jkhf.infojkhf.info/kendrick - 1942 - the kendrick gazette/1942 jan... · 2016. 1. 16. · j ~ ~...

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j ~ ~ >Ji rg ~gers




b obs d b th Io 1 of ll thleft Tuesday p stores, N. B. I nng @ Sans B] Ni. and Mrs. J, G. Travis, Mi'. Ii George Davidson of A

Spokane tta spend monbh with his„' M H T vj nd fern- ridg . Mo o v

y . ' . M, . omas went to Lew- Lois Deobald and Leona wilson, o i v th» fxvjl] run into the thousands of dol-

Wm. Freytag.caused by "washing soil."

inConnie Mabtoon, who is working The F B k d G tt Harri and son Llo d and Chr's nd '

SPokane, came home last Wednesl office will ]ikewLse be c]osed ali day Hank Tschantz SPent Sunday after- ing based on sportsmanship anil learn, the storm apparantly origi-

ise e c oses,, A f]pck pf 23QQ sheep passed leadershiP as well as Playing ability. nated on the Clearwater ri e

parenbs. t, through Keiidrick the first of the Barbara Davidson, Journalism 'ollowed an east by north directio n.

Friends have learned that Mrs.' it 'is presumed i;t likewise will be 'above Ahsahka. ieek, bound for the summer Pasture On Big Potlatch ridge it hit the

N. Lyte, Jr., and daughters, ac- c]osed. He]en iHarris hss gone to Cream I in, the mountains. Betty Ha]acth, Typing I awanj. John Glenn and Ercil Woody ranches,

comPanied .by Nrs. J. M. Ly]e and The garages will also observe Sun ridge to visit her grandparents, iMr Jesse Hoffman and Herman Koepp Linea Galloway, Typing ff but did not do a great deal of dam-

Miss Genevieve Grimm, left Monday day hours, and Mrs. Harve Southwick. iof Le]and attended a meeting of award. age. As it traveled further east-

for Rene, Nev where'apt J M'I Mrs Mattie Hayward is stay! g'stock breeders held i Leiviston last Thomas Brown Commercial aivald ward it did some damage at the

Lyle, Jr., js istt'ationed wjtbh t'e iarmyi T, O. GREENE, POTLATCH th Mis. Wade Chandler, whj]e M

A. G. Peters home near Le'land,

pdjjce. The groufp will also vistt Don,'PIONEER, PASSES AWAY Candler's daughter, Juanita, is visit'earl Johnson, whn suffered a ELK~IC KYK BEAN EQUIP- and then swung on ta center its

Lyle, who i's stationed in San Fran-I broken collarbone several weeks ago, MENT NOW BEINGPLACKD fury on t'e Aug. F. Wegner and

Thomas Oakley Greene was born Jack and Herman Travis spent returned t" her school work the first Walter Koepp homes, just edging

Mary Malbtoon, who is nursing at. March 24, 1866, in Green County, i Monday in Orofino.' o the week. The new "electric eye" bean pick- the Fred Silf low ranch. Those hard-

St. JosePh's hospital, Lewjston, spent j Texas and djed at ht hpme in! Wl]mer tHsnks lias gpiie ftp wprk IMaud and Mable Eichner returned! ing machinery of the Kendrick Bean est hit in the Potlatch ridge seatjorL

the week-end at Iher home here.j Ju]jaetta pn Nay 23 1942 <g the fpr the Forestry Service home Tuesday from their school! Growers Association, arrived on Fri- were Aug, F. Wegner, Walter CKoPP,

Mr. and CMr. Ross Armjbage and afe of 76 years and two months. Mr. and Nrs. Ora] Craig of Le- work at Lewiston. day of last week, was unloaded from Schwartz Bros., Chas. Sphultz, Otto

children left Wed e diay morning'hen he e ear of a e his land visited in the Virg] Barr] Mr. and Mrs. LaFayette Keene the car, Md the expett is here to Sj]flow, Glen Wegner, George Wll-

or Sties, Idaho, where they wil]j famj]y mpved tp Washington County hpme .Sunday d Mrs. Wade Keene of Spokane, install it —and a real job that is, ken, Herman Meyer and Gus Kru-

spend the summer working on her~ Arksnsss snd there pn s hpme Gordon Harris and L J Sputh armer residents of American ridge, too, for electric generators, air cnm- ger. It must not be assumed, how-

fabher's farm.jstead he grew to manhood. He at- wick spent Tuesday in Z ewiston. left Tuesday for a visit in the East. pressors and vacuum'iaw air lines ever, that others in the storm's

Grace Poulas and June Brown re-, tended the rural schpo]s and col]ege Nr. and Nrs. E. J. Torgerson and A marriage license w'as issued are all a part of the unit. Path escaped damage, they didn'it.

turned saturday from a two-week'slat Springdale, Arkansas, and taught children, iCaro] Ann, Zone and Wa]- Wednesday at Moscow to Miss In actual operation, it ~vi]] work But it was not nearly so severe as

tr p t Ca] fornia . I there three terms. 'er; and Zrvin I ange spent Tuesday Nuriel Westendah], daughter of Mr. something like this: the first mentioned.

Mrs. Miartposa Keene, accompanied i I'n 1886 Nr. Greene came west with Mrs. Virgil Harris. Mrs. Tor- and Mrs. Cha . Westendahl of this The beans are first put through At the Wegner and Koepp homes

he George Havens family to Lew- directly to Colfax, Washington. He gerson and the girls will remain for Place and Jesse Oylear of Genesee. the Asso iation's Present clea 'll the winclows on the west side

taught Oakesdale's first schoo]. After la few days. Frank May and daughter of' „I, ment The th I t d cf the homes were broken, and rain

Mr. and Mrs. cLowe]I fMasan and two years fn that vicinity, he re- Nr. and Nrs. J. G. Travis and Amer]am ridge returned Wednesday and carried on an end]ess be]t con- and hail stones did coWjderab]e

Jimmie sPent iSaturday in Moscov'urned to A kansas, where he joined Nrs. Lou Watson sPent Wednesdayl from a triP to south Idaho, They across the street, to the toP damage to the interiors. Closer

wibh Mrs. Mason's Parents, Mr. an his brothers, Dr. Frank and James, in Lewiston. Property interests'n the f th b ']din w]iere the town the Ed. Heinrich home ~~~~iv~d

Mrs. Hoffman, and drove on kolA., in a drug and grocery business'rs. Esse] Stalnaker sPent Wed- vicinity 'of Cambridge. They rePnrt s]ide down a chute to the master the full force of wind and rain, but

Endicot't lSunday to vis]it Mr, ¹,at'Lowe]] nesday afternoon with Nrs. Wade croP conditions there as good, al- c Ii d dj 'd f 'h « » no hail.

son's rand mptlher.'thou h mone ts scarce. Farmers cy n er or vi er opr e "eye"

In April of 1888, he maritied Fan- Candler , units, of which there are twelve The storm swung from this point. and MM. Roy Jump and chil- ny Belle Winnmgham, of Lowell, Ruth Lettenmaier spent Sunday, here are pay g 12 p» cent in-'separ'ate machines. 'closs the edge of the Cedar creek

dren arrived Saturday from pasco Arkansas. Z]1 health, fallowing a with Helen Harris.M spend, the week-end w& her par- severe attack of pneumonia; forced Raymond iSmith returned home arel Mm, to Mr. and M s. R. C. Heim- tpg Ko t d brush and trees near the "lake" onents, Mr. and Mrs. Harp]d Thomas'im, the fo]]awing September todis- Tuesday. He has been in the p. F 'gaitner of Potlatch ridge, May 20, "'. OP o " P o 'he Cedar creek rade nd " stLijtbt'le Marjorie remained for a long- '

Z hps jts]', ' a son.

pose of his interest in the business, I hospital at St. Naries, bejngi direct v'iew of the "electric eye„edging tile McAnttre Place.er visit. and to go west again. His health treated for a stomach ailment.


