iokai shiatsu professional training programme...with the publication of his book ‘zen shiatsu’,...

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STUDY GUIDEIokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme



We train students for the profession of Iokai Shiatsu therapist in an inspiring and moti­vating learning environment

We are happy to present the new study guide of the Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme, a contemporary training with a history that goes a long way back in time.

I decided to follow this training, then called the Amsterdam School for Iokai Shiatsu, twen­ty years ago. I was interested in eastern medicine and I wanted to work with my hands. Most importantly, I wanted to do something enjoyable and fulfilling. Iokai Shiatsu has all of these aspects, and so I started my personal journey. During my training, I discovered the depth of Iokai Shiatsu and the life lessons that lie at the heart of it. These lessons shaped me as a therapist and as a person. After my training, I found the courage to quit my job and I started working as an Iokai Shiatsu therapist. I didn’t regret this decision for a single moment and I still work and teach with great satisfaction.

Beginning students often ask me what characterises our training programme and what distinguishes Iokai Shiatsu from other forms of shiatsu. It’s difficult to express this in a few words, but for me Iokai Shiatsu is first and foremost an art. It’s a discipline that you learn by practising and experiencing it intensively. Iokai Shiatsu is a living tradition that has been passed on from master to student and has its origin in ancient eastern medicine. This is the foundation of Iokai Shiatsu and these principles are represented in both the learning content and the way of teaching.

The professional training programme also primarily distinguishes itself by the intensity of the training. There are many class hours per year, with a lot of personal attention and guidance from our teachers. The training has been accredited at an HBO Bachelor level since June 2017. We are proud of this recognition of the quality of our training program­me. Graduated therapists can have their treatments reimbursed by health insurers and are exempt from paying VAT.

Above all, Iokai Shiatsu is an experience. An experience that we’d love to share with you. If you are interested in our training programme, I’d like to invite you to participate in one of our open days or introduction workshops. Then you will experience for yourself what it’s like to be taught in the characteristic Iokai style, so you can make a good decision based on your own experience.I look forward to meeting you during one of our open days or introduction workshops!

Norbert grote BeverborgDirector Beroepsopleiding Iokai Shiatsu


We train students for the profession of

Iokai Shiatsu therapist in an inspiring and

motivating learning environment











The Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme provides an HBO-level training for the profession of Iokai Shiatsu therapist. The training offers a lot of personal attention in a learning environment that gives each individual the opportunity to develop into a fully-fledged Iokai Shiatsu therapist, making use of their own abilities.

The training is part-time. It is an intensive training that demands full commitment and home study. However, the curriculum is set up in such a way as to enable students to combine the training programme with a (full-time) job or other obligations.

The focus on practical skills is characteristic of the training programme. During all four years, a basic condition for a successful training is to practise and study the learning content at home on a regular basis. Frequent practice will enable you to develop the skills that you need for the art of Iokai Shiatsu therapy and will give you the insights that you need as a therapist.

The training consists of four study years, each consisting of around 200 class hours. In the first two years of the training, you will learn the basic techniques of Iokai Shiatsu, the basic concepts of eastern medicine, the trajectory of the meridians and the theory of the diffe-rent life functions. In the third and fourth year of the training, we will focus on integrating your knowledge in your practice and giving treatments independently as an Iokai Shiatsu therapist. After the fourth study year, you will write a final dissertation to complete your training.

Iokai Shiatsu is based on the original

principles of traditional eastern medicine


4 study years,

200 class hours each


ORIGINIokai Shiatsu was developed in the seventies by Shizuto Masunaga. It was his life work to return shiatsu as it was then practised in Japan to its original principles of traditional eastern medicine. According to these principles, body and mind form a unity and are constantly interacting with each other and the world.Shizuto Masunaga brought Iokai Shiatsu to Europe. With the publication of his book ‘Zen Shiatsu’, this form of shiatsu quickly became well-known in Europe at the end of the se-venties. After his death in 1981, his work was continued by his student and close assistant Kazunori Sasaki, the current president of the EISA (European Iokai Shiatsu Association). Under his leadership, Iokai Shiatsu continued to develop itself and training programmes have been established in various European countries.

