introduction to simultaneous locomotion and mapping

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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Introduction to Simultaneous Locomotion and Mapping


Definition of SLAM Why it's a hard problem Introduction to Kalman Filters Applying Kalman Filters to Solve SLAM

Problems Visualizations of Solutions A Nod to Other Approaches

Definition – Localization and Mapping

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) asks Where am I in the world reference frame? What are the obstacles and features of the world?

These problems are the Localization and Mapping problems

Localization : given a map, observations, and actions, determine the location of the robot

Mapping: given a trajectory and observations, determine a map of the environment


The method of determining location solely from the internal sensors of the robot – no map!

Integrate actions to get new state.

Single-Disk Shaft EncoderA perforated disk is mounted on the shaftand placed between the emitter–detectorpair. As the shaft rotates, the holes in thedisk chop the light beam.


Uncertainty from Noise

However, our calculated trajectory is inaccurate due to noise factors Due to calibration, vibration, slippage, geometric

differences, The uncertainty grows with time.

Localization With Landmarks

We can use observations to reduce the uncertainty in our pose estimations.


Complement problem to localization: We know our position, x[k], our history of positions, X[k-1], and noisy observations of the environment, Z[k], and we want to make a map of

the environment, M.

What is a map?

Set of features with relationships. Features

Occupancy grid Lines Anything identifiable by the robot

Relations Rigid-body transformation Topological

SLAM Combines Both

Unknown Map

Neither the map nor the location is known.

Formal Problem Statement

What is

P(x[k], m|Z[0:k], U[0:k], x[0])?

Problem Quantitiesx[k]: location of vehicle at time ku[k]: a control vector applied at k-1 to drive the vehicle from x[k-1] to x[k]m[i]: location of ith landmarkz[k]: observation of a landmark taken at time kX[0:k] : history of states {x[1],x[2], x[3], ..., x[k]}U[0:k] : history of control inputs {u[1], u[2], u[3], ..., u[k]}m: set of all landmarksZ[0:k] : history of all observations {z[1], z[2], ..., z[k]}

P(x[k], m|Z[0:k], U[0:k], x[0])



The “Holy Grail”

With SLAM, robots gain a major step toward autonomy. They can be placed at an unknown location, with unknown surroundings, and they can work out what's around them and where they are.


All our knowledge is probabilistic We have a “chicken and egg” problem:

If we knew the map, we could calculate our location If we knew our location, we could calculate the map

Kalman Filter: Overview

The Kalman Filter (KF) is a recursive algorithm to estimate the state of a process based on A model of how the process changes, A model of what observations we expect, and Discrete, noisy observations of the process.

Predictions of the state of the processare made based on a model.

Observations are made and our estimate is updated given thenew observation.

Foundations of Kalman Filter

The purpose of the KF is to calculate the distribution of the state at time k, given noisy observations.

However, filtering continuous distributions generates state distributions whose representation grows without bound.

An exception to this “rule” is the Gaussian distribution, which only needs a mean and variance to define the distribution.

Linear Gaussian Distributions

Under the continuous operations needed for KFs Conditioning

Bayes' rule

If our prior distribution is a Gaussian, and our transition models are linear Gaussian, then our calculated distribution is also Gaussian.


We can find P(Y) = Sum of P(Y,z) over all z. P(y,z) = 0.4, P(y, not z) = 0.2, :. P(y) = 0.6

And P(Y,z) = P(Y|z)P(z) from the product rule. So P(Y) = Sum of P(Y|z)P(z) For continuous distributions, this becomes

P(Y) = Integral of P(Y|z)P(z) over all zwhich is where we get

..but if our P(x) is only true given e[0:k], so is our result..

Bayes' Rule

We know that P(a and b) = P(a|b)P(b) =P(b and a) = P(b|a)P(a)

Therefore, P(b|a) = P(a|b)P(b)/P(a) With additional evidence, this becomes

P(b|a, e) = P(a|b,e)P(b|e)/P(a|e) Notice that this is a probability distribution, and

all values will sum to one – P(a|e) just acts as a normalizer.

This yields

KF Recursion

We want , and we have . Note that by using conditioning, we can calculate

as long as we know , which is referred to as the motion model.

Also, by the generalized Bayes' rule, we have

assuming we know , the sensor model.