Le]and Items —Mrs. KoePp was ' Y

Mr. and INrs. Ira Havens, accom- Improved greatly and after two Ruby and Marl]y Cuddy of Gif-Itaken to St. Joseph's hospital last there being two on each machine. The storm then ~ung further tp

ipanted by Mrs. Wade iKeene, were e r t hh ' t 'ord are visitm at the Aerie Cud-,Friday and underwent an operation After the eyes aPProve a bean for the north and east, centering 4ts

vi'sitors jn Peck on Friday. Blame Count Idaho he and hts dy home on Monday. Last reports were that color and shaPe, it is Picked up full fury on the L. A. Bartlett, Fred

Mrs. Bina Raby, Mrs. 'Mary Jane wife moved to Oakesdale Washinshe was doing nicely... Grandma, by vacuum by a revolving wheel, Btaj]ey, Prank Wilken and Roy Glenn

Blackburn, Mcr. &au] Lind and Leon ton, thence to Fa~h,+on where L]tt]e Daughter Passes Hartinger visited at Mr. Park's over equiPped with what, at first glance, homes, At the latter point all the

Lind drove to Lenore cMonday to he tau ht Later he served as rjn-the week-end... Little A,drian De-i ~PPears to be spikes, but are in re- windows in the sout hside of the

Spend the day cwith the Boyd Cook g ' - . Margret Joan Nelson, little Winter fe]1 from a tree Monday andi ality tiny vacuum tubes, and is de- house were broken, shingles spfft

f 'I .ami y. and Moscow Idaho.cipal of schon]s jn Wallace, Troy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert b k b jn f h't I posited in the selected chute, from chickens killed, and crops literally

Mr. tand Mrs. W. A. Watts ac- e e son of Big Bear Ridge, was born first jt was thought no bones were which point it drops to the floor be- beaten into the soil.

companied by Mr. and iMr. R, L.~



In 1903, Mr. Green homesteaded: October 23 1941 in Kendrick. Shectober 23, 1941, in Kendrick She broken but it soon swe]led and be- low for bagging On Big Bear ridge the storm

Blewett, left Tuesd y mo~ng on a, „'; . Icame ver„painful. Mr. and Mrs. After the bean is released by the seemed to center its full'ury onnear Le]and, and taught in rural passed away at her home on Big

fishi g'trip near Hme, Zda. All sary to make f~l-proof In 1909 a of 'g'l„'d 2 d bIDeWinter"tonic him to Lewiston on wheel, a jet of ~r blows out the«he Tom Long, Clarence ~rey

returned Wednesday even'ing.,he ~ov~d hL fsmtl t Juli tt'

Wednesday where tan X-ray was tube to do away with any chance jHe»'Y Kortemeier and A. C. Wilson

Mrs. Ferguson and daughter Ada Zdaho stvhere he became princips] Funebra] s h I t used and the fraature was soon djs- of dust or fuzzclogging each tube, i ranches, although cnnsjdersiMe dctm-

of DM% were week-end guests in of the school and rpu ded put tw'n Lutheran church M d M'"'overed... Mrs. Ed. Fleshman ts whicl then revolves on for more age wM done to a]inn'very farm

the John Wafde home.on bhat ridge.

Nr. and Mrs. Marvin Long drovelsome ears durin h tt ',h 'f K ~".k 'tff... from Juliaetta, who, with her chil- Each unit, of which ithere are 12, Tlie hailstones varied in size from

to Pullman last Wednesday to visit!hsd'eenna em ]o d f'd '.'" „dren, is visiting her this week. cares for more than 3,400 beans a peas, on up to as big as hens eggs.

her brother, who is seriously ill jnisentat;ve and trave]in c d „H . „BjgBear Ridge —Mr. and Mrs. A. minute. Should a batch of beans be Thousands of dollars damage was

tihe hospital jihere. 'ent pf the Lewjstpn Np~ vfs' 'N Rognstad and children are visit- unusually bad, the machine can be done to all crops hit by the hail,.

iMr. Clyde Daugiherty is assisting bune and jn 191p he acce t d n' 'ing relatives in Clarkston this week. i

reversed, that is, caused to pick out all farmers reporting that the green

in the post office tihese days. E]-,a]I year ns~itipn with this ub]; . ' ...Miss Emma Aias spent last week I the bad beans rather than the good fields looked like herds of sheephad been fed and driven.over them.

ge spent ibhe iveek-end at home.. Tlie geneitating

the Kendrick Bean Growers. 'o o t o

e a a e, ay ee i on an A J. and Ingvald Aas autoed to operated by an electric motor, and the farmers, and the amount of

Mrs. Anna Varo left Wednesday the fjve cpunti~ d,ac~t t t Z'ewiston Wednesday.... Mrs. Ole its purpose is ithe conversion of A. alfalfa and grain that may be sal-

morning for Bend, Oregon. She ex- ~pa n . Lien underwent an operation at a C. curient to D. C. current for the vaged as feed iq problematical.

Pects to be away some time. Aft~~ a car c'de t ISp~k~~~ ho~p~t~l Th~~~d~y morning ~p~r~t~~n nf,the e]ectric eyes. Each Fram the Texas ~~dg~ p~~nts men

Mrs. Frank 'Curtiss was a Ken- agjtans (shskjn a]s ) b an to d N A' tand is said to be recovering nicely. unit is also equipped with two elec- tinned, the storm swept on towards

drick visitor between 'trains Tues. deve]pp anc] by 1934 Nr Greene Mant~a She was ]a d tp t...Newt Heath of Texas ridge spent tric motors, as well as a number Deary and from such Point's we

day. She i's now residing in Spo]cane.j~~ cpm el]ed t v'

th L' .'unday with his brother, John.... of tubes resembling radio tubes, and have no damage reports.

iMr. land Mrs. Silvie Gook andi work. For eight years before his of her and t th I t M jMr. and Mrs. Otto Alber and daugh- looks for all the world, like a huge The rain storm also hit Amerj-

daughters spent Sunday at the dearth h rwa ~ d t h h I

" " " " '" ter Bernadine were Sunday visitors combination radio, phonograph, and can ridge, but no hail fell at bhaC

Claude Gook home in Lewiston. but throiighout his sickness and Th 't d. th' in the home of Mrs. Kate Galloway. "invention from Mars." pomt. However, the high wind and

Miss Lilly Hennlngsen a„d her uff hg fo ~ thg e services rom . Mr. and Nrs. Fred Gladden spent The top floor af the new building err fic rain did plenty of damage.

