcontinues to gain more importance. Studies re-port, that brain shift is a highly complex spatio-temporal phenomenon with a wide variety ofcauses, such as tissue removal during surgery,tissue swelling, loss of cerebrospinal fluid anduse of brain retractors [5, 6, 7]. The complexnature of the brain deformation appears bothon the cortical surface and in the deep brainstructure which does not always correlate tothe direction of gravity [8]. As intraoperativebrain shift is a dynamic process and showstime dependency [9], the assumption in com-mercial IGNS that a patient’s head and brain isa rigid body [1, 8, 10] is only valid for the initialstep of the surgical procedure, but not for theintraoperative situation. As a consequence, thecorrelation of structures identified in the pre-operative image data and in the actual imagedata becomes incorrect, reducing the accuracyof the surgery. Thus, introperative brain shiftmay be the most significant limitation of IGNS[11].

II. Methods and Contribution

The purpose of this work is to review differ-ent aspects of brain shift under craniotomy,especially for tumor resection. To ensure com-prehensive coverage, we first searched for pub-lications with the term "intraoperative brainshift" in PubMed, IEEE-Xplore, and Google.The search was further restricted with the ex-act phrase "brain shift", to avoid publicationswhich only mention the words "brain" or "shift"but not in the context of "brain shift". In orderto cover all relevant aspects of this topic, we

searched for publications which related to atleast one of the following aspects - measure-ment, quantification, compensation, modelingor registration. In this work, we only considerintraoperative brain shift under craniotomy, es-pecially for lesion removal surgery. Thus, pub-lications focusing on Deep Brain Stimulation(DBS), which is a minimally invasive therapeu-tic procedure, and papers dealing with Diffu-sion Tensor Imaging (DTI), which is often usedfor preoperative planning but does not fit thereal time constraint in lesion removal surgery,are excluded.

To ensure that the term "intraoperative brainshift" is distinct and no other papers are pub-lished with its synonyms such as "intraopera-tive brain deformation", "intraoperative braindistortion", and "intraoperative cerebral surfacedeformation", we also searched for papers onPubMed, IEEE-Xplore, and Google with thesesynonyms but without the term "intraoperativebrain shift". No additional papers were found.

In this work, we reviewed papers publishedbefore February 2016. In total, approximately2600 publications were found. The aim is toprovide a review which covers several aspectsof the topic, while ensuring the popularity, top-icality and meaningfulness of the selected pa-pers. Therefore, we do not only include all pub-lications in Pubmed and IEEE-Xplore but alsothe first 100 most relevant papers in GoogleScholar. Google Scholar sorts the publicationsvia Page Rank algorithm [12], which means thedirectly and indirectly referenced publicationshave the highest rank. After we deleted the du-plicated publications and papers which do notcontain "brain shift" and "brain deformation"in the abstract or use these term as keyword,126 papers remained. This database with 126papers forms the basis of this review.

In this review, we focus on the clinical ex-perience of intraoperative imaging modalitiesand compensation methods of brain shift espe-cially in tumor resection surgery. First, we sur-vey the state-of-the-art intraoperative imagingsystems, which are commonly used to correctbrain deformation. Since the measurement andcauses of brain shift for tumor resection are


not the focus of this review, these aspects areonly introduced briefly. Different compensa-tion methods are presented considering math-ematical aspects and compared to each other.To conclude the discussion, the trends and con-sequences from the categorizations of the re-viewed publications are discussed. To avoidoverlap with the review published by Gerardet al. [13] which is focused on the causes andmeasurement of brain shift, we categorized theliterature from a mathematical and algorithmi-cal point of view. The thirteen categories ofinterest are brain shift compensation strategy,global transformation model, local transforma-tion model, computational platform, registra-tion basis, optimization method, similarity met-ric, intraoperative modality, constitutive modeltype, mesh element, quantification object, vali-dation, and treatment 1.

In total, 116 publications are groupedby the defined thirteen categories. Withthe support of the Technical Universityof Munich, the categorization of the 116publications is presented as an interactiveweb tool ( The remain-ing ten papers could not be classified in theabove categories: two publications describe theclinical use of IGNS [14] and its applicationto correct for brain shift [15]. A third publica-tion discusses the biomechanical behavior ofbrain tissue [16], a fourth which proposes theTotal Lagrangian formulation of Finite Elementmethod for computing organ deformation in[17]. Two papers focus on the determination ofthe position and orientation of an ultrasoundimage in the preoperative image coordinatesystem [18, 19]. A seventh publication aimat the reconstruction of superficial vessels ofbrain which can be used to compensate for thebrain shift by [20], an eighth presents a regis-tration and interactive visualization frameworkbased on a remote high-end computer with a

1The categories in [13] are physical, surgical, biological,intraoperative imaging, other, registration and modeling.This categorization focuses on the causes of brain shiftrather than on the algorithmic approaches to identify andcorrect for brain shift.

maximum of graphics capacity in a two pageabstract [21]. A ninth [22] presented an image-based re-registration scheme between preop-erative MR and intraoperative US to provideaccurate rigid patient registration and finallya review paper with the focus on soft tissuemodeling [23].

III. Clinical Experience with the

State-of-the-art Intraoperative

Imaging Modalities

Since commercial IGNS assumes the patient’shead is a rigid body and the intraoperativenavigation is based on preoperative CT- or MR-datasets, intraoperative brain shift, which is anon-rigid deformation of the brain tissue, influ-ences the accuracy of the surgery result. If thesurgeon does not have real-time image data ofthe complex anatomical structure of the brain,the benefit of IGNS may turn into an increasedrisk for the patient. Commercial intraopera-tive imaging techniques, such as intraopera-tive magnetic resonance imaging (iMR) andintraoperative ultrasound (iUS), provide theneurosurgeon with the essential intraoperativeimage data. The clinical experience with imageguided neuronsurgery systems combined withintraoperative imaging devices, either iMR oriUS, have been reported [9, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42]and will be reviewed in the following section.

i. Intraoperative MR

It is a very challenging task to determine themagnitude and direction of brain tissue de-formation during surgery. The introductionof intraoperative magnetic resonance imaginginto neurosurgery in 1994 [35] opened newopportunities to increase the accuracy of neu-rosurgical procedures by providing frequentimage updates with high soft tissue resolutionfor the neurosurgeon. These images can beused to estimate the intraoperative brain shiftin real time.

The most common use of intraopertive MRupdates image data during neurosurgery, to


Table 1: A summary of the clinical result by using iMRI for tumor resection

Publication Author Year Contribution Number of Patient Result[33] Hadani et al. 2001 iMR development 20 Total resection of all low grade tumors[31] Knauth et al. 1999 Clinical usage evaluation 41 Complete resection was diagnosed in

15 cases, but was performed in 31cases with iMRI

[35] Hall et al. 2000 iMR development 30 Complete resection in 24 cases[30] Hall et al. 2000 Clinical usage evaluation 30 Complete resection in 24 cases[29] Nimsky et al. 2001 Clinical usage evaluation 16 Complete resection in 14 cases[26] Black et al. 1999 Clinical usage evaluation 31 In more than one third of the cases,

tumor residual was detected withiMRI where the surgeon considered a

complete removel without iMRI

assess the extent of the tumor resection andto identify surrounding functional structureto minimize morbidity after the intervention[28]. One of the first experiences with iMRwas reported in [38]. The authors describedthe surgical setting of intraoperative MR in atwin operating theater, known as the "Heidel-berg concept", combining a conventional op-erating room with a radio-frequency-shieldedoperating room, containing an open low-field0.2T MRI scanner with a static magnetic field.Twenty-seven patients underwent neurosur-gical procedures, such as biopsy and tumorresection in this iMR operating environment.The surgical interventions were performed inthe standard operating room and with intra-operative control provided at intervals usingthe iMR scanner. The image quality of stan-dard sequences, such as T1 and T2, was accept-able. However, compared to a scanner with su-perconducting magnets, the scanning time re-quired to achieve comparable results is longer,because the number of acquisitions has to beincreased [38]. The benefits of such a systeminclude accurate localization and targeting ofthe tumor with minimal resection of normalbrain tissue, observation of brain shift in se-rial images and information redundancy whenusing fiducial markers.

