intro infosec version 2

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Copyright © 2014-2017 by Ron McFarland Ph.D.



I wrote this book because many of my readers and

students have requested preliminary information about

information security as it pertains to the CISSP

(Certified Information Systems Security Professional),

the CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), the

CCNA-Security (Cisco Certified Networking Associate –

Security), or other information security exams. Other

readers and learners who were either new or not as

familiar with the information security world have asked

for a fairly easy read that covers many of the

information security aspects that an information

technologist or an information systems.

This book is written in a broad-brush manner. That is, it

is my intention to introduce many of the topics covered

in either the CISSP, CISM or CCNA-Security realms. For

some readers, you might be planning on taking one of

these certification exams. And again, for others, you

wanted to find a quick read on many security topics so

that you are more familiar with the overall field. If this

describes you, this eBook is for you.


As a further note, while this eBook does cover many

(not all) of the CISSP, CISM and CCNA-Security aspects

and also discusses many Information Security (InfoSec)

topics in general, more detailed books on this subject

are available (with an appropriate heavier cost).

However, in the next several months, I plan on

publishing additional InfoSec, Networking, and Ethical

Hacking eBooks that can supplement your studies.



This book will help you understand many of the

preliminary topics involved in the very rich and ever-

changing world of Information Security (InfoSec). I

wrote this eBook to assist you, the reader, in

understanding Information Security from the ground

up. The topics in this eBook cover many of the topics

found in as it pertains to the CISSP (Certified

Information Systems Security Professional), the CISM

(Certified Information Security Manager), the CCNA-

Security (Cisco Certified Networking Associate –

Security), and other information security exams.

If you are new to the information security world or wish

to brush up on many of the topics in the InfoSec world,

this easy-to-read eBook is for you. It was my intention

to make this an easy read and enjoyable read as we

discuss many information security topics as you,

perhaps, prepare for an interview or prepare to take on

more extensive studying required of many of the

security-related certifications.



TABLE OF CONTENTS Why I Wrote This Book ............................................................................ 2

Why You Should Read This Book ......................................................... 4

Table of Contents ........................................................................................ 6

Introduction .................................................................................................. 7

Chapter 1. Introduction to Encryption .............................................. 9

Chapter 2. Introduction to Symmetric Key Algorithms .......... 40

Chapter 3. Malware ................................................................................. 53

Chapter 4. Firewalls ................................................................................ 73

Chapter 5. Denial of Service Attacks................................................ 86

Chapter 6. Cryptographic Tools...................................................... 103

Chapter 7. Wireless Security ............................................................ 116

Chapter 8. Operating System Security ......................................... 151

Chapter 9. Database Security ........................................................... 166

Chapter 10. Computer Auditing ..................................................... 183

Summary .................................................................................................. 199

References ............................................................................................... 201

About The Author ................................................................................. 211

Other Books By Ron McFarland ..................................................... 213



Information Security is a hot topic and, for the

professional information technologist, is an important

set of skills to be proficient in. Further and more

importantly, since we are in this ever-expanding and

ever growing field of information technology and

information systems, having a certification or two in the

information security area can be a boost to our career.

On a very recent Internet search from a reputable

source (Global Knowledge:

p?pageid=3430 ), the CISSP (Certified Information

Systems Security Professional) offered by ISC2 was as

the second top-paying industry certification (followed

by the Project Management Professional – PMP), which

further emphasizes the importance of the information

security field in the technology industry. Likewise, other

security-related certifications are as important in other

aspects of the information technology and information

security fields.


This eBook starts out with a discussion of encryption

and a discussion on various malware, as one focus of

our discussion on securing systems. Also, we’ll discuss

various types of system attacks as well as several

methods to prevent these. Further, we’ll discuss a few

relevant hardware and software-related items like

firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Intrusion

Protection Systems (IPS), honeypots, and methods of

control for our systems. Further, we’ll discuss database

and programming related security topics like SQL-

injection and good programming practice. Also, we’ll

discuss the relevance of auditing and secure

configuration as it pertains to information systems in

general with a security focus in mind.

And, as a reminder, if any or all of these topics are not

familiar, or if you feel a bit rusty with several (or all) of

these concepts, again, this eBook is for you. We’ll take a

measured approach to these topics (and a few more) as

we go through our discussion on information security.

Hang on for an interesting ride!




I know that talking about encryption isn’t a sexy topic.

Try talking about encryption at your next social event

and count the number of people who roll their eyes or

who immediately change the topic! However, if you’re

reading this eBook, I’m going to assume that you’re one

of three types of people – you’re a geek (like me), you’re

a wanna-be-geek (as I once was), or a student/learner

interested in information security (I suppose I fit this

category earlier on as well). We’ll start our discussion

about encryption since it is the basis of much of the

work done in information security.

In general, encryption (of a few ‘flavors’) of digitally

stored (also known as static data) and transmitted data

(also known as data in motion) has been important

since computers and networks were first used. Recently

the subject of information security and encryption has

become a topic of high public interest following the

release of documents by Edward Snowden which


detailed the various eaves-dropping programs by the

NSA (National Security Agency) and other intelligence

agencies that have been collecting organizational and

personal data for a number of years (NSA can be found


First, let’s generally discuss what encryption is and why

we “do” encryption. Many already know, either very

generally or more specifically, what encryption is, but

let’s go through the specifics so as not to leave any stone

unturned. Next, let’s talk about what a message is, in

terms of information systems or information

technology. This leads into a discussion about what a

key is, especially when we want to encrypt a message.

As a result of encryption, we’ll derive a cipher, which is

essentially a scrambled message. After we get some of

these basic concepts handled, let’s talk about both

symmetric key encryption and later about asymmetric

encryption so that we can get these important terms

understood. We’ll discuss the application of both

symmetric and asymmetric encryption throughout this

book, so let’s get started with the details.


WHAT IS ENCRYPTION Before we discuss encryption and what it is in terms of

information technology, let’s chat a bit (pun intended, I

suppose) about where encryption comes from.

Encryption comes from the field of cryptography. That’s

another one of those terms that you can share in your

next party! Cryptography is the field of “secret

writing” that has its origins from the ancient Greeks.

Caesar, for example, would scramble his messages sent

to his generals in case the messages were inadvertently

intercepted. With scrambled writing, messages could

not be interpreted by the enemy. There’s an entire

history of cryptography that you can, optionally, read

up on. While there are textbooks galore about the

history of cryptography, you can find a bit of brief (and

interesting) reading about cryptography on one of the

premier technology websites – Wikipedia!

Encryption is one aspect of cryptography that is

relevant to our discussion in this book. Encryption is the


process of encoding (scrambling) information so that

other unauthorized parties can’t read it (other than,

perhaps the NSA!).

Encryption relies on an algorithm (a mathematical

process). Sometimes this is referred to as an encryption

scheme. First, the information or a message, also known

as the plaintext (since it is not encrypted) is run

through the encryption algorithm resulting in the

unreadable (and scrambled) output, which is also

known as the cipher text.

We have a lot of terms here already. To recap, the clear

text message (the plaintext) is used as input to an

algorithm (essentially a program) that will convert the

readable text into cipher text (the scrambled output).

That’s it in a nutshell. So, if this is a new concept, think

about this for a bit before we move on. We’ll use this

basic concept in encryption and will present a few of the

many altered ways that encryption can be handled in an

information system.

By the way, when I mention an information system in

this book, I’m referring to the entire information system


including the end users, to the networks, to the file and

database servers and all elements in between. So, I’m

using Information Systems in a very broad and generic

sense. Whenever the conversation needs to be

narrowed down to a specific detail, I’ll provide more of

an explanation so that you’re clear about the context

and scope of the discussion.

THE MESSAGE To emphasize a bit more on the message portion in our

discussion on encryption, think of the message that a

typical web page will form. If you’re on Amazon

ordering a new book (or an eBook) the screen may have

quite a few fields on it. The screen that you’re working

with may have fields like your name, address, city, state,

zip code, and all the fields for the book information.

When you press enter, you send this information

bundled in a large message (for our example, it could be

as large as 5000 bytes). This message will ultimately be

sent to various networking components, sliced up into

smaller packets to be delivered from the sending end

(your side of the transaction) to the receiving side

(Amazon, in our example). During this process, the


message (the plain text) not only will be sliced up into

smaller pieces for delivery, but will be encrypted to

provide you, the user, with security with your order. To

scramble or encrypt a message, the encryption

algorithm uses both the message and a unique key to

scramble the plaintext message into a cipher text

(scrambled) message. Since we’ve discussed what a

message is, let’s talk about the second necessary item

that the encryption process needs – the key.

THE KEY Whenever I think about keys, I think about the lock on

my storage shed and all of the stuff that I want to keep

secure behind the locked door. I know that I keep a lot

of both needed and useless items in my storage shed,

but that’s for another discussion. Anyway, to secure and

protect your data, like you would if you’re securing your

old furniture and miscellaneous items in a storage shed,

you’d typically use a key and a lock to secure the

storage shed door. The analogy that we use for the

encryption of data is the same. When we encrypt data

(again, scramble data), the algorithm (program,

process) that scrambles the data requires, of course, the


data (the plaintext) and also needs a key that it uses to

scramble the data with.

First, the key is a string of data separate and unique

from the plaintext data. Again, the encryption program

looks for the key and the data to scramble your


So, now that we know where the data is from (in our

example, the system got our data from the Amazon web

page that we filled out).

The key is generally (note the ‘generally,’ since we’ll talk

about variations later) obtained by the user. The

encryption system not only gets the data from the

webpage that you’ve sent by hitting enter, but the

encryption program will also ask of the system, “What is

the user’s key that I’ll use along with this message to


There’s quite a few ways that keys are generated and

stored. We’ll cover several of the important ones in this

book. But for now, just know that when you are

entering in data into (for example, the Amazon website)

you will also have a key that is uniquely yours that is


sent along with your message text to the encryption

algorithm. Again, the encryption algorithm uses your

plaintext along with your unique key to scramble

(encrypt) the message so that it is securely sent over

the network (the Internet) and to the end process (the

Amazon ordering site, in our example).

We’ll discuss more of the details in subsequent sections

and chapters in this book. There are a lot of variations

in how encryption works on an Information System, but

this general description will get you started with how

the process generally works.

Now, let’s talk about what happens after the system

encrypts your message by using your key. The result is

the cipher that is discussed in the next section.

THE CIPHER The result of your message and unique key that is sent

to the encryption algorithm is the cipher. The cipher is

literally a “disguised way of writing.” I don’t know if you

remember Cracker Box candy (maybe I’m dating

myself). Anyway, Cracker Box came with a small toy and

when I was young, I would buy Cracker Box mostly for


the small toy that was found in a small package at the

bottom of the box of caramel popcorn and peanuts.

While the product is quite tasty, from my recollection,

mostly the cool toys were my attraction. One of the toys

that were included was an encryption ring. I’d use it to

send notes to my brother that he could read (he also

had an encryption ring). We sent notes back and forth

so that my sister couldn’t read them. (not that my sister

was a bad person at all – it was just that my brother and

I were, well, a bit nerdy and thought we were pretty

cool send scrambled messages back and forth that only

we could read).

Fast forward, what my brother and I were actually

sending to each other were cipher text messages (that is

disguised messages). The message that we each wanted

to send (the plain text message) required us to use the

ring (the key) in a particular way so that we could

scramble the original message into a cipher message.

Of course, on the other end my brother needed to use

his ring to decipher the message or, in InfoSec terms, he

needed to decrypt the message.


By the way, have you thought of the origin of Encryption

or Decryption? As a little tidbit of information, the root

word of encryption and decryption is – crypt. A crypt is

an underground vault. It is also a burial place. A crypt is,

as such, a place where you want to store something that

you want to keep buried. Interesting?

Let’s talk about decryption or moving what you wanted

to keep save in the crypt (encrypt) to a state where you

can now read the message.

DECRYPTION Decryption, as you’ve probably already know by now, is

converting the cipher text into readable form. My

description about my brother and I using a ring to

encrypt and decrypt messages that we hid from our

sister holds with this definition of decryption. But

there’s a twist here. Both my brother and I had identical

rings (other than the fact that I decided to paint my

ring). The ring that he used and the ring that I had were

used to both encrypt and decrypt messages. If we’re

using the same key to both encrypt and decrypt a

message, this is known as a symmetric key. Later, we’ll

discuss what an asymmetric key is, but first, let’s


discuss what a symmetric key is in greater detail and as

it relates to data security.

SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION First, let’s clarify a few terms. The term symmetric

essentially means to mean the “same” when you are

speaking about the general properties between two

items. For example, if we were talking about symmetry

(the “sameness”) of two parts of an item, if these two

parts were identical, we would say that a diagram (or

graph) that contains two parts is symmetrical (both

parts of the graph – the left side and the right side, as an

example – look the same). If a reflection of an object (a

building, perhaps) is perfectly symmetrical, the

reflection and the building would be identical. In reality,

this would be almost impossible to have a symmetrical

building and reflection since there are so many

variables. Or, in the example of our decoding rings, my

brother and I had the ‘same’ rings – or symmetrical keys

(same keys) to encode or decode messages. Keep in

mind that symmetrical is equivalent of “the same.”

Encryption is generally the scrambling of a message (or

a string of data) so that data can be hidden from


another party. The scrambling of data is done generally

by the sending party using a key that is applied to the

message with a resulting scrambled message as the

output. Again, the scrambled output is commonly

known as cipher text. How this is applied in encryption

is that both sides of a symmetrical encryption share the

“same” key.

ASYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION Now, this is where things get a bit more complex – on

purpose! First, let’s define asymmetric and then discuss

some general features about asymmetric key


First, anything with an “a” in front of a term actually

means “not.” So, when people said I was an atypical kid,

I really didn’t know what they were saying when I was,

for example, 8 years old. But what they were saying is

that I was “not” typical. Hmmmm. was that a

complement or … I’ll leave it as is.

Anyway, when we speak of asymmetric key encryption

that would essentially mean “not” symmetrical. If my

brother and I were using asymmetrical encryption (and


the resulting decryption), that would mean that I’d have

a different key (ring) than my brother would have. Our

rings would be different. But, while I could encrypt a

message that I was sending to my brother (thus hiding

the message from my sister), he could decrypt

(unencrypt it) using a different key. How can that be?

So that we don’t get stuck with the details of talking

about physical items and asymmetric keys, let’s switch

to a bit of theory. Oh yes, I thought I’d get that cringe

when I mentioned theory, but let’s break down how

asymmetric key encryption and decryption generally

works. Again, take a special focus on asymmetric

encryption in this section. Quite a lot of security (not all,

mind you) is based on asymmetric encryption and

decryption in the computer and information security

world. This is very commonly known as Public Key

Encryption or Public Key Cryptography (the crypto

thing is back!).

PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION As noted in the prior paragraph, we’re switching into a

bit of theory. But this theory is actually applied in

networking security, database security, and other


aspects of computer and information security at large.

Note that asymmetric encryption (aka Public Key

Encryption) are the same.

What confused me at first when I heard the term Public

Key Encryption was that I knew it meant asymmetric

encryption? Asymmetric key encryption meant that

both the sender and the receiver had different keys. So

why was it referred to as Public Key Encryption?

Well, the bottom line is that while we are still speaking

of the sender and the receiver having different keys to

encrypt or decrypt messages, the emphasis with the

term (and the term only) is that the public key is one of

the 2 keys in asymmetric encryption that can actually be

publicized. I can place my public key on Facebook, send

it with each email, post it on the bathroom wall…

anywhere. It will still keep an encrypted message secure

even if everyone had the public key available. The

asymmetric message will still be scrambled! To either

scramble or encrypt a message that uses an asymmetric

algorithm, not only do you need the plaintext message,

you also need both a public and private key (think

asymmetric keys) to encrypt and decrypt a message.


So, before we continue with more detail in the

explanation of how this works, let’s recap a few things.

First, we have the clear text (plaintext) message that is

encrypted. In asymmetric encryption, the two sides (the

sender and receiver) have unique keys. One of the keys

is a public key (that you can post of Facebook, or

wherever) and the other key, a private key, you’ll want

to keep secret.

Now, let’s add a bit more detail so that we can get down,

as my grandpa used to say, “… to brass tacks.” Let’s add

some more detail about how asymmetric key

encryption (Public Key Encryption) is applied in the real


First, the public key and the private key are

mathematically linked. Sometimes this is referred to as

a key-pair. Generally, the public key portion is used to

encrypt the message (plaintext) between sender and

receiver. Each sender and receiver will also have a

private key that they’ll keep secret and will use do

decipher/decrypt a message. That is, both sender and

receiver will use the public key along with their unique


individual private keys to encrypt and decrypt


Before we get into more details about this, let’s think of

an analogy. If I go into Home Depot for paint, let’s say

that I pick a yellow color as my base paint (you wouldn’t

normally do that, but for this example, let’s say our base

color is yellow). So the yellow paint is the plaintext

message that we want to send. Now, I know that my

receiver has a public key (think of blue) and if I mix it

into the yellow, the paint will turn green. But, if

someone were to intercept the ‘green’ message, if they

knew the publically available key of blue that my

receiver posted on Facebook, they could derive the

‘yellow’ message.

So what if I not only mixed in the public key (blue paint)

along with my private key (let’s say red paint) which

resulted in a purple-ish color paint? Anyone

intercepting the purple-ish paint (that is, if paint colors

could be pulled apart), would need to know both the

public (available) and private (not available)

keys/colors to determine the right mix to get back to

the initial plaintext color (yellow, in our case).


On the receiver side, the receiver has the shared key

(public key) and their own unique private key. Again,

the sender and receiver’s private keys are unique and

are not ever shared anywhere. However, they are

mathematically related. So when the receiver of the

message receives the encrypted message, they can

apply the public key along with their uniquely and

mathematically related private key to the message

which will result in the plaintext (yellow) message.

This mathematical relationship, just so you roughly

know, is based on what is termed as “modulus

arithmetic.” I mention this since it may be noted in

other information and computer security texts and for

those who wish to delve into the mathematics of

asymmetric encryption. However, for the CISSP, CISM

and CCNA-Security exams and for general knowledge

about information security, you don’t need to know the

mathematical details of how “modulus arithmetic”

allows us to mix two encryption keys (public and

unique private key) on one end and to decrypt using the

public and an altogether different (but related) private

key on the other end.