Shiatsu is a manual therapy that is a useful complement to regular medicine. Pressure is applied to energy lines (meridians) and points with hands and fingers. This enables the life energy, or Ki, to regain its unimpeded circulation which prevents the manifestation of physical and mental complaints. If you have sufficient Ki and if it can circulate freely, you will feel healthy, fit and full of energy. You can adapt more easily to your environ-ment and are less prone to illness.

Iokai Shiatsu is based on ancient eastern medicine, which is based on the principle that body and mind form a unity and that we as people are constantly interacting with each other and our environments. By looking at life, illness and people in relation to their en-vironments, a deep insight into the real cause of complaints will be developed. A good Iokai Shiatsu therapist not only strives to apply his skills well, but also looks at the person behind the complaints. We strive to understand and treat the person as a whole.


Iokai Shiatsu is an art that you learn

by practising and experiencing it


internationally recognised

“The training brought me a lot. It was a jour-ney, filled with new in-sights and experiences.I met inspiring peop-le and learned many things. It’s not always easy to combine study and work, but the gui-dance and support from the teachers enabled me to complete the training successfully.”~MONIQUE KEUPER


Students learn Iokai Shiatsu by what we call ‘I Shin - Den Shin’. This means a transmissi-on of the teacher’s knowledge and experience to the student, from heart to heart. We don’t only transmit knowledge and understanding, but also our love for the profession and the deep insights that our teachers have acquired.

The training to become an Iokai Shiatsu therapist involves a lot of guidance and attenti-on to you as a student. It is a process in which you gradually learn the profession of Iokai Shiatsu therapist and at the same time acquire the necessary skills and insights as a per-son and human being.

A PRACTICAL AND INSPIRING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT We create a pleasant and stimulating environment that makes following classes enjoyable. Iokai Shiatsu is a discipline that everyone practises with a lot of enthusiasm and passion. You will notice from the start this principle lies at the heart of our interactions in class. You will follow an intensive training for four years that will require the necessary commitment from you. The interactions and inspiring classes will ensure that you will not only experien-ce this as a study, but also a personal enrichment.

IOKAI SHIATSU IS AN ARTIt is a profession in which you will work with your hands, and you will learn it primarily by practising. Therefore, the training will put much emphasis on practice. In class, the teacher will explain and demonstrate an exercise and you will practise with your fellow students under supervision. Right from the start of the training, you will also practise what you have learned at home. You will practise on family and friends or make appointments with your fellow students.In the subsequent years, practising at home and with your fellow students will also be an important part of your training. You will notice that practising will enable you to develop your insights and help you to understand the learning content.

Our training is also characterised by the fact that the theoretical learning content is also transmitted from practical experience. The lessons will be given orally, and the teacher will give examples from his or her practice. Theory and practice will be alternated frequently so that you will better understand the meaning of the theory in practice.

We make use of an online learning environment to support your learning process. Here you will find supporting learning content, videos, assignments and practical information about the training.

We create a pleasant and

stimulating environment that

makes following classes


personal attention

working on yourself

“The training is inspiring and changed my life. Awareness about life, sickness and health is transmitted in a familiar environment. The style of teaching at the school goes hand in hand with love and passion for this beautiful art.” ~TJARDA RIETKERK



The training is not only about working with each other, but also about working on your-self. You will practise with your fellow students in class and outside of class. This means that you will not only give treatments, but also receive treatments. Additionally, we start every class with one hour of Do-In, Ki training, meditation or sometimes Qigong. In the course of the training, you will learn more about yourself and your condition will improve. You will not only learn to give shiatsu treatments, but you will learn to improve your own health as well.

