issue two preview

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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An inspiring magazine featuring cover stories on photographers/models/etc, photoshoots, events! Competitions, interviews with other creative minds. And of course featuring tutorials, interviews with big names and advert sections for people to advertise their work!


On the Cover

Photography by KittyKEMSPhotographyModel Kitty Couture

Say Cheese 2012

Editors NoteAs we now enter March we are bring with us new creativity,

new ideas to embrace and new goals to achieve. We learn from our mistakes of 2011, we see how we’ve grown and matured, pushing ourselves to succeed. Sometimes a new

year can mean a brand new start, something to look forward to, a change. For me? It brings new beginnings. I was asked

the other day what my new years resolution was or did I even have one? And I sat there pondering of the thought of

having one. I mean most people answer with

‘I’ll cut down on chocolate’ or ‘I’ll stop smoking’ or ‘Lose weight’ and honestly I’ve never really had one. Of course I become more positive as the new year starts, I’ll work day in and day out a bit more to get stuff done I didn’t finish the year before but a new resolution?

Never thought of one.

This year however Say Cheese will face its biggest challenge, we are still in the early stages of production by just being on our second issue and we need to prove to everyone we’re not go-ing anywhere. This year we are going to bring so much to the table, events, promotions, fea-tures from top photographers and models, interviews with world renowned artists, reviews and so much more! Its excitement beyond words and what’s more exciting we now have teamed up with a local printing business in Cardiff, Wales to get the magazine published so we will really be getting out there and pushing the magazine for promotion. This magazine was created for the people of South Wales who wish to create, share and just to show off their


With all that in mind, I leave you with this readers. You know what we’re excited about for 2012, you’ll read through the magazine of what our contributers are excited about and more importantly you might catch a glimpse of what we have planned for the next few issues. So as a challenge for you, think about what you want to do this year or even in the next six months, create something, don’t be scared to say yes to something big or small as it might take you places! Take your camera everywhere! Travel! Be inspired! 2012 really is the year to

do all of those things. And most importantly, tell us about it!

Melanie Davies

Feature Spring Shoot

With Kitty Couture

Interview with Photographer Ceri Vale

Read the Mind ofAngel Illustrations

Interview with Model Nancy Harry

The Team Issue Two

Editor-In-ChiefMelanie Davies

Creative DirectorKatie Smith

Contributing ArtistsKatie Smith

Ceri ValeKarl Angel

Nancy HarryJames GrahamNigel PainterLel Burnett

Contributing WritersTanaz Genki

Mathew RobsonChristopher Yate

Peter McNallyClaire Louise

A Minute With Genki

This year I’m going to lose two sizes and magically get bigger boobs as well as a better life! Sounds familiar? I don’t think I’m alone in always finding a fault in

myself or my life or wishing for change. Even when I have been at my slimmest I have always found a new fault. When I was a size 8, I then decided that now I had small boobs or that my bum was better bigger. The pursuit of perfection went on and no matter what,

a fault was the first to be seen when looking in the mirror.

I have always been particular with my weight and never satisfied by how I looked. Same with my life and always seeing what it was missing or whatever imperfection that existed.

Then came November 2010 and a major operation that would forever change my life in every way. On my way to the operating theatre which they make you walk to, I had a

moment of clarity. It was at that moment I thought wow I have been quite stupid, there is nothing wrong with me or my life. In fact walking down the hospital corridor I thought I have no regrets by how my life had been and the way I had lived so far. Now why couldn’t

I have done that long ago and without the dramatics of the operating theatre?

In fact the time of my life that was meant to be the worst, turned out to be the turning point of how I see myself and the way I live my life. After the operation the worst was yet to come. I couldn’t stand, walk or do anything for that matter, I had to be helped for everything. For the first time my body was no longer seen by me as how it looked but what it did. I no longer cared about my big bum or that my thighs will never be skinny. All my energy was now on learning how to stand and for my muscles to keep my structure or balance. It’s shocking how much we forget how amazing our bodies are and how much we

take it for granted.

During my recovery I put on weight, got called fat or even got advice on how to go to the gym from various people. All that was important to me was to get my body and my life back. You know the one I was never satisfied with turned out to be the one I would fight

to get back.