Nrs Kennedy ]eft Satur f d h h d d d h l

. " " "" Sunday in the Ira Altig home near m'ust be mac]e entj«ly d~t-P««and temperature controlled to per- drick before jtt hit the town, and so

chards, svihere they will spend bhe' 'p ' W t Gameron News~A surprise birth- mit efficient operation of the ma- heavy was the rainfall that it was

summer.and he greatly enjoyed many letters of iMontana.

f th'ay party was given 'n honor of chinery It is therefore to be covered mpossib]e to see across the can

Wm. Fitzpatrick will visit for a Zn eQr]y yp'Qth he became s mern nf the e t~ . ~ Y I Y Miss Martha Silflow at the Silflawiwith paper inside and out, double yon from north to south, when no

time 'at ibis home near Spokane, be-,b r of thye Ba t;st chuppah and I" ' Brothers's home Monday evening.jwalled with celotex on the inside. It rain was'falling on the south side.

fore going on to,Seattle, cwhere he ways maintained a keen interest in Card Of ThanksThe time was spent in playing games is also to be painted white on the While the storm was on, a roar

will enter tbhe U, S. navy. jchurch and cpmmunjt affair~ Hme'and having a good time. lDeliciousre-,inside in order to obtain good light- like that of one of the big N. P.

lNiss Iris Tuney left Friday forI was throu bout his lon I'f We wish to exPress our sincere I f~reshments were served at midnight. I ing for night operation. engines blowing off was heard, and

i to d I d ithl w, g g, ™anthanks and appreciation to our many l ..Mr. ancl Mrs. A,. H. plum andi All-in-all, this new machinery and. local residents did not investigatei nds and neighbors fo sll kin -!bhr d ughters, Laura, Hen 'ietta building

Fr cj o, h h will be em- „; ..„;, f e- ness and sympathy shown us during and Minnie, motored to Genesee on'ment, and it is to be hoped thateas., the i]]ness and death of our dar]ing Tuesday. They returned 'home Tues jthe weather will permit a real bean roar that filled all the canyon with

Mi Renfrew left Friday for Mos- 'd F 'i e y 'aby; also for the beautiful flowers, day evening... Henry Wendt and crop this falL sound was coming from wthat had

she wi]] spend the SQm d ht E I G.. s. Albert Nelson.

!Mrs. Carl Koepp and son Walter been the little gully near the old

mer at her home. ~

and Mrs. Brammer motored to Lew- i Credit Must Be Maintained tram-way —but it was a libtle

Miss Jeanne Hiamey and Miss Bnn- ena, Mont three iandchi]dren,Meeting Is Schec]uled I iston Tuesday. Federa] reserve regu]at]one setting f" Y e s 'P

ita Robinson left by train Wednes-IKeith, Dorothy and Dnna]d Miller A meeting of the board of di- 'aximum terms on insta]]ment anc] roc and mud were being Poured

day for an extended tour in the of Ju]iaetta and three sisters Mrs rectors of the Kendrick Cn-OPer- charge account buying, which in a into the Potlatch creek on the

east. Miss lRobin'son is from Ana- Nattie Haniiah Nrs Otic S]iai'p d s.tive Creamery is scheduled for to-j Locusts In Bloom revised form became effective Nay crest of rushing water. Boulders

Wash. 'and both girls taught N C d' tt ]] f p i day (Thursday) at 2:00 o'clock. l The locust trees are again in fullI 6, is under considerable discussion

past year They will G, A k' The purpose of this meeting is bloom in Kendrick —but bhe weath

Iby all retailers and merchants who

t a'vel via. Chicago, where they wi]1 F I i v h ld f'he appointment of committees to,er isnt sn nice —in fact its reallyloperate a charge account sYstem.s biti th

f M't i' „, d t canvass Sbe,temporary sian-up mem- tough. The cloud bccrst of Monctay


Here are a, few Ouestions anciices were e ramj


on tn Louisville Ky. Miss Rnbinsn'. 2. p p m Rev lRO Nu»a f!hers and dthers for the sale of and the Iieavy raiiis since that time answers .that appeared in the Lei ls-~many t«s of ro cks and»tl on the

will visit a 'brccbher at Louisville,,fcendrtc'k cfficisicng fyntsrm t, elstock ft ls imPorban.t that gS,OOO have Playecl hob with the bloom ton Tribune, which may be of helPl

and Miss Ramey will extend her, jn the Moscow cen t in preferred stock be sold immecli- broken branches, etc. to a]l: spot be ng just above the old water-The heavy ain also c'coked

i"Syt en will c edit be st l ted

she will visit relatives. They will be Will Attend N. Y. A. Schoolmust own his share of common flower and vegetable gardens, tore ender the new regu]atinns on open crusher site. The bridges going to

in the east abouit itwo months, and stock, which sells at $1.00, in order, doivn clothes. lines hanging heavy I accounts? The regu]ation becsine the Amos SPekker ranch and to the

will return vja. St. Louis, Denver i Evelyn Farringtnn, Vivian Fey to take his proper place in the i with Monday's v~ash, and played, effective nn May 6, so that:cstric- Lnhman propertv were washed out

and Ba']t Lake City. y organization as a voter, the pre-,havoc in general. ittons are already'i ff t, „t cnmpletelv, and gona of rock du

'Iferred stock carrying no vo'ting 'owever, the scent of the bloom lth t th fi t „ t I I

', ed into the potlatch ju t b Io t

on his annual tour of the middle! they will enter the N. Y. A. vo- I privileo es hangs heavy in the atr, even though 10. Many penp]e incorrectly assume'n~Lv Wauncher gulch brjc]fe.

vcfest vlsltinf friends iailcl Ie]atlves cational ti ainlnf sclipol, All thi ee G Wayne Thomas F S A super,'hey are nat sp pretty to lank at tP p y

at several places in Nebraska, Iowal

girls will take up secretarial work, visor wi]1 be present, and al] tem- over 4p days cannot be estenc]ecj on the Texas riclge or Cec]ar creek

ancl Minnesota. He expects to be INext week, it is understood, Wayne pprary sign up ni ! further credit. This is not ti Qe. q f a «s, but Bracly gulch felt the

gone about six weeks. L nd and Allan and Sid Johnson possibly iabtend this meeting, are I lchcai'ge accnunt sha]] nnt be decmecl jPower of the water', the little creek

Wiade iKeene wa's 'a passenger for will go to the same P]ace to enter urged to be Present. Miss Joyce Fleshman, daughter of! to be jn default because of fesilure! becoming a raging torrent and tak-

SPolcane Wednesday on business, ithe N. Y. A. training school. Wayne I

Mv. and Mrs. J. E. Fleshman of i to make payment. for any article i jnf a Part of the road, above the

Mrs. Rose Farrington went to Iwill take up lathe work, while the ~ C o N~ I

f..elancl, and Don Peterson, son of purchmed therein, prior to May 1, rock crusher, for jts bed, carried

Leivistnn Monday, iwhere she will Johnson brothers will take up me- "" 'i Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson of Lewis-! 1c]42 —unless such article shall nnt down cordwood, debris, rock and

sp nd a few days visiting. I chanics.eonm, do-


ton, were united in marriage at h b f ' mud, tp o I t I

i rs. Ray-I 'e youngsters are well and d bY Mrs. Bin'a Raby, 'has been, Coeur d Alene, Idaho, April 3pth

mOnd Dunn cWere MOSCOW ViSftnrs, f'aVOra'bly knOWn here, and it iS a mming t'hiS Week. SeWing ma-; NtSS FleShman graduated frpm I0l

ay !wand ful ha ce fo th m t get in f„„ th h I h be „,the Zu]i tta high ch I with th' P ng p

Marvin Long had as ve training in the wpik they P the room along with tables'class of 1936 Mr peterson is e p„™their guests Sunday Miss Esther like best, and there is litt]e doubt ia o her needed equiPment. Mrs.! graduate of the Priest River high A,] N W;I] ]] th nd

i gu]ch, and considerable road rep

pond, Miss Anne tCorcpitan and Miss. but that they will make good. S. Cook, Nrs. Edgar Long, Mrs. Roy,school.