DO-INDo-In is inextricably linked to shiatsu. It comprises various exercises that aim to let the Ki (life energy) flow freely and to activate it. During Do-In, we will stretch the meridians supported by our breath and we will massage ourselves and our fellow students. By doing Do-In, you will improve your life energy, experience what Ki is and learn how Ki manifests itself in your body.

Meridian stretches are a frequently recurring component of Do-In. These are exercises that were developed by Masunaga Sensei to activate the Ki in specific meridians.

“During the training I learned to work with Ki, the life energy. In the first year, this was quite difficult to grasp. In the subsequent years, theory and practice became more and more compre-hensible and interesting. Owing to the patience and the inspiration of my teachers Sasaki Sensei and Eloise Sewell, I was able to learn this disci-pline, as a result of which I can now treat people and help them to live a more balanced life.” ~ELLEN LOMMERSE

KI-TRAININGBy doing Ki training, you will learn to experience the circulation of Ki in your own body. It consists of exercises that will improve your balance and body coordination. In shiatsu, the concept of ‘Hara’ plays a vital role. Hara is the natural centre of your body and your energy. During Ki training, we will do various exercises to strengthen this natural centre and to let you experience what it is and what it does.

QIGONGQigong is an ancient Chinese movement practise that improves the circulation of your internal energy by doing exercises that coordinate movement and breathing. For the sake of convenience, you can view them as the ‘basic exercises’ of the better-known Tai Chi practise. The goal of the exercises is for you to learn to feel the energy and to let it flow freely. We will work with basic exercises from still as well as dynamic styles. The Ba Duan Jin (‘the eight elegant exercises’) will be taught integrally as a series during the first year.

MEDITATIEDuring the weekends, every morning will be started with a Japanese form of meditation:Za-Zen. This is a meditation form that is closely linked to shiatsu. You will sit with un-divided attention and become aware of your breath and posture. By meditating, we will strengthen a certain kind of awareness and concentration that is characteristic of Iokai Shiatsu.



The training consists of four study years, each consisting of around 200 class hours. In the first two years of the training, you will learn the basic techniques of Iokai Shiatsu, the basic concepts of eastern medicine, the trajectory of the meridians and the theory of the different life functions. In the third and fourth year of the training, we will focus on integrating your knowledge in practice and giving treatments independently as an Iokai Shiatsu therapist. After the fourth study year, you will write a final dissertation to complete your training.

THE FIRST YEARIn the first year of the training to become an Iokai Shiatsu therapist, you will learn the basic techniques of Iokai Shiatsu. This is an important year. You will need everything you learn in the first year for the rest of your training.

Developing a good touch and applying the basic techniques to the body of the receiver in different positions are central themes in the first year. We do this by practising the so-called Katas. While practising the Katas, we practice giving shiatsu to the body of the receiver, who is in a certain position. We will practice four Katas: the Lateral Position Kata, Prone Position Kata, Supine Position Kata and the Sitting Position Kata. We will practi-ce on each other during the classes, so you will also experience what it’s like to receive shiatsu.

The first year is also an introduction to the foundations of traditional eastern medicine. The traditional eastern way of thinking is fundamentally different from the way of thinking of our western society. We will introduce you to this way of thinking during the theory classes.

We will start every class with Do-In, Ki training, meditation or occasionally Qigong to impro-ve your body awareness, condition and physical control.

After completion of the first year, you will be able to give people in your environment treat-ments with a deeply relaxing effect. You will have learned to use your body in the right way and to touch a receiver in a way that is effective and pleasant. Additionally, you will have made progress in your own physical and mental development.

