intro to air transportation transportation systems mr. wasacz transportation systems mr. wasacz

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Intro To Air TransportationIntro To Air


Transportation SystemsMr. Wasacz

Transportation SystemsMr. Wasacz

Goals and ObjectivesGoals and Objectives

Define aircraft Identify aviation services Describe how airways are used to keep the air safe

Define lighter than air craft and provide at least 1 example of a lighter than air craft

Define aircraft Identify aviation services Describe how airways are used to keep the air safe

Define lighter than air craft and provide at least 1 example of a lighter than air craft

A Quick little history of Air

A Quick little history of Air

Air transportation is only a few hundred years old

Many people have desired to fly including Leonardo Da Vinci created sketches of gliders and helicopters 500 years ago

The Montgofier brothers studied smokes ability to rise and created a model hot air balloon, then a passenger one in 1783

Air transportation is only a few hundred years old

Many people have desired to fly including Leonardo Da Vinci created sketches of gliders and helicopters 500 years ago

The Montgofier brothers studied smokes ability to rise and created a model hot air balloon, then a passenger one in 1783

Quick little history of Air

Quick little history of Air

In the early 1800’s, George Caley began an investigation into aerodynamics

The Wright brothers tested their first successful sustained flight of an airplane in 1903 Airborne for 12 seconds and covered 120’ By the end of the day they went 859’ in 59 seconds

In the 1920’s companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, and Douglas developed new and innovative designs

In the early 1800’s, George Caley began an investigation into aerodynamics

The Wright brothers tested their first successful sustained flight of an airplane in 1903 Airborne for 12 seconds and covered 120’ By the end of the day they went 859’ in 59 seconds

In the 1920’s companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, and Douglas developed new and innovative designs

Important TermsImportant Terms

Aircraft- any vehicle that transports people or cargo through the air. They include Gliders (aircraft with stable wings but no power source)

Helicopters (aircraft with rotating wings)

Airplane (fixed wing aircraft kept in flight by a power source)

Aircraft- any vehicle that transports people or cargo through the air. They include Gliders (aircraft with stable wings but no power source)

Helicopters (aircraft with rotating wings)

Airplane (fixed wing aircraft kept in flight by a power source)

Important TermsImportant Terms

Aerodynamics- the study of the motion of air and how it reacts to objects passing through it Remember, George Caley began this study

Aerodynamics now continuously drives aircraft innovation

Aerodynamics- the study of the motion of air and how it reacts to objects passing through it Remember, George Caley began this study

Aerodynamics now continuously drives aircraft innovation

Air RoutesAir Routes

There are no physical highways in the air!

In order to safely navigate the air safely, airways are have to be established

Airways are a term for a path or route for planes to follow

These airways are controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Intersections are placed above very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR)

There are no physical highways in the air!

In order to safely navigate the air safely, airways are have to be established

Airways are a term for a path or route for planes to follow

These airways are controlled by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

Intersections are placed above very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR)

Air Routes Air Routes

Jet RoutesJet Routes

Jet routes are basically the same as airways

The difference is that the jet routes are from 18,000’ up to 75,000’

These routes are reserved for large commercial jets and airliners

Each lane is 8 nautical miles wide And the routes are split into 1000’ layers

Even number layers are for planes flying west and odd number layers are for planes flying east

Jet routes are basically the same as airways

The difference is that the jet routes are from 18,000’ up to 75,000’

These routes are reserved for large commercial jets and airliners

Each lane is 8 nautical miles wide And the routes are split into 1000’ layers

Even number layers are for planes flying west and odd number layers are for planes flying east

Modes of Air TransportationModes of Air

Transportation Once again, and aircraft is a vehicle that transports people or cargo through the air

They are split up into 2 different types Lighter than air Aircraft Heavier than air Aircraft

Once again, and aircraft is a vehicle that transports people or cargo through the air

They are split up into 2 different types Lighter than air Aircraft Heavier than air Aircraft

Lighter than Air Aircraft

Lighter than Air Aircraft

These are more energy efficient than heavier than air aircraft

These aircraft rely on the holding of gasses

These gasses must be less dense than air!

Two typical gasses used are helium and hot air

Hydrogen Used to be used until…

These are more energy efficient than heavier than air aircraft

These aircraft rely on the holding of gasses

These gasses must be less dense than air!

