january 2011 igniting the fire

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All Praises to God for the launching of Igniting the Fire Magazine. You will find exciting articles, ministries, events, artists information and more.


Igniting the Fire

Igniting the global fire for worship… Volume 1 - January 2011

Igniting the Fire Magazine 2

Coming November 2011 www.lifeinthespiritawards.com


Igniting the Fire Media Group & KGLR\GLORI Radio Presents

The Life In the Spirit Awards “Honoring those who honor God”

Igniting the Fire Magazine 3



Apostle Jacquie Hadnot

Minister Gregg Hadnot

Pastor Valerie Thornton

Brenda Brame

Welcome Igniting the Fire Magazine. Our goal through this magazine is to spread the message of

Jesus Christ.

What began as a burden on my heart in 2007 has been birthed in 2011. Igniting the Fire Magazine has

been a labor of love from the start.

Recently, I asked myself what would it take for a magazine like this one to succeed? What would

make people want to open it and read it? How can this magazine effect change in the lives of its


The answer. Igniting the Fire should represent YOU. It should reach the areas in your life that affect

everyday life. It should answer questions on finances, relationships, children, health and wellness. It

should keep you informed and entertained. It should be a valuable tool when it comes to bringing

awareness to the accomplishments of artists, authors, pastors, teachers that would otherwise go

unnoticed because they are not in the mainstream.

Through Glori Radio, ITF Television and now Igniting the Fire Magazine, our mission is to bring awareness

to the major issues that concern our world.

Join us as we celebrate the launch of Igniting the Fire Magazine. To God Be the Glory.

This year promises to be a year of growth and increase.

We look forward to sharing this awesome move of God with you. So stay tuned to Glori Radio and ITF

Magazine for more information.

On behalf of everyone who helped put this first issue together, I welcome you to Igniting the Fire

Igniting the Fire

Editorial Note

By Apostle Jacquelyn Hadnot

Igniting the Fire Magazine 4

Igniting the Fire MAGAZINE

Igniting the Fire Magazine is a nationally distributed, quarterly magazine.

We are available by subscription and on-line.


25 12 Step Get Out of

Debt Program

26 Exciting Book Releases

27 CD Releases

31 Welcome to ITF


32 Building Yourself on Your Most Holy Faith

9 Life in the Spirit Awards

10 The Artists Corner

Maximize Your Music

12 Growing With God

13 Meet the Pastors &

Teachers Of KGLR\Glori Radio

17 What Is True Vision?

Igniting the Fire Magazine 5

* Poland * Portugal * Romania * Russia * Saint Kitts & Nevis * Saudi Arabia * Serbia * Singapore * Slovak Republic * South Africa * Sri Lanka * Spain * Sweden * Switzerland * Taiwan * Trinidad\Tobago * United Arab Emirates * United Kingdom * United States * Uruguay * Venezuela * Virgin Islands (British)


can be heard in these * Antigua & Barbuda * Argentina * Australia * Austria * Bahamas * Bangladesh * Barbados * Belgium * Bermuda * Bolivia * Brazil * Brunei Darussalam * Cambodia * Canada * Chile * China * Colombia * Costa Rica * Czech Republic * Denmark * Djibouti * Dominica * Dominican Republic * France * Germany * Ghana * Guam

* Guatemala * Honduras * Hong Kong * Hungary * India * Indonesia * Israel * Italy * Jamaica * Japan * Kazakhstan * Kenya * Korea * Latvia * Malaysia * Mexico * Namibia (Africa) * Netherlands * New Zealand * Nigeria * Norway * Panama * Papua New Guinea * Philippines

