joluid: xvl boze:.iian, montana, tl:esday april 21, '1'9n ... · ver ceasing, but always flowing...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • 111~xponrnt jOLu"ID: XVL BOZE:.IIAN, MONTANA, Tl:ESDAY A

    PRIL 21, '1'9n'2;-;:5----------.:================


    CONTEST THIS WEEK /1 .,,,,,, """P~' ~' ~~ TOMORROW NITE • • • • A m1ts NUMBER 29

    I We Disagree

    By C. mGH scHooL sTuDENTS

    1 for Billings to Finish y --

    Montana State HERE FROM WHOLE STATE Work



    ' ls the American unde1·graduate be- Awards \Vill ~Presented In The largest a~105t expensive ---ming corrupted by the moral ton• Gymnasium Saturday

    Montanan ever published goes to \\"ell Known .Musicians Will Ap-

    if English litercturo as taught by Evening p1·ess .. Tho editor, Mott Souders, and pear on Program at Pres-

    ung instructors in our colleges?" ---1h1s ~s~istant, Don Bennett, hnvc gono byterian Church

    s Arthur Corning White, and in- The State Scholarship contest is to I to Bilhng_s to see that everything goes ---ctor in English at Dartmouth m be held her next Friday and Satur-

    off all nght, and there is no doubt What promises to be cne of the most



    Purpose of American Association of University Women is to

    Improve Conditions of Women in Educational Institutions

    of Country. e March "Bookman.'' Dr. Paul day. Entries for the contest are be- but what the annual will be out on brilliant musical events of the year is

    wight Moody, president of Middle- ing received every day. The subjects I the date set, May 15, at the Mon- awaiting college-and Bozeman-mu-

    ry college, stated in a recent issue for competition are Algebra, Geome-tanan dance. Eic lovers to morrow, 'Vednesday, a


    the "Bookman" .that such was the try, English, Literature, History and _The finances have been figured up 8 P· m., at the Presbyterian chu:ch,

    :--------------- President Atkinson has recently re-

    Pttsidcnt Moody said, in ef- Civics, Current History, Latin y an~ with the result that it is definite that at wh_ich. place the combined musica l

    ceived word tha~ Montana State Col-

    : "The teaching of thoughts, man- II, Chemistry,. Physics, General Sci- !there will be no deficit, a very desir- :rg~:izatwns of the college ~·ill girn SENIORS! lege has been granted full national

    rs and asph-ntions of the world we ence, Typewnttng, and, Shorthand. nble thmir 1n an enterprise of thi• g nd concert. The p1og1am wi

    ll membership in the Amerkan Assoeia-

    e in, as these we live in, are pre- Th f'ft f' d jkind. lbe opened by the colleire band with

    tion of University Women and has

    t d . 1·t t . th .. ere are t ~·- Ive awar s con-I Th . - two numbers. A r1·ent \·a1·1·et o' GI' I t L


    n e m 1 era ure 1~ more an sistmg ?fa silver cup for the winning e annual _this ye~r will have , program numbers ~·ill enlianc Y theL 1mpses n o

    ives of Some een placed on the first list of this

    nverous." schcol m schola-rship, silver cup for larger advert1smg section, more illu.:::- . t . , e

    Who Graduate nation wide rating agency. This, in

    In.hi• article Mr. White disagrees th h 1 . . . . . trations and more color than la t merest. Th

    e Girls Treble Cleff club ~---------------! reality, is a greater achievement than

    ith the latter "stand, pointing out . 6

    • sc 00 wmmng tn ty~ew~tm~, year's. ' s 1 \ldll sing three numbers, and the Col- at first appear

    s because Montana

    t ·~iterature is a continuous stream SJ I Hr cup for the school winning Jn I It f t . t· · I lege String-Quartette will make its "I've kissed every girl on the cam- State College is the third institution

    ver ceasing, but always flowing on.' Sh.orthand, several unh~ersity sch?lar- sends hea ure sec ion is g~arantecd to initial bow before the public. Dich:: pus but one--and I've get " date tt•1't"

    ships, and g.old, bronze and silver t e whcle. campus into spasms Smith tenor will sing two number~ h ~· >T •1 which grants only a B. S.

