jan p. nassalskirecfa, warsaw, 25.02.20051 polish participation in fixed target experiments at cern...

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Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 1

Polish participation in fixed target experiments

at CERN (1999-2004)

NA48 & NA48.1 running NA49 NA59 (COMPASS) NA47 (SMC) running WA98 completed

J.P.Nassalski25.02.2005RECFA, Warsaw

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 2

Sources of funds

Budget of Institutes: - salaries of physicists and PhD students, - all overheads: electricity, heating, phones, faxes… (ex.: average for SINS: 42kzł (10.4kЄ) /year / <person>) It will be not accounted for in experimental budgets.

Funds for „Special Projects and Equipment” (SPUB) from the fundning agency (KBN): - building detectors, - contributions to Common Funds, - travel, - local infrastructure (computers, …), - supplements to salaries.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 3

Grants from KBN (typically 100kzł /year in total): - can not be used for Common Funds, - used to supplement SPUB for specific items, - there are special grants to support PhD students and young researchers.

Funds from bilateral agreements (PL-D, PL-F, …): used for the exchange of physicists between collaborating Institutes.

Funds from EU.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 4


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 5

Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies:

High Energy Physics Department, Department of Nuclear Detectors and Electronics


Participants 4 physicists 2 electronics engineers 1 PhD student 1 diploma student

only 1 physicist continued in NA48.1

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 6

Year: 1999 2000 2001 2002



53 113 165 145+32a

40% common funds, 24% travel, 17% overheads, 13% salaries, 5% equipment, …

In addition: 1 PhD grant of 23kzł.

a) Common fund for NA48.1

Budget for experiment(does not include personnel costs covered by Institutes)

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 7

Hardware responsabilities

Design, making a prototype, testing after production and maintenance of:

60 modules of Fastbus Clock Fanout, 65 modules of Fastbus Optoisolated Cluster Interconnect, 30 modules of VME FOL-RIO Interface.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 8

Contributions to physics analysis Parallel analysis for:• search for light gluino,• 1 PhD,• KS lifetime,•

Contributions to systematics:• 1 diploma,

η and K0 mass.Re(ε /ε) :

+ - + -L,SK π π e e :

± 0L e eK π π e ν (ν ).

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 9

Highlights World data on ε /ε


εε’/’/εε = (16.6 = (16.6 ±± 1.6) 1.6) ·· 10 10-4-4

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 10

K0, η masses and K0 lifetime


10K ππτ (0.89598 0.00048 0.00051) 10 s

In 2002:

• higher precision than that of PDG2000 and 1.7σ above it,

consistent with PDG2000 and with a similar error,

2.4 times higher precision than that of PDG2000 and it differs from it by 4.2σ.

0 0LM(K 3π ) 497.625 0.031 MeV

0M(η 3π ) 547.843 0.051 MeV

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 11

0 ± 0L e eK π π e ν (ν )

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 12

Event display:~1200 charged particles

NA49Large Acceptance Hadron Spectrometer for the study

of Heavy Ion Collisions

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 13


Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS), High Energy Physics Department, Warsaw,

Warsaw University (WU), Institute of Experimental Physics,

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Science (INP), Kraków,

Świętokrzyska Academy (SA), Kielce (since April 2002).

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 14

Participants (2005)

Institution Physicists PhD students

Diploma students



WU 1 1

INP 3 1

SA 5

2 2

Total 11 5 2

10 students obtained diploma in 1998-2005

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 15

Budget for experiment(does not include personnel costs covered by Institutes)



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


WU+INP)a 51 43 81 201 193 120

SAb - - - 190

In addition:a) 3000Є from PL-D b) 75kЄ from Helmholtz Gemeinschaft (2004-2006)

30% travel, 27% salaries, 16% equipment, 16% overheads, …



Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 16

Main results

First beam 1996, last 2002, analysis goes on.

Main goal: search for QGP in HI collisions

Main results (whole collaboration):• Strangeness enhancement in central Pb-Pb

collisions,• Collective behaviour (HBT, flow),• Non-monotonic energy dependence of

strangeness production.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 17

Main results of Cracow & Warsaw groups:

1) Evolution of baryon stopping from

p-p to p-Pb to Pb-Pb,

2) Non-statistical fluctuations in pt,

3) Nuclear modification factor in p-Pb.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 18

Evolution of net baryon number:

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 19

Nuclear modification factor in p-Pb


pp bin

σR =

σ <N >

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 20

Kielce group in NA49 collaboration

The group was involved in collecting the data at the SPS and now it participates in the data analysis. It is responsible for the magnetic field calibration via K0 mass reconstruction and the recalibration of the Veto calorimeter. The group performs the analysis to determine:

• fluctuations of multiplicity & pT ;

• collective flow of hyperons;

• production of K0*.

In October 2004 the group organized the International Workshop on Future of Nuclear Collisions at High Energies.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 21


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 22

Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS), High Energy Physics Department,

Warsaw University (WU), Institute of Experimental Physics,

Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Institute of Radioelectronics.


