jasmine flower legend

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/16/2019 Jasmine Flower Legend


      Jasmine flower legend

    Once upon a time, there lived a king and queen were cruel. Both pleasure-loving and oppress the

     poor. The King and Queens son and daughter have a good heart. Their properties are ver!

    different from their parents. "rince and "rincess #$i %esmana &auna alwa!s helping people indistress. Both like to help people who need help.

    One da!, "rince #$i %esmana angr! at her mothers father, '(om and )ad evil. *h! trou+le the poor '

    King and Queen were ver! upset to hear the words of their son.

    ')o not set the parent Because !ou have done wrong, will punish !ou. /et out of this palace'01pel the King.

    "rince #$i %esmana not surprised. "recisel! "uteri &auna who gasped, then cried +undam!a

    father pleaded, ')o not, e1pel Brother f the +rother had to go, went '

    The king and queen were furious. The! let "uteri &auna went after his +rother. The! wander.

    )isguised as ordinar! people. 2hange the name to Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. The! are also

    looking to get a science teacher. The! want to use that knowledge to sensiti3e their parents.

    Both arrived at a hut. The house was inha+ited +! an old man who was ver! old. /randfather

    magic it once had +een a teacher their grandfather. The! tried knocking on the door.

    '2ome in, !oung man, said the frail grandparents alread! know that the! are the grandchildren

    of his former students. But the grandfather was deli+eratel! pretended not to know. Kusmantoro

    addressing the intention, '*e, the +rothers orphaned. *e wanted to sit on "anem+ahan. '

    (agic grandfather named "anem+ahan (anra+a smiled at Kusmantoro lie. But +ecause of its

     policies, "anem+ahan (anra+a receive +oth +ecame his disciple. "anem+ahan (anra+a loweredspiritual sciences and kanuragan on Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. Both turned out quite talented.

    The! quickl! master the sciences are taught. 4or months the! trained teachers wise and


    One night "anem+ahan calling them +oth. '(! son, Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. 4or a while isenough !ou sit here. Other sciences will give after !ou implement the practice. '

    '"ractice what it is, "anem+ahan' #sked Kusmantari.'Tomorrow morning, "luck the strings skillfull! two $asmine petals on the right side of this hut.

    Then off to the palace to the west of the village. /ive two +uds of $asmine flower it to the "rince

    and "rincess #$i %esmana &auna. The! wanted to alert the King and Queen, +oth of their parents.'

    Jasmine flower 

  • 8/16/2019 Jasmine Flower Legend


    Kusmantoro and Kusmantari surprised. But their shock kept shut. The! do not want to disguise

    them open.'Two $asmine petals is efficacious resuscitate the King and Queen of their +ad deeds. But the

    condition, two $asmine petals that onl! efficacious if accompanied honest! of heart, 'the message

    "anem+ahan (anra+a.

    *hen +edtime, Kusmantoro and Kusmantari restless. Both thinking "anem+ahan message. )o

    the! have to +e honest if the! were "rince and "rincess #$i %esmana &auna f it does not comeclean, then the! are l!ing, dishonest. Though $asmine petals efficacious onl! when accompanied

     +! honest!.

    4inall!, earl! in the morning the! were facing "anem+ahan.'*e +oth apologi3e, "anem+ahan. *e were guilt! of dishonest to "anem+ahan during this time.


    understand, (! children. alread! know !ou two were "rince and "rincess #$i %esmana

    &auna. /o home. 5our mothers father waited at the palace. '

    #fter the e1cuses and +lessing, the "rince and "rincess #$i %esmana &auna headed to the palace.#rriving at the palace, apparentl! #!ah Bunda the! are sick. The! immediatel! em+raced +oth of 

    their parents who la! weak.

    "uteri &auna then mi1 two "anem+ahan #ward $asmine petals. Then given to the father of their

    mother. *onderful nstantl! healed, the King and Queen. Their nature is changing. "rince and

    "rincess &auna ver! happ!. The! asked that magical $asmine seedlings on "anem+ahan. #nd

     plant it in their garden. 6o that their palace known as the stana Bunga. The palace is filled withtenderness and happiness.

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