THE SECOND YEARMeridians and meridian treatment, which lie at the heart of Iokai Shiatsu, are the central topic of the second year. Meridians are a reflection of our internal functioning and its physi-cal, emotional and spiritual aspects. They reflect the connections between the different body parts and functions, and between body and mind.In the second, year you will develop the ability to ‘feel’ the Ki (life energy). You will not only learn the trajectories of the meridians and understand their functions, but you will also sense and influence them with your hands. In order to develop this sense, a lot of attention will be given to practice in the second year. The theory of eastern medicine will be further deepened and broadened with the life functions of the different meridians and their relati-ons. Of course, we will also start every class of the second year with Do-In, Ki Training and Za-Zen. In the second year, Do-In will become increasingly important for your understan-ding of your own condition. Your own body is the perfect study material to this end.After completion of the second year, you will have learned the trajectories of the different meridians. You will also have learned how to sense and influence Ki by applying pressure in the correct way.



THE THIRD YEARThe central focus in the third year will be making a diagnosis and developing a treatment strategy. You will learn different forms of diagnosis that are used in Iokai Shiatsu, develop insights into the eastern way of looking at sickness and health, and learn how to choose and adjust a treatment strategy.The different forms of diagnosis will enable you to get an idea of how and where the Ki of your client manifests itself and how to choose a treatment strategy based on that informa-tion. You will further build upon the skills that you have developed in the first and second year. Your ability to ‘feel’ the Ki and to treat it correctly will be refined and you will develop an understanding of the pathology of the different life functions. Every class of the third year will begin with Do-In and Za-Zen. In the third year, Do-In is also important for self-diagnosis. Your own body is the ideal study material to this end.

After completion of the third year, you will have learned the basic principles of diagnosis. You will have learned how to make a treatment plan and give a treatment based on the information that you have collected. In the fourth year, you will learn to further refine your diagnosis so you can apply it to future clients with various complaints.

THE FOURTH YEARIn the fourth year, the central focus will be your future profession as a shiatsu therapist. You will learn to apply everything that you’ve learned so far integrally in practice, and you will treat test patients, both independently and under supervision. You will be prepared for your profession as an independent shiatsu therapist and you will learn the necessary therapeutic skills. A part of the curriculum of the fourth year will be dedicated to establis-hing your own practice as an entrepreneur. You will further build upon the

insights and skills that you have developed in the previous years. Your theoretical and practical knowledge will be complemented with several specific subjects. However, the main focus of the fourth year will be to apply your knowledge, skills and insights integrally in practice.Of course, Do-In and Za-Zen will remain a fixed part of the classes in the fourth year. We expect that you will have given the practice of Do-In and Za-Zen a place in your life and that you use them for your own development and self-diagnosis.After the final theoretical and practical exams, you will write a final dissertation. If you also successfully completed Fundamentals of Western Medicine, you will receive the recogni-sed certificate of the Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme..

FUNDAMENTALS OF WESTERN MEDICINEFundamentals of Western Medicine is an integral part of the training that will be given in every study year. The course will cover anatomy, physiology and pathology at HBO level according to Plato standards and is accredited by SNRO and CPION. These organisations have been appointed by health care insurers to control the quality and standards of Fun-damentals of Western Medicine in the Netherlands.We sought the cooperation of the Con Amore institute to provide the classes for Funda-mentals of Western Medicine. This organisation has provided these trainings for therapis-ts in complementary medicine since 2010. Con Amore developed a concept that enables students to follow a large part of the training at home. For every study block there is an online module and a final practical class day. There are 12 study blocks in total: two in the first year, four in the second year, four in the third year and two in the last year. Ninety-nine percent of the students pass the Fundamentals of Western Medicine course.

After completing your training,

you will receive the recognised

certificate of the Iokai Shiatsu

Professional Training Programme

In the fourth year you will further develop your independence and professionalisation. You will treat patients and you will get feedback on your treatments and treatment reports.


THE FIRST YEARThe first year of the training to become an Iokai Shiatsu therapist comprises around 180 class hours. The class hours are spread over 25 evening classes, 4 Saturdays or Sundays and 3 residential seminars near Zaltbommel. The evening classes in Amsterdam will be given on Mon-days as well as Thursdays. The learning content is the same for both evenings. You will choose to participate in one of these evening classes. If you are unable to attend your chosen evening class, then you can also participate in that week’s other evening class. The evening classes in Delft will take place on Tuesdays.

