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Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e46

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Journal of Cleaner Production

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Investigation of the effects of pH, aging and scrap tire content on thedissolution behaviors of new scrap tire-concrete mixture structures

Feridun Demir a, b, *, Bulent Yesilata c, Paki Turgut d, Hüsamettin Bulut c, Yusuf Isiker c

a Department of Chemical Engineering, OsmaniyeKorkut Ata University, Osmaniye 80000, Turkeyb Department of Environmental Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa 63190, Turkeyc Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa 63190, Turkeyd Department of Civil Engineering, Harran University, Sanliurfa 63190, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 10 September 2014Received in revised form20 December 2014Accepted 16 January 2015Available online 28 January 2015

Keywords:Scrap tire recoveryRecyclingChemical dissolution of concreteCorrosion of concreteAcidity and alkalinityEnvironmental pollution

* Corresponding author. Department of Chemical Eulty, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Osmaniye3288271000x3578; fax: þ90 3288250097.

E-mail addresses: Demir).© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

a b s t r a c t

Scrap tires represent increasing environmental-pollution problems because they are not biodegradableand require a significantly long time for natural degradation, which is caused by the cross-linkedstructure of polymeric material and the presence of stabilizers and other additives. Potential use ofscrap tires in construction is one of its important application areas and an alternative recovery method.In this study, a series of experiments was conducted to investigate the dissolution behaviors of newconcrete-scrap tire mixture structures (brick) under different experimental conditions, such as scrap tirecontent, aging, and in acidic, basic and natural environments. The obtained results revealed differenteffects of adding scrap tires, aging and the existence of Hþ and OH� on the dissolution of the brickstructures. The added sulfuric acid dissolved calcium silicate hydrate, calcium aluminosilicate hydrateand calcium hydroxide of the brick via a naturalization reaction and released more soluble metal ions,particularly calcium, in the solution. Additionally, during acidic corrosion, the porosity significantlyincreased because calcium was removed from the structure; thus, the transport of other ions wasenhanced in the corroded layer by diffusion. However, the addition of sodium hydroxide significantlydecreased the solubility of calcium because the calcium silicate hydrate, calcium aluminosilicate hydrateand alkali-silica reaction products precipitated in the presence of calcium. The aging test showed thatcalciumwas substantially dissolved from the brick structure in the first days and slightly slowed down inan acidic medium because the corrosion surface was gradually consumed, which caused the dissolutionto occur in the lower part of the corroded region. The increase in scrap tire content increased the surfacearea and porosity, which resulted in more released calcium and silicon. The study affirmed that the use ofgranular scrap tires in concrete structures was feasible.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the increasing amount of used tires generatedworldwide has created serious environmental problemsworldwideregarding the disposal of scrap tires. The estimated amount ofannually discarded tires was approximately 200e300million in theUnited States (Ahn and Cheng, 2014), more than 10,000,000 inTurkey (Yesilata et al., 2011) and 3.4 million tons in the European

ngineering, Engineering Fac-80000, Turkey. Tel.: þ90


Union (Sienkiewicz et al., 2012). The disposal of scrap tiresthroughout the world is usually performedwith different methods:landfill, burning, reclamation and recycling. Landfill and burningcause serious environmental pollution to the soil, atmosphere andwater, such as killing beneficial bacteria in soil, emission of toxicgases in the event of fire, occupying large volumes in landfills andproviding breeding grounds for mosquitoes, rats and rodents,which spread many diseases (Issa and Selem, 2013; Jang et al.,1998). Recycling may appear to be the best method to dispose ofscrap tires in large quantities. However, it is difficult because theyare made of non-biodegradable materials and require a signifi-cantly long time for natural degradation due to the cross-linkedstructure of the polymeric material and presence of stabilizersand other additives (Adhikari et al., 2000; Fang et al., 2001).

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Therefore, only a small part of the generated scrap tires is currentlyrecovered, but the remainder is left to the environment.