Other clinical studies that either describe thedevelopment and application of iMR in neuro-surgical procedures [35, 33] or evaluate the clin-ical usage and outcomes of iMR[26, 29, 31, 35]have shown that the integration of iMRI ina neurosurgical procedure helps the surgeonto reduce the tumor residual and leads to ahigh rate of complete resection. A Summary isgiven in Tab. 1. Hadani et al. [33] implemented

a concept similar to [38], and report elimina-tion of inaccuracies from brain shift. Black etal. [26] found that their low-field, 0.5T iMRsystem, which is designed with coils in twoseparate but communicated cryostats, offeredseveral advantages combined with image guid-ance systems. Knauth et al. [31] showed thatthe integration of low-field iMR in intracranialhigh-grade glioma operations increased the ex-tent of the tumor resection significantly. Thesafety, efficacy and functionality of low- (0.2T)and high-field (1.5T) iMR scanners were ana-lyzed by [30, 35]. They demonstrated similarexperiences as [26] and [38] by using iMR invarious neurosurgical procedures such as brainbiopsy, tumor resection and cyst drainage. Inaddition, the high-field system also benefitsfrom functional techniques including MR spec-troscopy, functional MRI, MR angiography,chemical shift imaging and diffusion-weightedimaging. Both technologies allow compensa-tion for intraoperative brain shift [35, 30] andlead to increased extent of tumor resection [9].Nimsky et al. [29] analyzed the feasibility ofthe image update procedure with iMR in agroup of patients undergoing craniotomy forbrain tumor surgery. The tumors were micro-scopically completely removed in 14 out of 16cases. Thus, iMR image data compensate forthe effects of brain shift with a high degree ofaccuracy. Updating the neuronavigation sys-tem with intraoperative MR images seems tobe the most reliable way to compensate forintraoperative brain shift [29].

ii. Intraoperative US

Ultrasound has been used as an intraoperativeinstrument since the 1980s [27]. In contrast to


intraoperative MR, the most important advan-tage of intraoperative US is that it providesinexpensive image data in real-time [25, 29].The mapping of preoperative MR and intraop-erative US image data can be used to evalu-ate the effects of registration error and tissuemovement on the overall accuracy of IGNS[39]. Lunn et al. validated the usability ofiUS in three in vivo porcine experiments [42].The quantitative analyses show that coregis-tered iUS could measure the intraoperative dis-placement effectively and could be used witha computational model. Due to its poor imagequality, iUS has not entered common use inneurosurgery. However, with improved imagequality and new technical developments suchas three-dimensional ultrasound, iUS imaginghas seen a revival in the last years. White etal. [41] designed, constructed and tested anintraoperative transcranial ultrasound monitorvia shear mode in ten healthy human subjects,which utilizes shear wave propagation insteadof longitudinal waves through the skull. Lin-ear regression analysis shows that the local-ization of brain structures with the new shearmode ultrasound monitoring system correlateswell with MRI-based localization. The intro-duction of three-dimensional ultrasound hasincreased the value of neuronavigation sub-stantially, making it possible to update intra-operative images several times during surgeryand thereby minimize the problem of brainshift [24, 34]. For example, Gronningsaeteret al. [36] describe a system that integrates ahigh-end three-dimensional ultrasound systeminto a neuronavigation system - the SonoWand.This system can be used not only as a stand-alone ultrasound, but also as a conventionalpreoperative MRI- or CT-based neuronaviga-tion system. Keles et al. [25] reported that thecoregistration accuracy of preoperative MR andintraoperative US achieved 1.36mm. Ohue et al.[27] evaluated brain shift effectively by compar-ing real-time US images with correspondingpreoperative images. Compared to iMR sys-tems, iUS is more time effective [34] becausethe intraoperative images of patients are ac-quired in situ. The expenditure of time for

one intraoperative US data set is only 5 min-utes [24]. Beltagy et al. [40] demonstrate thebenefits of intraoperative ultrasound duringresection of fourth ventricular tumors in chil-dren. They were able to detect and correcttissue shifts at any time during step wise tu-mor resection, update new scans and verifynew tumor size by a neuro-navigated pointer.In general, the fusion of intraoperative two-or three-dimensional ultrasound images withMRI makes perception of available informa-tion easier both by providing updated imagedata and an extended overview of the oper-ating field during surgery [32]. It is reliable,accurate, easy to use and provides a contin-uous real-time feedback without interruptingsurgery [43].

IV. Measurement of

Intraoperative Brain Shift

Since intraoperative brain shift is the most sig-nificant source of error in image-guided cran-iotomy, the understanding of this phenomenonis a crucial step towards its modeling and com-pensation. Two different approaches are com-monly used to measure and quantify magni-tude and direction of brain shift. One is directmeasurement which compares the preopera-tive MR image data with the data acquireddirectly on the brain surfaces of the patientduring the surgery. A coagulation device suchas the ACUSTAR may be used [1, 44][45]. Thesecond approach is to analyze the pre- and in-traoperative image data based on registrationprocedures [5, 8, 46, 47, 48, 49]. If using pre-and intraoperative MR data, gradient echo im-ages are acquired. That is because of the highresolution and high readout gradient [8, 47]of gradient echo image. These result in rela-tively little geometric distortion in the readoutdirection caused by B0 inhomogenity [47].

Independent of the availability of intraoper-ative image data, various questions concerningthe magnitude, direction and sources of brainshift have been investigated by several groups[1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49]. Table 2 catego-rizes these ten publications according the imag-


ing modality, global transformation method,registration basis, similarity measure and quan-tification objective. The first quantitative stud-ies of brain shift analyzed the magnitude anddirection of the deformation of the dura andbrain surface between imaging and surgery[44], at two time points separated nearly byone hour after the dura opening but before thetumor resection [1] or before and after duraopening [45]. With the development and appli-cation of iMR and iUS, quantitative analysis ofsubcortical deformation was facilitated. Mau-rer et al. [46] used a 1.5T iMR to investigatethe magnitude of brain shift during and aftersurgery. An extention of this work was pub-lished by Hill et al. [47] which provides morequantitaive results and includes the analysisof 3D deformation maps. Low-field iMR wasused in [5, 9] to compare pre- and intraopera-tive three-dimensional images, allwoing evalu-ation and visualization of the extent of corticalsurface and subcortical structure. Hartkens etal. [8] investigated the predictability of brainshift by comparing the iMR images at the startand end of the surgery. Deformation patternswere analyzed quantitatively with respect tothe magnitude and direction. In order to evalu-ate and analyze the maximum deformation forthe on cortical surface and in the subcorticalstructure, different strategies were applied in[48]. Letteboer et al. [49] used iUS data andcompared it to the preoperative MR data inorder to analyze the magnitude and directionof brain shift. This study also shows that thethree-dimensional ultrasound data is feasibleto measure the intraoperative brain shift. Anexception to the above categorization is a ret-rospective study in 2005 [11]. In this study, theauthors determine influences of various factorssuch as tumor size, periventricular location,patient age, prior surgery or radiation ther-apy, patient positioning, use of medication (e.g.mannitol) and length of operation time, on in-traoperative brain shift. Pre- and postoperativegadolinium enhanced T1-weighted MRI dataare statistically compared to validate whetherthe factors mentioned above correlate with thesuccess of tumor resection using image-guided


i. Result of Quantitative Analysis ofBrain Shift Phenomenon

As the measurement and causes of brain shiftis not the focus of this review, only a shortsummary of the quantitative analysis of brainshift will be provided. The interested readeris directed to [13] for a detailed overview ofcauses and quantification.