SEMINARS Each year, there are also a number of seminars of three or four days that take place in Hurwenen, close to Zalt-bommel.

This is subject to modifications.

TIMETABLE PER STUDY YEARFirst year25 evening classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 4 Saturdays or Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00,3 seminars from Friday 10:00 to Sunday 17:00. Second year8 evening classes on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 12 Saturdays and/or Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00, 1 seminar from Friday 10:00 to Monday 17:00,3 seminars from Friday 10:00 to Sunday 17:00. Third year6 evening classes on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 14 Saturdays and/or Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00, 1 seminar from Friday 10:00 to Sunday 17:00,3 seminars from Friday 10:00 to Monday 17:00

Fourth year4 evening classes on Tuesday and/or Thursday evenings, 15 Saturdays and/or Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00, 2 seminars from Friday 10:00 to Monday 17:00,1 seminar from Friday 10:00 to Sunday 17:00.

Fundamentals of Western Medicine1st year: 2 Saturdays from 9:00 to 17:30 2nd year: 4 Saturdays from 9:00 to 17:30 3rd year: 4 Saturdays from 9:00 to 17:304th year: 2 Saturdays from 9:00 to 17:30

Fundamentals of Western Medicine is a fixed part of the training. Successful completion of Fundamentals of Western Medicine is a precondition for qualification for the Iokai Shiatsu certificate.

LOCATIONSClass location in AmsterdamThe regular classes of the first, second, third and fourth year take place in the Shiatsu Studio, Eerste Jacob van Campenstraat 40, Amsterdam.

Class location in DelftThe classes of the first and second year take place in the Shiatsu Studio in Delft, Burgwal 47.

Class location in Zaltbommel (Hurwenen)The lessons for the first year are also given in the sur-roundings of Zaltbommel. In the same center where also

the three and four day seminars take place; Jannestraat 1 at Hurwenen.

EXPENSES First year € 2.350Second year € 2.450Third year € 2.450Fourth year € 2.650Fundamentals of Western Medicine, per day € 165

The training fee includes all the syllabi that are published by the school itself and the exams of the first, second and third year.

OTHER EXPENSES> Exam fee in the fourth year € 150> Accommodation fee for seminars, per day € 55> Obligatory literature for Iokai Shiatsu € 350

(estimated costs for the entire training)> Liability insurance and registration with statu -

tory disputes committee from the third year € 100 > Obligatory literature for Fundamentals of

Western Medicine (estimated costs for the entire training) € 350


NORBERT GROTE BEVERBORGNorbert has been the head of the Iokai Shiatsu Professio-nal Training Programme since 2013. After completing the Iokai Shiatsu training in 1999, he remained connected with the school as an assistant and teacher. With his clear words Norbert is able to make the depth of oriental medicine understandable and transform it into a practical approach.

ANS HARMSENAns is the senior teacher of the third and fourth year. She has been connected to the school as a teacher since 1999. Ans is broadly educated and beside her profound knowledge of Iokai Shiatsu, she also completed a training in acupuncture and Chinese herbalism. Ans has her own practice in Amersfoort. She uses her extensive practical experience to make eastern medicine comprehensible for her students.

LEX KIERSLex teaches in the second year and has been connected to the school as a teacher since 2002. Beside his expe-rience as a shiatsu therapist and teacher, Lex also has a background as an Aikido teacher. He often uses exercises and insights from Aikido in his classes to make mysterious subjects such as ‘Ki’ (life energy) comprehensible for his students. Beside his work as a teacher, Lex also works as an accountant and he has his own shiatsu practice in The Hague.