Eleanor Davis, all'aculty membersRamey and M s. Lestel'rocker'r. and Mrs. Peterson will make 10'." Yes. A charge account shall be considered "Passable," although OPen

from W. S, 'C., Pullman. Conserve Excess Su ar P c-end fet'tiiig the room their home ir. Kellogg, where Dond..fnr traffjc

Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Reglin ofi Houesholds which had exc

ready and wish 'ta invite anyone that 'as employment.l article whether ]tsted or unlisted for t is not often that the Ppt]atch

bamoun s o sugar and were not sew

lMonday ev~ng fpr a shovt visit at issued war ration banks durmg the,S go wi em. Paid in full on or before the 1pth hail and wind, but when lt does

the home of her mother, Mrsjregistration are advised by the OPA

Seiving this week consists of 24 day of the second calendar month hit, it really strikes with fury.

Stevens. oi use of sugar Ut Next iveek bhere willHome Froin Pearl Harbor following which u h rti I

* ' ' " " 'gn ed h'' ". C. S. (Sid) ZaHatt, arrived home Isa]d. Thi th t I „, Mjsstng I

Friday of ]'mt week for Kellogg consumer suf ai'llotment . bed jackets and other necessities Saturday from Pearl Harbor, where i purchased on the account anytime J. B]aine Grosec]ose of J li tt,where he will be employed in the which are vitally needed for distri- he has been employed as a carpen-!during the who]e ninnbh of Nay or has received word fram th

smelter at Smelterville, near Kellogg, but jan tp the aIsned f es, ter by the Morrison-Knudsen Cnn-i previously, must be paicj for in full DePartment that his son, Pvt. Rnbertt

Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Weeks and Maries, also returned to the Herres QT dd D b 'Id istruction company for the past fiye by Ju]y 1p, or the accnunt trans- D. Grosec]nse. is missing in actinn.

d«ifiiter Roberta and grandson home. Mrs, Johnston returned to S.l,. Cc Y . y a" months. Mr. LSHatt was returned ferred into an installment accnunc.. »< Gi'ns«]«e»» servliig in tihe

Gary, visited hei'e Friday'iid Sat- Spolcane Sunclay evening. h IIlome for the reason that he harl a, There are ia number nf ways in, phj]]jpjncs»I»ds act the time of

urdsy. House guests in the home of Nr. h' bacl fall, severely injuring his right,nhich the insta]lm nt huvlng anil t]ic surrender «Corregic]or.c ines and tables f i'nm the school

Charles DeobaM, Gordon Varo anc] and Nrs. N. E. Wa]ker clurjnf the' 'side. account mny be psitl, but the main lSo a a e have been able to

Jpc Davis we« tB]cen to Clai'kla nil .Past tivn iveelcs cvel'e Nl'. and Mrs. He brought ivjth him, as snuven- thing that sll shnulll renicmher, is Ie»»»c i" th«n]v so]"iei'r sailor

Sunday by Edgar Long. They xvi]1 Archie Dnvenpnrt, recently of Lns Marriccl In Tampa, Florida 'rs, a couple of pieces of a Jap that these regulatjitn:: ivci e laid by from the Pnt]sich section to be

be eiliployed there in blister rust Angeles, snd Mr. and Mi's. Norris Mr. and ]Vfrs. Frank c iirl jss re- p]ane, which showed it had had vei y the government, null nnt hyt)'vor]c.Prncunier and two chi]c]ren. Dnnnie ceiveii ward this weelc that their rnuoh banc]]in™ by some Ameiican merc]ionia thenisnlvcs —si th! ru]f ",

Tnclc Johnston of Spnlcane and Dianne, of International Fsl]s,, claughter, Betty, wj]1 be married nn gunner, anc] regni, i:lnns evci yivhcre in 'he Red -'ross Cnn«j»Q«nns

brought her mother, cMr. L, J. Her- Minn. other guests in their hnmeI Nay 28, in Tampa, Florida, tn pnb He repnrted Bert Biililisnn end nation i~ill be ic]enticsl., ]inst ent cnntrih»jniv tn ]he

res, clown from that city Sunday, during this time were the Melvin I Anderson. Gers]rl Hill, whn are clnjng cai penter —— — can Rlc]ge Rec] Cinss nre: Nrs Sny„

w]i@re she had been visiting. Nrs. Procunier family of American ridge,'r. Anderson is a member of the ivor]c at Pearl Harbor, as getting Conserve rubbei. pinn tn spenfl a cjer, $1,00; Mrs. Bifham, $1.00;Herres'randdaughter, Jerry, who and the Thos. Crosson family ot

jF. B. Z., and the young couple will along nicely, which their frienf]s in quiet but enjnyah]p July 4th in Ken- Foster, $1.00; l(ftss Dorothy Hplt

hac] been visiting her mother at St. Lewiston. ma]ce their home in Philadelphia. this community will be f]acl tn hear. drick at the bjg picnic., $ '2.00.



-i I-



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i t+A : tAY--

Sa-.urc.ay .V.:ay 3".-.>, '~:2

Nation -- For Again We Are At Wa.r 9lli i

nd are fighting an all-out war —one on two fronts —with our armed forces scatte ettered over the entire

ace of the globe„ Ireland, Iceland, New Guina, New Zeland, Australia, India and un r d

points —against foes whose cruelty and ferocity are almost unequaled in the page. o " yes of histor .

nd to the living and dead of past wars, whom we honor, we must add the heroes of our presen war-

pearl Harbor, bataan, Corrigador, Macassar Straits, The Coral Sea, The Marshall Islands„and hosts of

other battle points, where the men of our armed forces "gave their lives that this nation might not

tl Iperish from the earth.

So, when Decoration Day, Saturday, May 80th, 1942, is at hand, and you or yours go forth to honor those

who have gone before, bo v your heads in prayer for the safety of our boys as they battle on far flung

fields for the safety of this nation.

And Today, This Day Means More Than Ever Bdore To OurO

And today, with our modern battle organizations, the needs of our troops must be met with dollars n<

home —so give and give liberally to the U. S. O. and the Red Cross —and buy bonds and stamps with

every cent you can spare t Remember, "a dead Sap is a good ZapI" Do your part to make them all good





We are prompted to sponsor this message to the people of Kendrick and vicinity through our interest in community welfare.

