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Positive Behavior Support

in a Jail Setting

Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


A little about myself

• My work orientation has been with adults

who have intellectual and developmental


• Used to be called Mental Retardation

• Used to be called Autism

• The concepts that I bring to bear in my work

setting are applicable to all human beings

• I teach these concepts at the university level

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



Grand Rounds Lecture

Central State Hospital

Milledgeville, Georgia

Presented by:

Robb Weiss, Psy. D.

May 18, 2007 1:30-2:30

Fellowship Hall

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Positive Behavior Support

• We are talking about setting up an environment

that is conducive to the success of an individual

• We are not talking about the flaws/deficiencies in

the environment that set the individual up to fail

• We are not talking about the reactive

management of challenging behavior

• We are talking about setting the stage for the

demonstration of positive behavior

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


The glass half full or half empty

• We want to focus on opportunities for


• We don’t want to focus on barriers

• Barriers are everywhere

• What can we do about them

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Paradigm Shift

• We are talking about what is outside of the person versus what is inside the person

• The only way to effect change in other human being is to change your own behavior

• Definition of insanity

• We are talking about concepts about the behavior of human beings

• They don’t have to “do their part” or even “understand”

• We are not talking about specific strategies

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


It’s all about behavior

• We need to focus on our behavior and not the

behavior of the person

• Our behavior is the treatment

• Definition of behavior-everything that we do

(actions, words, etc.)

• All behavior has function

• All behavior is a form of communication

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Paradigm Shift

• It’s all about the environment and not the


• Let’s begin by defining what environment is

• Environment is anything/everything outside

the individual

• Environment includes structure, density,

noise, odor, temperature, and other people

and their behavior

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• All behavior occurs within an environmental


• Behavior cannot be emitted in an

environmental void or vacuum

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• Doing the same thing over and over and

expecting a different result

• We must change our behavior to effect a

change in the behavior of another person

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• Definition of Learn-Change in behavior not

due to neurological/maturational

development or disease/trauma

• Unicellular organisms learn

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


People treating people

• As whole human beings

• Need for validation and respect

• Family, relationships, desires, longings

• Past, present, future

• Hopes, dreams, goals

• Past, memories, sorrows

• Beliefs

• Need for belonging, acceptance, love, assertion, power, control

• How we treat others is a reflection of “ourselves”

• We see others more as we are than as they are

• We are more alike than different

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Perception Is Reality

• How do we view the individual

• Do we define the individual by a label

• One dimensional

• The criminal

• The sociopath

• The victim

• Or do we view the individual as a whole human being

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



Are we reinforcing the self-image and self-

concept of a “bad” individual by managing them

in an environment that feeds into their self-


Are “they” training us by virtue of their behavior

to alter our behavior in ways that fulfill their

self-concept or are “we” training “them” to alter

their behavior by altering our behavior

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• Moving away from the paradigm of

power/control to one of dignity, equality, and


• Making the individual an active participant in

one’s own treatment to enhance the

individual’s sense of control over their lives

• Providing choices enhances control

• We only have control over our own behavior

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Learning Theory

• Classical- what happens before the behavior occurs will determine the behavior

• Operant-what happens after the behavior occurs will determine the behavior

• Punishment will result in a sharp decline of behavior

• Punishment teaches the person what not to do

• It does not teach the person what to do

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• What does this have to do with me?

• Is this relevant in your career?

• How do we find ways to implement these

concepts in the jail setting?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Applied Behavior Analysis

• Applying the principles of behavior change in

human beings

• Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence

• Technology of behavioral change

• Behavior can be observed, quantified, tracked,


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Everyday interactions

• Who is driving the train

• Is the individual’s behavior directing our


• Is our behavior directing the behavior of the


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Structure of Environment

• What does it communicate about the mission and vision

• Does it speak to punitive punishment

• Does it speak to respect, dignity, choice, control, etc.

• What positive and negative aspects do we bring to the job from our lives e.g. our upbringing, our education, our goals, etc.

• What aspects of our personality attract us to work in the environment and what are the positives and negatives

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• What is our mission

• What is our vision

• What is our purpose

• What is our function

• All of these questions need to be addressed to

determine the role of environmental supports

and behavioral interventions

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“It’s Just Behavior”

-How often do we do something that is simply a behavior with no reason or explanation for our behavior?