BIRUTE (MALA) KUBILIUTEMala teaches in the first and second year. She is gradua-ted in 2012 as an Iokai Shiatsu therapist and has assisted Sasaki Sensei and Eloise Sewell with their classes since her graduation. Mala has a deep interest in Eastern medicine. She is also educated in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Japanese acupuncture.




Payment in instalmentsIt is possible to pay in four equal instalments.

REGISTRATIONYou can register for the first year of the Iokai Shiatsu Trai-ning Programme by filling in the registration form on our website Registration is final after we’ve received your registration form, conducted the intake interview and received the training fee.

Admission requirements The training is accessible for everyone with a HAVO, VWO, MBO (level 4) or equivalent certificate. If you don’t meet the admission requirement and are older than 21 years, you can register for an admission test. This 21+ test consists of a number of components that will give us an insight into your capacity to complete the training successfully. The fee for this test is €95. A part of the learning content and the literature will be in English. A reasonable English language proficiency is a require-ment.

Maximum number of studentsFor the first year there is a maximum number of 36 stu-dents for both locations combined. The number of stu-dents in Delft will not be more than 16 and the number of students in Amsterdam will not be more than 24.

OPEN DAYSIf you’d like to know more about our training to become an Iokai Shiatsu therapist, you are more than welcome to come to one of our open days. You can register via

Open days in AmsterdamWednesday evening 15 May 2019 from 19.00h to 21.30Wednesday evening 26 June 2019 from 19.00 to 21.30Sunday afternoon 21 July 2019 from 14.00 to 16.30 Saturday afternoon 24 August 2019 from 14.00 to 16.30

Open days in DelftThursday evening 21 March 2019 from 19.30 to 21.30Tuesday evening 28 May 2019 from 19.30 to 21.30Thursday evening 27 June 2019 from 19.30 to 21.30Sunday afternoon 25 August from 14.00 to 16.30


Open days Zaltbommel (Hurwenen)Sunday afternoon 17 March from 14.00 to 16.30Wednesday evening 5 June from 19.30 to 22.00

INTRODUCTION WORKSHOPS Introduction workshops are intended for people who are interested in the first year and/or the entire training to become an Iokai Shiatsu therapist. The workshops comprise two days and you will learn a number of basic techniques and principles of Iokai Shiatsu. The work-shops are primarily practical, and you will learn how to give a basic treatment by means of several exercises.

Introduction workshopsThe fee for an introduction workshop is €125. If, after the workshop, you decide to participate in the first year, this fee will be deducted from the training fee.

DATES AND TIMES INTRODUCTION WORKSHOPS30 and 31 March in Zaltbommel (Hurwenen)6 and 7 July in Amsterdam31 August and 1 September in Delft7 and 8 September in Amsterdam

If you are unable to attend one of our open days but still would like to ask us some questions in a personal con-versation, we would be happy to make time for you.

You can register via

SASAKI SENSEISasaki Sensei was the close assistant of Masunaga Sensei, the founder of Iokai Shiatsu. After his death in 1981, Sasaki Sensei carried on his work in Europe. Iokai Shiatsu and the study of eastern medicine are his life work. His deep understanding of traditional eastern medicine and his way of transmitting this to his students is unparalleled. His classes are inspiring and have enormous depth. Sasaki Sensei is the President of the European Iokai Shiatsu Association and he provides guidance to other Iokai Shiatsu training programmes in Europe. He lives in Italy.

JOOST VAN LEUSENJoost is a teacher in training in the first year as well as a teacher in training for the second and third year. After his graduation in 2014, he started his own shiatsu practice in Oegstgeest. Since then he remained connected to the School. Before his shiatsu career, Joost worked for inter-nationally operating companies and his last function was project director at Naturalis.

TANJA VAN WIEREducation Coordinator of the school and teacher in the first year. Involved since 2014 as an assistant and since 2018 as a teacher in the first year. Tanja is also responsible for the organization and further development of education within the training and for the proper functioning of our e-learn-ing environment. She has a shiatsu practice in Amsterdam since 2006.