The potential use of granular scrap tires in construction is one ofits important application areas and has recently been extensivelyinvestigated (Li et al., 2004; Pacheco-Torgal et al., 2012; Shu andHuang, 2014). The use of scrap tires in concrete is conferred and hasbeen an advantageous method to solve these major recovery andrecycling problems of scrap tires to safely and economically disposeof them and to improve the heat insulation, acoustic and elasticproperties of concrete (Khaloo et al., 2008; Aiello and Leuzzi, 2010;Pelisser et al., 2011; Bravo and de Brito, 2012; Son et al., 2011; Al-Tayeb et al., 2013). Particularly, measurements of the thermal-insulation performance showed significant improvements in theinsulation properties of the new concrete-scrap tire mixturestructures (Yesilata and Turgut, 2007; Turgut and Yesilata, 2008;Yesilata et al., 2009; Corinaldesi et al., 2011). Yesilata and Turgut(2007) tested thermal properties of the rubberized concretestructure and found that the insulation performance of therubberized concrete improved by 14.7% compared to the conven-tional concrete structure. Corinaldesi et al. (2011) investigated themechanical behavior and thermal conductivity of mortars con-taining waste rubber particles and showed that the addition ofrubber particles reduced both the material unit weight and thethermal conductivity. Turgut and Yesilata (2008) also investigatedthe physico-mechanical and thermal performances of the scraptire-added bricks, and their test results satisfied the relatedstandards.

However, because concrete is often in contact with water, it isexposed to the effects of acid and base ions (Hþ, OH�) and corrodesover time, and its durability decreases, which reduces its serviceperiods (Palvik and Uncik, 1997; Li et al., 1999; Macías et al., 1999;Pavlik, 2000; Beddoe and Dorner, 2005; Glass et al., 2000). Forexample, water channels and sewage pipes, which are built un-protected against corrosion, wastewater treatment plants, coolingtowers, bridges, dams and other buildings, are exposed to theseions and are always under the risk of corrosion. If this exposurecontinues for a long period of time, these concrete structuresgradually lose their mechanical strength, which results in cracking,mass loss, shrinkage of the corroded layers and eventually struc-tural failure (Song et al., 2004; Hernandez-Olivares et al., 2007; Fanet al., 2010).

Concrete has been used as a main building material in con-struction for a long time. When Portland cement, water and ag-gregates, such as rock, sand, or gravel, aremixed together, this rock-like structure experiences a chemical reaction called hydration. Thecement acts as a binding agent in this structure. The pH value of thepore solution in the concrete typically varies from 12 to 13.5(Rasanen and Penttala, 2004; Jin et al., 2011) because of thechemical composition of Portland cement, which is provided inTable 1 (Anonymous, 2014). The hydration reaction of these oxideswith water produces an alkaline mixture of paste, which increasesthe pH value of the pore solution (Li et al., 2005).

Table 1Approximate chemical composition of a typical Portland cement.

Name Chemical formula Content, %

Lime CaO 60e67Silica SiO2 17e25Alumina Al2O3 3e8Iron Fe2O3 0.5e6Magnesia MgO 0.1e4Alkalies Na2O and K2O 0.2e1.3Sulfuric anhydride SO3 1e3

Many studies have been performed to investigate the effects ofacidic, basic and natural environments on the concrete structureand to elucidate the chemical reaction that produces soluble metalions from the concrete structure Their results show that the solu-bility of metal ions from concrete structures depends on the typeand chemical composition of the cement and the pH of theattacking acid and base.

In an acidic environment, Beddoe and Dorner (2005) developeda computer model to elucidate the corrosion of concrete at a pHrange of 4.0e6.5, and their simulation program comprises the ef-fects of both the chemical reactions of the acid with the hydratedcompounds of the concrete and the aggregate and the diffusion ofions in the pore system of the corroded surface. Their study con-cludes that the acidic environment can cause acidic corrosion,where calcium hydroxide, calcium silicate hydrates (CSH), and thecalcium sulfoaluminate phases decompose and produce porosities.Palvik and Uncik (1997) introduced the usage of nitric acid andacetic acid solutions to determine the rate of corrosion of cementpaste and cement mortars for different acid and concrete mediums.They observed that the corrosion of cement mortars was lowerthan that of cement pastes because sand particles did not allow theformation of long cracks in the layer of corrosion products. Theyalso observed that nitric acid and acetic acid had different effects onthe corrosion process. Xi et al. (2004) investigated the effects ofsimulated acid rain on the deterioration of cement concrete inlaboratory tests and concluded that Hþ ions dissolved Ca(OH)2 inthe hardened cement paste, which reduced the concentration ofCa(OH)2. They also remarked that SO2�

4 corroded the concrete andproduced substances such as Ca3Al6O12$CaSO4and CaSO4$2H2O,which significantly reduced the durability. If the results of theirstudies are summarized for acidic environment, acid attacksentirely decompose the hydrated and unhydrated cement pastecomponents and aggregates, calcium hydroxide is dissolved, andhydrate silicate and aluminate phases are decomposed to produceCa2þ ions in the concrete pore solution.