-What factors contribute to challenging behavior?

-Is the behavior a choice the person is making? What is the choice based on?

-Does it indicate that something is wrong?

-Is it an attempt to express or communicate something?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“He’s just trying to get on my nerves”

-Individual is possibly engaging in challenging

behavior for attention and is getting a reaction

that reinforces the behavior

-Understanding the behavior goes a long way

toward understanding how to respond to the


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“She just wants to do what she wants to do”

-She is self directed and has a preference for activities that she wants to engage in

-How do we adjust activities to meet her preferences?

-How do we make activities rewarding for her?

-Are we addressing naturally occurring limits?

-Are we teaching her the balance between making choices and following rules and schedules?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“He knows exactly what he’s doing”

-Most of us know exactly what we’re doing but still make questionable choices

-Smoking…Dieting…Bad Habits…These are behaviors too

-Often the temptation to engage in challenging behavior is difficult to overcome, especially if it may result in a desired outcome or is a long term habit

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“She is a “Behavior” individual or “I have two “Behaviors” in my area”

-I would rather people define my personality by the things that I do well than by what I am working the hardest to change

-Less common nowadays. People first language has taken root in many areas, but sometimes this attitude is apparent

-Often learning to use People First language has resulted in changing attitudes such as these. So has long term experience working with people with IDD

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“She just wants attention”

-We all want attention

-What motivates someone to want more attention all of a sudden? Have we had times in our lives where we needed more attention? How do we learn to seek out attention when we need it? How are we teaching this to individuals?

-Are we teaching appropriate behaviors to get attention?

-Are the individuals who engage in challenging behavior getting more attention than those who do not?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

“He doesn’t want to work” or “He doesn’t want to participate”

-Why are we at this conference?

-How often do you and I feel this way?

-Are the rewards of the task/work worth the effort he expends to do the task?

-Is the activity interesting to him?

-We take vacations from work, do individuals need a break sometimes as well?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Common Attitudes About Behavior

The word “Behavior” indicates something someone does that is inappropriate or harmful

-Anything anyone does is a behavior. A behavior is an act that is observable and measurable

-Challenging behavior, or negative behavior, is simply behavior that is not appropriate for the time and place in which it occurs, based on the results of the behavior

-Even inappropriate behavior can have a positive aspect, or indicate a strength that an individual can build upon

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

Compliance is the act of doing what we are told

to do. Cooperation is the act of working

together towards a common goal. Which is

more appealing?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

What’s the compelling reason for someone to

engage in a task?

-If someone simply does not want to engage in a

task, then there is no strategy that will directly

result in them engaging in that task

-So, how do we motivate someone, from their

perspective, to engage in a task that we think is


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

Focus Intervention on essential activities first

-Pick and choose your “battles” very carefully

-Use positive reinforcement and modeling to

encourage general positive social behavior, but

focus structured interventions on areas that will

most affect an individual’s health, safety, and


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

Are we expecting better behavior from the individuals we work with than we do from ourselves?

-Are the standards we are holding the individuals we work with higher than what the average person living in the community is expected to follow?

-What is a normal standard for behavior, hygiene, etc?

-Do we allow for normal human error in how we define behavior and compliance?

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

Are we utilizing the team process to

address/resolve ongoing compliance issues

that result in health and safety hazards?

-Don’t get caught up in a battle of wills with the

people we serve

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Compliance vs Cooperation

Focus on the positive!

-Don’t define someone as “non-compliant”

-For every non-compliant behavior, there are

many more cooperative behaviors that a person

engages in that go unnoticed. No one is

completely uncooperative.

-Recognize and reward cooperative behavior

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


System Issues

Common System Issues

-Not enough funds

-Lack of available resources

-Staff turnover/shortages

-Communication difficulties

-Things don’t happen fast enough

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• Most important principle of behavior

• Key element to most behavior change


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D



• Need to demonstrate that all less restrictive

means of supporting a behavior have been


• Clinical/Legal/Ethical/Moral/Societal issues


Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


Psychiatric Issues

• Medicate as clinically indicated for

signs/symptoms of diagnosed disorder

• Do not medicate for “behavior” or “sedation”

or “punishment” or convenience of staff

Copyright Dr. Robb Weiss, Psy. D., BCBA-D


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