ENCRYPTION STRENGTH One of the primary issues around the strength of

encryption centers around the key length (remember

private and public keys from the prior section?). The

strength of the encryption (and ease of decryption), in a

significant part, rests on the key length. Let’s say if I had

a combination lock on my bicycle. And let’s say that if I

park my bike and tie it up to a pole right out of

Starbucks where I sometimes get a morning cup of

coffee. If my combination lock only had 2 cylinders that

each tumbled from 0 through 9, it would take someone

seconds to figure out the combination. My ‘key space’ is

defined by the number of tumblers (2) and the number

of numbers on each tumbler (10: 0 through 9). From

this small key space, I can mathematically calculate that

I’d have 10 (total possible numbers on the first tumbler)

times 10 (total possible numbers on the second

tumbler) for a maximum possible combination numbers

of 100. That would take someone a minute or two to

break in to. And off goes my bike.

Now if I had 5 tumblers, the number of possible

combinations, each of 10 possible numbers, the total


number of combinations goes up to a point where it

would take someone hours and hours, making stealing

my bike improbable (assuming they don’t have, of

course, a bolt cutter).

If this was digital, we know that computers can churn

numbers extremely quickly. That’s what they’re

designed for. So, the larger the key space that we

provide to encrypt (lock up) our data, the longer time it

will take a computer to try all combinations.

Whether it’s a bike thief attempting to steal your bike or

a computer attempting to crack into an encrypted file,

the longer the key length, the more impractical it is for

the bike thief or the hacker to steal your stuff.

Keep in mind that encryption is useful for one purpose -

- keeping information hidden from those who you don't

want to see it. The type of information can be

confidential information that a governmental agency, a

financial institution or a private individual wants to

keep secret. Data in the form of transaction information

(from Amazon purchases) to emails and even entire

files can be encrypted and kept private. Encryption


ensures privacy and will prevent misuse, abuse or

tampering (modification) of data.

In addition to the key length, the strength of an

encryption system is dependent upon other factors

including the algorithm used and how that algorithm is

implemented. Further, several information and

computer security experts have noted that there are no

shortcuts that should be implemented into encryption

algorithms to derive the plaintext from cipher text.

As of late, there has been quite a lot of discussion about

the possibility that the NSA has influenced the design of

various encryption algorithms. There is a suggestion in

the information and computer security communities

that NSA has not only allowed but required certain

encryption schemes to have a “back door” whereby

security (encryption) is short circuited and decryption

can be readily accomplished by various security

agencies. I’m not sure if this is pure conjecture or is

based on reality. Investigate this on your own, if you are

willing to do so. However, the point is that from a

designer’s perspective, pure encryption and decryption

should never have any shortcuts (nor backdoors).


Also, in terms of being able to decrypt encrypted

messages (or files), the designed algorithm should not

be vulnerable to brute force attacks where a hacker

essentially will throw all possible numbers at an

encrypted file in order to break in. In the earlier

scenario of the bike lock, if the bike lock was our

encrypted file with a possible 100 combinations, a brute

force attack would be to try each and every possible

combination from 0-0 to 9-9 in order to gain access (to

the bike or to the data).

Also, as you dig into data security a bit deeper (where

studying for the CISSP, CISM or CCNA-Security, or if you

plan on deeper study into the InfoSec field) there is

quite a bit of discussion about “Minimal Key Lengths

For Symmetric Ciphers.” We won’t go into that in this

book, but suffice it to say that the designers of many

encryption algorithms have noted weaknesses with

their algorithms based on smaller key sizes. And, as

we’ve discussed in this section, smaller key sizes leaves

you (and your data or your bike) susceptible to theft or



SYMMETRIC KEY ENCRYPTION METHODS In this section of the chapter, let’s briefly discuss a few

symmetric key encryption methods that you’ll see

frequently as you move deeper into this field.

ONE-TIME PAD The one-time pad symmetric key encryption can be

viewed as a disposable key, thus the “one-time” name.

A one-time pad encryption method uses a generated

key that matches the length of the information to be

encrypted. Each character of the message is shifted by

the value of the matching value in the key. This method

(assuming the key can be successfully randomly

generated) has been proven to be theoretically

unbreakable, but there are a few important difficulties

associated with the use of a one-time pad.

The first difficulty with a one-time pad is in generating

the key itself. Since there is no fixed key length because

the length varies dependent on the length of the data

being encrypted, there is a problem with the true

randomness of the key. To secure encryption, security

relies on not only the length of the key, as noted earlier,

but on the uniqueness of the key. For example, if we had


long keys for our encryption and decryption, but these

keys were not unique, we’d open ourselves up to data

theft or other nefarious acts.

This reminds me of a story where one of the automobile

companies in the 1980s had a key set whereby the

possible number of key possibilities for their physical

keys were around 30,000. Considering that they had

produced nearly a million automobiles with this

particular key set, the probability of having a similar

key was about 0.3%, which statistically is high. Could

you imagine having this sort of percentage that you’ve

used for an encryption method that you’ve secured

sensitive data with? Given the speed of today’s

computers, you’ve opened yourself up to risk.

And, as a result of uniqueness, keep in mind that the

longer the data set being encrypted, it is more likely

that a pattern will emerge within the random number

series. In other words, duplication can occur in a one-

time pad allowing for what is known as “cryptanalytic



The second major difficulty with one-time pad

encryption (and one that is shared with other methods

of symmetric encryption) is in the way that keys are

distributed. The essential question is that once a key is

calculated and used to encrypt a file, how do we get the

key to another user so that they can decrypt the data?

This problem is compounded if we have encrypted a

file, sent it across state or the country, and need to get

the key to the receiving end so that the receiving end

can decrypt the encrypted message. You do not want to

send the key in the same way that the encrypted

message was sent. If someone captures the encrypted

file on a given network and you also send the key on the

same network, they will more than likely capture the

key as well, risking your data. Often, we send the key in

another way. If we are sending an encrypted file over a

particular network, as an example, we will often design

and use another method (or network) to send the key.

This is often termed and “out-of-band” method.

Finally, a one-time pad encryption key will be at least as

large as the data it is intended for used with. That’s

what I consider an “interesting” fact about the one-time


pad! Even if you are using a one-time pad, for example,

to encrypt files locally, storing the keys will at least

double the storage requirements for each and every file

or document you wish to encrypt.

However, there are ways to get around this by using

something that is called a pseudo-random system. We’ll

discuss pseudo-random and random numbers in the

next section. But suffice it to say for this section that

random numbers generally involve the entire possible

set of all numbers (the whole enchilada of numbers

possible – which is, well a heck of a lot of numbers) to

derive the randomization. Pseudo random numbers, in

contrast, takes a very large set of possible numbers (a

very large set of numbers in contrast to ALL possible

numbers) from which the randomization is done.

RANDOM VS. PSEUDO-RANDOM NUMBERS The one best thing about computers is that they can

work with numbers – and they do it quickly. When we

use random or pseudo-random numbers to define a

key-space for an encryption algorithm, essentially what

we’re saying is that we’re going to use the number

space (random or pseudo-random number space) to


define a key. A purely (true) random number is pulled

from all possible numbers. Imagine that! But a

computer will certainly reach its computational limits.

However, to provide boundaries around this unlimited

true random number set, we’ll often used what is

termed as a pseudo-random number. The definition of

pseudo is essentially “not real” or “fake.” What we’re

essentially saying when we create a pseudo-random

number space is that given the size of the number space,

we have something that approximates pure

randomness. Let me put it in another way. If you think

about dice – maybe 1 di, to keep our discussion to the

point – you have six possibilities in this pseudo-random

number space. That’s a pretty small set of randomness

and probably won’t be a good representation of how

true randomness is handled. However, we know that

there’s a 1:6 possibility of rolling a particular number

on di. Taking this to another item that we know well – a

deck of cards. Typically (if a card is not missing) we

have 52 cards. So our pseudo-random number space is

larger. We have a 1:52 possibility of selecting a given

card. Bigger, but not too solid in terms of using this

pseudo-random number space. A small pseudo-random


number space is easily hack-able by today’s hacker

tools. However, if we make our pseudo-random number

space 100 million numbers or larger, we’re getting

closer to approximating what pure randomness is and

also narrowing the possibility of some hacker

determining what our encryption keys are for a

particular file or service that we have encrypted. So,

computer scientists will develop algorithms that will

take in a seed value into a process that will create a

fairly large pseudo-random number space that a

computer can readily handle and that will more closely

approximate a true random number space.

STREAM Whenever I think of a stream cipher, I think of a stream

of water flowing in the mountains where I hike in the

summer time. The analogy of a mountain stream with a

stream of continuous flowing data holds. A stream

cipher operates similar to how a one-time pad

functions. A stream, however, uses a smaller key, called

a seed, rather than a unique key built off of the entire

file. The seed is used to generate pseudo-random


numbers with which to perform the one-time pad. So

the seed provides a boundary, if you will, to the set of

numbers used to derive the encryption key. Each

element of the plain text in the stream of data is

combined with a pseudo-randomly generated element

to produce the cipher text related to the plaintext


This form of encryption is quite fast and relatively easy

to implement. It is often implement on networks, for

example. However, there is a risk. If the same seed is

used a second time, steam encryption becomes

vulnerable to a cryptanalytic attack due to the fact that

the same seed will create the same size pseudo-random

space from which the encryption key is derived.

Additionally, by using a pseudo-random set of numbers,

as noted earlier, there is a possibility (though somewhat

remote, depending on the pseudo-random space) that

the encrypted bit stream is not truly random, creating a

somewhat inherent weakness in stream encryption

techniques. One example of the weakness that shows up

is the wireless WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a

standard, though not used frequently anymore, within


the IEEE 802.11 wireless standard. The 802.11 standard

is what we will use when we connect to a wireless

network, for example, at our favorite local coffee shop.

The WEP standard was an early “privacy” (encryption)

standard that was easily hack-able and if you’re using it

now, be sure to change it to WPA2 (a more robust

protocol). The problem with WEP is (was) that it used

the Stream cipher, as we discussed earlier. The issue

was that the pseudo-random number space was 24 bits,

which as we discussed, is not a large enough pseudo-

random number space and given the processing power

and speeds of computers in today’s world, WEP can be

readily cracked in a few seconds by tools that are

commonly found on the Internet.

BLOCK A block cipher takes in a chunk (block) of plaintext data

and encrypts that block using a key. Algorithms such as

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 3DES (Triple Data

Encryption Standard), and AES (Advance Encryption

Standard), to name a few, fall. Each of these algorithms

takes in a block of the plain text, and encrypts that block


using a key. The next block of data can then be

encrypted, either with the same key, or a modification

of that key. The processing is determined by which of

these three (and their variants) you decide to use when

encrypting files, network traffic, etc.

The block method is generally considered to be the

most convenient secure method. While very secure, it is

not as secure as a one-time pad. But it is far easier to

implement. With block cipher encryption algorithms, as

mentioned before, the main issue is how do we get the

keys distributed in the system without someone

capturing the keys as well as the data? While this was

briefly noted before, let’s speak to this. Essentially,

whenever you are sharing keys for encrypted files, it is

optimal to share these keys in an ‘out of band’ way. That

is, if you are sending your encrypted data on a given

network, you’ll want to send the keys on a totally

different network, thus preventing a hacker from

capturing both your encrypted data and your keys from

the same location, if you will.





As we noted in the prior chapter, there are several

encryption algorithms that have been or are currently

in use for symmetric encryption. The earliest

recommended encryption algorithm was the Data

Encryption Standard (DES) which is a block encryption

algorithm designed to use 40 or 56 bit key length plus

an additional 8 bits for error checking. The DES

encryption standard was originally adopted as a FIPS

(Federal Information Processing Standards) standard in

1977 and is in use for some limited applications even

today. The key length received criticism as being too

short, as it is susceptible to hacking. There are also

continued questions about NSA’s involvement in its

development, since there are reported back-door

methods to readily hack into DES encrypted files.

DES remained the suggested encryption method

through the 1990’s and even as late as 2003 (and can be

found in some limited use today). FIPS, in 1999, stated


that 3DES (Triple DES) is preferred as an encryption

standard. But, prior to the updated FIPS

recommendation, DES had already been successfully

hacked using brute force methods in a series of

competitions designed to demonstrate the

ineffectiveness of DES as a secure encryption algorithm.

As a note about FIPS, since you’ll continue to see FIPS

mentioned in this and any other book on information

security: FIPS is a set of standards, including encryption

standards, that non-military and governmental agencies

and contractors must adhere to. So, if you are doing

business with the government (as a contractor or have

been awarded a grant), you and your organization will

need to adhere to the FIPS standard – thus the often

mentioned FIPS in information security texts and


I mentioned 3DES earlier. Let’s take some time to

describe what 3DES is. 3DES is oftentimes called Triple

DES. When it was noted that DES was hack-able, a quick

and interim solution to improve the strength of the DES

encryption before a newer encryption algorithm was

developed was to essentially run DES 3 times (thus the


3DES notation). This is basically a tripling of the DES

algorithm; the result of the first DES encryption is fed

into the algorithm an additional 2 times, which

effectively creates a 168 bit encryption mechanism. This

provided a much larger and more secure key. However

the 3DES method has its own difficulties. Because of the

tripling of processing required and the growing keys

with each iteration, 3DES involves a much higher

computational complexity, and uses far greater

resources to accomplish the encryption task. Again, I’m

using 3DES in present tense since it is used on a limited

basis. However, after an interim period, a more robust

replacement was introduced and is, in a large part, in

use today.

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was the

result of a search for an updated encryption standard to

replace both the hack-able DES and the clumsy 3DES.

The competition was completed in 2001 and was later

noted as the de-facto standard for FIPS (also noted in

2001). The algorithm is somewhat similar to the DES

standard in that it is also a block cipher. However, it

uses a larger block size as well as larger keys resulting


in keys that are more resilient to hacking. AES can be

used with any of a 128, 192, or 256 bit key length. It is

projected by information security researchers that

these much longer key lengths will allow for a relatively

long term encryption security lifetime for AES. That is,

unless there are some unforeseen leaps and bounds in

computing technology, as we have experience before, or

if cryptanalytic weaknesses are discovered with the AES

standard. At present, AES seems to be holding its own

and is, by and large, the current standard.

KEY SHARING Recall that keys will unlock encrypted files. So we’ll

need to distribute the keys in symmetric encryption.

Also recall that symmetric encryption uses the same key

on both sides used by the sender and recipient of the

encrypted data. With both sides needing the same key,

there is an implied trust that the key was not shared

either intentionally or unintentionally to a third party

by either the sender or receiver. Because of the key

sharing trust issue, it is noted by information security

experts that the key sharing is the most difficult item to



A direct physical transferring of the key is the most

secure method for sharing keys. There is no third party

involved in transferring the key. As an example, if we

were commonly transferring data between 2 servers in

our network and were using a symmetric encryption

algorithm, the network administrator could physically

place the key on his/her flash drive and ensure that it is

installed on both servers for encryption and decryption.

This probably will work fine in some smaller

environments, but it is not a practical solution for larger

environments where servers are located miles or even

thousands of miles away from each other. Also, what

happens if the key value changes?

Another solution that is predominantly used is to have a

trusted third-party distribute keys. In information

security, there are a few variants of how a trusted third-

party is implemented. We’ll discuss a few.

One such trusted system for distributing symmetric

keys over a network is to simply use an asymmetric

public key encryption to distribute the symmetric key. A

second solution for distribution of symmetric keys is to

use another variant for key distribution known as the


Diffie-Hellman key exchange. In summary, Diffie-

Hellman is a way of exchanging cryptographic keys and,

while it was developed in 1976, this method for key

exchange is still readily used. For example, if you’re

studying for the CCNA-Security exam or the CISSP, this

is a vital part of the VPN setup that you’ll need to

understand and know. While this is an introductory

book on information security, I’ll continue to note a few

items that you will run into later in your studies.

The third solution for key distribution will be examined

a bit more in the next section is the Kerberos system

that was designed by the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology (MIT) in the 1980’s and 1990’s which is still

in use in many production level products (like Microsoft

Server products, for example). We’ll look at Kerberos


KERBEROS Kerberos is a name derived from Greek mythology.

Kerberos is the three-headed dog that guards the entry

to Hades. I suppose that the MIT researchers had a bit of

a sense of humor. But, we’ll see how the three aspects of


Kerberos serve to protect the key exchange in the up-

coming paragraphs.

First and foremost, Kerberos is a system designed to

enable the use symmetric key encryption over a

network without relying on public key encryption for

the delivery of those keys to remote users. Instead,

Kerberos uses what is termed as tickets to allow servers

and notes to communicate over a largely more non-

secure network.

Before we get started with the details, let me give you a

general analogy of how Kerberos works. We’ll describe

the details in a second.

When we go to the movie theatre, we purchase a ticket.

When we purchase a ticket, we are authorized for, let’s

say, a student, adult, or senior citizen ticket (some

verification by student id or your driver’s license may

occur). Suffice it to say that you are then authorized, by

the means of getting a ticket, into the theatre. Once you

enter into the theatre, you’ll (typically) hand your ticket

to someone who verifies that you purchased a ticket

and that the ticket is for a current show (why would it


be any different?). However, keep in mind that you have

another party checking the ticket that you just

purchased form the front window. Nevertheless, the

movie ticket verifier will point you in the direction of

the theater that is showing the movie that you wanted

to see (as noted on your ticket).

Now, back to Kerberos. Kerberos servers act as a

trusted third party key generator and distributor that is

used with symmetric key encryption.

First, before we get back to relating our movie ticket

buying with the Kerberos process, to use the Kerberos

system on our secure servers, we’ll need to set up a

facility on each of the servers that we want to use

Kerberos with. This is termed as Kerberizing your

servers (I didn’t make this up).

The general process for using Kerberos is:

1. The user logs into a “client” machine using a

name and password. So far -- not different from

anything we’ve seen before…

2. The “client” then takes the password and creates

a symmetric cipher. There are a couple of ways


to do this, but for our discussion, let’s keep this

fairly general in terms of the Kerberos process.

3. Next, the “client” sends a clear text message that

contains the user id to what is called the

Authentication Server (AS). Of course, the AS

authenticates that the user id is valid for the

Kerberized system.

4. If the AS determines that the client is valid on its

AS database, the client will return 2 messages

back to the requesting client (remember, the

client is requesting access to the system – much

like when we buy a movie ticket, we are

requesting access to see a particular movie).

