issues in pharma marketing

Post on 24-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues in PharmaMarketing

    Submitted by:

    Roshan Das Talreja (2012!"#

    S$hubert % Sou&a (2012'#

    Shaily Sharma (2012')#

    *r+it ,ishnoi(201!!"#

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing



    Pharmaceutical marketing- sometimes $alled medi$o.or +harma marketing in some $ountries- is the business adertising or otherise +romoting the sale o/+harma$edrugs3

    Pharma$euti$als $om+anies e4+end a lot o/ money- een the limit alloed- to market their +rodu$ts- in arious /or

    Marketing to health $are +roiders takes three main /ormby +harma$euti$al sales re+resentaties- +roision o/ drusam+les- and s+onsoring $ontinuing medi$al edu$ation (

    This +ro/ession and this industry is the most heaily relia$ode o/ ethi$s in its eeryday +ra$ti$e3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Testing the 5ode o/ 5ondu$

    It is globally knon that the national ,oard o/ Regiso/ Pharma$ists or similar bodies +roides a $ode o/+ro/essional $ondu$t to ensure the highest degree oethi$al and moral +ra$ti$e by +harma$ists3

    These bodies ill also monitor +harma$ists to ensurmeet the standard o/ ethi$s as sti+ulated3

    The +harma$ist $ode o/ ethi$s is to ensure that $onsare re$eiing the highest 6uality drug +rodu$ts ithassured sa/ety and e7i$a$y3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Indian Pharma Industry

    The inolement o/ the Indian goernment in the +hindustry has been dee+ and o/ten $ontroersial3 Thegoernment has made numerous e7orts to stimulateorgani&ed groth o/ the industry3

    Robust me$hanisms su$h as the Drug (Pri$es 5ontro8rders and the 9ational Pharma$euti$al Pri$ing *ut(9PP*# hae been im+lemented to address the issuea7ordability and aailability o/ medi$ines3

    Pharma ision 2020- hi$h inter alia- +roides /orredu$tion in a++roal time /or ne /a$ilities to boostinestments3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues a7e$ting the Indian Phar

    Industry IPR: A changing face

    Contentious issue globally

    the Indian authorities were initially not keen on grsubstantial IPR protection (large poor population i

    of basic health care) Oer a period of time! authorities hae become mor

    sensitie to the need and importance of IPR"

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues (5ontd3#

    #etter patent protection

    The (Indian# Patents *$t as ena$ted in 1)0 and inter alia $ontains +roisions re+harma$euti$al +atents3

    * major $hange in the +atent las in India as the ena$tment o/ the Patent (*men*$t- 200'- hi$h made +atent las in India $om+liant ith the TRIPS3

    Prior to the 200' amendment- only +ro$esses ere +atentable and not the end +ro

    This regime naturally $aused $on$erns to arious $om+anies- es+e$ially brandedmanu/a$turers- as it did not +rote$t their inentions /ully and alloed others to mathe same drug3

    ;ith the 200' amendment being ena$ted- +rodu$t +atents and +ro$ess +atents ha+ermitted /or a +eriod o/ 20 years and s+e$ial +roisions hae been introdu$ed to eer.greening o/ +atents3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues (5ontd3# $ocking horns on compulsory licensing

    ed? or

    The +atented inention is not aailable to the +ubli$ at a reasonably a7or

    The +atented inention is not orked in the territory o/ India3

    In the +harma $onte4t- the $onditions /or grant o/ a 5= are aimed a situation here the +ubli$ health is +rejudi$ed by the e4$lusiity

    the +atented +rodu$t3;hile 5=s hae been ieed in the deelo+ing orld as a ne$essarhae also $aused grae $on$erns in the industry due to the reenu5=s tend to $ause3

    In a re$ent order by the 5ontroller o/ Patents- it has been held tha5= should be the last resort and e7orts /or obtaining a oluntary libe made >rst3 This order +roides some $om/ort to the industry3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues (5ontd3# %tricter trademark enforcement

    *nother obserable trend in the IPR s+here is the stri$ter en/ortrademark $ontraentions in India3 In the +harma s+here this tr$om/orting as trademark $ontraentions may lead to use o/ ro

    *$tion /or +assing o7 on the basis o/ unregistered trade mark- /the 6uestion o/ de$e+tie similarity inter alia the /olloing /a$tobe $onsidered:

    The degree o/ resemblan$e beteen the marks- +honeti$ally similar an

    similar in idea?

    The similarity in the nature- $hara$ter and +er/orman$e o/ the goods otraders? and

    The $lass o/ +ur$hasers ho are likely to buy the goods bearing the mre6uire- on their edu$ation and intelligen$e and a degree o/ $are they e4er$ise in +ur$hasing and@ or using the goods3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues (5ontd3# Anti&trust: Changing the old workings ways

    Preiously- heneer a +harma $om+any anted to a++

    sto$kists- holesalers or distributors- it had to obtain a letter o/ $onsent /rom asso$iations o/ national and state $hemist and druggist3

    The 55I has been $losely e4amining this issue and in nuorders had held su$h +ra$ti$es as anti.$om+etitie3

    Preiously- the +harma $om+anies had to +arti$i+ate in Ain/ormalB arrangements due to a la$k o/ alternaties? thorders o/ the 55I hae +aed a ay /or greater trans+ar

    The stakeholders and the industry $an look /orard to mtrans+arent domesti$ drug distribution system3

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Issues (5ontd3# 'A in Indian pharma sphere eneral outlook tow

    foreign inestments

    The drugs and +harma se$tor has attra$ted one o/ the highinos in India3 It has been a matter o/ debate hether suinestments hae indeed bene>tted the Indian +harma indnot3

    ;hile in$reased a$$ess to $a+ital is ne$essary /or groth industry- in the +harma $onte4t su$h in$reased inestmentbe a$$om+anied ith te$hnology sharing- in$reased +roduin$reased em+loyment generation3

    CDI $ou+led ith su$h a$$om+animents $an a$hiee long.sustained groth and $ould ensure orld $lass /a$ilities in

    It is ne$essary that CDI /ueled groth should not be arti>$

    nature and should a$t as a $atalyst in deelo+ing a orld $

  • 7/25/2019 Issues in Pharma Marketing


    Cuture o/ Indian +harma

    The Indian +harma industry has $ome a long ay and made signi>$a+rogress in in/rastru$ture deelo+ment and te$hni$al and RED $a+a

    ;ith the integration o/ the Indian +harma market ith the global mane issues are being /a$ed and ta$kled by the industry3

    Some old $hallenges su$h as IPR and +ri$ing $ontinue to be $ontenti

    issues in the market3 The trends o/ in$reased /oreign interest in the mand in$reased inestments in RED are e4+e$ted to stay3

    ;ith numerous strengths and a groing $onsumer $lass- the +harmaindustry in India may /a$e $ertain lega$y and ne issues- but it is e4+to gro multi/old and $ontinue to be an attra$tie inestment destina

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