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IP Office Planning Form

IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Page 2

Planning Form Page 2 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Contents Introduction...................................... 3 Overview............................................................. 3 Steps Involved .................................................... 5

System Planning.............................. 6 Control Unit Information...................................... 6 Set Information ................................................... 7 Line Information.................................................. 8 Daughter Cards .................................................. 8 Adjuncts.............................................................. 8 Hunt Groups ....................................................... 8 Applications and Licenses .................................. 8 IP Hardphones.................................................... 9

Extension/User ................................ 9 User Information ............................................... 10 Voicemail Information ....................................... 10 Do Not Disturb .................................................. 12 Short Codes...................................................... 13 Source Numbers............................................... 14 Telephony......................................................... 15 Forwarding........................................................ 16 Coverage .......................................................... 17 Button Programming......................................... 19 IP Hardphones.................................................. 28

Hunt Groups................................... 29 Group Paging ................................................... 29 Non Group Paging............................................ 29

Hunt Group Tab.............................................. 29 Voicemail Tab................................................. 31 Out Of Service (Fallback) Information ............ 32 Queueing........................................................ 33

Analog Trunks................................ 35 T1/PRI Trunks ................................ 38 MSN Configuration ........................................... 48

IP Trunks ........................................ 49 Line Tab............................................................ 49 VOIP Tab.......................................................... 50

Routing Form ................................. 51 Incoming Routing.............................................. 51 Outgoing Routing.............................................. 52

Loudspeaker Paging ..................... 54 Extension Port .................................................. 54 Analog Trunk Port............................................. 54

Introduction Page 3

Introduction This document provides detailed information about system planning. It is intended for use by anyone, who works with customers to plan, coordinate and implement a system.


This document assumes that you are familiar with the IP Office system features. Therefore, detailed interactions are not spelled out in this document. Please refer to the IP Office Manager Help File (online) or the IP Office Manager Application (available at http://www.avayadocs.com, Follow the link to Communications Systems, then IP Office. The Document number is 40DHB0002USAU). This document provides sections that contain forms that help with switch configuration. There are certain conventions used.

• The Manager program in IP Office is what is used to configure the switch. The Manager Program is used comprised of forms (Use, Hunt Group etc.). The directions refer to the “form in Manager”. The main administration items have separate Forms for them in Manager. These forms are indicated in the left-hand side of the main manager screen (see below).

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Introduction Page 4

• Some Manager Forms have multiple Tabs, representing the categories of data that can be administered. Below is an example of this.

The name of the above form is the User form and the Tabs are what are across the top of the form (System, LAN1, DNS, Voicemail, Telephony, Gatekeeper, and LDAP). • The directions indicate the field that needs to be modified in Italics. The answers to the

questions are filled in the appropriate field. • The document does not always contain all the administered items on a form. It does provide the

items that are needed for overall system planning.

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Introduction Page 5

Steps Involved The first form in this document you should work with is the System Planning form. This provides specifics about the IP Office fitting into the network as well as the hardware, including telephones and daughter cards you will need for the system. The System information should be the first administered items in Manager. One of the questions on the System Form is under the Set Information. This is what the dial plan number for the extensions are going to start with (Question 7 under the Set Information section). In addition, Question 2 in the Hunt Groups Section indicates what the dial plan numbers are for Hunt Groups. It is suggested that these be decided before any routing decisions are made as this information makes routing much easier. Once this has been done, the Extn/User section should be looked at, specifically the User Tab of the User form. Again, this helps with routing. It is suggested that this be the next item administered in Manager. You are free to fill out the rest of the form, or save it for later. In the Hunt Group section, Question 1 in both the Paging Group and Non-Paging Group should be answered and administered. At this point, you should work on the Analog, VoIP or T1/PRI sections (as needed), followed by the routing section. Fill in the rest of the User and Hunt Group information after this. The sections are split into the following:

• System Planning – this contains overall system information • Extn/User – This is the information pertaining to users and their phones • Hunt Groups – This is information about Hunt Groups • Analog Trunks – This is information about Ground Start and Loop Start Trunks • VoIP Trunks – This is information about VoIP Trunks • T1/PRI - This is for T1 & PRI trunk information • Routing – This will help set up incoming and outgoing call routing for the system • Paging – This is for Loudspeaker Paging ports

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System Planning Page 6

System Planning Control Unit Information This section applies to the System Form in Manager.

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System Planning Page 7

This form is intended to help you design the System parameters for your IP Office. 1. What is the name of your system? _______________________________________

Fill in the Name field on the System Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program 2. What is the IP Address of the IP4XX box? _______________________________________

Fill in the IP Address field on the LAN1 Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program 3. Will the IP 4XX be used as a DHCP Server? ______________________________________

Fill in the DHCP Mode field on the LAN1 Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program. If it is not a server, select Disabled.

4. What is the Password for your system? ____________________________________ Fill in the Password field on the System Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program

5. What is the IP Address of the PC running the Feature Key Server? __________________________ Fill in the License KeyServer IP Address field on the System Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program

6. What is the IP Address of the PC running the Manager Program? __________________________ Fill in the TFTP Server Address field on the System Tab of the System Form in the Manager Program. NOTE: When using IP Hardphones, this address MUST be filled in with the correct information.