In a basic environment, Berube et al. (2004) summarized thepresence of NaOH and KOH in the concrete pore solution, whichindicated only a trace amount of calcium in the solution. Theyremarked that with time, Naþ, Kþ, Ca2þ, H2SiO

�24 , AlðOHÞ�4 ions

could release from the aggregates, which contained various com-mon reactive silicate minerals, in the concrete pore solution andprecipitate as (CSH), calcium aluminosilicate hydrate (CASH), andalkali-silica reaction (ASR) with reactive silica products in thepresence of calcium ions because of their significantly low productof solubility at high pH.

The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility ofusing granular scrap tires as a replacement for the aggregates inconcrete structures and examine the effects of this replacement onthe solubility of metal ions (Alþ3, Siþ4, Mgþ2, Caþ2, Feþ3) from thestructure under acid and base attacks. It was believed that theinvestigation of the chemical-reaction mechanism of the new scraptire-concrete structures under different experimental conditions,such as different scrap tire contents and aging in acidic, basic andnatural environments, contributed new understanding to elucidatethe dissolution mechanism.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Preparation of the scrap tire-concrete bricks

In this study, four different fresh scrap tire-concretemixtures forbrick production were prepared: (1) a brick (R-0) without scraptires and (2) three different types of bricks (R-20, R-40, R-60) withdifferent volumes of granule scrap tire additives. The mixture cal-culations were determined based on the volume of materials, and

Fig. 1. Grading curves of the tires and sand that were used to make the concrete bricks.

F. Demir et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e4640

according to these calculations, the weights of the materials wereobtained to prepare the bricks. For example, in a mixture of R-20,20% volumetric granulated scrap tires were replaced instead of 20%of the aggregate volume. Again, in a mixture of R-60, the aggregatethat constituted 60% of the total aggregate volume was removedfrom the mixture, and granular scrap tires were added instead ofthe aggregate that corresponded to the removed aggregate volume.The amount of materials of the concrete mixture, which wascalculated based on the volume, is provided in Table 2. The effectsof the scrap tire volume on the brick properties were investigatedwhile maintaining constant cement and water contents (W/C massratio was 0.45) in all mixtures. The grading curves of the aggregateand scrap tire used to make the bricks are shown in Fig. 1. Thecumulative passing amount of the aggregate in this study complieswith the standards. The used cement was CEM I 32.5 and providedfrom the daily production of SanliurfaTurkerler Cement Factory.The chemical composition of the cement was determined accord-ing to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C114. Thegrain size of the selected sand was taken as a maximum of 4.75 mmparticle diameter to provide good adhesion between the tire sur-faces and the concrete. The sand used in this study had a saturatedsurface dry unit weight of 2.73 g/cm3, and the granular scrap tirehad a saturated surface dry unit weight of 1.05 g/cm3 according toAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C128.

Materials with certain mixing ratios were placed in a 50-L pan-type concrete mixer and mixed as dry for two minutes. Then, thesedimentation and compression factor values of the fresh mixturewere obtained by slowly transferring some water into the drymixture after a total mixing time of three minutes, while the 50-Lpan-type concrete mixer was rotating. The resulting freshmixture was compacted into steel molds with internal dimensionsof 105mm� 225mm� 75mm as two layers. After compactionwascompleted, the upper surface of the fresh brick mixture wasfinished with a trowel.

Table 3

2.2. Physico-mechanical and thermal properties for the feasibility ofthe scrap tire-concrete bricks

Physico-mechanical and thermal properties of scrap tire-concrete bricks used in this study were investigated for theirfeasibility and explained by Turgut and Yesilata (2008). Theymeasured the water absorption and the porosity of the structure,and they observed a monotonic increase with the scrap tire per-centage. However, the unit weights and the values of ultrasonicpulse velocity decreased with increasing scrap tire. These resultsrevealed that a decrease in the unit weights led to an increase inwater absorption, and similarly, an increase in the porosity leadedto a decrease in the values of ultrasonic pulse velocity. Water ab-sorption values of the samples satisfied the standards set by theAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C140. Thecompressive strength values of the samples for both load-bearingand non-load-bearing masonry units complied with the AmericanSociety for Testing andMaterials (ASTM) C129 and (ASTM) C90. Theflexural strength values of all samples considered in this study also

Table 2Mixing ratios for the concrete briquette samples.