    degree to

    consirler contemporary writing as medals. The awards arc on display 'of laughter, being a product of all ~1r 'c . '. . . , I er tonight." Famous la

    st words of be accepted to full membership, Kan-

    isolated phenomenon is silly .. - . in Hauseman & McCall's the most cultured and refined minds Ads. urr1e1' a~compa1~1ed by M_r . . a

    n extremely weB-kncwn fixture at sas State College and Oregon St.ate

    c literature of a.II periods and all . · on the hill am at the piano, will play th

    is I this college. Of course, he said that College having been admitted last

    guages 'is made up of the same in- . Saturday evenm~ at t~e gymna- . year's contest-number of the violin- llbefor: he fell in love, but now thing

    .i year. Of the 650 colleges in th-:!>

    jent.~." si~m, the awards "'711 be given to th~ I ,.._ - -- ists at the State Music contest of the /are different altogether. Gee, school United States admitting women, only

    our undergraduatei-; were a rep- winners. There wlll also be a pro-BAND VISITS high school students. Three numbers won't be the same ,\.·hen we don't sea 143 are on the A. A. U. W. list.

    entatiYe sample of cur population, gram consisting of .musical selection'i I of the greatly enlarged CoJlegc Or~ I his shining face, with i : week's The Bozeman Alumnae Club of

    tead of a carefully selected class, under the leadership of Mr. Joseph chc•tra will close the pTogram.

    irrowth of whiskers, refleet1'ng th" M ta S

    Adam, the playlet "The Stepmother'' STATE c . . . 1 ' on na tate College bad some cor-U1er Dr. Mood)'r nor anyone d:-:e by the dramatic club. President At·

    . APITOL As "as the case at a smular, ,·ery gory of the rising sun. respondence concerning Teuqircment8 r ned fear for the morals of this ki'ns .1, t lk

    h 1 h' '·r·-· successful concert last year, a small He's a bi

    g man, all right, both lit- for admission to A. A. u. w. 3 few

    Th on WJ • a on sc o ars tp. H' lo;,":>

    • f d · · . . e1 all d f' · 1

    ntry.- e Michigan Daily, Mae Trumper, State Superintendent pbr1cc o a m1s~10n, thirty cents, will

    · Y an igurative y speaking, bu"; years ago, but last year the first for-

    oO---Oo of Schools will prese11t th awarels Pl . --- e charged. Tickets are for sale. at then he d

    idn't get that wav until he mal application was prepared anc

    Ir. White's attitud~ makes one ' e · ays at High School, for Rotary all members of above-named orgamza came to Bozeman whe

    re me~ are men. sent in by a committee appointed by

    nder why young people attend col-Club, and Serenades ltions: the College Book-Store, Orto'> A t

    rack man, baseball star, giidiron President AtkiruJon and composed of

    • at all. We have ben told that TWO Assembfr·es Governor Brother. on Main street, and at the h~ro, executive, and actor, long may Miss Gladys Branegan and Miss

    are being better fitted for our i l --- Preobytc1ian church on the evenin~ Ins memory stay with us! How

    often Frieda Bull. The firot petition did

    's work; that we are being trained The State College Regimental Band I of the concert. It is greatly hoped I have we heard bis majestic voice not receive favorable action by the

    !' citizenship; that we are being Billed For Week returned Wednesday morning from a that the faculti·. students, and public booming forth as he anncunced that National Committee on Recognitions,