Set Information 1. How many 4400/6400 sets will be connected? ____________________________

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System Planning Page 8 2. How many Tip/Ring sets will be connected? ______________________________________ 3. How many IP Hardphones will be connected? ____________________________________ 4. Given the answers to the above, how many DS Modules will you need? 16 port ________________________________ 30 port ________________________________ 5. Given the answers to the above, how many Analog Modules will you need? 8 port ________________________________ 16 port ________________________________ 30 port ________________________________ 6. What is the total number of extensions? ____________ What is the starting extension number? _________________________

Line Information 1. How many Loop Start Lines are needed? ____________________________ 2. How many T1/PRI lines are needed? _______________________________ 3. How many Ground Start Lines are needed? ____________________________ 4. Given the above answers, how many 4-port LS analog cards do you need? ____________________ 5. Given the above answers, how many T1/PRI cards do you need? _________________________ 6. Given the above answers, how many ATM 16 (16 port LS/GS) modules do you need? (If you are

using any GS lines, you need this module) _______

Daughter Cards 1. Do you need a modem card? _____ 2. Do you need a Voice Compression module? ____ This is required when networking or using IP Hardphones or softphones. IP Hardphones or softphones making calls to the Central Office use one channel per call. Calls involving the IP trunks require two channels per call.

Indicate whether you need the 5 or 10 channel VCM card. _______________

Adjuncts 1. Will there be Paging Units? ____

If yes, how many? _____ Go to the Paging Section for more information. 2. Do you want Music on Hold? ____

If you answered “Yes” do you want the music source to be the PC or external source? ____ 3. Are you using doorphones? ___

If yes, how many? _____

Hunt Groups 1. How many Hunt Groups will there be? _____ 2. What is the starting dial plan number for Hunt Groups? ___________

Applications and Licenses 1. What applications are you using? Voicemail Lite ___ Voicemail Pro ____ eBLF ____ eConsole ____ PhoneManager Lite ____ PhoneManager Pro ____ CCC Server ____

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Extension/User Page 9 CCC Agent ____ CCC Report Designer ____ CCC Wallboard ____ CCC Lite ______ CTI Spectrum Wallboard _____ VoIP Endpoints ______ IMS ______ TAPI _______ CTI Suite ______ If you are using any of the applications besides Voicemail Lite and PhoneManager Lite, enter the appropriate License keys on the License Form. 2. Will you be using Enhanced 911 Service? ____ If “Yes”, will you use an adjunct box? ____

IP Hardphones When using IP Hardphones, the following is suggested. When first setting up the system, check the Auto-create Extn Enable box on the Gatekeeper Tab of the System Form in Manager (See below)

After the IP Hardphones have been plugged in for the first time, go back into Manager and disable (un-check) the box. This will stop users from inadvertently changing their extension numbers when the switch is rebooted

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Extension/User Page 10 This section covers configuring a user that may or may not have a physical extension. The manager forms involved are the Extension and User forms.

User Information The following questions pertain to the User Tab on the User Form in Manager.

1. What is the number dialed to call the user? ______ Fill in the Extension field on the User Tab of the User Form in Manager.

2. Does the User have a physical telephone? ____________________ If you answered “Yes” then use the answer to question 1 to fill in the Extension field for the appropriate Extension ID on the Extension Form in Manager.

3. What name should be on the display for this User? ____________________ Fill in the Name field on the User Tab of the User Form in Manager.

4. What is the User’s full name? ______________________________________ Fill in the Full Name field on the User Tab of the User Form in Manager.

5. If the user has an application, do they need a password? ___________________________ 6. If you answered “Yes” what is the password? ____________________________________

Fill in the Password field and Confirm Password field on the User Tab of the User Form in Manager. 7. Does the user want Canadian French displays? _______

If you answered “Yes”, fill in the Locale field to “frc” on the User Tab of the User Form in Manager.

Voicemail Information The following questions pertain to the Voicemail Tab on the User Form in Manager.

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Extension/User Page 11

1. Will the user have Voicemail (if no, skip this section)? __________________ 2. Does the user want their telephone to alert when they have a new message? ____

If you answered “Yes”, check the Voicemail Ringback box on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager.

3. Does the user want the Voicemail Help feature (this provides instructions on using Voicemail)? ____ If you answered “Yes”, check the Voicemail Help box on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager.

4. Will there be a dial 0 option for the user and if so to what extension? ____ Fill in the Voicemail Reception box on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager.

5. Does the user want to integrate with email? _________ If you answered “Yes”, answer the next set of questions

• What email address are they going to use? ___________________ Fill in the Voicemail Email field on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager. Select one of the following features

• Keep a copy of the message in Voicemail & email ____ If you answered “Yes”, select the Copy circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager • Send the message to email and delete from Voicemail ____ If you answered “Yes”, select the Forward circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager. • Send an email to a pager or cell phone________ If you answered “Yes”, select the Alert circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the User Form in Manager.

6. Do you want people to have the ability to transfer calls directly to a user’s mailbox? ___ If you answered “Yes”, create the following shortcode in the Shortcode Form in Manager:

Shortcode: *xxx Telephone Number: “#User Name” Line Group ID: Feature: VoicemailCollect Locale:

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Extension/User Page 12 Note: The xxx represents the User Extension Number (Question 1 in the User Information section). This is used so that it is easy for users to remember that a “*” in front of the extension number will go directly to a user’s mailbox. The Telephone Number field MUST be the User Name (Question 3 in the User Information Section).