THE FARMERS BANKFarm Loans and Insurance

THE THOMAS CREAMERYWhere You Sell Your Cream


DR. GEO. W. McKEEVERDental Surgeon

N. B. LONG k SONSGeneral Merchandise

THE RED CROSS PHARMACYB; F. Neibit The Rexall Store

KENDRICK ROCHDALE COMPANYGeneral Warehouse and Speriy Dealers

THE KENDRICK GAZETTEThe Honie-'town Printer

THURBER'SDry 6oods —Notions —Lstdies'eady-Te-Wear

KENDRICK BEAN GROWERS ASSOCIATIONDealers In International Machinery — Bean Buyers


KENDRICK GARAGE COMPANYGoodyear Tires —Standard Oil Products

tllott mott ~ C3 mott mott Not Not mott IDtt mott tllott Not 4B Umlaut Illajt ttlojt Ulott tllojt Umlaut ttlot Not mott Ulot tttlott ttot tllott tllott tllojt tllott tmtjxt tlot tllott ttlott ttlot mott ttlott tllott IDI iemtt

ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM Lyle Harrison, Saturday. SHORT LO'CAL ITEMS ABOUT Ervin Draper and John VincentTHE CAMERON ~+ECTION Miss Emma Hartung and Mrs. PEOPLE IN LELAND SECTION were dinner guests Sunday in the

Ida Stoneburner were .in Lewiston W. H. Weyen home.Isehool closed Friday with a picnic Saturday. Our community was visited Non- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Johnson

at Cedar creek. Miss Albrigh't lef?t Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wegner and day at noon by one of the worst and Mr. and Nrs. Don Morgan werefor her home at, Arrow ~Saturday to family of Pullman were .Sunday-dirl- storms this writer has ever seen. Sunday dinner guests in the homespend the summer with her parents, ner guests of Mr. and Nrs. Geo. A. Rain, hail and ice cubes, wind, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan of

Nra. 'Carl Eoepp visited with her Wilken. thunder and lightning all seemed to Gold Hill.daughter, Nrs, Ernest Heimgartner, Mr. and Mra. Gerald Schmidt be coming at once, and with such Mr. and Mrs. Qrval Walker anda patient in the St. Joseph's hospital spent Monday evening with Mr. and force that trees were broken and son 'LeRoy of Clarkston were guestshl Lewiston, over the week-end. Mrs. Chas. Schultz. uprooted, telephone lines broken, Sunday in the O. A. Walker home.

Sunday visitors in the Fred Schoef- Miss Emma ~Hartung and Mrs. and hundreds of dollars damage Rev. and Mrs. Clark Smith andlier home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tda Stoneburner spent Sunday with done to crops and roads. son George were visiting in DearyOylear, Nrs. Muriel Pratt and fam- Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Cridlebaugh. John Fleshman, son of Mr. and Thursday. George w'ent to Potlatchily and Nrs. Martha Reinhardt, all Nellie Fry visited with her sister, Nrs. J. E. Fleshman, joined the that day to visit in the home of hisof Lewiston; Mr. and Mrs, Raymond'Mrs. Glenn Wegner, over the week- navy Monday, and 'left for Boise on sister, Mrs. Russel Strong.Rodgers of Orofino, and Mr. and end. Tuesclay. He will go from there to B. F. Fleshman went to Caven-Mrs. Russell ~Rodgers. Mra. Rein- 'Schwarz Bros., ancl Ted and Edwin San Diego, Cali f. dish Saturday, to visit in the home!hardt was a resident of Cameron 46 Mielke were Lelviston visitors Mon- Nr. and Nrs. 1?t. R. Vincent, ac of his daughter, Nra. L. L. Yenni.years ago, and this wtaa her first i day. companied by Nr. and Mrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Larson werevisit here since that time. Mr. and Nrs. Henry Wendt, Mr. Weyen, attended the Commence- guests Sunday in the home of Mr.

Mrs. Gus Kruger visited with Mrs. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson and Mra. ment Exercises of the Moscow high and Mrs. Homer Betts.Walter Koepp Tuesday afternoon. Otto Silf low were visitors in the school 'Saturday evening. Their Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Haze'ltine were

Mr. and Nrs. Henry Wendt were, Gus Kruger home Sunday afternoon daughter, Emma Lou, was one of guests Sunday evening in the homeMonday visitors in Lewis'ton.

l Little Ira 'Havens of American the graduates. of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Larson.Nr. and Nrs. Geo. Wilken spent ridge is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Nrs. A. A. May visited in Lewis-

Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. I August Brammer and attending bible ton Tuesday. GOLDEN RULEA. F. Wegner. t school 'here. Ray Jones left for the Bungalow

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Fleshman oft

Sunday afternoon, where he has em- Mr. and Nrs. Will Je~ings andClarkston were Sunday dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harrison. Carid Production Slashed' uc on

Mm Kennedy a d Miss Henning- The WPB has curtailed the su 1 at Fernwood, and wnl be at hornter, Mrs; Abner Cowger and family,

sen spent Friday evening with Mrs. '"'' ' '"Ppy 'm "~ '" ' ' 'riday evening for a vimt.Stoneburner and Mss Hartun

'f cocoa Products used in making untO the weather is move favorable. Adella Betts accompanied Mrs.such confections as chocolate candy, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Larson and Babb Jacki~ and phynis Qf Crea'rand Mra Roy Ramey visited chocolate coated foods powdered Mr and Mrs J E Fleshman were t 't M W dd'M

with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eoepp cocoa,', chocolate covered ice cream, Lewiston visitors Monday.cocoa Ibutter a"d chocolate syrup.'' Miss Irene Cuck and friends of days the past week with PhyllisMelvin Fleshman of Clarkston was Production is cut about 30 per cent Lewiston, visitecl Sunday with Beu- E~i

an over-night guest of Mr. and Mrs. for, the second quarter of 1942. lah and Vivian 'Draper.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Peters and Ola Bette Mld son Ray on a tre

' daughters and Rev. and Mrs. Cla~k to Union and Baker, Oregon, last?zzzzzxirzrzrzrzzzzzrrzrxxzrirzzzzzzzrrzrzrzzzzrzzzix) Smith visited Sunday afternoo»n week. They visited Mrs. OrvilleR the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L., Skagga and family (nee Odetta

?? "Yenni at Cavendish., Betts) and others.H Mrs. Emma Cook and son Walter Southwick High school commence-

and Miss Ellen Erickson were Sun- ment exercises were attended Wed-day guests in the 4?ome of Mr. and nesday night by Jessie and Chester

i,i Js Mrs. Claud Cook of Lewiston. That Martin and Ethel Cowger, who wereH afternoon all visited in the home of among, the graduates from our com-

Mrs. T. J. Smith, in Lewiston. munity.~ Selected Sodas, 2-lb. box 29",Pork 4 Beans, 3 cans 25/'„ST;Il„.'„"g;"„,cc,"«-,—,—,—,-„„, z,ee i Buy Defense Bonds and StamPs

For the month of May United States druggistsare seling Defense Savings Stamps —Buy them at

„" Corn, 2 cans —————--——-- NC ~ the Red Cioss Pharmacy.l Peas, 2 Cans —————— 034~ 4 Bars Guyens Soap ——-——X5ig 6raduation 6ifts and (aids„" Corn Flakes, 4 packaj'es RSQ

We have a nice line of high grade, modernR DECORATION DAY —SATURDAY, MAY 30TH R Wrist Watches —our personal guarantee as to

This Store Will Be Closed All DayEASTMAN KODAKS AND FILMS

One Roll of film developed and 8 prints for kg

;'4ncricc a) e S?ll) y.:RED cRoss PHARMAcvT e i??.~ ore

~ Juliaetta Phone 496 Kendrick Phone 581 8. F. Nesbit, Prop. Phone 942Irrxzxxxxxxxxxrxrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxxxxrxxxxxxxxxxxm

~ ~ r ~

~ ~1~ ~ '




~ I

~ ~

~ I

~ ~

Denfense Bonds May Be Purchased A tTltisBank

~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

THE FARMERS BANKHerman Meyer, President

H. M. Emerson, Vice-PresidentA. 0. Kanikkeberg, CashierL. D. Crockei, Asst. Cashier

Member Federal Deposit IIItJurance Cor>ratioilH

Ethel Cowger spent Thursday l The W. A. Cowger family visitednight with Phyllis Babb. at the Ernest Cowger home Sunday.

