japanese 3 honors kanji pages 96 - 115 daniel adriano 1 st period sensei thomas adame

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Japanese 3 honors Kanji pages 96 - 115 Daniel Adriano 1 st Period Sensei Thomas Adame. 刷. Satsu; su(ru), to print; ~zuri, suffix for printing. 察. Satsu;sas(suru), to guess, to perceive, to sympathize with. 散. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Satsu; su(ru), to print; ~zuri, suffix for printing

Satsu;sas(suru), to guess, to perceive, to sympathize with

San; chi(ru), to fall(leaves), to be scattered; chi(rasu), to scatter, to disperse; ~san, suffix for “powder”(medicine)

San, childbearing, product, fortune, u(mu), to give birth to, to produce

Zan; nook(ri), remainder; noko(ru), to be left over, to remain; nook(su), to leave, to save

shi(man, figure)

Shi(annals, history, chronicles)

Shi(to rule, to manage)

Shi; ane, elder sister

Shi; ha[ba], tooth

Shi, poetry, poem

Shi; kokoro(mi), trial, test; kokoro(miru), to try

Shiki, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~-style (suffix for “style,” “type”)

Shitsu; ushina(u), to lose, to miss

Sha; utsu( su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph)

Shaku; ka(ri), borrowing, debt; ka(riru), to borrow, to rent, to substitute temporarily, to obtain(help)

Shu, su; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey(the law), to keep (a promise)

SHU; sake(saka), rice wine, liquor

Shu(kind, sort);tane, seed

Shuu, province, state(USA)

Shuu;juu, ten(used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up

Shuu; nara(u), to learn, to study

JUN, order, turn

Sho; hatsu, first; haji(me), beginning

Shoo; ki(eru), to vanish, to go out, to melt away; ke(su), to extinguish, to switch off, to put out(a light)

Shoo; tona(eru), to chant, to recite, to say

Shoo; akina(u), to sell, to deal in

Shoo, chapter

Shoo; te(rasu), to shine on, to compare with, to shed light on; te(ru), to shine

Shoo; ya(ku), to burn, to bake, to grill, to toast, to burn with jealousy; ya(keru), to be burned, to be roasted , to be jealous of

Shoku; u(eru), to plant, to set up (type)

SHIN, JIN( retainer, subject)

SHIN, sincerity, trust, faith; shin(zuru), to believe, to trust, to believe in

SHIN; ma, truth, reality

SEI, JOO;na(ru), to become, to be completed, to consist of, to come to, to succeed; to come, to go (honorific); na(su), to do, to perform

SEI; kiyo(i), kiyo(raka), pure, clear

SEI[ZEI]; ikio(i), force, vigor, power, influence

SEI, JOO; shizu(ka), quiet, silent, peaceful; shizu(maru), to become quiet; shizu(meru), to make calm, to soothe

SEI; totono(eru), to put in order, to get ready; totono(u), to be ready

Seki, seat ,place

SEKI, product (math); tsumo(ri), intention; tsu(mu), to pile up, to load, to accumulate; tsumo(ru), to be piled up

SETSU, paragraph, season, time; fushi, joint, knot, tune

SEN, line, track, wire, string

SEN; tataka(i), fight, war, struggle; tataka(u), to fight, to make war, to struggle, to compete in games

SEN; era(bu), to choose, to select

ZEN, NEN(yes, but, however)

SOO; araso(i), quarrel, dispute, competition; araso(u), to struggle, to dispute, to quarrel

SOO, appearance, aspect, phase; SHOO(minister of state); ai, each other, mutual

SOKU; haya(i), speedy, quick

SOKU(son);iki, breath

ZOKU, family, tribe, clan

ZOKU; tsuzu(ki), continuation, sequel, range; tsuzu(ku), to continue, to follow, to last; tsuzu(keru), to continue, to resume

SOTSU, a private, common soldier; (to finish)

SON; mago, grandchild

TA, other

DA; u(tsu), to strike, to beat

TAI, opposite, against; TSUI, pair, set

TAI, a party, a corps, band, unit

DAI, generation, price; ka(wari), substitute, deputy, compensation, exchange; ka(waru), to take the place of , to relieve; yo , generation, the age, the reign

DAI, subject, topic, theme, title(of book, story, etc.)

TATSU; tas(suru), to arrive, to reach, to attain(one’s object)

TAN( shortness, defect; mijika(i), short, brief

DAN, talk

CHI, JI; osa(meru), to rule over

CHI; o(ku), to put, to place

CHOO(curtain, register)

CHOO; shira(be), melody, inspection; shira(beru), to investigate, to examine, to inspect

CHOkU, JIKI; nao(su), to mend, to correct, to cure, to set right

TEI, “D”grade, CHOO, Japanese linear unit(120 yds.), division of a ward or town, leaf of a book

TEI, JOO; sada(meru), to fix, to decide, to establish

TEI; soko[zozko], bottom, depth

TEI (to stop)

TEIl; niwa, garden

TEKI(like, similar), suffix for forming adjectives from nouns; mato, mark, target

TEN (to turn round, to change, to fall, to tumble))


DO; tsuto(meru), to make efforts

TOO; yu, hot water

TOO, TO; nobo(ri), climbing(n.); nobo(ru)

TOO, class, quality; hoto(shii), like equal

TOO(light, lamp)

DOO, temple, hall


DOO; hatara(ki), work(n.); hatara(ku), to work, to do(evil), to come into play

NAI, DAI; uchi, inside, home, within, during, among, between

NETSU, heat, fever, craze, zeal; nes(suru), to heat, to become hot; atsu(i), hot

NOO, farming

HAN, antithesis, anti-; TAN, unit of measure(for land and cloth)

HI; to(bu), to fly

HI; kana(shii)

HI[PI];tsui(yasu), to spend

BI; hana, nose

HITSU; kanara(zu), without fail, by all means, invariably, necessarily

HYOO; koori, ice

BYOO, second (unit of time)

FU, dis-, in-, un-, mal-, ill-

FU[PU], (FUU); otto, husband

FU; tsu(ku)[zu(ku)], to adhere, to stick; tsu(keru), to attach, to stick

FU, urban prefecture, center

BU, department, copy, part

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