RINI DE SMITRini graduated as an Iokai Shiatsu therapist in 2003 and remained connected to the school. She has been teaching in the first year since 2010. Rini has had her own shiatsu practice for many years and beside her work as a teacher she now works as a shiatsu chair massage therapist for companies. Rini also has a background as a Qigong teacher and Mindfulness trainer. She uses her diverse experience in her classes and gives her students a lot of personal attention.



ACCREDITATION The Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme is con-nected to the Federatie van Opleidingen in de Natuurlijke Geneeswijzen (FONG, Federation of Schools in Natural Therapy). Members of the FONG are accredited by an independent accreditation institute. The Iokai Shiatsu Pro-fessional Training Programme has been accredited by the SNRO and conforms with HBO level since June 2017.

The SNRO is one of the two accreditation institutes that have been appointed by the health insurers. This accredi-tation means that students can register themselves in the register of the SNRO to have their treatments reimbursed by the health insurers after they graduate. The accredita-tion by the SNRO also gives the right to be exempt from paying VAT for graduated therapists who are members of a recognised professional association.

The training level of the Iokai Shiatsu Professional Trai-ning Programme is similar to the level of regular HBO programmes.

Compared to other shiatsu training programmes, this means that there are relatively many.

INTERNATIONALThe Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme in the Netherlands is one of several Iokai Shiatsu programmes in Europe. There are similar programmes in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. The quality and uniformity of the classes are monitored by the European Iokai Shiatsu Association (EISA). The EISA defines quality standards and provides training and continuing education for the teachers. Students who successfully complete the four-year Iokai Shiatsu Professional Training Programme will also receive the International Certificate of the EISA.

There are yearly assemblies and trainings in the Nether-lands and other countries for graduated Iokai Shiatsu therapists. The atmosphere that is characteristic of Iokai Shiatsu makes these assemblies not only insightful and inspiring but also an enjoyable experience.

There is an annual study week in France for Iokai Shiatsu students. During this week, students from different coun-tries will follow classes about the basic techniques of Iokai Shiatsu, surrounded by a beautiful scenery.

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONAfter the successful completion of your training, you will not be on your own. You can become a member of our active professional association, the Vereniging voor Iokai Shiatsutherapeuten (VIS, the Association for Iokai Shiatsu Therapists). The VIS is a professional association for graduated Iokai Shiatsu therapists and is a platform where you can stay in touch with your Iokai Shiatsu col-leagues. If you are a member of the VIS, a large number of health insurers will recognise your treatments and reimburse them in complementary insurance policies. The VIS safeguards the proper practice of the profession and it ensures the social recognition of Iokai Shiatsu as a form of shiatsu that is practised at HBO level. The VIS develops several initiatives: increasing name recognition, maintaining contact with health insurers and providing continuing education for shiatsu therapists.


ALIET ROGAARSince 2002 Aliet Rogaar has a private practice for iokai shiatsu in Amsterdam. She also gives shiatsu within com-panies and advises on work posture. She is a Iokai Shiatsu teacher and supervises students in their fourth year. She motivates students to trust their own abilities and to remain open and curious, because every shiatsu treatment is a unique encounter.

JEANINE VAN DEURSENJeanine has been involved with the Iokai Shiatsu Professio-nal Training Programme as a guest teacher for Therapeutic Development since 2010. She is the founder and staff trai-ner at the Rebalancing school in the Netherlands and works on specific themes in the area of therapeutic development with the students of the shiatsu school.

ELOISE SEWELLEloise is one of the founders of Iokai Shiatsu in the Netherlands and the founder of the Amsterdam School for Iokai Shiatsu, the precursor of the current professional training programme. Eloise knows how to inspire and mo-tivate students with her profound knowledge about Iokai Shiatsu and eastern medicine. She teaches as a guest teacher and is also a mentor for the other teachers.

Study guide 2019/2020, version March 2019

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