Mrs. Elberteen Pearson and Mrs.Irene Tarbet of Spokane spent Sat-urday night and Sunday at the Roy Family PicnicMartin home. Mra. Pearson took her A family picn'ic eras enjoyed in thechildren home with her. They had park Sunday, honoring Mr. a d Mls.been vrith their grandparents, the ~ Norris Procunier and two childrenMartins, for some time. Miss Jessie

~from international Fails Minn.Martin went back with them to seek Others present were Nr. and Mrs.em lo ment.p oyment. Archie Davenport of Lewiston, Mr.

Nr. and Mrs. N. E. Ware of Ken- ancl Nrs, Melvin Procunier,.Robertadrick spent Saturday night ancl Sun- and Jerry of Troy, Mr. and Nrs. N.day at the Carl Finke and Lloyd E. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Her-Ware homes. man Schupfer and children.

~ I




~ nte Saddi rlanl;S I;!

5 II]Ill]l III ) ~ ]] ]] ton 1- nl

Kendrick Bean Growers Ass'nKENDRICK Phone 971 IDAHO

Dental Surgeon

OfHce Phone 812

Kendrick, IdahoWhen Ypu Think Of

Lunches, Soft Drinks,

Smokes, Candies, Etc.Think Of Us


week at the home of Mr. and Rev. Smith of Le]and cameup'rs.

Wm. Groseclose. Sunday 'afternoon and took Mr. and;There is still quite a lot of sick- Mrs. Wm. Groseclose to


here. Children w'1th severe colds to church. Mr. and Mrs. Yenn1Iand painful earaches are numerou~ brought them home.

Ray Butler of Gold Hill was avisitor in the community Monday,

Nrs. Merton preuss]er and ch]]- Fine Picture At Theatredren were visitors at the home of This week's offering at the Ken

and Mrs Grpsec]pse iMpndsy drick Theatre will star Sonja Henieaf ternoon. end John Payne in "Sun Valley,

Doris Van Airadale is still at the) Sere.'ide." And they will be sup-hospital. Her recovery seems slov., ported by a host of other stars, such

Carroll Groseclose has been at aa Glenn Mil]er and his orchestra,Milton Berle, Lynn Bari, Joan DaviadI

weeks. He didn't get work the firstweek, but has been employed the The setting'or this 'beaut]fu]cpast two weeks. action filled and romantic picture +

Vance pen]und has been he]ptngl as the name indicattes, Sun Va]leyteMarion Groseclose with his farm- in our own Idahoing, until it rained so hard they So if you like, fun, music, finacouldn't operate a tractor, so were skating and action-filled romance,Juliaetta visitors Monday. you can't afford to miss this one.

Asa Choate has been in Lewiston And ito round out t",he evening'0taking treatments for an injured entertainment a series of specia]]yback. selected shorts will be shown.



".er:i:ica:es,To Those Who Hold

THE KENDRICK GAZETTE CHURCH 10 OTICESPublished every Thursday morning

e io is Church~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ I ~ ~

Subscription, $L50 per year v I ~ Murray, Minister l jIndependent in Politics, Kendr«k Community Church

Enterec] at the postoffice at, Ken- ',Church School .............,...,.... 9.45drisk, Idaho, as second. clam mml Momind tvorsilip 11,00matter.

00 ........................7 00 Feed It —- It's the modern way ofXVheat Evemng Worship .......................8.00

raising better calves

AF'..".:,::::.„;,-,"... II STARTER and EGG

Sma]1 Whites .............—.------- Evangelistic meeting Sunday even-ing at 7:45.

']i' WTT~W

Reda Bible Study, Thursday, 7:45 p. m. ',

ConIee-Kemper and Red HenBranda iButter, No. 1, pound ..............43c-44c Clark M. Smith, PastorButterfat --....A gmde 35c; 8....32c iMemorial Day 'Service at Le]and '",

Sunday at 10;00 a, m.Sermon at Southwick Community

The 110;000 pounds of steel which church at 11:00 ta. m. Sunday. Lewiston Grain Growers1000 3-inch trench mortars; 4400 Services at Cavendis]i 7:00 . m. Wade T. Keene Agent Ph 591 I,".30 caliber machine guns; 55 16-inch each Sunday.

oneshe]]s; Ifo 2,000-pound aerial bombs, Church School 10:00 a. m. Mrs.better than three 15 ton tanks. Wells, Supt.

Lutheran Church of Camerpn CRESCENT CLIPPINGS dren were Sunday guests of Mr.and Mrs. Ben Baker.

M. D. (Delayed) Jackie Babb took his eighth grade

School closed in the Crescent examinations in Moscow Wednesday.Office Hours He brought his eighth grade di-

10:00 A. M. To 5:00 P. M. Laymen's Me ting Schedu]ed district Friday, with a neighbor-1 ma home ivith him. Ml~. Babb

A laymen's meeting is to be held hood picnic Owing to the stormy

Emergency Call at A]1 Hours On iat 'the Methodist church in Le]and day not many attended, but those and Phyllis and Adella Betts went

Notif ication on Wednesday, June 3. Speakers on hand had an enjoyable time. We to Moscow with him.

will be presenit from I ewistpn regret that Nrs. Michaelis can't be " Mrs. Arne Kloster had as

Office In Clarkstpn and Kendrick. Special with us again next year, but ahe g.eats Thursday night Nrs. Rose

Kendrick State Bank Bldg. music will be provided by Lapwai expects to ]eave shortly for Ca]i- ar 'ng'ton, hQSS Jessie Martin,

Dinner will be served at 6:30 by fornia, where she will jom her hus- Henry Emery and Lloyd Farrington.

the W. S. C. S. band, who is in training t'here, Marion Souders started workingfor Clem Israel, Tuesday.

DR, GEO. W. McKEEVERtPhyl]is Babb stayed with Adella I,]oyd Kimb]ey and Herman Loeser

Wayland Davis Writes Betts while Mrs. Betts sPent a few returned home Monday having cornMay 23, 1942 days visiting in Oregon.

Nrs. Frank Souders, Elmer and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Souders visit-It is about time that I wrote a Marion were Sunday af'ternoon v]»t- ed Wednesday afternoon and even-few lines ito thank you again for ors in iSouthwick. Mrs. Souders visit- mg with Nr. and Mrs. Frank Sou-sending me the paper, 'and telling ed with Mrs. Wm. Kauder.you of my change of address. It is Floyd and Theodore Dorendorf W'm Babb and ph His were Orocare of Fleet Postoffice, instead of spent the week-end with their finp vs]tora SundayPost Master. grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Dor- Nr and Nrs. Ben iBaker visited

I enjoy reading the letters from and Mrs. Frank Souders and son Th e]~hbprhood was well repre-the other boy', but the most of Marion were in Kendrick 'Saturday sented at Le Southmick High schon]

PRESTO.QOGS them are so much in advance OL afternoon. Mra. E. Souders isi Cpmmencement, Wednesdayg evening.me .that I "kinda feel bad," only be- with her brother, Axe] Swanson and Mr. and Mrs. Arne Kloster et-

$8 per tpn at terminal ing a seaman, but one must have family, the rest'visiting vrith the'r tended the Commencement Exercises

~~ 5p per tpn deliVered a chance and a change. daughter and sister, Mrs. Charles in Kendrick Wednesday evening.Well, this seems to be about all Greenwood.. Nrs. Frank Soudera, Mra. Aaron