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 23

Institution Physicists/Engineers

PhD students

Diploma students


3 1

WU 1 2 1

WUT 2 3

Total 8

8 2

Participants (2005)

One PhD student from SINS graduated in 2004 andleft COMPASS.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 24



1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

SINS+WU 385 359 518 505 359 649

WTU 197 212 127 150 - 127

32% travel, 22% common funds, 19% overheads, 16% salaries, 6% equipment, …

In addition: 2 PhD grants, 50kzł in total, „Polonium”, Saclay-SINS, 1.7kЄ for travel in 2004.

Budget for experiment(does not include personnel costs covered by Institutes)



180kzł shared between COMPASS and SMC.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 25

Contributions to hardware

Construction of an additional SciFi detector to be used for tracking in the beam region (from 2006).

Contributions to general purpose software

Alternative algorithm of track reconstruction, Alignment of data taken in 2002 – 2004, Implementation of additional scintillator hodoscopes

used to determine beam momentum, Radiative corrections and dilution factor.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 26

Physics program of COMPASS(as in the Proposal)

Nucleon spin structure, using muon beam:

Gluon polarisation ΔG(x)/G(x), Quark polarisation of different flavours Δq(x), Transverse spin distribution function ΔTq(x), Spin-dependent fragmentation function ΔDq


Hadron spectroscopy, using hadron beams:

Primakoff reactions, Polarisability of π and K, Glueballs and hybrids, Semileptonic decays of charmed hadrons, Double-charmed barions.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 27

Contributions to physics analysis

ΔG(x)/G(x) from events with hadron pairs at large pt,

ΔG(x)/G(x) from events with D*,

Search for Φ(1860) pentaquark (parallel analysis),

A1d at small x and Q2 (parallel analysis),

Spin matrix elements for exclusive ρ0 production (parallel analysis),

A1d for exclusive ρ0 production (parallel analysis),

A1d for identified hadrons.

Warsaw group has experience from previous CERN muon experiments:EMC NMC SMC COMPASS.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 28

ΔG/G from large pt

ΔG/G = 0.06 ± 0.31stat. ± 0.06syst.2002/03 dataQ2 > 1 GeV2

GSA,B,C: T. Gehrmann and W. Sterling, Z. Phys. C65 (1994) 461.

<xg> = 0.13 ± 0.08

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 29

D0 signal ( ΔG)

D* D0πs (Kπ) πs

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 30

2002/03 dataQ2 > 1 GeV2


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 31


The only fixed target experiment considered so far for running in mid-term planning (2006-2010) at CERN.

Possible new item in the future physics program: measurements of GPD (within the EU „Hadron Physics”):

polish group contributes 73kЄ in 2004-2006 to build a prototype of recoil detector

as a joint project of Bonn, Mainz, Saclay and Warsaw.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 32


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 33

End of data taking: 1996.

Institutions: SINS (5 physicists + 1PhD), WU (1 + 1PhD), WUT (2 engineers),

Experimental budget in the reporting period: in 2000-2003, 180kzł shared between SMC and COMPASS,

5 publications since 1999: 3 technical + 2 on physics: 1999: A1

p,d at small x and Q2 , 2004: ΔG/G from events with hadrons at large pt. In both cases – a major role in the analysis (1 PhD from each activity).

All of physicists are now in COMPASS.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 34

Low x trigger implemented by Warsaw group

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 35


Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 36

End of data taking: 1996,

Institutions: SINS (3 physicists +1PhD), SA (1 pysicist), WUT (1 engineer); 2 PhDs*)

Experimental budget*): 200kzł.

~20 publications*).

-------------------- *) in 1999-2004

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 37

Interferometry of Direct Photons in Central 208Pb+208Pb Collisions at 158AGeV, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93(2004)022301

Two-particle correlations of direct photons were measured in central 208 Pb+ 208 Pb collisions at 158 AGeV. The invariant interferometric radii were extracted for 100 < KT < 300 MeV/c and compared to radii extracted from charged pion correlations. The yield of soft direct photons, KT < 300 MeV/c, was extracted from the correlation strength and compared to theoretical calculations.

FIG. 4: Yield of direct photons extracted from the strength of the two-photon correlation (closed circles) and by the statistical subtraction method (open circles, or arrows indicating upper limits) [6]. Total statistical plus systematical errors are shown.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 38

One-, Two- and Three-Particle Distributions from 158A GeV/c

Central Pb+Pb Collisions, Phys. Rev C67(2003)014906

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 39

Thank you

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 40

Large CPV effect seen in ...

KL π+π-e+e- , confirming KTeV result:

AΦ = (14.2 ± 3.6)%

AΦ = (13.6 ± 2.8)%

BR = (3.08 ± 0.20) ·10-7

BR = (3.2 ± 0.7 ) ·10-7

in agreement with predictions.

... but not in KS π+π-e+e- (only NA48 data):

BR = (4.69 ± 0.30) ·10-5AΦ = (0.5 ± 4.3)%

as expected, indicating that AΦ ≠ 0 in KL is genuine effect.

Jan P. Nassalski RECFA, Warsaw, 25.02.2005 41

Evolution of non-statistical pt fluctuations with centrality:

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