Brain shift is a slow, time dependent phe-nomenon [5] and changes continually duringthe surgery [9]. A significant deformation canbe observed after the dura is opened due torelease of intracranial pressure alone. The mag-nitude of this effect is typically a few mm’s (e.g.up to 10 mm in [1, 44] and 13.4 mm in [49]). Af-ter the dura is opened , the displacement of thebrain increases continuously but slowly [44].Of course tumor resection and tissue manipu-lation increase the magnitudes of cortical anddeep tumor margin deformations dramatically.Deformation after resection is highly variableand depends on the volume of tissue removed[11] with values as high as 23.8 mm reported[5]. Statistical analysis shows, brain shift doesnot show significant correlation with patientage, mannitol dose, fluid volume change, par-tial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, priorsurgery or radiation therapy [1, 11, 5]. In con-trast to cortical surface and deep tumor margin,midline shift is much smaller: in some casesof the study by [47] the midline does not shift.Even tumor resection causes only minor defor-mation in the midline [46].

After the dura opening, the direction of in-traoperative brain shift is both a sinking of thebrain surface as well as a bulging [1]. The re-lationship between patient position and brainshift is complex. The study by [5] claims thatthe direction of brain shift was influenced pri-marily by patient and head positioning, but ithas no significant effect on the amount of brainshift. The measurement by [49] shows that theangle between the main direction of shift andgravity is on average 60, with a maximum of88.


Table 2: A summary of publications regarding measurement and quantification of intraoperative brain shift

Publication Author Year Modality Global Transformation Registration Basis Similarity Measurement Quantification Object[1] Maurer et al. 1998 Coagulation Rigid feature-based Magnitude, Direction, Risk Factor[5] Nimsky et al. 2000 iMR Rigid feature-based Euclidean Distance Magnitude, Direction, Risk Factor[8] Hartkens et al. 2003 iMR Non-rigid intensity-based Mutual Information Magnitude[9] Trantakis et al. 2003 iMR Non-rigid intensity-based Mutual Information Magnitude, Direction[11] Benveniste and Germano 2005 Risk Factor[46] Maurer et al. 1998 iMR Non-rigid intensity-based Mutual Information Magnitude[47] Hill et al. 1999 iMR Non-rigid intensity-based Mutual Information Magnitude, Direction[48] Hastreiter et al. 2004 iMR Rigid feature-based Mutual Information Magnitude, Direction, Risk Factor[44] Hill et al. 1997 Coagulation Rigid Magnitude[49] Letteboer et al. 2005 iUS Rigid Mutual Information Magnitude, Direction[45] Dorward et al. 1998 Coagulation Magnitude, Direction

V. Compensation for

Intraoperative Brain Deformation

As one of the most important error sourcesin IGNS, intraoperative brain shift must becompensated in order to increase the accu-racy of neurosurgery, especially in the caseof non-minimally invasive craniotomy, becausethe extent of brain shift depends primarily onthe size of the craniotomy and the durationof the surgery [50]. Basically, there are twodifferent strategies to compensate for intraop-erative brain shift. The first is to use regis-tration techniques based on intraoperative im-age data. Modalities such as iMR, iUS butalso Laser Range Scanner (LRS) and StereoVision are used to acquire intraoperative im-age data [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70]. Usu-ally, LRS and Stereo Vision are used to acquirethe intraoperative cortical surface deformationwhich is then integrated into a pre-computedpatient specific biomedical model in order toestimate the volumetric deformation. How-ever, these papers [51, 52, 53, 58, 67, 69, 70] arestill categorized as registration-based method,because they only presented the registrationapproaches which register the intraoperativesurface data either with preoperative MR orbetween data acquired at different time points.The model-based purpose is not described di-rectly in these works, therefore the purpose ofthese works is not clear without any additionalknowledge. Nevertheless, it should be keptin mind, once LRS or Stereo Vision are usedas intraoperative modalities, a model-basedstrategy is commonly pursued. An alterna-tive strategy is to build a computational model

(e.g. a finite element model) of the brain basedon constitutive constraints, which describe thestress-strain response of the tissue under var-ious loading conditions. This model is com-bined with sparse intraoperative image data toupdate preoperative images [48, 71, 72, 73, 74,75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87]. Asummary of the compensation techniques forbrain shift is shown in Table 3. Various aspectsof image registration-based and model-basedcompensation strategies are explained in thefollowing section.

i. Fundamentals of Non-rigid Regis-tration of Medical Images

The fundamental challenge of compensationfor intraoperative brain shift is to find the op-timal geometric transformation T : (x, y, z) 7→(x′, y′, z′) which maps the source image to thetarget image. Since the brain consists of elastictissue, finding the optimal image to image orimage to model, non-rigid registration methodconsidering boundary conditions, such as cran-iotomy size and tumor size, is the most crucialtask.

Non-rigid registration methods can be cate-gorized by their transformation model, registra-tion basis or similarity measurement. Differenttechniques which are found in our literaturedatabase are introduced here briefly.

i.1 Transformation Model

There are two ways to model a non-rigid reg-istration. The first method is to model thetransformation in a parametric fashion by us-ing a set of unknowns and the second is todescribe the deformation at every voxel in a


non-parametric fashion. Typically, the numberof parameters used in the parametric modelsis much smaller than the number of voxels inthe non-parametric models.

Parametric Transformation Models Para-metric models based on splines such as ThinPlate Splines and Free Form Deformation withB-splines are commonly used. Assume a set ofcorresponding feature points exist in the sourceand target image. The location of the featurepoints in the target image can be mapped ontoits counterparts in the source image either byusing splines to interpolate or approximate thedisplacements. Splines provide a smooth ap-proximation of the displacement field betweenthe feature points. For the transformation func-tion T : Rd → Rd with d as dimensionality ofthe images to register, the interpolation condi-tion can be written as

T(pi) = qi, i = 1, . . . , n (1)

where pi ∈ Rd and qi ∈ Rd denote the locationof the feature points in the source and targetimage.