Do Not Disturb The following questions pertain to the Do Not Disturb Tab on the User Form in Manager.

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Extension/User Page 13 List all numbers that should override Do Not Disturb for this user. The numbers can be either internal or external (for external numbers, include the area code). Note: The following is the Default System Shortcode for turning on Do Not Disturb:

Shortcode: *08 Telephone Number: Line Group ID: Feature: DoNotDisturbOn Locale:

The following is the Default System Shortcode for turning off Do Not Disturb. Shortcode: *09 Telephone Number: Line Group ID: Feature: DoNotDisturbOff Locale:

Short Codes The following questions pertain to the Short Code Tab on the User Form in Manager.

1. Do you want the user to override any system wide restrictions? ________________

(Create short code to accomplish that – for example, if you want to override a 900 restriction) Below are two examples, one with Secondary Dial Tone and one without. The “9” in the Shortcode represents the dial out code. The “y” represents the number of the line group that will be used for making calls.

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Extension/User Page 14 Secondary Dial Tone No Secondary Dial Tone

Shortcode: [9]1900N Telephone Number: 1900N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 91900N Telephone Number: 1900N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

2. Are there features (e.g. Call Listen) that the user needs? _______________

These could represent features that you only want select users to have. Below is an example of Call Listen.

Shortcode: *99*N# Telephone Number: N Line Group ID: y Feature: CallListen Locale:

Source Numbers The following questions pertain to the Source Numbers Tab on the User Form in Manager.

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Extension/User Page 15 1. Does the user want to call in from an extension other than this one without entering their password?

_____________ If you answered “Yes”, then fill in the number preceded by a “V” in the Telephone Number field on the Source Number Tab of the User form in Manager.

2. Does the user want to be alerted at a different telephone when a new message arrives? __ If you answered “Yes”, then fill in a number that is “P” in the Telephone Number field on the Source Number Tab of the User form in Manager.

3. Does the user want to call in from an extension other than this one without entering their password? _____________ If you answered “Yes”, then fill in the number in the Telephone Number field on the Source Number Tab of the User form in Manager.

Telephony The following questions pertain to Telephony Tab on the User Form in Manager.

1. Does the user want to have multiple alerting calls at their set? _____

If you answered “Yes”, ensure that the Call Waiting box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

2. Is the user restricted from making Outside Calls? __________ If you answered “Yes”, ensure that the Outward Restricted box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

3. Will this user have only a softphone? _____ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Offhook Station box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

4. Do you want the user to be allowed to listen (monitor) other station’s calls? _____________ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Can Intrude box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

5. Do you want other stations to be able to listen in on conversations on this telephone? _____

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Extension/User Page 16 If the answer is No, ensure that the Cannot Be Intruded box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked.

6. Do you want the extension number to be in the System Directory? ______ If the answer is No, ensure that the Ex Directory box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked.

7. Do you want the user to have to login into their telephone every time they want to use it, or is this station part of a Hunt Group that CCC will monitor? _____ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Force login box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

8. If the answer to the Previous question was yes, what is the code to use? ______________ Fill in the Login Code on the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager

If you want an easy way for the user to log into the group, add the following to the Shortcode Tab: Shortcode: #xxx Telephone Number: xxx*yyyy Line Group ID: Feature: ExtnLogin Locale:

Note: The xxx represents the User Extension Number (Question 1 in the User Information section). The yyyy is the answer Login Code from Question 8. This allows the user an easy way to log in.

9. Do you want the user to have to use an account code when making an external call? ____________ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Force Account Code box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

10. Do you want a caller to hear Busy Tone when the user has a call on Hold? _____________ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Busy on Held box in the Telephony Tab of the User form in Manager is checked

11. How many rings do you want the call to ring before it goes to Voicemail Coverage? ____________ Take the answer above and multiply it by 5. Fill in the Allocated Answer Interval on the Telephony Tab of the User Form in Manager.

12. If this person is in a Hunt Group, how many seconds should they have between calls? _________ Fill in the Wrap Up Time on the Telephony Tab of the User Form in Manager.

13. How long should the phone be idle before a user is logged out? _______________ Fill in the Login Idle on the Telephony Tab of the User Form in Manager.

14. Do you want the user to be able to monitor Hunt Group Calls? _____________ Select the group via the Drop down box of the Monitor Group field on the Telephony Tab of the User Form in Manager

Forwarding The following questions pertain to the Forwarding Tab on the User Form in Manager.

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Extension/User Page 17

1. Does the user want to forward their calls? ______________ If no, skip to the next section. 2. Will the calls be forwarded when there is no answer? ____ 3. Will the calls be forwarded when the station is busy? ____

If the answer to the both of the above is “Yes”, ensure that the Forward Unconditional box is checked on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager. Fill in the number in the Forward Number field on the Forwarding

If the answer to question 2 is “Yes”, ensure that the Forward No Answer box is checked on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager. Fill in the number in the Forward Number field on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager.