Sample name Cement(Kg/m3)


W/C Sand(Kg/m3)

Scrap tire(Kg/m3)


R-0 537 242 0.45 1478 0 2257R-20 537 242 0.45 1182 114 2075R-40 537 242 0.45 889 227 1895R-60 537 242 0.45 591 341 1711

satisfied the requirement described in British Standards Institution(BS) 6073.

The properties of the samples after freezingethawing were alsoinvestigated. The results of the investigation showed that there wasa potential for using scrap tire as a freezeethaw resisting agent inthe brick structures. The bricks with crumb rubber performedsignificantly better under freezingethawing conditions than withthe control mix.

2.3. Cost analysis for the feasibility of the scrap tire-concrete bricks

The estimated production cost of scrap tire-concrete brick wasdetermined from the present annual costs of various items,including material (cement, sand, and granulated scrap tire), en-ergy, salaries and wages, insurance, and other operations/mainte-nance costs. The cost-analysis of fired clay brick was performedaccording to the report of the Brick Industry Association in Turkey(Lokman et al., 2008). In this report, the percentage of productioncost of fired clay brick per cost components was given. The cost-analysis of R-60 brick was calculated according to the existingconcrete brick plant.

The production costs of R-60 brick and traditional fired claybrick, per 1000 bricks, are summarized in Table 3. The productioncost of traditional fired clay brick was approximately $265 per 1000bricks, while that of R-60 brick was only $201 per 1000 bricks. Thecosts of rawmaterials (including transport cost) as granulated scraptire, sand, Portland cement, and water in R-60 brick were 171, 4.48,58.99 and 0.18 $/t, respectively. The price of the granulated scraptire was more expensive than that of sand. Compared to the marketprice of traditional fired clay brick produced in Sivas-Kangal inTurkey, the composite brickwith FA, LP and 20% SF (i.e., LFS-20) wasa low-cost product. Therefore, the estimated production cost ofnew scrap tire-concrete brick was cheaper than that of traditionalfired clay brick.

Analysis of production cost for per 1000 bricks.

Cost components Traditional fired clay brick, US $ R-60 brick, US $

Raw material 26.50 166.90Labor 119.25 19.95Electricity 13.25 2.45Fuel 18.55 1.75Coal (for firing) 47.70 e

General expenses 26.50 6.30Depreciation 13.25 3.50Total cost 265.00 201.00

F. Demir et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e46 41

2.4. Investigation of solubility behaviors of metal ions

The brick samples for solubility tests ofmetal ionswere cut usinga diamond cutter bench with the size of 20 mm � 30 mm � 40 mmin the laboratory. They were washed with distilled water beforetesting to remove any dust and small particles from the surface anddried in an oven overnight to maintain them at 60 �C. After thesamples cooled to room temperature, their masses were deter-mined using a high-precision (±0.001mg) digital scale. Because thesolubility tests were conducted at three different pH values for fourdifferent types of brick samples, which contained different amountsof scrap tire, twelve brick samples were selected in total for theexperiments. The average measured mass values and scrap tireamounts are provided in Table 4.

The solubility experiments were started by placing the bricksamples in glass beakers that contained 150ml of distilledwater andallowing the solubility to occur at different pH values. In practice,H2SO4 and NaOH are used as pH modifiers to adjust the pH of theexperimentalmedium. Therefore, in thiswork, theywereused as pHmodifiers. For the acidic environment, the H2SO4 solutionwas useddropwise to adjust the pH value of the experimentalmedium to 3.6.To minimize any dilution error of the H2SO4 addition, the acid con-centration was maintained as high as possible. The test sampleswere placed in the test medium and left for specified time intervals.For the analysis, 3-ml test solutions were removed from the me-dium; then, the pH was readjusted to 3.6 repeatedly. The pH of themedium for the basic studywas adjusted to 10.5 using NaOH as a pHmodifier with an identical procedure. The pH was only adjusted inone direction. For the natural pH studies, the brick samples wereimmersed into the distilled water and left for certain time intervalswithout adding any pH modifier.

