james long - portfolio - dec2016

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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No More Mudguards


Celsuis Personal Thermostat


concept for...


Home Utilising Green Energy

in collaboration with...


James LongProduct Design BSc

Work Samples from PDD



No More Mudguards

Mudguards were invented to keep cyclists clean and dry. They were developed to do a job a wheel could not do alone. They’ve been redesigned, remodelled and repositioned but the wheel remains the real problem. The project investigates how the bicycle wheel can be redesigned to reduce the amount of spray created whilst cycling in wet conditions.



Research & Experiments

01 Initial test rig used to investigate the relationship between tyre speed & angle of spray

02 Discovered that all tyres types will wet a rider above 8mph due to the rubber compound

03 A hydrophobic coating would prevent water from sticking to the tyre but is very fragile

04 Hierarchical roughness can be used to protect the topography of a hydrophobic coating

05 Only a small proportion of the tyre is in contact with the road, the rest is protected

06 A tyre was sprayed with a hydrophobic finish to test the hierarchical roughness principle

07 Regular vs hydrophobic - a significant reduction in the amount of spray generated

08 Water was still picked up by the top of the tread & this needed to be addressed

01 02








Prototype Production







01 Positives of three prototype treads were produced from ureal using the CNC router

02 The positives were used to make a silicon mould to vacuum cast the treads in a PU resin

03 Five sections of each tread pattern were needed to cover the circumference of the test wheels

04 The treads were secured one-by-one to the test wheels using a suitable contact adhesive

05 A silicone-based hydrophobic coating, NeverWet, was applied to each of the tyres

06 Each wheel was tested up to 15mph, both with and without the coating


CAD & Further Development




04 05


07 08

01 Testing showed that reducing the size of the protrusions reduced the spray

02 ANSYS helped analyse the effect of changes in tyre pressure on product performance

03 Changes in ride angle reduced both the grip on the road and the amount of spray generated

04 The small tread protrusions weren’t mechanically durable

05 A cone-shaped pattern would provide the strength required

06 As the tyre is compressed the contact area will increase

07 This 3D print gives an impression of the size of the tread

08 A SEM image of the hydrophobic coating applied


Removing the need for mudguards when cycling in the wet


Why?Mudguards were developed to keep cyclists clean and dry, a job the wheel couldn’t do alone. They’ve been redesigned, remodelled and repositioned but the wheel remains the real problem.

What?A bicycle tyre that combines a bespoke tread pattern with a hydrophobic coating to repel up to 99.5% of water from the tyre in test conditions whilst maintaining sufficient grip with the road.

Hydrophobic coating to repel water

Exposed contact region to grip the road

The tread pattern is composed of thousands of cone-shaped protrusions that aim to protect the nano-roughness exhibited by a super-hydrophobic coating. The tyre is produced from a standard rubber compound currently used within existing bicycle tyres. It will contain a rubber content of between 40-60%, featuring a combination of natural and synthetic materials. The tread pattern can be manufactured using existing vulcanisation techniques as the hydrophobic coating is applied afterwards.

Final Delivery


Product Performance 99%

Region of RiskThis is the region where a rider is at risk of getting wet. Here the water has traveled far enough around the wheel to allow it to fly in the direction of a rider.

Regular Bicycle Tyre

No More Mudguards

The prototype was tested on a specially designed rig to simulate the action of a wheel rolling along the road. The rig was driven by two motors and the speed could be controlled to ±0.5mph. The test wheels were 300mm in diameter, half the size of wheel found on a regular adult bicycle. As a result, a speed of 15mph on a small tyre was equivalent

to 30mph on a regular tyre. The spray was measured using a piece of grey material positioned in an arc over the test rig, which darkened when struck by water. The images below show that ‘No More Mudguards’ reduced the amount of spray generated by up to 99.5% in regions where the rider is at risk of getting wet.


Celsuis Personal Thermostat


concept for...


Brand Repositioning


+ + =

The mind is what Intel already has; the processing and cloud based services that are required to make IoT a success. Through integrating the technology they know best, they will be able to create better, faster products that won’t disappoint the user.


