iphone update pr measurment and evaluation

Post on 18-Jul-2015



Economy & Finance



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iphone Update


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Google News “All you have to do is pay attention to any user forum or Mac site such as MacRumors.com to know that nearly every software upgrade has caused a problem for someone.”

“Smith alleges that Apple violated several California antitrust statutes when it tied the smart phone to AT&T and prohibited customers from using other carriers.”

N/A Apple May Market Third-Party Apps for the iPhone

“But, according to an unconfirmed report, the company may be putting together a system that will allow users to download approved programs to their smartphone.”

“Apple's move last week to stop hackers from modifying the iPhone has essentially killed the market for unlocked phones, a financial analyst said Thursday.”

Google Blog Search

“Apparently, after updating to 1.1.1 on the papercraft iPhones, the screen still doesn't work-- the buttons are frozen in place, and the whole design of the thing is pretty flimsy.”

“For the second time in less than a month, Apple is angering the iPhone community.”

“I'm loving my iPhone and I haven't even tapped into the native third party applications that are out there now.”

“The update went just fine for me.”

“Mac users should know by now that the next version of Leopard is due out by the end of this month and one of the features demoed by Steve himself was Web Clip Widgets.”

“I don't think Apple owes third party developers anything. If they want to make it a closed device like they did the iPod, they can.”

Google Video “Did you update your Iphone, did you unlock it, haha!”

“Iphone will be sold in Germany November 1, 2007”

“New iTune Update on WiFi, I really like it, I’m glad they came up with it”

“Keep in mind that if you hack into the Iphone it can break.”

Negative Quotes Positive Quotes Neutral Quotes

Ask.com Blog Search “This isn't about the rejecting phringe(sic) hackers, but rather a company pushing the envelope on just how much they can get away with when it comes to draconian controls on devices people pay good money for. “

“Because the truth is, while I love my iPhone, the Blackberry is still a better feature-by-feature communication device.”

“Hackers finally crack newest iPhone update, this is good for us!”

“Hopefully in the not too distant future now that 1.1.1 is jailbroken we'll see updated apps so we can put ringtones and apps back on.”

“The goal is to list potential software fixes/upgrades and then vote on what we feel should be included in the next iPhone update.”

Technorati “As MacRumors reports, it seems that the inability for iPod touch users to add and edit Calendar entries - a capability iPhone users have been enjoying, is about to be remedied.”

“Unlocked phones were closed down and rendered useless.”

“I, myself am the proud owner of one of these nifty little devices, and I love it, but feel free to state your opinion about your own or even write your own review.”

“The lawyers in the case have set up a website where owners can join in on the suit — so if you’re feeling slighted, maybe they can help. “

“Now, an ‘unlocked’ iPhone - one that can be used on any GSM network in any country - can be bought online.”

“And those who bricked themselves, will obviously learn a lesson not to update so fast when dealing with money hungry conglomerates.”

BlogPulse “No wireless syncing to iTunes and/or other iPod touch or iPhones.”

"Apple forced plaintiff and the class members to pay substantially more for the iPhone and cell phone service than they would have paid in a competitive marketplace either for the iPhone or for AT&T's cell phone service," and that the company, "Acted in defiance and without sufficient consideration of consumers' rights to unlock their iPhones because it knew that the probable result of its update would be to render unlocked iPhones inoperable."

“For all you fanatics on the edge of your seat over the iPhone v1.1.1 hacking situation, there's some good news on the horizon.”

"You can disagree on whether or not it is a good idea to take a hard line with unlocked phones, but it is irresponsible and infantile to complain that Apple is being "arrogant" or deliberately working to "screw" its customers (as has been stated in recent days).”

“Google’s Mark Pilgrim makes an excellent point that if you want Apple to open up the iPhone platform, stop buying it.”

“So TruPhone’s offering will satisfy an enormous demand and increase the value of the iPhone’s WiFi hardware dramatically.”

Negative Quotes Positive Quotes Neutral Quotes

Icerocket “Apple sued for iPhone’s anti-hack update”

“It seems to me that Apple did not have to give AT&T exclusivity to get the investments needed and that there would have been a big upside to being freer on this.”

“It looks like iPod touch hacker Niacin has achieved read access to the iPod touch root.”

“Now, an ‘unlocked’ iPhone - one that can be used on any GSM network in any country – can be bought online.”

“The hack at the time only allowed access to file directories on the iPhone, and did not completely open the new upgrade.”

Digg “unfortunately, it sounds like most (if not all) of these new hacks rely solely on that single TIFF exploit in Mobile Safari, meaning that everyone's back to square one the moment Apple beams v1.1.2 to the public at large.”

“Still, there are still plenty of ways you can stick it to the man. For starters, don't upgrade to 1.1.1!”

“Hacking the iPhone is "an assault on the integrity of (Jobs') artifact," writes pundit Nicholas Carr.”

“I’ll be rushing home soon it install it my iPhone!”

“Bluetooth audio streaming is now available off of your iPhone for whatever you darn please, meaning you can finally listen to music from the phone wirelessly.”

“Stop it. You knew what you were getting into. You are being punished for not trusting perfection. Live with it and move on.†”

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