• Radial Basis Functions (RBF) are definedas radially symmetric functions R(x) =R(‖x‖) in which the value depends onlyon the Euclidean distance of the argumentfrom the origin c [88]. RBFs construct alinear function space which depends onthe position of the known data points toan arbitrary distance measure [89].• Thin Plate Splines [90] is a sub-family of

Radial Basis Functions. The concept ofThin Plate Splines is based on the theoryof deformation of thin elastic plates, wherethe bending forces are orthogonal to thesurface. The superposition of the bendingforces must be zero, otherwise the thinplate will shift.The Thin Plate Spline is defined as a linearcombination of the sum of m basis func-tions and a weighted sum of a set of narbitrary Radial Basis Functions:

t(pi) =m


αkφk(pi) +n


βjR(r) (2)

where φk(x) is the k-th basis function, αand β are vectors with coefficients whichdefine the Thin Plate Splines. The RadialBasis Function of the Thin Plate SplineR(r) is defined as

R(r) =

r2 ln r in 2-Dr in 3-D


with r =∥∥pi − pj

∥∥2 as the distance be-

tween the control points and the pointunder consideration. Inserting Equation2 into Equation 1 and solving for thecoefficients α = (αᵀ

1 , . . . , αᵀm)

ᵀ and β =(βᵀ

1 , . . . , βᵀn)

ᵀ yields a Thin Plate Splinetransformation. To guarantee the unique-ness of the solution the following con-straints formulated in Equations 4 and 5must be considered: Since the bendingforces are orthogonal to the control pointsand the sum of the forces is zero, the coef-ficients β must sum up to zero and theirinner products with the coordinates of thecontrol points are also zero.



βj = 0 (4)



βjφk(pi) = 0, k = 1 . . . m (5)

Thus, Equation 2 can be expressed in ma-trix form as(

R PPᵀ 0





where R ∈ R3n×3n is a symmetric distancematrix, and P ∈ R3n×3m is a matrix givenby Pik = φk(pi), and Q = (qᵀ

1 , . . . , qᵀn)

ᵀ.Once the coefficients α and β are known,each point on the source image can betransformed via Equation 2. This equa-tion can be interpreted as follows: In athree dimensional case, the first term isthe linear part which defines a volumethat best matches all control points, thesecond term corresponds to the bendingforces provided by n control points.


• The basic idea of Free Form Deformationis to deform an object by manipulating theunderlying mesh of control points. The re-sulting deformation controls the shape ofthe three dimensional object and producesa smooth transformation. It is a power-ful tool for modeling three dimensionaldeformable objects introduced by [91]. Apopular choice to interpolate the defor-mation between control points is to usetri-variant B-spline tensor products as thedeformation function. This approach wasfirst proposed by [92]. Denote the domainof the image volumes as Ω = (x, y, z)|0 ≤x < X, 0 ≤ y < Y, 0 ≤ z < Z and let Φdenote a nx × ny × nz uniform mesh ofcontrol points φi,j,k. The Free Form Defor-mation can be written as the three dimen-sional tensor product of the one dimen-sional cubic B-splines [92].

T(x, y, z) =3








where i = b xnxc − 1, j = b y

nyc − 1, z =

b znzc − 1, u = x

xn− b x

nxc, v = y


b ynyc, w = z

nz− b z

nzc and Bl represents the

l-th basis function of the B-spline:

B0(u) = (1− u)3/6

B1(u) = (3u3 − 6u2 + 4)/6

B2(u) = (−3u3 + 3u2 + 3u + 1)/6

B3(u) = u3/6

The choice of a mesh with adequate spac-ing is the most important question in thisapproach. Since the control points Φ act asparameters of the Free Form Deformationbased on B-splines, the resolution of themesh has a major influence on the degreeof the deformation and defines the num-ber of degrees of freedom and thereforethe computational complexity.

Non-parametric Transformation ModelBy definition, Optical Flow is image velocity

approximating image motion from sequentialtime-ordered images. In the context of medicalimage processing, it has been applied tomotion detection and motion compensation.The class of optical flow registration coversa very large number of methods. A detailedcomparison of various Optical Flow methodshas been given by [93].

One formulation of Optical Flow used as atransformation model to register pre- and in-traoperative MRI images of the brain has beenproposed by [54] as follows: Assume the imageintensity I of a point (x, y, z) on a deformableimage at a time point t is constant for a shortduration of time δt. If a vector (u, v, w) repre-sents a velocity of the point and the intensityof the point does not change over the time δt,then

I(x, y, z, t) =

I(x + uδt, y + vδt, z + wδt, t + δt)(8)

Assuming the image intensity varies smoothlywith x, y, z and t, Equation 8 can be formulatedwith a first-order Taylor expansion.

I(x, y, z, t) ≈

I(x, y, z, t) + uδt∂I∂x

+ vδt∂I∂y

+ wδt∂I∂z

+ δt∂I∂t(9)

Dividing by δt, the constraint equation to solvefor (u, v, w) can be obtained:

Ixu + Iyv + Izw + It = 0 (10)

where Ix, Iy, Iz and It denote ∂I∂x , ∂I

∂y , ∂I∂z and

∂I∂t , respectively. Since the brain deforms slowly[5] after the dura is opened, brain shift can bemodeled as a slow motion which can be welldescribe with the Optical Flow method. How-ever, even for the sudden deformation causedby skull and dura opening, this method is insuf-ficient, and certainly cannot be used to modeldeformation caused during surgical resection.

i.2 Registration Basis

The registration basis is a measure of the align-ment of the images. Usually, images can be


aligned either with a feature-based approachor with an intensity-based method. The aim offeature-based registration approaches is min-imizing the distance between correspondingfeatures, such as points, lines or surfaces inthe source and target images. This means thatfeature-based registration approaches requirethe extraction of the features as well as theestimation of correspondences [94]. Since thefeatures are extracted before the registration,segmentation errors will propagate into laterstages. These errors cannot be corrected in theregistration step.

While feature-based registration algorithmscan reliably align boundaries, quantify thechange of certain anatomical structures withhigh precision, and are used both for mono-and multi-modality registration, intensity-based registration algorithms use the intensi-ties throughout the whole images and there-fore yield deformation values based on theimage content also in regions where it is dif-ficult to detect distinct features. The idea ofintensity-based registration approaches is theoptimization of a similarity metric such asSum of Squared Differences (SSD), Normal-ized Cross Correlation (NCC), and NormalizedMutual Information (NMI) measuring the de-gree of shared information of the image inten-sities. As an advantage, intensity-based meth-ods carry out registration without any fiducialmarkers and without explicit segmentation ofcorresponding features. However, the choiceof a suitable similarity measure is not trivial,especially when used for multi-modality regis-tration.

i.3 Similarity Measure

Similarity measure is a function used to quan-tify the similarity between two objects. In afeature-based approach, the most intuitive sim-ilarity measure is based on feature points. As-suming that the correspondence of two givenpoint sets p and q are known a priori, the point-based similarity measure can be defined as thesquared distance of the points. However, inpractice the correspondence of the points is

usually unknown. Aligning surfaces can over-come this problem. Anatomically relevant sur-faces are first segmented manually or automati-cally from the source and target images. Thesesurfaces are then described by point clouds.Since the correspondences of the points areunknown, the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) al-gorithm [95] can be used, because it assumesonly that a correspondence between each pointin the source point set and target point set exist.The similarity measure is defined as [94]

S = −∑i‖yi − T(pi)‖2 (11)


yi = minqj∈q

∥∥qj − T(pi)∥∥2


With correspondences estimated with Equa-tion 12, the point sets are registered by mini-mizing Equation 11. Another similarity mea-sure used in feature-based registration is theChamfer Similarity Function. This functionwas developed and described by [96] as a tech-nique for finding the best fit of edge pointsfrom two different images by minimizing ageneralized distance between them. The algo-rithm takes as input binary images represent-ing the edges. A chamfer distance map is thencomputed corresponding to the source image.This is an image where every non-edge voxelis given a value approximating the Euclideandistance to the closest edge voxel. The targetimage is then superimposed onto the distancemap and translated and rotated in an iterativemanner until the root mean square of the vox-els in the distance map corresponding to edgepoints in the target image is at a minimum.