If the answer to question 3 is “Yes”, ensure that the Forward on Busy box is checked on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager. Fill in the number in the Forward On Busy Number field on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager

4. Does the user want to forward their Hunt Group Calls as well? ______ If the answer is “Yes”, ensure that the Forward HuntGroup Calls box is checked on the Forwarding Tab of the User Form in Manager. Use the bullet items from the last questions to fill in the appropriate vales.

5. Does the user want to have their calls followed to another number? ______________________ Fill in the number in the Follow Me Number field on the Telephony Tab of the User Form in Manager

Coverage The following pertains to the Coverage Tab:

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Extension/User Page 18

Does the user want other stations to answer their calls? _______ 1. If you answered “Yes” to the previous question, list the extensions that will receive the calls. _______________________________________________________________________ (Right Click the Mouse in the above window –In Manager- to add the Covering Extensions)

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Extension/User Page 19

Button Programming The following questions pertain to the Button Programming Tab on the User Form in Manager.

This section provides programming and set layout information. Below are the features available on the main button menu:


Button Number Action Telephone Number pre-filled in by Manager <empty> Clear out this entry when

<empty> is selected pre-filled in by Manager Dial xxxxxxxxxx pre-filled in by Manager Group “Group Name” pre-filled in by Manager Park yyyy pre-filled in by Manager User “User Name” pre-filled in by Manager Emulation (See Table2 Below) pre-filled in by Manager Advanced (See Table 4


Note: xxxxxxxxxx represents a series of digits yyyy represents the park id The following can be found under the Emulation selection.


Abbreviated Dial Pause Abbreviated Dial Program

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Extension/User Page 20

Abbreviated Dial Stop Abbreviated Dial Account Code Entry ACD Agent Statistics ACD Stroke Count AD Special Function Mark AD Special Function Wait AD Special Functions AD Suppress Automatic Callback Automatic Intercom Call Appearance Call Forwarding All Call Park To Other Extension Call Park Call Pickup Dial Intercom Directed Call Pickup Directory Drop Group Paging Internal Auto-Answer Ringer Off Self-Administer Send All Calls Time Of Day Timer


Button Number Action Telephone Number pre-filled in by Manager Abbreviated Dial xxxxxxxxxx pre-filled in by Manager Account Code Entry zzzzz pre-filled in by Manager Automatic Intercom aaa pre-filled in by Manager Call Forwarding All aaa pre-filled in by Manager Call Park to Other extension aaa pre-filled in by Manager Call Pickup aaa pre-filled in by Manager Directed Call Pickup aaa pre-filled in by Manager Dial Intercom aaa or *bb Note: aaa is an extension number bb is a shortcode zzzzz is an account code xxxxxxxxxx is a telephone number

aaa is an extension or Hunt Group TABLE 4 ADVANCED FEATURES

AcquireCall Busy

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Extension/User Page 21

BusyOnHeld CallIntrude CallListen CallPickupAny CallPickupGroup CallPickupMembers CallPickupExtn CallQueue CallRecord CallWaitingOn CallWaitingOff CallWaitingSuspend CancelAllForwarding ClearCall CancelRingBackWhenFree ChannelMonitor ClearCW ClearHuntGroupNightService ClearHuntGroupOutOfService ClearQuota ConferenceAdd ConferenceRendezvous CW Dial Dial (Mode) DialCW DialDirect DialEmergency DialExtn DialPaging DialPhysicalNumberByExtension DialPhysicalNumberByID DialSpeech DisplayMsg DoNotDisturbOn DoNotDisturbOff DoNotDisturbExceptionAdd DoNotDisturbExceptionDelete ExtnLogin ExtnLogout FlashHook FollowMeHere FollowMeHereCancel FollowMeTo ForwardHuntGroupCallsOn ForwardHuntGroupCallsOff ForwardNumber ForwardOnBusyNumber ForwardOnBusyOn ForwardOnBusyOff ForwardOnNoAnswerOn ForwardOnNoAnswerOff ForwardUnconditionalOff ForwardUnconditionalOn Headset Toggle HoldCall HoldCW Planning Form Page 21 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Extension/User Page 22

HoldMusic HuntGroupDisable HuntGroupEnable OffHookStation ParkCall RelayOn RelayOff RelayPulse RideCall RingBackWhenFree ResumeCall RetrieveCall SecondaryDialTone SetAbsentText SetHuntGroupNightService SetHuntGroupOutOfService SetInsidePattern, SetOutsidePattern and SetRingbackPattern SetAllocatedAnswerInterval SetWrapUpTime SuspendCall SuspendCW ToggleCalls VoicemailCollect VoicemailOn VoicemailOff VoicemailRingbackOn VoicemailRingbackOff

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Extension/User Page 23 The following tables are the button layouts for the different sets. You can choose the station type and write in the appropriate values for the fields.