What is returned, again, are 2 messages


a. A first message: Client appended to a

“Ticket Granting Service (TGS)” Session

Key that is encrypted using the secret key

of the client/user.

b. A second message: A Ticket-Granting-

Ticket (TGT) that includes information to

reference back to the TGS (like the client

id, network address, and the TGS session


key) as well as how long (the validity

period) that the TGS can use.

If we think back to the analogy of buying the movie

ticket, if our movie ticket was purchased to see a movie

(let’s say we’re in a movie theater that is showing the

oldies and we purchased a ticket for “Gone with the

Wind”), the ticket grants us (TGS) to the service of

seeing the movie. If it’s a high tech ticket, perhaps the

ticket also allows using the ticket for duration of time

(rather than one movie). Perhaps the ticket also has on

it our name as well as the duration that we can use this

ticket to see “Gone with the Wind” – perhaps over a full

day instead of a particular instance.

Now once the client has the ticket (TGS and TGT), the

client can now request services. If the client’s ticket

contains information so that the client can access the

production payroll database, the client can request

services from the payroll database, in general terms. So

the client will attempt to authorize with the Kerborized

payroll server. It’s like the movie theatre analogy –

when we walk into the theater, someone inside

authorizes us to a given movie. So, the client service


authorization is similar and when access is wanted, the

access is verified by the combination of the TGS and the

TGT. This, in effect, is the server asking: “Do you have

authorization to use this payroll service?”, “How long is

your access?”, “Who are you?” etc.

This is the general process. There are some more

specifics about this that you’ll further study in your

CISSP, CISM or CCNA-Security books. However, keep in

mind that there is a carefully planned exchanged of keys

as well as authorization that goes on with Kerberos.

Also, note that the Kerberos protocol (or process, if you

will) itself does not specify an encryption algorithm that

must be used. Instead, different Kerberos

implementations will support differing encryption

technologies including DES, 3DES, AES, and other

symmetric key algorithms.

As a recap, remember that Kerberos was designed to

assist with privacy and secure use for services in an

organization. Further, Kerberos is designed to be

implemented on multiple servers (keep in mind the

Kerberized server). Also, a central server in the


Kerberized system acts as an authentication agent (the

Authentication Server), while services that a client is

interested in accessing are hosted on the varying server

instances (think about the access to the payroll server

that we discussed before). The way that Kerberos is

designed with multiple layers adds security to the

Kerberized system. However, while the security is fairly

robust on a Kerberized system, since it involves the AS

and other hosted servers; this does increase the

complexity for implementation.

CONCLUSION As we’ve seen so far, organizations wanting to protect

their data have several choices among symmetric

encryption algorithms that will help to keep their data

safe. But while the many symmetric encryption

algorithms available today are assumed to be fairly

robust and secure, the primary factor that presents a

stronger encryption key is basically the key length.

In summary, the key length required to keep data

secured will be dependent at least partially on how long

a user wants that data to be secure. The general rule of

thumb with key lengths is that the longer the time


frame is required for secure data, the longer the key

length should be. Though, it may seem best to choose

the longest key length for a file or transmission, the

weighing factor is that longer keys take a longer time to

decrypt and encrypt. This can certainly have

performance implications, especially on a network.

Keep in mind that smaller keys have a lower

computational cost but an inversely higher risk. So

there is a balance that must be obtained, especially in

network applications, between key size (security) and

performance (time to process an




The world of malware is teeming with various breeds of

software, each with their own behavioral presentations.

It is imperative that users develop an understanding of

the major categories of malware, and their signature

behaviors, in order to devise appropriate strategies of

prevention and defense. The following pages endeavor

to present the reader with a general survey of malware,

describing their presentations as well as standing

current techniques of handling instances of the

malware. These categories of malware are used to

describe how the software behaves within a system, or

how it propagates amongst users.

Information technology has become an

increasingly used tool with developed applications in

nearly every field of society. As the world of information

systems has developed to its current level of

sophistication, so have the methods of malicious

attackers and users who compromise security. Let’s

look at several categories of malware that are used to


propagate malware. These include techniques of viral

propagation including networking worms and Trojan

Horses. Also, techniques for distribution of malware

include the use of rootkits, bots, and spyware.


Generally, there are two primary forms of rootkits that

use different methodologies to compromise a computer

system. These are the binary-level rootkits and kernel-

level rootkits.

Binary level rootkits operate in ways that modify data

upon finer levels of system processing. Essentially,

binary-level rootkits tamper with user-level processes.

In contrast, Kernel level rootkits work with a more

atomic level of the system. Kernel-level rootkits work

within the kernel of the operating system and tamper

with system-level processes and system-level calls.

Both rootkit types are type of Trojan file that ‘live’ upon

the essential levels of a system that are installed in

order to grant a malicious user access control, or

otherwise tamper with a system in some time in the


future. A rootkit is a feasible means of malicious

processing that a user can invoke after he has gained

access to a system, since they have reached the kernel

level of the system. Once the rootkit is in place on the

victim’s system, it acts as a backdoor that allows a

hacker to gain entry to the system or its root at a later


Both general forms of rootkits pose their own serious

threats to a system. Unfortunately, there are only a few

methods in handling or detecting kernel-level rootkits.

Potential methods for binary-level rootkit detection

include signature analysis, and cryptographic

checksums. These methodologies are typically

employed by “automated solutions”, such as software

packages built to detect and manage rootkits. Mostly,

these automated solutions employ the typical reactive

methodologies wherein the software observes the

system and identifies already known patterns of typical

rootkit behavior within a system.

While kernel-level rootkits are among the newest of this

type of malware, it is more than just a lack of experience

and exposure that leaves the computer world


vulnerable to these kinds of attacks. The very nature of

a kernel-level rootkit allows it access to a system’s

memory management, its file system, and system calls;

allowing a malicious user unmitigated access and

control over the modification and employment of the

system kernel functions. There are levels in which these

rootkits actions regularly lose their invisibility, such as

the system call table. In order to detect and handle

kernel-level rootkits, an automated system can be

arranged such that it can save the state of the system

call table at regular intervals, and store these states as a

reference that can be used to recover the system later.

Upon recognizing irregular system pattern calls, the

system and user can consequently be made aware of the

tampering of a kernel-level rootkit, and handle the



The intrusion architecture that makes up Trojan

infections generally comes in several forms. The main

forms are:


1. Direct masquerade: A direct masquerade

Trojan is one in which the Trojan masks the file

as an existing system process in the machine. For

example, the Trojan can run as process with a

name such as Explorer, imitating the file

management system of Windows. Trojan files

that employ the simple masquerades take to

resembling a process that is perceivably more

legitimate than itself, such as the names of

existing executables.

2. Slip masquerade: Trojan files which employ slip

masquerade techniques form system processes

on a machine that could resemble a legitimate

process; for instance, it may take the name of a

critical system process and modify it by a mere

character, such as taking ‘Explorer’, and

rewriting its own process name as ‘iExplorer.’

3. Environmental masquerade: The

environmental masquerade technique hides

malicious functionality within an existing

process and relies upon a form of execution from

that process in order to begin its operations;

these can hide in functions as simple as login


operations. While these fields of categorization

for Trojan intrusion are general, it is necessary

to note that the very nature of Trojan horses is

that their methods of concealment are vastly

diverse, their presentations are constantly

evolving to hide within a system in new ways; as

such, some presentations of Trojan malware are

likely to cross the borders of these categories.

Ultimately, a Trojan attack does not describe the

architecture of the injected malware, or even

necessarily the behavior that ensues upon infection;

Trojan horses are simply used to describe the forms

of malware that employ techniques of insertion and

concealment under the previously described

categories. Trojan infections can be viewed as a

conglomerate of two definite components. These


1. Trojan component: in instances of a Trojan

attack, the malware enters the system attached

to an inconspicuous piece of seemingly

legitimate software. This component, best

known as the payload, is the batch of malicious


functionality that uses the package it is attached

to invisibly make entry into a computer.

2. Dormancy component: after a Trojan malware

package infects a host machine, the dormancy

component is responsible for maintaining the

malware’s position in the host machine.

It is important to note that Trojan Horses do not deliver

a specific set of actions, but are rather defining of the

method wherein malware infects a system. The issue

that a Trojan Horse poses is not necessarily how the

mechanism itself affects a user’s system, but how it

exploits vulnerabilities of systems to deliver malicious

functionality. With that in mind, defense against an

intrusion via Trojan Horse is difficult to arrange in a

proactive manner. Commonly, the best defenses a

potential victim may have are a set of best practices to

follow as to avoid allowing any potential infections into

their machine. Likewise, Internet security packages may

offer reactive protection to Trojan Horse attacks, by

forming libraries of common sites or files where Trojan-

delivered malware has been known to be distributed

from or as.



This category of malware is often the most misused in

order to label instances of malware. It is often times

used to identify an existing instance of malware that

does not fit the constraints of its definition. Amongst the

earlier forms of malware, viral malware infections can

be the most troublesome to purge from a system, as

they are defined by their ability to reproduce

themselves rapidly within a local machine. As viral

malware has had much time to evolve, these infectious

pieces of software see various levels of sophistication

and employ a great many methodologies in their

propagation. Often times, modern viruses do not simply

multiply upon a system, but evolve themselves

periodically with further generations as a method of

defense against detection or eradication; meaning that

most viruses increase their affects upon a system at

something of an exponential rate. Like many of its

malware cousins, viral infections have a great many

architectures that determine its function, method of

evolution, propagation, and its many other traits.

However, viruses generally share a handful of common


techniques in order to remain hidden or obscure to

detection by the system or user. Four methods that a

virus may employ to prevent its detection are as


1. Encryption: Generally the simplest approach

that viral malware takes to hiding itself within a

system, viruses may deploy itself as an

encrypted piece of software with its own paired

system for decryption. However simple,

encryption enables a virus to constantly mutate

its presentation upon a system. The simplicity to

this scheme is both this format’s strength as well

as its weakness; as well as this schema

consistently provides the literal data of a virus

with unique identities, the decryption

mechanism is also capable of working towards

the system in decrypting an uncovering all

generations of the virus.

2. Polymorphism: Much like the basic encryption

method described above, polymorphic

presentations of viral infections use an

encryption pattern to be decrypted by a


provided decryption mechanism. However, this

technique essentially addresses the weakness of

simple encryption based computer viruses in

that each generation of a computer virus

develops its own decryption algorithm. Thus,

adding a level of complexity when addressing the

issue, as the host now has several batches in

each generation to address; rather than the

singular batch that could be addressed uniformly

under the same decryption key.

3. Metamorphism: In response to defense

techniques identifying the virus body to handle

the malware, malicious users devised computer

viruses that would modify their own body

alongside encryption schemes. This enabled the

software to change its methodology in delivering

its payload, and ultimately evade detection

techniques that relied upon identifying specific

behaviors. Several methods that would ensure

that a computer virus’ operation integrity would

remain intact whilst undergoing metamorphosis

are as such:


• Register usage exchange: in this technique,

the execution code simply exchanges the

registers used each generation, accessing

different locations in memory to operate than

the previous generation.

• Permutation: while viruses change

generations, subroutines are reordered, such

that functionality that is not order-critical is

executed in different patterns than that of

other generations.

• Useless Instructions: Meaningless

instructions are stuffed between virus-

critical functionality in order to confuse the

user or system, giving each generation the

illusion of wholly different execution.

• Substitution: With this more complex

technique, new generations of a virus

generate or change sets of instructions for

equivalent sets of instructions. This provides

similar anonymity as the insertion of useless

instructions, but restructures more critical


portions of code to offer a more robust safety

from detection.

4. Viral Construction Kits: As a great many

viruses are written in assembly language, the

development of viruses (in this paradigm) was

typically laden with complications. However,

techniques and tools were developed to enable

swifter development of unique infectious

software. Viral construction kits were devised to

bypass the time cost and complexity of

engineering new malware to deploy, further

taxing the defensive technique of cleaning up

previously identified malware.

As the techniques of robust viral infections have grown

on computer systems, however, so too have defensive

techniques to counter the rapidly multiplying malware.

The four common techniques to defend against the viral

variety of malware include (1) pattern recognition, (2)

‘exact and exact’ identification methods, (3) malicious

code emulation, and (4) adaptive tools to identify future



Producing unique viruses becomes more difficult as

resources such as viral construction kits are exhausted,

methods that employ pattern recognition from known

viral signatures become more reliable, and a stronger

first line of defense. These pattern-based scanners

operate by interpreting bytes that are members of

known viral signatures, allowing a system to identify

previously handled infections. As time passes, the

databases or libraries that are responsible for

maintaining known virus signatures expand, leaving

less room for the possibility for unique infections to

enter the host machine.

The second line of defense uses similar scanning

techniques as basic pattern recognition antivirus

software, with added benefits of several more tools to

account for any mutations that the virus may have

undergone. This method, known as ‘nearly exact

identifications’ employs the user of double strings,

cryptographic checksums, and hash functions in order

to swiftly and accurately sift through and identify

mutated viral bodies.


Antiviral programs may also employ the use of CPU

emulators that viral infections are essentially distracted

to, allowing the malware to make attacks upon a faux

processing system. This technique does not just distract

malware, but also enables the antivirus software to

identify the unencrypted forms of the virus as the

malware must decrypt itself in the process of execution.

This grants the system a window to recognize the

malware and handle the instance without making its

CPU vulnerable to the attack. This technique can be

cumbersome, however, and loses its practicality if it is

run too long.

Last, heuristic analysis of viral instances uses fragments

of known viral code and performs analyses upon

potential threats. While these tools are intelligent and

can often identify previously unknown viruses, it is also

known to often recognize a normal system process as a

viral infection.

Viral infections consequently share very similar traits

with another form of self-replicating malware: Worms.

Their presentation and handling shares many traits of

viral infections. However, it is important to note their


objective in spreading. The distinction between worms

and viruses is in the systems in which they replicate and

propagate. While viral infections focus upon a single

system, Worms operate with the explicit intent to

spreading to other machines upon the network,

focusing upon specific weaknesses of a system and its

network to spread.


While bots are software systems that can be

constructed to serve benign purposes upon a system,

this type of software has also been utilized to be the

core architecture of many forms of malware.

Distinguishing itself by its behavior, bots are instances

of software that are placed upon a machine to perform

automated tasks in the stead of its malicious user.

Normally, modern bots infect collections of computers

that become a part of a network of computers with a

similar instance of the bot; this web of infected

computers becoming part of the botnet. Normally, bots

that take over systems give the distributor of the


malware control over the machine; however, in great

numbers, bots are not typically used to control a

singular machine. Instead, they are used to send out

general, mass instruction to each infected node; these

members of the infected network otherwise known as

zombies. Botnets can span anywhere between tens of

computers, to hundreds of thousands of computers in

their network of control.

Normally, bots exploit computers with network

vulnerabilities, though may have access to machines

through an innumerable mass of methods. Once upon a

machine or collection of machines, bots have been

known to have a large number of consequences. Bots

have been commonly known to distribute spam, viruses,

spyware, and a multitude of other malicious software to

a botnet’s zombies. In addition, botmasters have utilized

the control over an infected machine to retrieve

personal information such as credit card numbers, bank

credentials, and similar personal information; and even

perform Denial of Service attacks, compromising the

security of servers, and machines that ultimately


renders the system unusable or unreachable for their

intended users.

The circumvention of bots on system relies upon the

same techniques that handle viral infections on

machines, with added prevention methods that a user

can employ as a part of their operating system’s tools.

Aside from antiviral software, internet options allow for

levels of operating-system-dictated security standards,

which ensure users keep their traffic within safe


SPYWARE Within this class, there are a number of formats of

malware that are responsible for directly or indirectly

enabling a malicious user to monitor and direct the

activity of a system that has been compromised by

Spyware. The general forms that Spyware may take


1. Cookies/Web Bugs: Cookies offer small spaces

to save state information to individual clients,

enabling websites to store user-specific


information about traffic, usage and preferences

specific to their site. However, as many sites can

often cross systems (such as using common ad

providers), a potential side effect of this

relationship enables third parties to access the

information stored in the cookies of associated

sites. This presentation of Spyware is not

directly a consequence of malicious coding, but

an exploitable side effect of web architectures.

2. Browser hijackers: Spyware can take the

presentation of hijacking Internet traffic to the

infected system. The results will vary depending

upon what the malicious user intends to achieve;

potential outcomes may include: forcing a user

to a specific homepage, or even locking certain

Internet traffic at ransom (also known as

Ransomware). Normally, the hijacking

mechanism takes the form of an extension to the

browser, but can infect a system through deeper

means such as modifying system registries.

3. Keyloggers: Not always present as malicious

software, Keyloggers are programs capable of

observing near every activity upon a machine.


Capable of monitoring and logging individual

keystrokes, to noting all network activity in and

out of a machine, keyloggers are capable of

reporting anything a user (malicious or

otherwise) would like to monitor.

4. Tracks: Used as a label for information stores

that represent a multitude of user activity, tracks

are not particularly malicious upon their own.

The stores that contain tracks, such as browsing

history, can be exploited by Spyware; providing

malicious users with a centralized location to

data mine personal information from a user.

5. Adware: An ambiguous form of Spyware,

Adware posts advertisements in an infected

user’s browser, changing in the content

conveyed depending upon the traffic upon a

machine. As a consequence, Adware gathers

together menial pieces of information to return

to the malicious user.


The pages above have presented the broad forms of

malware that exist in the world of information


technology. Each given field defines a set of strategies

and behaviors presented by malicious software. The

research has shown that, while these forms and

techniques of malware propagation and execution can

be applied in parallel, they have essential weaknesses of

predictable, definable makeup. With each category of

malware clearly defined, and rudimentary defensive

techniques posed for each form, a user has the essential

information to prevent, handle, or devise solutions in

any potential instance of infection.



The internet like any untrusted network can be a scary

place. Every day, new vulnerabilities are being

discovered and also exploited. When a flaw is discovered,

it needs to be patched. While this is easy to do for one

system, it becomes complicated when many systems are

involved, and only gets worse when those systems

employ different software and setups. While this is

recommended but difficult, it can be done with host

based security. However, this can be impractical for the

large scale. An alternative to this is the firewall.

The first line of defense for most networks is the

firewall. What exactly is a firewall and how do they

work? The term firewall has been used for things other

than computer security; in cars the firewall separates the

engine from the passengers keeping them safe from the

engines heat, in buildings the firewall is a barrier meant

to help prevent the spread of fire. Basically keeping out

something that was not wanted, in these cases

dangerous levels of heat. At the simplest level this is


what a network firewall does as well, it keeps out

attackers by blocking their access to network resources.

