john c chasteen born in blood and fire book review

Post on 07-Apr-2015






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JOHN C CHASTEEN, Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America (Second Edition) New York .W.W.Norton &Company Inc. 2006. 372pp

The author John Chasteen introduces his book by mentioning the reason behind why the title “Born in Blood and Fire was chosen. He gives the reason being that “Latin America was born in blood and fire, in conquest and slavery. So that is where to begin a brief introduction to Latin American history, cutting straight to the heart of the matter, identifying central conflicts” (15).

In “Born in blood and fire” he focuses upon the major political, social and economic trends that helped to shape Latin America, such as liberalism, the caste system, the mixing of races and nationalism whilst also examining the roles of Europe and the United states. Of particular interest is his consideration of the many reasons of why Latin American governments have clashed with that of the United States. One of the reasons mentioned in the book is because of disenchantment over the 1947 Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Germany at enormous cost, while offering almost no assistance to needy Latin American allies. (257)

The structure of the book is very chronological describing events that happened through history in date order. It includes the use of maps as visual aids for the reader to show the background and setting of Latin America. Each chapter looks at a different aspect of importance for Latin America including detail on key people involved and their roles. Throughout the book he looks at some of Latin America’s most important historical figures, among them Simon Bolívar who became the single most leader of Spanish – American Independence who began his triumphs in 1817 one of which included the capture of Caracas and Quito in 1822 that gave Bolívar and his army of llaneros control of all of northern South America (107). He also covers the perspective of women who played a central role like Sister Inor Suarez and Gertrudis Bocanegra (111), a Mexican woman who was executed for

carrying messages to the Patriots.

Although the book does not specify any preference to what type of audience the book “Born in Blood and Fire” is aimed at I believe the target audience for this book would be students judging from what information is given in the blurb. It reads “Chasteen’s lively and engaging narrative introduces students to Latin America’s complicated history. The Second Edition has been meticulously updated in a new light of new scholarship and includes coverage of the most recent developments in Latin America”

My opinion of this book as a reader is that it is a very concise and detailed book for telling the main events that happened throughout Latin American history. It gives accurate detail into why occurrences happened and what the outcomes and impacts were of these. I found the book interesting mainly because the author asks “what it was like to be there”. His approach is to this book is to let narrative strategies communicate the answer ,almost as if putting the reader in the position of reflecting on what life must have been like during times of conquest and slavery getting them to draw on their own ideas and opinions.

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