    !"ained for leadership in the extra-1 trip to Helena where they put in '3. of Bozeman will patronize this co

    n- "a dance, for the benefit of the poor due 1argelj• to lack of informnti'>u

    Hege world; that we are being • . full day on Tuesday. The band was cert in great numbers, as it is ne

    e- starving faculty, will b~ held in the ccnceming conditions at the college

    bown how best to meet the problem• D_1. ~armelee Spoke This Mo~·n- in Helena to put on a concert under essary to realize at least eighty dol- gym i

    mmediately aft

    the people at the Placer Hotel a real The death of Mrs. Mae Ph'lr better ccnsult :Mr. Holst and take an soula, Director cf the North


    dy of these conditions f'rom th organizations at 3 p. m., and to the treat. The concert at the high schMl Parker wife cf J R Parker 0 ; ;~: ~ntelligence test. Something

    's mis•· Mountain Section of the A. A. U. W.

    itten page is far less dangerou: Kiwanians, Rotarians, and Chamber lasted ove!' a hour and was at- Colleg~ Ex rime;t Station. ,~hich mg: I don't know _h

    ow else to de- h_as done much to has ten the admis-

    an study through personal expert- of Commers at 6 p. m. t?nd~d by approximately 1,500 enthu- occurred at :idni ht Thursda . A rt! scnbe this flrn 01· six-year ma

    n, e~- swn of Montana State College through

    nc•; moreover as actual experien He devotes his time to lecturing s1ast1c students. So far the trip had 16 ft f· Yh : t cep~ that his favonte password '" her attendance and work at the Na-

    s sure to folJ~w in any event . ~ undc.'r the direction of the Rotary been very successful and the concert

    8 er an .opera ion was a :- oc.

    0 "M'Gawd.'' tional Conventions and Directors"

    1ot wiser that the students be 'v~:c:- ?lub and is visiting Anaconda, Lew- dance held that night added further :1~~ community as well as lo the fam-In a short time we must bid_ fart'- meetings.

    uted against th t 1 d' 1stown, Butte, and Bozeman on this to the success.

    . . . well to him, and that farewell is go- Organized

    e ac ua isease . . Th b I lllae Ph1lhps was a daughter of the mg to b h t d' h' I 8

    lbrough the study of literature 8 d tour. He 1s a charmmg lecturer and c oys came home eager for

    an- 1 t M d '! S 1

    Ph 11 . 1 e a ear -ren mg one to 1m, n 1 92.

    ' n h ' I It ·n b rth other trip d r d f th f t a e r. an ''rs. tan ev i ips but in the years to come just how Th A

    . A . . f U ,

    •e rendered more or less immur.e t o as goo:.. iumor. . m e wo a~ as~u e o e ac nnd was born at Amherst, ~iass . No•.r.

    e mcrtcan ssoc1at.1on o D1·

    usceptibilit. to foll . 0

    v·c • I your while to hear him. that they might include Helena in . . . ' proud we will be to say that we, too, versity Women is the only nation > ) r t c. There will be no Assembl on Fri- their t ri p of next year.

    15, 1886. Afte1 g-1aduatmg from went to school with "The Grandfather wide organization of college women,

    oO---Oo day Y Mount Holyoke, she taught English of His Campus," George Finley.

    having been organized in 1882 and

    "Ye shall know the truth, and the I ' in high school in ~!iddlebury, Conn. having for its chief purpose the im-ruth shall make you free.''

    WEYDEMEYER WINS jlJn 1911, she was manied to Prof. I t f d t f oO---Oo l\lILlTARY CLUB.

    J. R. Parker and then came to Boze- PRESIDENT ATKINSON bprothvemtedn to codn f' ionltys ~r thwomden,

    . · · · I o s u en s an acu , m e e u-

    lt must be admitted that there are ' ORATORY CONTEST I man where they have smce made the11· SPEAKS IN MISSOULA cational institutions of the country.