In the late 1980's firewalls began to make their

appearance as advanced packet filters. As attacks grew

in the 1990's so did the capability and complexity of

firewalls. Today firewalls have advanced from

something that was just for a few large networks, to

something that can be installed locally on just about any

PC. Firewalls are now an integral part of network



There are three types of firewalls. The first type of

firewall is the packet filter which has a fairly basic

security method. After packet filters came stateful filters.

Stateful filters are more aware of the network data and

provide a higher level of security than packet filters. The

final type of firewalls is gateway firewalls, also known

as proxies.



Packet filters are aware of the packets data is

transferred in and the basic parts of each packet. The

parts a packet filter knows about are the source and

destination IP addresses, the port numbers, and the IP

protocol field. Packet filters work by allowing or

blocking packets based on a set of rules related to the

packet information they understand. If a packet does not

match a rule then there are two possible default actions

they may take.

The discard default policy blocks any packet that is not

allowed by a rule, while the default forward policy

allows any packet not blocked by rules to pass. The

default discard policy is more secure but it may hider

users more until rules to allow specific traffic are added.

Packet filters are simple which makes them fast, but they

can be difficult to configure correctly and they provide

no authentication for use of the connection.


The solution to the problems of a packet filter is the next

type of firewall, a stateful filter. A stateful filter knows


more about packets and their contents along with higher

level protocols. This advanced knowledge makes them

more secure and easier to configure than packet filters. A

stateful filter has knowledge of the higher level protocol

TCP. A stateful filter uses the fact that TCP works via

connections to increase security. The filter can tack

outgoing TCP connections and allow incoming data on

them, as well as allow incoming TCP connections based

on similar rules to a packet filter.

Some stateful filters add additional security by knowing

about even higher level protocols on top of TCP, such as

SMTP and FTP. While the security does up in stateful

filters with the more information they have the speed

goes down because more processing of the data is

required. Although they have higher security then packet

filters stateful filters are not perfect. “An attacker could

generate a packet with a header indicating it is part of an

established connection, in hopes it will pass through a




The final type of firewall is the gateway. There are two

types of gateways, they application gateway and the

circuit level gateway. An application level gateway

provides security by using authentication before a user

can send data through. After a user is authenticated they

c a n only send data using a protocol the gateway

understands. This means that a gateway must know its

supported protocols fully and provides top level security

for each. Another benefit of knowing the protocol is that

it allows for full logging of all the network activity. The

drawbacks of an application level gateway are the

processing of a lot more data and the multiple

connections to be managed between external and

internal machines.

A circuit level gateway has multiple connections like an

application gateway but it works on a lower level. The

circuit level gateway does not know about the high level

protocols and only manages connections. It is faster

than an applications gateway because of its low level but

it does not provide the same level of security.

There are three types of firewall basing. Bastion hosting,


Host based, and person firewalls are all different ways

of deploying a firewall.

1. A bastion host is a system identified by the

firewall administrator as a critical strong point in

the network's security. In general, crucial

application gateways are run on some kind of

bastion host. Each bastion host may run multiple

gateways that support different protocols. These

machines run on a hardened operating system

that contains only the basic software to run the

gateways and support wanted protocols.

Generally these systems will run with writing to

the disc disabled. This prevents malware from

saving itself so if a system is infected with

malware it can be restored by a simple restart

which will wipe the ram and the malware.

2. A host based firewall is a software firewall on an

individual host, commonly a server or

workstation. Usually the software of a host based

firewall is part of an operating system or a low

level add-on. Host based firewalls allow for a

configuration based on the needs of the specific


host and they offer an extra level of protection

when combined with bastion host firewalls.

3. The third and final basing is the personal

firewall. This is a software firewall made for

personal computers. They are less complex than

bastion or host based firewalls. The main

methods of security for personal firewall is port

blocking, which by blocking ports that no known

application uses, enhances security. A common

additional feature of personal firewalls is the

monitoring of outgoing traffic for malware. This

feature helps to prevent the spread of malware

i n a network if one of the machines becomes



Firewalls are a central point in the network where all

network traffic passes through. Because of this they are

a continent point for network management, and an

integral point in network security. This allows firewalls

to be configured to perform some advanced network

management, allowing additional features to be easily

added into the firewall.



Say there is a network that needs to have dedicated

servers that need access to the internet or another

untrusted network, and those servers may be

susceptible to attack. While at the same time the rest

network those servers reside on need to be well

protected. Then there is a case for a DMZ. The DMZ will

allow the servers to operate normally with the

maximum level of protection, while at the same time the

rest of the network is safely protected by its own


The most common network configuration has two

firewalls, an external firewall and an internal firewall.

Between these firewalls is what is known as a DMZ. This

area of the network is usually where services that need

external network access are places. General the security

policies within the DMZ are set to allow external

incoming connections. This allows services such as

WEB servers, EMAIL, and DNS to function properly with

both the external network and the local network,

without compromising the network protected by the

internal firewall. The purpose of the external firewall is


to protect the DMZ from attack, while the internal

firewall guards against the consequences of a

compromised external firewall. Such as rootkits, bots,

or other malware that has been lodged inside the DMZ.

Either or both of these firewalls will protect the

network from an attack. Additionally multiple firewalls

can be used to protect the internal networks from each



Imagine there is a company with two buildings that are

separated by some distance need have a need to share

network resources. The distance between these

networks is great enough that it is impracticable to run

cabling to directly connect the networks. But these

building have both have access to an untrusted

network. Then someone has the bright idea to connect

the two buildings networks through the untrusted

network. But what if someone were to snoop on this

traffic? Well the answer to this scenario is to simply use a


Most firewalls already have integrated virtual private

network (VPN) functionality, and most firewall vendors


are now integrating gateway virus scanning, intrusion

detection/prevention, and Web/application security.

VPN's are a secure way to remotely connect into your

network. They act as a tunnel that connects the remote

systems and a secured network. VPN's use encryption to

ensure that the data being moved between the

networks is secured. This bundled with proper

authentication for a secured distributed computing


A VPNs' encryption can be the weak point in network

security. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems

(IDPS) cannot detect attacks within encrypted traffic;

attacks from across t h e VPN can be almost as

dangerous as attacks from within the secured network.

If the VPN tunnel is implemented after the IDPS in a

separate box, the IPDS has no way to detect what kind

of traffic is being moved. For this reason it is

recommended to have the firewall and VPN in the same

box, this allows for an implementation where the VPN

traffic is decrypted and checked by the IPDS at the same




What left is the case where a system administrator has

many systems with different firewall requirements?

These systems can be vastly different from one another,

internal email external email, web server, multiple sub-

networks, and possibly the need to be able to

dynamically add new systems or networks, each with its

own set of requirements. At the small scale this isn't

that big of an issue. At about ten systems a single

technician could easily administrator each device

independently, at one hundred it that same technician

would be heavily worked but it might be manageable, at

a thousand or more it becomes a major problem. Sure

more technicians could be hired but then there is the

issue of what if one system is configured incorrectly.

That one system could then potentially make the entire

network insecure. This is where distributed firewalls

come into play.

Distributed firewalls decentralize the firewall, allowing

LAN attacks to be distributed to many different

firewalls. This allows the attack to be pushed to a

firewall that is nearer to the source thus cutting the

attack off at an earlier point. This means that the


firewall can cooperate with each other to enforce a

higher level of security. While initially this doesn’t

sound like a big deal, one only has to look back at a VPN

to see how this could be highly beneficial. Say there is

an attack from with a VPN to a subnet within the

network. A distributed firewall can easily block the

attack at the earliest firewall, thus cutting off the entire

network. This not only prevents this attack, but prevents

the attacker from switching to another VPN within he

network or subnet and continuing the attack.

Distributed firewalls have many other advantages, such

as log aggregation and analysis, firewall statistics, and

fine-grained remote monitoring of individual hosts. This

is possible because of the nature of how distributed

firewalls work. While a firewall by its self can do all of

these, it can only do it for traffic that passes through the

firewall. This can b e a problem if a network is

connected at many points to untrusted networks. In

general you would want all traffic to pass through one

point the firewall; this would weaken the firewall to

attacks such as DDoS. Because Distributed firewalls

communicate with each other they can pass data to


each other, this allows for centralized administration,

and a single database for the firewalls logs.


Firewalls are an integral part of network security.

Firewalls keep out attackers and unwanted traffic. As

central point in the network they can easily have

additional features added to enhance the network,

including advanced monitoring and VPN. Without

Firewalls larger networks like the internet could not

function. They are the first and often best defense





In today’s society, the Internet is more prevalent than

once was envisioned. The Internet is continually

pressing forward and becoming integral into multiple

facets of our daily personal and business lives. People

rely on the services provided on the Internet for

everything from personal entertainment and banking,

to working in an organizational environment. In fact, as

an example, many jobs that were once brick-and-mortar

physical presence jobs are done via telecommuting.

Think of all the distance learning schools that have

‘virtual’ faculty. Also, as another example, there are

some very large organizations who report that over

60% of their technical staff (programmers, database

analysts, networking engineers, etc.) work virtually.

From a business perspective, it is a requirement that

even smaller more unique (boutique) as well as the very

large organizations require some level of work with the

Internet. Further, governmental agencies also have


implemented many ‘front-facing’ websites and services

to connect with their constituents.

The Internet age has spawned malicious activity that

has prevented organizations and governments from

offering services via technology means through DDOS

(Denial-of-Service) attacks. Attackers can bring services

people rely on to a halt, disrupting business operations,

and causing great problems for the networks that are

attacked. Millions of dollars are lost annually due to

DDOS. Further, DDOS attacks are now more widespread

than ever, can come from anywhere in the world, and

are getting harder to trace due to advanced techniques

used by hackers.

In this section, we will discuss the different types of

DDOS attacks, the different methods for DDOS detection

and prevention that are currently being used, and make

an assessment of what one can do to protect themselves

against DDOS attacks.


A Denial of service (DOS attack) occurs when a target

machine is flooded with malicious traffic until resources


are exhausted which causes the system to go offline.

Expanding on the DOS-attack concept, the Distributed

denial of service (DDOS attack) works much the same

way, except in this particular instance, the attack is

amplified by enlisting other machines and computers in

the attack. Most large-scale DDoS attacks rely

on botnets. DDOS attacks all share four basic elements.

These elements are:

1. The attacker.

2. Compromised hosts, known as handlers, capable

of controlling multiple agents that spawn an


3. Attack daemons or zombie hosts, responsible for

generating packet streams towards the intended


4. The victim or target host(s).

The machines (the compromised hosts and attack

daemons) responsible for the attack are usually

external to the victim’s network to avoid efficient

response from the victim, as well as external to the real


attacker’s network to avoid liability if the attack is


Preparing a DDOS attack involves selection of agents

that have a vulnerability that can be exploited for a

hacker to gain access. The compromised machines also

need to have the resources that will enable them to

generate powerful attack streams. This used to be a

manual process but has been made easier by freely

available scanning tools, which can automate this

process. Once the agent machines have been selected,

the hacker installs code on the machines, commonly in

the form of self-propagating worms, which is

undetectable by the compromised machines and allows

them to be controlled by the hacker. The hacker is able

to communicate with the agents to see which agents are

online at any given time. The agents are configured in a

manner that instructs them to communicate with

multiple handlers to create the most powerful attack


All this communication can be done through common

protocols such as TCP, UDP, or ICMP. Once the hacker

has configured all the agents the actual attack can take


place. The hacker commands the attack, selecting the

victim, the duration of the attack, as well as the type of

attack and port numbers to be attacked. The hacker can

adjust packet properties creating a variety of different

packets making the attack harder to detect. Creating a

DDOS attack not only exploits the victims network but

also exploits the machines involved in the attack, which

have no knowledge they are being used maliciously.

DDoS attacks are most powerful when the hacker has

exploited a sufficient number of compromised hosts to

send the greatest amount of useless packets to the

victim at the same time.


There are many different types of DDoS attacks, but

they all share a common goal and that is to attempt to

prevent the legitimate use of a service. A distributed

denial-of-service attack differs from a DoS attack as it

deploys its attack from any number of different

computers, or bots that can be widely distributed. DDoS

attacks can be classified into two categories: direct

attacks and reflecting attacks. Direct attacks send a

large number of attack packets directly towards a


victim with spoofed source addresses so the response

goes elsewhere. Reflecting attacks use innocent routers

and servers as reflectors. An attacker sends packets that

require responses to the reflectors with the inscribed

source address of the packets set to victim’s address.

Here is a quick overview of eight of the most common

attack types:

• UDP Flood: A UDP flood attacks random ports

on the victim or target machine flooding the

ports with packets that cause them to listen for

applications and report back with an ICMP


• SYN Flood: A SYN flood attack sends repeated

spoofed requests from a variety of sources to a

target server. The server responds to the

requests with ACK packets to complete the TCP

connection, but instead of closing the connection

the connection is allowed to timeout. With a

strong enough attack the victim’s resources are

eventually exhausted and the server will go



• Ping of Death: Ping of death is a denial of

service attack that manipulates IP protocol by

sending packets larger than the maximum byte

allowance. Packets are divided across multiple IP

packets and once they are reassembled they

create a packet larger than 65,535 bytes, the

maximum allowable size, causing the victim

servers to reboot or crash.

• Reflected Attack: A reflected attack is where an

attacker creates forged packets that will be sent

out to as many computers as possible. When

these computers receive the packets they will

reply, but the reply will be a spoofed address

that actually routes to the target. All of the

computers will attempt to communicate at once

and this will cause the site to be bogged down

with requests until the server resources are


• Peer-to-Peer Attacks: Peer-to-Peer attacks

exploit peer-to-peer server to route traffic to the

target website. People using the file-sharing site

are instead sent to the target website until the


website is overwhelmed with traffic and sent


• Nuke: Corrupt and fragmented ICMP packets are

sent via a modified ping utility to the target until

the target machine goes offline. This attack

focuses on comprising computer networks and is

an old distributed denial of service attack.

• Application Level Attacks: Application level

attacks target system applications that have

more vulnerability. Rather than attempt to

overwhelm the entire server, an attacker will

focus their attack on one or more applications.

• Multi-Vector Attacks: Multi-vector attacks are

the most complex form of a DDoS attack. Instead

of utilizing a single method, a combination of

tools and strategies are used to overwhelm the

target and take it offline. Multi-vector attacks can

target applications on the target server, as well

as, flood the target with a large volume of

malicious traffic. These types of DDoS attacks are

the most difficult to mitigate because the attack


comes in different forms and targets different

resources simultaneously.


There is no easy solution to dealing with DDoS attacks.

Currently there are many different strategies of how to

deal with these attacks. There are three lines of defense

against a DDoS attack:

• Attack Detection and Filtering - during the attack

• Attack Prevention and Preemption - before the


• Attack Source Trace-back and Identification -

during and after the attack

The best solution to dealing with an attack would

combine all three of these defense mechanisms.


DDoS attack detection is a very complicated problem.

Because of the many different types of DDoS attacks and

the rising sophistication of attack methods, there has

yet to be a single method perfected for attack detection.

There are currently many different methods for DDoS


attack detection. We will discuss some of the common

methods used to detect attacks, and look at a method

that may improve on the current methods being used.

Here is an overview of commonly used attack detection


1. Soft Computing: Soft computing is a common

method used for attack detection. Soft computing

is a general term for describing a set of

optimization and processing techniques that are

tolerant of imprecision and uncertainty. This

method uses neural networks, genetic

algorithms, and radial basis functions because of

their ability to classify intelligently and


2. Knowledge Base: Knowledge base detection

methods check incoming network traffic and

events against predefined rules or patterns of

attack. General representations of known attacks

are formulated to identify actual occurrences of


3. Statistical: Using statistics gathered from a

network is another common way of DDoS attack


detection. Statistical properties of attack

patterns can be exploited for detection of DDoS

attacks. A statistical model for normal network

traffic is determined, and then tests are applied

against the model to see if new network traffic

conforms to the model. Traffic that does not

conform to the model is classified as an anomaly

and potential attack.

4. Machine Learning: Machine learning

techniques use preventive and deterrent

controls to remove system vulnerabilities on

target machines. Adaptation techniques are used

to launch protocol anomaly detection and

provide corrective intrusion responses.

Enforcing dynamic security policies tailored for

protecting network resources can be especially

useful for detecting DDoS attacks. There are

many automatic tools available and being

developed that attempt to learn specific patterns

of network attacks to protect the target systems




Many attack prevention methods have been developed

to protect and keep servers up and running. These

systems monitor incoming and outgoing traffic between

servers and are deployed as a barrier between the

Internet and a server. The attack prevention methods

exist in firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and

security enhanced routers. Some of the fundamental

technologies used to prevent attacks include traffic

analysis, access control, packet filtering, redundancy,

and address blocking.

An intrusion detection system logs incoming network

traffic and is able to create and analyze traffic statistics

to provide valuable information about traffic and usage.

This can be used to identify peak usage times and create

traffic profiles to be compared against a baseline to

identify abnormal patterns, which could potentially be

DoS attacks.

Firewalls are able to inspect and filter unwanted

packets. They can “allow or deny packets according to

their protocols, ports, IP addresses, payloads, and

connection states.” Routers also can employ similar


defenses like firewalls do but are able to keep malicious

activity further away from a targeted network.

We will provide an overview and briefly discuss

commonly used attack prevention techniques that are

currently deployed.


Ingress Filtering will drop traffic on a network if it does

not already have previous knowledge of an IP address

that does not match its own domain prefix. An ISP is

able to reduce spoofing and can locate the source of an

attack if it has implemented ingress filtering. Ingress

filtering is not able to prevent all illegitimate uses

though. A user can forge their host’s source address

with another that has a permitted domain prefix.


Egress Filtering is a filter that filters outbound traffic. It

makes sure that only IP addresses that have been

assigned an address within the IP address space are

allowed to create outbound traffic. This type of filtering

is able to protect other Internet domains from an attack

from an unknown user of a system. However the


domain’s precious network resources are used to

enforce this.


This type of filtering works on the principle that there is

only a finite source of IP addresses that legitimate web

traffic can be generated from. Spoofed IP addresses will

have their flows of IP addresses blocked from reaching

their destination.


A database of IP addresses is built and only incoming IP

addresses are accepted from this list. A user may be

able to invade the system by tricking the server to

include their IP address in the database.

