javascript essentials for ember development

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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JavaScript Essentials for Ember Development

Leo Hernandez@leojh


A little about me...

● I work at Third Wave● I live in South Florida● I remember when JavaScript was the redheaded stepchild● Most of my career has been in .Net● Been focusing heavily on Ember development for the past

year● I mentor others at ThirdWave on JavaScript and Ember


This Talk is Mostly for Ember or JavaScript



For the Rest of you… it’ll probably be Old Hat


If there is one thing that you should get from this talk ….


If there is one thing that you should take from this talk ….



If there is one thing that you should take from this talk ….

Use Use



Why ES6?


Essentially modernizes JavaScript


Essentially modernizes JavaScript

String Interpolation


Lambda Expressions

Nice var scoping

Default parameters



… and more@leojh

ES5 - String Formatting confirmPerson = function(name, state) {

var message = "Please confirm that your name is: " + name + "\r\n";

message += "and that you live in: " + state + "\r\n";

message += "and that you are not a robot.";

return confirm(message);


confirmPerson('Leo', 'Florida');


ES6 - String Formatting var confirmPerson = function(name, state) {

var message = `Please confirm that your name is: ${name}

and that you live in: ${state}

and that you are not a robot.`;

return confirm(message);


confirmPerson('Leo', 'Florida');


ES6 - Lambda Expressionslet square = x => x * x;

[1,2,3,4,5].map(num => num * num);

[1,2,3,4,5].forEach(num => {



//Important to note that 'this' keyword is preserved


ES6 - Use const / let over var// Use let var and const over var

// var is function scopes

// let/const are blocked scope

function() {

for (var i=0; i<=10; i++) {

var l = i;





ES6 - Default parametersfunction sayMsg(msg='This is a default message.') {




sayMsg('This is a different message!');


Let’s talk about ...


Use high-order functions

Use lambda expressions

Eschew imperative code


Before we proceed, let’s review Closures

function outerFunc() {

var name = "Mozilla";

function innerFunc() {



return innerFunc();


In Brief:

Closures are a language in which variables scoped in an outer/parent function are available to the child/inner function


Eschew imperative codeStop using:

Switch Statements

For loops

While loops

… and general imperative programming

… find the right high order function to be succinct in your code


Use High Order functions instead of imperative code.forEach() - iterates over a set

.map() - projects a set

.filter() - narrows down a set based on the predicate

.find() - returns first match in a set based on the predicate

.any() - returns true if match is found based on the predicate

.every() - returns true if match is found for all elements in the set (predicate also)

Ember gives us some additional nifty functions so we can avoid the predicate f()@leojh

Nifty High Order Functions in Ember.mapBy() - pass in name of a field

.filterBy() - pass in value name of field and value to match

.findBy() - pass in value name of field and value to match

.isAny() - pass in value name of field and value to match

.isEvery() - pass in value name of field and value to match


Something even more nifty - Computed MacrosAllow you to use common High Order Functions as observables in your Ember objects.

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Service.extend({

items: Ember.computed.alias('model')

subTotal: Ember.computed.sum('items.price'),



Promises …


You should really understand promisesA large part of the Ember framework is based on Promises

When you Provide a model to a Route - That’s a promise

Anytime you go fetch data from the server on Ember Data - That’s a promise

Promises let you circumvent Callback Hell

Sometimes you need to create your own Promises


If you’re asking what Callback Hell Is


Ember.RSVPBecome Familiar with the Ember.RSVP namespace

Read the Docs for the RSVP lib

ES6/RSVP syntax for creating a Promise

var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(resolve, reject => {

// do your async work

//if it succeeds, call:


//if it fails, call:



Other Tips//Use truthy/falsey

let leo = null;

if (leo === null) {}

if (leo === typeof("undefined")) { }

if (leo) {}

//Coerce to boolean

let hasLength = "12345".length; //will return length

let hasLength = !!"12345".length; //will return true


let name = this.get('name') ? this.get('name') : 'No Name';

let name = this.get('name') || 'No Name';


Thank you!


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