    rtam students who would not gain/ The military club of M. S. C. ~as home .. )frs .. Park_er '~as a member of ___ ·Fro

    m its beginning it .has stood for a

    oral strength from a study of soma twenty-three members, sixteen active, I the Chi Omega fiatei mty, and

    a pat- I Presi 11

    thought and habit and declarations James Keenan. bert was left off the honor

    The students have the right delegate to the last International

    f · Sam White. roll as it appeared in last week's

    of doing one of two things. Conventicn held in Christiana, Nor-

    new conceptions of Man's place in NOTICE. Either stop smoking on the

    he cosmos of unfold' d h · Warren Andrew. Exponent. Hanse should ha,·e been

    way, last summer.

    mg an c angmg steps and littering up the ad-

    f f th · Co In accordance with the prov!- · third on the list:, with an "A" flush


    e 0 e universe. ntemporary b t .i·o1'n in"' real estate or repeal-

    iterature, properly directed and wise- sions of the motion, the names o! in 18 credits. Girls who expect to play in

    t e en- in th"e rule. It's up to the Is Largo

    studied , is coming to be a mighty the guilty men are being published'. nis tournament, should sign up on the men of t'ie campus what the

    y The A. A. U. W. has a membership

    actor in supplying the confused youth Presfdent Associated Students. Harold "Froppy" White is now em- bulletin board. in _Main hall

    befrre I •\·il] rlo ~bol't the smokin,,..! of 20,531 with 249 local branches, one the nation with this much-aought TED COGSWELL,

    ploved with the Mountain States T ete. I 'thursda.y·, April 23. '~ ~ hav;ng been organized in Bozeman

    r Truth. ' ph~ne Company at Helena. By SARAH KENDALL.

    (Continued on Page Thrre)


    The Weekly Exponent Published eYery Tuesdai' of the College yeai- by the staff

    chosen from the students of :lfontarfa State College of the University of .Montana, BozemanJ )Jontana

    .Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917,

    authorized Febrna.ry 17, 1919.


    BUY GARTERS, BOY, AND KEEP WARJ\1 I C~l~ ll!YCU University of California.-"Buy a pair of garters, ~1y I Pl 0 ~

    boy, buy a pair of garters," is the bit of fatherly adnce _ ~ _ being given by members of the Infirmary staff to ma.le students asking the why and wherefore of colds that seem ingly can not be cured.

    Since the garter became a social outcast and fashion

    San Quentin. A. D.

    decreed that socks should be worn draped ca1·e1essly Dearest Soaks:-around the lops of tan oxfords, the infirmary records You must be proud of your son. show an enormous increase in the number of colds treated. Think of the notot icty my new loca-

    hill tion JS O'ivmg me. l must really tell The staff agrees that the prhctice of allowing the c . e . about this place. Subscriber to the New .student Intercoll~giate News morning....afr to circulate freely around exposed ~nkles. lS ycu otice from the address,

    Service ro,•ering the happenmgs of :i.11 .A.merican colleges one of the principal causes. They are therefore including As you ~1 11 n · from some of th:.? and universities. j in a11 prescriptions an item that can better be secured at t he name 15 taken . th·

    1,art of

    ·ly Spanish settlers in 1S a haberdashery than a drug store. ear · I f t lot of their .l!DITOR-11\-CHIEF ... GLENN C. BeJYER, '26 the country. n ac ~

    descendents still inhabit the place. l\'Iost of them are Mexican aristoc1·ats. For them t11is place is a haven ~or it protects them against defending theh· honor with sti11ctos.

    NEWS STAFF Associate Editor ............................ Wiwton Weydemeyer, '2'5 Managing Editor ............................................. Dick Ross, '25 Assistant Managing Editor ·-··················Eloise \Vright, '28

    ~=~~s~~ E;~~~:r··:::·::::::::~··::::~:::::::::::::~::.:~:::::::~~a~• T;:::~;,' :~~ Exchange Editor ... . -··· ... . . )Ii!dred Bigel~·, ·~ Morgue Editor . . ................. Octavja l\lhrqu1's, '25 Alumni Editor ... . ........... Helen Patter~n, '26 Feature Editor................. ........... . ....... Jo CJlllCoanor

    REPORTERS Donald Weydemeyer Frances Wylie Donald Grandy Margaret Gallaatfer


    The men at the University of Utah are holding a beai·d raising contest. Prizes are being offered for the most select facial co,·erings.