Process Motion Model

The model of how the process changes is referred to as the motion model. A new state of the process is assumed to be a linear function of the previous state and the control input with Gaussian noise, p(w) ~ N(0,Q), added.

x[k] = Ax[k - 1] + Bu[k – 1] + w[k – 1]

where A and B are matrices capturing our process model.

Process Sensor Model

The sensor model is also required to be a linear Gaussian

z[k] = Hx[k] + v[k]

where H is a matrix that relates the state to the observation and p(v) ~ N(0,R).


The multi-dimensional analog of variance:expected squared difference between elements and the mean.

It quantifies the uncertainty

of our estimate.

Kalman Filter Algorithm

The Kalman Filter operates on Gaussian distributions, and so only needs to calculate a mean, x, and a covariance, C.

Prediction stepx[k+1|k] = Ax[k] + Bu[k]C[k+1|k] = AC[k]AT + Q = cov(Ax[k],Ax[k]) + Q

Updatex[k+1|k+1] = x[k+1|k] + K(z[k+1] – Hx[k+1|k])C[k+1] = (I – KH)C[K+1|k]

K, Kalman Gain Factor

K is a measure of how to weight the prediction and the observation

A high value of K results in the measurement being trusted

A low value of K results in the prediction being trusted.

K is based on the covariancesK = P[k+1|k]HT(HP[k+1|k]HT + R)-1

Limit of K as R -> 0 = H-1

Limit of K as P[k+1|k] -> 0 = 0

Initial State

With the previous formulas, we can calculate an update. What's our initial state?

We need x[0], C[0], R, Q. X[0] is our initial guess at the process state C[0] is how certain we our of our guess R is the noise in the sensor model (measured) Q is the noise in the process model (estimated)

Quick Example

Estimate a slightly variable 1D signal by noisy observationx[k+1] = x[k] + wz[k+1] = x[k] + v

Therefore, A = 1, B = 0, H = 1. Let's assume Q = 0.00001 and R = 0.01

and x[0] = 0 and C[0] = 1

*Q and R often need to be tuned for performance


Probabalistic SLAM

Is SLAM a Kalman Filter problem? We want , and we can assume

we know the previous state, . And with conditioning ...

gets us the predicted next state. And the generalized Bayes' rule integrates z[k].

So we need and .

Kalman Formulation for SLAM

looks exactly like the motion model from the Kalman Filter.

And if we incorporate the landmark locations into our system state, x[k], then is the same as the sensor model.

We assume landmarks don't move, sop[k+1] = p[k].

Our observations are of landmarks,z[k] = H


rr[k] + w

where Hpp-H

rr[k] = Hx[k] and r is the robot pose.

SLAM Example

Suppose we have a robot moving in 1D that moves a certain velocity every timestep. Also assume the velocity has noise added,

Also assume the landmarks don't move,

This provides our motion model.

SLAM Example

Further, the observations we expect are

Thus we have A and H, respectively below, x[0], R, Q, and C[0] must be given, and B is [0].

Adding Landmarks

As more landmarks are discovered, they are added to the state.

All the problem matrices are updated and their dimension is increased.

Why this Works

Kalman Filters have been proven to solve the SLAM problem by Dissanyake, et. al.

This is due to the fact that the correlation between landmarks monotonically increases

Thus, relative positions of the landmarks become well known, and thus a map of the landmarks relative to eachother becomes well known.

Thus, the solution converges.

Limitations of Kalman Filter

Unimodal distribution cannot account for “choice.”

Computation is O(n2) where n is the size of the state vector.

Landmark association and loop closure. Requires a linear process model for the system.

This final weakness is addressed by the Extended Kalman Filter (EKM).

The assumption of linear motion models and sensor models is a serious limitation.

What if we let either of these models be non-linear?

x[k+1] = f(x[k], u[k], w[k])z[k] = h(x[k], v[k])

where f and h can be non-linear and v and w are zero mean Gaussian noise.

Extended Kalman Filter

EKM – Mean Calculation

Like the Kalman Filter, the EKM works by calculating a new distribution mean and covariance given the models and observations.

The means are propagated by the models, without the noise,

x[k + 1] = f(x[k], u[k], 0)z[k] = h(x[k], 0)

EKM – Covariances

The covariance estimates are based on a linearization of the models using Jacobians.

C[k + 1] = F[k]C[k]F[k] + W[k]Q[k]W[k]

where C is the covariance matrix, F[k] is the Jacobian of f with respect to the state variables and W[k] is the Jacobian of f with respect to the noise parameters, and Q is the covariance of the motion model's noise.