User: ____________________________________ Button #

Feature Telephone Number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Extension/User Page 24 TABLE 6 6416 BUTTON MAP

User: ____________________________________ Button # Feature Telephone

Number Button # Feature Telephone

Number 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16

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Extension/User Page 25 TABLE 7 6424 BUTTON MAP

User: ____________________________________ Button #

Feature Telephone Number

Button #

Feature Telephone Number

Button #

Feature Telephone Number

1 9 17 2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24

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Extension/User Page 26

TABLE 8 4406/4606 BUTTON MAP

User: ____________________________________ Button #

Feature Telephone Number

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Extension/User Page 27

TABLE 9 4412/4612/4424 BUTTON MAP

User: ____________________________________ Button #

Feature Telephone Number

Button #

Feature Telephone Number

Button #

Feature Telephone Number

1 9 17 2 10 18 3 11 19 4 12 20 5 13 21 6 14 22 7 15 23 8 16 24

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Extension/User Page 28

IP Hardphones Some additional parameters need to be filled in for IP Hardphones. These are on the VoIP Tab of the Extension Form in Manager.

1. The following are for H323 sets.

What is the IP Address of the telephone? ______ Fill in the IP Address field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

Do you want the H323 phone to supply the Music on Hold? ______ Check the Local Hold Music field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

Do you want the H323 phone to supply the Tones? ______ Check the Local Tones field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

What is the MAC address of the phones? ______ Fill in the MAC Address field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

2. What is the Compression Mode being used? ____ Fill in the Compression Mode field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

3. What is the Packet Size? _____ Fill in the Voice Packet Size field of the VoIP Tab on the Extension Tab of Manager.

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Hunt Groups Page 29

Hunt Groups This is intended to help configure your Hunt Groups.

Group Paging Hunt Groups are used for group paging. If you intend to use Paging Groups, use this section. 1. What is the extension number for the page group? ______ 2. What is the name of the page group? _____ List all stations in the page group Group # Extensions Create a new Hunt Group.

Use the answer from question 1 to fill in the Name field on the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

Use the answer from question 2 to fill in the Extension field on the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

Add extensions in the extensions listed in question 3 in the Extension List field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

Set the Hunt Type to Group on the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager Create the following shortcode:

Shortcode: *xxx Telephone Number: xxx Line Group ID: Feature: DialPaging Locale:

xxx is the extension number of the group (specified in question 2)

Non Group Paging Hunt Group Tab

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Hunt Groups Page 30

1. What is the extension number for the Hunt Group? ______

Fill in the Extension field on the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager 2. What is the name of the Hunt Group? _____

Fill in the Name field on the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager 3. List all stations in the page group Group # Extensions Add extensions in the extensions Extension List field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager. 4. Select the appropriate Hunt Type:

Circular ______________ Linear _______________ Most Idle _____________ Group Ring ___________ Fill in the Hunt Type field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

5. How many rings do you want a member to have before it moves on to the next member? _____ Take the answer, multiply it by 5 and fill this into the Allocated Answer Interval field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager.

6. Will the group overflow to another group? ___ If you answered “Yes”, how many seconds should the call be in queue before it overflows? ___

Fill in the Overflow Time field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

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Hunt Groups Page 31 7. What groups should it overflow to?

Fill in the Overflow Group List field of the Hunt Group Tab of the Hunt Group form in Manager

Voicemail Tab

1. Will the group have Voicemail (if no, skip this section)? __________________ 2. Should the group have the Voicemail Help feature (this provides instructions on using Voicemail)?

_______ If you answered “Yes”, check the Voicemail Help box on the Voicemail Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager.

3. Should the group’s Voicemail integrate with email? _________ If you answered “Yes”, answer the next set of questions

4. What email address are they going to use? ___________________ Fill in the Voicemail Email field on the Voicemail Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager.

5. Select one of the following features • Keep a copy of the message in Voicemail & email ____ If you answered “Yes”, select the Copy circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager • Send the message to email and delete from Voicemail ____ If you answered “Yes”, select the Forward circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager • Send an email to a pager or cell phone________ If you answered “Yes”, select the Alert circle for Voicemail Email on the Voicemail Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager.

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Hunt Groups Page 32

Out Of Service (Fallback) Information This corresponds to the Fallback Tab on the Hunt Group Form.

1. Do you want users to be able to control when the group is going into Night Service or is Out of Service? ____

If you answered “Yes”, do not use the Time Profile, set up buttons or shortcodes on extensions. If No, complete the following table:

Day Hours of Service Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Create a Time profile (on the Time Profile Form in Manager) 1. What group will provide coverage for this group when it is Out Of Service? ________

Fill in the Out of Service Fallback Group on the Fallback Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager 2. What group will provide coverage for this group when it is in Night Service? ________

Fill in the Night Service Fallback Group on the Fallback Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager 3. Do you want to set up shortcodes for Out Of Service and Night Service? ______________ 4. Do you want users to have to enter the Hunt Group when doing this? _________________ To have users enter a Hunt Group, Setting Night Service Clearing Night Service

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Hunt Groups Page 33

Shortcode: *zz*N# Telephone Number:N Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Shortcode: *zy*N# Telephone Number:N Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Setting Out Of Service Clearing Out Of Service

Shortcode: *z1*N# Telephone Number:N Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupOutOfService Locale:

Shortcode: *y1*N# Telephone Number:N Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupOutOfService Locale:

Note: “zz”, “z1”, “y1” and “zy” are the numbers of the shortcode To have users not have to enter a Hunt Group, Setting Night Service Clearing Night Service