The similarity measures in intensity-basedapproaches measure the degree of shared infor-mation of the image intensities. The simplestis the Sum of Squared Differences(SSD) be-tween the intensities in the source image andthe target image. The use of this similarity mea-sure supposes that the source image and targetimage have the same characteristics. This is avery restrictive assumption, thus the Sum ofSquared Differences is only used to register


images from the same modality. A more gen-eral formulation of similarity measure is theNormalized Cross Correlation (NCC) whichassumes a linear relationship between the twoimages. Because of its accuracy and robustnessfor aligning intermodal images as well as itsinvariance to changes in overlapping regions,Mutual Information has become one of themost important similarity measures. The un-derlying idea of this similarity measure is tointerpret the feature space of the image inten-sities as the joint probability distribution. Itmakes no assumption of the relationship be-tween image intensities in source and target im-ages and can be seen as a metric that measureshow good one image "describes" the other. Toavoid any dependence on the amount of im-age overlap, Normalized Mutual Information(NMI) has been suggested [94].

ii. Compensation Methods Guided byIntraoperative Image Data

One strategy to compensate for intraoperativebrain shift in tumor resection surgery is to reg-ister intraoperative two- or three-dimensionalimage data captured with iMR, iUS, LRS orStereo Vision with the preoperative MR data.While a standard rigid body registration is suf-ficient to initialize the alignment between thepre- and intraoperative MR images, a sophis-ticated multimodal registration must be per-formed as the initial step, when using iUS.This is due to the fact that the MR and USimages have very different characteristics andresolution, which makes the registration morechallenging. An automated rigid registrationmethod was shown in [61] to align the three-dimensional US and MR images before per-forming the non-rigid registration of three-dimensional US time sequences. To more com-pletely accommodate the nature of US images,a generalized correlation ratio is chosen as thesimilarity measure. Phantom study and clin-ical evaluation shows the registration error isbelow 1.5 mm.

In order to capture the elastic deformationof the brain, a group of researchers of Vander-

bilt University use the Laser Range Scanner toacquire the intensity and geometric informa-tion of the cortical surface [51, 52, 58, 67]. Theprocess begins with the acquisition of a point-cloud by standard principles of laser/cameratriangulation. In addition, a digital image ofthe field of view is captured and the coor-dinates are assigned to the point cloud data[51, 52]. By using an intensity-based algorithmbased on the maximization of Mutual Infor-mation (MI), the intraoperative LRS imagesare registered to the preoperative segmentedcortex, which is expressed as a textured pointcloud by using ray casting. Radial basis func-tions are used here as the local transformationmodel. This method, which relied on intensity-based non-rigid registration to register the twodimensional images, is able to track the brainshift with an accuracy of 1.6 mm in a phantomstudy. However, since parts of the segmentedcortex visible in the preoperative images maynot be visible in the intraoperative images andvice-versa, the purely intensity-based registra-tion method as proposed in [51] and [52] isnot very robust. Ding et al. [58] use a feature-based algorithm. Landmarks on the surfaceblood vessels are manually selected from thetwo-dimensional and three-dimensional LRSimage. A Robust Point Matching (RPM) al-gorithm proposed in [98], which is a modi-fied Iterative Closest Point (ICP) method usingThin Plate Splines (TPS) as the transformationmodel, is performed on three-dimensional LRSimages. In contrast to the method proposedin [51, 52], this feature-based method is appro-priate for relatively large brain displacements.The comparison of the results with 2D and 3Dimages based on five data sets shows that themethod with 2D image data is more suitablethan the one with 3D range images. The al-gorithm proposed in [67] differs from othersin the following ways: The final deformationfield is computed iteratively across spatial res-olutions and different scales of transformationby creating a standard image pyramid. Afterthe scale of the transformation is adapted foreach resolution, the final deformation field iscomputed as the sum of deformation fields. In


Table 3: A summary about the compensation techniques for brain shift


iMR [54, 59, 60, 64, 75, 48, 71, 80, 66, 84, 85]iUS [50, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 68]

laser Range Scanner [51, 52, 53, 58, 76, 72, 77, 78, 79, 83, 67, 97]Stereo Vision [52, 53, 69, 70, 81, 82, 86, 87]

Compensation Strategyimage registration based [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70]

model-based [48, 72, 73, 74, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 97, 87]

Global Transformationrigid [61, 82, 66]

non-rigid [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 48, 71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 69, 70, 79, 80, 81, 82, 65,83, 66, 67, 84, 85, 68, 86, 97, 87]

Transformation Model

thin plate spline [50, 53, 57, 58, 76, 68, 97, 87]radial based function [51, 52, 72, 66, 67]

spline [77, 78]free form deformation [59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64]

optical flow [54]

Registration Basisintensity-based [48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 72, 79, 71, 80, 66, 67, 86]feature-based [50, 56, 57, 58, 75, 76, 77, 78, 48, 71, 81, 65, 83, 66, 84, 85, 68, 97, 87]

hybrid [53, 64, 69, 70]

Optimization Technique

gradient descent [52, 61, 64, 72]powell [59, 60, 79, 48, 71]


[58, 76, 65, 83, 66]

levenberg-marquadt [53, 62]multi-resolution [54, 55, 63, 67]

Computational Platform GPU [48, 59, 60]

cluster computer [80]

Similarity Measurement

euclidean distance [57, 58, 76, 77, 78, 83, 48, 71, 81](normalized) mutual

information[48, 51, 52, 59, 60, 63, 64, 72, 79, 48, 71, 82, 66, 67, 86]

(normalized) correlationcoefficient

[55, 75, 80, 85]

sum of squareddifference

[53, 61, 62]

chamfer similarity [56]correlation ratio [61]

gaussian mixture model [65, 66]energy function [84, 97]

Validationphantom [50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 61, 62, 63, 72, 75, 77, 78, 69, 70, 79, 65, 67, 68]clinical [51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 72, 76, 79, 48, 71, 83, 80, 81, 66, 84, 97, 87]animal [61, 62]

the phantom study and the in vivo test, thisregistration approach produces subpixel error,even if the differences of the images is largedue to the resection. However, manual inter-ventions to find the region of interest are stillnecessary for the in vivo case. Another exam-ple of a flexible surface registration approachfor optical imaging, either LRS or Stereo Vi-sion, was proposed in [53]. The approach com-bines image intensities, texture information,and sparse landmark matching to perform thesurface registration. Although validation withone clinical data set shows that this methodhas a precision around 2 mm, which was in thesame range as the rigid registration error of theneuronavigation system before tissue deforma-tion [53], its robustness and the reproducibilityof the result need to be proved.

