jessica sheridan, amanda westin, and angelina woltmann

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Design. the. Future. Jessica Sheridan, Amanda Westin, and Angelina Woltmann. The Pink Panthers. Group Name: The Pink Panthers. We came up with our name by throwing out options and picking our favorite. Teamwork: Our Group Norms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Jessica Sheridan, Amanda Westin, and Angelina Woltmann

Design the

FutureThe Pink Panthers

Group Name: The Pink Panthers We came up with our name by throwing out options and picking our favorite.

Teamwork: Our Group Norms

make at least one contribution to conversation every day

listen to and consider others' ideas

put out all of your ideas; nothing is a stupid idea

try your hardest!

work together


Teamwork: Group Norms

How did we follow these norms?

Common sense

Staying involved with the rest of the group

Being considerate of our group members

Teamwork: Our Roles

We didn’t have specific roles

Divided work for each assignment

We each did a little of everything

TeamworkHow did you work well


We cooperated well

We compromised

We divided the work evenly

TeamworkHow could we have worked together



We didn’t have many issues at all

TeamworkWe enjoyed working as a team


Division of labor

Our Product:

Our Product:Description Water proof hair product

Effects wear off after 24 hours

Protects from water and all that comes with it (frizz from humidity)

Our ProductBenefits No worries of ruining hair due to weather

Recyclable container

Saves energy (less straitening/ blow-drying)

Saves time (less straitening/ blow-drying)

Our ProductCosts Rely on consumers to recycle


Our ProductTechnologies Involved

Water proofing technology

Pump nozzle for container

Survey AnalysisOur survey tells us…

that people would rather it be scented

that it’s directed more towards girls

That we need to have the lowest price possible

Survey AnalysisBased on the

results, we will change the product by making the design on the label more whimsical.

Survey AnalysisMostly girls who

get frizzy hair will be buying our product.

Description: H2Oh No! is a water proof hair product that keeps you hair from getting wet throughout the day. It will wear off after 24 hours so you can wash your hair. This way you don't need to worry about getting your hair wet when placed in a situation like going to aquatics class. It will protect against frizz from humidity as well since humidity is caused by water. It will protect against oil too. H20h No! will be sold in a non-aerosol container as not to add to the greenhouse effect.

Amanda Westin, Jessica Sheridan, Angelina Woltmann

GROUP NAME: The Pink Panthers

Survey Analysis

1. How many various types of questions did you have on your survey? Ie. Short answer, multiple choice

short answer, multiple choice, and check off

2. What information did you hope to learn by creating the specific questions that you asked? (Look at all of the questions)

We wanted to learn if people would be interested in the product, if the issue our product addresses is a problem for many people, and what we could charge for the product.

3. What did the actual results of the survey tell you? (Look at all of the questions)

The results told us that H2Oh No! is directed more towards girls, that a decent amount of people would be interested in buying the product, and that the average 9th grader does not have an idea of how much a decent hair product costs.

4. How will the results help you in developing your product? What might you change or leave the same based on what your survey shows?

The results will help us by letting us know how to design the product (girlish), informing us that people like scented hair products, and guiding us on where to place a price.

5. What surprised you about the answers you received? Were there any questions you thought would be answered differently?

We weren’t surprised at the results because they weren’t really strong in our favor, but that was only because our product is more directed towards girls; both girls and boys took the survey so the survey reflected that the guys weren’t interested.

6. What is one question you would still like to add in order to get more information?

We would like to add a question that asks what scents people prefer so people will like the smell of the product.

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