    Eight prizes will be awarded which are as follows:

    San Quentin is most imposing. It is situated beautifully near the sea. High walls surround it. They are quite barren from the in8'ide but. th.e outside is covered with vines of van-ous sorts. irhc rooms are not as large as those at the Ritz, nor as comfort-able, but they ano,.v one an immense amount of speculation.

    lows all live together in a certain row Lon Kt1mp has bPt!n called "Th of rooms. They have an obsession Leader of tbe Thundning Herd." for visiting a mysterious little room oO---Oo that contains a chnir wl1ich provides The recent fashion show upset se' electrical shocks. I think that thls eral things, among them the idd feature of lhe establishment is for that an ensemble suit was the euth ,. those guests that have a weak heart. floor of a hotel. I read that shocks through the body oO---Oo restore a great deal of Yitality to Sam Coleridge: the valves. \\Oisl;ey, wht~ke'.'·, n·crywl E.'re,

    The otl:er gl'OUp which 1 mention i~ And r.11 the ~orh:s did shrink. composed cf gentlemeu ... who. have Whiskey, "'~hiskey, everywhere, made their fortunes in Jiquor. Why But it is. too raw to drink. it seen1s thnt they are all very oO---Oo wealthy and do not hesitate to tell Three professed gentlemen on U that they have amassed their for- campus have secured "Sing Sir tunes m the last six or seven years. BobsY "\\!"hat is the peculiar hair cuj If I remember right, there did not alluding to? seem to be such bounteous profits in I oO---Oo intoxicating beverages when father Co-eds at the Unh·ersity .>f .A1asL . dispensed same. ieport that a cold time wa::; had l

    Do drop me a line when you get all during the winter season. time. I have an idea that it will be oO---Oo from four to five years before I will again rest my little feet on the ham~ hearth stones. This depends entirely on my conduct though.

    Love to all (including Amelia, my pet cockroach in the pantry).


    Extry J'apah ! SoroTity installs time c:16tk s.yst,.~

    for visits. i Question.-Where has the old we

    ern hospitality gone? oO---Oo

    Lillian Barry Keturah Tibbles Mary Jo Stockton Lillian Kindschy

    Longest beard, $5 1 most unusual beard, $5 blackest beard, one shirt donated by the National Shirt Shop; reddest beard, the best necktie in the Day and Night Clothes shop; thickest beard. the same from Mullet-Kelly Co.; best Van Dyke beard, one pair of sox donated by the Long Life Shoe Co.; the whitest beard, one pair of sox donated by Cutler Bros. The wearer of the thinnest beard will be awarded one bottle of Gloco hair tonic.

    The management. takes a great in- Easter showers brought out a great terest in the guests. They never al- many "wet eggs."

    Most of the students agree th the three sweetest words appearing their correspondence are, ''Enc.losn Find Cheek J" LiJJ;an Marshall Eloise Wright .

    Virginia Haley Elizabeth Hart Claudine Opdyke Martha Maxey

    Ruth Hopkins. Thelma McNall Helen White Fred Roseneau Dorothy Ryan

    BUSINESS STAFF BUSIKESS JI.IA AGER ····-···· ... JACK L. CARTTER, 'Z-5 Assistant Business :Manager .................. Ralph Wagner, '27 Advertising Manager ........................... Hardy Tbarp,Jr., ,28 Asst. Adv. l\Igr.. . ....... H:arry Kligora, '26 Circ.ulation Manager .................................. Andy Briscoe, '25 Assistant Circulation Manager .................... Bill Graham, '26

    Try becoming .dissatisfied with yourself instead of your job-Forbes Magazine.


    Montana State now has a chapter of the Amer-ican Association of University Women, the third state college in the United States to be honored with membership in this organization. That means that all women who graduate from Mon-tana State will have the pn·ilege of becoming members of that association.