Did you know?… KGLR\GLORI RADIO

Igniting the Fire Magazine 6

Check out the U.S. cities tuning in to…


Glori Radio

* Reno NV

* Raleigh-Durham

* Richmond VA

* Sacramento CA

* Santa Barbara CA

* San Diego CA

* San Francisco CA

* Salt Lake City UT

* Savannah GA

* Seattle WA

* Spokane WA

* St. Louis MO

* Tampa FL

* Toledo OH

* Topeka KS

* Tucson AZ

* Tyler TX

* Waco TX

* Washington DC

* West Palm Beach

* Wichita KS

* Wilkes Barre PA

* Abilene TX

* Anchorage AL

* Albany MA

* Albany GA

* Atlanta GA

* Albuquerque NW

* Anchorage AK

* Austin TX

* Baltimore MD

* Baton Rouge LA

* Birmingham AL

* Biloxi\Gulfport MI

* Boston MA

* Bowling Green MI

* Buffalo NY

* Champaign IL

* Charlotte NC

* Charlottesville VA

* Charleston SC

* Chattanooga TN

* Chicago IL

* Chico CA

* Cincinnati OH

* Cleveland OH

* Columbia MO

* Columbia, SC

* Columbus OH

* Dallas TX

* Denver CO

* Des Moines IA * Detroit MI

* Eugene OR

* Evansville CA

* Fort Smith AR

* Fort Wayne IN

* Fresno CA

* Gainesville FL

* Grand Rapids MI

* Green Bay WI

* Greensboro NC

* Greenville GA

* Harrisburg PA

* Houston TX

* Huntsville AL

* Indianapolis IN

* Jackson MI

* Jacksonville FL

* Johnstown PA

* Kansas City KS

* Kansas City MO

* Knoxville TN

* Lake Charles LA

* Lansing MI

* Las Vegas NV

* Lincoln NE

* Little Rock AR

* Los Angeles CA

* Louisville KY

* Lynchburg VA

* Macon, GA

* Madison WI

* Memphis TN

* Mobile AL

* Miami FL

* Milwaukee WI

* Minneapolis MN

* Missoula MT

* Monterey CA

* Montgomery AL

* Mt Vernon IL

* Nashville TN

* New Orleans LA

* New Port News VA

* New York NY

* Norfolk VA

* Oklahoma City OK

* Omaha NE

* Orlando FL

* Paducah KY

* Palm Springs CA

* Pensacola FL

* Peoria IL

* Pittsburgh PA

* Phoenix AR

* Portland OR

* Philadelphia PA

www.gloriradio.com or www.kglr.net

Igniting the Fire Magazine 7

Igniting the Fire Magazine 8

Check out our new look! GLORI RADIO IS NOW


Igniting the Fire Magazine 9

The Life in the Spirit Awards “Honoring those who Honor God”

The Life in the Spirit Awards is an awards recognition celebration to honor individuals who have honored God through their lives, ministries and tireless efforts to advance the Kingdom of God. Recipients will come from all walks of life, all areas of ministry and outreach to the world.

The Life in the Spirit Awards is NOT a competition event and therefore no voting process is required. The individuals are selected based on their contributions to church or community and who have given of themselves to ease the suffering of others.

The Life in the Spirit Awards will be held November 2011 as a part of the KGLR\GLORI RADIO anniversary celebration.

This years recipients of The Life in the

Spirit Awards will include ministries from the Kansas City Area as well as national and internationally based ministries. Join us as we honor those

who honor God.

For more information visit us at: lifeinthespiritawards.com To submit an organization, ministry or ministry leader, please contact us at: submissions@lifeinthespiritawards.com

Igniting the Fire Magazine 10


There’s no shortage of information online about how to monetize your music: sell CDs in stores and online, downloads, merch, synch licensing, live gigs, etc. There’s not nearly as much written about how to maximize your revenues once you’ve made use of the above selling opportunities. Here’s a quick list of some common sense things the average artist can easily implement (and which will show instant results):

1) Be ubiquitous:

Common sense, but too often poorly executed. Pursue as many sales channels as possible: go direct to local record stores, traditional distribution (good luck with that one…), online (CD Baby offers the widest selection of online download stores, including iTunes, Amazon, to smaller partners in territories as far-flung as Armenia). Besides sales channels, you also want to pursue as many ways as possible to get your brand name out there. Besides your own web site and the big social networks like MySpace and Facebook, that means setting up profiles and a presence on other social or music sites like iMeem, iLike, Bebo, and any other site with a music angle. Then be an active participant, so your presence is a reason for fans to visit your site(s).

2) Don’t fear free:

Let’s face it, people don’t know you or your music. You have to push yourself on an unsuspecting audience. Free is the way to do that. Give away your music online. Put it on peer to peer networks. Allow fans to redistribute it. It may not look like it’s contributing to your revenues, but it’s building your brand. And if you selectively make some content available for free and sell other content, the free content will drive revenues. Little Wayne gave away hours of content on mix tapes and online before blowing up and having the biggest selling album of 2008.

