jim wand - mentor in hypnosis

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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Mentors in Hypnosis brings together the best hypnotists in the world! Through these interviews the Mentors share with you their knowledge, wisdom and experience. Together they bring you Centuries of hypnosis.

In this Interview we learn from Mentor Jim Wand.



“Life is for laughing, living and loving and all three can be accomplished through hypnosis.”

Mentor Jim Wand is a living legend of Hypnosis. His willingness to share his experience and skills is unparalleled. During the interview we have been offered a glimpse of his sharp wit and excellent humor!Mentor Jim Wand PhD has been in the world of hypnosis for the past 30 years as a clinician, stage performer, trainer and Mentor.

He performs more than 200 shows each year throughout the United States and also specializes in corporate weight management programs!

Until now, Dr. Jim Wand has guided over 150,000 volunteers in front of more than a million spell bound witnesses. He assists the participants in unlocking their creativity and expanding their horizons.

His background in psychology, along with sociology, and counseling and NLP, coupled with years of experience has earned him national acclaim in the field of hypnosis and a true mentor for others.

He has worked with such personalities as Jay Leno, 8 different NFL teams, George Strait, Conan O’Brien, Chris Rock, Jeff Probst (the host of Survivor), Sylvester Stallone, and Michael Jordan among others.

Dr. Jim Wand has also appeared on numerous T.V. programs including a national FOX special entitled “WOW”, “The Judge Joe Brown Show”, the Discovery Channel, Comedy Central and numerous other appearances on FOX, ABC, NBC, and CBS.

As a mentor, Dr Jim Wand has been helping many hypnotists achieve results in their profession!

In his own words: “I breathe, eat and sleep hypnosis.”


Eugen Popa: When someone just starts doing hypnosis, what do you think would be the best thing to do? What can best help someone who just starts doing hypnosis?

Jim Wand: Number one, learn from as many people as you can. Like you said, you went to Jerry and Thomas’ course, very good job. I tell people to go and learn from as many people as they can. Sometimes you learn what not to do, but you still learn. So everybody out there is somebody you can get valuable information from. Never quit learning. When people ask me how long it’s taken me to learn hypnosis, I tell them the day I quit learning is the day I quit doing hypnosis. Because I continue to learn every single day. So I would say: find somebody out there – and I’ve found people say this before – find someone out there who you want to learn from, who you really want to…

Eugen Popa: Find a mentor.

Jim Wand: That’s right, a mentor. Just like what you’re talking about. Find that person and work with that person first. Follow their methodologies. Once you’re at a point where you’re comfortable with hypnosis, then you can look at other people that you also want to learn from. Everybody out there has something that you can learn. So just keep learning. Get your basics out of the way, get the person you want to work with and mentor with that person if you can, but learn from everybody every day.


Eugen Popa: What are the ingredients of a good hypnotist?

Jim Wand: I would say: 1. Be personable with everyone. Give them your time. If they want your time, they want your time for a reason. And the reason the stars are where they are today is they don’t look down on the little people that got them there, no matter how big you think you are, you can come back down there. So 1, be personable. 2. I never went to do a show  – I always, from day one, I’ve always had an assistant with me. Even though I wasn’t making the big money. Part of my training was – during my summer I showed people – the first 5 minutes when I get there, I do nothing but deal with the client. I had my assistant do the technical, so I don’t have to worry about those things. I deal with the client, I set up rapport. Another college in Southern Illinois, which is in another part I’ve been a couple of weeks ago, and a young man who was the director of activities was talking to me, I said “Where are you from?” he said “You wouldn’t know anyway. A very, very small town in Wisconsin”. He named the school. I had been at that school two weeks ago during an assembly before that. I knew exactly what he was talking about. We started to create an identity, a bonding. I also found out he was married and had a son that was 1 year old. I took those notes down at the end of the show. When I call him I ask him “Hey, how’s Billy? Isn’t he about 2 years old now?” “Wow, you remembered that?” Of course I didn’t remember that, but I took the time to remember it by writing it down and keeping that record.


Eugen Popa: What is the best attitude that you should have when you’re working?

Jim Wand: No matter what’s happened during the day, before every show I hypnotize myself. I block everything out. I move everything towards the positive, I move all of my mental, emotional and physical energies towards that show. I block everything else out. I remember years ago my brother was killed in an accident and we had our own plane, we just got into a location where I had 2 shows that night. And I did both shows. I don’t remember doing them, but I did both shows. So you have to be able to do what is necessary to get the job done. Anybody can do it, you have to put your mind to that and when you get up there, that’s what you look at. No matter what was wrong, make it right. Or at least find a way to have the show go on.


Eugen Popa: Who are your mentors? Whether they are still with us or they have passed away, but who are your mentors?

Jim Wand: Of course, Milton Erickson because I still have so many moments of hypnosis even in my shows. Gil Boyne, I studied for him in California. There’s the pastorial swing thing I picked up from him, that I still use in

some of my shows. Sean, I didn’t do a lot with the Ullman induction as I did – that’s a big thing with Sean. He can use components of that during the

stage.So I guess even though I knew that induction, I got away from it for a long

time. Some of the other instant inductions he did, the street hypnosis. I’ve done lot more of that lately and I also learned how to refine it in such a way that

it’s sophisticated and it doesn’t cheapen hypnosis. (...) You don’t want to cheapen it. You don’t want to take something to lay down on the street, in the dirt, doing a demonstration. So you have to – well, give me an idea. I was doing a demonstration with a young lady, in a college in Arkansas, about 4 months ago and I was in the cafeteria. I was doing a teaser for the night’s show. And this young lady wanted to be hypnotized really badly. And her boyfriend is there and I could tell he wasn’t very comfortable with this. So I said – and usually, when you have a stand-up induction you can have the person lean towards you – to her boyfriend “Is it okay if I use you as part of this, so she can lean toward you? Would you be comfortable with that?” So as soon as I made him part of the process and I had her lean on him, she was more comfortable with being hypnotized, he was more comfortable with having her hypnotized, and it went perfectly. Everybody’s happy. So there’re things like that that I do, that I try to pick up on. That’s something I picked up from – I didn’t see Sean do that, but I saw different people doing street hypnosis who knew the person with that person wasn’t comfortable with that person leaning toward that person who’s doing it.


Eugen Popa: Wonderful. So Milton Erickson, Sean Michael Andrews, Gil Boyne…

Jim Wand: And just about every other person out there – like I said, I met Theodore because he’d get a lot with medical hypnosis, he’s a medical doctor. He’s not really much into it anymore. I went through Geoff Ronning stage hypnosis training to see what he did. I’m very good friends with Jerry Valley and Tommy Vee, I’ve done some things with them. Everybody out there that does the stage, I try to figure out what they’re doing, I have a really good relationship with Mark Saard , I have a really good relationship with Anthony Cools. I was part of a hypnosis show in Las Vegas for 7 years. So I guess I’m always looking for new mentors. I’m always looking for some – there’s new . It’s there, I just have to find it.


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