    Again Montana State comes to the front and

    low one to stray fm·, for danger lurk~ DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE on the outside of the enclosed court.

    It seems as though there is a gang The women of the University of Heidelberg have issued of professional sharpshGoters who

    I a declaration of independence. At a joint meeting of the live in small rooms on top of the en- ' Y. W. C. A. and the Y. J\L C. A. they demanded the right closing fence. There io a great ele-to choose their own dates, pay their own way to the r:nent of risk in



    ;;;;~;.;~:AR l~!~~~~~~~~r/ 1 R•~~:::.i,~:1:m) N•ill ~~)• I ;\..."INOl"XCDrE'.'\T. Due to the two special nssembliea on Tuesday nnJ Wedne>day of this week there will be. no assembly on Friday. - I Montana Alpha of Sigma Epsilon announces the initiation of John Pow-

    ers and Wilbur Smith of Pony.

    Omega Beta ~nces the pledg-1 fog of Marion and Clark Hubbard ~f Troy, and Paul Torrence of Billings,

    Hollis Sanford and Francis Ralston have left college and have returned to their homes for the spring quar-ter.

    May 1-Interfrsternity Dance. I l\lembers Wh T k P - } I tb the U. S. from 1::.outh America, I Juniors for Theirs May 2-Alpha Omicron Pi Dance. . s~ 00 art where he has been installmg radios I Mav 8-Lambda Phi Dance. Ill OW for a large f1111t company. He hes '----------------'! Ma~ 9-Amigo Club Dance. i\Ir D K --- been offered a good pos1twn with I Out of a cla•s of 120 all but 30 ha,·e Ma.Y 15-Associatcd Student Dance ne t. ~vet ;;mer '~as host at din. General Electric v1bich he expects c;o paid then· dues. To.!-> ls indeed a good I May 16--Ag Day. r Clo a ou

    1~1 em ers of the ca5 t take soon. showino- and it is encouragmg but d C of Stubborn Cinderella" at 6·15 ., ~ . ' May 22 - Square an ompass Thursday even in in Kr ·' · ~ . there are about th:i~ty membel's w~o

    Dance. q et h 11 d ~ E amer 5 Ban Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wiles have not paid. It 1s as much theu _ May 23-Za Dale Dance. u D .-a ~1!- er t Te . lks.' of Helena, a daughter, on April 16. duty to pay up as it was to those who ,

    Chi Omega Dance. I un~g hmner ed Cogswell, man- jG!en Wiles graduated in '22 and i\Ir.;. have already paid. It is absolutely I May 29-Junior Prom. jtoagertno t is year's show, acted as j' V-iles who was foTmerly :di::::s Manila necessary that those in charge of the

    D as rnster and announced that Arch L k · · :May s o-Beta Epsilon ance. . ec liter, graduated m '23. Prom kno\v exactly how much they I June 5- Alpha 9am. Delta Dance Riley had been a~ponted manager for can depend upon having to pay fol'

    Men's Award Day. next year, an~ introduced Kenneth Gladys Mathews, '22, who is teach, the expenses of the party. June &-Theta Nu Dance. 2\-Ic!vor, who Wlll be treasurer. Some ing Public Speaking and dramatics ht Basing predictions upon Proms of

    \Vomen's Award Day. of the songs f_rom the show were sung Helena high school visited in Bozema~ I past years it will cost the class ap---- I June 7-Baccalaureate Sunday. and after dinner the tables were over the week-end. proximately $150 to put on this year·s Omega Beta announces the initia- . June 10-Comrnencement Day. ntove.d b~ck and ~ancin~ was in order. --- Prom in a befitting manner.

    tion of David Fox of Bozeman. June 12-Sigma Chi Dance. This is the first time that .Mr. I A. Paul Thompson, '15, who is tak- The class can see how \Ve stand --- June 13-Sigma Alpha Epsilon Kramer has extended his hosJlitality ing graduate work in Chemistry at when we are just. about $30 or S40