COAIdthe news, but I want to say «Hello- Robert Kimbley ate supper ~th Wells iMarion M,d Elmer Soudersto everybody; and I thmk of them hh mother, Mrs, Ben Baker, Tum- visit& Sund y afternoon with Mrs.-

@2.pp per ton at shed day eveningW B bb M

Charlie Greenwood in Kendrick. Mrs.Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Babb, Mrs. Elmer Souders accompanied them

$12.5P per ten delivered Wayland Davis Andrew Dorendorf and Mrs. Wm. as far as Sputhwick and visit d ithCowger were Kendrick visitors Sat- her sister, Mra. L. A. Watsoi,

Will Soon Be In Army urday,

alter Brocke Clifford Woodward, son of Mr. Tuesday morning callers of Be Amy Daiby Wednesday afternoonand Mrs. J. M. Wondward of Le- and Amy Darby were Miss Jean and accompanied the famny to the

PHONE 62$ PHONE 623 land, arrived home Saturday from Hudson, Miss Adella Betts and Miss Co t Exercises in SouthPo~']and, Ore., where he has been phyllis'Babb.. wick 'that evening.employed in the cost accoimting de- Miss Edna Kimbley visited with N ph ]]' bb t Th dapartment of the U. S. navy. He her mother, Mrs, Ben Baker, Sunday

Iresigned his position, registered, and afternoon.

General Repair ShOp is awaitmg his call to enter the Nr. anrl Mrs. Ben Baker anu were L~h~ton vis tors SaturdayI

Army Air corps. He has been in Carol, Phyllis and Douglas HudsonBlacksmithing, Wood Work the position he resigned for about s, were Kendrick visitors Saturday,

year and a half. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Swanspn andOxy-acetelyne and Arc Welding 'hildren of Orofino spent the week-

In Appreciation end with his mother, Mrs. ] ena (Last Week)

To all those who have made my Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Jordan of Dill-

~~rirrx~ stay in Kendrick a most enjnyab]e'I Mrs. Aaron Wells. Mr. and Mrs. on Mont., vhited at the Win. Glose-

one, my inadequate, but most heart-'im Wells and spn visited Sunday close hnme. He was called to Lew-i

felt thanks. nfteinoon and evening s,t the FiankWm. Patrick Fitzpatricdi. Souders home. sister, Mrs. Nettie Keitte, so Nrs.

Ml'. and Mrs. Ben Baker visited Jordan visited from Saturday . t'ill

FOR THE BEST AND WANT ADS . with Mr. and Mrs. Ersle Hudson Tuesday with her sister, rMr. 'Wm.

MOST SATISFYING Sunday. 'Carol, Phyllis and Douglas Groseclose.


LOST—Brown and white pin.p pony; whn have been visiting with their Nr. and Mrs. Jas. pederson of,

shod; no brand; weigh: about granc]mnther for the past week, re Spokane spent a week or twn visit- I

IN KENDRICK 1,000 pounds. If found, drop card turned home. ing their children, Mrs. Ed. Choate

—EAT AT— to Fred Zimmerman. 22-1x Nr. and Nrs. Wni. Riley and and Nrs. Jesse Parsley., children were Sunday guests at the Nrs. Orval Choate ivas called to

CLPOWekl $ Thos. McDowell.Il)


A. Dorendorf and Alfred Swansoi, Cavendish on account of the illness22-1x homes. of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Wells. She

also went with her to Orofino and,'iETWf" V'P i A LK'~ FOR SALE—27",-acre farm; mnd- " ",

t] ~stayed at the hospital with her untillYllLJ~~ l ~~K ~ » em house, electricity; 6-year old Nrs. A. Andersnn anr] Mrs. Myrtle 'he regained consciousness.

orchard, bearing; berries, grapes, Davis visited at the Ben Baker home

ICE CREAM CANDIES 'tc. phone 26X7. B. F. Fleshman,. one night last week. (This Week)

TOBACCOS Le]and Ida, . 20-tf. IN» Aaron Wells of Moscow haa Our wet weather continues, but

been visiting at the Frank Souders we have had some sunshine mixed in,

] —--—— —————————- —— ——IF YOU WANT any build:ng done, home since Thursday.~so gardens and crops are growing.

see Hannamann, Juliaetta.. 19-4x Mr. and Mra, Alva Craig and chi]-~ iMr. Marion Groseclose is visiting

BROKER-%ANN CO.Fanera] Directors

1434 Main, Lcm]eton, Idaho

Gur aim ia to perfect waysand means of bringing youcomfort and privacy, and aboveall, Specialized Service.

Lewiston Phone 275



Kendr]ck, Idaho


We fuush.. reinforced con-crete grave liners, also 2-inch cedar outaMe boxes, ifdesired,

PHONE 240$

317 S. JeffersonMoscow, Idaho



Kendrick —PhoneDsy 801 NIght 664

'W % % % W %' V' 'V F W %'





„''/~Atd'0POtddd 4~ li

]0]cctr]cityr Among

All Ltytrlg COStS~

II Sttll Cheap,~







Here's something to be cheerful aboutl Electricity

hasn't gone up in cost... it has actually gone down.

You pay less today for your helpful comfort-giving electric service than you

did in l 940, although practically everything else you buy has climbed in price.

In recent years it has been the company's policy to reduce electric rates

whenever possible.

To its customers in the Inland Empire, Washington Water Power promises to

do everything possible to keep electricity available in time of war and peacce

cheap, alwaysl



We can supply you with tubes, ,'

tires, recaps or retreads as your'

,purchase certificate may permit.',As you probably know prices on ,'

these items are set by Uncle Sam, i

'so let us save you shipping costs.

As Always, We Feature

iE ~&edL 4 +~~I) ll, ~ li


Wholesale and Retail

Standard Oil ProductsI RI





)N ~

mu Iull Ig ' ~ I ~ ia u ~





Well Folks —If this kind ofweather keeps up we won't haveto worry about the rubber andgasoline shortages —we'l justswap 'our cars for row boats andmud scows, mount the beanplanters on pontoons instead ofwheels —and itry to go on aboutour business.

But you know, this all bearsout our thought that we havebeen hammering at for so manyyear, namely: That old bossy isone of the best income producersthat anyone can have. She isn'affected to any great degree bythe weather, and 'her produotsare "never off the market."

And remember, @re pay spotcash for that cream. There is nowaiting, no fuss, no bother. Bringin the cream, get your cash andtake home a Steam-stei»llized,ready to use cream can.

!Doctor: "The best thing you

can do'is to give up cigarettes,liquor and women."

. Patient: "What's»the next bestthing?"

safe driving at a moderatespeed —it requires nothing butself-control and a strong rearbumper.

Top Sergeant:For the regiment he'l do or die,Each rookie dreads his roar,He's the apple of his girl friend'

eye,And rotten to the corps!

"Why does your huhband stickout bis hand when he's driving?"

"The worm's getting ready toturn."

Tough break: He thought hehad a skeleton in his closet andopened the door to find a guyweighing 200 pounds.


l". eaning ',S iring ..ouse


SOAPS AND CLEANSERSLet Us Suggest: Sunbrite, Old Dutch, Bab-O,


Boraxo, Etc.

EEPourdered Soups Of All Kinds

Come In And Select Them For Yourself!

