jasmine testing framework. what’s jasmine for? framework for test driven development designed...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Jasmine Testing Framework

What’s Jasmine For?

• Framework for Test Driven Development

• Designed around acceptance testing

• Works in any environment (with or without browser, etc.)

What does Jasmine look like?

How do I use Jasmine?

• First: define your behavior• Example: Citadel Trivia App• Should provide information about the citadel

• Should be location aware

• Second: define your interface• Example: Citadel Trivia App• HTML5 Page

• Three important elements: title div, content div and update button

• Clicking the update button should put information in the two divs

• The information should change if the user is in a new area

Citadel Trivia App HTML Skeleton

How do I write a test?

What do the test results look like?

What about when they fail?

How do I use dummy results?

And the results?

What does the testing driver look like?

How do I get started?

1. Go to http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page

3. Download “Standalone Release”

4. Extract all files

5. Modify the SpecRunner.html to include your own files and structure

What are some other tools?

• QUnit: an alternative to Jasmine (http://qunitjs.com/)

• JSCover: A code coverage tool (http://tntim96.github.io/JSCover/)

• PhantomJS: a ‘headless’ JS environment --good for automatically running tests (http://phantomjs.org/)

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