    Pi Beta Phi held their spring party 'I to th.e Looters, though he has always 1· the University of Helena, expects to shol't of doing the thing right. Saturday evening at Davis hall. Dance. entertained the football and basket- g·et his Pb. D. in Jun~. Since, the class as a whole wants

    ball teams at the close of the sea- ! every member to shoulder his share t Mrs. Andrews of Trident spont last son. He has always been a loyal su1J- Ed Schurch, '23, who has been llo- of the responsibility it will be neces-

    j week at the Pi Phi house. . I • porter of college activities and t he stalling Yarious appliances far the sary to publish the names of all da-

    . Charzfy Ba/[ Looters appreciated his generosity Pbonenix Electric company of Utab, linquent members one week from to-Mrs. Paul Nye of Billings and Miss I very much. day. · was a visitor in Bozeman last week.

    Azalea Linfield were dinner guests B • S ' I Realizing that some of the students at the Alpha 0. house Tuesday. I zg uccess 1M. s. c. ADMITTED TO. AMERICAN Azalea Linfield, '19, was married 1•re financially embarassed, the class

    --- • ASSOCIATION OF UNI- at her home last Thursday to Charles treasur er will accept post dated Mrs. Brooks Martin entertained the VERSITY WOMEN Sager of Billings. They expect to checks, pro,iding they fall due by

    Alpha 0. Seniors at a luncheon at her Eighty Couples Attend Inter- (Continu~d From Page One) make their home in Billings. Mrs. May 15.

    More New Silk

    Entirely Different Than Any Heretofore Shown

    S3. $3.45. $3.95 to S-1.75

    New stripe~. New prints, also new plain colors in the finest quality to be had.

    --·:--54 inch Tublar Silks for

    Presses, Slips, Peticoats, Etc. 12 popular colors; yard


    Hollingsworth's Exclusive Dry Goods hame Saturday.___ I sorority Charity Ball at last year. Other Montana branches. Sager got her Master's deg,·ee from Dues may be paid at the college

    are located in Missoula, Helena, Great 'Columbia and for the jast year ha~ treasurer's office.

    1 The dinner guests at the Home Davis Hall Falls, Billings and Red Lodge. The been clothing specialist at the North ===============~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~ . Management house last week were . . branches a1·e free to decide upon thei r Dakota State college. ;::

    i\Ir. and Mrs. Tallman, Mr. and l\hs. Abcut eighty couples enJoyed the own program of work, the Bozeman Weida, Mr. and Mrs. Waddell on Sun- first intersorority ball a_t Davis hall branch devoting its time to a study Mrs. Paul Nye of Billings, formerly day; David Willson and Don Snede- S_aturday night'. makmg it both a so- of International Relations. The spe- Mi's Leila Linfield, '20, was in Boze-cor were guests on Saturday evemntr. cial and financial success. cial lines of work being promoted by man last week to attend the weddin6

    1f A girl's quartette, Misses Eva and the National orga.nization include of her sisteT . • President and Mrs. Atkinson "'.ere Irene Davidson, .Mae Waton, and Al'.ce Elementary Education, Pre-school Age dinner guests at the Beta Epsilon Joubert entertained the dancers with Projects and International Relations. I· house on Sunday. Ed. Church, ~2l, Is. inging. . -:u~ch was s~rved t h.rough- The first two lines are being financed ti on al organizalion sur;po1ts and ~d

    r was a guest on Wednesday, and Mr. out the C\emng: It \\as a ~!Ogram Jby grants from the Laura Spelman !ministers ten graduate fel1owsh.1ps Ross was a guest on Tuesday. dance and music was provided by Rockfeller Foundation and the last by and maintains a headquarters hutld-

    --- IMacPherson's orchestra. 'the Catnegie Corporation. The na - ing in Washiugton, D. C. The Beta Epsilon fraternity enter- The chaperones were Prof. and l\h:s.