Shortcode: *zz Telephone Number:xxx Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Shortcode: *zy Telephone Number:xxx Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Setting Out Of Service Clearing Out Of Service

Shortcode: *z1 Telephone Number:xxx Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Shortcode: *y1 Telephone Number:xxx Line Group ID: Feature: SetHuntGroupNightService Locale:

Note: “zz”, “z1”, “y1” and “zy” are the numbers of the shortcodes


Planning Form Page 33 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Hunt Groups Page 34

1. Do you want queueing for this group? ___________ If you answered “Yes”, ensure the Queuing box is checked on the Queueing Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager

2. How many calls should be in queue before they go to Voicemail or hear busy (Use blank for leaving this feature out)? _____

Fill in the Queue Limit field on the Queueing Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager. 3. How long do you want before the call goes into the queue? _______________

Fill in the Queue Ring Time field on the Queueing Tab of the Hunt Group Form in Manager.

Planning Form Page 34 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Analog Trunks Page 35

Analog Trunks This section applies to the following form (and tabs) within manager.

Planning Form Page 35 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Analog Trunks Page 36

This is intended to help configure your line for the ATM 16 module (which is for Ground Start and Loop Start trunks) or the Analog 4 card, which handles Loop Start lines only. Trunks are numbered in the following way. Daughter cards (which go in the IP403 and IP406) are numbered as follows. Lines 1-4 are the ones on Slot A and Slot B has lines 5-8. Expansion slots are numbered the following way; X01 – X16, where “X” is the number of the expansion port. This information is filled in on a per line basis. This information is on the Line Form in Manager. 1. Do you require Power Failure Transfer? ______________

If you answered “Yes”, you will need an ATM16 expansion module. 2. What type of line is this?

Ground Start ____________ Loop Start (without ICLID) _______________ Loop Start _________ Out Of Service_______________________ Fill in the Trunk Type field on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

3. What is the Signaling Type of this line? DTMF____________ Pulse _____________ Fill in the Signaling Type field on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

4. Which way are calls going on this line? Incoming ________ Outgoing ________ Both _________ Fill in the Direction field on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

Planning Form Page 36 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Analog Trunks Page 37 5. What call types are being made on this line?

Voice ___________ Data ____________ Any _____________ Fill in the Bearer field on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

6. Will this line be used for Remote Call Forwarding or Trunk-to-Trunk transfer? _______________ If you answered “Yes”, check the Allow Forwarding box on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

7. Is there reliable disconnect on this line? If you answered “Yes”, ensure the Disconnect Clear box is checked on the Analog Tab of the Line Form in Manager. After completing the Routing Planning Form, fill in the following fields on the Line Tab of the Line Form: Incoming Group ID ________ Outgoing Group ID ________

Planning Form Page 37 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 38

T1/PRI Trunks This document contains a blank Planner as well as the instructions for filling it out. If you have more that one T1/PRI line, you should make copies of the form. IP Office can support the following services from the Central Office.

• 4ESS • 5ESS • DMS 100 • NI2

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill in the customer information (name, address and telephone number) 2. Fill in the order number 3. Identify the Account Executive and System Consultant Information 4. Identify the T1/PRI vendor information 5. Under the Installation Heading:

• Include the Due Date for installation • Include when the materials are to be shipped to the customer in the Materials-on-job date

6. The Installation Contacts should include name and telephone numbers for: • Order Implementers • National Technical Service Engineer • Data Services Organization (DSO) Manager

7. For the question on order been placed include: • If the order has been placed check the Yes box and fill in the date • If the order has not been placed, check the No box

8. Fill in all the information that is asked (you may need the tables if you have more than 1 T1/PRI line) 9. To ensure synchronization integrity of the DS1 network, prepare the map

• Fill in the slot that the line is being • Put the number of feet between the slot and CSU and then the CSU and far-end • Fill in the type of CSU • Fill in the connectivity (to CO, a PRI network, a T1) • Fill in the clock information

10. Fill in the information for Tables 1, 2 and 3. Note that Tables 2 & 3 may need to be copied for multiple modules.

Planning Form Page 38 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 39


Reference Number: _______________




Order Number _______________________________________________________________________

Account Executive___________________________________ Telephone Number________________

Systems Consultant_________________________________Telephone Number________________

T1/PRI Vendor:

Name ___________________________________ Telephone Number________________

Contact _________________________________ Telephone Number________________


Due Date: ___________________________________

Materials-on-job: _________________________________

Installation Contacts

Implementer ___________________________________ Telephone Number________________

Date Order was placed _________________________

Planning Form Page 39 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 40


The following is general information about the line you and equipment you are using: Control Unit

Slot: A Distance from CO entry point to Control Unit: ______ CSU:

Model # ____ None ____

Connection: CO ____

T1 ___ PRI ___

T1 Services: Loop Start ____

Ground Start ____ E&M Tie ____ E & M DID ____ E&M Switched 56 _____ Clear Channel 64 _____

Slot: B Distance from CO entry point to Control Unit: ______ CSU:

Model # ____ None ____

Connection: CO ____

T1 ___ PRI ___

T1 Services: Loop Start ____

Ground Start ____ E&M Tie ____ E & M DID ____ E&M Switched 56 _____

Clear Channel 64 _____

Planning Form Page 40 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 41 The next tables are used for administration for each line that you have ordered. They contain the administration items and choices. Check off the appropriate values. These forms can then be used as input for the administration.