Secure Overlay Services

Secure overlay services are able to provide

“exceptional” protection at the cost of slowing down the

client’s system. Hash routing is used and user traffic is

authenticated via SOAP. Traffic is routed through a

small number of nodes called as servlets to the victim.

But because of the cost of slowing down a client, this

method is not recommended for public servers.



ISPs can increase the bandwidth provided to “critical”

connections in order to prevent them from being

affected by an increase in traffic (legitimate or not).

Implementation can be costly and complex. However

normal performance can improve in multiple server

architecture because of this load balancing.


An attacker is lead to attack a honeypot instead of the

actual system. Because of the implementation of

honeypots, an attacker believes they are attacking the

actual system. If the signature of an attack is detectable,

records of the attacker are able to be traced and stored

including the software and type of attack used.


DDoS Trace back is a response that takes place after a

victim has been attacked. The IP address of the attacker

sending the packets is traced without using actual

source information from the packets. Routers are set to

record information about seen packets and their

destinations. This method is not very effective, as the


actual destination of packets cannot always be traced

back due to NATs (network address translations) and

firewalls. This method is also completely ineffective in

reflector type attacks. The one benefit of DDoS trace

back is that it can be helpful for law enforcement to

trace the source of DDoS attacks that have taken place.


DDoS attacks continue to grow in frequency and impact.

While we mostly hear about massive DDoS attacks in

the news, there are a growing number of smaller DDoS

attacks aimed at poorly defended websites. These

smaller attacks are well planned and can cause lasting

damage. More and more companies are starting to

invest in some sort of DDoS protection, but most are

still relying on firewalls and other traditional solutions.

The amount of successful attacks was drastically

reduced when some sort of DDoS mitigation service was

used. Relying on firewalls and routers to keep your

network safe is no longer a sufficient method of defense.

One of the major impacts of a DDoS attack is the

financial repercussion it can have on a company. When


a company’s website is attacked the downtime of the

site, along with customer complaints, and mitigation

costs can be huge.

The costs associated with DDoS attacks can be

extremely costly to a company. Companies need to be

aware of the risks that DDoS attacks pose to the business.


DDoS attacks come in many forms with varying levels of

complexity, which are always evolving. The current

solutions for detection and prevention that we have

discussed have proved inadequate in protecting

systems from the ever-growing threat of DDoS attacks.

There is more research needed in this area, which will

have to be ongoing to keep up with evolution of DDoS

attack types. Currently the best way to protect a system

from DDoS attacks is to use a comprehensive solution,

which includes detection, prevention, and DDoS trace




Cryptography involves the enciphering and deciphering

of information so that the information is then only

understandable by the intended receiver. Typically the

information is to be sent for communication between

persons or devices. Cryptography is used in providing

accountability, fairness, accuracy, and confidentiality,

which is applied in a number of ways including:

prevention against fraud in electronic commerce,

validity assurance of financial transactions, showing

proof of identity, and protection of anonymity. The field

of cryptography is very deep and demands much

consideration. Many areas of mathematics comes

together to form cryptography, including number

theory, complexity theory, information theory,

probability theory, abstract algebra, and formal


Cryptography is a constant game of cat and mouse

between those working to protect data for its owners

and those trying to take data for themselves. The nature


of the problem lies in that it is an uphill battle where the

good guys have to provide an impenetrable defense

while the bad guys only need to find a single flaw to

break the entire system. Making the battle even more

difficult is that the defenders are fighting with one hand

tied behind their back, appeasing users who don’t want

their convenience hampered by something that they

don’t want to have to deal with. These factors add

together to produce a multi­billion dollar industry that

is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and


Cryptography has been an essential part of warfare

since the days of Julius Caesar and possibly even earlier.

Until the advent of the business class electronic

computer, cryptography was almost exclusively utilized

by governments for military use in issuing orders

among commanding figures. The Caesar Cipher, German

Enigma Machine, and other coding schemes (such as the

use of the Navajo Native American language in WWII as

a radio cipher) were used for relaying military tactics

over dispersed squadrons/forces. At their time, these

ciphers were highly effective. The Caesar Cipher was a


simple substitution cipher that shifted letters down the

alphabet. Perhaps a reason the cipher was strong for the

time was that those who may have intercepted

encrypted messages were illiterate or believed the

message was written in a foreign language. In time,

accompanied with increasing numbers of literate and

intelligent individuals, the cipher inevitably would not

maintain its secrecy. In the 1500s, Blaise de Vigene`re -

a French cryptographer and diplomat - developed a

polyalphabetic cryptosystem (as opposed to the Caesar

Cipher mono-alphabetic cryptosystem), which was

much more difficult to break.

Another example of cryptography in warfare is the

development and use of the German Enigma Machine

during World War II. This electromechanical device

used a series of rotating cylinders and reconfigurable

keyboard mappings in predefined configurations to

generate a rolling cypher to protect all German military

transmissions. Every time a letter was typed, the

cylinders would rotate, allowing for different letters to

be encrypted as the same one, making frequency

analysis completely useless, unlike in the past. However,


the devices strength also corresponded to its greatest


No letter of the alphabet could map to itself after being

encrypted. It was this fundamental design decision that

allowed British mathematician Alan Turing to

spearhead work on the bombe machine. This

electromechanical device allowed Allied code breakers

to determine the day’s Enigma configuration using logic.

The machine would be programmed with a probable

translation of an encrypted message and make

assumptions about the configuration. When a logical

fallacy was detected (e.g. one letter on the plug board

needing to be mapped to two different letters at once),

all deductions relating to that assumption were known

to be false. Since the development of the bombe

machine, cryptographic algorithms have only become

more and more complex and more heavily scrutinized

for such possible weaknesses or flaws.

As digital computing advances, security needs to be

developed and researched at an increasingly rapid pace.

This is a recurring theme and is still applicable today.


Since systems built today will be used for years ahead,

they must be able to stand firm in the midst of what the

future brings; The evolution of attackers, computational

power, and incentives to undermine a widespread

system. With the spread of interconnected devices

across the globe, malicious parties have even more

targets and opportunities to probe systems’ security

and exploit vulnerabilities. This has led to widespread

use of cryptographic technologies online.

It is the rise of network traffic and online transactions

that has created a need for securing channel

communication. Shopping, banking, and personal

communications are all protected with modern

encryption standards. With each of these activities

being tantalizing to potential thieves, strong protection

is a must. With the ever increasing need for security,

digital encryption standards only improved over the

years leading to the creation of standards such as the

Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the Advanced

Encryption Standard (AES), hash functions like Message

Digest (MD5) and the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), and

the public key cryptography work of Diffie­Hellman and


RSA. All of these technologies are (or were) used in one

way or another to form the backbone of the modern


The main issue seen in the advancements of these

technologies is the slow rate at which old, insecure

technologies are no longer supported. Despite the

widespread adoption of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

3.0 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0, in 2006,

many web servers still supported the outdated SSL 2.0.

In addition to the deprecated protocol, a majority of

servers also still allowed connections to be encrypted

with DES­64 or worse, not requiring at least 3­DES. The

good news about cryptography is that we already have

the algorithms and protocols we need to secure our

systems. The bad news is that that was the easy part is

that implementing the protocols successfully requires

considerable expertise. When providing a server for

customers to connect to, it is the responsibility of the

person who runs the server to make sure that the

connection is as secure as possible. This de facto

responsibility is due to the fact that most users have no


idea what algorithms and protocols their machine is

using, they just want it to work and be safe.

In terms of providing security for the future, there have

been many inquiries into and explorations of the

security of AES, but none so far have shown any

significant flaws. This is encouraging, showing that

security researchers are staying ahead of their

competition to make practical encryption as difficult to

defeat as possible.

All modern encryption is based on the concept of

“practical security” as opposed to “perfect security”.

Perfect security is something that can never be

defeated, no matter how long you try to break it.

Practical security relies on the concept that some

encryption algorithm can be so difficult to defeat that it

is not practical. This can be due to raw computing

power necessary, that the information would no longer

be relevant by the time it was retrieved, or even

because it would take longer than a person’s lifespan

with available resources. It’s the restriction on time and

resources that provides a barrier to the attackers. While


these restrictions place a hamper on attackers’

advances, the natural progress of technology plays into

their hands with improvements in processing power –

smaller scale fabrication processes that now reach

down into the 16nm range -- and also in availability (e.g.

cloud computing clusters and services with massive

parallel computing power that can be rented by

anyone). The ease of access to these newer technologies

starts to tip the scales in favor of the attacker who can

now call on massive amounts of computing power

cheaply and on demand.

The most difficult aspect of practical security that needs

to be considered is that it will be used by everyday

people on an everyday basis. What this means is that it

must be fast enough that it does not impede a user’s

actions with time consuming processes while still being

robust enough to stand up against the constant barrage

of those who want to break it. This balance of easy to

use and hard to break has led to the concept of a “one-

way trapdoor” function. These are used in the Integer

Factorization Problem (which the RSA cryptosystem

has as its fundamental problem), Discrete Logarithm


Problem in Finite Fields, and the Elliptic Curve Discrete

Logarithm Problem. The trapdoor doesn’t make the

problem easier; Attackers would still need to tackle the

problem the usual way which would take an unfeasible

amount of time. In modern research and use, Elliptic

Curve Cryptography (ECC) has taken center stage for

online security. For years, RSA has dominated the online

landscape as the preferred method of key exchange

services used by Transport Layer Security and the

Secure Sockets Layer, and is now being replaced with

ECC in order to future proof systems. While RSA has not

yet been broken, it is has been used for a long time

(technologically speaking) and many fear that it will

soon not be secure enough. With recent discoveries of

how far governments are willing to go when it comes to

electronic security and surveillance, many online

content providers have begun to see the necessity of

proactive protection in order to protect their users and

save face by preventing any breaches from occurring.

The main problem with online security, in some ways,

can be traced back to the fact that the web was never

built with having security at its core. Once researchers,


designers, and developers started to realize how

widespread and varied the use of the web had become,

unforeseen uses of the technology all but required the

use of secure communications to be practical. In order

to make systems secure, cryptography needs to be

incorporated from a system’s conception to installation;

Cryptography is not simply an additional component

that can be tacked onto the system as an afterthought.

As development of web technologies picked up in pace,

security concerns began to be built in to the heart of

protocols being designed and implemented, falling more

in line with Schneider’s philosophy. Unfortunately, the

nature of the web itself lends to insecurity as it is just an

interconnecting and conglomeration of different

protocols, some of which were not meant to be used in

networked environments. This eclectic nature of

networks allows attackers the ability to compose their

attacks across these different protocols. Composition is

a key issue for protocol security. There are many layers

of security throughout an interworking system much

the same way as software architectural layers, but

require careful scrutiny, watching for the not so obvious

holes that attackers may find across the different


dimensions of the system. While individual protocols

may be secure, the ways in which they interact may be

vulnerable to interception, injection, or other


Aside from encryption, using secure protocols also

allows for servers to authenticate themselves through

certificates to the end user. Due to the sheer scope that

the internet now encompasses and the ease with which

someone can set up their own server presence on the

web, the new problem of “spoofing” or electronic

impersonation emerges. This new threat has led to the

use of previously developed encryption techniques to

be developed into means of authenticating one’s self

online. Such methods of authentication have become

core parts of protocols, such as SSL, that allow for users

to identify servers using asymmetric key cryptography

such as RSA and while simultaneously allowing users to

authenticate themselves using easily memorable

passwords as opposed to their own set of public and

private keys. Through the use of these authentication

mechanisms, phishing attacks and related malware

issues could be reduced, saving end users frustration


and saving companies time and money. With the

average malware breach costing a company around $6.6

million, the costs of encouraging widespread

implementation of secure web connections seems like it

would be able to pay for itself.


Through this examination of security over the ages, it is

apparent that cryptography has only become a field of

ever expanding research, whether in the pursuit of

strengthening it or that of breaking it. With technology

and connected devices doing nothing but proliferating

through our everyday lives, keeping all of our data and

communications secure becomes more and more of a

pressing issue. Throughout the world, new ideas and

inventions are being created and implemented for

people to use for entertainment (communicating with

loved ones or sharing pictures), making our day to day

lives more convenient (sending money, electronic locks

on our houses), or even making them safer (connected

smoke alarms, collision detection systems). In all of

these areas, there will always be someone who wants to

get their hands on this information for one reason or


another, whether it is to steal from us, impersonate us,

or just to watch the world burn. Yet, also in these areas,

there are those who defend us, who believe that we

have the right to safe and secure lives and keep these

dark forces at bay through ever evolving mathematical

and technological developments. In conclusion,

cryptography will be a concern for a long time to come.



In a first part, we discuss security and encryption. The

principles and purpose, securing and ensuring the

secrecy of a system, before discussing the difference

between symmetric (single key) and asymmetric

(public-key) encryption, to end with block and stream

cypher and some examples of encryptions protocols.

In a second part, we review some wireless network

technology architecture, after discussing common

attacks on wireless networks: man-in-the-middle,

eavesdropping, DoS and impersonation; and how do

detect such attack by monitoring the client, the access

point or the global traffic.

We follow by discussing best practices and policy which

will help minimize security risks. Attackers are

everywhere today and every technology has its

weakness. It is up to the administrators to do

everything in their power to secure their systems.

Then, we present how to implement strong security

architecture, using a VPN, a user authentication


framework and a shared-key mechanism to ensure


To conclude, we perform an attack on a not secured

wireless network. By this attack, we prove how easy it

is for someone to access data on a not secure wireless

network, and the need for strong security mechanism.


Computer security represents today a very important

part of computer science, especially the network

security. Almost everything is today linked to a

computer network or another; internet or private

network, and computer are used for almost every

modern work. Ensure the security of such practice

became the priority for users and companies, as data

exchanged through networks were more and more

confidential, and the possible threat against network

were growing.

A large amount of effort has been put into research on

network security, in order to prevent data loss, identity

stealing, and every problem caused by lack of security.

In this section, we will focus on wireless network,


security issues, impact, and protection mechanism

applicable on this large brand of networking

technology. We will describe encryption method used

today, the usual attack method used on wireless

network and how to detect them. Then, we will review

the architecture and weaknesses of popular wireless

technology currently in use today, before protection

solution and defining best practices for wireless

network. Finally, we will study a strong wireless

architecture, and perform a simple network attack on an

unsecured network to prove the need of security and



In this part, we will present basic concepts of security

and encryption, such as symmetric/asymmetric

encryption, different methods of encipherment and

some examples of encryption algorithms. The main

purpose of security is to ensure the confidentiality of a

system. This purpose is based on 5 main principles:

1. Authentication: verification of the identity of

each party


2. Confidentiality: only the person for which the

message is meant to can read it

3. Integrity: ensure that the data transferred have

not been altered in any way

4. Non-repudiation: ensure that no party can deny

having send a message

5. Reliability and availability: ensure the quality

of service for the system


Encryption is the conversion of data into a cipher text,

thus it is not readable. There is two main way for

encrypting data : symmetric encryption, using a single

key for both party, and asymmetric encryption, a more

complex system using a pair of key for each party : one

for encrypting, the other for decrypting. Both methods

are described below.


As a recap from a prior section where we discussed

symmetric encryption, symmetric encryption uses a

single key, for both encrypting and decrypting data. The

schema is very simple: the text is enciphered using an


algorithm and the key, and deciphered using the

reverse algorithm and the same key. Thus, both parties

share the same key.

This encryption system is the most used today. To be

efficient, we need to use a correct encryption algorithm

(Such as AES) and a key of a sufficient length, thus

preventing it to be cracked. The most common attacks

on such encryption are the cryptanalysis attack,

exploiting the

ASYMMETRIC ENCRYPTION As we described in a prior section, asymmetric

encryption (aka Public Key Encryption) are the same.

Recall that the sender and the receiver having different

keys to encrypt or decrypt messages, the emphasis with

the term (and the term only) is that the public key is

one of the 2 keys in asymmetric encryption that can

actually be publicized. I can place my public key on any

public forum, send it with each email, post it …

anywhere. It will still keep an encrypted message secure

even if everyone had the public key available. Again, to

either scramble or encrypt a message that uses an


asymmetric algorithm, not only do you need the

plaintext message, you also need both a public and

private key (think asymmetric keys) to encrypt and

decrypt a message.


There are two methods for enciphering data, the block

cipher, and the stream cypher, presented below.


The block cipher, as shown by its name, will take as

input a block of data / plaintext, to produce a block of

cipher data. Thus, all the data to be enciphered will be

cut down into blocks, in order to produce multiple

blocks of enciphered data.

They usually are more susceptible to noise during

transmission resulting in a loss of all the data contained

in the block. However, they can provide integrity and

authentication protection.

STREAM CIPHER Stream cipher differs to block cipher, as it takes in input

our plaintext bit by bit. It has two main components: a


key stream generator, the main unit in the stream

cipher, and the mixing function, usually a TOR function.

To start, we need an Initialization Vector, which will be

used to generate the other vector and generate the

enciphered data.

Stream cipher is faster than block cipher, but they are

more difficult to implement correctly and more subject

to user error resulting in a lack of security.

Finally, block cipher are better when the amount of data

to encrypt is known, such as files, where stream cipher

work best for continuous stream of data, for example on

a network.



The next section presents the global architecture of the

most used wireless technologies, and their weaknesses.



Let’s start by presenting the most common attacks

against a wireless network, and how they are



On unencrypted networks, the attacker could read the

data stream which is sent from and to this network.

From encrypted network, such as those using WEP, the

attacker could use a crack software in order to break

the key.


A DoS attack can be performed on network layer 1 and

2. The layer 1 attack consist in emitting a strong signal,

stronger than the one attacked, in order to increase the

noise on the channel used and unable any user to

access the legitimate network. The layer 2 attack will

consist in a flood of the network and attached client

with malicious packets.


After the surveillance, one is able to identify MAC

address of the users of the network. Even if network is


encrypted using WEP for example, stealing a MAC

address can be used in different purpose, as accessing a

network only allowing a certain range of MAC address.


This attack is made in two times. First, the attacker has

to put down the legitimate Access Point (AP), using a

DOS attack for example, and then set up a bogus AP with

the same SSID than the first to allow the victim connect

to it. Then, it can read and/or modify every packet

before sending to the legitimate AP.

DETECTING AN ATTACK There are several ways to detect an attack on a wireless

network. There are presented below.

1. Monitor the access point: Monitor every packet

sent by every known AP on the network. If there

is a new AP coming, one getting down, or any

change which is not supposed to happen in the

network, an attack could be occurring.