3) Build your list:

Most every activity you pursue should include a component meant to build your list. To put it bluntly, names on your list are sales leads. They’re prospective customers. Sure, you may call them fans, but really, you want them to be customers. So make it easy for people to sign up at your web site. Have table tents at gigs that folks can fill in. When you’re onstage, tell people in the audience to email you from their smart phone (or text you) to be added to your mailing list. Offer an incentive: offer visitors to your site a free song download in exchange for their email address (and capture at least their name and zip code too, so you can email them when you’re in their neighborhood)

4) Retain mindshare:

What’s likely to happen right after someone signs up for your mailing list? They’ll forget about you! If you want to turn prospects into customers you need to remind them you’re still around. Do so by sending interesting, funny, engaging emails to your list periodically. Make them personal. Pretend you’re writing to one person, not 200, or 20,000. Use their name (any email program with a mail merge functionality will allow you to do this). Don’t just send “buy my music” emails. They’ll quickly end up in the spam folder. Share stuff of interest – about your tour, recording, band issues, political commentary, you get the drift. But communicate regularly – I’d suggest at least monthly – so your fans don’t forget you.

5) Build a deep product catalog:

The formula is simple: more products to sell = more sales revenue opportunity. So don’t just sell your latest CD. Sell ALL your CDs; don’t let any of your titles go out of print. Fans at your gigs may be tempted to buy more than one disc if you blew them away. Offer shirts (various designs if possible), hoodies, posters, other items. Once the fan is at your table you can try to up sell them on multiple items (more on this later). Sure, inventory costs money, and not everyone will buy every item, but you don’t need to produce large quantities today, and they’ll quickly pay for themselves.

The Artists Corner

Maximize Your Music - Don’t just monetize, maximize

Igniting the Fire Magazine 11

9) Make it easy to buy:

Sounds obvious? Then why aren’t you accepting credit cards at your gigs? Go to http://cdbaby.net/swiper to get yours. Artists accepting credit cards at gigs report that sales double or triple in many cases. Also, on your web site have a clear, prominent call to action with a “buy CD or download” link that fans can’t miss.

10) Take away the fear of buying:

Many new fans are hesitant to buy a CD from an artist they don’t know well. Start with a professional looking CD, which instills buyer confidence. But perhaps the best way to take away the customer’s fear of buying your music is to make the purchase of your music risk-free by offering a money-back guarantee. Put this in your e-mails! “Buy my CD. If you don’t love it… please return it to me in 30 days or less, and I’ll refund your full purchase price.” Two things will happen: You’ll sell WAY more CDs, and you’ll quickly find out just how good your music really IS. BTW, most people aren’t crooks who will copy the CD, and ask for their money back. Some will, but most won’t. People like to support the artists they come to see. They may not support the labels, but they do support the artists they like. You’ll also find that a lot of people who intend to ask for their money, never get around to it. People love to procrastinate.

11) Work your hiny off: No one is as invested in your career as you are. It’s fun writing and performing music, but the business side (what I’m writing about here) is not nearly as much fun. Yet, executing the business side well is the biggest driver of revenues (and success) in the biz. Since you have the most at stake, you should do most of the work. At night. On weekends. After your day job. When you’re tired. The reason most artists fail is because they don’t have the discipline to execute the business side consistently well.

So there you go. 10 simple tips to execute, and one hard one (#11) that can cause all the other 10 to crumble like a house of cards if you don’t do it. Got any other suggestions for maximizing the revenues from your music? Feel free to add them.

6) Work your iTunes strategy:

iTunes is the biggest music store in the world. That means that your likely buyers are probably shopping there. It also means that there are many chances for other iTunes shoppers to accidentally stumble across your music. Publicist Ariel Hyatt recently posted a great article about how to use a simple iMix strategy to gain visibility for your music. CD Baby founder Derek Sivers suggested many years ago to record cover versions of moderately famous songs so that if someone searches for that song your version will show up alongside the original version, driving occasional incremental revenues for you. A derivative suggestion is to write your own original songs, but give them names identical or similar to well-known songs so they show up in search results. Finally, use multiple iTunes accounts (and encourage your fans) to write reviews of your product on your iTunes product page.