To determine the dissolved metal ions from the structure undervarious experimental conditions, such as pH, aging and the amountof scrap tire additive, 3-ml test solutions were taken at eachdifferent sampling time and put into different glass bottles. Then,these solutions were left overnight in a cooler to allow anyremaining insoluble particles to settle. All samples were analyzedfor aluminum, silicon, and other metal ions, such as calcium,magnesium, and iron, using a Perkin Elmer Optima 5300DV ICP-OES type instrument. The concentration of the dissolved metalions other than calcium and silicon was not significant in all of theanalyzed samples in this work; therefore, the solubility of calciumand silicon ion concentrations of the brick samples was morefocused. The experimental conditions of the solubility tests and theconcentration of metal ions are summarized in Table 5. The metalion concentrations of Alþ3, Siþ4, Mgþ2, Caþ2, Feþ3 are reported asmg/l (ppm) in the solution. The pH values provided in the resultsare the measured values before the pH adjustments.

3. Results

3.1. Effect of the pH modifiers on the solubility of metal ions

In this part of the study, the effect of pH on the solubility ofmetal ions in the brick structures was investigated while

Table 4Mass of the concrete briquette samples in acidic, neutral and alkaline media.


Scrap tirevolume (%)

The mass ofconcrete samplefor pH 3.6

The mass ofconcrete samplefor pH 7

The mass ofconcrete samplefor pH 10.5

R-0 0 129,519 131,199 136,620R-20 20 132,690 127,453 135,024R-40 40 101,079 109,227 104,017R-60 60 104,943 96,493 100,173

maintaining the other factors of experimental condition constant.First, H2SO4 was added to the experiment medium drop wise untilthe medium reached pH 3.6; then, the solubility experiments wereperformed and repeated for different time periods over approxi-mately two weeks; the results are shown in Table 5. The pH valuesof the medium, which were measured before each sampling,increased to approximately 10.8, which indicated that the Hþ ionsadded to the medium were consumed and reacted with the con-crete structure that contained alkali materials because the cementwas composed of an abundance of metal ions, as shown in Table 1and there were aggregates in the brick structure.

Three samples were analyzed and mean values were calculatedfor the each scrap addition. The age of all samples tested was 28-day. As observed in Fig. 2, the dissolution of CSH, CASH, ARSproducts and calcium hydroxide released more Ca2þ and Siþ4 ionsat low pH values than the release of Fe3þ, Mgþ2 and Al3þ ions fromferrite, aluminate and other hydrates in the brick structures. Theseoverall reactions could be summarized by combining three basicdissociation reactions among CSH, CASH, ARS products and calciumhydroxide minerals of the brick and the aqueous species in the poresolution, which had sulfuric acid (Yuan et al., 2013). These mineralswere significantly affected by the addition of H2SO4 acid, whichincreased the corrosion of the brick surface. At a pH value of 3.6, theneutralization reaction can be postulated to govern the chemicalreaction between the acid and Ca(OH)2, which consumes two Hþ

ions in the solution when the hydroxyl ions transfer one calciumion from the brick structure to the test solution. The proposedneutralization reaction to release Ca2þ ion is as follows:

CaðOHÞ2 þ 2Hþ/Ca2þ þ 2H2O (1)

The neutralization reaction of the acid at different points in thebrick structure dissolved the soluble solid hydration products,which resulted in more porosity, and the released Ca2þ, Siþ4, Mgþ2,Fe3þ and Al3þ entered the pore solution. The porosity increasedwhen calcium was removed from the brick structure, whichenhanced the transport of ions in the corroded layer via diffusion.Mgþ2, Fe3þ and Al3þ ions were not present in the pore solutionbecause their concentrations were less than Ca2þ and Siþ4 incement composition and because they had significantly low solu-bility product constants. For example, aluminum has a solubilityproduct value of 1.3 � 10�33 and appears as an Al(OH)3 precipitateat pHs below 4.5. These results were consistent with the results ofthe simulation studies of Beddoe and Dorner (2005), who exam-ined the corrosion of the concrete surface in acidic environment.They also suggested that the dissolved Ca2þ ions formed pores onthe concrete surface and caused the other ions to join. However, themedium lost its acidic character via the neutralization reaction, andthe pH of the solution increased to approximately 10.8. This con-dition describes why the pH of the test solution continuouslybecame approximately 11, which indicated an alkaline state.