2. Monitor the clients: It can be possible to

monitor the client, with mechanisms such as

black-listing, detecting potentially harmful


packets from a client (such as flood), re-use of

the same IV vector for generating a WEP key

(see the WEP explanation below) and checking

for the IEEE 802.11 header of the client for

change (if its MAC/IP address has been stolen).

3. Monitor the global traffic: Monitor the global

traffic can be used to detect flood attack, using

de-authentication, de-association, authentication,

association, and bogus authentication. Failure to

authenticate and associated to the network can

also be monitored.

WLAN 802.11 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE 802 Based networks are very common and are used

in public areas such as coffee shops and hotels,

and private areas like offices, homes and

industrial warehouses. Security issues arise

because these LAN networks broadcast on radio

frequency networks (RF).

Global architecture

The 802.11 standard is structured as follows:


Standard Data





802.11 1-2 2.4

802.11a 6-54 5

802.11b 1-11 2.4

802.11g 20+ 2.4

AUTHENTICATION WLAN authentication consists of:

1. Service Set ID’s (SSID’s): Service Set ID’s

distinguish one network from another. The client

must have the correct SSID in order to connect to

the network.

2. Open Authentication: Open authentication is null

authentication and any device will be authorized to

connect to this network. It is used in areas where

devices cannot run complex authentication

algorithms or need to connect quickly. The device

will need to know the correct SSID in order to



3. Shared Key Authentication: In shared key

authentication, a client can connect to a WLAN that

uses a Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol.

It works in the following steps:

802.12 The client sends an authentication request

to the access point.

802.13 The access point sends an authentication

response with a challenge text.

802.14 The client uses a WEP key to encrypt the

challenge text and sends an authentication


802.15 If the access point can decrypt the

authentication request and retrieve the challenge

text then an authentication response is sent that

grants the client access.

4. MAC Address Authentication: Although it is not

part of the 802.11 standard, it is supported by

vendors like CISCO. The procedure compares the

client’s physical MAC address to a local list of

allowed devices.

5. WEP Encryption: WEP Encryption is employed

with the goals of confidentiality, access control


and data integrity. It can be either 64 bit or 128

bit encryption.

Weaknesses and Common attacks

Each one of the authentication methods described above

has its weakness.

SSID’s are stored in plain text and can be found

using network sniffing.

Open authentication has no security measures.

In Shared Key Authentication, the challenge text

is exchanged over a wireless network and is

prone to a man in the middle attack. Packet

sniffers can capture the challenge text and the


Mac Address authentication can be tricked when

an attacker “spoofs” an address using a protocol


Encryption is prone to:

Key attacks

Secret Key Problems

Confidentiality attacks

Integrity attacks


Authentication attacks


It is recommended to use WEP encryption wherever

possible to circumvent the lack of security offered by

SSID’s and open authentication.


The following section represents the 802.15 wireless

technologies. These technologies use a short-range

connectivity, which can be Low Rate (LR), with a low

data speed transfer but long life battery level, and High

Rate, with high data speed transfer. The most common

of them are Bluetooth, ZigBee and Near Field

Communication (NFC).


WPAN can be divided into two global architectures: low-

rate and high-rate architecture. Low rate will use low

radio frequency, where high-rate will use high radio




In this kind of topology, there are two types of devices:

Full Function Device (FFD) and Reduced Function

Device (RFD), and two types of network topology -- star

network and peer-to-peer topology.

• Star Topology: In a Star Network Topology,

composed of PAN and several FFD and RFD

devices, every communication goes through the

PAN coordinator.

• Peer-to-Peer Topology: A Peer-to-Peer

Network Topology works as an ad-hoc, self-

organizing and self-healing network. Any device

can communicate with any other, even if the

network is organized around a PAN coordinator.

HIGH RATE ARCHITECTURE HR-WPAN network is called piconet, and networks

nodes are known as Devices (DEVs). One node will

assume the role of Piconet Coordinator (PNC), providing

synchronization service between the nodes. The

network is ad-hoc, which allow node to leave and enter

the network very easily. There are 3 types of Piconets

topologies. These include:


1. Independent Piconet: An independent piconet

is formed with a network coordinator and

several network nodes.

2. Parent Piconet. The parent piconet controls the

functionality of one or more Piconets.

3. Dependent Piconet. The dependent piconet is

divided into child (or neighbor) piconet. Child

piconets are created by parents to extend the

network, coverage and/or provide additional

resources to the parent.



Weakness and common attacks depends of the

technology considered. We can find the common

attacks (DoS, eavesdropping, impersonation, etc.) on

almost every technology, but the way to perform it and

to defend against it change for everyone. We will

present threats and mitigation mechanism for some

very common technologies.



Bluetooth enable two or more user to exchange data on

a short range. Before exchanging data, a device has to

be discovered by another, and a matching between the

devices has to be done. Then, a device will act as the

master and the other as slaves. All communication

is managed by the master. Before being paired, devices

exchange a link-key allowing recognizing the device

afterward. Bluetooth is sensible to several attacks:

• Bluejacking, sending unwanted data to a

Bluetooth device, using for example the

BlueChat protocol (chat protocol)

• BlueSnarf, allowing the attacker to access

phone data without authentication

• BlueBump, weakness in the key

management allowing devices which are no

longer granted authorization to access the

phone anyway if they are still paired

• BlueSmack, a DoS attack, very similar to the

Ping of Death attack

• BlueDump, resetting the link-key storage,

thus allowing eavesdropping during the new

key exchange.


Some countermeasure can be used to prevent such

attacks. First, when defining the PIN code between two

devices, do not to it in a public area, as it can be

eavesdropped during the pairing process. Do not re-

enter the PIN code every time a pairing is wanted, use

the old one. Also, turn your device into a non-

discoverable mode every time your transmission is

finished thus is preventing it from being discovered and

potentially attacked.

Finally, never pair with someone you don’t know for

sure the identity.

ZIGBEE ZigBee is a Low Rate WPAN, low cost and very low

power consumption, using a two-way communication.

ZigBee is vulnerable to several attacks:

1. Jamming, sort of DOS attack. As ZigBee systems

often use only one channel, it is easy to send a

lot of information on this channel in order to

disable the device.

2. Collision attack, especially using

acknowledgment frames, which is very effective


and difficult to detect.

3. Route disruption, sending false association

request to the coordinator, running him out of

capacity for any legitimate association. A

compromised coordinator can also attract some

target and perform attacks against them once

they are associated.

4. It is also possible to send a packet to a non-

existent packet. No verification is made, and the

packet will be sent again and again as no

acknowledgment is received.

It is possible to protect against such attacks. For

acknowledgement frames, a solution should be to check

if an acknowledgment frame is needed, to prevent the

use of out-of-scope address. Also, the key management

is centered to the trust center. Thus, for large network,

key are carried by the entire network and this can be

dangerous. To mitigate this problem, a hierarchical or

distributed key management should be considered.



NFC is a wireless using very small distance

communication, often when two devices are very close

(a few centimeters). The shortness of the

communication gives a certain security aspect to the

communication. However, data are not encrypted,

certain attacks can be performed.

• Eavesdropping attack, using an antenna.

• A simple DOS attacks, making noise on the used

communication channel, preventing the user

from receiving any message.

Data insertion, when an attack will send a response

before the legitimate responder could. To protect

against such attacks, establishing an encryption is the

best method mechanism which can prevent

eavesdropping and data insertion.

WMAN - 802.16 Specification 802.16 consists of wireless broadband

communication standards for Metropolitan Area

Networks (MAN). It is designed to cover a larger area

than WLAN networks and use a tall antenna to make

this possible.


GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE The security architecture is laid out as follows:

• Security Associations: Security associations are

set of security information used to establish

communication between the base station and

the subscriber stations.

• Certificate Profile: X.509 Digital Certificate used

for identifying the subscribing stations.

• Privacy Key Management (PKM): Responsible

for the authorization, periodic reauthorization

and reception or renewal of keys for subscriber


Communication between base stations and subscriber

stations takes place in three steps:

a. Subscriber Authorization

b. xchange of Key Material

c. Encryption of Data Stream and Key


WEAKNESSES AND COMMON ATTACKS WMAN faces some threats that are common to wireless


• Properly positioned radio receivers can intercept


messages sent over the wireless channel

• Properly positioned radio transmitters can write

messages to a wireless channel

• An attacker can use interference and distance to

his/her advantage by forging communication

between two parties by reordering and

selectively forwarding frames (Man in the


Other physical level attacks include:

• Water torture attack: The attacker drains the

receiver’s battery by sending a series of frames

• The attacker jams a radio spectrum and denies

service to the network

MITIGATION MECHANISMS In order to prevent the inception or writing of messages

by unauthorized parties, confidentiality mechanisms

and data authenticity mechanisms need to be in place.

To prevent an attacker from communicating with two

parties, replayed frames need to be detected.

Jamming attacks can be prevented by increasing the

power of signals using high gain transmission antennas


or increasing the bandwidth by using spreading

techniques. Currently, the police are responsible for

preventing physical attacks on networks.


3G SECURITY REVIEW WWAN is a very large brand of wireless network;

include networks used by mobile phone like GSM,

UMTS - 3G, 4G and Cellular Digital Packet Data (CPDP).

Due to the large brand of protocol available, and in the

difference the security is handled in every one of these,

we choose to study a particular protocol, UMTS. UMTS

is one of the bases for the 3G network, widely used


GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE The 3G protocol is based on its predecessor, GSM, but is

nonetheless very different.

The user’s phone will first communicate with the NODE-

B, which is the base station equipment. The Node-Bs

will then communicate with its RNC. The RNC manage

multiple Node-B, allowing resources and capacity for

data calls.


The Core network is directly inspired from GSM. There

are two signal and transport domains available, both

communicating with some databases, Circuit Switched

(CS) and packet-switched (PS). The databases are

usually regrouped into the Home Service Subsystem

(HSS) and the CAMEL Service Environment (CSE)

The CS domain contains the Serving MSC (MSC) and the

Gateway MSC (GMSC), connecting the Node and the

RNC to the rest of the Core. The VLR is the database

containing every user identity. For the PS domain, there

is the Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and the

Gateway (GGSN).


PROTOCOL 3G have multiple features to ensure a strong security all

other the protocol, all that including a compatibility

with the GSM network.

SIM BASED AUTHENTICATION This security principle is inspired from what it was in

GSM. 3G have an authentication system using a

symmetric key shared between the SIM card and the

authentication center. This key is only dependent of the


operator issuing the SIM card, limiting the impact of a

compromised device. If a device is hacked, only the

operator issuing the card might be impacted, leaving all

other users safe.

MUTUAL ENTITY AUTHENTICATION UMTS provide entity authentication for both the user

and the network, ensuring security for both the

subscriber of the network, and the network itself against

illegitimate user.

DATA INTEGRITY Data integrity is ensured using some main features:

integrity algorithm agreement and integrity key

agreement, allowing checking the data integrity

between the receiving and sending entity.

USER DATA CONFIDENTIALITY Confidentiality of the user data is done by making an

agreement for the algorithm and key to use between

sender and receiver, allowing encrypting every data

sent and received.



To allow confidentiality for the user identity, a

temporary identity is associated to this user every time

he or she enters a certain zone. Once the user leave the

given zone, the identity is given to another user,

preventing anyone to know exactly for which user is

which temporary identity.

NETWORK AND APPLICATION LAYER SECURITY UMTS use some network and application layer security.

First, an IP based protocol is used to sectioning the

network into security domains. Also, SS7 (What is SS7?)

is used for communication and operators may add more

security features.

WEAKNESSES When reallocating the Temporary Mobile Subscriber

Identity (TMSI), it may happen that the SN or VLR fail to

associate the TMSI to the International Mobile

Subscriber Identity (IMSI). In such case, the IMSI is

requested directly to the user. It may allow an attacker

to pretend a SN to request the permanent user identity.

Also, the IMSI request this way is transmitted

unencrypted on the radio path, allowing



Firewall protects the network against external attacks,

but not against a compromised mobile device with

access to the network.

Data are transmitted from the mobile device to a

gateway, before being transmitted to the server. The

data are secured between the mobile and the gateway,

but not between the gateway and the server, which may

lead to insider attacks.

PROPOSED PROTECTIONS To avoid the use of IMSI directly on the network, it is

possible to use 2 TMSI instead of one. Thus, if the first

TMSI is compromised or fail to give an IMSI, the second

one is used. If both fail, the user is not attached to the


It is also possible to enable the use of an end-to-end

VPN for data transmission. Thus, the data will go

encrypted directly from the user end to the server-end,

without the need to be decrypted and eventually re-

encrypted on the network.



It is necessary to have best practices and usage policies

in place in order to minimize the threats described in

this section. Following are steps that be taken to ensure

that administrators have performed everything in their

power to prevent unauthorized actions.

• Change the manufacturer’s SSID to a secure

SSID: Changing the default SSID from “tsunami”

or “Linksys”, for example, will make it harder for

attackers to access the Wireless Application

Protocol (WAP). The new SSID should not

contain any identifiable information about the

company and should be a lengthy collection of

random characters including letters, numbers

and symbols.

• Encrypt passwords: The SSID password and

WEP key stored in the registry file should be

encrypted to thwart perpetrators.

• Enabling all security features: Since embedded

security features are disabled by default, it is

beneficial to deploy all security options

available. Strong authorization and encryption


should be in place. For businesses, this means

that either 802.11i or a VPN should be used.

Application encryption such as SSH or SSL

should be used along with WEP to minimize the

threat of network sniffing.

• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

should be disabled: DHCP provides the IP

address to anyone regardless of whether they

are authorized or not. Static IP addresses should

be used instead.

• Employ a closed network: The SSID should be

invisible on network lists and should be typed in

by users wanting to connect.

• Controlling/Dismantling Rogue Access

Points: Rogue Access Points are installed

without the knowledge of the administrator.

Surveys of the site should be conducted

routinely to track AP’s. AP’s should be kept away

from interfering electronics such as elevators

and microwaves. They should be placed in a

place where access is strictly controlled.



The network must constantly be monitored for unusual

happenings. A Network-based Intrusion Detection

System (NIDS) should be in place along with an anti-

virus software. All threat detection and prevention

systems should be constantly updated and logs should

be analyzed.

BACKUP DATA Regardless of how many safety measures are in place, it

is always important to have data backed up.

EFFICIENT SECURITY ARCHITECTURE In this section, we will try to describe what could be

some current efficient security architecture. First, we

will discuss an open network with internal VPN

architecture, followed by user- authentication

architecture, to finalize with a shared-key mechanism


OPEN NETWORK WITH VPN In this situation, we assume that all data on the network

are untrusted, and neither authentication nor

encryption is done before anyone access the network


(i.e. we consider anyone can access the network). Inside

this network is our LAN, with sensitive information.

This architecture as some advantages, very simple,

cheap, and the security principle is very easy: no traffic

is trusted.

Considering such architecture, there is three main ways

to protect our network. Using VLAN tagging to isolate

traffic (VLAN tagging allow every packet to be tagged

with an ID in order to identify the VLAN they belong to)

but require that the entire network support VLAN

tagging in order to be effective.

It is also possible to completely isolate the LAN,

dropping every packet from the network trying to

access it, using a firewall or a router. Finally, it is

possible to use a separate internet connection along the

network. This is the most simple and secure solution,

but also very expensive.

This type of architecture is very general, but also much

spread. Using these basic principles should prevent

major threats, but specific mitigation mechanisms


depending of the particular architecture remain

necessary in order to prevent a very efficient protection.

USING USER AUTHENTICATION - WPA2-ENTERPRISE One of the most recent system, it allows the network to

authenticate every client using a unique username and

password using an LDAP, a protocol used to look for

information on a server (What is LDAP?), or Active

Directory, a special purpose database.

WPA2 propose a strong security today, even if its

implementation is complex.

USING SHARED-KEY MECHANISM - WPA2-PSK As discussed in the best practices, using a shared key

mechanism can prevent unwanted traffic to come on

the network. The idea is to give every authorized client

a key (preferably a WPA2-PSK, which is the most

secure, but avoid WEP which is not secure. Then, only

allow a traffic which use the keys, and drop any other


The disadvantage of such method is the difficult key

management, and the problem caused by a lost or

stolen key, enabling outsider attacks.


AN ATTACK PERFORMED: EAVESDROPPING In order to prove the danger of non-encrypted LAN

network, and non-secure website connection (e.g.

without HTTPS), we tried to perform a Man in the

Middle attack on a Wi-Fi network. We wanted to prove

that it is possible for an attacker to steal a login and

password from someone when using an unencrypted


ATTACK ENVIRONMENT Our attack was very simple. Our Victim (V), was surfing

on the Internet using an unencrypted public Wi-Fi, and

wanted to create a discussion forum to discuss about

network security matters.

Our Attacker (A) was monitoring all the Wi-Fi traffic in

the area using Wireshark, and was able to see the traffic

of V. As the Wi-Fi was unencrypted, and the website

unsecured, A was able to see all the internet traffic of V.

ATTACK RESULT The attack allowed us to discover the password and e-

mail used to create the forum. As both the Wi-Fi and

website connection were unencrypted, we were able to


read the packet containing the FORM data used to send

the forum creation request.

It is easy to eavesdrop data from a Wi-Fi connection

when Wi-Fi is unencrypted, such as most public Wi-Fi

available in restaurant and other places. Especially, this

attack shows the importance of using a secured

connection on internet, and using an encrypted

connection every time valuable data are transmitted on

the network.

CONCLUSION In this section, we have looked at various wireless

technologies from smaller wireless local area networks

to extensive wireless wide area network. Each

technology has its own weaknesses and administrators

need to know the ins and outs of the technology used in

order to thwart attackers and ensure network security.

Laxness in security can lead to devastating

consequences for individuals and business entities

since almost all tasks performed today are over the



Merely relying on the minimal default security provided

by manufacturers is not enough and administrators

need to go above and beyond to properly moderate risk




The field of operating system security is complex and

requires constant renewal. We detail the recommended

procedures for system administrators in securing

endpoints when they are added to the network and in

the future, as well as tools to help in this process, with

the goal being to reduce the amount of time any given

end user system remains unprotected. We then discuss

the methods of building an operating system with

security in mind. A system can be used to enhance

kernel survivability in the event of a compromised

application attack. We conclude with remarks on this

approach, as it pertains to security and future viability.