7) Tell customers what to do:

If you tell people what to do, it’s amazing how many of them actually do it. When you’re on stage, ask people to sign up for your mailing list, tell them you have merch for sale in the back, and invite them to stop by and check it out. You’ll see, if you start doing this your revenues will increase. Heck, feel free to ham it up: “We’ve been on the road for three weeks straight eating spam from a shared can. We have a merch table in the back and would love it if you bought a CD so we can upgrade to White Castle tonight.”

8 ) Offer specials and incentives:

Everyone loves a deal. One of the most popular and effective ways to sell more at gigs is to bundle products together and offer a discount. CD: $10. T-shirt: $20. CD + shirt: $25. Trust me, it works. If you have old CDs you can’t get rid of, offer your fans a free copy of the old disc if they buy your new one. Offer a free poster or button with purchase. Some major artist like Prince have even used a “free CD with every concert ticket” strategy to sell tickets and fill venues.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 12

If you've asked your questions, discovered the answers and gone from an intellectual belief in God to a personal relationship with Christ based on heartfelt faith... then now is the time to jump in and see how to grow in your relationship with God!

Worship: Worshiping GOD as a Christian is not just about singing, fasting and praying. GOD is not interested in what you do as much as why you do it. HE does not honor hypocrisy -only a heart devoted to HIM. Worship is not something you just do on Sunday… it is a lifestyle. We are to love, trust, obey, praise, thank and live only for HIM every day. It is about surrender. It will cost you your self-centeredness. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. We were made specifically to bring GOD pleasure and glory.

Fellowship: Fellowship is all about doing life together during the good and bad times. It is about being genuine, transparent and vulnerable in the things you share in confidence with others. It is about loving your neighbor as yourself. It is about encouraging others and sympathizing with their feelings. We are all part of GOD's family and he wants us to grow in our love for others. True love is about forgiveness and reconciliation.

Discipleship: Discipleship is about growing and maturing - it is the process of becoming like Jesus Christ. Growing is not easy - it takes work and commitment. It requires us to examine and change the way we think,

feel and act. Thankfully HE also gives us HIS Spirit and HIS Word to transform us into the image of Christ. Additionally GOD uses other people and circumstances in our lives to help us grow through trials, temptations, and troubles.

Ministry: Ministry is all about serving and giving. As Christians we are called to a ministry in the body of believers and a mission to the world. Each of us are shaped and gifted by GOD to fulfill our part in HIS great plan. Find the blessing of losing yourself in serving Jesus by serving others. Though we are saved only by HIS grace HE also calls us to good works - not to earn salvation but to encourage and equip the body of believers. Ministry is about serving an audience of ONE!

Evangelism: Evangelism is about sharing the love of Christ with everyone. We are all commanded to go and make disciples. This is our mission as Christians and it is not an option. In fact, it is a profound responsibility, the greatest privilege, and the most incredible honor in the entire world. This mission is the greatest thing you can do for another person, carries eternal significance, and is the true secret of being blessed! In these sites we will teach you to share the gospel and to develop your own life message.

Growing With God

Igniting the Fire Magazine 13


Have your ministry heard in over 50 countries &

80+ cities in the United States

Evangelist Evelyn Taylor Speak the Word of Truth

Friday 1:30 pm CST

Pastors Melvin & Florene King Compelled to Serve

Wednesday 9:00 am CST

Apostle Ella Crawford There Is A Need

Wednesday 5:00 pm CST

Apostle Hubert McDonald Supernatural Word of God

Thursday 9:00 am CST

Pastor Roy Wiley, Sr. First Things First

Friday 9:30 am CST

Pastor James Robison Special Edition

Friday 9:00 am CST

Meet the Pastors & Teachers Heard Weekly on KGLR\Glori Radio

Igniting the Fire Magazine 14

Meet the Pastors & Teachers Heard Weekly on KGLR\Glori Radio

If you would like your ministry heard around the world, please contact us at 913-321-4827 or email us at info@ignitingthefire.net. Our rates are affordable and tailored to suit your ministry needs.