At high pH values, the dissolution of Ca(OH)2 significantlydecreased compared to that in acidic medium, as shown in Fig. 2.The absence of Hþ ions indicates low Ca2þ ions in the mediumbecause the neutralization reaction did not occur. Berube et al.(2004) explained the low solubility of Ca2þ ions in the pore solu-tion of concrete in an alkaline medium significantly well. Theyaffirmed that different ionic species, such as Naþ, Kþ, Ca2þ, H2SiO

�24 ,

AlðOHÞ�4 , and so on, could be released into the concrete pore so-lution from minerals with time, and the CSH, CASH and ASRproducts precipitated because of their significantly low product ofsolubility and the presence of dissolved calcium in the solution.This explanation confirmed the results of this study.

The concentration of dissolved calcium at the natural pH valueswere less than the concentration in the acidic medium and more

Table 5Experimental conditions of the solubility tests with the concentration of metal ionsfrom the scrap tire-concrete structure (mg/l).

Days pH 0%Scrap tire

20%Scrap tire

40%Scrap tire

60%Scrap tire

0 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 0.486Siþ4 ¼ 6114Caþ2 ¼ 25.52Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.588Siþ4 ¼ 3893Caþ2 ¼ 35.29Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.520Siþ4 ¼ 6914Caþ2 ¼ 31.96Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1334Siþ4 ¼ 4916Caþ2 ¼ 43.89Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 1056Siþ4 ¼ 6171Caþ2 ¼ 20.14Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.762Siþ4 ¼ 5578Caþ2 ¼ 5723Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1075Siþ4 ¼ 6888Caþ2 ¼ 24.08Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1043Siþ4 ¼ 7083Caþ2 ¼ 27.94Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.830Siþ4 ¼ 5486Caþ2 ¼ 9744Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.707Siþ4 ¼ 5880Caþ2 ¼ 4001Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1266Siþ4 ¼ 7655Caþ2 ¼ 19.13Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1063Siþ4 ¼ 8766Caþ2 ¼ 14.60Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

1 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 0.502Siþ4 ¼ 8726Caþ2 ¼ 57.11Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.727Siþ4 ¼ 10.05Caþ2 ¼ 94.74Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.562Siþ4 ¼ 9322Caþ2 ¼ 84.95Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.604Siþ4 ¼ 4591Caþ2 ¼ 93.63Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 1669Siþ4 ¼ 9248Caþ2 ¼ 77.26Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1322Siþ4 ¼ 9935Caþ2 ¼ 34.31Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1496Siþ4 ¼ 6971Caþ2 ¼ 104.1Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1392Siþ4 ¼ 9256Caþ2 ¼ 57.15Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.807Siþ4 ¼ 11.83Caþ2 ¼ 4710Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1311Siþ4 ¼ 14.47Caþ2 ¼ 20.31Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1490Siþ4 ¼ 9067Caþ2 ¼ 33.98Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1383Siþ4 ¼ 11.13Caþ2 ¼ 45.80Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

2 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 1181Siþ4 ¼ 11.17Caþ2 ¼ 88.06Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.539Siþ4 ¼ 15.33Caþ2 ¼ 155.7Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.831Siþ4 ¼ 13.46Caþ2 ¼ 123.0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1493Siþ4 ¼ 7538Caþ2 ¼ 135.9Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 1636Siþ4 ¼ 11.09Caþ2 ¼ 58.96Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1607Siþ4 ¼ 6531Caþ2 ¼ 114.1Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1650Siþ4 ¼ 6922Caþ2 ¼ 121.8Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1482Siþ4 ¼ 7585Caþ2 ¼ 94.01Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.606Siþ4 ¼ 17.38Caþ2 ¼ 7638Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.920Siþ4 ¼ 16.35Caþ2 ¼ 25.87Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1842Siþ4 ¼ 9002Caþ2 ¼ 13.72Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1369Siþ4 ¼ 13.58Caþ2 ¼ 19.49Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