These parameters are used for the following screen:

Line Tab:

Line Sub Type: T1 _____ PRI _____

Provider: AT&T ____ Sprint ____ WorldCom ____ Local Telco ____

Switch Type: 4ESS ____ 5ESS ____ DMS 100 ____ NI 2 ____


Planning Form Page 41 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 42 The following parameters allow the switch line to synchronize correctly with the CO. They are found on the following screen.

Advanced Tab:

Framing: ESF ____ D4 ____

Zero Suppression: B8ZS ____ AMI ZCS

Line Quality: ____ Feet

Clock Quality Network ____ Quality ____ Unsuitable ____

Channel Unit: Normal ____ Foreign Access ____ Special Exchange ____

Test Telephone Number ______ Performance _______

Planning Form Page 42 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 43

CRC __________

The following tables are for the channel types. This can be reached by going to the Line Tab and double clicking on one channel, or a group of channels (by using the standard Windows Ctrl/Shift selection options).


Subscribed to: Channels Assigned Ground Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Loop Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 E&M Tie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 E&M DID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 E&M Switched 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Clear Channel 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Call By Call 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Megacom 800 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Planning Form Page 43 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 44

Megacom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Wats 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Software Defined Network 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Accunet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

ILDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

I800 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Private Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

AT&T MultiQuest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Channel Direction Bearer Dial

Type Outgoing Trunk Type

Incoming Trunk Type

1 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

2 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

3 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

4 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

5 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___

Planning Form Page 44 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 45

Planning Form Page 45 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

6 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

7 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

8 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

9 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

10 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

11 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

12 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate

T1/PRI Trunks Page 46

Planning Form Page 46 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

___ ___ 13 Incoming ___

Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

14 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

15 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

16 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

17 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

18 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

19 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

20 Incoming ___ Outgoing __

Data ___ Voice ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___

Wink Start ___

T1/PRI Trunks Page 47

Both ___ Both ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

21 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

22 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

23 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

24 Incoming ___ Outgoing __ Both ___

Data ___ Voice ___ Both ___

DTMF __ Pulse __

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Wink Start ___ Automatic ___ Dial Delay ___ Immediate ___

Planning Form Page 47 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

T1/PRI Trunks Page 48

MSN Configuration MSN configuration can be used to add a range of Incoming Routing Numbers. This is especially useful with DID or networking. This administration can be done for multiple trunks or telephone number ranges. Before doing this, you should have all your extension and Hunt Group numbers chosen and administered. The parameters are for the following screen:

1. What is the Incoming number (for ranges, indicate the starting number)? ______ Fill in the Incoming Number field on the MSN form in Manager.

2. What is the destination? ____________________ Fill in Destination field on the MSN form in Manager.

3. How many total digits arrive? ________________ Fill in the Presentation Digits field on the MSN form in Manager.

4. If this is a block of numbers, how many numbers are in the block? _____________ Fill in the Range field on the MSN form in Manager.

5. What Incoming Line Group is this associated with? ______ Fill in the Line Group ID field on the MSN form in Manager.

Planning Form Page 48 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

IP Trunks Page 49

IP Trunks This section has information about the parameters for IP trunks.

Line Tab The following section corresponds to the Line Tab on the Line Form (when the line is a VoIP line. These types of lines must be added (versus read from the hardware). To add a VOIP line, highlight Line on the left-hand panel in Manager and then go to the right-hand panel, right-click the mouse and select New.

1. What is the Line Number (This must be a unique number)? _____

Fill in the Line Number field on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 2. What is the size of the VCM module you have installed? _________________

Fill in the Number of Channels field on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 3. How many channels are used for outgoing calls? ______________________

Fill in the Gateway IP Address on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 4. How many Voice channels will be used? ________________________

Fill in the Voice Channels on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 5. How many Data Channels will be used? ___________________-

Fill in the Data Channels on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

Planning Form Page 49 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

IP Trunks Page 50


1. What is the IP Address of the other connection on this line? _______________

Fill in the Gateway IP Address field on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 2. What is the Voice Packet Size? ____________

Fill in the Voice Pkt. Size field on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 3. What type of compression is used? ___________________

Fill in the Compression Mode field on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 4. Do you want Fax Service? __________________

Check the Fax Transport Service box on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager. 5. Do you want the Remote End to create DTMF tone? _______________

Check the Out Of Band DTMF box on the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

Planning Form Page 50 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Routing Form Page 51

Routing Form This form is intended to help you design the Incoming and Outgoing Routing.

Incoming Routing

1. How many lines are in the system (B-Channels that are In Service are counted as individual lines)? ____

For each line in the system (each B-channel is considered a separate line), designate where it should alert and the type of Service. NOTE: Analog LS and GS trunks are always AnyVoice) Line Destination Bearer

Capability (check 1)

2. Check columns 2 & 3. Are there rows where these columns match? _____

If you answered “Yes”, change the Incoming Group ID (on the Line Forms in Manager) for all lines that match to the same number. Record the information here

Incoming Group ID

Lines Destination Bearer

3. Do you want to route the call based on the caller’s Caller ID? ____

If you answered “Yes”, create an entry with the Incoming Number filled in with the Caller ID.

