
Post on 03-Dec-2015






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179. What are the reuistes of possession?

1. There must be holding or control of a thing or right

2. There must be a deliberate intention to possess or animus possidendi

3. The possession must be by virtue of one’s own right

180.What are the DEGREES OF POSSESSION? Distinguish 1. Mere holding or having without any right whatsoever— grammatical degree

2. Possession with juridical title—juridical possession

3. Possession with just title but not from the real owner—real possessory right

4. Possession with title of dominium, with a just title from the owner

181. CLASSES OF POSSESSION1. In one’s own name or in that of another

2. In the concept of owner or concept of holder

3. In good faith or in bad faith

182 what kind of possession can serve as a title?

183 differentiate possession and occupation

Occupation is the right to use and enjoy the property. Possession is associated with the legal risk of loss or destruction of the property and the right to enjoy the benefits associated with the property.

184. is it possible for a person who has been declared as the owner of a ceratin property not to be

entitled to its possession?

185. what are the ways of acquiring possession

1. By material occupation

2. By subjection to our will

3. By constructive possession or proper acts and legal formalities

     a. Constititom possessorium exists when a person who possessed property as an owner now

possesses it in

some other capacity other than owner

     b. Traditio brevi manu is the opposite of constitutom possessorium

     c. Traditio longa manu is delivery by consent or mere ointing

     d. Traditio symbolica

186. what if the possession is acquired by a stranger

187. what are the acts which do not give rise to possession

188. what kind of possession can serve as a title for acquiring dominion

189.what is the concept of tacking of possession

The process whereby an individual who is in Adverse

Possession of real property adds his or her period of possession to thatof a prior adverse possessor.

In order for title to property to vest in an adverse possessor, occupancy must be continuous, regular, and 

uninterrupted for thefull statutory period. If privity exists between the parties, such that one possessor giv

es possession of the land to the next,the time periods that the successive occupants have had possessio

n of the property may be added or tacked together to meetthe continuity requirement.

Tacking is allowed only when no time lapses between the end of one occupant's possession and the begi

nning of another'soccupancy. In addition, possession by the prior occupant must have been adverse or u

nder color of title.


191. when is a possessor in good faith

192. when does possession in good faith cease

193. what is the effect of in case possession ceases to be in good faith

194.what are the rights of a possessor?

195 when are fruits considered received



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