5 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 0.686Siþ4 ¼ 14.30Caþ2 ¼ 73.85Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.672Siþ4 ¼ 20.24Caþ2 ¼ 151.3Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.691Siþ4 ¼ 19.35Caþ2 ¼ 139.5Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.811Siþ4 ¼ 10.54Caþ2 ¼ 134.4Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 2379Siþ4 ¼ 14.67Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1649Siþ4 ¼ 16.67Caþ2 ¼ 8513Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1766Siþ4 ¼ 12.48Caþ2 ¼ 0.308Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1135Siþ4 ¼ 11.85Caþ2 ¼ 5085Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.730Siþ4 ¼ 26.43Caþ2 ¼ 1895Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.680Siþ4 ¼ 27.24Caþ2 ¼ 31.4Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1777Siþ4 ¼ 21.15Caþ2 ¼ 0.072Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1429Siþ4 ¼ 20.01Caþ2 ¼ 0.840Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 0.657Siþ4 ¼ 16.01Caþ2 ¼ 97.10Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.480Siþ4 ¼ 24.84Caþ2 ¼ 192.2Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.601Siþ4 ¼ 23.33Caþ2 ¼ 164.2Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.659Siþ4 ¼ 14.58Caþ2 ¼ 155.9Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 1660Siþ4 ¼ 26.81Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1471Siþ4 ¼ 24.90Caþ2 ¼ 0.172Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1836Siþ4 ¼ 24.14Caþ2 ¼ 0.980Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1323Siþ4 ¼ 13.73Caþ2 ¼ 0.162Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.514Siþ4 ¼ 36.17

Alþ3 ¼ 0.522Siþ4 ¼ 39.24

Alþ3 ¼ 1226Siþ4 ¼ 35.65

Alþ3 ¼ 1188Siþ4 ¼ 35.21

Table 5 (continued )

Days pH 0%Scrap tire

20%Scrap tire

40%Scrap tire

60%Scrap tire

Caþ2 ¼ 0.867Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Caþ2 ¼ 9604Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

9 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 2184Siþ4 ¼ 22.27Caþ2 ¼ 104.7Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.547Siþ4 ¼ 27.53Caþ2 ¼ 217.4Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.632Siþ4 ¼ 26.29Caþ2 ¼ 193.3Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.763Siþ4 ¼ 17.74Caþ2 ¼ 174.8Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 1214Siþ4 ¼ 25.23Caþ2 ¼ 0.180Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.919Siþ4 ¼ 34.81Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1256Siþ4 ¼ 34.72Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1258Siþ4 ¼ 20.70Caþ2 ¼ 0.427Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.505Siþ4 ¼ 40.65Caþ2 ¼ 1582Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.475Siþ4 ¼ 51.14Caþ2 ¼ 2103Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.653Siþ4 ¼ 39.35Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.854Siþ4 ¼ 45.83Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

12 3.6 Alþ3 ¼ 0.606Siþ4 ¼ 20.07Caþ2 ¼ 107.1Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.568Siþ4 ¼ 29.53Caþ2 ¼ 220.2Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.911Siþ4 ¼ 29.99Caþ2 ¼ 213.7Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.531Siþ4 ¼ 19.57Caþ2 ¼ 190.1Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

7 Alþ3 ¼ 0.761Siþ4 ¼ 29.62Caþ2 ¼ 3279Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.695Siþ4 ¼ 40.47Caþ2 ¼ 2939Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.815Siþ4 ¼ 42.87Caþ2 ¼ 0.347Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 1308Siþ4 ¼ 32.89Caþ2 ¼ 2433Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

10.5 Alþ3 ¼ 0.528Siþ4 ¼ 44.25Caþ2 ¼ 1550Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.524Siþ4 ¼ 58.11Caþ2 ¼ 4639Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.480Siþ4 ¼ 43.06Caþ2 ¼ 0.003Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

Alþ3 ¼ 0.502Siþ4 ¼ 60.70Caþ2 ¼ 0Mgþ2 ¼ 0Feþ3 ¼ 0

F. Demir et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e4642

than the concentration in the basic medium because of the pre-cipitation of CSH and CASH. The necessary Ca2þ ions for theseprecipitations were supplied from the Ca(OH)2 of the solid cementpart of the brick to reach equilibrium with the cation charge in thesolution (Berube et al., 2004).

3.2. Effect of aging on the solubility of metal ions

Aging tests were performed by immersing the brick samplesinto the test solution after the pH adjustments and leaving them forpreviously fixed time intervals. As clearly observed in Fig. 3, theCa2þ ions were substantially dissolved from the brick structure inthe first days and subsequently slightly slowed down in the acidicmedium because there was initially more available Ca(OH)2, CSH,and CASH to be dissolved on the surface for corrosion by acid at-tacks; then, this surface was gradually consumed, which causeddissolution to occur in the lower part of the corroded region. Thesedissolution reactions of the bricks with acid increased the pH of thesolution in the corroded layer from the value of the attacking acid atthe brick surface to the pH of the equilibrium state, which wasapproximately 10.8, and resulted in more porosity in different partsof the structure and produced more calcium ions from the disso-lution of soluble solid hydration products and Ca(OH)2. In additionto the acidic-corrosion reaction, when calcium was removed fromthe structure, the porosity significantly increased and enhanced thetransport of ions in the corroded layer via diffusion.

