james biasucci: ways of understanding indigenous medicine

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Ways of Understanding

Indigenous Medicine

*James Biasucci:

*There are many ways to learn about traditional and indigenous medicine, ranging from observing indigenous cultures around the world to studying historical archives. Many students of health and wellness find resources available online.

*The University of Colorado Health Sciences Library includes resources on indigenous medicine, entitled the Florence G. Strauss—Leonard A. Wisneski Indigenous and Integrative Medicine Collection. The official website of this library offers a list of sites of interest to individuals researching various approaches to traditional or indigenous healing.

*Another resource is the National Institute of Health (NIH). The official website of the NIH includes the National Library of Medicine, which offers information on the health and traditions of various groups of indigenous people. Here, researchers may study various methods, such as herbal healing techniques of Native Americans.

*Students may also find international study informative. For example, Salisbury University in Maryland features a Study Abroad program to Brazil, where students may research topics such as ecology and biodiversity in the area.

* Additionally, Duke University features study abroad opportunities to Costa Rica, where students interested in pre-med, public health, or the natural sciences may learn about various topics, including tropical medicine.

*About James Biasucci:

*A health and wellness enthusiast, James Biasucci has traveled internationally to assist and study various populations. He coaches mind-body fitness at Neo Tao in New York. He has also studied Yoga, Chi flow, and the healing techniques of indigenous peoples of Brazil.

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