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January 6 and 7


Page 6 January 2010 January 2010 Page 7

It’s funny how the Floppy disk has been forgotten. It was the only source of saving and transferring files in the years past. In 2000, the first USB flash drive was invented. A com-pact, easy to use ver-

sion of the Floppy Disk with more gigabytes of space. This technologi-cal advancement initiat-ed the start of a techno-logical revolution for the decade as the iPod and HDTV’s became


It seems like only yesterday when the September 11th tragedy occurred. Many of us were sit-ting contently in our elementary school, diligently trying to get through our job, or just spend-ing another day in freedom. As many as 3,000 Americans lost their lives that day and many sol-diers still sacrifice

their lives today in the war overseas. 2001 was a time of unity and over-whelming patrio-tism that helped to rebuild the nation .

“Danger, danger, danger!” There was always danger for The Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin as he wrestled with wildlife in order to save them from poachers and dangerous habitats. Sadly, a sting ray took Steve’s life while he was filming a new TV program on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. This decade had many prominent celebrities pass away. Do you remember them? R.I.P Anna Nicole Smith, Aaliyah, John Ritter, Bernie Mac, Patrick Swayze,

“A Thousand Miles” by Van-essa Carlton was ranked the top song of 2002 by Billboard. The mellow tune transferred to have a different meaning as the movie, White Chicks came to theaters. Now the only thing it can possibly relate to is shop-ping and preppy, ditzy squeals in a convertible.

Remember this?If you don’t, it’s probably because it has been over-shadowed by Facebook and the rising newcomer, Twitter. Myspace had its moments. When it debuted in 2003, practically everyone deleted their Xanga account and raced to make new layouts, add music, and make friends. Myspace had its criti-cism too from wary adults, nervous about online predators. Thankfully, Facebook and Twitter have safer precautions.

OMG! It’s a RAZR! This cell phone was a popular accesory in middle school. It was like a Skittles commercial because everyone had it in every shade. People begged their parents to buy it for them to not be seen as an outcast or un-popular in school. Today, with the wide

variety of unique cell phones on the market, no one really cares anymore about the Motorola RAZR when they can have an iPhone.

A series of odd celebrity trends have occurred over the past decade. Recently, the world has become media-centered, caus-ing outrageously, scan-dalizing controversies. Through rehab, teen pregnancies, numerous foreign adoptions, and tiny animals in purses, the seeming “role-mod-els” of our society have yet to display a positive example for teens to follow. Plus, all those poor Chihuahuas are more work than just a handbag accessory.

“Wingardium Leviosa!”- A key line from a movie based upon a powerful series created by the magical mind of J.K. Rowling. Featured in the photo is Austin graduate Sana Mohammad who was obsessed as many others were with the Potter series in 2007. As the last novel was written, Deathly Hallows, society still yearned for more magic and gained interest into unnatural phenomena. From this, the Twilight craze was born. Once that series reaches it’s end, what new book will take the crown for driving teen fans wild?

The Olympic Beijing games were the most awe inspiring production of the 20th century. Although there was great animosity towards China’s building of Olympic stadiums, which pushed many out of homes, the lavish performance made by the participants was astound-ing. It was at the games were the United States took home the most medals, headed by Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps.

On June 25,2009, the whole country was in shock as it was announced that the King Of Pop had passed away. Michael Jackson left a legacy of ingenuity and influence that has inspired various stars of today like Justin Timberlake and Ne-Yo. Many people were glued to their

televisions as his funeral procession played out on the screen for all to see. Music artists were knocked out of their spots on iTunes top ten as songs like, “Thriller” filled the spot. Even though his music began to rise in the 70s, it will live on for-ever through the ages.

The winds of change have rolled in with the random snow.It seemed like a total mira-cle and it snowed harder than weather forecasters predicted. With this gift from nature, is it possible that 2010 will bring more awesome surprises? What new events await our nation? People predicted

that the world would end around 2010 or that people would drive fly-ing cars. Fortunately, the world is still spinning and there haven’t been any reports of passengers seeing cars flying next to their airplane window.

Jason Monje/ The Legend

Courtesy of 2007 Onyx Yearbook

Nida Janjua, Katie Dziuk, Sara Monk, Elizabeth Bess, and Kelley Warren go crazy in

the Texas snow.

By Raylea Barrow

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