Pastors Carlton & Margaret Wright A Word in Due Season

Thursday 8:00 pm CST

Pastor Charles Lacey Only Through the Eyes of God

Tuesday 8:30 am CST

Dr. Classie Brown-Hill Walking in Faith Ministries

Monday & Friday

5:00 pm CST

Dr. Jacquie Hadnot Light for Your Path

Monday thru Friday 8:30 am CST

Pastor Valerie Thornton At His Feet

Friday 1:00 pm CST

Apostle Sarah White Pastor Mitchell Perez, Sr. Life Abundant Ministries

Monday 6:30 pm CST Thursday 9:00 am CST

Igniting the Fire Magazine 15

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto

the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt

of the second death. Revelation 2:11

Do you have a

story or testimony

that you want to

submit to us?

Write us at: magazine@ignitingthefire.net

Or: Igniting the Fire Media Group 1314 North 38th Street Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 321-4827 ITF Magazine is a quarterly online publication. Our goal is to spread the message of Jesus Christ while being informative, insightful, entertaining and motivating.



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Igniting the Fire Magazine 16

Let’s Ride…Let’s Ride…Let’s Ride…Let’s Ride…

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 17

What is true vision?

What is true vision? True vision is not something that you invent with the human mind. True vision is about the desire that God imparts into you. Vision is about your contribution on earth to the Kingdom of God.

Vision is a conception that is inspired by God in the heart of a

human. The gift of vision is greater than the gift of sight. Sight

is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart.

The power of vision is that your future is not just ahead of

you--it also lies within you.

Dr. Myles Monroe

First Call Staffing

Solutions\Home Care 14480 E 42nd St S

Independence, MO 64055-4752

(816) 373-9688 Gina Hinton, RN, BSN, WCC, CEO Bea Gray, RN, MSN, COO

Igniting the Fire Magazine 18

Check out this award nominated CD Samuel Huddleston

Don’t Worry http://www.myspace.com/j1voice

Peyton Bailey My Refuge

Peyton Has Been Blessed To Receive "Female Vocalist Of The Award" for 2007 and 2008. She was also Inducted into the Newsome Award Hall Of Fame.

www.peytonbailey.com www.amazon.com

Let There Be Light Ministries Only Through the Eyes of God

Elder Charles & Sue Lacey


Igniting the

Fire & GLORI

Radio for your

3 Years of

Service to the


We Love You!!

Igniting the Fire Magazine 19

Divine Floral Designs (816) 283-3846 2219 E 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64127-0000 www.divinefloraldesignsllc.com

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Vision is the primary motivator o human

action, and therefore, everything we do

should be because of the vision God has

placed in our hearts. Vision influences the

way you conduct your entire, life, such as

what you spend your time and money on

and what your priorities are.

Dr. Myles Monroe



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Igniting the Fire Magazine 20

Dr. Classie BrownDr. Classie BrownDr. Classie BrownDr. Classie Brown----HillHillHillHill House of Refuge Family House of Refuge Family House of Refuge Family House of Refuge Family Worship CenterWorship CenterWorship CenterWorship Center 10816 Hillcrest Road10816 Hillcrest Road10816 Hillcrest Road10816 Hillcrest Road Kansas City, MO 64132Kansas City, MO 64132Kansas City, MO 64132Kansas City, MO 64132 (816) 763(816) 763(816) 763(816) 763----2500250025002500

Where there is no vision the people perish.

Proverbs 29:18 8 am - Sunday Morning Glory Prayer 8:50 am - Sunday School w/breakfast 10:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship 12 noon - Wednesday Noon Day Prayer 7:00 pm - Wednesday Bible Class for all ages w/meal 7:00 pm - Friday-One Night Revival

Hear Pastor Hill weekly on KGLR Glori Radio

Pregnant With A Purpose…

Birthing Your Dreams


Coming to a city near you.

Experience this

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that is more than a conference.

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(913) 281-4463 Or visit us of facebook: Pregnant with a Purpose

Classes Include: What is Vision?

How to recognize you God given calling? Have to write the vision?

How do I get provision for my vision?

Igniting the Fire Magazine 21

Devote yourselves to

prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of

thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us

as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may

speak forth the mystery of Christ.