This is the tangible interface of Intel’s devices. It is essential for people to interact with their products, and for those products to communicate with them. Intel will improve how technology talks to users, seeking alternative methods of primary interaction.


The heart gives Intel a new understanding of emotion and empathy, two elements not previously present in their products. They are two vital components for IoT products, helping users to form meaningful relationships with their devices.


To drive Internet of Things Intel need to grow a heart and a body

For over 40 years, Intel have been the brain behind our technological world. Through the development of their products, they have empowered the masses to do more with technology and embrace it within their daily lives.

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) creates a unique opportunity for Intel to lead the way through the engagement of consumer needs.

The repositioning identifies a potential direction for the company in a society of living services. If Intel wish to truly connect with their customers they must adopt a new, product-based design strategy. By reaching out to the hearts of consumers, they encourage meaningful relationships, stimulating seamless interactions between people and products.

“Inside and out, Intel is the trusted companion that leads us to live more fulfilled lives.”




ContextThe number of people living in urban areas is constantly on the rise. We live busy lives and spend little time at home. Our house becomes simply a bed to sleep in and an address to write to. As we constantly move between places we have less control over the environments we find ourselves in. In order to be comfortable, we must adapt our personal space to fit our individual needs.

ProductAs our lives become increasingly mobile, we need products that help us adapt to our surroundings. Celsius is a concept that allows you to control and regulate your personal environment. It can help keep you warm on a frosty walk to work or cool on a busy train. Over time the device learns what you like and dislike, automatically adjusting your body temperature to suit your needs.

James Long


® Celcius

ContextThe number of people living in urban areas is constantly on the rise. We live busy lives and spend little time at home. Our house becomes simply a bed to sleep in and an address to write to. As we constantly move between places we have less control over the environments we find ourselves in. In order to be comfortable, we must adapt our personal space to fit our individual needs.

ProductAs our lives become increasingly mobile, we need products that help us adapt to our surroundings. Celsius is a concept that allows you to control and regulate your personal environment. It can help keep you warm on a frosty walk to work or cool on a busy train. Over time the device learns what you like and dislike, automatically adjusting your body temperature to suit your needs.

James Long



ContextThe number of people living in urban areas is constantly on the rise. We live busy lives and spend little time at home. Our house becomes simply a bed to sleep in and an address to write to. As we constantly move between places we have less control over the environments we find ourselves in. In order to be comfortable, we must adapt our personal space to meet our individual needs.

As our lives become increasingly mobile, we need products that help us adapt to our surroundings. Celsius is a concept that allows you to control and regulate your personal environment. It can help keep you warm on a frosty walk to work or cool on a busy train. Over time the device learns what you like and dislike, automatically adjusting your body temperature to suit your needs.

“Thermal comfort describes a person’s state of mind in terms of whether they feel too hot or too cold.”

01 02


04 06



01 Air temperatures constantly vary throughout different regions & seasons

02 We often add or remove layers of clothings to adjust our thermal comfort

03 Existing products simulate natural cycles to improve personal wellbeing

04 The weather effects our perceptions of temperature

05 Additional light helps to stimulate brain activity

06 Hot drinks are hugged close to retain maximum heat

07 Cool drinks are held with fingertips to avoid contact


Sketch Development

Research identified that consumption is the only example of temperature regulation in both hot & cold environments. Therefore, the project was focused on a drinking vessel that could personalise the temperature of your drink based on environmental and internal body conditions. It was decided that a taller, larger form would be better suited to on-the-go applications due to the increased product volume.


3D Form Development

01 Foam models produced from initial sketches to explore the 3D forms

02 Further form development based on a review of the brand repositioning

03 Exploring potential points of interaction with the final bottle shape

04 Getting the Intel swoop right was very important for the visual identity

05 This jig was one of three used to cut the ring as accurately as possible

06 The internal release button was turned on the machine lathe

07 The swoop was produced from aluminium using a lathe & mill

08 Split line between the base and lid of the bottle





07 08




Scenario of use

This board was created to show how a user’s relationship with the product can change overtime. Through small temperature changes, Celsius is able to learn your preferences in different scenarios until it can provide the perfect drink every time. This stage of the design process also included the exploration of potential interactions. As part of our repositioning we intended to move away from screen based technology and create multi sensory interactions through subtle feedback such as haptics and adaptive visual stimuli.