In an alkaline medium, the solubility of calcium decreasedbecause CSH, CASH and ASR products precipitated in the presenceof calcium, as suggested by Berube et al. (2004). The solubility ofsilicon increased with time because of the diffusion process, asshown in Fig. 3(b), (d), (f) and (h) (Zaman et al., 2003; Broekmansand Jansen, 1998).

Fig. 2. Effects of pH on the solubility of metal ions from the scrap tire-concrete structure.(a) %Scrap tire ¼ 0, Day ¼ 0; (b) %Scrap tire ¼ 0, Day ¼ 2; (c) %Scrap tire ¼ 20, Day ¼ 0; (d) %Scrap tire ¼ 20, Day ¼ 2; (e) %Scrap tire ¼ 40, Day ¼ 0; (f) %Scrap tire ¼ 40, Day ¼ 2; (g) %Scrap tire ¼ 60, Day ¼ 0; (h) %Scrap tire ¼ 60, Day ¼ 2.

Fig. 3. Effects of aging on the solubility of metal ions from the scrap tire-concrete structure.(a) %Scrap tire ¼ 0, pH ¼ 3.6; (b) %Scrap tire ¼ 0, pH ¼ 10.5; (c) %Scrap tire ¼ 20,pH ¼ 3.6; (d) %Scrap tire ¼ 20, pH ¼ 10.5; (e) %Scrap tire ¼ 40, pH ¼ 3.6; (f) %Scrap tire ¼ 40, pH ¼ 10.5; (g) %Scrap tire ¼ 60, pH ¼ 3.6; (h) %Scrap tire ¼ 60, pH ¼ 10.5.

F. Demir et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e46 45

3.3. Effect of the scrap tire amount on the solubility of metal ions

The increase in the scrap tire content increased the surface areaand porosity on and in the brick structure, which resulted in therelease of more Ca2þ, and Si4þ ions. This situation increased thecontact surface with the acid and diffusion, which increased thesolubility, as shown in Fig. 4. In the acidic medium, low scrap tirecontent caused a denser corrosion layer on the brick surfacecompared to the others, which led to a decrease in corrosion.However, at alkaline pH values, the brick samples dissolved viadiffusion, andmore silicon appearedmostly because of this process.A small amount of calciumwas present in the solution because theCSH, CASH and ASR products precipitated.

Fig. 4. Effects of the amount of scrap tires on the solubility of metal ions from the scrap tire-pH ¼ 7, Day ¼ 2; (e) pH ¼ 10.5, Day ¼ 0; (f) pH ¼ 10.5, Day ¼ 2.

4. Summary and conclusion

In this study, the solubility of metal ions (Alþ3, Siþ4, Mgþ2, Caþ2,Feþ3) from the new concrete-scrap tire mixture structures wasinvestigated under different experimental conditions. The mainconclusions and observations are briefly indicated below:

� The addition of sulfuric acid dissolved CSH, CASH and ASRproducts and calcium hydroxide of the new concrete-scrap tiremixture structures via a naturalization reaction, which releasedmore soluble metal ions, particularly calcium, in the solution.

� The porosity significantly increased because calcium wasremoved from the new concrete-scrap tire mixture structureover time; thus, the diffusion of other metal ions was enhanced.

concrete structure. (a) pH ¼ 3.6, Day ¼ 0; (b) pH ¼ 3.6, Day ¼ 2; (c) pH ¼ 7, Day ¼ 0; (d)

F. Demir et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 93 (2015) 38e4646

� The addition of sodium hydroxide significantly decreased thesolubility of calcium because of the precipitation of CSH, CASHand ASR products.

� The aging test showed that calcium was substantially dissolvedfrom the new concrete-scrap tire mixture structures during thefirst days and subsequently slightly slowed down in the acidicmedium because the corrosion surfacewas gradually consumed,which caused dissolution to occur in the lower part of thecorroded region with time.

� The increase in the percentage of scrap tires caused an increasein surface area of the porous regions, which led to a higherdissolution of metal ions.


This work was performed at the Harran University and sup-ported by a grant from The Scientific and Technological ResearchCouncil of Turkey (TUBITAK) (TUBITAK-MAG-105M021) (ProjectNo: 105M021). The authors would like to acknowledge thissupport.


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