Colossians 4:2-3

It Is Written Ministries

1314 North 38th Street Bank of America Building

Kansas City, KS 66102 (913) 281-4463 www.kcitiswritten.org

Families In Need Ministry Free Clothing Pantry

Food Pantry Senior Citizens Outreach Ministry

Tuesday Noon Day Prayer - 12 noon

Tuesday Clothing Giveaway - 1 pm

Wednesday Clothing Giveaway - 1 pm

Thursday Noon Day Prayer - 12 noon

Thursday Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm

Thursday Food Pantry Distribution 1 pm to 5 pm Minister Gregory & Dr. Jacquie Hadnot

… man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Luke 4:4

Igniting the Fire Magazine 22


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The quality of your printing says

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 23

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 24

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 25

Debt is a major problem for a lot of people these days. The problem is, even if they know they want to get out of it, they have a hard time figuring out how to start.

If you fit this description, this 12-Step program

spells it out for you.

Now, there isn’t one way to get out of debt, and the best program should be tailored to each person’s individual situation. But if you feel like you just don’t know how to begin, this program is designed to give you a sort of guide — one that should be adjusted to fit your financial situation. It’s aimed not at people who have their finances together and are just trying to pay off a credit card or two. It’s aimed at those who have trouble finding any extra money to pay off debts, who seem to find themselves getting deeper and deeper into debt, and don’t know how to stop it. In other words, it’s a bit of an emergency program.

Disclaimer: I’m not a financial advisor, and if you are in need of one, I suggest you find a qualified advisor. My only qualification is that I’ve made great strides in getting my finances under control, in starting an emergency fund, in paying all my bills on time, in not getting further into debt, and in eliminating my debt (I should be done by the end of this year). This program is based on my experiences, and on the large number of books and websites I’ve read.

Zen Habits 12-Step Get-Out-of-Debt Program

Acknowledge the problem. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The first week, all you have to do is say to yourself, “I have a problem with debt. I got into this because I spend money I don’t have. But I believe that there’s a way out, and I can do this. I can control my spending, make a plan, and slowly get out of debt.” That’s a major step. Now set aside just 30-60 minutes a week to deal with your finances — make it a set day and time, and don’t let yourself miss this appointment.

Stop digging. If you’re in a hole, the first step is to stop digging, and that’s what you’re going to do this second week. For 30 days, see if you can stop any non-essential spending. If you have a major problem with credit cards, cut them up. If you’re not so bad with credit cards, at least put them away and don’t buy stuff online for one month. What’s essential? Obviously your bills, housing, auto, gas, groceries … that kind of stuff. Non-essential? Clothing, CDs, DVDs, books, magazines, gadgets … you know what I mean. Just 30 days. After that, you can decide how much to spend on these things.

Start an emergency fund. This fourth week, set up a savings account, if you don’t have one already, for an emergency fund. Now take the amount you saved in Step 3 (and even in Step 2 if you think you can make them last for awhile) and set up a regular automatic deposit from your checking to this emergency fund savings account for this amount. It’s important that before you start paying off debt, you have at least a small emergency fund. Aim for $1,000 at first, and you can grow that later. The reason: if unexpected expenses come up, and you don’t have an emergency fund, you will skip your debt payments to pay for the unexpected expenses. The emergency fund protects your debt payments.

Continued on page 29

The 12-Step Get-Out-of-Debt Program Zen Habits

Make small cutbacks. This third week, take a look at things you normally buy and see if you can cut out a few of them, or spend less on them. Groceries? See if you can buy house brands instead of name brands. Coffee? Make it yourself at home instead of buying out. Lunch? Try packing it to work instead of eating out. Add up what your cutbacks will save you this month.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 26

Defeat Depression

Dr. Margaret Wright


Study Guide Also


Loving God Through His

Names 365 Days of the Year

Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot



A Treasure in the

Pleasure of Loving God

Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot



Companion Music CD

Book Releases Exciting Book Releases

Training the Prophets

Dr. Margaret Wright


Study Guide Also


To Make War With the

Saints: Satan’s Kingdom


Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot



Cry Aloud, Spare Not!

Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot



Study Guide Also Available

Closing the Doors to Satan’s Attacks: Overcoming Fear Dr. Jacquelyn Hadnot www.jacquiehadnot.com

Study Guide is included

Advertise Your Book Here!

Call us today!