To capture the deformation not only onthe cortical surface, but also in the deeperbrain structure, several approaches using iUSas an intraoperative modality are presented[50, 55, 56, 57, 22, 61, 62, 63, 68]. A set of ho-mologous landmarks in the ultrasound imagevolume and the MR or CT volume are used

to estimate the non-linear transformation in[50] and [68]. Small circles around the ventriclecavity on a phantom [50] or fiducial balloons[68] are chosen as landmarks. TPS interpola-tion is performed between the landmark points.Reinertsen et al. [56, 57] presented two MR-USregistration algorithms that use the segmentedblood vessels from both preoperative MR an-giograms (MRA) or gadolinium enhanced MRimages and intraoperative Doppler US imagesin their work. One algorithm compares thechamfer distance map (described in [96]) ofsegmented blood vessels, where the vessels aresegmented with a vesselness filter. The secondapplies the ICP algorithm based on selectedpoints on the segmented blood vessels. A se-ries of simulation experiments, phantom studyin [56] and clinical validation of the method in[57] shows, that this method is able to recoverlarge portions of non-linear deformations evenwhen only a very limited region of the MR im-age is covered by the US acquisition. Blood ves-sels could be seen as powerful features for theregistration of preoperative MR and intraoper-ative US images [57]. However, the landmarks


in a feature-based approach need to be selectedmanually and the correspondence of the pointset should be known a priori. Therefore, theregistration process cannot be automated. Asophisticated method proposed in [65] makesthe knowledge about the correspondence of thepoint set redundant. The so called CoherentPoint Drift (CPD) method aligns the featurepoint set as a probability density estimation,where one point set presents the Gaussian Mix-ture Model (GMM) centroids and the otherrepresents the data point. The phantom studyshows that this approach resolves almost 80%of brain deformation in the region of interest.An intensity-based algorithm overcomes thecorrespondence problem in the feature-basedmethod. Letteboer et al. [63] shows in twotumor resection cases that an intensity-basednon-rigid registration method based on freeform deformation using B-splines and usingnormalized Mutual Information as the similar-ity measure improved the volume overlap ofthe tumor from an average of 76% to 96%. An-other intensity-based approach has been pro-posed in [61] and [62], where a “uniform elas-tic" assumption of the brain tissue is made.Instead of using nMI, the authors optimizedSum of Squared Differences (SSD) with gra-dient descent optimization. This algorithm isable to recover an important part of the defor-mations and features a smooth deformation,despite the noisy nature of the US images [61].The validation result shows that the SSD cri-terion is well adapted for the registration ofsuccessive images in the time sequence [62].In general, intensity-based US-MR non-rigidregistration poses a significant challenge dueto the low Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of theultrasound images and different image char-acteristics and resolution of US and MR im-ages. Taking these into account, Arbel et al.[55] developed a strategy to generate pseudoUS images from the preoperative MR basedon anatomical structures, which generate suffi-ciently strong acoustic signals. After anatomi-cal structures like white matter, ventricles andcortical grey matter are segmented from theMR image, a radial gradient operator is used

to generate gradient magnitude data to simu-late boundaries apparent in typical US images[55]. The nonlinear pseudo US and US im-age registration is performed with NormalizedCross Correlation (NCC) as a similarity mea-surement. A multiresolution scheme is used tospeed up the registration process. Quantitativeresults in 12 surgical cases show correction forbrain shift is up to 87% at the tumor boundary.

The intensity-based nonlinear registrationmethod using optical flow as transformationmodel and multiresolution to accelerate theiterative scheme has also been adapted formonomodal MR image registration e.g. in [54].With this algorithm, a maximum cortical sur-face shift of 11 mm was estimated and a sub-surface shift around the ventricle of 4 mm. Thisresults are in the same range as the quantifica-tion results introduced in Section IV. The clini-cal validation indicated the proposed methodis capable of capturing surface and sub-surfaceshifts of the brain [54]. In order to reduce thecomputation time of an intensity-based non-rigid registration algorithm, Soza et al. [59, 60]introduced an intensity-based approach withcomputations done on graphics cards. The im-age data were deformed using the Free FormDeformation method and the deformation ofthe space is proposed with three-dimensionalBézier functions. Because this kind of FreeForm Deformation contains inherent elasticity,it is a good choice for describing the move-ments of soft tissue [59]. Evaluation with pa-tient data shows this approach recovers thebrain deformation within a precision range of1.5 mm - 2.0 mm [59, 60]. However, in somepathological cases, Free Form Deformation isnot flexible enough [60]. Also, the intensity-based registration of MR images can fail ina tumor resection case because of a lack ofintensity correspondences. To avoid this prob-lem, Hartkens et al. [64] proposed a hybridregistration algorithm, where the feature infor-mation is incorporated into the intensity-basedmethod in order to include higher level infor-mation about the expected deformation. In thiswork nMI is linearly combined with the fea-ture similarity measure. Either point or surface


information are detected semi-automaticallyboth in the reference and source images. Thetissue deformation is then performed as FreeForm Deformation using B-spline interpolationbetween the control points. Another approachto address the registration of pre- and post-resection MR images has been proposed in [66].In this work, the pre- and post-resection MRimages are first aligned rigidly to each other bymaximizing the Mutual Information of salientstructures enhanced by the joint saliency map.Difference of Gaussian (DoG) key points arethen detected and clustered on the contiguousmatching area of the aligned images. The dis-placement is then estimated by warping theclustered DoG key points with Radial BaseFunctions. The evaluation shows this methodis able to correct the brain shift induced bysmall (average distance error < 1 pixel) andlarge (average distance error < 1.2 pixel) resec-tion, while four other intensity-based registra-tion methods failed in these cases.

iii. Modeling of Intraoperative BrainDeformation

The key issue in the model-based compensa-tion method is to model the brain and the brainshift phenomenon in an adequate way. Theanatomy and physiology of the human brainshows that the brain is a very complex organconsisting of gray matter, white matter, dura,pia membrane, and four ventricles which arefilled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The stiff-ness of the brain is almost the same as gel,plastic or pasta [99, 100, 101]. To compute anaccurate brain model, which can be updated in-traoperatively, two essential decisions are typi-cally made - which constitutive model shouldbe used to describe the brain tissue and whichtype and size of mesh element should be usedto compute the brain model. Table 4 showsa summary of the categorization of the brainmodeling issue.

iii.1 Constitutive Models

Constitutive models are used to quantify thebehavior of soft tissue under loading condi-

tions. The choice of the biomechanical modelmust take into account prior knowledge ofpatient-specific brain structure and the indi-vidual dynamics of brain shift. To date, fourbiomechanical models have been presented inthe literature: linear elastic, non-linear elastic,viscoelastic and biphasic. The simplest consti-tutive model is the linear elastic model, whichassumes a linear relationship between stressand strain [75, 80, 82, 74, 102, 103, 104, 105,106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 85, 84]. While linearelasticity is a very good model for bone tissue,it does not serve very well for soft tissue me-chanics for two reasons. First, most soft tissuesundergo strains that qualify as large deforma-tion. Second, the relationship between stressand strain for soft tissues is generally nonlinear[143]. Therefore in theory, a nonlinear elasticmodel is more suitable to model brain defor-mation [112, 113, 114]. As a classic model fortime dependent effects, the viscoelastic model[10, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122] is ableto model the time dependency of the brain shiftphenomenon because it consideris the strainhistory in addition [16]. The model combinesthe aspects of both fluid behavior, which is suit-able to model the CSF, and solid behavior ofthe brain tissue. Once we consider brain as acomposition of porous solid matrices (e.g. softtissue) with fluid (e.g. CSF) filling the pores,the biphasic model [73, 72, 81, 124, 125, 126,127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136,137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 42, 83] may providean adequate constitutive model. The mechanicsof this model depend both on the solid matrixdeformation and on the movement of the fluidin and out of the pores during the deformation[143]. This is exactly the situation when thebrain deforms under a craniotomy.