Planning Form Page 51 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Routing Form Page 52

Outgoing Routing This section will help you design shortcodes for Outgoing calls. Throughout this section, when “N” or “x” is used, those are the actual letters to include in the shortcode. For the examples given in this section, “9” will be the dial out code. If you are not using “9”, substitute your dial out code for “9”. 1. What do you want the dial out code to be? ______________________ 2. Can local and long distance numbers go out the same lines? ________

If the answer to the above is yes, the Outgoing Group ID (on the Line Forms in Manager) can be the same. If the answer is No, set Groups for lines for local calls and lines for long distance calls.

Outgoing Group ID

Lines Type of Calls

Local Toll Free Long

Distance 3. Do you need Secondary Dial Tone? ___________________________

If you answered “Yes”, add the following Shortcode (Note that “y” is the number of the Outgoing Group ID. The telephone number is a “.”)

Shortcode: 9 Telephone Number: . Line Group ID: y Feature: SecondaryDialTone Locale:

4. Do you want 900 numbers to be blocked If you answered “Yes”, add the following shortcode (Note that “y” is the number of the Outgoing Group ID and “9” is the dial out code)

Secondary Dial Tone No Secondary Dial Tone Shortcode: [9]1900N Telephone Number: Line Group ID: y Feature: Busy Locale:

Shortcode: 91900N Telephone Number: Line Group ID: y Feature: Busy Locale:

Below is an example of shortcodes that route calls out different lines while being transparent to the user. There are a few things to be aware of: 1. The more sophisticated routing you want to do (i.e. Local vs. Long Distance vs. Toll Free), the more

shortcodes you need 2. Using the “x” character matches the dialed number with the following rules. The dialed number can

be anywhere in length from 1 to the number of “x”s. 3. Users can dial the same code for an outside line and they can be routed by matching the actual

digits dialed. 4. Include the “;” at the end of the shortcode whenever the Line Group ID contains any Digital (T1/PRI)

lines. The following shortcodes are used for routing local and long distance calls out different line groups. The shortcodes below will route all local calls (whether 7 or 10 digit dialing) and toll free calls out the lines in-group y (Note that “y” is a number for the Line GroupID). Secondary Dial Tone No Secondary Dial Tone

Shortcode: [9]xxxxxxxxxx; Telephone Number: N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 9xxxxxxxxxx; Telephone Number: N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: [9]1800; Shortcode: 91800N;

Planning Form Page 52 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Routing Form Page 53

Telephone Number: 1800N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Telephone Number: 1800N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: [9]1888N; Telephone Number: 1888N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 91888N; Telephone Number: 1888N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: [9]1877N; Telephone Number: 1877N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 91877N; Telephone Number: 1877N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: [9]1866N; Telephone Number: 1866N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 91866N; Telephone Number: 1866N Line Group ID: y Feature: Dial Locale:

The shortcode below will route all Long Distance calls out Line Group z (Note that “z” is a number for the Line GroupID). 5. Are there certain numbers that everybody dials? ____________________

You can create Speed Dial Numbers for them. Below is an example where 732-555-1234 is the called number. “600” represents the shortcode to be used.

Shortcode: 600 Telephone Number: 7325551234 Line Group ID: z Feature: Dial Locale:

6. Do you want to disallow outside calls to the operator, but allow international dialing? ____ The shortcodes below allow this operation (Note that “z” is a number for the Line GroupID).

Secondary Dial Tone No Secondary Dial Tone Shortcode: [9]0 Telephone Number: Line Group ID: z Feature: Busy Locale:

Shortcode: 90 Telephone Number: Line Group ID: z Feature: Busy Locale:

Shortcode: [9]0N Telephone Number: 0N Line Group ID: z Feature: Dial Locale:

Shortcode: 90N; Telephone Number: 0N Line Group ID: z Feature: Dial Locale:

Planning Form Page 53 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Loudspeaker Paging Page 54

Loudspeaker Paging Extension Port 1. Will the paging port be plugged into a Trunk port? _____ If you answered “Yes”, change the Equipment Classification on the Extension Form in Manager to Paging Speaker. If you are connecting from an IP403 Control Module analog port or a POTS port on an expansion module, you must install an auto-answering device, such as a Lucent PagePal, between the IP400 Module and the amplifier unit.

Analog Trunk Port The other choice is to plug it into an analog trunk port. Set up the trunk as follows for the Line Tab of the Line Form in Manager.

1. What is the Line Group you want associated with this? ____

Fill in the Incoming Group ID and Outgoing Group ID of the Line Tab on the Analog Line Form. For the Analog Tab, use the following settings:

Planning Form Page 54 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Loudspeaker Paging Page 55

Create a shortcode for the Line. Below is an example of what could be used. Note “z” represents the number of the Outgoing Line Group ID.

Shortcode: 88N Telephone Number: N Line Group ID: z Feature: Dial Locale:

Connect a single-pair wire between the IP400 Analog Trunk Module Port you are using and the Bogen Amplifier/VALCOM paging units as outlined in their documentation.

Planning Form Page 55 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

Loudspeaker Paging Page 56

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Planning Form Page 56 IP Office IP Office 1.3 (10/02)

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