(913) 321-4827

Igniting the Fire Magazine 27

Eva Sabiniano Born to Praise


Hear Eva on the Igniting the

Fire Compilation CD

Thank You (Track 15)

Kai Brown Highways and

Hedges www.ministerkaibrown.com

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573 359-2526

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913 248-5657

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 29

The 12-Step Get-Out-of-Debt Program Continued from page 25

Take inventory. OK, this is a step that we don’t like to take. But take a deep breath. You need to do this. Remember what you said in Step 1? You can do this. This fifth week, set up a simple spreadsheet. In one column, list all of your debts — credit cards, medical bills, auto loan, etc. You can leave out your mortgage, but put everything else. In the second column, put the amounts you owe for each debt. In the third, put the minimum monthly payment, and put the percentage interest in the fourth column. Total up the second and third columns to see your total debt owed and how much you have to pay, at a minimum, towards debt each month.

Make a spending plan. We don’t like to do this step either. But it’s not going to be as painful as we think. This sixth week, set up another simple spreadsheet. In one column, list your monthly bills (rent or mortgage, auto payment, utilities, cable, etc.) — everything that is a regular monthly expense. Then list variable expenses (things that change every month) like groceries, gas, eating out, etc. Later you should add irregular expenses (stuff that comes up once in awhile — less than once a month) such as auto and house maintenance, clothing, insurance, etc. But we won’t get into that now, as we want to keep it simple. In the second column, put down the amounts for each. Be sure to put enough for things like gas and groceries, as you don’t want to be short. Be sure to also include your minimum debt payments and your emergency fund deposit. Now, list your income sources and monthly amounts. There. You’ve got a temporary spending plan (you’ll want to add the irregular expenses later). Now, if the expenses are greater than the income, you’ll need to make adjustments until the expenses are equal to or less than the income.

Control spending. If you’re into your seventh week of this debt plan, you may find it hard to keep track of your spending and ensure that you’re sticking to your spending plan. Here’s the key: first do the emergency fund deposit. Then do the debt payments. Then do your monthly bills. Then withdraw the variable amounts in cash, and put them into separate

variable amounts in cash, and put them into separate envelopes. It’s old-fashioned, but it works, as you don’t have to worry about overspending. When your envelope is empty, you can’t spend anymore. Continue to cut back on non-essential spending as much as you can at this point, so you’re able to stick within your spending plan.

Pay bills on time. This may be a problem for a lot of people. It’s important, if you want to get out of debt, to start paying all your bills on time. If you follow the payment plan outlined in Step 7, your bills should be paid before you get to any discretionary spending categories. At this point, you want to focus on getting those bills paid on time, and making it a habit. If you have trouble remembering, try one of these methods: 1) pay bills as soon as they come in — take them to the computer and pay them online, or write out a check and prepare the envelope to be mailed the next day; or 2) set up a reminder in your calendar program to tell you when bills are due.

Start a snowball. Now that your finances are relatively under control, you can start a debt snowball. At this point, you should have the beginnings of an emergency fund, you should know how much you owe, you should have a temporary spending plan, you should be paying bills on time and controlling your spending. Now you can focus on paying your debt. Here’s what to do: If you can find at least $100 from your spending plan, use that to start your debt snowball. You may need to cut back on discretionary spending (as you did in Steps 2 and 3). Or, once your emergency fund is at $1,000, you can use the amount you were putting into that account for your debt snowball. If you have trouble finding $100 for a debt snowball, you need to look at what other expenses you can cut back on. OK, once you’ve found at least $100 for your debt snowball (and more would be better), take a look at your debt spreadsheet. First, order the debts from the smallest amount owed to the largest. Now, look at your smallest debt owed — you will start by paying $100 (your debt snowball) plus the minimum monthly payment on that debt each month, until the debt is paid off. When the debt is paid off, you will take the amount you were paying on it

Igniting the Fire Magazine 30

(let’s say $50 monthly payment plus the $100 debt snowball for a total of $150) and pay it to your next smallest debt, until it is paid off. Continue to pay off your debts, one at a time, until they are all paid off. Now you have a large sum you can put into growing your emergency fund, and funding your irregular expenses, and finally start investing.

Find larger cuts. Once you’ve controlled your finances and started your debt snowball, there are ways to increase the snowball — and hence the speed with which you get out of debt. Look at your larger expenses — are there ways you can eliminate or cut back on them? Can you sell your car for a smaller, used model? Can you find a smaller house or apartment to rent? Can you sell your house and rent a cheaper one? Can you get by with one car? Can you eliminate some services you’ve been using? Whatever cuts you make, apply that amount to your debt snowball — don’t spend it.