Two typical gasses used are helium and hot air

Hydrogen Used to be used until…


These date back to the 1700’s Balloons have little structure

Envelope- balloon portion Basket- holds passengers and fuel for burner

Use the principle of lift to stay aloft Lift is the upward pressure equal to or greater than the air the object displaces

Balloons rely on wind to move them from one place to another

Balloons are used for recreational purposes today

These date back to the 1700’s Balloons have little structure

Envelope- balloon portion Basket- holds passengers and fuel for burner

Use the principle of lift to stay aloft Lift is the upward pressure equal to or greater than the air the object displaces

Balloons rely on wind to move them from one place to another

Balloons are used for recreational purposes today



Also known as a dirigible (French word meaning steering)

These differ from balloons because they have rudders (steering) Elevators (control altitude) Filled with gas Have engines (to propel them)

Also known as a dirigible (French word meaning steering)

These differ from balloons because they have rudders (steering) Elevators (control altitude) Filled with gas Have engines (to propel them)

Airships ContAirships Cont

There are two types of airships, they are Rigid Airships (have a metal frame surrounding the balloon) The Hindenburg

Non rigid Airships (no metal frame) The Good Year Blimp

There are two types of airships, they are Rigid Airships (have a metal frame surrounding the balloon) The Hindenburg

Non rigid Airships (no metal frame) The Good Year Blimp


Airships Use TodayAirships Use Today

Since the Hindenburg disaster, the use of airships greatly dropped

However, we still use airships to day to provide aerial coverage of areas

They are also used for advertising And they can also move cargo into hard to reach places

Since the Hindenburg disaster, the use of airships greatly dropped

However, we still use airships to day to provide aerial coverage of areas

They are also used for advertising And they can also move cargo into hard to reach places

Heavier than Air Aircraft

Heavier than Air Aircraft

These are the most prevalent type of aircraft

These are not as energy efficient because they require more energy to stay suspended

Examples include Helicopters Planes Gliders

These are the most prevalent type of aircraft

These are not as energy efficient because they require more energy to stay suspended

Examples include Helicopters Planes Gliders


As stated before, gliders have a fixed wing but not power source for propulsion

Today gliders are used for recreation and training

This type of aircraft requires the generation of lift in order to fly

To do this, they must be pulled behind another aircraft until it generates enough speed to maintain lift

As stated before, gliders have a fixed wing but not power source for propulsion

Today gliders are used for recreation and training

This type of aircraft requires the generation of lift in order to fly

To do this, they must be pulled behind another aircraft until it generates enough speed to maintain lift



Airplanes are fixed winged aircraft that are kept in flight by an engine or another power source

Planes started out at a top speed of 7mph, whereas now the go to speeds in excess of Mach 2 (1550 mph)

Airplanes are fixed winged aircraft that are kept in flight by an engine or another power source

Planes started out at a top speed of 7mph, whereas now the go to speeds in excess of Mach 2 (1550 mph)

Supersonic transports (SST)

Supersonic transports (SST)

The Concorde was a supersonic airliner that was used commercially

It would transport passengers between New York and Europe in 3 1/2 hours

These planes flew for 30 years before they were retired

The Concorde was a supersonic airliner that was used commercially

It would transport passengers between New York and Europe in 3 1/2 hours

These planes flew for 30 years before they were retired

The ConcordeThe Concorde

The Forces on an Airplane

The Forces on an Airplane

There are four forces that are always acting on airplanes Lift- the upward force that keeps the aircraft in air

Gravity- A natural force that tries to pull a plane to the ground

Thrust- the force produced by the propulsion system that moves the aircraft through the air

Drag- the force resisting forward motion of an aircraft

There are four forces that are always acting on airplanes Lift- the upward force that keeps the aircraft in air

Gravity- A natural force that tries to pull a plane to the ground

Thrust- the force produced by the propulsion system that moves the aircraft through the air

Drag- the force resisting forward motion of an aircraft


Helicopters vary from airplanes in that they have a rotating wings know as a rotor blades

These are unique in that they can land and take of vertically and they can hover

Usually Helicopters have 2 rotating

Helicopters vary from airplanes in that they have a rotating wings know as a rotor blades

These are unique in that they can land and take of vertically and they can hover

Usually Helicopters have 2 rotating

Aviation ServicesAviation Services

Aviation describes all air transportation activities

There are three categories of aviation General Aviation (privately owned planes)

Commercial Aviation (scheduled airline flights)

Military Aviation (activity performed by the armed services)

Aviation describes all air transportation activities

There are three categories of aviation General Aviation (privately owned planes)

Commercial Aviation (scheduled airline flights)

Military Aviation (activity performed by the armed services)

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