iii.2 Mesh Element

A three-dimensional biomechanical brainmodel is commonly computed with Finite El-ement (FE) analysis. It must be ensured thatthe complexity of the brain shift is reflectedby updating the model. Thus, the quality ofthe mesh is an important issue in this prob-


Table 4: A summary of publications about brain shift modeling

Constitutive Model

linear elastic [75, 80, 82, 74, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 85, 84, 97, 111]non-linear elastic [112, 113, 114]

viscoelastic [10, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123]biphasic [73, 72, 81, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140,

141, 142, 42, 83]

Mesh Element

tetrahedral [72, 73, 74, 75, 125, 126, 48, 71, 80, 81, 124, 115, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 103, 135, 136, 137,138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 104, 106, 118, 119, 10, 120, 107, 113, 114, 121, 108, 109, 110, 83, 85,

84, 122, 97, 134, 111]quadrilateral [102, 128]pentahedral [105]hexahedral [82, 105, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121]

Validationclinical [102, 115, 125, 126, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 138, 139, 141, 142, 104, 117, 105,

106, 118, 119, 107, 109, 110, 83, 97]phantom [128, 111]animal [134, 137, 42]

lem. As the most elementary and flexible meshelement, tetrahedrons [72, 73, 74, 75, 125, 126,48, 71, 80, 81, 124, 115, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,103, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,104, 106, 118, 119, 10, 120, 107, 113, 114, 121,108, 109, 110, 83, 85, 84, 122] are able to simu-late the dynamical process of brain deforma-tion and are therefore commonly used. On theother hand, as the time to estimate the brainshift in neurosurgery is limited, the Finite El-ement Model (FEM) of the brain should beable to be updated in real time. The speedof the FEM directly depends on the numberof degrees of freedom the system has. Sincethe accuracy achieved with numerous tetrahe-drons can be attained with only a handful ofhexahedrons, hexahedral mesh elements arefrequently applied [82, 105, 112, 113, 114, 115,116, 117, 118, 119, 121]. However, the flexibilityof such a model is not as high as the FEM gener-ated with tetrahedrons. Compromises betweenthe flexibility and quality are pentahedral ele-ments used in [105] as well as a combinationof tetrahedrons and hexahedrons proposed in[113, 114, 115, 119, 121]. When only a two-dimensional mesh is generated, quadrilateralelements [102, 128] are sufficient.

iv. Model-Based Compensation Tech-niques

The idea of a model-based compensation ap-proach is to first pre-compute a patient-specificbrain model-based on the preoperative MRdata, then combine this model with intraop-erative data to update the preoperative image.

Commonly, the widely accepted iMR tech-

nology estimates the deformation field onlyat sparse locations, because MR suffers fromlower resolution, lack of image structure, noise,and intensity artifacts. Clatz et al. [80] andDrako et al. [85] presented a robust modeldriven brain shift compensation algorithm thatrelies on a sparse displacement field estimatedwith a block matching method and a linearelastic model. The same constitutive model isalso used in [74, 75, 84], in which the displace-ment field is estimated on iMR images basedon selected key features. Another example isthe work from Hastreiter et al. [48, 71] wherea model-based approach using adaptively re-fined nonlinear intensity-based registration isproposed. Since a huge number of interpo-lation operations must be performed in thismethod, the algorithms are implemented us-ing openGL on GPUs to accelerate the imageupdate procedure.

Since iMR is very time consuming, modeldriven algorithms based on iMR images oftenhave difficulties fitting within the intraopera-tive time constrain. In contrast, optical imaging(LRS and Stereo Vision) is more suitable. Gen-erally, the patient specific volumetric model iscomputed with preoperative MR images be-fore the surgery. Surface images are acquiredwith LRS [76, 77, 78, 79, 72, 73, 83, 97] or StereoVision [81, 82, 86, 87, 97]. After the surface im-ages are registered with the model non-rigidly,the volumetric model is deformed consideringthe boundary conditions. To obtain the defor-mation in deep brain structure, visible corticalsurface displacement is applied directly as aboundary condition (e.g.[76, 77, 78, 81, 82]).However, the registration inaccuracy is prop-


agated into the model updating step withoutany correction. To characterize the geometryand intensity properties of the brain surface inan effective way, Miga et al. [79] use a LRS sys-tem that generates three-dimensional intensity-encoded point cloud data. When comparedto point-based and iterative closest point reg-istration methods, textured LRS registrationresults demonstrated an improved accuracy inboth phantom and in vivo experiments. Thevolumetric deformation was calculated by ana-lyzing a biphasic FEM. Dumpuri et al. [72, 73],Sun et al. [83] and Chen et al. [111] determineda distribution of possible conditions, such asgravity direction, CSF loss and effect of drugs,in order to generate a deformation atlas. Theoptimum of the deformation predicted by thedeformation atlas and measured by the corti-cal surface is used as the boundary conditionto update the pre-computed patient specificbiphasic brain model. Between 70% and 80% ofthe shift could be corrected with this method.

VI. Discussion

The review presented in this study shows thatintraoperative MR is used widely to compen-sate for brain shift because it has good softtissue resolution and neurosurgeons are famil-iar with MR images. In an invited review [28],G. E. Keles summarized the benefits and dis-advantages of iMR. It enables image updatesand the evaluation of the extent of tumor re-section during surgery. Additionally, it alsocan be used to identify surrounding functionalstructures to minimize morbidity and to com-pensate for the effect of brain shift. Generally,iMR increases the clinical outcome of tumorresection under craniotomy. The length of hos-pital stay decreased from 9.4 days (when noiMRI was used) to 5.1 days using iMRI. Onthe other side, MR-compatible instruments arenecessary in the operating room [28, 38]. Themain limitation of intraoperative MR is its costincluding the surgical equipment and modi-fication of the operating room [28]. In addi-tion, longer operation times must be accepted[31, 38]. Each intraoperative scan with iMR

takes 15min and the patient needs to be trans-ferred between imaging position and operatingposition [29]. Therefore, the iMR images cannot be updated frequently. However, serialiMRI without frequent updates is not able topresent and quantify the dynamic character ofbrain shift, because brain shift is a time depen-dent phenomenon affected by various forces,which magnify or neutralize each other [37].Thus, the use of this complex, expensive andtime consuming intraoperative imaging modal-ity [29] remains limited with respect to thecompensation for brain shift.

An inexpensive way to update the intraop-erative image in real time is to use iUS. Al-though the real time visualization of differentanatomical structures of the brain such as tu-mor remnants, vessel structures, skull base andthe intraoperative repeatability of iUS offer con-siderable benefits with respect to improved in-traprocedural information [24], this technologystill has not gained more acceptance than in-traoperative MR. This lack of adoption may beattributed to the fact that neurosurgeons aremore familiar with imaging technologies suchas MR and CT rather than US [24, 43]. Addi-tionally, US images are often difficult to inter-pret because echogenic structures cannot reli-ably differentiate normal from abnormal tissue[25]. Ultrasound technology also has poor spa-tial and contrast resolution, and suffers fromartifacts or dropout from blood and air [36, 43].The development of three-dimensional ultra-sound has increased the popularity of this tech-nology in the recent years. However, one mustalways keep in mind that compared to iMR, theuse of iUS is not contact-less, which increasesthe risk of an infection.