Final Delivery

Intel Swoop

Rapid Heating & Cooling

Hand Warmer


The simple swoop is a modest piece of company branding to elegantly separate the base from the lid of the product. The angled lip offers easy drinking as the user doesn’t have to tip their head.

As a user picks up the product, Celsius measures environmental conditions & body temperature to provide a suitable drink instantly via rapid heating or cooling.

Each time the user takes a drink, their body temperature is recorded & the data is represented by this line. It allows users to understand how their body temperature varies daily.

Celsius can channel heat from the liquid heating system to warm the base of the bottle for use in cold environments.

The aesthetic model was produced in the Brunel workshops, requiring a range of processes including 3D printing and lathe work. The number of split lines has been reduced where possible to create a natural form and a friendly character to encourage a meaningful relationship between the product and its owner.


Home Utilising Green Energy

in collaboration with...


Project Brief

“We live very busy lives & spend little time at home during the day. We invested in solar panels but are unable to make the most of the green energy available whilst at work & school.”

The graph above displays the output from a standard set of solar panels. The peaked data shows the maximum power output is at midday when the home owner is unable to make use of energy available. As a result, machine cycles must be run in the evenings and draw energy from the grid as the solar panels are no longer producing sufficient power.


Market Trends








% Growth in Renewables% Growth of Demand























“By 2035, our global energy consumption is set to rise by 41%”

Feed-in-Tariffs - Able to earn up to 14.90p/kW for a <4kW system.

Free Solar PV Offers - Gives users the option of renting their roof to an energy provider. The investor pays both for the installation & management of the panels, the user gets either free or reduced energy.

Green Deal - Government backed scheme that helps users make energy saving improvements to their home. A loan that is repaid over a period through the user’s energy bills.

Financial Incentives

As the global energy consumption rises, so does the demand for renewable solutions. As technology improves, micro generation systems are becoming increasingly efficient and more affordable for consumers. A significant detraction of such systems is their initial expense to purchase. Any attempt to speed up the recovery of this cost will only help to make the technology more attractive.


Predicted Performance






energy consumptionper cycle per year

Total Annual Usage

energy productionbased on a live case study

£650012 x 230W Panels

2100kWh Annual OutputFeed-in-Tariff: 15.44p per kWh

Theoritical savings over first year... £551

Actual savings over first year... £879How? • Maximised use of solar panels when possible

• Running machine cycles when at home during the day

2484kWh produced... double required to run above appliances

This case study is taken from a solar powered micro-generation system in Devizes, Wiltshire. The solar panels are located on a sloping, south facing garage roof. The home owner estimated that they would need a system that produced close to 3000kWh of power per year. They installed 12 panels each producing 230W to create a combined annual output of 2760kWh. Each panel has its own micro-inverter. This converts the direct current (DC) produced by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) which can be pumped back into the national grid.


am pmmidday

Load your machine and select preferred setting

Select the best cycle time as recommended

Leave the house to go to work or school

When the time is right ‘Home’ will run your appliance cycle

When you return, the logo pulsates to tell you the cycle is done

Time to relax

How it works

AboutHome communicates with micro-generation systems and accesses online weather data to decide the most energy efficient time to switch on home appliances. It is able to remotely access your utilities to make the best use of the green energy available, saving you time and money.

Appliance Control - Manage your appliance cycles from a central hub.

Wi-Fi Connection - Accesses weather updates and decides when to run cycles.

History - See your usage and cycle history as your savings build over time.

Intelligent - Can re-schedule and delay cycles depending on weather conditions.

Key Features


Due to confidentially reasons I am unable to share the majority of the work I was involved in whilst at PDD Group Ltd. However, here are a few samples to show the type of work I completed on a daily basis.

Work Samples from PDD


James LongProduct Design BSc

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