is climate change a serious threat to biodiversity? by jack main

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Is Climate Change A Serious Threat To Biodiversity?


What Is Climate Change?

Did You Know? Melting glaciers imply that life in the arctic is affected by climate change.

Natural Causes

Did You Know? Two factors that cause climate change are changes in volcanic activity and changes in solar radiation.

Human Causes

Did you know? The build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has led to an increase in the natural greenhouse effect. This means greenhouse gases have the potential to warm the planet to levels that has never been experienced before.

Animals That Are Affected By Climate Change:


Did You Know? Amphibians provide an important signal to the health of biodiversity; when they are struggling, biodiversity may be under pressure. When they’re doing well, biodiversity is likely healthy.


Did You Know? Reptiles are associated with extreme habitats and tough environmental conditions. Many species require a specialized habitat, but their ability to “thermo regulate” enables them to survive in conditions that stretch their thermal limits.


Did you know? The National Audubon Society estimates that about half of North America’s 650 bird species will have to find a new habitat over the next 65 years due to climate change.

Loss of Forests

Did You Know? Brazil has around 55,000 species of flora (the plants of a region) which is 22% of the world’s total plants.

Did You Know? Approximately 31% of Earth’s land surface is made up of forests.

Polar Bear

Did You Know? The polar bears biggest threat is the loss of habitat due to global warming and arctic development.

Climate Change Affect On The World

Did You Know? Climate change will likely increase the risk of droughts in some areas and could change the intensity of forest threats like insect outbreaks, wildfires etc.

Climate Change Summit With U.S. and China

Canada’s Actions on Climate Change

Did You Know? Canada has one of the cleanest electricity systems in the world, with 79% of our electricity supply emitting no greenhouse gases.


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