EKM – Gain

Finally, we need a new form for K

K[k] = C[k]J[k]T(J[k]P[k]J[k]T + V[k]R[k]V[k]T)-1

where C is our covariance, J is the Jacobian of h, the sensor model, with respect to the state variables, V is the Jacobian of the sensor model with respect to its noise, and R is the covariance of the noise in the sensor model.

EKM Example

A car model requires a non-linear motion model

dx = v * cos(theta)

dy = v * sin(theta)

dtheta = (v * tan(phi)) / L

Example Motion Model

Fixed steering angle,fixed velocity

Example Observation Model

Let's assume our observations are taken from an overhead camera.

z[k+1] = z[k] + v[k]

where v[k] is noise.

Prediction Step

Prediction of the mean is calculated from motion model.

x[k + 1|k] = f(x[k], u[k], 0) Jacobians needed to calculate the new


Update Step

Predicted measurement given by the sensor model

z[k+1|k] = h(x[k], 0) Final estimate is

x[k+1] = x[k+1|k] + K(z[k] – z[k+1|k] This requires the gain,

K[k] = C[k]J[k]T(J[k]P[k]J[k]T + V[k]R[k]V[k]T)-1

Update Step cont.

The Gain requires two JacobiansK[k] = C[k]J[k]T(J[k]P[k]J[k]T + V[k]R[k]V[k]T)-1

All that's left is the final covariance, C[k+1]

C[k+1] = (I - K[k]J[k])C[k+1|k]


With blue as the true trajectory, red as the observation, and green as the estimate.

EKM Issues

Landmark association and loop closure. Unimodal distribution cannot account for

“choice.” Computation is O(n2) where n is the size of the

state vector.

Landmark Association

How can the robot tell if it's looking at landmark m[i] or m[j]?

What if your landmarks are just laser ranges?

Constructing lines from Scans

Scan Matching

The robot scans, moves, and scans again. Short term motion noise results in features

having to be recognized.

Iterated Closest Point

Inputs: two point clouds Output: refined transformation. Method:

1. Associate points by the nearest neighbor criteria.

2. Estimate the parameters using a mean square cost function.

3. Transform the points using the estimated parameters.

4. Iterate (re-associate the points and so on).


ICP can handle small offsets, though it has high computational cost and is subject to local minima.

What about large offsets?

EKM Issues

Landmark association and loop closure. Unimodal distribution cannot account for

“choice.” Computation is O(n2) where n is the size of the

state vector.

Computation Cost

A common approach to attempt to cut down the computation cost, which is O(n2) where n is the size of the state space (and thus landmarks), is to only consider a local map.

These need to be stitchedtogether to achieve global navigation.

Particle Filter – Another Approach

The idea behind a particle filter is to use a number of samples to approximate the distributions.

Advantage: you don't need to assume linear Gaussian processes models, and could be faster

Idea one: generate particles uniformly with values [0, 1]; throw out any particle at x if value(x) > P(x)

Idea two: generate particles from a proposal distribution and assign each a weight.


For SLAM problems, the state space is too large for particle filtering.

However, if our joint state P(x[1], m[1]) can be partitioned with the product rule P(m[1]|x[1])P(x[1]), and if P(m[1]|x[1]) can be calculated analytically, only P(x[1]) needs to be sampled.

This is called Rao-Blackwellization, and allows particle filtering for SLAM problems.


FastSLAM is a particle filter approach to SLAM using Rao-Blackwellization.

Note that the joint SLAM problem can be factored

P(X[0:k], m|Z[0:k],U[0:k],x[0])* = P(m|X[0:k],Z[0:k)P(X[0:k]|Z[0:k],U[0:k],x[0])

*When conditioned on the trajectory, m is independent of U


Our joint distribution at time k is {w[k]i,X[0:k]i,P(m|X[0:k]i, Z[0:k])}n

where X is a sample trajectory, w is the calculated weight, and P(m|X,Z) is our analytically calculated distribution of the landmarks.

FastSLAM: Recursive Calculations

For recursive step, assume prior estimates{w[k-1]i,X[0:k-1]i,P(m|X[0:k-1]i, Z[0:k-1])}n

1) A new pose is sampled from a proposal distribution. This could simply be the motion model.

x[k]i ~ P(x[k]|x[k-1]i, u[k]) 2) Assign each sample a weight

3) Use EKM on each particle to solve for maps.

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