The magnitude and direction of brain shiftare generally measured in two ways: eitherdirectly in the physical space of the patient orby registering the pre- and intraoperative im-ages. The risk factors and causes of brain shifthave been estimated via statistical analysis ( [11]). As shown in Section IV, intraopera-tive brain shift is a very complex phenomenon.Each tumor group shows unique patterns ofbrain shift [45]. The quantitative analysis of


brain shift shows that brain shift is a smalldeformation, but the introduction of surgicaltools and the removal of tissues near the regionof interest may introduce large local deforma-tions. The displacement field is shaped like abowl, with the largest displacement near thecenter of the craniotomy [1]. The deformationon the cortical surface and deep tumor marginis larger than the midline shift, but the shiftof the cortical surface is uncorrelated to thedeformation of the deep tumor margin [48].Based on the fact that the magnitude of dis-placement for resection cases is generally largerthan for that of biopsies [8], the cause of brainshift may be simplified as following: the braincollapses under the force of gravity and fillsthe space previously occupied by cerebrospinalfluid (CSF) and resected tissue [8]. Althoughthe opening of the ventricular system is relatedto increased brain shift [5], measuring the lossof CSF is still not sufficient to predict the mag-nitude of brain shift; Hartkens et al. showedthat substantial deformation is not always as-sociated with substantial CSF loss [8]. A shiftof the deep tumor margin was not significantlyaffected by the opening of the ventricular sys-tem [5]. The direction of brain shift can notbe predicted only by prior knowledge aboutpatient positioning and gravity, because the di-rection of the brain shift is not simply parallelor perpendicular to gravity, but rather a con-sequence of a complex interplay between theforce of gravity, boundary conditions (e.g. re-sected regions), fluid pressure and other forces[8]. This has consequences for the modelingof brain shift: The assumption that gravity-induced brain deformation is parallel to thegravity is not valid. Because of the high com-plexity and dynamic variability of the brainshift phenomenon, predictions using only abrain model in the absence of intraoperativedata are difficult.

Since soft tissues deform nonlinearly, theintuitive approach to compensate for braindeformation is to register pre- and intraop-erative images non-rigidly. When using iUSto acquire intraoperative image data, feature-based multi-modal registration methods are

commonly used because the image characteris-tics and resolution of preoperative MR and iUSare very different. Therefore a purely intensity-based approach fails. Another way to regis-ter MR and US images is to generate pseudoUS images from MR images, resulting in anintensity-based US-US registration. Intensity-based approaches are also applied to registerpre- and intraoperative MR images. However,there is a trade-off between image resolutionand intraoperative time constraints. When theintraoperative MR image has the same reso-lution as the preoperative images, intensity-based non-rigid registration will lead to a hugenumber of interpolation operations. To fit theintraoperative time constraints, GPUs or clustercomputers [80] are used to accelerate the regis-tration process. When the intraoperative MRhas a lower resolution, only sparse displace-ment fields can be estimated. A model-basedapproach where the intraoperative sparse dataguides a patient specific Finite Element Modelovercomes this problem. Combined with a FEModel, optical imaging such as a Laser RangeScanner and Stereo Vision are gaining popular-ity. These inexpensive and contact-less modali-ties provide geometric and intensity informa-tion of the cortical surface, which is registeredto the surface of a FE brain model in order toupdate the volumetric model. In our opinion,the most promising approach for volumetricbrain shift compensation should make use ofintraoperative information, both volume andsurface, and include a model of the brain shiftphenomenon. Since the blood vessels are dis-tributed all over the cortex and in the deeperbrain structure, calculating the volumetric de-formation of the brain based on the deforma-tion of the blood vessel tree could also deliversufficient results. Another advantage of thisapproach is the tracking of important vesselsduring the surgery, providing the surgeon withadditional information about blood supply ofthe brain. To date, only few vessel driven brainshift compensation publications (e.g. [56, 57])have been published. The authors used intraop-erative ultrasound images in their publications.The results are limited by the image quality of


the ultrasound images.

The accuracy of a model-based compensa-tion method depends on the choice of the con-stitutive model to describe the biomechanicalbehavior of the brain. Linear elastic, non-linearelastic, viscoelastic and biphasic models areapplied, with the biphasic model used mostcommonly. The biphasic model describes thebrain as a solid porous matrix filled with fluidwhich roughly matches the complex anatomi-cal structure of the brain. In contrast, simplebiomechanical models such as linear elasticmodels are able to predict brain deformationif they have sufficiently good boundary con-ditions [8]. The quality of the FE model andthe computational time to update the modeldepend directly on the chosen mesh element.Tetrahedrons are commonly used because oftheir flexibility and their ability to simulate thebrain shift realistically. Since the FEM meshedwith tetrahedrons has a very high degree offreedom, the computation time to update thismodel is much higher than the model gen-erated with hexahedrons. A compromise be-tween flexibility and computational time is thecombination of tetrahedrons and hexahedrons,where tetrahedrons are used to generate thevolume undergoing large deformations suchas grey and white matter and hexahedrons areused to mesh the ventricle systems which onlydeform slightly.

Although intraoperative brain shift is themajor source of error in Image Guided Neuro-surgery and has been a topic of interest since1980s, comprehensive studies that quantify thecomplexity and time dependency is still lack-ing. Our findings in this review either inves-tigate the brain deformation before and afterthe dura opening or measure the pre- and post-resection volumetric displacement. None ofthese studies quantify the brain shift in thewhole tumor resection surgery. Additionally,a state-of-the-art method to measure the brainshift was not found. Both direct measurementon physical space and non-rigid registrationof pre- and intraoperative images are used. Inthe future, studies to quantify the magnitude,direction and causes of brain shift from the

beginning to the end of a neurosurgery aredesirable. A further subject of studies in thefuture is the performance of learning basedregistration methods to compensate for intra-operative brain shift. It is well-known thatthe human brain is a highly individual organ,brain tumors differ in shape and size, and brainshift is a very complex process with variouscauses. Therefore, learning based registrationmethods can be more appropriate for correc-tion of brain shift once enough training dataare available. To date, the state-of-the-art im-age modalities to compensate for brain shift areiMR and iUS. The first clinical study with LRSand FEM to correct brain deformation [144]was also published recently. However, anotherimportant interventional image modality - Dig-ital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) has notbeen considered, although it is less expensivethan iMR and is able to provide surgeons realtime intraoperative image data with anatom-ical structures such as blood vessels in highresolution. In our further studies, we will pro-pose new compensation methods for brain shiftbased on 3D DSA images.

VII. Conclusion

This work presents a comprehensive reviewof intraoperative brain shift in tumor resec-tion surgery with the focus on clinical expe-rience of state-of-the-art intraoperative imag-ing modalities and mathematical and algorith-mic aspects of different compensation tech-niques. It can be seen as a good complementof the existing review by [13]. In total, 126relevant papers were reviewed and 116 werecategorized and discussed according to sev-eral aspects including intraoperative modality,compensation strategy, global and local trans-formation model, registration basis, optimiza-tion technique, similarity measure, computa-tional platform, constitutive model and meshelement. The categorized publications are in-tegrated in an interactive web tool which isavailable on the page



We thank our colleagues from Chair for Com-puter Aided Medical Procedures and Aug-mented Reality of Technical University Mu-nich who implemented the interactive web tool“Living Review" on this topic as an extensionof their original work about vascular imageregistration techniques [145].

Conflict of Interests

The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflictof interest regarding the publication of thispaper.


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