Grow your income. Another great way to get out of debt faster is to make more money. Look at ways you can make money on the side — or ask for a raise or get a better job. Take 30 minutes to brainstorm. Are there ways you can start a small business online? Sell your valuables on eBay? Start freelancing on the side? Get a part-time job? This only has to be temporary, but the more money you make, the faster you’ll get out of debt. Be sure to apply your new income to your debt snowball.

Track your progress. On your debt spreadsheet, be sure to update it every payday (or however often you pay debt) so that you can see your shrinking debt amount. You should be able to calculate how many months you have left before you’re completely out of debt. It may be a long ways off, but it’s within sight!

Bonus step: Celebrate! It’s important to celebrate, not only when you’re out of debt, but along the way as you eliminate each debt. Have fun! Make this an adventure. It can be amazingly satisfying to stop spending and gain control of your finances instead. Find free entertainment, make it a challenge to be frugal and save money and find cheap used stuff. Pat yourself on the back along the way.

In the next In the next In the next In the next issueissueissueissue

10 Ideas for Living a

Life Without

Credit or Debt

Igniting the Fire Magazine 31

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Igniting the Fire Magazine 32

But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most

holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. (Jude 1:20 KJV).

But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in

this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying

right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open

and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master,

Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!

(Jude 1:20 The Message).

The Message bible states, that our spiritual communities are as susceptible to disease as our physical bodies. However, it is easier to detect what is wrong in our physical bodies then in our worship or witness.

When our physical bodies are sick or damaged, the pain calls our attention to it. Our body begins to work on repairing the problem OR we seek help for the problem. However, a dangerous, even deadly virus in our spiritual communities can go undetected for a long time. As much as we need physicians for our bodies, we have an even greater need for diagnosticians and healers of the spirit. Jude’s letter to an early community of Christians is such a diagnosis.

It is even more necessary because the believers apparently did not know there was a problem. In his letter, Jude explains that he was going to write to them about the salvation that they shared.

However, Jude found it necessary and was compelled to write an urgent appeal to contend, fight with everything with in them for the faith that God entrusted to them and in them. Why? Because he had heard of a virus that had slipped in undetected. Certain men have crept in stealthily (gaining entrance by a side door unaware).

� Producing and spreading a disease of false teaching and doctrine. � Perverting the grace � Turning God’s grace in to license to sin.

So how do you contend, fight, against this virus? How do you fight this disease that is attacking our homes, our cities, our land? The primary Christian posture according to Jude that will help you fight against this deadly spiritual virus and or decease is as follows:

Building Yourself on Your Most Holy Faith - Part 1 Pastor Valarie Thornton

� Do whatever it takes to be thoroughly grounded in the truth (Ephesians 2;19-20)

� Responsibility - Ephesians 2:19 - The major key to the unity God is understanding that it is through Christ that we are reconciled to God. Much of the responsibility for maintaining that reconciliation with God falls upon us. Christ is working with us to maintain the reconciliation that He made, so that our fellowship with God is not broken through disobedience. However, each of us contributes to the maintenance of this reconciliation by living a holy and righteous lifestyle.

� Pray in the Holy Spirit - (From Easton's Bible Dictionary) Prayer is conversing with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. It is a "beseeching the Lord" (Exodus 32:11); "pouring out the soul before the Lord" (I Samuel 1:15); "praying and crying to heaven" (II Chronicles 32:20); "seeking unto God and making supplication" (Job 8:5)"drawing near to God" (Psalms 73:28); "bowing the knees" (Eph 3:14).

� Building our selves up by SPENDING TIME in GOD’S WORD. Praying GOD’S WORD.

� Building our lives more and more strongly upon the FOUNDATION of our Faith

� Building our selves on the TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD.

Valerie Thornton is the pastor of Holbert Chapel CME Church in Warrensburg, MO. Her passion is to teach the Word Of God in a ways that changes lives. Her radio ministry, At His Feet can be heard every Friday on KGLR Glori Radio.

Pastor Valarie and her husband Wallace have been married over thirty two years and they reside in Kansas City MO.

Igniting the Fire Magazine 33

Igniting the Fire Magazine 34


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