The practice of information security, though commonly

thought to only deal with preventing access to sensitive

data, actually encompasses many other fields of

computer science and software engineering. Similarly, it

is not only about protecting key informational assets

such as databases, servers, and websites; it is also

concerned with securing any entry point into the


organization. User systems, the personal computers and

other devices (which are often referred to as endpoints)

play a critical part in the security of an organizations

information because they are ubiquitous, heavily used,

and are not under the complete control of the

administrators at all times.

Indeed, securing endpoints can be very difficult, as their

position as end user systems means administrators

must carefully balance the needs of the organization to

have secure data against the needs of employees to

efficiently do their jobs. A high security policy may

simply be to prevent all network access to end user

systems, but this makes it nearly impossible for those

users to accomplish their jobs in a timely manner in

today’s vastly interconnected workplace. Conversely,

allowing any endpoint unmitigated access to any

resource may allow all employees extremely simple

access to needed resources, it also exposes all resources

to any person using any computer, a critical

vulnerability. Operating system security is about

providing both qualities in the necessary amounts for

the organization.


Operating system security can be approached from

several perspectives: from that of a systems

administrator using commercial or open-source

operating systems to create functional end-user

distributions, and from that of an operating system

developer/vendor, creating a product that is secure out

of the box. While the systems administrator must ask

the question, “How can we configure the operating

system and its applications to be secure for the

organization’s needs?” the operating system developer

asks “How can we build our operating system to ensure

that it is secure from exploits regardless of how it is

used?” We will discuss the specific issues and

techniques used by both.



The process that systems administrators must

undertake to ensure that all endpoints are secure can be

separated into two major periods: ensuring security

when configuring new machines to be added to the


organization, and maintaining security of existing

systems over time.

General procedures for ensuring new systems are

secure before delivering to the user:

1. Install the operating system and patch it. This

is the most vulnerable period for an endpoint in

this procedure; the installation disk or image

must be fixed in time, and generally only

includes the most recent major service release, if

any patches at all. The patching process can take

several hours, during which the machine must be

connected to the internal update server if it

exists or to the internet so it can download the

patches from the vendor.

2. Configure the operating system to maximize

security. This consists of several steps:

a. Removing any bundled software which is

not needed by the user to perform their

responsibilities, which reduces the

possibilities of unused software

presenting a vulnerability that should not



b. Setting up any user accounts needed, as

well as assigning appropriate privileges,

in order to prevent users from having

access to resources they shouldn’t; and

c. Setting up other access controls not

covered by user account settings, to

maintain the principle of least privilege.

3. Install additional security software. While

most operating systems ship with some form of

firewall or antimalware suite, these products are

generally intended for personal use and are

either not sophisticated enough or not licensed

for use in a large, possibly commercial,

organization. They may not be updated as

frequently or tuned to counter the right threats,

and they may not be able to be configured and

managed separately. Replacing these with

enterprise-grade products as soon as possible

aids in integrating the system into the greater


4. Test the final build. It is advised that systems

administrators test the build with modern

security tests to ensure that it has been


configured appropriately. It is far easier to fix a

hole on one machine than on every machine in

the organization, and testing ahead of

deployment prevents the chance that end user

data is on the machine if it is compromised.

Additionally, it is highly important to plan any

installation procedure, in order to help prevent issues

or inconsistencies in machine configuration.

Both authors also propose similar procedures for

maintaining endpoint security over time. These

processes must be performed regularly by systems

administrators, and the specific techniques must be

kept up to date in order to ensure maximum security:

1. Keep the operating system up to date. Create

policies to ensure the operating system

automatically installs patches, usually after

review by the systems administrator. Vendors

produce patches in order to fix vulnerabilities

discovered by internal security teams or by

hackers, and leaving endpoints unpatched


increases the risk that security may be


2. Backup data regularly. User data and system

configuration can be lost for many reasons, and

minimizing time during which a user is not able

to do their job is critical to information security.

To that end, regular backups of user data should

be taken and stored securely, generally in

multiple places to increase the chance that data

will survive even severe disasters.

3. Continue to test systems for vulnerabilities.

Even though the OS vendor may produce patches

to fix vulnerabilities they find, these patches are

by no means comprehensive. In many cases,

security testing suites may be able to detect

vulnerabilities before vendors can, and in some

cases can lead to reporting those vulnerabilities.

These tests can also reveal vulnerabilities related

to configurations, which patches may not be able

to fix.

4. Monitor system logs. Suspicious or even

malicious behavior can reveal itself

inadvertently through logged activity. Regularly


collecting and analyzing logs from endpoints can

reveal ongoing or attempted attempts to gain

access to the network. This can be an important

last line of defense for administrators.

These steps are general, and can be applied to any

operating system in use in an organizational setting, but

they do not provide a comprehensive overview of

specific steps to take. Many guides exist for securing

specific operating systems; “Security Highlights of

Windows 7,” “Mac OS X Security Configuration”, and

“Guide to Secure Configuration of Red Hat Enterprise

Linux 5” are examples of product-specific guides to

taking advantage of specific security settings and

provisions present in those operating systems. It may

also be a good practice to create and maintain

organizational guides with specific information for

colleagues or future administrators.

In addition, there exist several tools and techniques to

help automate this process. Imaging software, such as

DeployStudio or Symantec Ghost, enable the

administrator to set up one machine and then capture


its image and store it. Clients can boot over the network

and download these images. When the system boots for

the first time, it will be fully patched and secured. Using

Sysprep, these images can even be made hardware-

agnostic, allowing for large-scale rollouts across

organizations. Centralized configuration such as group

policy enables administrators to change the settings of

every endpoint at once by requiring them to check with

the active directory server at boot or login. Similarly,

roaming profiles can centralize user accounts

themselves, allowing end users to have all their

documents and personalization settings on any machine

they log into, while simultaneously ensuring user

permissions are in sync throughout the organization.

In general, it is important to remember that the security

of organizations end-user computer systems is an

ongoing process that should itself be kept up to date.

Ensuring that all systems are protected according to the

most recent practices minimizes the likelihood of users

compromising data security from inside or outside

attackers doing the same.



Building an operating system has its own concerns with

regards to security. The operating system is often the

most complex piece of software running on a computer,

and the only software with components that have full

permissions and access to hardware. While there are

many sub-divisions of operating system security that

must be paid attention to in order to produce a secure

system, security of the kernel is perhaps the most

critical, because an exploited kernel can exploit any

application running on the system trivially.

The importance of kernel security is a result of the

kernel’s need to run with full access to all system

resources. While most kernels implement a ring model

of security which grants the least amount of privileges

required, the kernel runs in ring 0 which is fully

privileged. The result is that, even though an exploited

application may not be able to do what an attacker

wishes, if that application can exploit the underlying

kernel with which it must interact, the attacker has

gained full access.


This interaction takes place in the form of system calls,

which applications invoke in order to do many

functions such as access IO devices, talk to other

processes, or modify kernel memory. Due to its open-

source and community-based nature, the Linux kernel

has been the focus of much security research in the

computer science field (although it is unknown just how

much security research is performed at Microsoft on the

NT kernel.) Researchers and developers have faced

many challenges due to the original design of UNIX—

Dennis Ritchie has been quoted as admitting that “UNIX

was not developed with security… in mind”—as well as

the POSIX standard which Linux, though it does not

comply fully, maintains ties with in order to increase

compatibility with other UNIX operating systems.

As it turns out, a focus on system calls enables a method

of enhancing kernel “survivability”—that is, the ability

for the kernel to function normally in the event of an


There are common methods of exploiting a kernel. They

note that these exploits include (1) the buffer overflow,

(2) the integer overflow, and (3) the format string


vulnerability—all involve the use of system calls to use

an already compromised application on the system to

exploit and take over its kernel. The problem with

conventional fault-tolerance routines, they note, is that

these processes involve replaying operations that lead

to the fault after isolating the actual hazard. In the case

of a security attack, even if the fault is isolated, the

processes cause the attack to be repeated.

Instead, the authors propose a three-part system

designed to roll back the kernel without replaying the

attack. In order to detect that an attack on the kernel is

being performed, the authors allocate a number of bits

for every word in kernel memory to be “write protect”

bits. Memory is then configured such that each buffer

where data is to be written is surrounded by write-

protected memory words. If a write operation attempts

to exceed these bounds, the operation will try to write

to protected kernel memory, and an exception will be


To isolate this attack, the handler for the raised

exception will be able to use kernel checkpoints

(described below) to bring the kernel back to a known


good state. Rather than just replaying the actions,

however, the offending process will be terminated, and

another process will be retrieved from the scheduler

and assigned to run in its place. This prevents the attack

from being replayed, while minimizing the amount of

time the kernel spends in recovery mode; since there

are other processes waiting and the offending process

won’t be allowed to execute any more (it is considered

compromised,) scheduling some other process and

continuing as normal is feasible.

To recover from the attack, a system of checkpoints will

need to be in place. These checkpoints are created just

as a system call is invoked, before that call is handled

and results returned. The contents of the checkpoints

involve the state of the kernel as it relates to the process

making the system call, as with each call there exists a

chance the process will attempt to use the call for

malicious purposes. When the exception is thrown,

these checkpoints can be used by the handler to restore

kernel state and to identify the compromised process,

so that it may be terminated.


For future work, the authors discuss the fact that,

though the checkpoints were successful in preventing

the mentioned exploits from bringing the system down,

the sophistication of the survivability modifications

must be greatly enhanced, to cover a wider variety of

situations. Specifically, the authors mention that a

similar scheme could be applied to I/O operations. The

authors also mention applying these modifications to

kernels other than Linux in the future.


This research represents an infinitesimal fraction of the

greater field of operating system security. Securing an

operating system is a difficult process; it requires the

cooperation of several parties and a constant routine of

maintenance. While operating system vendors are

responsible for many aspects of the security of their

products, it is impossible for them to guarantee

security. Systems administrators must play an equally

large part in securing end user systems, by establishing

policies both technical and organizational in nature.

Even the end users themselves must be careful not to

breach security, even inadvertently. Once an attacker


has a path into an organization, they can defeat many

security policies and procedures and compromise the

security of information. Though new techniques are

constantly being developed at all levels, it will be years

or even decades before these ideas are ready to be

shipped with mainstream software, if they ever get

there. Only through proven techniques and careful

application can an organization ensure their

information is kept confidential, uncorrupted, and

available to those who need it.



This section outlines the various security mechanisms

that are available to protect databases, and explores

them in detail. New threats emerge in the security field

every day, and as a database administrator, or security

analyst for a company, it is up to them to delve into

these technologies and ensure that the data is getting

the appropriate security. Specifically, we will look at

seven methods in which to secure data. Let’s discuss

technical overview into each security mechanism, and

in some cases will provide visual examples of code and

diagrams. Each of these methods will have their

corresponding threats, solutions, advantages, and

disadvantages associated to them. It is important to

know what tools are available when dealing with

threats as well as how to assess risk. Planning for an

attack and minimizing the loss plays a vital role in

security. We will also discuss the basics of disaster

recovery, and the tools available to ensure that a

company’s information is not vulnerable to malicious

behavior from both users and hackers.


Also, we will discuss in detail some of the vulnerabilities

that affect database security and how those

vulnerabilities are dealt with in today’s society.

Databases are generally designed to promote open and

flexible access to data. Companies use databases to

dynamically create their websites, and with ever

growing information access it are crucial for businesses

to have strict database access, or specialized client

software to view data. However, the design traits that

make databases so appealing can also be the greatest

vulnerabilities. Various new information procedures

and technology are created daily, and for every new

product and procedure vulnerability arises. It is

important for a company maintaining a database to be

prepared for any threats to their systems, and have

mechanisms in place to mitigate the impact of these

threats in addition to having a disaster recovery system

in place. The topic of database security is very broad,

and entails such things as moral and ethical issues

imposed by society, and legal issues such as how to

protect stored information for loss or unauthorized

access, theft, or destruction.


An interesting and relevant situation that affects many

companies and organizations that use databases is:

“Should users in a multiuser database system be

allowed to grant database privileges to other users, and

if they do, what happens to these privileges if the first

user quits or has their own privileges revoked?” A

smaller database would make the issue trivial, as each

user could be traced and revoked as connected to the

source. But how difficult does this process become on a

large hundred or thousand user multi user database


One of the first ideas might be to implement a password

scheme, and allow the creator of the database to

selectively distribute the password to the users that

need specific data privileges. Unfortunately, this method

can be compromised by brute force password guessing,

and in the event of revoking any specific employee or

member’s rights, the password would have to be

changed and redistributed to the list of permitted users.

This is impractical, and a different approach is



The solution to the authorization problem comes in the

form of two tables in the database, SYSAUTH and

SYSCOLAUTH. SYSAUTH contains the UserID, table

name, and type (whether a table is a relation or view)

along with columns for each grantable privilege such as

read and insert. One specific column worth noting is the

GRANTOPT column that shows if a user is allowed to

grant the privilege to others. Each table that has users

performing actions has up to 2 rows in SYSAUTH- one

for grantable privileges and one for non-grantable


In the Update column of SYSAUTH, the value may either

be ALL, NONE, or SOME to indicate which privileges

may be updated. The SYSCOLAUTH indicates which

columns may be updated in the event of the SOME field

being filled. By issuing a grant command, a new row is

inserted into SYSAUTH that records the privileges that

have been transferred.

The REVOKE command is used in order to remove

privileges that have been previously granted. Suddenly,

the two tables of SYSAUTH and SYSCOLAUTH are

insufficient in remembering who has granted each


privilege to a user. The immediate and obvious problem

that occurs is when a user that grants a privilege loses

the privilege themselves and the receiver of the

privilege must also be revoked. A further problem is if

that receiving user has been granted the privilege by a

different user- the system must know whether to retain

or remove the privilege.

For the sake of brevity in this topic for the section, the

solution comes in the form of a revocation algorithm

that seeks and checks privileges if they have been

granted by other sources before being removed.

Another part of the solution involves assigning labels to

the grants in order to distinguish and find them on

demand. An authorization module is used to check

whether a user has particular access authorization

before a command is issued.

The issue of managing database permissions and access

rights across users is an important issue in major or

large scale database ventures. As employees or users

often leave the registered area of database usage, access

rights must be revoked for security purposes. This is a

major issue in database security. Users can be granted


database access privileges that exceed the requirements

of their job function, these privileges may be abused for

malicious purpose. This is a problem of larger scale

operations where the systems administrators do not

have the time to define and update granular access

privilege control mechanisms for each user, and as a

result, all users or large groups of users are granted

generic default access privileges that far exceed specific

job requirements. There are other problems that extend

to smaller databases as well, however, such as

encryption issues.


In addition to the method in granting and revoking user

privileges, there is another layer of security for

database users called views. These views are merely

queries that are assigned to specific users or groups of

users. When a user in one of these restricted groups

queries a database the view dynamically created a

virtual table. The view represents a subset of the data

contained in the base table restricting access, and

limiting the degree of exposure the user gets to the data

depending on their level of access. Rather than creating


sub-tables in the database these query based views

provide a level of security and utility to a database. They

can be used to simplify multiple tables into a single

virtual table, or hide the complexity of a database from

users. From a security standpoint an administrator

could easily prevent delicate information from being

viewed or changed, while allowing the intended use of

the tables.


No matter what size a database may be, there is a strong

possibility that important information is being stored,

such as credit card information, user credentials for a

sensitive system(online banking), or mass listings of

personal contact information. Placing data into a

database does not make the data safe- it only gives it

space for storage.

Database encryption is a necessity to shield data from

prying eyes that could intercept data transactions

through various spying and intruding techniques. The

encryption is utilized at the Database Management

System (DBMS), and can vary between the different


types of DBMS. One well known type of database

encryption is called transparent data encryption (TDE)

and is used by the Oracle DBMS.

Transparent data encryption enforces data-at-rest

encryption in the database layer. It functions as a key-

based access control system using a single master key

that encrypts all encrypted columns. Table keys are

encrypted using the master key, and are stored in a

dictionary table within the database. The master key is

kept in a secure location within an external security

module that only the security administrator may access.

In transparent data encryption, data is taken from the

involved tables as clear text, and goes through the

external security module containing the master key that

encrypts the data into cipher text, which when read,

would give inaccurate symbols and will securely mask

data. The decryption process mirrors the encryption

process, again utilizing the external security module

and the protected master key.

Another method of database encryption focuses on the

multi user database. This method encrypts the entire


database and does not provide the

encryption/decryption key to the service provider. This

means that the user must download the tables from the

database and then decrypt them on their own before

being able to utilize the results. The database needs to

function in its encrypted form.

The user queries the encrypted database, which is

executed server-side and returns the encrypted results

for the user to decipher. The database owner may enjoy

the safety of having all their data encrypted while

letting the user client assume the responsibility of

decrypting the query responses.

A systems administrator might want to implement

whole disk encryption on vital information and servers

can help prevent information from being easily readable

in the event of the physical device being stolen weather

it is from a server room, or a company laptop while

traveling. This type of encryption only protects the data

while the device is powered off, once powered on the

device will prompt the user for a decryption key, or

password. Once the password is validated all of the data

on the machine is then available. This method of


encryption is highly effective at mitigating theft and

loss, and physical data theft. As with most security there

can be a drawback in terms of speed, and accessibility.

It can take a little longer to write to a disk that has

whole disk encryption implemented. Also if the

password gets lost then the encrypted data is lost with


Database encryption is necessary in the current

technological age where vital and important

information must be protected from malicious users

and thieves. Database encryption is a form of defense

against intrusions, with one example of intrusion being

SQL injection.


The topic of SQL injection is known to many individuals

who specialize in either web programming or security.

SQL injection is an exploit that can read sensitive data

from database, modify database data

(insert/update/delete) execute admin operations on

the database including shutting down the Database

Management Systems (DBMS). The attacks are


performed using user input fields within a program on

the web. It can affect any entry fields that require user

input into a database.

An SQL injection attack can involve a system that

extracts information from the input boxes and places

them into queries. This sort of attack can be used to

trick the system and gain access without having proper

information. This problem occurs when software is not

intelligently designed to either parse the input,

removing certain symbols (such as =). SQL injection can

be prevented by parsing out symbols, and

parameterizing queries.

Parameterizing queries is a good coding practice that

programmers should naturally adopt and use when

dealing with database input and queries.

Parameterizing queries requires developers to define all

SQL code before passing in each parameter to the query

at a later point, allowing the database to make a

distinction between code and data, despite whatever

user input was given.