Get those Large Packages of Dash, Rinso, Oxydol,

White King, Par, Duz, Calla Lilly, Etc

Floor Poir'sires


GLO-COAT, Quart Size 9+ORONITE FLOOR WAX, full gallon $2.5

We Are Always In The Mar-

ket For Your Eggs


1 ~l Paul Dagefoerde was a businesseGaF1CK L aeatre visitor in Lewiston Saturday.'r, and Mrs. Fred Glenn were !

MAY 29-30 Lewiston visitors Friday,Mrs. J. E. Johnson and daughters,

'aurineand Jean of Shoshone, and

SON)A HENIE " Nis. H. I. Lewis of Deer Park wereover-night guests Thursday in the

J 0 H N PAY N E Il' » i < ~ home of their sister, Mrs, R,Woody,

I ll~ ~


Mrs, Jesse Heffel and Nrs. Pete

( 3 Stump were Lewiston visitors Thurs-) I

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cai lson and! daug!iters of Gene" ee v, ere over-

~ » l~ night .o.nests Satulday nrg»I»t in the'ohnGlenn ho»ne.

!I ~o

I'! 4"'r.and Mi's. Paul Dagefoelde and

chililren were Sunday rlinner guestsin the home of his parents, Mr. and

gI ENN M)LL EgI I AND HIS ORCHESTRA childten were supper guests Sunday,

A l4»h con»»»r»-Foe Pl»»»»»e in t'e Fred Glenn ~home. I

Mr, and Mrs. J. M, Woodward and

Also Cartoon Clifford called in the R. E. Woodyhome, Sunday evening.

Show Starts At Vi00 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Bu ford Rogers oiGenesee and Huse Groseclose were

; 25c Admission 10c supper g'ues'ts Monday in the R. E.

Mrs. Pete Stump is visiting this


Rudolph Moser or 'Brady, Mont., PINE CREEK GOSSIP

m Marlene of Agawam, Mont., re-M . 'red Bailey and Artaleeturned to their respective homes on

Wednesday having spent seveial visited Saturday evening iMrs. A. Riley visited Thursday

i ht in J I't in th K LNelson. Fraser home.

iday tor a visitP ', . M s. E. H. end in the L. A. Baitlett home.

E. V.,Weeks and famny drove upm Seattle and visited Friday

y amon, Mrs. William Nilsonl ni ht m the Carl Cox home.. and Mrs, Felix Nilson of Troy were "'g"here Monday for the funeral ser- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sivanson anvices of Margaret Joan Nelson. family visited Saturday night and

A large number from here at- 'SundaY in t'e Wm. Riley 'home.

tended the Commencement exercises i Pau'1 Richardson was a Saturday'n

Kendrick Wednesday evening. ! night and Sunday guest in the RoyMrs. Norma Nelson of Deary spent

last week with her parents, Mr. and Vivian Fey left Monday for Wei-Mrs. Wm. Hecht. ser, Ida., r»rrhere she will take a

!Mrs. Norman Nethkm has been summer course.

visiting her parents, Mr. and Nrs The Roy Glenn family visited Sun-K. D. Ingle. day evening in the C. Dahlgren

Mrs. Joe Clemenhagen entertain-ed the Ladies Guild at her home on Dorothv and Bernadine Glenn areTuesday af ternoon. vi'siting this week wilth their grand-

The George Porter family have parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn,moved to the Forest place. at Fa,irview,

and Mrs 'Claude Jones were The hail storm Monday noon didLewiston visitors Saturday. l

considerable damage on Texas ridge,Mr. and Nrs. D. Porter have,'reaking windows and trees, and

moved to Juliaetta. ! beating the crops into the ground(Delayed) ~

—and where, oh where, did our gar-Mrs. Kate Galloway and Son John'ern go?

and Nrs. Chas. Bower spent theweek-end with Mrs. Richard King, Leland School NotesMrs. Galloway's sister-in-law at Che- Commencement E»xercises for the,welah, Wabash. The Kings were pio- four Eighth grade graduates wereneer residents of this ridge, and Mrs, held Monday evening, Nay 18, in

'ingis now 92 years old. the school auditorium. The Proces-Mr. e.nd Mrs. Albert Strom and sional and Recessiorml marches were

daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Eldon played by Jane Peters. The invo-Strom and daughter of Troy ivere cation and benediction were given bySunday dinner guests at the Halvor Rev. Clark Smith. Each of the grad-Lien home'. nates, Alfred William Locke, Cleo

Mrs. A. C. Wilson is enjoying a Vivian Kuykendall, Elroy Wayne—visit with her -sister. Kuykendall and Alice Beatrice Smith

Mrs. Ruth Pierce and daughter spoke on»the general theme ofDorobhy of Coeur d'Alene recently "Our Part In The War." Attendancevisited her father, Wilber Babcock. certificates were presented by Her-

Miss Betty Halseth spent the man Meyer; the achievement award,„,week-end with her sislters, Misses was presented by Jesse Hoffman toMargaret and Helen Halseth, in Leon Wolff. Three vocal numbers»";Lewiston. were given by Evelyn Locke, Dor-


Chas, Bower and Mrs. Gerald othy Thornton, Jewell Fleshman ands

Ingle demonstrated the cooking of Junior Hudson. Ho»Hier Parks award- fvegetaMes to conserve vitamins to ed the diplom'as.,the best advantage, at the club Out of an enrollment of 34, 20meeting Friday.afteimoon. students had perfect attendance for

Remember the Union Sunday the entire term. These were Keith +school meets alt the Chapel each Thornton, Howalrd Wolff, Peggy gSunday at 10:30. There are classes Stump, Luther Parks, Hermina +for all ages. Everyone welcome. Meyer, Ray Thornton. Neal Walker,

Ronald and Ray Jones accompanied Clinton Smith, William 'Kuykendall,their brotlher, John, to Spokane, Evelyn Locke, Dixie Stump, Georgelast week. John spent the week-end'mith, Junior Hudson, Dorothy gwith home folks. Thornton, Richard Kuyl.-endall, War- $

Mrs, Nay McCall has returned to ren Locke, Jewell Fleshman, Cleo $her home in Juliaetta, h~aving snent Kuykendall, Alfred Locke and Elroy $several mon.ths at the E. H. Jones Kuykendall.home. A most enjoyable time was had 'e

Mrs. A. Barthell, and Emil Ander- by all those present at the schoolson of Spokane, spent the week-endl picnic, which was held at the Her-wilth their sister, Mrs. James Nel-! man Meyer place. The fun stmtedson. at 10:30 and ended at 4:00. Report;e

caids were distributed at the picnic,Picnic and vincit in the home town and a successful school year came '-:-:::—Kendrick —July 4th. to an end.

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J'ay Fleshman Married Girl Scouts Display AfghanJay Zleshman, son of Mr. and The gay 'and coloful afghan be-

Mrs. J. E. Fleshman of'eland, and ing displ'ayed this week in,the vrin-Niss Norma Young, of San Diego, dow of tlhe Red Cross isewing room'Calif., were united in marriage on is trhe pride and joy of our GirlLaster ~Sunday, April 5th, at San Scou'I'-'l

Diego, where Jay is employed at They, with their leader, Nrs. Mar-che Consolidated Aircraft factory, vin Long, have worked faithfully forand Miss Young at the Solar Air- many months to complete this pro-craft factory ject, and will now present it to the

Jay graduated from the Juliaetta Red CrossHigh school in tne class of 1935. The group wishes 'to lthank aliMrs. Fleshman is a gi»aduate of the who donated yarn,San Diego High school. They planon making their home in San Diego. Plan to spend July 4th in Kendrick


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