So here is my advice for life: Don’t wait until you lose something or a major event to start appreciating it. Love who you are, including all those things that you see as imperfections because that’s what makes you unique. If you want to make a change then do it, but think about the reasons why you are doing it. If you want to lose weight go for it, but remain

happy with yourself no matter what.

Look yourself in the mirror but this time look at all the things you like instead of finding those faults. I have a 2inch scar on my back and I actually like it. It is a

reminder of how strong my body is. That it has gone from inability to stand on my own feet to being back to normality. It reminds me to be happy with my life

because I love even the dull moments.

So here’s to you and whatever your new year’s resolution may be. Just remember to look in the mirror and see all that makes you who you are. Those positives

rather than the one negative thing that you are adamant is more important that the 10 positives. Join me in the love for one’s self and to carry on living a

wonderful life. Hope the year 2012 is a great one for all of us.


Miss Genki

Photography: KittyKEMSPhotoraphyModel Kitty Couture

With our spring shoot it was last minute. I love last minute shoots as you do just let your inspiration take over. You have that random creative freedom. Like you are somehow awake at 5 in the morning and you run outside to capture the sunrise. With planned shoots you have ideas you want to try, shots you want to capture and I sit there determined to get

what I want or need, which is good, but sometimes you do miss out on random opportunities.

On the morning it was raining. And considering it was meant to be a spring shoot, and in wasn’t good. I ran to Tesco to get flowers (as there weren’t any around) and hoped for the best! We did most of the shots in my home studio and we spent most of the time recreating sunlight with my softboxes. It was a good learning curve, as I had to google spring images and we just took inspiration from them. I had to guess where the light was

coming from and adjust.

The good thing about working with an experienced model is that she will sit there and wait for me to adjust around them. Kitty is a wonderful model. Not only agreeing to come in on a last minute shoot, but giving input and ideas. On these type of shoots you and the model need to work together to get a fantastic result. When we did finally go outside (sun came out in the end for about half an hour) We walked around my where I lived and we both spotted out places where we could take photos. By the water, by flowers, anything which

would make the pictures feel like spring. Luckily the sun kept popping out from behind the clouds and we got a few nice sunny pictures. It was a mixture of looking around scouting out places, hiding from the rain, getting damp and running around going ‘quick

quick, sun’s out!!’

Two Kitty’s Play

Firstly, tell us a few things about yourself?I’m a Store Manager for a really high end retailer, and also the Visual Merchandiser for the whole company. I’m also a burlesque performer,

nothing beats shaking your tail feather, or massive show fans in my case!

How did you get into modelling?I did my first shoot last March with a friend from back home who’s an

amazing photographer (Muse Photography). I never expected it to take off so fast, I’m pretty blown away by it.

You’re a very popular person on the internet so, how are you marketing yourself?Am I? Good to know! At first it was just sharing my page over facebook and word of mouth. Now I use a lot of different social networking sites.

What obstacles have you come across?It can be a bit difficult trying to fit everything in sometimes, I’m super dedicated to my job, which takes up a lot of time. I think the thing to remember about modelling is you’ll never be everyones cup of tea, and never take any crappy remarks to heart!

For the feature shoot with KittyKEMS, we’ve noticed theres a lot of girly colours and flowers, have you done a shoot like this before or is this your first girly shoot and how did you feel about it?I’ve done something girly before, but never that girly! It was a really fun and energetic shoot, I got to throw flowers around the room! Every time I work with KittyKEMS I love her a little more, she’s insanely talented.

2012 is finally here! So what are your plans so far?Continue to progress in the industry, I’ll keep modelling as well as I can and enjoy it. I’m off to work a few festivals aswell, so far Hit the Deck and HeavyFest are confirmed!

Whats your favourite colour?A mix of nautical colours!

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?I’m a bit like Paddington bear, work takes me all over the country, I just pack up and ship out. I’ve not quite decided yet where I’d like to live ha!

You can see more of Kitty Couture’s work on face-book.




Thank you,Say Cheese Team.

Say Cheese 2012

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