An example of parameterized queries in Java would

look something like:

String custname =


// This should REALLY be validated too

// perform input validation to detect


String query = "SELECT account_balance

FROM user_data WHERE user_name = ? ";

PreparedStatement pstmt =

connection.prepareStatement( query );

pstmt.setString( 1, custname);

ResultSet results =

pstmt.executeQuery( );

(Source: OWASP)

As seen above, the customer name field is

parameterized before entering a dynamically

constructed query. This would successfully protect the

system from an attempted SQL injection attack.


Another option in averting SQL injection is the use of

stored procedures. Stored procedures are very similar

to parameterized queries in terms of effectiveness, and

they eliminate the use of dynamically constructed

queries. Stored procedures involve the developer pre-

preparing SQL statements before passing in parameters.

The procedure is stored within the database and then

called by the DBMS, allowing security by not allowing

any tampering with the procedure.


While it is important to focus and neutralize virtual

threats on the virtual database system, one must not

forget that the database is physically stored on a server

that can be prone to damage, whether through

intentional malicious behavior, or natural damages

from the elements. This section will address the

physical threats against database security, as well as

counter-measures and prevention tactics that can help

prevent or mitigate physical server damages.

RAID, or Redundant Array of Independent Disks, is a

data management technique that utilizes multiple disks


to house data so that if one disk fails, the data will not

be lost without recovery. RAID commonly uses five

different distinctions and each offer unique benefits.

These RAID types are:

1. RAID 0: RAID 0 provides data striping (a process

that spreads out blocks of each file across

multiple disks) and does not contain data

redundancy, improving performance but does

not offer fault tolerance.

2. RAID 1: RAID 1 provides disk mirroring.

3. RAID 3: RAID 3 is similar to RAID 0 however

reserves a dedicated disk for error correction

data, providing good performance and a

moderate level of fault tolerance.

4. RAID 5: RAID 5 allows data striping at the byte

level as well as stripe error correction

information, giving excellent performance and

good fault tolerance.

5. RAID 10: RAID 10 is a combination of RAID 0

and RAID 1.

The RAID system is a good way to protect information

in the event of electrical damage to one or more disk


drives, or in the event of data corruption (through

either virus or physical injury). RAID offers trade-offs in

terms of security versus efficiency, as data access times

may become longer depending on how spread out the

data is stored.

In more general ways of protecting information, there

are two techniques that can preserve original data in

the event of failure. Data backup is a standard

procedure of periodically copying the contents of a

database and storing the log file in an offline form of

storage media that can be accessed and copied from if

the original data is lost. Data journaling involves

maintaining a log file (journal) of changes that have

been made to a database to allow for recovery in the

event of failure. Journaling can provide automatic

‘replays’ of previous committed updates in a journal file,

and can identify processes that are active and may be

damaged when the system failed.


Even with all of these security mechanisms and

recovery mechanisms in place it is important that the


users of these systems get the proper training needed to

perform their duties in a secure manner. Even at the

database administrator level the admin can

paradoxically pose the greatest risk to information

security. For example, malicious software from poor

browsing habits could compromise the login

information of a database administrator. Security

training is common among most companies of varying

size. It teaches best practice in the industry. Every

company who uses technology is at risk of threats from

the outside. Having an untrained staff can put a

company’s databases and other systems at risk. Security

awareness in the workplace covers many topics

including social engineering, email best practice, secure

password generation, and a number of others.

Employees are the weak link in your network security,

and introducing them to security topics will help

reinforce a business’s first line of defense.


It is important for a database administrator of any scale

to know what it is that they are protecting, and why

they are protecting it. Implementing security can be


costly, and depending on the methods used can take

away efficiency of the systems in question. It takes a

user time to type in a password, and it takes a system

time to encrypt the data, and depending on the volume

of data being encrypted it could take a long time. Is it

worth the extra time to ensure the data is secure? In

some cases it is worth accepting some risk, because

threats to your database are inevitable. The

implementation of security mechanisms must match the

value of the data. It is also important to know, and

understand the enemy, knowing what threats are

present in the security field and what solutions are

available to a business to prevent these vulnerabilities

can make all the difference. In most cases technology

isn’t the issue - it is the users. They are part of the

solution and a major cause for the problems. Proper

security training and disaster recovery techniques can

ensure that any malicious behavior will not cause long

term damage to a company's integrity.



Security auditing is important within businesses to

ensure that sensitive information stored within the

system is kept safe. This should be a very important

consideration to any organization, especially with the

huge developments in computers and related

technologies. Security auditing is the process of

recording, analyzing, and reproducing any or all

security-related events.

To help ensure that organizations have practices in

place to keep their computer systems secure, there are

regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as well as

compliance auditing. Compliance is also necessary to

create good relationships with other businesses as well

as customers because they know that a minimum

standard is met.

Auditing aims to keep people on the inside and outside

from gaining access to data that is outside of their

normal viewing capabilities. There are several ways

that this can be tracked, some of which include checking


log in attempts, tracking normal use times and

durations, and alerting the security personnel when

someone wanders outside of their prescribed area of

work. (Anderson, 1980)


A threat is the possibility that an unauthorized user

could access a system’s information and/or change it. If

an unauthorized user tries to access a system, an attack

has occurred, and if they are successful, then the system

has been penetrated. The possibility that information

could be leaked due to an unknown problem in the

system is a risk. Similarly, a vulnerability is due to a

known problem with the system.

There is always the threat that a computer system may

be attacked. Computer auditing helps us to prevent this

by attempting to detect suspicious or unwanted

behaviors. This could happen by two types of users:

external and internal. An external user is a person who

is not affiliated with an organization or an employee

who does not have computer privileges who tries to

access computer resources. An internal user is someone


who has at least some computer privileges and tries to

misuse computer resources.

The biggest threat to an organization’s computer

system comes from the inside. This is a problem

because most computer security systems are not able to

detect misuse from internal users because the system

sees the user as legitimate whether or not it is true.

There are three types of internal users: masquerader,

misfeasor, and clandestine. The masquerader is one

who logs in as another user and pretends to be someone

else. A misfeasor is a legitimate user who misuses the

privileges given to them. And a clandestine user is one

who finds access to supervisory privileges and is able to

escape detection by the system.

To detect a user who is trying to penetrate the system

several measures can be used to identify unwanted

activity. External users may be detected through

unsuccessful attempts to login to the system. To detect

internal users, masqueraders may be found through

comparing use patterns to what is normal by creating

rules for what is considered normal and flagging any

user who breaks any of them. Lastly, a clandestine user


may be found through monitoring any changes made to

the auditing system or privileges. Also tracking

computer activity through monitoring CPU, disk and

memory may be useful.


Monitoring computer use is the foundation of a security

audit. Anderson establishes the basic unit of computer

use as a session or job, which is defined by four

parameters. These include the user identifiers, the

program and data files that are accessed, time a job or

session is initiated, and its duration. In some cases, it is

more useful to monitor files, devices, or programs; the

parameters used to monitor this are the user identifiers

and programs that access a particular resource, the

records read and written to, and whether or not a

program is being executed or being read. These audit

logs allow for a statistical analysis of which user

accounts were accessing which system resources, as

well as when and for how long. Once a baseline for

normal use is established, the audit trail enables the

detection of anomalies that could indicate a potential



A more modern standard for defining and monitoring

basic computer use is explored in the 1995 NIST

Handbook. As stated in this publication, audit data can

be broken up into two categories: event logs and

keystroke monitoring. Keystroke monitoring is a

powerful tool in limited applications, such as

determining what an intruder inputted into a system

after the fact, or determining when a legitimate user is

misusing the system. Audit trails established by event

logs are sorted into three different categories: system

level trails, which usually monitor items like logons,

timestamps, and accessed resources or applications;

application level trails, which monitor items such as

data files accessed, modifying or reading records, or

printing; and user trails, which monitor items such as

direct user commands, accessed files and resources, and

logon or authentication attempts.


Collecting audit data to monitor computer use is merely

the first step in Anderson’s proposed form of

surveillance. The data analysis is what allows the audit

data to be useful. A pattern of normal behavior can be


established by compiling audit data on individual users

or on user sets. Anderson suggested that determining

baseline behavior is more useful when gathered from

user sets, because the presumption is that the session or

job referring to the same file sets can be considered to

belong to the same population and similar statistical

properties. With normal use established, individual user

audit trails can be analyzed for deviation from that

norm. Deviations can either be determined by

predetermined criteria of abnormal use (i.e. arbitrary

deviations), or they can be discovered when data for a

given parameter is too far outside the average value for

the parameter -- determined by the standard deviation

and the mean.

Once the idea of using audit data to detect abnormal

and possibly dangerous behavior became an accepted

security tool, people began to look for a better way to

implement such analysis. Early audit data analysis was

cumbersome due to the large amount of raw data and

the lack of automated systems to sift through the

information, and couldn’t detect problems in real time.

Much of the analysis had to be done by the system’s


security officer, whose job was to flip through huge

printouts of audit trails looking for problem areas. The

quantities of data were too big for a human to

effectively process, especially since most of the data was

collected for accounting purposes rather than security.

This problem spawned a great deal of research into

what would come to be called intrusion detection

systems (IDS), which continuously monitor data to

detect problems in real time.


Essentially, there are the main parts of a computer

auditing system: a security surveillance subsystem and

trace subsystem. The surveillance subsystem looked for

unwanted or abnormal behaviors and returns reports

based on what was found. The trace subsystem allows

one to search a user’s activity based on a given

timeframe. These functionalities continue to be present

in intrusion detection systems.

Computer auditing techniques generally fall under two

categories: intrusion detection systems (IDS) and

intrusion prevention systems (IPS). An intrusion


detection system is designed to detect unusual activity

and/or suspicious packets on the network. An intrusion

prevention system, on the other hand, is supposed to

detect and block unusual activities. This may be done

through combining IDS with a firewall. A firewalls job is

to stop data that could be harmful to the system.

While there is a great deal of variety in how various

intrusion detection systems work, there are some

elements of design that are common to most of them.

The process of intrusion detection begins with the

collection of audit data, which is stored prior to

processing. The processing step is the major detection

step, when the IDS actively analyze the audit data, using

whatever detection strategy is implemented in the

system. In systems with multiple detection strategies,

there are independent processing elements for each.

The configuration data is how the IDS are controlled,

determining items such as what data is analyzed and

what kind of response is made to detected problems.

The reference data is where the system holds items

such as normal use profiles and intrusion signatures,

and is what the processing references to determine if


something is a problem. The active/processing data is

the data currently being processed at any given time.

The alarm is the part of the system that reports the

results of the processing stage to the relevant parties.


Implementation of the idea of using audit trails as a

security tool began in the early 80’s. In ‘83, Dr. Denning

and SRI International worked on a project that analyzed

audit data from government computers to create user

activity profiles, which subsequently led to both SRI’s

development of the first functional IDS, called IDES, and

to the publication of Dr. Denning’s “An Intrusion

Detection Model”, which became a basis for ID.

IDES (Intrusion-Detection Expert System) was designed

with the goal of providing real-time monitoring and

analysis to detect potential problems immediately,

using pre-established rules of automatically suspicious

behavior as well as abnormal behavior detection. The

IDES model is composed of the following components:

1. Types of information and their positions in the

audit record must be known in advance so that


information is processed properly by the

intrusion detection mechanism.

2. Profiles: Profiles are used to characterize

expected normal behavior on a computer

system. Typical types of information in these

profiles are login activity and file access.

3. Anomaly records: Alarms that are created

whenever certain behavior that is observed does

not match the profiles.

4. Activity rules: These are programs that describe

what action should be taken when an alarm is


A significant weakness of the early intrusion detection

systems was that, as observed with the Haystack

project, “there [were] very few known recorded

instances of system penetration; most scenarios used

for testing have been generated by software developers

based on their own understanding of system

weaknesses”, making the accuracy and effectiveness of

early systems difficult to determine.



Marking the beginning of the commercial expansion

period was the commercial release of Stalker in 1989,

which was an incarnation of the military IDS Haystack.

Haystack was designed “to reduce enormous quantities

of generally obscure audit data to short summaries of

interpreted information for further investigation”;

unlike IDES, it did not provide real time analysis.

Several other systems, such as the Computer Misuse

Detection System (CMDS) and the Automated Security

Measurement System (ASIM), were released in the early

90’s, and the growing number of viable systems led to

the commercial success of the intrusion detection

market in the late 90’s, which in turn led to rapid

growth in the field.

This period of growth developed concurrently with

research into new systems and methods of data

analysis. One such idea was the application of early

artificial intelligence to learn sequential patterns of user

behavior that appear erratic to standard statistical

analysis and develop more accurate rules about

suspicious behavior. Another route of investigation was

the use of neural networks, which have more flexibility


than the rules-based expert model used by IDES or the

standard statistical analysis method in developing in

creating user profiles. Model based reasoning, i.e. using

models of predicted intrusive behavior to predict which

pieces of audit data are relevant to which suspicious

actions, was another avenue being explored in the early



Intrusion detection systems are now a staple of

computer security, and have a wide variety of

classifications and detection techniques. There are two

general ways of classifying IDS: by location (host-based

vs. network-based) or by general detection philosophy

(signature-based vs. anomaly-based). Within these

categories are subspecies of IDS made distinct by their

intrusion detection paradigms.

One of the broadest ways of categorizing modern

intrusion detection systems is by their location: an IDS

is either host-based, in which the system monitors a

single computer (the host), network-based, in which the

system monitors network traffic within a network, or a


composite, in which both network-based or host-based

monitoring is used. Host-based systems have the

advantage of providing more personalized protection

and provide more information on the effects of an

attack, but require more storage, are not easily ported

between computers, and must wait until a computer is

infected to detect an attack. Network-based systems

have the advantage of early detection, space efficiency,

and security, because they only have one instance

within the network and can prevent intrusions before

they reach computers within the network.

Signature-based detection is the current commercial

staple for IDS. They use a library of known malicious

traits, i.e. signatures, that are then compared to the

packets, programs, or files that a computer or network

is accessing. Poston notes that the advantages for such

systems include "the relative ease of creation, low false

positive ratio, [and] absolute identification", plus the

monetary rewards for creators from users needing to

buy constant library updates. Disadvantages include the

amount of memory they use, constant updating, and

vulnerabilities to undiscovered malware. The four


primary signature-based techniques include pattern

matching, which look for specific sequences, stateful

pattern matching, which use the same fixed sequences

but allow the sequences to be broken up between

packets, protocol-decode based analysis, which has a

list of function protocols that are checked for violations,

or contextual signatures, which use data from

attempted attacks to determine the nature of the


Anomaly-based detection, while predominantly only

used for research, has many advantages, and a wide

variety of implementations. Anomaly-based IDS uses a

profile of what is normal for a system or computer and

flags items that don't fit within that profile, providing a

system with greater flexibility, less memory space, and

better responses to new threats. Unfortunately,

accurate profiles, false positives, and a lack of certainty

are a problem with these systems. The modern

anomaly-based detection techniques Poston discusses

can be summarized as followed:


1. Cluster Analysis: This uses predetermined

attributes to group data based on similarities of

those attributes.

2. Stepping Stone Analysis: This assumes

hackers are using a chain of computers, and

analyzes the time delays between requests and


3. Statistical Analysis: Suspicious actions are

given a weight, as a computer operates, and the

total weight of suspicion is calculated and

compared to a threshold.

4. Non-Stationary Models: This is an expansion

of statistical analysis that uses assumptions on

the probability of an action occurring, based on

time elapsed since the last time the action was


5. Heuristic-Based Analysis: This uses algorithms

to determine if a set of actions indicates that the

system is currently being attacked.

6. Neural Networks: This uses a web linking

normal events to other likely events, and flags

sequences that don't fit within that web.


7. Entropy-Based Analysis: This analyzes how

uniform a data set (actions, packets, etc.) is,

recalculating with each new item, and flagging

the ones that are not uniform.

8. Genetic Algorithm/Immune-based Analysis:

This technique mimics a biological immune

system that uses sets of positive and negative

detectors to determine abnormal use of the



As we have seen there are many different ways that a

system can be compromised by unauthorized users.

There are also many techniques that have been to

prevent this as well as regulations in place to create a

minimum standard for organizations to adhere to.

Progress in the field continues to propose new solutions

that solve known weakness in the current approaches

and develops new tools to implement those solutions.



As noted in the introduction, this book was written in a

broad manner as a primer. This brief guide was to help

introduce InfoSec topics and (hopefully) will be the

doorway to future studies for the CISSP, CISM or CCNA-

Security realms. As a primer to InfoSec, this eBook does

cover many (not all) of the CISSP, CISM and CCNA-

Security aspects and also discusses many Information

Security (InfoSec) topics in general. Following this, you

should be well versed and prepared to dive into more

detailed InfoSec work.

If you are considering certification, my recommendation

is to get the Certification Vendor’s suggested book (for

example, if you plan on taking the CCNA-Security test,

get the Cisco book). Also, consider purchasing a test

engine with frequent downloads. While you can get

copies of tests for various certs online for free, many

have errors or some tests were completed with errors.

You don’t need to study errors


Good luck to you. And, if by chance I’ve made an error

or if a particular topic needs clarification or expansion,

please let me know. My plan, especially since this is an

eBook, is to provide continuous improvements to this


Thank you, Ron



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Ron McFarland is a dedicated writer. He has written

for academic and technical journals. He has also

written several Information Technology books for

students of Information Technology, Computer

Security, and Computer Forensics. Additionally, he

has served as a technical editor for several technical

book publishers.

Most importantly, because of Ron’s love of the written

word, he has written hundreds of poems (several of

which are published in this book) and several short


His blogs (technical and fiction/poetry writings) are:

• Poetry and brief prose:

• Fiction Writing (short stories, etc.):

• A contemporary discussion of the Spirit:


• Information Technology, Information Security,

and Digital Forensics articles, eBooks, etc.:

Please stop by, read and comment. He would love to

hear from you.



TECHNICAL BOOKS • How to start a Computer Forensics Business:

A Small Business Success Guide:

• Information Security Basics: Fundamental Reading for InfoSec Including the CISSP, CISM, CCNA-Security Certification Exams:

• Introduction to Software Development: A Prelude to Creating Applications:

• Personal Information Security: An Introduction for the Individual and Small Business Owner:

• An Introduction to Using BitCoin and other eCoin Options: The Revolution of Electronic Currencies:

• How to Create a Makerspace: A Real-World




• Happy, I am: Lessons from a Near Death


• Love and Silence: Selected poems of Ron



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