    I tained for 1!r. and Mrs. Tallman on W. D. Tallman, Mr. and Mrs Wad-. Saturday evening, the occasion being dell, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beck. : Mrs. Tallman's birthday. The fratel'- The committee in charge of th.e I The Gallat1·n Laundry Co. nity members presented her with a affair ieel that much of the credit be~utiful silver tray. for the success of the dance is due to

    Shorty Poor, who furnished the ball, lighted and heated, free of charge and besides gave t11e proceeds from the check room to the sorol'ities. They wish to thank him as well as any others who helped put on the Ball.

    The Amigo clDb announces the initi-' ation of C. Franklin Parker of Laurel, J Montana. Mr. Parker is a member of Delta Xi chapter of Alpha Tau Omlga at Missoula.

    The soro1·ities feel well satisfied

    future .

    1'!9 E s t Babcock

    Is always ready to serve y ur Laundry needs-Call phone 79 and wagon ill be at yo11r door

    IF YOU ARE P~RTICULAR TRY US Pat Kelly and ll!r. Da\'is were din- with theit first Ball, but they hope to

    l ner guests at t11e Sigma Chi house make the dance more of an event next Saturday evemng, and Hugh Mosi~r year. It is their desire to make the was a guest on Friday evening. 1· event an e'!:'tabli~hed custom in the

    Bill Eldet of Billings was a dinner I ;;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::~;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::::;; 1 j!'uest at the Chi Omega house Satur- 1


    ;ARSITY BASEBALL I Tok~ ';~ :.:-:.~··""~' I The students have organized an ath-

    SCHEDULE MIXED let1c association for the purpose of re.cerv1ng the necessary amount of ex-


    ercise while attending school. They have been engaged in playing foot-

    I Uni\·ersity and Idaho Games Cancelled;

    Lack of Funds

    T ech ball since school commenced , and when

    The Bobcats collegiate baseball schedule has been sadly upset due t6 the cancellation of the University gan1es, and the withdrawal of other ,state teams frQm the series.

    Lack of funds was the reason given for the ur.iversity calliug off the two games which were to be played at

    I the weather becomes bad they will 1 be likely to sta1 t a gymnasium.

    Sales and Caldwell are making gre't p'rogress in sm·veying. They found the distance from the co1·ner of the Experiment Station building to the top of Old Baldy to be a fraction over eight miles. The difference i11 level was somewhat over 3,000 feet.

    l\fissoula. Their games with us, be- Wo1'k on t he new buildings is being ing the last on lhefr schedule, were 1·apidly pushed by the contractors, and the ones which suffered. In spite of if favorable weather continues a few t:he fact lhat these games were can- weeks longer, the walls will be put UiJ, ·


    ~ BOBCAT ?).~ ~0SPORTS it




    AT 4:30



    '\\. e are sorry that points were not jcounted in the cross-country run, but we can't. feature those who wanted the 1-acc over again.


    Play First Game of Season Against Bozeman Hot


    :Records Show This To Be One Bobcat baseball starts in earnest of Best Races Yet Friday when Coach Romney's men

    Staged tangle with the Bozeman Hot Springs ___ teem. This will be a twilight game,

    T ... " Friday at five o'dock 202 men I starting at 6 p. m. and will be played ....... ... ~ • .-...a.s cf 11i. s. c. lii1~ up in front 1· ?n the college diamond. The follovt-of :Main Hall to start the annual cross mg afternoon at 3:00 the Blue and .country run, a distance of 2.8 miles. I' Go~d team will engage the Li;'ingston 1rno race was 'run in spite of a slow, Ratlway team o_n the home field. -drizzling rain, slushy course, and a

    1 The games t_h1s week should be well cold wind that made nearly every jworth tbc while of baseball enthusl-man's teeth chatter as they 'vere la$ts. and they will give a lir.eup on awaiting the signal to start them off. the ability of the .local boys. Three '-'u~ u ... ncke

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